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Flying to the Rescue

M1: Dark Ways and Deeds

 Map Size: Normal

 Level Cap: none
 Difficulty Index: 4/5
 Last Updated: November 14, 2007, Patch v3.0

The first thing you'll notice about the third campaign of the TotE trilogy (out of the HoMMV trilogy) is there
are only four missions. (Yeah, just when you think you've got a bonus from Prologue.) As you can expect,
things are a little more compact here. This mission one actually works like a mission two in terms of your main
hero's level. You are introduced a familiar name with a new portrait and voice - Zehir. Finally you get to play
real Academy in the campaigns!

As of patch v3.0, the Academy ultimate "Arcane Omniscience"

(cast every spell on the expert level) now requires fewer skill
points. Its requirement, though, is quite far away from a fail-
proof magic hero before you get it at around level 24 or higher.
Since now there are Memory Mentors like McDonald's in each
map, I suggest you spend the skill points in actually helpful
places during early levels, and decide whether to shuffle for the
ultimate when you can do it all at once.

Pick the Phantom Force magic as the bonus, just in case you
won't get it from the mage guilds. You start on an island at the
SW corner, with a tiny army and, wow, level 25. Looks like the
game is no longer about career planning? Also, no matter how
many times you restart the mission, you are getting the same
skills including the out-of-place Luck. However, Zehir's stats do
vary. You already have more knowledge points than you need, so the higher the Attack and Spell Power, the
more powerful your Zehir. Yet all of this is soon going to change, so don't go crazy on restarting mission yet.

Don't bother attacking the shooter stack beside you for now, and go south a bit to flag the Sawmill. The lv-2
spell shrine teaches you Arcane Crystal, an interesting new spell. You can use it in a few ways:
(a) Prevent any shooting stack from shooting (because the Arcane Crystal is considered hostile).
(b) Stop the advance of enemy units if positioned in a bottleneck tile.
(c) Damage nearby stacks when you attack and break the crystal. I have never seen AI attack the Arcane
Crystal, and you can attack it with your hero to avoid damaging your own units.

Sounds pretty good, but later on you will instead cast the level-4 new Summoning spell "Blade Barrier" when
you need corner-camping protection.

Talk to the Djinn beside the spell shrine (1) and boom - Zehir
summons his own Castle on the Cloud! But nothing is free. It
costs Zehir a lot of EXP points - hm... I lost count of the zeros!
You are back to level 8!

Now your luck really comes into play. The game is going to
randomly substract 17 (= 25-8) skills from Zehir. If you are
lucky, you will completely lose the useless Luck but keep
Expert Summoning. If the opposite is true... please restart the
mission on heroic.

Approach your town (A), and a wizard hero brings you another
news (followed by a scream). At the beginning of each week,
you have an option of trading resource and EXP points for
troops. You won't lose that much EXP anymore, and the
resource requirement is quite reasonable. In this mission the
trade is flat rate of 1500 EXP + 5 Sulfur for 30 Magnetic
Golems (on heroic. On lower difficulties you get more units for the same price.). In future missions you'll get
other deals.

The trading option will be automatically available on Day 1 Week 2. Even if you click Cancel at the beginning
of the week, you can always go to the spell book and cast "Call to Arms" to complete the trade. Magnetic
Golems are very useful in this mission because they actually absorb magical damages, not just immune from it.
They also reduce the magical damage suffered from nearby creatures. Since you fight nothing but Warlocks in
this mission, you should definitely carry a good stack of Magnetic Golems. Try to buy them every week until
you are powerful enough to dominate the opponent without it (so you can keep the EXP points).
Hire a new hero from town (A) and pass the units to Zehir, and proceed to flag everything on the island. From
the high-level Academy building (offers tier 4 and 6) spend your money to buy the Mages - you definitely need
more shooters early on.

Zehir's special ability is to replace a dead stack with elementals until the end of combat; therefore you should
use 1-unit sacrifice stacks routinely. Make sure to pick up the Lion's Crown (L) - it is here for a good reason.
Down the hill lies a Hill Fort. Note that upgrades for low-tier units are cheaper at a Hill Fort, but starting at Tier
4 you are paying more than you would in the town. Since caravan does not ship units already hired, later on I
think you should just build all the upgrade structures in town anyways instead of using the Hill Fort.

When you have run out of things to do on the surface, go underground

through the stairs at (I). You will be met by the previous campaign-3
main hero in Hammers of Fate - Ylaya. Ylaya is not here to help you
blast through the dungeon, though. In fact she just clarifies your mission
- to eliminate the SoulScar clan (as always), the Purple player. Three
Dungeon towns (B), (C) and (D) are awaiting your conquest through a
very linear dungeon, and you will build up your town and slowly gain
ground on the Warlocks. The mission is not very easy, though, because
the AIs are always coming at you and their spells hit very hard (even
Titans die fast!). By the way, you automatically fail the objective of
gaining information on Isabel, so don't worry about it.

First, turn west a bit to pick up a useful artifact of the rough terrain, the
Boots of Swift Journey at (2). You can also flag a Gold Mine there. I
suggest you simply sweep clean everything along the main path and
temporarily ignore the branches. There are hardly any serious
shooter/caster stacks, so you won't lose a lot of army along the way.
At (3) you are greeted by a group of Assassins, who made an escort offer. As Zehir suggests these assassins
should become your canon fodders. In fact, you receive a secondary objective of getting rid of the Assassins. In
order to earn a quest check mark, you have to completely lose them ALL before hitting the garrison at (4). You
can't just disband the group - you have to get them killed on the battlefield! It is harder than you think even on
heroic. You don't get any reward by completing the side quest, though. If you have any leftover Assassin when
touching the garrison, the Assassin will turn against you. If you attempt to disband or transfer the stack to
another hero, they will also turn against you. If the Assassins do not die from natural causes, you fail the
objective but nothing happens.

