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Puff Pastry

Weight Ingredients Method

Group 1 2000g Bakers flour Place in a mixer with a
20g Salt dough hook & mix until
850g Water (Variable) clear, approx.. 4 mins

Group 2 1200g Pastrex Hard Scale of for Lamination


Roll out the dough from Group 1 on the sheeter, until about 40 cm
square , place the Pastrex hard on the dough & fold up the corners to
encase the Pastrex. Sheet out to approx. 70cm long & give 1 half
fold, then turn the dough 90 degree then sheet out once more to
approx.. 70-80 cm, then give one more half fold , place in a plastic
bag & rest in the fridge for 10-15 minutes. Then give another two
folds just as before, place back in the fridge for 10 minutes. Ready to
roll out to the desired shape…

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