AM Vacancy

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‘ELH METRO RAIL CORPORATION LIMITED (ree reere et Reef cere TE TER) (Wtoie Venture of Gove. OF nda and Govt. Of Delhi) Mette Bhawan New Dlhi210001, To DMRCRRSTIDOED Daa TEATS ‘Nonice Se (Ren aa er areiten FaAREE) ‘Sub: Departmental Competitive Examination ~ 2023, through Seniority cum Suitability, for the post of Assistant Managers (AMS) in grade of Rs, $0000-160000-IDA), against the 30% quota fixe for the Departmental ‘Competive Examination Its proposed oho asletion for formation of Execatve Grae panel file up pos of Asstt Managers (AMG) in various dscpines, as into below, trough Departmental Competitive amination (DCE), (Senlrty-cum-Satailiy) sist 30 of Depertmentah ‘Quota inthe Exscuve Grade of Rs. 5000-15000 (IDA), fom sonst the eile empayees working in Sr. Supersisory cae, viz, in grades of Rs 3000-16000 (IDA) & Rs. 46000- 145000/- (IDA, ia DMRC (Projet and O&M Divison, dete tow Total no of posts for which Departmental Compete Examination (Saori cam Sita sta be conducted: (32) SECTION:§ SH] WingCae [Novo [UR] SC] ST] We-atenpioese | Tater posts ocala foe Weten | candies ‘TeSICBT, os perth | tobe ll ane ofcansigerton | for DCE SU APAR chy 1 [Ga wet 36 “ane 3 [Beart |e [7 17 « 3 ser ee pep a | | open [re 3 1 © The posts in respective deparments may be camatked_ for oustton posts, 1. for Consultancy “Prjee/DepasvO@M works t Mombsi Pata ts. In eof posting 10 ‘out staons, viz, Mumbai, Pata te, the junior moet employes aon the empl ‘anaes, shal be psed in thse plas NB: For the purpose of assessment of vacancies th component fais! vanes and ton in AM/Manager level fr al dispines,basave ben ousidte. The fsal pac! would be operated strc a pe th avai of seta acaeyen. 2 ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA (As on 26582025)- ‘The minim qusifyng marks of APAR fr al te candidates ae 12 mais out of 15 masks and the pre-unlifcatn is based on APARS, fer calling the anda othe writen Fxamiation ell a the zoe of consideration, In case of avalabiliyof les than 3 APARS, the proreta of APAR. tings fs ben taken into consideration, Le. /10, and ia case of eats who have boo 00 MLCCL, the APAR foe preceding year has been count. A minimim of two APAR praings ae KE a ret for consideration of APAR eligi. The assessment years ae 2020-21, 021-22 end 2022 23 (May please ree this 0.0. No, PP04S/200, ted 12.10.2020 in hepa) lity Grats "gy wat Expercnstangth of serie] = for Regular Epo Se Supervisors contd la Graie Re [Not tes than tree (yeas son ioe 50000160000 (IDA) & RS 46000-14500 | serie in sperisory grade DA) + DeputatonsContract employees are nt contidred agua the above vacensea {The listo employees who ae lige for appesing fer he examiiton is aston the ae wise 4. Zone of Consideration; The zone of consideration fer calling candids forthe DCE (Seniority cum Suitability) sal be as detailed ow [| Re-afianncis —] Worm i fa of] ae oo | consideration paseesest = 5 | z— © w 3 1 5 a i 2 Taare gis] | —Te ie ofc — tas is mtr ‘Venue 10" | 1st be suberfecancs stn taro as rmdsol tenes tera, sho shal etn ‘immense. 