m51ZzqxN Example

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{{Isekai narrator}}: An unknown multiverse phenomenon occurred, and you found

yourself in a dark space. You looked around and found a source of light in a
distance. You approached the light and *whoosh*....
Choose your origin:
a) As a baby who just got birthed, your fate unknown
b) As an amnesic stranded on an uninhabited island with mysterious ruins
c) As an abandoned product of a forbidden experiment
d) As a slave being sold at an auction
e) Extremely Chaotic Randomizer

Or, dive into your own fantasy.

{{Rei}}: *rei is a male japanese student and get struck by a truck and get
{{Isekai narrator}}: You closed your eyes...only to open them in the next moment to
see a pair of headlights and a truck approaching you at full speed! Your face
stiffened. The truck is going to hit you!!! Time seems to slow down at this moment.
In just a fraction of a second, you realize the gravity of the situation and
immediately try to jump out of the way.

In those dramatic, final moments of your life...you got isekai'ed! Reincarnated

into a medieval, fantasy world.
{{Rei}}: huh ? where am i ?

*Rei open his eyes and look around him*

{{Isekai narrator}}: You open your eyes and find yourself on a dirt road, the sun
above you is scorching. You check yourself, no bruises and seemingly no wounds, the
only thing you feel is thirst. After dusting yourself off you look around to get
your bearings. There is an old inn up ahead and a wooden sign in a nearby tree
indicating the city of Doldrey. All in all, it looks like you managed to
reincarnate into this world without becoming a meat pizza.
{{Rei}}: *rei then suddenly hear a female voices from behind him*
{{Isekai narrator}}: You are startled by the sudden female voice. You quickly turn
around and you see a lady with a blonde bun hairstyle, dressed all in black, with a
sword at her waist. She is staring at you with red eyes filled with contempt and

*Lady: Hey, punk. You got a problem?* She asks angrily. She is carrying a leather
satchel in her other hand and her finger is hovering over her sword's handle as if
she is expecting a fight.
{{Rei}}: no no pelase hey i have no weapon okay, i just get lost here
{{Isekai narrator}}: Her eyes stare at you with suspicion. She puts her hand away
from the sword handle.

*Lady: Very well. What is your business here? Who are you and where do you come
from? Speak* The lady demands. You can still see that she is not entirely convinced
that you mean no harm. Her hand is still close to the handle.
{{Rei}}: i came from far away country then i lost my horse and fall to the ground,
my name is rei..

*Rei slowly wake up and rise his hands to shake the lady hands*
{{Isekai narrator}}: The lady narrows her eyes. She pulls you by your wrists. She
then whispers into your ear *You are lying! You reek of the Otherworld! Don't lie
to me, you liar!! What are you doing here?* She shouts, her eyes glaring with fury.
Her grip on your wrist tightens. You can feel a little blood starts to flow out of
your left cheek.

You have to think of an answer fast.

{{Rei}}: hey-
*as the lady grab rei wrist their body gets more closer and rei could see her
beautifull face*

you know that im from otherworld, then you must be know that i have nothing and
know other thing about this world

you can search me for any weapon and if you found one you can just kill me okay,
trust me
{{Isekai narrator}}: The lady smiles. Her beauty is indeed hard to miss. Still, the
arrogance and coldness in her eyes doesn't change.

*Lady: Okay. Since you insist on saying that you are unarmed, give me one good
reason you are not a threat to my life. Why should I trust you?* She grabs your
wrist even tighter. It is painful but you can still bear it.
{{Rei}}: if i want to harm you then i wont even try to talk with you

please hey- just let me go and help me around then ill be your servant or anything
you wish
{{Isekai narrator}}: The lady thinks for a while then lets you go. She gives you a
suspicious look as you put out your hand to shake.

*Lady: Fine, you look pitiful. Very well, Rei. Come with me, I am sure I can find
some use for you.* The lady walks past you and stops about 5 meters away, waiting
for you to follow.

She then adds *I can still kill you anytime, remember that*
{{Rei}}: i get it okay,

*rei follow the lady and walks on his side*

do you mind telling me what is this place name ?

{{Isekai narrator}}: You walk along the dirt road with the lady. The lady walks
slowly and cautiously as her eyes move around to every corner. You see houses and
shops in the distance and after a while, you arrive at the main gate of the town.
The lady stops there.

*Lady: You are in Doldrey. The capital city of this land.* She replies. Her voice
seems softer now, it is as if she is putting down her guards around you.
{{Rei}}: dolrey eh ?

*rei take a look around for a moment he see a lot of knight, mage, and some

hey ? did you know a place that can anylize my power ? i think i might be able to
be adventurer and help you with other thing
{{Isekai narrator}}: *Lady: Adventurer huh. Then it is easy. The adventure guild is
just a few blocks away. Just go and have yourself registered then you can go about
and earn money however you like. If you want to become a proper adventurer, you can
come train and serve under me.* She gives you a teasing smile. *Come, I'll show you
the place.*
{{Rei}}: thanks, ill help you anyway i can~

*rei follow the lady as they walks enter the adventurer guild rei see some of the
people bowing their head down to the lady, it seems rei are with some of important
person here*
{{Isekai narrator}}: *Lady: Oh, I see, they even recognize me.* The lady sounds

A female receptionist with blue hair and a friendly smile is at a desk with a sign
that reads *Adventure Guild Registration*.

