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bramble hat by Kelly McClure

bramble hat by Kelly McClure

The Bramble Hat is meant to be worn on

woodsy walks, stomping through snow drifts
and braving chilly breezes. It knits up quickly
and easily - even if you’ve never tried cables

This is a loosely-knit, slightly slouchy hat that

will complement any winter outfit. Add a cute
pom pom or try a faux fur one for fun!

This hat is knit from the bottom to the crown

with a full and fluffy aran weight yarn. This hat
has one size and a slightly visible seam.

Bohoknits Patterns
2014 © Kelly McClure
This pattern is for personal use only. Patterns or items made from this pattern cannot be sold for profit.
bramble hat pg 3

The Technical Stuff

Skill Level: Skill Level:

Rookie-Apprentice-Virtuoso-Genius Rookie-Apprentice-Virtuoso-Genius

Skills: knit, purl, crossovers Skills: knit, purl, crossovers

Sizes: one size Sizes: one size

Finished Measurements: Finished Measurements:

approx 23 cm wide and 33 cm tall lying flat (with approx 9" wide and 13" tall lying flat (with brim
brim unfolded); fits a 56 cm head unfolded); fits a 22” head

Gauge: Gauge:
approx 12 sts = 10 cm in St st on 5.5 mm as approx 12 sts = 4” in St st on US 9 as given on
given on ball band ball band

approx 14 sts and 22 rows = 10 cm in bramble approx 14 sts and 22 rows = 4” in bramble patt
patt on 7 mm on US 10.5

Yarn: “full” aran wool (or a light bulky weight) Yarn: “full” aran wool (or a light bulky weight)

Suggested Brand: Suggested Brand:

1 skein Quince & Co. Osprey 1 skein Quince & Co. Osprey
100% Wool 100% Wool
155 m per 100 g 170 yds per 3.5 oz
shown in colour 101 egret (white) shown in color 101 egret (white)

Note: If you would like a large pom pom made Note: If you would like a large pom pom made
of this yarn, you will need two balls total. of this yarn, you will need two balls total.

Needles: Needles:
5 mm 40 cm circs US 8 16" circs
7 mm 40 cm circs US 10.5 16" circs
7 mm dpns US 10.5 dpns
or size needed to obtain gauge or size needed to obtain gauge

Other Materials: tapestry needle or teeny Other Materials: tapestry needle or teeny
crochet hook; 4 stitch markers; cable needle crochet hook; 4 stitch markers; cable needle
(optional - patt requires only a 2-st cable) (optional - patt requires only a 2-st cable)
bramble hat pg 4

Instructions: Rnd 1: *K17, pm*, rep from * to * twice more,

Beginning at bottom with smaller circs CO 68 sts
with stretchy slip knot cast on method - see Note: Ms are to mark between the four sections.
Resources on Page 5 (or cast on method of It’s a good idea to use a different colour for your
choice, but I do recommend the stretchy cast on BOR m.
for this one!).
Rnd 2: *P5, K1, P1, K2, P1, K1, P6*, rep from * to
Join in the rnd being careful not to twist sts. Pm * three times more.
for beg of rnd. Sl m throughout.
Rnd 3: *K4, C2B twice, C2F twice, K5*, rep from *
K1, P1 for 9 cm/3.5” (approx 16 rnds). to * three times more.

Change to larger circs. Begin Rnd 1 of chart or Rnd 4: *P4, K1, P1, K1, P2, K1, P1, K1, P5*, rep
follow written instructions. from * to * three times more.

Rnd 5: *K3, C2B twice, K2, C2F twice, K4*, rep

from * to * three times more.

Rnd 6: *P3, K1, P1, K1, P4, K1, P1, K1, P4*, rep
from * to * three times more.

Rnd 7: *K2, C2B twice, K4, C2F twice, K3*, rep

from * to * three times more.

Rnd 8: *P2, K1, P1, K1, P6, K1, P1, K1, P3*, rep
from * to * three times more.

Rnd 9: *K1, C2B twice, K6, C2F twice, K2*, rep

from * to * three times more.

Rnd 10: *(P1, K1) twice, P8, K1, P1, K1, P2*, rep
from * to * three times more.

Rnd 11: *C2B twice, K8, C2F twice, K1*, rep from
* to * three times more.

Rnd 12: *K1, P1, K1, P10, (K1, P1) twice*, rep
from * to * three times more.

Rnd 13: *K1, P1, K12, P1, K1, P1*, rep from * to *
three times more.

