ABAP - S4 Append Structure With Extending Views

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Orhan Göktaş Follow

Aug 17, 2017 · 2 min read

ABAP : S4 Append Structure with

extending views
I got a surprising error message after appending just one eld to MARC.

MARC activation error

MARC and proxy object NSDM_V_MARC have di erent numbers of


Also, everything looks ne at SE11. MARC is activated and newly

added eld is there. However, “ DBSQL_REDIRECT_INCONSISTENCY ”
dump occurs when listing values from SE11 and SE16n. This is how I
solve it !

MARC and NSDM_V_MARC are not consistent error

Extending proxy objects with newly added elds is the solution as

described in note 2242679 — Redirect inconsistency — Proxy
Substitution ! It’s a perfect guide to append structures on tables such as

You can follow steps below to extend view for MARC and see the note in

Note:MARC has only one proxy object named “NSDM_V_MARC”.My

append structure name is “ZZMARC”.

Go to ADT and create new DDL source.

Give the DDL name as “YOURAPPENDNAME”_DLL and description as
you wish.

Select “Extend View” as template.

Paste the code below and add all of your newly added elds
1 @AbapCatalog.sqlViewAppendName: 'ZZMARC_V'
2 @EndUserText.label: 'Extension view for Append ZZMARC'
3 @AccessControl.authorizationCheck:#NOT_REQUIRED
4 extend view nsdm_e_marc with ZZMARC_E {
5 zzfield
6 }

Activate the DDL source. All done ! You can check values from SE16n
and SE11.

Note 2242679 also explains the implementation and execution of

program “NSDM_PROXY_SUBSTITUTION” . But, I didn’t need it. I
worked on 1610 S4CORE 101 and ABAP 7.51. You may check based on
your requirements.

May the solution be with you !

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