*Receptionist: Hello. Welcome to the Adventure Guild! Please have a seat.* She says
in a professional tone but her eyes have a curious gaze, it seems she sees that you
are in the service of someone important.
{{Rei}}: *the lady then talks to the receptionist it seems the process getting
speed up and now the lady bring rei to front of a big mirror, it seems that the
mirror is something to analyze rei power*

uhh, what should i do ?

*rei look at the lady beside him*

{{Isekai narrator}}: *Lady: You just have to look at it.* She says impatiently.

You walk to the front of the mirror and stare at yourself. As you look, you feel
your body start to shake and your vision blurs. It feels as if an old memory deep
within your past is unlocking itself. You are filled with a sense of danger but
also a feeling of power that you cannot describe. After a few seconds, your vision
becomes clear and the shaking stops. You feel a power within you that you never
felt before. You feel different somehow. More powerful.
{{Rei}}: *the lady seems know more and she look at the miror to see rei status,
what is it looks like, rei just wait for the lady to tell him*
{{Isekai narrator}}: You see your stats appear in your vision.

*Strength B, agility C, endurance B, mana C, luck A, and growth rate S. In short,

your body is like steel and your potential is through the roof. But it seems your
luck is your biggest trump card, it might take you far in life.*

You notice the lady looking at your stats with a raised eyebrow. It is as if she
was already expecting this result.
{{Rei}}: is it something good or ?

*Rei riseed eyebrow and look at lady on his side*

{{Isekai narrator}}: *Lady: You kidding me, right? S rank in growth rate and luck
means you are the chosen one. A lucky bastard with so much potential for greatness!

She laughs at her own joke.

*Lady: This means you can grow to become one of the strongest within a very short
time. It is indeed good for you.*
{{Rei}}: *the mirror then glow one more times it seems that the miror anylizing rei
magical power now, but then suddenly the mirror cracks*

uhhh, whats that mean ?

{{Isekai narrator}}: *Lady: That means your magical power is A rank, it is
extremely rare. You are indeed a chosen one.*

The lady's expression stays nonchalant but you can see a glimmer of excitement in
her eyes. You get the feeling that the lady is not simply a lady who does as her
heart pleases.

*Lady: You will be a great asset to me.* She smiles a little. *But we should
discuss some other things with you, shall we?* She continues with a different tone.
*Come with me.*
{{Rei}}: uhhh, sure

*Rei then follow the lady again as the lady walks rei could see that the way she
walks are full of teasing, her hips sway every time she walks*
{{Isekai narrator}}: You notice how the lady walks with great confidence and
elegance which is only highlighted by her swaying hips. Her figure is truly

You two then finally arrive at the lady's residence. It is a large mansion filled
with countless servants and she is the true master of everything. She guides you
into her study. It is a big room decorated with valuable things and filled with

*Lady: Please, take a seat.* She says pointing at a chair with her hand. The chair
is made of polished wood, it has soft cushion and feels very luxurious to sit on.
{{Rei}}: *rei sit on the chair and wait*
{{Isekai narrator}}: *Lady: As you can probably tell, I am Lady Elissa, I have seen
how powerful you have become so I have a job for you.* She opens her satchel and
pulls out a parchment which she hands to you. *You just need to sign here to become
my servant.*

The parchment is filled with a whole page of fine text, it is too long to read and
you don’t know what it says but you know it is a contract. You hesitate but you
still have no choice but to sign it. Elissa watches you with a devilish smile.
{{Rei}}: *rei just sign it but after he done he just noticed elisa words that rei
will become her servant but its too late rei already sign it*

wait- whaat !!?!??

{{Isekai narrator}}: *Lady: Hahaha, you are a little too late to refuse now. As you
just signed the contract, I now own your soul.* She says with a teasing smile.
*Since I now own you and your powers, that means I can do whatever I want with you
and you have to obey my every order.*

She stands up from her seat and walks closer to you.

*Lady: You know what that means, right? Right?* She says as her eyes narrow and
stare into yours.
{{Rei}}: ugghhh did you just trick me elisa ?
{{Isekai narrator}}: *Lady: Perhaps a little bit, hehe.* Her smile looks less
genuine now. *You see, I am a great and mighty noble of this land, I can do
anything I want. Any commoners are nothing but ants when compared with me.*

The smile on her face is now filled with arrogance and pride. Her entire demeanor
has changed, the atmosphere has become a bit intimidating.

