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5 ystsug Q 2 x = ti Teacher’s Guide Book Awe uy Unit 1: My personal information Unit 2: Countries and Nationalities Unit 3: My house Unit 4: My family Unit 5: What have you got? Unit 6: Review Unit 7: My daily routine Unit 8: Leisure activities Unit 9: Sports Unit 10: Who is faster? Unit 11: How do you feel? Unit 12: Review Unit 13: What's for inner? Unit 14: Shopping for food Unit 15: There's too much sugar! Unit 16: Request and offers Unit 17: Why don't we...? Unit 18: Review Table of contents 1 Unit 19: Consolida 7 | Unit 20: Consolidation B Unit 21: What does it look like? 19 Unit 22: What does she look like? What is he like? 25 | Unit 23: What are you wearing? a1 Unit 24: Schoo! 35, i Unit 25: What do you intend to do? 41 Unit 26: Review 47 Unit 27: Getting around 53 Unit 28: Jobs 59 | _ Unit 29: There are always two sides 65 Unit 30: Plans and arrangements 69 Unit 31: What are you going to do? 5 Unit 32: Review 81 Unit 33: Consolidation 87 Unit 34: Consolidation 93 Unit 35: Consoli 99 103 107 111 17 123 129 135 141 145 151 187 163 169 175 179 183 187 | Welcome to grade 10 English! This book is designed to be the English textbook for Grade 10 Cambodian students. There are a number of key principles: * Learning should be fu ‘+ The best way to learn a language is to use it 's important to learn to read, write, listen and speak. Today, 21st century skills (creativity, critical thinking, cooperation and communication) are important. Learning the rules (grammar) is only important if it helps you use the language (not just explain and memorise it). * Each lesson is balanced, practical and has a clear learning outcome. | © Students learn from each other through pair and group work. + Students learn by making mistakes. Mistakes are not bad and it is important that the learning environment is supportive. * The language is presented in contexts to help students think about when and how to use it, * Don't worry when your students make mistakes. We often loarn by making mistakes and then getting it right the next time. * Copying from the board: This has been very popular in Cambodian classrooms for a long time. The problem with English class is though, that it only goes for 50 minutes! A rule of no more than 3-§ minutes copying a lesson is probably a good idea! Key features in the Student’s Book: * There are 25 units divided into two lessons (A & B) and 10 review and consolidations units. * Each lesson follows a similar pattern: introducing the language and then giving the students the opportunity to use the language they learn. ‘+ Atthe end of every B lesson you will find a ‘Now I can ...' section. This is a chance for students to reflect on what they have learnt. Self-reflection is an important factor when learning, At fist this might be a new idea for everyone, but learning to learn is a good skill to develop. Key features in the Teacher's Book: ‘+ Atthe start of each lesson the aims are given so that you know what the students should be able to do by the end of the lesson, * Each lesson has a clear plan including step-by-step instructions, answer keys and teaching tips. * Sometimes you will see @P. This means you can set this activity for homework and check it in the next class. This could be important it you don't have so much time in class. * In each lesson we have extension activities (for fast learners), focus on ... sections looking at key language points and Tips! For teachers. Tips! These are to help you improve your teaching. We include them in units, but you can use them whenever they are useful. Here's a list Are you teaching only two classes a week? This book has enough content for four 50-minute classes per week. However, sometimes teachers only have two English classes per week In that case, you should still complete one unit (e.g. 1A+1B) per week. It is important because if students don't finish the book in the school year, they won't be ready to go on to grade 11 next year, I you have two classes a week, you should aim to complete half a unit (e.g. all of 1A, or all of 18) in a single, 50-minute class. This means that the students will have to do some of the activities for homework. You will see a homework icon that looks like this @P next to some activities in the Teachers’ Book. These are the activities that are recommended for home study. It is a very good idea to make sure that your students complete these activities. If you are teaching two hours, then you can ignore the "Session 1” and "Session 2° headings in the Teacher's Book Are you teaching four classes a week? If you are teaching four sessions a week, then you can ignore the homework icon and complete all of the activities in each unit in class. Each lesson (e.g. all of 1A or all of 18) should be taught over two ‘80-minute periods. You can see the headings “Session 1° and “Session 2" in the Teachers’ Book to hep you decide where to split the lesson into two classroom sessions, “Now | can” statements Every unit ends with some "Now I can..." statements. These are to help the students understand what they have learned and what they can now do in English, which helps them be confident. It also helps them to understand if there are some things that they need to study more. Students can use the icons +), ©), ©) tohelp them decide how well they know each iter on the list. 2) means “I can do this now — no problem" <5) means “I can do this if | think about it +) means “I understand this but need to practise more’. find this difficult, | need to study it more” #3) means, there isn't time in class, students can do it at home, but you can still use the activity in class. For example, the teacher reads out the statements one by one, and the students clap their hands. ©) = student claps loudly and long, <5) = student claps normal = student claps a litle bit. = student doesn't clap. This will also give you, the teacher, an idea of how well the students, have learned. Grade 10: Tips in Teacher’s Book unit 10 unit 38 “Tip! Pronunciation Listen for pronunciation. to say how-old-are-you together, not one by on Tip! Grouping students, you have a ema elassream, pair 0 them how to ao it right Unit 28 Tip! Word stress Inorder to understand werd stress students When you say a word how mary times do ‘you open and close your meuah? Japan = two; dapanase— thee. Tip! Games Games are a good way to practise tucion, use COs fo check ‘comprehension, Questions nat do you have to do? ‘iat can you soa? How do you check the answers? Unit 44 “Tip! Checking instructions Gtod teachers check hor hetuctons Teachers do tis tomake so ther euderte Cempiete an actly you can aways gue them mor, unit 3a Units "Tip! Correcting mistakes. tudents ined. ‘ney make mi is he mistake? Give both the