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Data Privacy Notice

Hello {{name}}

Dear Sir / Madam

Who we are.

We are {COMPANY NAME}. we are committed to using direct email marketing to help our businesses

Why we are contacting you.

We are contacting you today as part of preparing for the General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR).
GDPR comes into force on 25/May/2018 in the UK and EU.

The data that we hold.

Included in the data is your name and business email address. The GDPR classes your name as
personal data. The email address, if it includes your name, is also classed as personal data. We would
like to show you how you can take more control over this information.

What do we do with the data.

We will use the data to carry out direct B2B email marketing. The lawful basis we use for this processing
is "Legitimate Interest" for "direct marketing". This is covered in the GDPR. The ICO recommend that
companies using this basis conduct a "Legitimate Interests Assessment" (LIA), and we have done this.

Where does the data come from.

Your data was purchased from a third party data supplier UK Marketing Management Ltd and its data

Your right to object.

You have the right to object to the processing of your personal data that we carry out. The quickest way
to do this is to use the unsubscribe link in this email.

You may ask for the data specific to your records in the form of a Data Subject Access Request.

About us.

Company Name: {XXXXXXXXX}

Company Number: {XXXXXXXXX}.

Postal address: {XXXXXXXXX}

Our Data Protection Office can be contacted at

You can read our Marketing Transparency Notice / Privacy Policy: {XXXXXXXX}

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