1 Thelis of eligible employes bas been enclosed With his nae, cadre, a pe the zone ‘of consieraion, APAR eligibility rte & Eiibilty Criteria. The employers, who 60 nt wat © ppeae forthe clecton proces, would be required to finish their Unwilingnesy, for the sane, © this office, tote fet tat they are not wing to apply a the instant eet, a8 som 2 the ‘Notice has been issue, but ot ater than 1.082023 (POSITIVELY), Afr the rit of theres from the employee, the net employe presen in he Reserv is (trved out the seni lis) 5 pr the zane of consideration and APAR ctr, would be elle for the Wrien TestCBT, in place ofthe dropout fom the Main List. In ese of non recep of Desaaion-cu-lingnes it ‘wold be presumed tha the employees willing to appear ia the selection proces S.Bligiiey Servicertxperience required ‘The eliibiliyberclerperens menionedabove would be reckoned as on 26.09.2023, (Ge the ast dateoF cept te pion). Remaris———] Quang indole) x (tt ea) ing ns Now-Quatiig = mn AE 7. Mode of Sle (@) The writen tet (CBT) would comprise of so papers (Pape & Paper, The writen fest” would. be conducted ONLINE in CBT mode tif centres In se the number of candidates ae more the online. fest maybe conde in more than ‘one siting Ince the Ween Exaiion fs held ule shits the normalization ‘maha sal be ed for vation, 1) Pager would cary $0 mars competing SO malpe choice qustons, bigs (Exes in), relating to the eb petesiona el 1) Papell would cary 20 marks consisting of 20 mule choise guetons, bilingual (Engin), on General Rules and Poi Ii) Both paper & Pape, woud be held ogee ino siting and woul be teal a ‘cnnpote paper for auton of mark A tl ine of 0 masts il be given for ‘tering bot te papers. (©) Weiten Tests The minimum qualifying mrt fr al candidate woul be 6OM inthe ‘Write Test xaminaton (CBT). The uailyng marks can be eared ia favour of SCST candids upto 50% where posts ae reserved if suficem ramber of SCT candids re otal o the ass of geeral standards ofall he aca eserves fer hem (© Medica Examinati ‘The eases who quail the Writen Exam and are empanelled per sent would have to undergo matical fines inthe preseiba medical category, a detailed below. Ons those eda, ‘who ar fond modal fin the preci dl eteores, would be considered er promotion, Modi Sanda por alan Railway Malical Manaal [Esecsive Tesi Executive Tecnica | Exeorive Tecnica 1 (@ Interview: Candidates who suai inthe writen test a are delred maly fn he ‘esebed catgoris, would only be called for Inervew @5 times ofthe vacances, on vioy basi (9 Outer totaal of 100 marks, the minimum quliing marks for empnciment would ‘be 60 marks. The quiving mars canbe vlad in var of SCST candies po 55, ‘where poss ae reserve, if scien numberof SCST candidates ae mot valle a he {si of genera stands to fl all th vactcies reserved for tem. (The Sina slction would te made on Seieriy-cum Suitaility bass, i, on mesting te ‘minim qulifing eter. The panel would be as per senor, ol. 4. Sytlabus for Written Examination (CBT): 1 Sylbus for respetve disciplines is enclosed at AnaexureA 1 Sylar for Paper is enclosed at Annexure 9. ‘Teatatve Schedule of Examination: ‘Las dt fo subiting “UNWILLINGNESS to his office: 15082028, B. Date for eles of reserved eligible ist of employes, ifany: 20.09.2023 C. Date of Written Examiation (CBT) Schedule woud be inmate in de couse obj Manages The Quation paper and cores options would te yponde onthe [DMC Tarant fr Objecon Management for 3 working days Any decion repr the correcnes ofthe questions woul be ke, once the Objection Mangement window is ver. [Result of Weiten Test (CBT: Schedule woul be timated in du couse F Madi Fines Test: Sched would be inimatodin corse {Gate of lateriew: Schedule woul be intimated ind cour 1 Candies te advised to rain i constant lose on DMR intranet ste for an Tn Uupdatechanges in schedule of selection, 