Rep Rnd 12 and 13 three times more. Rep Rnd

12 once more (Rnd 20 of chart).
bramble hat pg 5

Rnd 21: *C2F twice, K8, C2B twice, K1*, rep from Decs:
* to * three times more. Change to dpns when sts become too tight on
circs. Hat should measure approx 27 cm/10.5”
Rnd 22: *(P1, K1) twice, P8, K1, P1, K1, P2*, rep from CO (with brim unfolded) before starting decs.
from * to * three times more. 8 sts decreased every second round.

Rnd 23: *K1, C2F twice, K6, C2B twice, K2*, rep Rnd 33: *K4, K2tog, P1, K2, P1, ssk, K5*, rep
from * to * three times more. from * to * three times more. 60 sts rem.

Rnd 24: *P2, K1, P1, K1, P6, K1, P1, K1, P3*, rep Rnd 34: *P4, K1, P1, K2, P1, K1, P5*, rep from *
from * to * three times more. to * three times more.

Rnd 25: *K2, C2F twice, K4, C2B twice, K3*, rep Rnd 35: *K3, K2tog, P1, K2, P1, ssk, K4*, rep
from * to * three times more. from * to * three times more. 52 sts rem.

Rnd 26: *P3, K1, P1, K1, P4, K1, P1, K1, P4*, rep Rnd 36: *P3, K1, P1, K2, P1, K1, P4*, rep from *
from * to * three times more. to * three times more.

Rnd 27: *K3, C2F twice, K2, C2B twice, K4*, rep Rnd 37: *K2, K2tog, P1, K2, P1, ssk, K3*, rep
from * to * three times more. from * to * three times more. 44 sts rem.

Rnd 28: *P4, K1, P1, K1, P2, K1, P1, K1, P5*, rep Rnd 38: *P2, K1, P1, K2, P1, K1, P3*, rep from *
from * to * three times more. to * three times more.

Rnd 29: *K4, C2F twice, C2B twice, K5*, rep from Rnd 39: *K1, K2tog, P1, K2, P1, ssk, K2*, rep
* to * three times more. from * to * three times more. 36 sts rem.

Rnd 30: *P5, K1, P1, K2, P1, K1, P6*, rep from * Rnd 40: *P1, K1, P1, K2, P1, K1, P2*, rep from *
to * three times more. to * three times more.

Rnd 31: *K6, P1, K2, P1, K7*, rep from * to * Rnd 41: *K2tog, P1, K2, P1, ssk, P1*, rep from *
three times more. to * three times more. 28 sts rem.

Rnd 32: Rep Rnd 30. Rnd 42: *K1, P1, K2, P1, K1, P1*, rep from * to *
three times more.

Rnd 43: *K1, K2tog, ssk, K1, P1*, rep from * to *

three times more. 20 sts rem.

Rnd 44: *K4, P1*, rep from * to * three times


Rnd 45: K2tog to end. 10 sts rem.

Tie off and weave in ends. Add a pom pom

of your choice.
bramble hat pg 6


Stretchy Slip Knot Cast On

Faux Fur Pom Poms

= knit

= purl

= K2tog

= ssk

= no stitch

= C2B (move 1 stitch to cable needle, hold to back,

knit next stitch, knit stitch on cable needle)

= C2F (move 1 stitch to cable needle, hold to front,

knit next stitch, knit stitch on cable needle)
abbreviations pg 6

approx = approximately pm = place marker

beg = beginning prev = previous

BO = bind off psso = passover

BOR = beginning of round pu = pick up

CC = contrasting colour pwise = purlwise

ch = chain rem = remaining

circ(s) = circular needle(s) rep = repeat

cn = cable needle rev St st = reverse stockinette stitch

CO = cast on rnd(s) = round(s)

cont = continue RS = right side

dc = double crochet sc = single crochet

dpn(s) = double pointed needle(s) sk = skip

dec(s) = decrease(s) skp = slip one stitch, knit one stich, pass slipped stitch

foll = follow(ing) over knitted stitch (decrease)

hdc = half-double crochet sl = slip

hk = hook sl1k = slip one stitch knitwise

inc = increase sl1p = slip one stitch purlwise

incl = including sl m = slip marker

K = knit sp(s) = space(s)

K2tog = knit two stitches together (decrease) ssk = slip, slip, knit two slipped stitches together

Kfb = knit into front and back of stitch (increase) (decrease)

Ktbl = knit through back loop sssk = slip, slip, slip, knit all slipped stitches together

kwise = knitwise (double decrease)

lp(s) = loop(s) st(s) = stitche(s)

m = marker St st = stockinette stitch / stocking stitch

M1 = make one (increase) tbl = through back loops

M1L = left slanting increase tog = together

M1R = right slanting increase WS = wrong side

MC = main colour wyib = with yarn in back

P = purl wyif = with yarn in front

P2tog = purl two stitches together (decrease) YO = yarn over

patt = pattern
Hope you enjoyed the pattern.
Thanks from Bohoknits!

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