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1. Spurling Test
2. Cervical Compression Test
3. Cervical Distraction Test
4. Shoulder Depression Test


1. Adson Test
2. Reverse Adson Test
3. Roos Test
4. Wrights Hyperabduction Test
5. Costoclavicular / Eden’s Test

Tension Test

1. Median Nerve Test

2. Radial Nerve Test
3. Ulnar Nerve Test

Thoracic Spine

1. Adam’s Test
2. Scapulohumeral Rhythm
3. Chest Expansion Test
4. Schober Test


1. Empty Can
2. Hawkin Kenedy
3. Neer’s Test
4. Load and Shift Test
5. Apprehension Test & Relocation Test ( Ant & Post )
6. Apley’s Scratch
7. Painful Arc
8. Speed’s Test
9. Yergason Test
10. Drop Arm Test
11. Hornblower Test
12. O brien Test
13. Crank Test
14. Anterior Side Test
15. Biceps Load Test

1. Valgus and Varus
2. Valgus Overload Test
3. Mills Test
4. Cozen Test
5. Reverse Mills Test
6. Reverse Cozen Test
7. Pronator Teres Syndrome Test
8. Pronator Compression Test
9. Flexor Digitorum Entrapment Test
10. Tinel’s Test
11. Radial Tunnel Compression
12. Resisted Forearm Supination Test
13. Resisted Long Finger Extension Test

Wrist and Hand

1. Finklestein’s test
2. Watson’s test
3. Ballottement/ Shuck/ Reagan’s test
4. Thumb ulnar collateral ligament instability test
5. Press test
6. Supination test
7. TFCC Stress test
8. Phalen’s test
9. Reverse Phalen’s test
10. Tinel’s test
11. Carpal Compression test
12. Wrist flexion compression test

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