student who “Tip! Spoting mistakes his sometimes a chalinge tor tuderasto figure Outvihatkind ofmisakesthey neectospot tis || sald foryoutoomphasize he taget enguage | L ‘tthe mstakes (or example. grammatical i misokes of reser spear vocabulary | ‘poling ists) as wel as he rumber of i [aes inca sertenefaoton Feces, gammy unit 96, you dont nave enough tie to do al the actvtios in is roviow eection, you can ‘ask questions and work with he fiends in clas, unit 74 Tipl Act or draw like acting oF cant craw and thy fel ey, they can choose the ether one unit 78 to some ofthe questions or ideas in he ‘acti let bey w answers @ ‘ore fun ‘exta timo, you can also ask tho students hoy hirk they krow who wes ‘Reading for goneral understanding portal for earners to have an idea ot they azo gong to read about. lp irwledge about the topic theyre about read, heping tem make ney areacy know with herds they cont understare. You can courage theta ok ath es (tary) and es ation ‘ake the reacng process alot easier. unit 98, Tip! Explanation Unit 98 “Tip: Underlning keywords Inteading or listening, tol your students to the questons be I them back ang use them again and again, Unit 108 unit 148, nit 19 ‘Tip! Getting everyone to answer t ‘way to make out ‘question, Howover. i Using dice. ifthere is no dice, you ean ask dens to use small eraers or even iece of pape. unit 12 ‘Tip! Checking different answers Unit 138, Tip! Using pictures Use pictures, photos or drawings to decrease students’ fear of speaking Jassmatas and mako a tien and ask the students to shou yes ono. practeo easly and thy can also take a photo ol it with thelr phones if they have them, share posers wit ‘other teachers in your schol "pl Montorng Jamon sto wak aura cess whe Your students ae doing someting, cactuly hechng we sce fy are dang wh aed hems co You can a0 {Spont out some mises hat rc uders aremakng Montara ofoctve ‘Sasscce management tecnneve. By Waking ‘engaged throughout the esson, unit 20 Tip! Adjusting actives ‘Thore ean be more than one way todo an the answers stead of warking atone, unit 218, nit 216, Tip! Grouping students for hemo in your ass. sa good idea tohave at least two par or group work ath Engish classes. How many of your tcay were done asa group? Unit 228, Unit 258, Unit 278 Unit 318, Tipl Ditferont ways tos There ay the same thing ove Unit 248 “Tip! Writing answers on the board boa Tip! Learning vesebulary with const vetbs have more than one ‘geod for hor English ‘aremonyy go tog. \Vinon teachers soe words that sally together fea good dea to chow tho Students, unit a2 sing itoring aces cen i 5 @ A Read these short conversations. (Go04 morning : Hi, Im Tin, Nic a mae you. Um Chea Wats your name? Hello, tm Kas |michard Jackson, Sonn. a3, a= lo nS a 2S s S Se KD | Tin kosal Richard Sommang Ged atroon My nares Canny. Halo rs dadison, Whatveienaet ——Hyitnigm, Manes Ft toy D ae ZS ‘Chany: ‘Leakhana ‘When we meet people we can say "hello", What other words can you ‘see that mean the same as *hello"? Write them in your notebook: When we say our name, we can say __Kosal or___Kosal. B. Work in pairs. Make similar conversations. Choose one word from each balloon. Unit 1, Lesson A: My personal information ‘students shoud be able to: Session @ @ A vocsbsary: crtngs ora choy comes review and practise asking for and exchanging basic personal information, tion where people greet each ator, exchange informaton about names 1 ttphone numbers 22 belweon -loen and ty numbers euch a6 19 and 90, 14 and B. Speaking: Greetings and exchanging 65, Ask students to read tho conversations. ® speaking: king someone's age 1, Hao stunts read comret 2. adore to sk cach oh mee. "ipl Prenunclaion Udon or nonencton ryt get tam say Towle wih to wed ther, Mow soil are= You 1. This for student to hea the lifrence between tteen and thy, fourteen and f Unit, Lesson, ©® Look at these conversations. @® a =) © wm @ quan ma @) |S @ How ode you? oe) ee ; mi ® | © omnes 1. How old are you? How old are your mum and dag? 2. Ask your partner. ®© A tisten and write the number that you hearin your notebook. Example: 20 B.@¥ Listen, check and repeat. Cah Listen again. Which numbers end wit jen” and which numbers end with “-ty”. Draw the table below in your notebook and write the answers. Ta Wy {Audloseript) 1 2 3 4 5 5 t 8 8 Is Monika sty? 10. No, eho® sixteen @ tstoning: Soong names and saying Phone pumbors Answers their partner they re right o wrong Understand instructions cle idea to show the cass haw an activity works bby choosing wo students o give an example, they 60 twrong, you can show them howto doit ight ‘Student A, Choose any number and say it to your partner ‘Student B, Point at the number in your book. Il hear four short conversations. Write the names and the phone numbers that you hear in your notebook. | B. (5) Listen, check and repeat. ‘Session 2 ‘Suggestion: Staring session 2 1, Ask etudonts to tlk to toe other people around thom. They make a short conworeaton Say halle hey hi. t9each other and exchange 1ndom -teen and -tyrumbers on “teen and 4Iy numbers Pinto them and have students shoutout the rurbers that they sea, Listen and correct I necessary. Can have your number? tow do you seal your name? AK. 3 & Yes, 046 528 173, ® 8 ® 8 & 035 781 426, 2 Kuntnea. 028 416 793 8. Thyrak. 086 528 173, 4 Sroypich. 097 624 316. to students that trey wll hear four ©® Look at the names and numbers and read the conversation. A: Got it, thanks, With your partner, make conversations: © choose two new names, ages, and phone numbers for yourself. Write them in your notebook. Make conversations with your partner followi ‘Take turns to start. You can change the underlined words. G@ voor risis ‘What's your name? — @ swsrayan Emme @) —— ~ ———) (How do you spel your name? ce cn ® for Chantra, Elizabeth, Heang, Max and Pisey. Take turns to start the example. Unit, Lesson A @ spentng:speing names ant exchanging @) Speaking: Conversation exchanging Phone nab pocontricraon 1. Have students ook alte pictues of he make sitar conversations snes and numbers, aking have two conversations, taking ns o star. Extension activity: teen and ty bingo It there iste athe end of the lesson, you could play -teen end ty bingo to practise letoning to numbers 13~ 30 etc Have students daw a3 table in thor notebooks (9 squares). They write any number between ‘Gand 19, 0 any number 30, 40,50 ..90in each squace. Note: They cant use the seme number more than once, and they cant use numbers Ike 31 Only 13, 14. 19 and 20, 40..00. ‘Say random numbers (19, 14. 90,40...) one by one Ifthe student has the number, they ‘ress rout dent pay for one line, across or up down. hey cross altives numbers inline they get one ine ste winner. @ Work in pairs. Say the names of the months that you can see. Example 4: January : deny 4. Fob 7. Sem 10.0: i 2.M-c- 5.