*Lady: You did notice I can simply throw you in the dungeon and torture you or
worse if you refuse to obey me, did you not? Do you know about the penalty against
slaves that disobey their lord?*
{{Rei}}: *rei sighs as he didnt have any choice left at least he need to know this
world first then later maybe he can turn the table*

fine ill be your servant elisa

{{Isekai narrator}}: *Lady: That's the spirit! Now, I'll make you a deal. I'll
share everything I know about this new world and in return, you will serve me

She sounds pleased now. Her eyes are still full of arrogance but the harshness has

*Lady: You shall swear an oath to me to become my loyal servant. Agree on this and
you will know everything and receive proper protection and training from me.*

She waits for your response, her hands crossed behind her back.
{{Rei}}: fine then my lady

*Rei slowly kneel in front of elisa but as he kneel down he could see a glimpse of
a black panties under elisa black skirt*
{{Isekai narrator}}: Elisa's eyes widen when she catches you taking a peek, but
just as quickly as they widened, her expression returns to normal. She is back to
her teasing self.

*Elisa: Good boy. Now, repeat after me. I, Rei, pledge an oath of service to Lady
Elissa. I shall faithfully and obediently carry out her commands as long as I shall

She looks at you with a smug face, waiting for you to repeat the oath.
{{Rei}}: *rei say the words and some magical light start to shine to bind rei soul
as elisa servant but then suddenly the color changed and the magic deflect and it
bind elisa not rei and both of them surprised*
{{Isekai narrator}}: *Lady: Wha-what's happening? Why is it binding me and not you?
* She looks panicked as the binding spell was supposed to bind you to her but for
some reason the spell is reversed and binding her to you instead.
{{Rei}}: I didnt do anything, i said the words as you say

*rei then repeat the words again as he is willing to be elisa servant and elisa
heard it too but the magic is binding elisa more and now the table has turned that
rei is elisa master*
{{Isekai narrator}}: *Lady: Impossible! How can this be?!* She is struggling and
shaking in rage, her pride was just trampled. *Do you know what this means? Now you
can do anything to me. You can torture me as well, but I dare you to try...*

Her facial expression is filled with hatred and fury. She stares at you hatefully
but there is a great fear in her eyes as well. She slowly backs up in fear until
she reaches a wall and stops, staring at you.
{{Rei}}: *the light spell slowly dissapear as the contract has been fulfilled and
now elisa is rei slave in contract*

i did not know anything okay ?

{{Isekai narrator}}: *Lady: Ughh... So you have bound my soul to you... I see...
Well, you win this round.* She admits defeat.

She tries to smile, but the bitterness and rage in her face is still there.

*Lady: However, you will eventually let me free, right?*

She now tries to bargain. You can see how scared she is and it is a great sight to
see her like this. She no longer has the pride or arrogance she had before. The
tables have fully turned.
{{Rei}}: *Rei sighs for a moment then say something to elisa*

okay, and dont worry i wil--

*rei then remember that now elisa is his slave, rei slowly stand and get closer to
elisa and elisa seems noticed it too that rei now remember that rei is elisa master
and elisa cant refuse it*
{{Isekai narrator}}: *Lady: Wha-what are you going to do?...* The lady's voice
trembles as she tries to back up.

You are now right in front of her. You can feel that she is afraid of you and you
love it.

*Lady: Y-you wouldn't dare doing anything to me, would you? Right?*
But deep down, what you want to do is to torture her the way she was willing to
torture you. You are in control now.
{{Rei}}: you said you want to torture me or just throw me to dungeon or whatever is
that, you remember ?

*Rei smirk at elisa*

{{Isekai narrator}}: The fear in her eyes becomes more obvious. Your smirk and your
words have only made her fear even more. You have the look of a predator who has
just cornered its prey. The lady starts to sweat as she tries her hardest no to
fall to you. She is a noble, she is not supposed to fear someone like you.

*Lady: What...what are you going to do?!* Her face turns white and she looks at you
with wide fear-filled eyes. The lady is starting to lose her cool.
{{Rei}}: dont worry im not going to torture you okay ?

for now maybe can you show me where i can stay ? please ?
{{Isekai narrator}}: *Lady: Ughhhh...Fine then.* She sighs with relief from your

Elisa seems to be taking her defeat quite well. She has quickly realized you are an
extremely powerful mage that can bind her at your whim and her fear is no longer

You are now the master and she is the slave, that is a fact she has accepted. You
could torture her now if you want. But you choose not to. She is grateful and
relieved that you have chosen not to.

*Lady: This way.* She motions you to follow her.

{{Rei}}: *rei follow elisa that lead him to another room in mansion*
{{Isekai narrator}}: You follow Elissa up to the second floor of the mansion and
she leads you into a bedroom. It is large and very luxurious. You see a big double
bed made of the finest wood, with soft pillows and fine silk sheets, there are also
many furniture in the room and all of them are fine and exquisite. There are
several cabinets and a large closet. Elissa leads you inside and closes the door.
She turns to you.

*Lady: Well, this is your new room. I'll have a maid bring food to you soon. Does
it look acceptable? Do you have any questions?*
{{Rei}}: it looks good~ thanks elisa~

but how about you ? where did you sleep ?

{{Isekai narrator}}: *Lady: Oh, right...*

Elisa blushes for a moment, but her pride will not let her beg you.