10, Submision of Unnilngness “The unwillingness o apes nthe elton if ny, must each tis off by 18082023, ‘The next employee in the Resene list, carved out fiom the seit lst per ae of censigeration, would be called forthe Writen Test in ple of dropouts fom the Main List. No reserve list would be ised afer. On non resp of unlingness by the de dt, wold be resumed hat the candidate is wlio appear othe selon 11, Pre Promution Training PrePromaton tlning™ would be provided to the cada, competing agit the reserved posts and thos who are above the ape of 45 years ws on 26002031 The schedule Eopsen ae wuld) om (2. Barta) Dy. General Manager ‘This sues withthe spproval ofthe Competent Auth. Enclosores: Syllabas(Anexare A&B) 2 List of candidates calle fo the sleion (Amnext-C) 5 Decaaion cum Unwilingnens(Amexare D) copy: |) PED, AILEDs, HOD (GM, CGMs and SGM), CPM, PDs, for wide eiulaton among employers. ii) Paincpal Advisor nd other Advisors, ji) cvO. iv) MgrHROM for uploading on Inant Y)Natice Bose i) Ofieorder fle & PERS-24/DCE fle, seen ge ca ETE we ore we Re 10 20 30 40 50 (Tea wanage/Operatons | Pmexare: A SYLLABUS OF OPERATIONS DISCIPLINE FOR DEPARTMENTAL COMPETITIVE EXAMINATIO} PART-I (TECHNICAL/PROFESSIONAL 23 Ushan Transport LL Salient Features of Urban Transport System 112 Limitations of Road Based Transport Systems\ 13 Rail Based Urban Transport System- Trams, LRT, Heavy Ral Based Metros 1.4 Difference between mainline suburban operation and Metro oferation. 1.5 Integrated Multimodal Transport and associated features Planning of Metro Network 21 Network Design, Staton Layouts, Section and Depot Yard Designs 22. Funding and Financing of Metro Projets 23. Staffing Pattern 24 Equipments Facilities Requirement of Rolling Stock 31 Timetabling 32 Headway 33 Peak Hour Peak Direction Traffe(PHPDT) 34 Peak & Off Peak Service Levels 35. Features of Rolling Stock Act and Rules 4.1 The Metro Railway (Operation and Maintenance) Act, 2002 and their amendments 42. Moto Railways General Rules, 2020 and thei amendments 43. The Metro Railways (Cariage and Ticket) Rules, 2014 44 The Metro Railways (Notie of Accidents and Inquires thereto) Rules, 2014 45. The Opening of Metro Ralways for Public Carriage of Passengers Rules, 2013 ‘and their amendments 46 Fare Fixation Committee (Procedure) Rules, 2003 47 Fare Fixation Commitee Salaries, Allowances and Other Terms and Conditions ‘of Service of the Chairperson and Members) Rules, 2003 48 The Metro Railways (Procedure of Claims) Rule, 2017 49. The Metro Reibvay (Procedure for Investigation of Misbehavior or Incapacity of Claims Commissioner) Rules, 2017 ‘Standard Operating Procedure and Instructions 5.1 Station (SOP's, SM Instructions, TO Handbook, Temporary Instructions et) 5.2. Train Operation (SOP"s, Instructions, Temporary Instructions ec) 53. Working of OCC (SOP's, Instuetions, Block Management etc.) 54 Station Working Order 5.5 Depot Working Order Amps 5.6 Operating and Troubleshooting Manuals of diferent Rolling Stocks 5.7 Safety Citculars and Special Instretions 58 Failure Analysis Report! Lesson Learnt, 5.9 Inspection of stations 60 Handbook on dealing with Serious incidents, Acidents and Disasters 7.0 Safety and Security in Metro Operations 8.0 Signaling and train Control Systems and degraded mode of tain operations 9.0 Features of Automatic Fare Collection System and associated equipment 10.0 Business Rules and Revenue Circulars 11.0 Passenger Complaints! Grievances and Customer eare 12.0 