English-American Lit

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Micarte, Eunice V. BSED – English Y3 Prof.

San Miguel

Brief history of English-American Literature

• English was introduced to America by colonists in the 17th century, and it quickly
established its own uniformity and standardization, with a different pronunciation,
vocabulary, and grammar, through various linguistic processes.
• During the colony there was no such thing like American Literature, they only start
to have the American literature after they got their independence.

English Literature – collection of literary works that was written in Great Britain from 7th
century till now.

American Literature – literary works that is written and published from America.

Characteristics of American Literature

1. Most written pieces disregarded the traditional way of writing styles and
a. The American literature are more focus on contemporary style which is
suited for the modern taste of writing way of the writers.
b. Due to the colonialism happened in America, they tend to resist or cut
anything that has a connection from it. That’s why the traditional style was
2. More realistic when it comes to characters
a. Here in American literature, they tend to show their culture and history
whenever they write a literary piece. There’s always a connection from their
state to their literary piece.
b. In their literary piece, they show their views on life which shows their
consciousness about it.
3. American literature is a young literature
a. The American literature only developed after the colonialism.
Micarte, Eunice V. BSED – English Y3 Prof. San Miguel

Characteristics of English Literature

1. Classic and Refined

a. English literature developed earlier than any other literature wherein it
shows that all the literary piece that has been written on it was hundred
years ago already and being passed down generation by generation, the
literature from them shows how relevant they are because up until now
people still read them and even use in teaching.
2. Reflects their society’s tradition and beliefs.
a. Most of the work of English literature shows the authors concern towards
their society, they show the issues related to politics, war and even the
tradition they have when it comes to marriage.

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