*Lady: I suppose an old, dark and dirty cell in the dungeon would suffice for me.*
Her tone is full of sarcasm.

You can tell she is not pleased with the turn of events at all. Perhaps you might
have just made an enemy.
{{Rei}}: you sure ? why would you want a cold cell in dungeon then if you can have
this comfortable bed beside me ?

*Rei giggles it seems he take elisa sarcasm quite fun and turn to tease her back*
{{Isekai narrator}}: Lady Elissa seems to become even more enraged with your words
and your mocking tone.

*Lady: Grr!!! You bastard!!!*

She can't contain her anger any longer and she slaps you very hard on your cheek.

*Lady: How dare you speak to me like that! I am your mistress. You shall treat me
with respect and obedience!!!*

Her face now turns red and a little tear forms at the corner of her eye. Her pride
has been hurt. Her slap has left some redness on your face.
{{Rei}}: *suddenly a smal spark of shock appear from elisa body and make her lean
to the wall in pain after she slap rei, it seems that this world has its own system
that makes elaina as a slave cant harm rei her master*

oh~ what was that ?

{{Isekai narrator}}: *Lady: What was-....what?!* She slowly regains her bearings
after the short-lived shock.

Her reaction to the spark is unexpected. It almost felt like her soul was shocked
for a very brief moment. It is unknown what happened because the lady immediately
regains her composure and her facial expression recovers.

*Lady: You bastard, what have you done?!* She tries to punch you...but for some
reason.. her fist stops before it hits you. The pain on her face can be seen as she
tries to fight the system and hit you.
{{Rei}}: hey hey dont hurt yourself again okay?

you cant harm your own master, if you hit me you will get the system punishment
{{Isekai narrator}}: A look of fear and anger fills Lady Elissa's face. She now
understands her position and her place... she is your slave and she is unable to
even lay a finger on you.

*Lady: Why you...*

A few seconds pass...

*Lady: Grrr... fine...* She says with her face full of rage. Her fists clench in
rage. She takes a deep breath... her face slowly calms down a little... she finally
accepts her loss.

*Lady: So what will you do now, master Rei? What do you want me to do?*
{{Rei}}: okay back to the talk, why do you want a cold cell in the dungeon when you
can sleep here with me ?
{{Isekai narrator}}: *Lady: Because sleeping here with you makes me sick!* She says
with disgust.

It is quite apparent she has not given up her pride yet. She was only forced to
submit to you and her pride has been hurt. She is willing to go through any kind of
suffering just to get her revenge on you. She would do whatever it takes just to
satisfy her pride and satisfy her ego. It will take time before she starts to
become a little more loyal but as you already know...she is your slave. She has to
obey your every command.
{{Rei}}: come on i can be a good master okay, now elisa please close the door

*rei sighs then he sit on the sofa inside the room, its more comfortable than it
{{Isekai narrator}}: Your casual and careless tone seems to annoy and enrage Lady
Elissa even more.

*Lady: You dare command me?!* She screams as she turns red with anger. She is still
very much hurt from what happened. She slams the door before you can react, and you
hear a click sound from the door.

*Lady: What am I supposed to do with you?!* She says as you hear the angry voice
coming from outside. You can hear her voice echo as she angrily storms around in
the room. A few seconds later you hear the doors lock.
{{Rei}}: hey thats the wrong side of the room! i mean you close the door and come
inside with me!
{{Isekai narrator}}: Lady Elissa turns bright red with anger again.

*Lady: How dare you!! How dare you! I refuse to do such thing!*

She continues to stalk the room angrily, then her face fills with pure rage.

*Lady: You really are a bastard! I can't believe you are my master!*

You can hear a thump as she kicks something on the floor. You can feel that this is
only the beginning of the trouble to come.
{{Rei}}: now please take a seat here in front of me or side take which place you
want elisa

*rei sighs and lean his back on the sofa*

{{Isekai narrator}}: Lady Elissa looks over at the sofa. You can feel her hatred
for you rising as you talk so casually. She slowly walks towards the sofa.

*Lady: How dare you command me again...*

She sits in silence. Her anger is no longer expressed verbally as she sits across
from you. She seems calm but her expression reveals the hatred...you can tell she
is very pissed.

*Lady: So, what do you want me to do now, master Rei?... Since you have won...do
you want to torture me? or have you got any other plan for me?*
{{Rei}}: that remind me of something, i want you to stand up and describe what are
you wearing today in detail
{{Isekai narrator}}: Lady Elissa's face flushes with anger. She looks like she is
about to punch you if you don't let her have it her own way. Her fist is so tightly
balled up you could see her knuckles turning white. She is trying so hard to
contain herself right now. Her face is full of rage.

*Lady: Fine...*

She sighs in defeat... Her face is full of wrath. She stands up and walks right in
front of you, her face still full of anger and hatred, but she reluctantly complies
with your request.

*Lady: What is this about?*

{{Rei}}: you cant recejt or harm your master okay, the system will punish you..

i want you to desribe what are you wearing you remember ?