Labour Compliances and associated Acts & Rules, Contract Management on 12.1 Customer Facilitation and Watch & Ward services 12.2 Ticket Vending Services 123 Baggage Handling Services 124 Clock Room and Porter services 12.5 Housekeeping activities at the stations 126 Parking Management 130 Fare Box and Non Fare Box Revenue and associated statistics 140 Traffic Integration and associated activities 15.0. DMRC Vision, Mission and Culture statements 16.0 Property Business activities in the meto network 6 wh fa Asstt. Manager/Civl «1: (TECHNICAL/PROEESSIONAL) SURVEY Ca nd Compass Survey Basie papes an poting of vey te and magnet ‘beags, open and closed uaeres td singer. fi Phin bie sarvey— gene tod, ts mrt od dees ‘Toodolie survey Type of tedelies meatieret of horizontal nvr anges srwversing by method of nloded sales, telansing of Sing ewe. ‘Toul station isrument is imporan zares and wage freto wots Satin up of simple crear cuvedfiet maha. lemporian pins wile razon he fis savey of eleva and udergrovnd ret ‘Sie Javestigation and sub: el exleratioa ethos of subsoil exploration. Ope it pi, Tube Test pi Tobe boeing, Auge Bowing, Wash Boring, Advaniages Diadeimages Perusin diling Olond ‘iling, Rosy Driling and AdveniagerDundvanage of eat mahod, standard Penetration Tet, Sampling, Preservation ot Sanpies. of geo: tech! panes Ca E- ‘Compaction of Sot {poston compaction ts, tina oor Compaen te ead pret Test ‘Thea Compaction. Hogenlers Latrwion Theor, "actor sfesting: compaction, Blea of Compaction ote properties of Soi, Saco of pastes For, rollers an fed tal, pe of rls, Fel contol of compasin, Deeinatin of” ens inthe Gel, Std Replacement Metis, Core Cuter Ati Rubber Ballon ‘Met, Wate Replacement Metis, Consolation» Diference Betweot Compaction te Corpoletion. Construction of Foundations: Soi) casifeaos, Being capciy, Determination of bearag capaci, Types of Foundston- Speed Foundations, a or Mat. Poundaton, sipped Foundation Pie Fovpdations, Fa ples, End Beard Pils. eatin cum Hod Bering pile. Castine sit coneete ples, Group of Pls, Pi cp, Causes of ean Fl, Exexraon af Fomtions, Timbering of Fosidtins Trenches, Cnponents gf Wel Founda, ile lead est. Sonie west on Pile, Pile ineuty es. Deep Tcavaten, Slope Subiiy. Cefton ‘Comeot Concrete and Relnforced Ceseat Conerste Constnton Properties of coment Psspley of sctng and hardening of femen, Fine Aggregate, Coarse Aigregt, General Quali: for food Ageregtes, War Coneat Ratio ed ts ines on conercte angi, Workable. Stamp Tes, Ademisures, Mix Desi Resor shanp for trios iypes vf Szotral componeis of elevates swell at ‘onrgound ke ple, ps, opment, D-snlete, Comprensivastengh af ences, end Imofocs of tesing, Taneoning concrete, lacing of cone, empucting coer, o ‘@, 9 o w fw fw att arsrustion joints, caring of cone. placits coneree unde Wate, we of remie, ‘enforce sement anes, is jrpertes an advantage, varios ype c Earn, win abrestdon and erection ote races: ‘Cemmection in steel wots, Bote, Weldiog and riveting, Teck}éé fy Evcton of Stel ‘Strcurs, Cranes and Deeks Fle, Cras, Dae Poles, Sed Lags Les sae) ‘Acframes; Gold Crocs, Locomotives Cres, Mabie emacs Wincss, Bick at ‘aeks, Ereton by Motil ane, Erccs by guy nick ernas Desig of simple tel conontjon 4 Preetpinered Buildin (PE). 