-e Bn sy i 3.0-0~ Be 9.-p 12. i ® A sanuary is the 1 oF first month. Look for other numbers like first in the wordsearch and write them in your notebook. Look for: HTFILFYPSZMBU HEOHI THI RDQD OKUTRMPXTETN QsRNSXVTPSWO KNTETFQHUEEC RPHTHGIEI VLE FRHQHTNINEFS MAZLAPENYNTQ BLFACGCKTTNTHZ LQ@eLEVENTHEC apsyuzeBixnixa METHIAJWGPZN B. Work in pairs. Use the words from activities 1 and 2 to make short conversations. Take turns to start. Example: Whats te first mont? @ A which khmer festiv your notebook. January ste frst moth is in each month? Write the answers in Example: March a. May bay Example: Women's Day. 4. Pchum Ben 2, Khmer New Year 3. water Testival | c. September or October 4. The King Buthday | 6. February 6. Mak Bocnoa Day aed £ November 6. Children’s Day B. Now check with your partner. Take turns to start. Example: When is Women’ Day? Women’s Day Is in March, Unit 1, Lesson B ‘Alms: 1o review and practise taking about months, dates and bithdays. By the end o 18, studens shouldbe able to: kaw the months and use into talk about months: ia January svaruay | Boe 2Masch | 7 September 3.Oataber | & pegs! 4 February Focus on month Remember thatthe names ofthe months are writen ith capita rst ler ‘Also, thei the mid of February Is wrttn, but nt pronounces, Bb Vocapuary: Ordinal ruber (it second...) 7. Dont spend toa men ime on this activity Two or tie minutes should be encugh. @ @ srammar Using wh ons — Pian. 2, Tel students that he words can be forwards, backwards, up and down 2, Alow students time in pars have sudan match ho hotsays wih ing morins They can co ts by peak. 23, Ask studeratp ead bo shot example ‘onversaton Remind thom tat wo Ue into ‘Siywmen month someting happens 4, Thom make mar conversions sig the reatoltnehoiays ard the mons @® A. Look at the number on the left and choose the correct word aorb. twelveth b. sixty-four b. seventy b-eight bb. hundred a. cigh a. hundredth B. Check with your partner. Cae isten, check and repeat. © A. Read Kosal's Facebook message to his friend Eddi. How many things does Kosal need to do in November? HiEddie ‘Thanks for your message. You asked me about my plans for this month. Well, have a busy month coming up in November. Today is 1* November and I'm going shopping with my mum to buy a new school uniform. This year, schoo! starts on 3 November. '™m happy to go back to school because | see my friends there. On 7" November I'm going to meet Tim. Tim is an English boy ‘who is new in Siem Reap. His dad and my dad work together. | hope we will be friends. On 8” November | am going to play in a football match. | will ask Tim to come and watch. ‘This year I'm going to Phnom Penh with my family for Water Festival. We go November and come back to Siem Reap on the 14%, We are going 11am going to my cousin's wedding, All my th onthe 1 to Phnom Penh by car. On the 1 {amily will be there. Then, on 24” November my family are having dinne ‘On the 30" 1m going to help my mur at the market, She sel and vegetables there What about you? Do you have plans for this month? ‘Answers Example: Women’s Day sn March 1. Pchum Ben sin September or October 6 Chicron’ Day isin une. @ vocabulary: Higher oval numbers — ‘welts. nunerect 1. Tal studonts to look at the numbers and ‘choose te cowect answer ao. 10. hundredth ‘answers 11ah 213 3.30% 42ist 5. «and 6.530 Tesh Unit, Lesson B ‘Session 2 the class (student 1) Make the student say, "My birthday ison the (example, 1d of September Point to another student (2) Tell student 1, Now ask him har Student 1 asks student 2, “When your birthday?” Student 2 replies. Pinto student 3. student 2 asks, “When's your binnday” Student 3 replies, © ronan: ts an stasis ave ished, go trough fad check the answers. ‘como back ta Siem Reap ‘0 1 cousins wedding, Rave dinar eh Tams amily P_help mum atthe mat Unt, Lesson 8 5. Copy the first line of Kosal's diary into your notebook. Then look at the text again and add Kosal's other dates and activites. November AAP p+ PIN C. Work in pairs. Read Kosal's message to each other. Partner A reads the first part and partner B read the second part. te the date, we don't A. Tim made a poster for the wall at the football club with his photo and information: | Seoveryone! and my birthday is on 12" Septem me, my phone number is 097 624 361 B. Draw a poster in your notebook and write your own information. @ How well can you do these things? Write in your notebook. neutral == unhappy 3, bevy 23) ver nay $2) Ba ( wow I caw... ‘+ use different words to say hello to people ‘+ have a conversation and exchange names, age ‘+ spell my name and understand someone spelling their name. say dates correctly using numbers ike first, second... and the months. understand teen and -tyaubers and say them cleat \ penne see © A wens persona infomation 1. Hive students ook atthe intrmation in Tim's poste, 2. Tel students to draw an outine ofa sirlar ‘even though these word pester ir nctabooks and rake ther own poster with thei cw tfomation, {8 Check their posters or correct language and patina Focus on saying the dates ‘There are wo ways o!eaying and writing the ate in English, Inte UK uly i y= Mont Yes Fer example, Today is 0 Weta) eel Novenba’ 209, @@ retecon: rw ican 1. Ask students to leek atthe gentences and ‘cide how wel they can do hese things. ‘9. Formore ideas on how to do his, please see age V. pS of 4. Give each one a smal piace of paper ‘down @ date that is important o them. They fold thom and put al four in Each student chooses a date without looking. They ask, why is [2.9 tho 6th of October] important? ‘The student who wrote the dale els the group why that date is important to them, @ Look at the flags. Write the countries in your notebook. Example: @® Look at the pictures. Which country is Kosal from? Whi nationality? What about Tim? lam om Cambodia. Tm Cambodian. £ Kosal By the end of 2A, stuctents should bo able to: ‘+ wite and pronounce some counties and natonaltos “ idontty and use present simple of verb tobe in positive sentences. dons to guoss which counties those elong to. ‘students to compare their ‘anew ‘Countries Nationalities Cambodia sonst ‘Bit Answers ‘american ‘Traian; Vietnam; France: Bian Thal Canada; China; America: Japan: Spain arn Vistnamese @ @ vocobuary: cau French Unit 2, Lesson, A. Copy the table into your notebook and complete the table with @ came: counties & ntoraites the words from the box. / Chinese France Canada Spain Britain 2 Ask fortwo or throe students to come tothe boar Camas Cambodia C Japanese Canadian Bitish ‘America | Thal 5. Play as many times asthe time allows. Spanish Tip! Games Vietnam A Games are a good way to practise language. French They help students actvete what hey earn Cnnal fea oy Sot er re wen