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Test 1 ‘Questions 27-32 (Choose the correct letter, A, B, Cor D. Wiite the correct lettor In boxes 27-32 on your answer shi 2 a Zt “The writer refers to visitors to New York to llustrate the point that ‘A explorationis an intrinsic element of being human. B__ most people are enthusiastic about exploring, © _ exploration can lead to surprising sults. D_ most people find exploration daunting ‘According to the second paragraph, what isthe writer's View of explorers? ‘A Their discoveries have brought both benefits and disadvantages, B Tho mainvalue is in toaching others, © They act on an urge that is common to everyone. D__ They tend 0 be more attracted to certain professions than to others. ‘The writer refers toa description of Egdon Heath to suggest that ‘A Hardy was wrling about his own experience of exploration B__ Hardy was mistaken about the nature of exploration. Hardy's aim was to investigate people's emotional states. 1D Hardy's aim was to show the attraction of isolation. Inthe fourth paragraph, the writer refers to a golden age'to suggest that ‘A the amount of useful information produced by exploration has decreased. B__ fewer peogle are interested in exploring than in the 19th century. © recent developments have made exploration less exciting D we are wreng to think that exploration is no longer necessary. Inthe sith paregraph, when discussing the definition of exploration, the writer ‘argues that ‘A people tent to relate exploration to their own professional interests. B_cariain peaple are likely to misunderstand the nature of exploration. © the generally accepted definition has changed overtime. historians and scientists have more valid defintions than the general public Inthe last paragraph, the writer explains that he is interested in ‘A how someone's personaly is reflected in their choice of places to visit. B the human ably to cast new light on places that may be familiar. © how travel witing has evolved to meet changing demands. D__ the feelings that writers develop about the places that they explore,

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