7 {auschen, Latocing sags ofthe spesitines,varow preion tens ay. in aeaeing. : Preatesed concrete u Genera principles of presvesied comets Mesabers, concen Toler, Ecce ender Profiling of peeretng etl 1 Sxstons of prestrenttg- Clasifesen of presented concrete embus, Extealy ti locally preabesed winter. Lier pesaeiog, Pesenaing and pn ‘ows of Prostitsk: Loss of Erostss cue 10 vavour cuts, Lai eet, Certue es, Lou ste a the apo stag, Loss of sues do hag bd eery of ance. Los of seas de to ela sboening of eonrce, Luo ef ss 8 ‘elation of tel. Precaution ding prosiressng operation, rating of peste ‘Shee va clot, i and jack psn routing of eal as inpote Boring edt = : Do. tof Sex, mat ermgcen oh i | Arrange of bearig et pdt Meshanion Properties of Metals A Sm t's a Ta ag tl sgh Ine eh Cre. ‘Fracture, Brittle Fracture, Ductile Picture, Sbenring Fractures. i | an en one || ‘Land aiquinion process, various Seton FLA Aet Contract Management ‘Sections of Bid document in Molar! fied projects, procesidp af waraton, EOT. PY clams, Now sched ite ther Processing. SOP Horn! sane oF = nO aMcit 12 Permanent Way cing of a i ad oh oto ah pe de ints ‘bins fang ee cont soa, compen of als afte ns Dstt nee: deiton of dann con crores and smn pt aus LWWCWR tough pit and eingn, Genel oven of eco of Sinn inmate cavlops Crear std ait euvey ip sevebe! cat ad com: ein oan ty lt syle pn ‘ornimum pernisible ad sf speeds on carve imiting vane of rots pre ‘ent of rena carves, erica are, cuvettes on ares um certo bees roc ced aks 12 Underground Conrtuetion (©) Types of UG constutiod— Top dawn, Bottom Up, Dov, $-Pies Contiguous seca pile. Shoot Pils, King Posy tension Pes, sil rock anchor (Gin ~ NAME Primary ining, secondary Ying. Lave gider nd Pipe preafing, a (Gi). TEM — main prs, nil ive, cain drive, General layout t Ph top of TOM shat ‘Sener defects in tegmentereson pe, spe and their impact. Go) Types oftnnel segments, bow curved manels are rade vith segment (69 Various steps of Bax Pashing eens 14. Quality and Safety 2 TTP of import construction material eg cement, sta, coop, ate Inport ‘eats andfrequeay of tests as pr varios codes. fs. Softy procutione in underground sonsouction and clevsd consmucon, Sil : sonnel of DEC 15. inishing Works Gri Noein ying. stamp gestions ey claig sing 1S flooring, ‘Aluminum composite panos fixing, ropes, ming salen ‘Giass— proper fr lamination toughening clamping sel Suinless Ste (3) Raling wor, cladding works canopy Yrs, properties. Reb teatto verify grade'04 ea, (Calcium silicate board fixing properties, te eta fs iin sommes CGERC Seren pane = proper ing tngsmen geal ona, ie ———— L_ Asstt. Manager/Electrical Anroxure <1 SVLLABUS FOR DEPARTMENTAL COMPETITIVE EXAMINATION ELECTRICAL FART-A “GENERAL ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING" Generat The Btectrcty Act 2008, (]) The Energy Conservation (Amendment) Bil, 2022 (Sched of Dimensions (Chapter 3 & Chapter 4) (@) MRGR (Latest updated version) ing resisbviy, temperature efect on ‘sistance of tferant mates, conductivity of wires, cables, naterng SaazE fatbon. end graphite materi for lamp flament and fies super conduetty (0 Reveal properties of Insulating mates, temperature Clasiicator a per trae naBane and Organic ineuaing mater, facors. sfecing ‘nulating properties such as moisture eto (0 Neanetc Mates, Faro magnate elements and their aloys, -H cures, Hysteresis and Eady current losses, % Theory and performance of Electrica Machines and Equipment. © Electo-Magnetic and Electica Fields, Various Laws, Maxwells oquaton (9 Smnctronous Machines ‘Theory and Construcion of Salient Pole and Cytlncical Rotor Synctronous (eachines, Phasor diagrams, Voltage Regulations, Armatuca reaction