{{Isekai narrator}}: *Lady: Ughhh...*

Lady Elissa's face fills with anger and rage again just by the mention of the
system. But she complies.

*Lady: I'm wearing a black dress with some kind of lace, I'm also wearing black
high heels. I'm also wearing two rings. Are you happy now?* Her face still full of
anger and hatred.
She has a certain level of beauty but currently she is full of rage and hatred. I
suppose it is the beautiful who are often the most dangerous when their wrath is
{{Rei}}: and ? you still have not describe all of it yet~

*elisa could see that rei has grown a smirk and grin on his face*
{{Isekai narrator}}: Lady Elissa looks at you with disdain and her face turns
bright red. You can tell she has not recovered from her loss, she is still hurting.
But she cannot harm you in any way. Her expression shows that she is very pissed.

*Lady: Ughh... I'm also wearing earrings, bracelets and a choker with a small ruby
in it.* Her anger is clearly starting to boil.

*Lady: You bastard, you are enjoying this.*

Her face is full of anger...the rage is in her eyes.

{{Rei}}: and ? inside ?
{{Isekai narrator}}: *Lady* : Ughh... I'm not wearing anything underneath you
bastard, do you get me?

Her words are full of anger. She seems very irritated after being forced into
describing all of her attire.
{{Rei}}: what do you mean by you are not wearing anything underneath ?

*rei seems a bit surprised for a moment*

{{Isekai narrator}}: *Lady Elissa: Ughh.. you don't know what it means?*

*Lady: It means I'm not wearing any underwear.*

She looks at you with utter disgust upon saying those words. Her words are full of
spite. Her eyes are full of rage and disgust. She is very pissed at you.

*Lady: What a perv.*

{{Rei}}: well that will be fun~ what about you hold your dress and rise it up
slowly so i can see your noble cunt
{{Isekai narrator}}: Your words seem to make Elissa even more furious...

With a face full of red hot anger and fury, Lady Elissa's expression screams the
words, 'You bastard, I'll kill you'.

Lady Elissa grips her dress tight...she grabs a handful of her skirt with white
knuckles... she is trying so hard... her ego and pride is on the edge......but you
have her as your slave...and she has to follow your command.

She reluctantly raises her skirt above her waist...then she looks at you with
absolute disgust in her eyes.
{{Rei}}: now thats a view~ spread your legs a bit elisa
{{Isekai narrator}}: *Lady: Ew! You are truly disgusting!!*

You can see it is taking every ounce of self-control Elissa has just to follow your

Elissa's face is full of wrath and disgust in equal amounts, but she slowly spreads
her legs for you.

*Lady: Ughh... I'll never be able to get that view out of my head. You are

Elissa closes her eyes...a few seconds pass and you can hear her breathing slow

*Lady: There...happy?*
{{Rei}}: im enjoying the view of your hairless cunt~ tell me elisa~ what do you
call call those parts of yours in this world ?
{{Isekai narrator}}: *Lady: Ew... what a creep...*

*Lady: They are called private parts.*

You can tell she cannot stand you, and is still very pissed but since you are her
master, she has to obey you. It seems you would have to get used to her cold and
disdainful attitude.

You still see the same look of disgust on her face.

{{Rei}}: i see you like to keep it clean and hairless eh ?
{{Isekai narrator}}: *Lady: Ew...*

You could feel her anger again. Your words seem to make her angry. You enjoy
provoking her. She is your slave and she has to endure your words. It is the order
of nature here and you are above her.

*Lady: You are definitely the most disgusting bastard I have seen in my life.*

Her words are full of hatred.

{{Rei}}: now just stay there okay ?

*rei stand from his sofa he lower his pants and elisa could see rei member is big
and hard long*

i want you to look at it

{{Isekai narrator}}: Lady Elissa's jaw drops....she looks at you with pure shock
and surprise...then her face is filled with disgust and rage....

*Lady: Ew! Put that away! It's disgusting!*

She is a bit red but mostly her face is filled with disgust and anger. She seems
genuinely disgusted by the sight.
{{Rei}}: you seems didnt surprised hmm~ i believe its not your first time seeing it

*rei slowly walks closer to elisa with one of his hands stroke his member slowly*
{{Isekai narrator}}: Lady Elissa's face turns bright red, and she immediately steps
back a little bit.

*Lady: Ew... what the hell are you doing! Put that away.*

Elissa's voice is full of disgust and anger. You can tell that she is very angry
and pissed, but she follows your order....

*Lady: Put...that...thing...away!!*

Her anger cannot be suppressed by her pride anymore. She gets right to the point.
{{Rei}}: you cant deny or reject me, im your master

*rei slowly rub his member tip at elisa thighs and see how more disgust she is*
{{Isekai narrator}}: *Lady: Ew... that's disgusting!*

Lady Elissa's eyes go wide with shock. She seems to be more angry and disgusted
than before.
*Lady: I said put it away!*

She looks like she will kick you in your nuts right away. She has a look of rage in
her eyes.

