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Module 5

Natural disasters
avalanche avalancha locust infestation plaga de langostas

drought sequía snowstorm tormenta de nieve

earthquake terremoto tornado tornado
flood inundación tsunami tsunami
forest fire incendio forestal volcanic eruption erupción volcánica
hurricane huracán
The Year of the Locust

There aren't large numbers of locusts in the USA today, but there
were in the past. Until the 20th century, locust infestations 1 were a
big problem. The most famous infestation of all 2 was probably in
1874.3 There was warm dry weather that spring - the perfect
conditions for Rocky Mountain locusts. As a result, 4 there were
large numbers of them in Nebraska, Kansas, the Dakotas, lowa and
several other states. According to some people, 5 there were
clouds of insects in the air and 6 there wasn’t any light for hours
because of them. Soon, 7 there were millions of insects on houses
and even on trains. In a short time, 8 there weren’t any plants or
trees in the area. People's clothes 9 were popular with the insects,
too. It 10 wasn’t a hurricane or earthquake, but it 11 was definitely a
type of natural disaster. People still call 1874, the Year of the

Había algunos alumnos hablando en clase.

Frase traducida:
There were some students talking in class.

There weren't any students talking in class.

Were there any students talking in class?

Yes, there were. No, there were.

Había un poco de leche en la nevera

Frase traducida:
There was some milk in the fridge.

There wasn’t any milk in the fridge.

Was there any milk in the fridge?

Yes, there was. No, there was.

Adjective of personality
adventurous aventurero generous generoso
athletic atlético hard - working trabajador
brave valiente honest honesto
clever inteligente kind amable
confident seguro lazy perezoso
creative creativo nice amable
easy - going de trato fácil outgoing extrovertido
friendly simpático shy tímido
fun - loving amante de la strong fuerte

funny gracioso weak débil

become llegar a ser discover descubrir
begin empezar end terminar
build construir fly volar
change cambiar happen ocurrir
crash chocar(se) invent inventar
create crear protect proteger
destroy destruir receive recibir
disappear desaparecer save salvar

Create —> Created


1) Mi padre cocinó salchichas ayer.
2) Mi perro escondió un hueso tras su caseta.

Frase traducida:
1) My dad cooked sausages yesterday.
2) My dog hid a bone after his stand.

1) My dad didn’t cook sausages yesterday.
2) My dog didn’t hide a bone after his stand.

Los alumnos fueron a la playa el verano pasado.

Frase traducida:
+ The students went to the beach last summer.

- The students didn’t go to the beach last summer.

A woman called Danielle Calder bought (buy) the house.

Frase negativa:
- A woman called Danielle Calder didn’t buy the house.

El carnicero rompió 12 huevos ayer por la tarde .

Frase traducida:
+ The butcher broke (beak) 12 eggs yesterday afternoon.

- The butcher didn’t break 12 eggs yesterday afternoon.

¿? Did the butcher break 12 eggs yesterday afternoon?

Los alumnos hicieron sus deberes de inglés.

Frase traducida:
+ The students did their English homework.

- The students didn't do their English homework.

¿? Did the students do their English homework?

Los animales saltaron la valla del zoo.

Frase traducida:
+ The animals jumped the zoo fence.

- The animals didn’t jump the zoo fence.

¿? Did animals jump the zoo fence?

Student’s Book Page 93 Exercice 7

The sentences below are false. Correct the sentences with the
words below. Write a negative and an affirmative sentence for each
one. Use the Past Simple. Type the answers.

2009 · plays · Greeks · aeroplane pop · gravity · Leonardo da Vinci

1. The Beatles changed classical music.

The Beatles didn't change classical music.
They changed pop music.

2. Michelangelo painted the Mona Lisa.

Michelangelo didn't paint the Mona Lisa.
Leonardo da Vinci painted the Mona Lisa.

3. The ancient Romans built the Acropolis.

The ancient Romans didn't build the Acropolis.
The Greeks built the Acropolis.
4. Isaac Newton discovered electricity.
Isaac Newton didn't discover electricity.
He discovered gravity.

5. William Shakespeare wrote many famous songs.

William Shakespeare didn't write many famous songs.
He wrote many famous plays.

6. The Wright brothers invented the car.

The Wright brothers didn't invent the car.
They invented the aeroplane.

7. Barack Obama became President of the USA in 2016

Barack Obama didn't become President of the USA in 2016.
He became President in 2009.

Student’s Book Page 93 Exercice 8

Type an affirmative and a negative sentence about each picture.
Use the words below each picture and the Past Simple.

1. - Pablo Picasso didn’t write songs.

+ He painted pictures.

2.+ The Ancient Egyptians created a calendar.

- The Ancient Egyptians didn't invent the digital clocks.

3. + Pierre and Marie Curie received the Nobel Prize in Physics.

- Pierre and Marie Curie didn’t get an Oscar.

4. - Mount Vesuvius didn’t erupt in England.

+ Mount Vesuvius destroyed Pompeii.

5. - Christopher Columbus didn’t reach India.

+ Christopher Columbus discovered the New World.

Student’s Book Page 93 Exercice 9 (part 1)

Type questions with the words below and the Past Simple.

1. what / Michelangelo / do
What did Michelangelo do?

2. the Russian Revolution / happen / in the 20th century

Did the Russian Revolution happen in the 20th century?

3. many people / die / in World War II

Did many people die in World War II?

4. when / Elizabeth II / become / Queen of England

When did Elizabeth II become Queen of England?

5. Mozart / write / books

Did Mozart write books?

Student’s Book Page 93 Exercice 9 (part 2)

Match the questions to the answers. Drag the numbers.

1) What did Michelangelo do?
c. He made sculptures and painted pictures.

2) Did the Russian Revolution happen in the 20th century?

b. Yes, it did.

3) Did many people die in World War II?

e. Yes, over 50 million did.

4) When did Elizabeth II become Queen of England?

d. In 1953

5) Did Mozart write books?

a. No, he didn't.

Los alumnos de 1º A cantaron el cumpleaños feliz a Inas al final de
la clase.

Frase traducida:
The students of 1º A had a happy birthday to Inas at the end of
the class

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