ond feskage Teactance, power factor conta, Synctvonizaten, Syrchnous ‘Mechines Stabity, Syncvonzing Power, Hurting and Damper winding (8) Indueon Motors {heen Suir cage, and sip ring notre, Torque Sip and Power Sip Characteristics, Equivalent Cui, cele diagram, stator and ron Imastenee,inducton generate, Staring method, Speed convo, Effency Mutual induction, Equivalent cfeut of transformer. Phasor diagram, Votage Regulation, Transformer Losses, methods of cooing, tap changing, Pralie ‘eration, Polanty and phase sequence, Testing, Poae tats TE 4. Generation, Transm on, end utlizetion () Low voltage DC clstibuton, tree wire systems, radial and rg dlstbuton system, advantages of high voliage transmission, AC transmission, Over Head Transmission lines, guards , vibrations, resistance , Inductance ang capacitance of overhead fines, corona discharge , inaulatore and votage Gistibution, lighting , Underground cables, insulation resistance, capactances, sheath effet, thermal characterise, faut ocatien etc (@) Voliage regulations, short cicut - eymmatical and eeymmetical components, rating of circuit breakers, fuses and protecive relays. (i) Huminaton, standard of ight, Polar curve, Reflecion, and absorption, lighting caleulatons, including design & economical layout of senice buldings, workshops & yard & various sourees of ght, LED Ligts (@) Electrica! Load and Electrical Lose Curves, ( Electc Traction: Advantage and disadvantages, speed te curves, Traction ‘motors, staring and speed contol of Induction Mators, power consumption, Regenerative braking, vantages & disadvantages of AC tacion over DC Traction ee (Wi) Selection of Motors & Drives for various Industial Aplications 5, Circuit Analysis and Power Electronics (0) Network theorems, Star-Delta Transformations, Transients ete (i) Thytstor, IGBT, Phase Controlled Rectifiers, Inverters and Elec Drives 6. Mozsurements and Instrumentation (Measurement of Resistance (high and low), Potentiomelter, Wheatstone and Kelvin bridges, Moggers for insulation resistance and earth resistance, ( Votineters, Ammeters, Single Phase watt meters, methods ef measurement ofthree phase power (@) Mutifenction Matas (@) Thermocouple, digital indicating insures, specification accuracy ee (©) Instrument Transformers 7. Mechanical Engineering. Refrigeration ete (Heat pump, vapour compression cycle, estimation of cooing and heating loads and plant capacities, calculations, peychometics, rekigerants, and their propertis, (i) Diferentypes of compressors e.g, Screw, Cantifugl, Reciprocating et. nue Pe 10. “TRACTION” Power Supply arrangement: Demrite Disarm of Typical RSS, AMS. TSS, ASS, Poser Transformers, eabuton vanstomars and Swistgear Gis used wares Protection concept EarthnlGroundng concepts, NGR, CB, BM leon, ecg Switch oe, Organization of Traction Power Controt paletaton, Perio Work, Sytem Emergency Arangement, Liasioning with Power Supply Authors, Overview of OHE sett ae desriton, Repuatd & Unreguised OME, Catensry Contact Wie, sree UPS Various requirements rsted to deren ese ‘and porta FReauement and ypes of OPC, RC, BEC. Tew, Ser RaTbe. eros tpe of bonds, canter anangement ye on masts 504 Portals, ITL and impedance bend, tensioning devo en, Rigid Overhead Contact system 277201 ROCS = prt and sped potent ung srangement, “expansion joint, 3198p, cross over arrangement, Neutal section used n noes SCADA systems bio of af rental payment, penal provision a lect tt, ExoY conservation, methods, tir implementation, ang ‘monitoring. Solar Energy and its possibe usage in MIRC: Breakdown management see tC. seely aspect sven in General Rules. Seay Precautions in elected section. REG ets of HT abies, teminaton and jing method, 0se-bonding eed, and methodology, SVL. “ie 10 207 PART B: SECTION.