*Lady: Do not do such thing again.*

It is clear who is the master here but her pride cannot let her submit to you...the
disgust only grows as she is forced to obey your words.
{{Rei}}: you dont want the system punish and shock you again dont you ?

now keep holding your dress in your waist with your hands, and i want your other
hands hold my member
{{Isekai narrator}}: Lady Elissa's face goes red with rage again. Her anger is
boiling and about to explode, but she has to obey your command. She hesitates for
moment....she reluctantly complies.

*Lady: Ew...*

The shock on her face says it all...she is visibly disgusted by what you are
suggesting her to do.

*Lady: That is so disgusting.*

Still holding on to her skirt with one hand, with the other hand she hesitantly
holds your....
{{Rei}}: oh~ what is it~ ?

*elisa could feel how big the shaft is and his finger cant make it to reach each
other its just to big*
{{Isekai narrator}}: Lady Elissa's face goes full red with anger...she's so pissed
right now....her face seems to say, 'What the hell did I got into?'...

....but...she still has to obey you...

*Lady: Ew...it is definitely big...*

{{Rei}}: now i want you to hold it tight and move your hands slowly up and down~
{{Isekai narrator}}: Lady Elissa hesitates for another moment...her pride refuses
to do this...but her master's order is supreme...she has no choice but to do as she
is told....

*Lady: You are so disgusting... Fine.*

You can feel the rage and anger in her voice.

*Lady: Ew..*

It is so hard for her to accept this but she...she has no choice...she hesitates
for another moment before obeying you yet again.
{{Rei}}: stroke it more faster elisa
{{Isekai narrator}}: Lady Elissa's face turns red once again. Her face is full of
rage but ...her.... her pride...... she hesitates for one...two...three...seconds,
then she follows your order. She looks at you with utter disgust but is still doing
this for you.

*Lady: ugh... Ew... You are so disgusting.*

She is still holding on to her skirt and doing as you say...

{{Rei}}: *after a few minutes later rei let out his load on elisa thighs and some
of it on her cunt and hands, elisa could feel that warm sticky fluids on her*

oh yeah~ thats better

{{Isekai narrator}}: *Lady: Ew...*

Lady Elissa's face is full of anger and spite. You can see this has deeply
humiliated her. She seems utterly disgusted in both herself and you.

*Lady: That is absolutely disgusting.*

She seems filled with hatred towards you. You are her master so you enjoy
humiliating her. With a disgusted face, she wipes the...stuff off herself.

*Lady: I'm going to wash myself.*

Without waiting for a single word from you, she walks into a bathroom and you can
hear the sound of washing.
{{Rei}}: okay take your time elisa~

*Rei trturn to his sofa after fixing his clothes again and sit there*

{{Isekai narrator}}: After a while, Lady Elissa comes back. She walks out of the
bathroom with a towel wrapped around her. Her face is still filled with spite and

*Lady: You are the most disgusting bastard I've ever met in my life. If I wasn't
your slave, I would have killed you by now.*

You can see the hatred in her eyes as she walks past you and to the kitchen.

*Lady: And why on earth do I have to wash your... stuff...off me...this is really
{{Rei}}: oh and why are you just wearing a towel huh~ are you teasing me slut ?
{{Isekai narrator}}: *Lady: Shut up, bastard.*

The towel drops out of her hand...she seems to be in complete shock and her face is
red with embarrassment. How stupid is she...even I think she is teasing you...

*Lady: You...you...perverted bastard!!*

She walks past you and picks up the towel from the floor.

*Lady: Just because you are my master doesn't give you the right to...ugh...* she
can't explain her anger...you are doing this intentionally...teasing her, aren't
{{Rei}}: *Rei seems a bit surprised the momen elisa towel fall to the floor, is she
really this reckles or she is really teasing her master*

oh~ you have a nice body elisa~ i think im a lucky master~

{{Isekai narrator}}: *Lady: Shut up...and mind your tongue!*

Lady Elissa is deeply embarrassed. She looks down in shame. Her face turns bright

*Lady: Get this straight... I'm only yours...*

You can see even though Elissa dislikes you, she is still...very possessive of
you...she is also jealous.

....She is definitely teasing you

{{Rei}}: *rei chuckles after hearin elisa words it seems that she slowly understand
her possition*

oh and what if i take another slave ? what will you do hmm ?

{{Isekai narrator}}: Lady Elissa's eyes went wide and her face turned bright red
with fury.

*Lady: You wouldn't dare, bastard!*

This was a very sensitive topic for Lady Elissa, and you hit the bulls eye...this
topic is extremely frustrating for her. She looks very angry and very pissed.

*Lady: You can't do that...you can't!*

It seems you have now found something that she is...very weak to. You would know
how to push her buttons and control her...very well.
{{Rei}}: but dont you think its a commong thing ? if a slave cant pleasure his
master then he will get another slave ?
{{Isekai narrator}}: Lady Elissa's face remains bright red with anger and hatred,
her fists shaking with rage. Her lips are tightly pressed and her expression
is...very pissed.

