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Chapter 9

The Circle
Presented by Faranisa
Chord & Tangent
Figure 9.1 LEFT
Sequence of parallel line cutting circle
Can demo by moving a straight edge on a diagram drawn on paper/ board/
dynamic geometry.
Line segment AB-intersection between line and circle
Diameter: Max in length
Figure 9.1 Parallel lines intersecting a circle
Tangent : touch a single point (A and B) coincide

Added perpendicular to the parallel
Chord is bisected -> Perpendicular diameter
Tangent is perpendicular to the radius through its point of
Figure 9.2 Form isosceles triangle from each end of a chord is joined to the center of a circle

Used in proving result

Right angle triangle form by perpendicular bisector of chord. Figure 9.2 The chord properties of a circle
Used for variety of calculation
Chord & Tangent
Figure 9.3 Figure 9.4 Figure 9.5

Figure 9.3 Moving a tangent around a circle Figure 9.4 A rotating line intersecting a circle Figure 9.5 Common tangents to a pair of circles

• Key Property: Tangent to a circle is a • Problem:

• Rotating a line about a point outside of a
perpendicular to the radius Determine the numbers of tangent to a
pair of circle in different position
• Require: Construct tangent need the use of
perpendicularity property • The diagram show the various
• Not interesting using paper and pecil
• Pair of triangle OAP & OBP which are
congruent = right angle
OP radii=OA & OB sides
The Angle in
AB diameter of semicircle
P point on a semicircle
APB is a right angle by drawing P in
various positions one semicircle
Measuring APB either using
protector/dynamic geometry (software) Figure 9.8 Angle in a semicircle
Figure 9.6 Angle in a
semicircle BOP is 2𝜃 𝑎𝑛𝑑
∅ = 180° − 2𝜃 = 90 − 𝜃
LEFT: Figure 9.7 Angle in a semicircle Alternative:
P- external point
O-centre Sum angle of large triangle
A- on circle Create 2 isosceles triangle OAP & BOP
OAP –right angle If angle OAP is given all the other
The angle in semicircle are right angle
Semicircle with OP as diameter, find intersection of angles in the 2 triangle Property of semicircle angle;:
midpoint OP The total og the middle pair of
Figure 9.9 Constructing a Its point of original circle is required point of contact Circle theorem
then can construct both tangent. column =180° Properties of tangent:
tangent to a circle
3rd column is twice from 1st column Tangent can be drawn from external
Exterior angle=sum of the opposite point to a circle and distance from point
pair of angle in the special case of of contact are equal
isosceles triangle Challenging suing dynamic geometry
The Angle in

Figure 9.10 Proving three points are Figure 9.11 Comparing the Figure 9.12 Trigonometry: the double-
collinear geometric and arithmetic mean angle formulae

Two circle intersect at A and B Pictorial proof of the identities known as

LEFT: More algebraic
the double angle formulae
Collinear ( need prove) P on pint of semicircle
Radius taken as 1
1st step to join PB and QB O is center
Angle OAP is 𝜃
What need to show? C is the foot perpendicular from P to AB
COP exterior angle is 2𝜃
Clue: Draw line AB a and b is length
Use ABP or triangle OAP to show AP is
ABP And ABQ are right angles because PC is perpendicular denoted by y
length 2 cos 𝜃
each angle in semicircle 2 triangle are right angle triangle
Determine length in PC
C and D are midpoint of AP and AQ Use trigonometry:
1) OCP : sin 2𝜃
Midpoint theorem: 2) ACP : 2 sin 𝜃 cos 𝜃
PQ is twice than CD Proved:
These 2 lune segment are parallel sin 2𝜃= 2 sin 𝜃 cos 𝜃
a, b and y are consecutive terms in
OC in triangle OCP is cos 2𝜃
geometric sequence
The Circle Theorem
Figure 9.14 Figure 9.15
The theorem concern the angle in semicircle
Dynamic geometry has the facility for
measuring angle
It can be derived rom theorem that relates the
angle at the center angle at the circumference
subtended by the same arc.

