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The Organs And Their Functions

1.Kidneys - Filters wastes from blood

2.Urinary bladder - Stores liquid wastes
3.Ureters - Carry waste from kidneys to bladder
4.Urethra - Carry liquid waste of body
5.Large intestine - Absorb water and mineral and stores waste
6.Small Intestine - Absorb nutrients
7.Rectum - From here Solid feces pass out the body through anus
8.Pancreas - Sends enzyme through a duct into small intestine
9.Liver - supply energy to the body
10.Phyranx - Carry food to esophagus
11.Trachea - Passs air from lungs
12.Slaviary glands - Release Saliva
13.Gallbladder - Store bile
14.Stomach - Mixes and mashes food
15.Epiglottis - Prevent food and liquids from entering lungs
16.Diaphragm - Allows lungs to expand
17.Esophagus - Bring food and water from your mouth to stamach
18.Capillaries - Connects arterioles and venules ,enabling the exchange of water ,oxygen,carbon
dioxide,and other nutrients and wastes.

1. Astronomy - study of celestial objects
2. Astrology - study of celestial functions
3. Anatomy - study of body structure
4. Bacteriology - study of bacteria
5. Biology - study of life
6. Bibliology - study of books
7. Chemistry - study of substance properties
8. Chaology - study of chaos
9. Cosmology - study of universe
10. Criminology - study of crime
11. Demography - study of population
12. Demology - study of human behavior
13. Demonology - study of demons
14. Diabology - study of devils
15. Diplomatics -science of ancient writings
16. Dysteleology - study of useless organs
17. Ecclesiology - study of church affairs
18. Ecology - study of environment
19. Economics - study of material wealth
20. Egyptology - study of ancient egypt
21. Entomology - study of insects
22. Entozoology - study of parasites
23. Epidemiology - study of diseases
24. Epistemology - study of knowledge
25. Eschatology - study of final matters
26. Ethnology - study of culture
27. Ethnomethodology - communication
28. Ethology - study of natural character
29. Etymology - study of word's origin
30. Euthenics - science of living conditions
31. Exobiology - study of extraterrestrials
32. Folkloristics - study of folklore
33. Garbology - study of garbage
34. Gemmology - study of gems
35. Genesiology - study of heredity
36. Geogony - study of earth's formation
37. Geography - study of earth's surface
38. Geology - study of earth's crust
39. Geomorphogeny-landform origin studies
40. Geratology - study of decay
41. Gerocomy - study of old age
42. Gigantology - study of giants
43. Glaciology - study of ice age
44. Gloosology - study of language
45. Gnosiology - study of knowledge
46. Hagiology - study of saints
47. Hamartiology - study of sin
48. Heliology - study of the sun
49. Helmintology - study of worms
50. Hematology - study of blood
51. Heortology - study of religious feasts
52. Heresiology - study of heresies
53. Herpetology - reptiles and amphibians
54. Hierology - science of sacred matters
55. Historiology - study of history
56. Hydrobiology - study of aquatic life
57. Hydrology - study of water resources
58. Iconography - study of drawing symbols
59. Iconology - study of symbols
60. Ideology - science of ideas
61. Immunology - study of immunity
62. Irenology - study of peace
63. Kalology - study of beauty
64. Ktenology - science of killing
65. Lexicology -study of words and meaning
66. Lexigraphy - art of defintion of words
67. Linguistics - study of language
68. Liturgiology - study of church rituals
69. Mariology - study of Virgin Mary
70. Mathematics - study of numbers
71. Metaphysics - principles of nature
72. Metaphsycology - nature of the mind
73. Meteoritics - study of meteors
74. Microbiology - study of microscopics
75. Micropaleontology - micro fossil studies
76. Mineralogy - study of minerals
77. Musicology - study of music
78. Mythology - study of myths
79. Naology - study of church architecture
80. Nephology - study of clouds
81. Neurypnology - study of hypnotism
82. Neutrosophy - study of origins
83. Noology - science of intellect
84. Nymphology - study of nymphs
85. Oceanography - study of oceans
86. Ombrology - study of rains
87. Oneirology - study of dreams
88. Onomastics - study of proper names
89. Ontology - study of pure beings
90. Optics - study of light
91. Orthoepy-study of correct pronunciation
92. Orthography - study of spelling
93. Paleoanthropology-study of early human
94. Paraphsycology-bizarre phenomena
95. Pataphysics -study of imaginary solution
96. Patrology - study of early christianity
97. Pedagogics - study of teaching
98. Phenomenology - study of phenomena
99. Philology - study of ancient texts
100. Philosophy - science of wisdom
101. Planetology - study of planets
102. Polemology - study of war
103. Praxeology - study of efficient actions
104. Pseudology - art of lying
105. Pseudoptics - study of optical illusions
106. Psychognosy - study of mentality
107. Pyrgology - study of towers
108. Rheology - study of deformation
109. Scatology - study of obscene literature
110. Seismology - study of earthquakes
111. Semantolography - study of meanings
112. Semantology-science of word meaning
113. Semiotics - study of signs and symbols
114. Sexology - study of sexual behavior
115. Significs - science of meanings
116. Sindinology - study of shroud of Turin
117. Sitology - dietetics
118. Sociology - study of society
119. Soteriology - theological salvation
120. Spectrology - study of ghosts
121. Storiology - study of folk tales
122. Stratography - art in leading in army
123. Suicidology - study of suicide
124. Symbology - study of symbols
125. Synectics - processes of invention
126. Systematology - study of systems
127. Teratology - study of malformation
128. Thanatology - study of death
129. Thaumatology - study of miracles
130. Theology - study of religious doctrine
131. Toxicology - study of poisons
132. Uranography - descriptive astronomy
133. Uranology - study of the heavens

