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MYP Physical and health education PCUP template

Subject group and discipline: Physical and health education Unit duration: about 20 hours
Unit title: Seize the day

Global context: Orientation in space and time

Key concept: Development
Related concept: Choice
Statement of inquiry: The choices I make will influence my development.

Inquiry questions such as these should be developed by teachers and students:

Factual: What internal and/or external factors can impact our journey?
What is the difference between an intention and a goal?
What healthy habits formed in early life remain with an individual?
Conceptual: How do I know who I want to become?
Is intent the goal of the action?

Debatable: Does our past have to impact our future?

Summative assessment
Objectives: All strands of objectives A, B, and D; strands i and ii of objective C
The student produces an ePortfolio which provides evidence of a unit where they act as both a coach (to another student) and a client (in response to another
student coach).

Under the supervision of the teacher the student will:

• As client, working with their coach, develop a greater understanding of and enhance performance in a chosen activity.
• As coach, support their client in a plan to enhance performance and increase understanding of a chosen activity.
• The coach/client plan must include the improvement of physical and health factors relevant to the chosen activity.
MYP Physical and health education PCUP template

Suggested points of discussion may be, but are not limited to, the following ideas and how these effect the student’s involvement and motivation for

• Discuss influences (for example cultural, local, global, personal, idols, social media influences, friends, family)
• Discuss opportunities (for example cultural, local, global)
• Discuss perspectives (for example coach, client, local)
• Discuss history and development of personal context (for example development of habits, perspectives)
• Discuss relationships (for example coach, client, training partner, teammates, opposition)
• Discuss wellbeing (for example health, relationships)

Please note:
• A task specific clarification for eAssessment PHE units is published within the updated document Further guidance for PHE on the appropriate page of the
• Schools should reference the updated PHE guide, available from the PRC.
• Written assignments must not exceed a maximum of 15 pages altogether (Criterion A, B and D) – the text must be no smaller than 10pt and no larger than
12pt in size. Any writing beyond 15 pages will not be considered.
• A bibliography must be included only at the end of Task 4 and is not counted in the maximum pages.
• No appendices may be used.
• The video evidence of the performance in Criterion C should not be training exercises.
• Video should not be a sequence of repeated isolated technical skills (e.g., the student is shown shooting a ball in different occasions with no evidence of
pre and post shooting actions) but should be filmed in a performance or competitive situation.
• The student as client must be clearly identified and identifiable in the evidence for Criterion C. This can be clarified by the teacher at the beginning of the
video or in a written note so that it is clear to the examiner. Students unable to be identified by the examiner will not be graded.
• Performance video must not exceed 3 minutes in length, and any footage beyond 3 minutes will not be considered.

Summative assessment tasks: Relationship between summative assessment tasks and statement of inquiry,
including assessment criterion strand focus area (evidence may also be found in
other tasks):
The use of appropriate physical and health terminology (Aiii) will be assessed
throughout the ePortfolio.
MYP Physical and health education PCUP template

Task 1 – Initial observation and analysis (as coach): The analysis of the initial observations will demonstrate the coach’s ability to:

Interview the client and determine which self-selected physical and • analyse current performance including the application of skills,
health factors are to be developed. Prompt the client to consider what techniques and movement concepts using factual, conceptual and
physical activity they would like to perform. As coach, possible prompts for procedural knowledge, supported by appropriate research (Ai and Aii)
observation/interview may include, but are not limited to: • analyse current health, and components that may influence the current
• what influenced them to want to develop this activity performance (Ai and Aii)
• how this journey will help them achieve their goal(s) • identify factors which may impact performance and future development
• whether it is an activity they think they will continue with in the (Ai and Aii).

Film their current performance for analysis.

Observe and analyse the client’s health and physical performance. This
may be recorded using the following (this list is neither prescriptive nor

• Analysis of the skills, techniques and application of the movement

concepts for the chosen physical activity.
• Analysis and measurement of the health factors that are relevant
to the chosen physical activity and could positively impact physical
• Analysis of personal, local or global influences (of the client or the
chosen activity/sport) that are expressed in the current

Task 2 – Performance development plan (as coach):

The performance development plan will demonstrate the student’s ability to:
Develop, in consultation with the client, a structured plan that: • develop meaningful goals related towards improvement (Bi):
• presents specific, measurable, achievable, relevant and timely o one physical goal that will enhance the performance with a focus
goals relating to their client’s personal development on the application of the movement concepts
MYP Physical and health education PCUP template

• includes a focus for each session and provides a progression o one health goal that is the result of improved performance will
toward the enhancement of the stated physical and health goals target the health of the client and directly or indirectly improve
• in each session, suggests strategies for continued improvement the client’s performance
• includes, in consultation with the client, on-going reflection, re- • design, explain and justify the initial plan for development over the
assessment and adaptation of the initial plan, goals and strategies course of the unit, including personal, local or global influences on
according to the progress made. performance (Bii)
• adapt the original plan appropriately based on their client’s feedback and
their own observations (Aii and Bii).
Task 3 – Performance (as client): The video evidence (1 file) must demonstrate the student as client based on the
coach’s performance development plan.
Demonstrate, based on the coach’s performance development plan: Evidence required in the video:
• skills, techniques and/or strategies • The initial performance (ideally in a meaningful real-world situation).
• the application of a range of complex movement concepts which • The final performance (ideally in a meaningful real-world situation)
integrate and demonstrate the local and/or global influence on showing application of techniques and/or strategies as well as
their performance movement concepts.

(Ci and Cii holistically)

Note: the video must not include training exercises, isolated skills or
development sessions.
The video of the performance must clearly demonstrate the technical skill(s) by
positioning the camera in an angle that ensures the technical aspects being
developed are clearly visible (full body).
Task 4 – Final evaluation and reflection (as client and coach): The final evaluation and reflection will present evidence of:

Analyse and evaluate: As coach:

• the strategies used to enhance interpersonal skills when working with
• interpersonal skills, as coach and as client the client (Di)
• the performance development plan, as coach • an explanation and examples of how they demonstrated strategies to
• the final performance related to the performance development enhance their interpersonal skills with their client (Di)
plan and the stated physical and health goals set in task 2, as
MYP Physical and health education PCUP template

• an analysis and evaluation of the effectiveness of the performance

development plan including how the goals were met, what they might do
differently another time, and the successes and challenges throughout

As client:
• the strategies used to enhance interpersonal skills when working with
the coach (Di)
• an explanation and examples of how they demonstrated strategies to
enhance their interpersonal skills with their coach (Di)
• an analysis and evaluation of their final performance (as shown in Task 3)
including reference to the stated physical and health goals (Diii).

The following resources based on the global context are suggestions or starting points which may be used during the teaching of the unit. The list is optional
and for information. It is neither prescribed nor exhaustive. Schools should always satisfy themselves that the content of any suggested resource is suitable for
their own context.

Links to online materials

The 200 most important events in sports history:
The Sport Journey: Share your Story:
Nurturing Sport Expertise: Factors Influencing the Development of Elite Athletes:
Here’s how I finally got myself to start exercising:
The brain-changing benefits of exercise:

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