Figure 9.14 Proving the angle at the centre Figure 9.15 Four more circle theorems
Figure 9.13 theorem

Based on isosceles triangle Immediate consequence of the angle at center

LEFT: theorem
Angle at the center is twice PO produce some point C
the angle at the Angle AOC and BOC are external angles of the
circumference isosceles triangle AOP and BOP
The equal angle denoted by 𝜃 & ∅
Varying the point P or the External angle 2 𝜃 & 2∅
point or the radius of the APB 𝜃 + ∅
AOB 2𝜃 + 2 ∅ Using dynamic geometry is great advantages
circle will create a host of with static diagram.
other confirming examples. RIGHT: Moving point around the circle to illustrate
Figure 9.13 Angles at the
each result.
centre and circumference There is clear need of proof P have been moved to anticlockwise round the
– measuring is not circle so that the line BP passes below O.
Moving P clockwise will result angles
sufficient AP intersect OB
∅ − 𝜃 & 2∅ − 2 𝜃
The Circle Theorem
Figure 9.16 Figure 9.17 Figure 9.18

Figure 9.16 Proving the converse of the cyclic Figure 9.17 The alternate segment theorem Figure 9.18 Find the angles of triangle ABC
quadrilateral theorem
ABC and PQR is formed.
• A, B and D is constructed the point C outside Alternate segment theorem Problem to find angle ABC.
the circle 1st Diagram: The angle between tangent and a
• E is a point on line where BC are meet the chord is equal to the angle in the alternate
circle segment
• ABED is cyclic. The other 3 diagram, APB as the angle with
• the converse theorem is in fact true major segment
APB become the angle between tangent at A
and he chord AB when P is moved to coincide
with A
2nd diagram provide usual proof
AP is diameter, presence of right angle, two
angles are equal.
Some Interesting Results Using the Circle Theorem
Figure 9.19 Figure 9.20

Figure 9.19 Circumference of a regular curved heptagon

Figure 9.20 Two results involving cyclic quadrilaterals
LEFT:Regular heptagon
RIGHT: Regular curved Heptagon Illustrate 2 result involving cyclic quadrilaterals
Diameter is constant LEFT:
ABCD , CB produced to E, AB bisect angle DBE
Shape of 20 pence & 50 pence coins UK. Problem :
MIDDLE: How construct curved heptagon Show ACD is isosceles triangle
Problem: Find a formula for the circumference of the curved Need to make link and proof
heptagon in terms of d diameter
Find: Arc length of BC
Angle of BOC
BAC is an angle circumference standing on the arc BC Since a=b, because AB bisect angle DBE
Angle BOC is 1/7 of 360° or 1/7 of 2n in radians. Proving that ACD is isosceles
2 intersecting circles with cyclic
Problem: proof the AF and CD are parallel
Show by appropriate angle are equal.
DF line produce G
Angle p,q and r are equal by apply exterior angle property of cyclic
quadrilateral twice.
Angle p=r
Some Interesting Results Using the Circle Theorem
Figure 9.21 Figure 9.22

Figure 9.21 Miquel's six-circle theorem Figure 9.22 Six cyclic quadrilaterals

• Miquel’s remarkable six-circle theorem • Sets of 4 intersections points from

• Example of student’s proof quadrilaterals.
• A ring of 4 circle form 4 intersection point • 4 quadrilaterals are cyclic,
lies on a common circle • 4 pairs of angles, a, b, c, and d are
• Inner set of intersection point also lie on a equal because of exterior angle
circle. property.
• By using dynamic geometry is fascinating • Outer quadrilateral are cyclic:
can obeserve effect of varying the circle. a + b + c + d = 180°
1) Provide a traditional angle- finding problem and encourage search of
2) To solve problem and generate proof require knowledge of facts and
range of strategies for producing appropriate chains of reasoning.
3) The secret is often to add a key line or two which may be a parallel
line and their related angle properties the link to proportionalities
through the intercept theorem

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