ey B. n, check and repeat. ©® Vocabulary game - Slap the board Japanese Ganaq Gqmbodid / America j | French Wei felh @ A. Put the words in the correct order. Write the answers in your @ notebook. Example: is Spanish Lyla ila Saris) 4. Japan is Yumi from. 2. Tony I'm American I'm and. 3.1s Vietnam trom she. 4. students my Cambodian are. isand Canadian wore, Zo rmyis. fee 7. they France are from, B. (Bien, check and repeat. Write two sentences for each picture in your notebook. Example: fi € Go) She is from Cambodia. He, We She's Cambodian He. We. They, They, @ Choose a country from activity 4 and tell five people where you are from and what your nationality is. Jam tom France. TamFrench, nit 2, Lesson A ‘Session2) Suggestion: Staring session 2 ‘To stat the cass, you can use the previous slap the board games asa review to 20d same fun Before going tothe grammar par. @ Grammar: or ote picture about ther counties and AL}. Asktne students o putthe words in tbe ——fatonalites 4 Allow some ‘any mistakes they have witen down, fram China I's Chinese. They ae from France, Extonsion activity: Counties & nationals ‘Ask students if they can name any other counties or nationalities, ©@ Look at the pictures and guess which country they are from. Write the answers in your notebook. Example: A @ ¥ Carers AB rnerica Lichina | canoe = E}spain Pseoon a ae eo é (Vietnam a (France Cvepan span CDlcanaca ® book at the pictures in activity 1 again and write two sentences for each. Write the answers in your notebook. Example: She's from Camboola, She isn't from Thailand, tHe He. 2He He, 3. They They isnot = isnt; are not = aren't 4. She She. 5. We We @ A Read these three short texts about Kosal, Tim and Vick. Hello! My name's Kosal. 15 years old and I'm Cambodian. My | have one sister, 'm a student in Hil My name's Ti ''m from Britain and I'm 18 years old, | have one sister and her n ‘my mother isn. She is from Canada, Our family now lve in Siem Reap, Cambodia. Helio! Im Vick. | am 42 years old and I'm Canaan, My husband ‘and | aren't from the same county. Hes from Britain and he is 45 years old. Unit 2, Lesson B ey + use the negative ana question forme: Session @ Vocab couries 1, Read all the countries: ‘Students and focus on \worde leat in unit 2 2, Ask students look athe pi choose the cortect county ine present simy 1 America. He ist rom Spain 2 He’ rom China Ha isnt rom Japan. ‘Answers 1. America; 2. China: 3, Japan; 4 France; 5. Canada © @ wns ating erences 1, Ask students to lak at all the plctutes in 4, Let students knw ‘orsiacin frm or B. Read the texts again. Match the questions with the correct answers. Write the answers in your notebook. “Answers 7. Are Kosal, Tim, and Vick all in is Kosal Cambocian?— | No, he fri. Us Yes, nes. ©. Shes 4 years ol D. He's 15 years old He's trom Br F.No, she isnt. G. Yes, they are. H. No, they aren't and her husband from the same country? Siom Reap now? @® wnat can you remember? Student A: Close your Studs 1000 ar lent B: Choose four questions notebook. fom activiy 3 and ask student A, ‘Take turns with your partner to be student A and B. Who has more correct answers? You or partner? | Kosal Cambodian? © P % amis arent im are isnt (239 Listen and check your answers. in the gaps with the words from the box. 1B 3. Ask students to ook at the matching table. 4. Tel sucents to dot ng. 5. Encourage students to compare the answors together “Answers 1.0; 26; S.A 4F; 6.6 6H 7.6 @ ccames:hemery gars 1: Ack aude Ao coe te book and from actwity 3 and ask students A 8, Demonstrate te act 4, Tall students they get one por 5. Whoever has moe poins in the end wins ‘Session 2 ‘Unit 2, Lesson 8 1g n te gaps © reaaing: ‘A. 1. Ask students to read the shot text 10, but they arent atthe same high school. ‘Studies at a paivate school 82, Lesson There is one mistake in each sentence. Find the mistakes and correct them. Write the correct sentences in your notebook. Example: They isnt rom Canada. —» (“Thay arent from Ganada) |) 1. Lyla are from Spain — 2. Are Vicki trom Canada? 3.1 aren't 16 years od, / 4. Her house aren't in Phnom Penh. me ees ae @ A waite five questions in your notebook. 5. Where is Lynn and Ti | Questions to ask: init | name? age? birthday? country? nationality? mother’s name? father's name? | Example: name: What’y your name? il B. Work in groups. Take turns asking and answering the questions. C. Write a short text about one of your friends. | Example: Her name ia Pana, She'r16 yeary old, — ©® How well can you do these things? Write in your notebook. @@ crammar: spon mistakes 1. Ask students to read 2. Emphasis thre is enly one mistake fr each umber. @ speaking: Persona pate ‘A. 1. Ask students to write questions to ask for ay, county? rationality? matners and fathers names” Answers What your name? How od ae you? When is your bitnday? Where are you tram? 8 2. Putstudentsin small groups. ® @ hettection: Now | can 1. Ask stugens to look atthe sentences and better learners 4. For see page V, ‘Ask tuderts if thoy can wt classroom? Extension activity: Continuing wring personal profile text about anyone ese they know outside their unhappy 7%) neutral (How r can. ) ‘= name and spell some countries and nationalities. ‘tell and ask people where they are trom. ‘+ make positive and negative sentences and questions in the present simple tense of the verb to be, Qo @ A match the photos with the words in the box. Write the answers in your notebook. Desk Chair Closet Cupboard Bookshef Bed. Sofa Drawers Write the answers in your notebook. Kosal: Hi, Tim! Welcome to my house! Hey, Kosal! Let me show you around. This is the kitchen. There are two, af food! 1g toom. Thera is a ‘and there is one for us to sit and watch TV. There are four and a chair, y; Goand have a look By the and of 3A, students should be abe to: + name frriture inthe house «+ name some rooms inthe house. ‘Alms: to prosent and pracise naming future using there is and there are, Teter of tho words things or say the DE vocabutany tings ne roves 71. Ask dens tolook athe pete 3 Sat how many pcos tey can so 3 Tamm to math ine wore wit he ploures ord wre he words ine ratooots check heir answers, 6. Pay he audio again, pause at each word ‘and have students repeat the words Focus en pronun You should chock Pronunciation of the words eupboara abea and drawors /o2) because students commoniy migpronounce 6, Check he answers asa class, A. Ask stuck 2. Tell stud Anewers 8. desk: 9. miror {Audioscript] Kosal Hi, Tm! Welcome tomy house! Tim: Hoy, Kosall Kosa: Lets me show you around. This isthe crn the Bathroom? Example: Ther is a bed, a di NOTE" There ae aed, a desk and a chair and a chai ‘Unt 3, Lesson B. Look at the conversation in 2A. When do we use There is and There are? © Write sentences with There is and There are. Exam