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In the dictionary, a sport is classified as a competitive athletic

activity that requires physical prowess or skill. If you have ever
taken a dance class you can be sure it requires physical skill.
Dance as well as many other sports requires a lot of stamina.

Art is the expression of human creativity; by this definition,

whatever we do, that is creative, is art. This englobes dance
because even though we didn't create the dance moves we are
without noticing adding our personal today's world,
there are so many types of dance we can surely say that each
one of them is art.

The long-standing debate of dance being an art or a sport

doesn’t necessarily mean dance has to fit into one category. By
all indications, dance can be a sport and an art.


Currently, we are working on a dance that is a mix of ballet and

ballroom dancing, and this specific genre of dance is known for
its being artistic and graceful. So are there some genres of
dance that are more artistic or require more athletic ability than

Well in my opinion there can be some genres that require more

athletic ability for example hip-hop has many moves that need
to stand upside down and that makes it so you need a great
deal of strength. other genres of dance like ballroom dancing
make it so you need to move in a way that looks artistic but at
the same time quick and fluid.

on the other hand ballet (the dance genre my class and I are
most focused on) needs both artistic capability and strength. So
even though different genres of dance can differ if it is more
artistic or sportive but in the end dance is an art and a sport.

If you think of it from a different perspective dance can be a

sport or a art. Imagine you are a high-level ballet dancer that
competes with a national team (you practice 5 hours a day and
have dedicated your life to it) in your situation dance is more of
a sport but what if you are working as the lead of a musical
were you have to dance most of the time from this perspective
dance is an art.

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