£2 “ELECTRICAL & MECHANICAL” 4. LT power supply system, essential festures and changeover syst amongst ferent feeders, UPS and DG sets, 2. Attributes of tart, erential payment, penalty provisions in elect tari. 3. Solar energy and its possible usage in DMRC. 4. Principal of operation, conrl and tacking emergencies in Escalabrs. Different safety provisions and thir purpose 5. Principal of operation, control and tackling emergencies in elevators. Different safety provisions and thelr purpase, specife purpose of EBD, fre mode and emergency resus, 6. Basie concept and Design consideraions of Envirenmental Conttol Syston, Various Components of ECS, maintenance philosophy. Comparatne merits ane o-merits of eferent types, need of water resiment and methodologies. 7. Basic concepts and design consideration of Tunnel Ventlaton system, modes of ‘operation eg, Normal, congestion aed Emergency. ‘Smoke Management and Emergency Evecuaton criteria, In UIG mato stations. Basle concopis of Bultig Management systom for ECS and TVS eystem, conto, and monitoring of ECS ane TVs System trom stains and OCC. 10, Prnciplas of fre detection and suppression system, Typical layout of fre detocton ‘and suppression scheme on Elevated/Underground stations 11, Water supply management at stations, Different types of pumps, ther starters and protection, 12. Need of emergency ight! emergency supply at a met stan with typical ‘scheme adopted for Elevated/Underground stations 15, Typical seopage/sewage sieposs! scheme on underground mato eatons / tunel and maintenance requirements ofits pumping instalatons 14 Earhing and Grounding, concept and types, Lightning protection — need anc methodology. PART B: SECTIONS +R) eK" 1 Basic power circuit of train & power fom, % Warog of C18 8 nck dram sth component deta, Protections empoyedin vans or Power aut Main Transformer and CUS. 4 Important Satety eatues proved in Tain systems ve Docs, HVAC ete, 6. erking of bat, ts maintenance, lads test "condoning and condemnation & Tracton moter, maintenance, testing ond overnauing, 7 FRVAC: Working, Spical fares, seting and ‘e9ic oF HPILP. Maintenance & reconditioning, S- Description of peumate cet service brake, holding brake, emergency brake & Working of eitferent pneumatic vaves 1 Leg of neural secton working wth edundaney. concept, 11. Werking of BA/PIS system, typical fires 12, Regeneration principle in tains, ' esis and i component rary suspenio, 8condary suspersion, and foad transter "4, Trecive effort ow diagram 1 Principle of bake blending, advantages, and oncept of emergency braking, ee Crees to aren eee escripten, monitoring 1 Important Procedures ensure safety in werk in dopot 16 [eal concep of etal creuts ie, brake lop. Door loop, emergency brake '00p, cab control, arking brake ete 18 Preventive, corectve and condvon-besed maintenance yea of rina 20. Matera planning and procurement steps, 21 MEP and facies reais for depts with heir ond sage, 2 Diils related t Revailment, Rescue ete: Ther Purpose, tief desertion and 25. Dilerent sections of dept and thie wrking 24. Bosie and whee! maintenance, ‘tical bagie maintenance parameters, KE eit [ ‘Asstt. Manager/S&qT rouperann Py aor opsin