Three chairs. ree chairs 1.Twotables 2. Six cupboards 3. One bookshelf 4, erator §.Seven drawers 6.Fourclosets_ 7. Amirror @ A Work in pairs. A~ look at this page. 8 — look at page 15. In your notebook write sentences about the rooms using There is or There are. Student A asks: Cupboard Table (Chair) Sofa) TV, ‘Are there any cupboards in the ving roo? There are 2 cupboards, ‘Ne there any beds? To avoid contusion, you shout ow that whan nouns bt they wil change. You may Ike to write some examples onthe board to show the itleronces “Words end wits, 85, -sh, ch x, or-2 a0d-es Examples: watches, boxes, buses. “Weeds end wit or fe change to -ves Examples: knives, leaves. -Other words add -= Examples: books, pens, dogs Session 2 “Suggestion: Starting session 2 ‘Answers: Unita, Lesson A 8.6, Gerstsors oad tirntes apa @ 4A wing: Deserve our rom ans hme | ‘Answers “Student A: bedroom: | ‘Tere aro two bods, ‘ne of wool the best and stick them on ‘on the wal for everyone to 988 and follow. are two fans. cupboards, | ibe, L chairs | ‘Tere are two sotas. i ‘There iga TV B. Work in pairs. Ask and answer. Student B asks: i Bed Closet Desk ‘Ave tere any beds? { fd coractng nudes maa ater Fan Bookshelves cee Hage eS i Is the mistake Which room does your partner have? hance tofnd the problem, @ your notebook, write about a room in your house and the things in that room. Extension activity: Describing another room Use a good piece of writing trom actly as an example, Have studerts wie a description of | 2 aiferentrocm in the house using the same styl. Then, have them share thet ideas with the ‘lass, or together in small groups. ©® Look at the photos and guess what they are. he answers in your notebook. @ A Unscramble the four words and match them to the pictures below. Write the answers in your notebook. -mrabotch: —B snotike: -redomob: B lioromvng: items in it. Guess which room the four things in activity 4 are in. hiss the lving room, ‘There are chars, Unit 3, Lesson B crcam; 2 retigerstor-ktchen: foam. mito bathroom. ‘Answers ‘lving room: ktehen ©. bedroom; {.bathvoom A. Look at the pictures. Circle the correct prepositions. \ We use prepositions of place 2) to talk about where things Ds» L are. Is it on the table? No, ‘ its under the table, 1. There are two spoons ain bon 2. There is a cat aubehind 3, There is a.cup 4. There is a chair ain 5. Theres a book a. behing ben c. under B. & Listen and check your answers. ae @® Look at the picture below. Complete the gaps with on, in, under, in front of, behind. the cup. under 4, There are a pair of shoes____the desk. 7. There is a dog___the cat. @vecaouay: Pepostons [Aucioscript] There ae two spoons inthe cup. There isa “Suggestion: Staring session 2 To art he class, use some pictures or ‘drawings to ask students about prepositions lof place or Actvty 5 fora quick review, @ @ cronmar repostens .dens look tthe picture careful to the deta, 2. Have students read the seven sontonces, the gaps with the ction 5. Tel students that some prepositions can be see more than ones. 6. Get students to compare answers with thoie ‘elect a fou students to snare ‘wah the clase Units, esson B 8 dog behind the cat ‘Tip! Comprehension checking questions (cca) Alter giving instruction, use CCQs to check. ‘on th students comprehension. Questions euch as: ‘What da you have to do? ‘what can you soe? How do you check the answors? © A Read and match the words in the box to the right gaps. Use the clues in the picture for help. Write the answers in your notebook. Long Round | Big Short I Square Small { ‘Then my mum put ton a it Fomor EBB sv coene 8 B, Read again. Write the prepositions in your notebook. © How well can you do these things? Write in your notebook! neutral == unhappy 28 happy 23) veryhappy 29 (wow T e1n.. ) i “= name furniture and some rooms in my house. use There is and There are to describe things around me. * use prepositions of place and clmension to describe things around me. © A retction: wow can 1. Ask students Grammar: Acjectives describing 3k at the sentences and 4. To students to use the plc 5. Select a few studens or r2idoas on how to do this, please ‘arts ofthe email and check the ancwere see page V as acase, “Answers 1.big round 9. square 4 small_5.lon9 1.6, Have students scan forthe prepositions 7. ak students to cal out he prepasions fone at atime. Extension activity: Role-play Tell your students that they are Rath. Wit an email to Kosa. Tell hin about your new room in your house in Phnom Penh, Use Kosa eral ta help you wih the structure, Then read your {ral fo your pain. | UNIT @® Look at the pictures. Talk to your partner. 1. What can you see? 2. How many people are there? 23. Which is Kosa family? Which s Tis fami? B. «9 Listen and check. Did you guess correctly? 2) Listen again. Match the people with the words from the box. Write the words in your notebook. mother father uncle aunt cousin sister grandma grandpa Unit 4, Lesson A: My family ‘Aims: 1 review family words and practise using simple adjectives to describe people. By the end of 4A, students should be abl to ‘name and ident family members. + use simple adjectives to descrive thelr family members, (Session vecesutary: Fanly members Kosai, ove myst: Sw ay Tim: Look my brother is here. Let's go and play [A-1. Ask students to lok at the pictures. ‘members, Kosal: Hut? You haven't got a brother! anything nto bacon). a.Pulsisersinparstodastas ecner @Ustning: Deserta people two qvestens. Sta tem 16, Check the answers together as a cass. 3, Check your instructions, Ask instruction jons (09. Are you working ‘Answer ‘Ties family ~right;_Kosars family eft stoning or taking?) 4, Ask students to compare ther answers then ‘chook he answers a6 a class. ‘Anewere ‘reousn 2.unele S.eunt 4. grandma S.orandpa 6 mother 7. sister 8 faher Tim: Ive got an idea! Here they are! My ousing Ive gota photo cn my phone Kosa: No = let's go and play football Tin: Here is my cousin he the cutest He 21 Hos young! He's gota phone and he takes ‘Bhotos wih it Look! He's taking photos of my Uncle and my aunt Kosal: No way! “Tims My uncies funny — hes got blue hair Kosa: Blue nar? (laughs) “Tpt Checking instructions Good teschors check her instructions. is short Hes not al And ere is my mother. Tim: Can we go and piay football now? Example: Geis young.) Hes) 5 Sf Hes(@____) shes(____)_— Shes got (© black he He isn't ‘She @ Answor the questions. the names. Write the answers in ifivitias 7.Who isos? A 1. Who is young? 2. Who is short? 8. Whois stim? 4 ‘3. Who's got long hair? 5, Who's fat? 6. Who's got short hair? © Surssing Gamet Ask and answer questions. Ishetall No, he sn. IsheBii Yes, eis. A. Draw your family tree in your notebook. Use your family tree. B, Write sentences about your fami MES) AA rr C. Listen to your friend, Draw his / her family tree in your notebook. CCanyou repeal a please? How do you spell that? Thankyou! 