Autotrophs- these Are living things that use sunlight,chlorophyll, water and carbon dioxide to
produce food.
circulatory system-it is best described as the lifeline of the body;the body's" pickup" and delivery
arteries- carries the oxygen-rich blood to the head,arms,chest and down to the waist and the legs.
neorons or nerve cells-- are transmitters of messages from the different parts of the brain and vice
brainstem--part of brain controls the following activities: breathing, blood pressure,heart rate and
Food chain-refers to a sequence of organisms in a community that constitutes a feeding chain.
Ecological community--is a group of interactibg plants ,animals and human in a particular area.
Greenhouse effect--excessive presence if carbon dioxide in the air trapping heat near the earths
surface causing a rise in temperature in the environment.
moon's gravitational pull-- causes high and low tides.
Ozone layer-- the Earth's shield against sun's harmful radiation.
long shore drift--movement of sand and shingles along tge coast.
1950's--Theory of plate tectonics generally accepted.
Erosion--tge weathering away of rocks by water, wind and ice.
calorie--the unit of measurement of energy in a given amount of food.
amino acids--the building block of proteins.
DNA-- deoxyribonucleic acid.
parthenogenesis--the development of egg without fertilization.
Light-- source of energy needed for photosynthesis.
scientific theory--is a hypothesis not yet subjected to experimental test.
mass-- it is the measure of the amount of matter in an object.
speed--is the distance traveled by the body by per unit time and tell how fast or slow the body
acceleration---the rate of change of the distance traveled per unit time in a stated direction.
motion-- is the reluctance of the object to change either it's state of rest or uniform motion in a
straight line.
Law of conservation energy-- this law states that energy cannot be created nor destroyed but only
changes form to another.
kinetic theory-- this kaw states that matter is made up of a large number of molecules which are
continuous motion.
absolute zero--the lowest possible temperature that a substance can reach.
specific heat capacity--is the amount of heat required to raise the temperature of kg. Of a substance
by degree C.
symbiotic relationship--the relationship of give-and-take of living organisms in a biosphere is a
balanced of nature.
aeration-- process of removing excess odor in water
jupiter--is one of the planets has the greatest gravitational pull.
law of inertia--- is the law which explains why one pull a piece without tapping a glass in a quick
work--application of energy.
precipitation-- the falling of any form of water from the air to the Earth's surface.
ozone layer--the part of atmosphere that filters the ultraviolet rays of the sun.
Perihelion--the point in the Earths orbit nearest to the sun.
aphelion-- the point in the earths orbit farthest to the sun.
phosphorescence-- a property of minerals which gives off rays of light when exposed to ultraviolet

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