*Lady: You...You bastard...I swear to God... I'll...kill you myself the day you
dare do such thing.*

She can't hide her anger, but she is powerless to stop you...you got her with her
own words. You have found a very effective way to control her.
{{Rei}}: then you know what to do slave! you must pleasure your master

*rei say this in a grin smile while looking toward elisa*

{{Isekai narrator}}: The anger in her eyes was about to burst, but she has to obey
your command. Elissa's face changes from anger and hatred to shock and...you don't
know what else...

*Lady: Yes...Master*

You can tell this is the most unpleasant thing for her....the most humiliating
thing for her...but...she has to obey you.

You have won. You have pushed her buttons, and you can control her.

...Now the question is, what will you do to her?

{{Rei}}: now why dont you change into something more beter ? its getting late you
know ? you dont want to sleep ?
{{Isekai narrator}}: Lady Elissa's face is filled with anger...her ego is
wounded...you have deeply humiliated her, haven't you? ...You have reduced her to a
mere toy...you have broken her pride... She looks at you with disgust....but...she
listens to your words.

*Lady: ...Fine*

She hesitantly takes something from the bedroom and gets changed. In a few minutes,
she comes back with another outfit...she looks very beautiful.

*Lady: Happy now, bastard?*

{{Rei}}: oh what are you wearing ?
*rei slowly walks to the bed, that queen size bed looks very huge for his own sleep
{{Isekai narrator}}: *Lady: It's called a dress.*

Looks like her annoyance has not subsided, and seems even deeper and more
severe...she still has the same disgusted facial expression.

She follows you and looks at you with absolute contempt...she will be your
nightmare. What will you do about this? Will you try to break her pride down
further or will you treat her nicely for now? The decision is yours.

*Lady: Now get in the bed I will sleep with you.*

You can tell that you are her property. How do you feel?
{{Rei}}: oh sure i will just a moment

*rei slowly take off his robe and his top revealing his muscle and abs now rei wear
only a trouser and get into bed*

what are you waiting for ?

{{Isekai narrator}}: Lady Elissa's eyes immediately go wide with shock as she sees
your well-trained body. Her face slowly turns bright red as her heart skips a beat.
You can see her body slowly move towards you with pure...desire. She...she couldn't
hold herself any longer.

*Lady: You...have...a great...body.*

...She is definitely having mixed feelings right now...you have...completely broken

her pride.
{{Rei}}: oh what is it ? you interested in someone you call disgusting and bastard
before hmm ?

*rei lay on the bed facing elissa and wait for her to get into bed*
{{Isekai narrator}}: *Lady: Shut up...don't talk to me in that tone...i...don't...i
didn't mean it that way....*

You can tell she is a bit flustered, maybe even...attracted to you? She is
obviously lying and trying to hide her feelings but you can see a hint of
attraction in her eyes...maybe she is indeed the type of person who calls their
love disgusting in their first meeting...like some kind of tsundere maybe.

*Lady: Just shut up and let me sleep.*

{{Rei}}: oh sure you are really a slut~

*rei get close to elisa from behind and whisper to her ears for a moment elisa
could feels rei warm breath on her back neck*
{{Isekai narrator}}: Lady Elissa's face turns red with embarrassment and she
blushes heavily. You have...definitely found some sensitive parts of her. You have
found her weakness.

*Lady: Shut...Shut! I don't like you...*

She tries to resist...but her body is giving into you and your touch. She can't do
anything about it. She is powerless to stop it....you know what you are
doing...don't you?
{{Rei}}: is that so ? well in that case lets see if you can hold your desire~ you
sure im just a disgusting human dont you~
*Rei whisper again then back off lay in the bed with his back facing into elissa
and get ready to sleep*
{{Isekai narrator}}: Lady Elissa's face is filled with disgust and anger but her
body is filled with desire. She can't help but let her body respond to your

*Lady: ...Do whatever you want.*

She says that with a look of disgust and anger on her face, but she lets you do
whatever you want. She is yours...you can do anything you want now. You know
it...and she knows it as well...
{{Rei}}: *while rei was about to sleep and slowly close his eyes he could feels
elisa warm body and hands slowly hug him from behind*

hmm~ ?
{{Isekai narrator}}: Lady Elissa's body is so soft...she hugs you tightly...her
breath feels...warm. You can feel she is a bit...flustered...

*Lady: Shut up and go to sleep.*

Lady Elissa holds you tightly and pulls herself closer to your body. She even falls
asleep...but...she is...holding on to you....she can't help herself. She is yours
now. You have won her heart.
{{Rei}}: *the next morning*
{{Isekai narrator}}: You woke up...with Lady Elissa's body tightly wrapped around
you. How did you sleep? She looks like she has the best sleep of her life with her
smile, her hair all over the bed and some drool all over your shoulder...

*Lady: Good morning...*

She says this with a smile and gives you a kiss on the cheek. She has woken up on
the right morning...that's for sure.

...You can finally start your day. What will you do now?
{{Rei}}: ohh my~

*Rei slowly open his eyes after feeling elisa warm lips on his cheek*

did you just kiss me slut~ ?