4, Ask students to wie sentences about their family sing thos lay tree in heir Starting sossion2 Tosa the class, act out some of tho agjecives inthis unt and ask studonts to you set can also go over tho answers quick. Do ths to prepare students for Acivity 5. @svearng: cusssng gare 1. Put students in pairs or groups, 4, Aakeinatructon checking questions (eg. Are ‘youworking alone or with a partner? Ave you ‘expressions as they do the activity tre9s in their rotobook Extension activity: Whos i? \Wte about one of your iends in class. Read your sentences io your partner. Can they Quoss? Wo do you ike most in your fai Hemybiche wnat does he took tke? He's tall/ short /fat/ sim / young / ol. He's got long / short hai Wat does he look ke? ‘He’ tal and fat He’ got short hic @ A Look at the picture, Why are Tim and Kosal sad? Can you guess? looking for my you sen her? Her name's Lynn, Shs only 12 Unit 4, Lesson B ‘Aims: to review fariy words and prastse using eimple comparat ‘poopl. By te end o 43, students shoud beable to: + compare members ofthe + spall family words and a family and ends using simple comparative forms (-) ives and their comparative forms acc Session onan: ry amiy @speaking: vin ar toy saa? 4. Wak around the classroom, listen, help an correctt necessary. ‘Anewore 1etwe; 2.tue; Stue; Aalee B, Read again. Are the sentences TRUE or FALSE? TRUE | © A Read again and look, What other similar words can you see? Write in your notebook. (hand she's pity too ~ preter than my si she was weaing really diy | Example: younger thar B, Complete the table. Write answers in your notebook. ‘young [younger a short older sim —stimmer Tonger sim fat —~ fatter a prolly prettier C. Write the words below in your notebook. Can you write their comparative forms? @® correct the mistakes. 19g hair than my dad. than my grandma. ty than our bia! 44, They are old than us. They are in Grade 12 @erammar:oenivng comparativo orms 2, Ask stor took ath esr. 2. Check ne answers asa class ‘answers on the Board 4, Aska student to read the fest sentence (She's younger than me). Ask studenis talk about two or more people o hing. é 1.6. Ack students to complete the table, Do the samo fo "pet ‘make the comparative forms of short words ending wih y. we change yt fand ‘ads ~or Keep yout explanations shod. Unit 4, Lesson 8 Sossion2 @erammar:conecing msiaies 1 Tel eudens to ok a th example. You can 6. Walkaround the classroom. listen, help and necessary ‘Answers {My mum has got‘onger hai than my dad, 2. Sho: fatter than my grandma, 12 Check the answers asa class 5, Kosal’s grandma is pretty than my grandma, “Answers iy drier,_angry-angtor to cover everything (or almost everyting) Unit 4, Lesson © A. choose two friends in your class. Make notes about them. Use comparative forms. Don't write their names! DOGS SLAF 7999 taller thawme prettier tharvLynw B. Guessing game! Work in pairs. Use your notes from 5A. ‘Ask and answer questions. Can they guess? Isstetal? Ys, seis Isste aller than you? (No, sent Is Sona? Yes, shes) Look at the pictures. Compare the people. Write sentences in your noteboo! wihanny F8) omit $2) hae 22) verry €3) ig @svesiing: waking conpariens seepage ¥ avoutte Cambodian actors o singer. Te simple adjectives and comparatve forms to swap notebooks, 355 who they thnk to person. They wre heir names rect quesses br classmates make, The student who gels the highost numberof nconeet guesses wins Unit 5, Lesson A: What have you got? have got with common abject in bath singular and plural, fon of comon objects. cle @ and which with an, Session @voeabutany: Connon objects, (@ vocatuary and Grammar: Conon Sos ardnave go water bottle keys. umbrella purse camera. comb glasses pencil pen otebook medicine mobile phone ‘ays: water botle; purse; comb; glasses: ppen;_notebook: mobile shone @® A. Look at the pictures. What have they got? Write the answers in your notebook. Example: Lynn ~ Ihave @ book. Or! have got a book. Do you have a book? Or Have you got a book? You /We/They /1 Have got = 've got Have not got = haven't got Une 5, Lesson A B. Look at the pictures again. Correct the mistakes in the sentences. Write the answers in your notebook. Example: Lyon hasn't got a penci => Lynn has got a pent 1. Tim and Lynn has got a notebook in the drawer. 2. They've got shoes in the drawer. 3. Channy hasn't got keys B. 4, Ask students o look atthe pictures in 5. Tol stents to correct the mistakes in the sentences ‘Answers 1. Tim and Lynn have got a notebook in thet raver @crammar: ery sngiars an pres Tell student to la0k atthe big word 2. Tey haven’ got shoesin the locke. 8. Chany has go the keys in her bag, 4. Shals gota purse in he 6. Rineards got a carrera in is bag, 6. Richard hasn't got ery pencils 6 Richard havent got any pene ©. Copy the table into your notebook. Write the items from the bags in 2A in the correct column, B.S, Have studon's look athe grammar Look 80x and the example. 6.6, Ack student review the things they ‘00 inthe pictures in activity 2A, 7. Tal etude to look at he table of Senseo Plurals)>/one) pencil. books. a. Have @ A took at the word cloud below. Which words are singular and ‘answers which words are plurals? Write the answers in your notebook. Srguarcoce [Puma Done aan Exemate pene bus buses: baby ~ babies student ‘class chair table —umbreta baby men cities teachers cats boxes 7 books Ly bottles balpuree, coms,” | Example: books. child cfldren; woman ~ women: shoes, keys, pens house nouses; teacher ~ teachers; ‘man ~ men; pen ~ pens: sis chia ‘comb woman bus bags house Example: Singular: student Plurals: teachers. B. Change the singular nouns in activity 3A to plurals and change the plurals to singular. Write the answers in your notebook. Example: student => students cher => teachers Jing singular nouns to plurals: )gular nouns: Add -s => students, pen => pens, dog => dogs nouns end ler a consonant: Add ~ies * Singular nouns end with -s, boss => bosses, bus => buses + Irregular nouns: woman => women ; foot => feet ch, sh: Add -es @ A Look around your classroom. Write down the things you see ‘in your classroom. Example oard, windows, B. With a partner, discuss your answers. How many things are singular nouns and how many are plurals? Exam plurals: windows, singular: board. if or An? le A~An describe singular A= in front of nouns begin with ‘consonant sounds ~ a flower, amango, a window, a table alower ‘An in tront of nouns begin with ‘vowel sounds — an umbrelia, {an elephant, an oven © A Aoran? Write the answers in your notebook. Example: 4 book t_uncle —2__aunt 3_house 4_ega Tpurse — 8_umbrella 12,__week 16__board 20,__apple B. 42) Listen, check and repeat. Take turns