arent Tren rast SS ci remha See Inteecy Toi __ntret Sanity Mangement Conese Soiving trou intodcton © posraneine (i) Mose fo prose sing (@) ttoduoton 6 nau ‘Conbonlslenents nd Loops Mo Aare (Functions 68) Storage Casas ‘thers Ves cttette Conmanion in eppcatens Eeemmerse Dale Werchouing en Ost ing {i Onjct overt pressing: [Poonam Singh 5 [ssn 6] $00 —| Shaki tar [Sst | 771 —| Seo Pei 7 [ss [5] aot Seni Kamar Gaps —— = [ssi 3 | “7168 — [Viste Mon Pras 3 ssecvi 17273 | Dilip Kumar Nae To Sse | 7959 | Voges Chandra Papa seta 12 | 9988 | Manish Kear Gp. 12 ssec 13.| 7975 _[ Ma. Shamsudn Ans is [sso a |-“7977 | Pai Sharm lg__[ sso 15—| 1141 [alo Kure 1 sso 1 16—| 1140 [Mada Bale = 16 [ Ss6 17_—| “1175 — Tarn Kumar Minos iT | ss6o0a, 18 | “1179 [Viel Sain ig [ SSB, | 1178 [Abo Hat a 19 [ssn | Tate [Anan Sara 20 | ssp 21._| 1204 | Pasigender Sag 21 | ssperr 2_| “127 [Yogesh Dai 22 S350 | “aie [Manish Aro 23 [ssp 24 | “iz2t —[Ani K 21 ssn 35 [i215 [Poonam Goyal 35 ssptwa 72s. | 1007 | Kap Vas 26 | ssp | “138 | ies Son? 27 |S 2a | 1369 ish Kumar 25 [sc [1370 [or Kumar 23 [scr St | 159 Himene at 50 [Sr Si | 1387 Mao] Kamae Sse 32 _| 1586 Pasir Kumar Ss 33. [1367 oes Kamar 38 [secu 3 [9995 Manish Gav a1 [sera 35. | 10485 | Kuldeep Singh Kar [snc 36 [toss iy Sich sec Fe le - ‘CADRE: ELECTRICAL No.of employees call forthe Weten Fam/CBT,e er zn of consideration ant APAR lily ete 18 'SNo_[Empio | Nane GSA Seely No [Destin 7 | 1399 — [Rae Kumar Shama —[1 SSE 2 [2534 — | Hnjesh Kumar Bhar [7 'SSEIes 3 [S026 [ani Kumar i ‘SEI [$611 —| Pavan Ba = SSEElet S| 3506 | Voges Ker Hgus® —[5 SSE | ‘6 | 475 — [Senay Kumar Yasay ——[e Sst 7] $516 [amit Gare 7 SSE [sss a = SSEFlst 9716 — [Tania Kamar ¥ SSEElst 10| S784 Shanti Doo Singh 7 SSE HL | 3952 —[ Kundan Kumar Tied [10 SSE 12-| 675 —[ Bhupender Sigh az 'SSElet 15-6066 [vind Kumar" i SSEElest [6103 — | Viy Si i ‘SEE =a 15.| 6148 Mahar Al is SSE 16-| 6177 —| Sayers Kua i SSEBlet 7-[ 6521 — | Rett Mat a SSEElet | 603 — [Rae Kara ES SSE CADRE: ST No.of employees called forthe Writen FxanCBT, ar per zone of considrion and APAR lily cei: 21, [SNox_[ Ente. | Nene SSN ‘Sexi Nox [Designation S334 | Ramesh Chanda SsesaT 1640 | Mobs. Stamim ana” —[ ca 1636 —[ Dinesh Kumar Yadav [3 SA. 2069 [Alok Kumar ira ——[ SA. fe 506 Pan Bans 6 ‘SESE 3038 | Deqpendea Kumar Verma 7 ‘Ssesar 3080 [Ma Sarin Yahiya* —[W SSESeT S148 [Ast ved Stiga [9 SSESeT = 3a Satish Kumar ro SSuSeT ‘S157 | riya Gopal [1 SSESeT 550 [pons Raa ra SsuseT ‘5055 [Deepika Verna iw SSESET ‘495 | Motini Dit ra SSESeT 5502 —| Meenakshi is SSuSeT 1s | 13921 Aan Kush ra SSESaT 16-| 13920 Tamas Ranjan Maj 17 SsesaT 17-| 13923 | Savesh Singh is —TSseser 1-[ 13925 | Amt Singh 1 SSES&T 18. — S77 — | Yogesh Misa a ‘SSESAT 20 | — tran 2 ‘SSESaT 36491 — [Suter Sag 2 ‘SENET Fe ~ Fe ‘CADRE: OPERATION ‘oof employees called forthe Wrten FxamCBT, a er zone of consideration an APAR lib extern 05 ‘SNo._[ EapNa. [Wane (Sie) Sexier No, | Deon [| ars ag Yad iL [Se Sis 2 | tao | Swadesh Ragin 2 [se sais S| 484 | Disp Kumar Ka 5s. suits | 1090 —| Sans Kit Shera [sr sMits S108 — [fiend Prakash Reso eel ca ‘The candidat as ben calla fer the section, on provisional ass, ubjecto ming 12 out of 15 ‘nas, the fst 3 years APARS Fe Annexure-D DECLARATION ‘With reference to his Departmental Competitive Noitieation, No. DMRC/ PERS/ 24/DCE 2003; dated: 05.09.2023. 1, solo Sti Emp No. placed at SN__ ofthe Seniority Lis forthe Cadre

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