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Name (1st Name & Family Name) Course Code – NORMS

Date Assessment Reassessment

Inform that you are monitoring NORM in an area (list location) …………….………………………………………………...

Performance Criterion & number Question asked by Assessor -

with noted answers & topics
Observed as competent?



1. Show me where you can access the NORM Explain where NORM procedures can be found
procedures and their reference so you can find them
SP 1170
Relevant Guidelines e.g. MSE.24

2. N/A Explain the NORM-associated precautionary

principle used in PDO.
No one is exposed to NORM
Minimising exposure ALARP
Assume NORM is present
Continually monitoring NORM levels in work
NORM monitoring is part of the PTW
Constantly updating our knowledge of NORM

3. Show me (or point out) what may become What is this equipment/installation called?
NORM contaminated in your area
Equipment …………………………………………………………
Materials/waste Why it could become contaminated?
Other (list) ………………………………………


4. Correctly deal with any NORM contamination If you do not wear the right PPE, what health
that can affect the environment. problems could you have?

(List) ………..….……………………………….. …………………………………………………………

…………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………
Does explanation include that health is influenced
…………………………………………………… by…. Type of radiation exposure
Levels of radiation
Frequency of exposure
Explain how this NORM contaminated
equipment could affect the environment if is not
correctly disposed to the Bahja NORM Yard


5. Demonstrate how to conduct NORM Explain what you are doing and why
monitoring using an approved meter


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Name (1st Name & Family Name) Date Assessment Course Code - NORMS


6. Demonstrate how to correctly undertake the Explain what you are doing and why
pre-use/start equipment checks Why you selected this equipment
What its limitations are
What pre-start checks are needed
How often it needs to be calibrated

7. Demonstrate how to complete the NORM Explain what you are doing and why
calibration/repair form


8. Following the monitoring, correctly…. Explain where NORM forms can be found
Locate/identify NORM forms
Complete NORM forms ………………………………………………………

9. Wear correctly the PPE items specified for Explain how each item of PPE/RPE protects you
these NORM contaminated activities. Overalls
Overalls Boots
Boots Gloves
Gloves RPE/mask
RPE/mask Explain how you may have to select different PPE
to perform a different task.


10. Demonstrate the personal hygiene Explain the personal hygiene requirements
requirements associated with this task


What do these actions do/achieve?


11. Demonstrate how to seal open ends of Explain what you are doing and why
contaminated equipment
Effectively ………………………………………………………

12. With a representative sample of sludge Explain what you are doing and why
correctly demonstrate correctly how to..
Collect a sample ………………………………………………………
Label a sample for analysis
Complete the appropriate form

13. On the relevant NORM Databases Explain…

demonstrate how to.. How to gain database access
Complete Who is responsible for updating the data
Update Is there an update frequency?

KG/TRA/TM/0016-09-E Version 1.0 Page 2 of 3

Name (1st Name & Family Name) Date Assessment Course Code - NORMS

Assessment Feedback – encompassing further answers given

Outstanding Actions Target Date

Competence Not yet Assessor

confirmed Stamp here competent Stamp here (1st Name &
Family Name)


Signed Delegate Signed


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