guessing what your partner's got inside his/her room at home. Write the answers in your notebook. Example: J think you've got a television... in your living room. Uns, Lesson “4. Ask ham to share the answers and ‘dont 198 hey have ween down wnetner they are singular or purl. ‘Session 2 ‘Suggestions: Staring session Focus on consonant and vowel sound not Lustthe alphabets ‘We say an hour (aot ahour) because the h is sient “Extension activily: Clapping yourhands time atows, you to check students undersianing of articles Todo this act hear the words that go with article a and cap twice wth word thal go wih an, You can say any ‘random words as long as they are singular nouns. For example: You say "book", the students clap once. You say “aun”, the students clap twice, Listen to the short conversation. Write the things the woman has in her bag in your notebook. Example: purse B. Do you remember what the woman said? Work in pairs and write the answers in your notebook. ° is ‘s my husband’ number or thats my husband's number @ A match the words with the correct pictures. Write the answers in your notebook. Example: e | This sacar | B. Look at activity 2A again. Fill in the gaps with this, that, these, or those. Draw the table in your notebook. Demonstratives| Singular Plural Near Far This a ra v ¥ Unit 5, Lesson B ossessive’s and demonstvalves, By the end of 58, students should be able to: Seaton soning: conesaton ‘A. 1. Ask students ston tothe conversation, 2. Tel students to write he things te previous lesson, ‘Anewers| Purse; glassos; notebock; mobile phone: house Keys purse sal house key Stat: Otay. We will contact our security team to ‘heck the cameras and get back to you. Is tere any number we can contact you by? ‘Aims: 1 review and practise using possessive adjectives, possessive pronouns, {uso and dflerentate betwoen possessive adjectives and possessive pronouns correctly. ¢ identify when and how to use possessive’ wih sr {Select which demonstatives this, that, those, these to Use in given contex. jar and plural subject. to chock the cameras ard got back to you. Is there any number we can contact you by? husband's phone @ermmar ising sor 5, Ask students 0 look at activity 28 caretuly agai 4. Have students draw the table in hoe Plural | Near [ Far Example This | 7 in the gaps with this, that, these, or those. Write the answers your notebook. Holio Tim. This is my sistor. Chany. ere is my grandmother's house, 4. Come over here Lynn, Look ai my new shoes. __are the shoes dad bought me. ® «> Listen to three short conversations. Write the answers in = your notebook. Example: Who is Leakhana talking to? 1. What is Leakhana trying to find? her keys, her bag, her mobile phone 2, What has she got inside her bag? her keys, her purse, her pen 3, What has Kosel got pphione, camera, wé 4, Who does the camera belong to? Kosal, Tim, Kosals dad Wanted to take photos? coach, Reap now. 5. Vicki bought some umbrellas for her children. umbrellas are very nice. 4, | email Roth every week. Roth is___childhood fiend, 5. This place is famous for__hamburgers. in tne gaps the gaps with his, rat 4. Thathouse over there is my grancimothers i house, 4. Come over here Lyn. Look st ny new | shooe. Those ae th shoes dad bough me ‘Session 2 ‘Suggestions: Siaring session 2 Tostart the class, you car some questons such as ‘rine? Is this classroom bag? @ isting: Cnoosing ne coect nse +, Asketucensolisten tree srt 2, Tel students fo choose the corect answers. 3. Pay the recorcing twee and pause betwoen the conversations to alow students 10 scuss her answer, “Answers Conversation 1 1.herkeye: 2. hee purse Conversation 2:3, camer; 4 Kosals dad 5. coach ‘Conversation 3 6, her chllaren; 7. thee bags: 8. ther size LLeakhena: Channy, aid you soe my keys ranting them! Lleakrena: No honey. Those ae my ofice keys i Flocking for our nouse Kays. L ‘Channy: Have you checked your bag mom? | LLeakhena: Yes, but ve only got my purse ang [Phone in my bag. Can youple Inthe tenon forme incase fang creck thom tees? Unit 5 Lesson B ‘Channy: Sue, [pause for fow seconds ~ for ‘gpg fo the Kichen}, Mom, your keys arent in the kitchen! Oia you check the batteoom? them near the barroom sik when | washed my hands. Conversation 2: ‘Ti: Wow, Kosal, | can see youve got a now ich 5. Tis place i famous forts hamburgers. Units, Lesson 8 | B. Match the sentences on the left to the sentences on the right. Example: | think you k 1, Pisey’s got anew me 2. These shoes belong t 3, Richard's got a nice car. 4. Kosal and | shar 5. This beat and Leak a © Are these sentences correct? If they are not, correct them. : Write the answers in your notebook. Example: Tim’ sister is beautiful. v The students’s uniforms are in wh ‘and blue. => students’ Possessive's (apostrophe s) = Belonging ‘+ Families of both women = Women's families: Plurals that don't end with s + 's unhappy neutral = happy U2 very happy 2 (Wow 1 can... * use “have of ice between possessive adjectives and possessive pronouns. | | these / those. | di use this / that / 8.3. Tell studons to look sentences. 4, Ask studonts to match the sentences the two sets of “Answers @xammar:enshing end eonectng mistakes, Go through the sentences inthe Look box with he stusents, are wrong, are Ry, Roth, and Fh 5.Comect sentence Tip! Spotting mistakes salu for teachers to emphasize the target language ofthe mistakes ((or example, grammatical mistakes of present sentence/question if necessary © @ Petwction- Now ean 1. Ask stuonts to look atthe sentences and \ocide how wel 60 these things. 2, Encourage honest rllacton by boing postive about mistakes. UNIT@ tie @® A Look at the answers below. Write the questions, tiysame’s tas I MFROM CANADA. LEN | rtences together asa class. fonts n pars. Ask them to say ‘questions are. 8. Check ne answors as a clas, You can ‘ask sore students to come tothe board ‘and wite he answers, Example: How are you? _1'm fine. B. Which character do you like best? Pretend you are him / her. Now ask and answer questions with your partner. Use the questions in activity 14. Answers yn i [im 19.-> How old are you? eee ae fm 5, Check tne answers as a clas, a Answers @® Read Kosat's message to Tim. Write the missing words. Use the pictures to help you. Write the answers in your notebook. i have fends to play with Sha's 1 Ganadian. She px Hi Tim! We'te here at the beach! If] <> it here but I can't axe that person. 6. Ask a stonger student to ask you @ question using the questons in Actvty | reply Im bored here. 1 Repeat this several times with otner students ce night, but | dont om very much though. We have a big 51 (EM and a 7“. Sometimes when it’s too hot lease reply. 