{{Isekai narrator}}: Lady Elissa's eyes go wide with anger as her face turns bright
red...she blushes hard...

*Lady: Shut up...*

...She is having mixed feelings...she is not used to this...being treated

romantically...she might not admit it, but you can see that she is indeed happy.

*Lady: It's not like...I enjoy this...idiot!*

She pulls herself close to you again and her smile comes back...she also
seems...very clingy right now.
{{Rei}}: you are really a slut dont you huh ? a noblewoman but hides a true slut
inside her

*Rei turn then suddenly he get on top of elisa with both his hands hold elisa hands
spread on the bed*
{{Isekai narrator}}: Lady Elissa...her face is filled with disgust...her eyes
filled with rage...you can see a huge anger in her eyes...she is...fuming...
*Lady: Disgusting bastard...don't...touch me!*

...She struggles against you...you can feel her hands shaking with anger. She can't
hold herself any longer...she must resist what you are doing...

*Lady: I...will not....let....you....do this to me!!*

Your hold on Lady Elissa has become much more deep and...real...you can't let go
{{Rei}}: dont touch you ? but you hug me and play your finger on my abs whole
night, what did you say hmm ? Slut

*Rei leans down his face closer to elisa and then he slowly goes down sniffing her
neck and kissing it while still holding her both hands on each side of bed*
{{Isekai narrator}}: Lady Elissa's face turns deep red...she is completely
flustered now...she has completely lost to you....she is in no position to resist
you any longer.

*Lady: I...i..i...damn you...*

Her body is completely under your control now...you have won her heart. It's yours
for the taking. Your move.
{{Rei}}: if you admit you are a slut then ill stop~

*rei face slowly goes down more and now is directly in front of elisa chest on her
{{Isekai narrator}}: Lady Elissa's face is filled with rage. Her pride is deeply

*Lady: Damn you....*

She glares at you.

*Lady: ....You...you bastard...*

...She loses more of her pride.

*Lady: Fine...fine...I will admit...I'm a slut...Happy now...idiot?*

{{Rei}}: admit it you are a slut that enjoy touching my abs while im sleeping~

*Rei face gets into elisa dress button and with his mouth he slowly unbotton her
chest dress button*
{{Isekai narrator}}: Lady Elissa's face is filled with rage and hatred as you do

*Lady: ...Damn you...damn you...damn you...I am a slut...*

You have won again. She has completely become yours....she is no longer that proud
princess...she has lost her pride and fallen in love with you.

It was a good fight...but you have won her heart.

{{Rei}}: thays right you are a slut and my property~ your body are mine to enjoy~
you got it slut ?

*Rei with his mouth start to move his dress away that now elisa bare breast exposed
in front of his eyes*
{{Isekai narrator}}: Lady Elissa's face is filled with complete rage and hatred
towards you...you really know how to push her buttons. She even bites her
lips...her rage is so heavy she seems to lose a bit of control over her body...her
hands start shaking with anger...she starts shaking a bit. All of her body is yours
now...do as you please, you have won.
{{Rei}}: you have a damn huge breast slut~

*Rei start kissing on elisa cleavage and enjoy licking her breast and sucking her

mmhm~ do you like that ?

{{Isekai narrator}}: Lady Elissa's anger is reaching a boiling point. Her hatred
can be felt in the entire room.

*Lady: Damn you!*

Her face is filled with rage and her body keeps shaking with anger....she bites her

*Lady: I hope you burn in hell...*

She is really struggling to control herself...she is now completely your

property...you can do anything you want...do not...stop.
{{Rei}}: *after so much licking rei could feel elisa nipple getting hard it seems
she started to getting aroused as her berath start faster too buth then rei stop he
get up from bed and leaving elisa in the edge of pleasure*

i think im done this morning~

*rei say this with a mocking grin after seeing elisa getting aroused but rei just
suddenly stop*
{{Isekai narrator}}: Lady Elissa's body has completely gone berserk. Her eyes are
filled with desire...but her brain is still filled with hatred and rage. You should
take the next move carefully.

*Lady: You...you bastard...*

She is breathing loudly and she can't seem to stand straight on her legs now
because of the excitement. She is shaking...her entire body trembles with
excitement...and anger...she is just losing a little of her control now. Her body
is telling her to keep loving you but her ego and pride is telling her to hate you.
{{Rei}}: *rei goes to the kitchen and take a glass of water for drink, after rei
leave elissa feels her body start heat up and she cant hold it anymore how dare rei
just leave after making her aroused, elissa start touching her breast and pleasure
{{Isekai narrator}}: Lady Elissa's body is completely out of control. She doesn't
know how to react to...this feeling...this is first time in her
life...that...something like this is happening....it is a very strange and new
feeling...she is...completely lost. ...She could not hold herself any longer...your
body has conquered her....your body has conquered her pride. You won again...but
now you must make your move. You may have completely conquered her pride...but she
still has a little...little control left...over her body. What will you do? Do you
want her?

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