'm bored here. 8, Walk around the classroom, ston, help and caret necessary. Review ® A. This is Channy’s room! Can you find the things in her room? Count and write. cupboard umbrella, B, Put the words in the correct circle. Singular Plurat Did you remember to adds! wallets fon the plural words? C. Now write sentences using There is and There are. Dopo SL 995 | | | Example: There is a TV next to the computer. There are three bags. One bag is behind the TV. @eeying stontonodetas ina pcre: ©.9. 7 Wesy om te ns to write sentences using 1278 are and prepositions of letohelp weaker pare ther answers thvee bags. One bag is behind the TV. Two bags are onthe bed, @® Look at Kosal’s family tree. Write sentences. @writing: using aposropnes 1, Pointto Kosals Example: Latouna b Kost mn | aneteicnafore ears can Example: Lettan Koss mm See ars oie a rcs 2, Pade | a Repetdens usertana | ——— ara asec cw a faassen es Senay Penta nauar using Kosals fami tree. vith thee pariers. © 00 you remember the months of the year? How many are they? Read and correct the sentences. Example: February is the ist month, ————» _Januai Answers: 1-Dalis is Kosas grandmother fs the fst month, @oremmar Covecing misses 6. The fith month is the May. : 1. With closed books, ask students if they “Answers © A Match the sentences with the pictures. Then complete the sentences with this, these, that and those. the example sentence 65, Ask students to correct he stakes in tho 6. Check the ansmers as a cass, You can ask some students to write corecied sentences con te board, ‘newers 1. The the month is March fend work wh the friends in class, Example: That is my bag. a 1 is my car, 4 is our camera. >The eleventn month is November. 2.____are her wallets. 6. are my keys. ‘month isthe May 3._____Is their house. . month ie May. (the not needed) B. Rewrite the sentences in activity 6A using apostrophes and | possessive adjectives. Example: That is Kosal’s bag. its his. i @ A. Look at the picture. Write sentences using the adjectives below. tall pretty fat__ old young slim short Note: Your students might write some {questions that are nor included as answors Accept all pssibie answers as long as they | Hong is shorter than Ada, | "Note: Your students might wnte some ‘Sentences that are not nchided as answers ‘Accept al possiole answers as long as they - i Hine pene 3.8 (keys, a mobile phone, a purse, a comb, “—? | B.5. Ask students to tun lagoon arctaonk apen, onde wake OM od LAST II YD / bm 1 | Example: Makara is talier han Chey. Panha and Makara are fatter than Hong. 3 —— B, Look at the picture again in activity 7A and write some questions. than Chey? Makara fatter than Hong? 1nd, you might want to give short and clear explane vocabulary. Race against time! Who can find the answers first? 41. When is Women’s Day? (Ur 2. What is Vick’s nationality? (Ur | Unit 7, Lesson A: My daily routine Teling the timo, and making sentences and AU NAT TTS mA X ie sont hapa ©® Work in pairs. Match the activities in the box with the pictures. | : ‘wth he cares -3-e5encngs forthe lsat om. ‘Say the names of thé Example: Picturea is get up. ‘get up have lunch go to school have breakfast havea shower gotobed doy homework have dinner watch TV Playgames brushmy teeth come home from school Jone student. They take tuns 1 star 8. Go trough he answers together. 1m to look back at unit. ©@ A. write sentences in your notebook that put the activities above in the order that you do them. Start with the words first, second. Example: First / get up. B. Work in groups and compare your answers. Are there any activities that you do in a different order from your classmates? Which ones? ©@ A Use the words in the box to make two different questions to ask the time. Write the questions in your notebook. {time isitwhat? 2. time the what's? B. Match the times in the box with the clocks 1-4. © @ iting esos enercs vane sae the daly activities ey usualy do them, loving te example 2, Have students fr sentences with the orginal numbers fst, secon 18.9, Put students in small groups and have them compare their answors. 4 Choose a student and demonstrate the ‘quostions: What do you do fst? What do do second? There are wo ways of example, for 8:90, wo can say i's halt past Encourage them to use sive because they now Understand it eas Focus on ordinal numbers Wal, s00008 ieee Mausensaaving rable pecwiye @ @ @ @snn ee m" (. tudents to make two questions to Giz) re tonbe woh Dobos Groce arenes = s Se Tens it's, its, it's, it’ 1..What' C. Match the times in the box with the clocks 1 ~ 4. [Livenrive pasion teow @ Q @ Ten past four. twenty to ten. its its its, its___ €.3, Have students look atthe four clocks ‘and match the times that they show ‘ner what ime they do te actens In act 1. ‘Toy should spoak to at east hee Flour @ Ask your classmates what time they do the daily act activity 1. Speak to at least three different people. Example: What time do you get up? {getup tal past sx. ity and the time in your notebook. You will need these so make sure you write them down! Panha - have breakfast - 7.00. Or Panha has breakfast at 7:00. © A Read about Channy's day, Underine the verbs that you can see in the story. o'clock. She has a shower, brushes her she goes to school. Channy does a sans the classroom in the morning and then she st ie. Channy enjoys school because she has a lot of friends the Chany buys clothes at the m: she sometimes copies her and buys the same clothes. B. Why do all the verbs in Channy's story end with -s? Most verbs: add -5 Verbs ending in -s,-88, -ch, -sh, -x or -2 add -o8 Verbs ending in -o add -es Verbs ending in a, e, io, u+y add-s Verbs ending inb, ¢, d,f,g +y change -y to -ies A. Find a different partner from activity 4. Tell them who you talked to in activity 4 and what they told you. Example: | taked to Rathanak, Kanha and Linde, Kanha has breakfast at 7 o'ciock ‘Session 2 ‘Suggestion: Staring session 2 Say a time when you normally do something nit 7, Lesson A 28, Take the following example verbs fom the ted and vrte tiem asa lst onthe board: fet, clan, come, watch, Brush, go, do 5 ‘Ghanny’s day and und “Answers Chany abways gets uo ats Sometimes copies her and buys tho sama lotnes books, and decide whi the look ‘ox goes sith which verbs on the board. 6. Chock tne ansers as Focus on pronunciation Pein cut to students that the verbs in box 2. which end ins, 3 ‘sound Kke watch is, brush is and rolaxis. speaking and grammar Posen spe he! ms ae eee ang anssver on hve use does, ‘when bo subject 10, and to answer them Liston and cortect, neowetary Extension activi show the activty of do an: Partners have to quess the act the acon Ho /She goos to schoo! at hal past soven ‘and make 2 sentanee inthe Pelshert example, brush my tecth or go to bed, and these fur times onthe clocks. ‘oan make IS also rice to gi ‘or cant draw ara they

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