By the way, the garrison at (4) is very small. It is also unlikely that you are going to see any powerful AI army
before taking town (B).

There are a couple of carry-over artifacts that you should

consider picking up:

Runic Set: R1 (axe), R2 (armor).

Sar-Issus Set: S1 (the great 1/2 mana cost ring), S2 (robe)
Dragon Set: D1 (flame tongue), D2 (mantle)
Dwarven King Set: K (greaves)

It is likely that the AI will pick up the artifacts in their territory

before you do - but they will always leave the artifacts behind
when they flee.

After taking town (B) you are 2 vs. 2 against Purple. However,
the Purple heroes will soon run out of things to do, and will
now throw themselves at you one after one. Their army usually
consists of two weeks of full town production (4 dragons, etc.), and the AI Warlocks often cast Destructive
spells that kills a lot of your army even if you protect them with Magnetic Golems and the magic damage
reduction artifact you forged back in Town (A).

The battles are all very tough, and it is very likely that your Academy units aren't enough for the Warlocks to
kill. Therefore, at some point you have to rely on Dungeon troops to stay alive (hence you are given the Lion's
Crown to keep their morale at -1 or above). You can either build up town (B), or directly rush towards town (C)
with a backup hero carrying the new creatures from town (B). I went for the latter option because I simply didn't
have the resource to build up town (B). This way the mission also becomes easier, because soon you can out-
grow Purple.
If you absolutely have to go back to town (A), use the one-way portal at (b) that takes you to exactly where you
started the mission ((b'), on the surface). You can quickly return to town (A), but there is no easy way back. The
portal (b) is guarded by a large number of Water Elementals. Normally this would be a no-no, but you now have
Magnetic Golems, the predator of pure casters. Try it yourself and laugh!

There is also a side quest available at (5). A tan (brown) Dwarf hero asks you to find a Hammer artifact, which
is shown to you at (6). You can quickly access this area directly through the two-way portal at (c), but the portal
is guarded by really powerful creatures, very likely the largest army of the mission. Even if you can defeat the
stack, I suggest you not to do it because the AI heroes will gladly use the portal to invade your towns when
Zehir wanders away. Let's just leave the quest for now. By the way, when I gave the Hammer to the dwarf, I got
a Dragon Teeth Necklace artifact as the reward.

p.s. There have been bug report of this sidequest that the Dwarf hero is not responsive to the hammer you
present. Try to give it back with another hero. In my game I defeated the neutral stack guarding the hammer
with Zehir, transferred the hammer to a secondary hero, greeted the Dwarf with the secondary hero the first time
and got the necklace back at the same time.

The Summon Phoenix spell will largely increase your chance against the
Warlock army. You can try your luck from the mage guilds by building it
up to level 5, or simply break in the Mage Vault at (7). Against a
powerful AI army I always open the battle with Summon Phoenix,
followed by Summon Elemental and a Phantom Force on the Elementals.

After taking town (C), stay around until you can hire yet another week of
creatures, and push forward. Depending on your skill choice, this might
be a good time to return to your Academy town (A) through the portals
(c) and (b) to pick up a few high-level spells. In my game, I gave Zehir
Expert Light and Dark Magics so he can reach "artificial omniscience"
before he has enough skill points to go for the real ultimate. I picked up
Word of Light, Divine Vengeance, Frenzy and Puppet Master back in
town (A). They made my mission 2 a lot easier.
Note that as soon as you make the two-way portal of (c) available, the AI heroes will start pouring through and
threaten your town (B). But now you should have a much stronger army to hunt them down, so you only need
some patience. Other than the Magnetic Golems your upgrade choice does not matter very much, since you are
just fighting with the Phoenix and the Elementals. Things will become trickier when the opposing hero has the
Elemental Balance skill - but I have never seen any hero with it in the entire campaign! Your Phoenix will
become the power house for a long time.

You won't win the mission unless the message "the Purple Player is defeated" pops up. Even if you own all
three Purple towns, you still have to hunt down the last Purple hero. It will be easier to use a secondary hero to
carry the Dungeon creatures, and tag out the little Purple runners between the second and third base!

Flying to the Rescue

M2: Tearing the Veil

 Map Size: Normal

 Level Cap: none
 Difficulty Index: 2/5
 Last Updated: November 15, 2007, Patch v3.0

This mission is split into two parts, both quite easy.

It is possible to obtain Zehir's ultimate Arcane Omniscience with the help of a Sylanna Acient and a Memory
Mentor. By going with the ultimate (Enlightenment, War Machine, Sorcery) you will miss the most useful
mass-spells such as Mass Slow, Mass Confusion and Mass Haste, yet you gain the freedom to pick 2 other
skills. You can still pick up basic Dark - Master of Mind and/or Light - Master of Wrath to keep Mass Slow and
Haste. Or you can go with other useful passive skills such as Logistics.

The Call to Arms "mission special" is 3000 EXP + 20 Crystal for 20 Djinn Sultans. The Djinns are not
terribly useful and they could die by huge numbers. You are given 60 crystals at the start even without the
bonus, so you can afford to trade three times for 60 Djinns. However, I suggest you save all crystals (don't even
trade it for other resources) because they will come in handy in the second half of the mission.
Huston, we have a party!

Pick the 20 Djiin Sultans as the starting bonus. The 40 crystals that can give you another 40 Djiins later (by
losing 6000 EXP more). Since you already have 60 crystals, there is little point to get even more.

First Half

You start the mission in front of town (A), with a mandatory

battle against a small Renegade army. Use your shooter to kill
some weak stacks, and the opponent hero will gate in Inferno
units. The existing Haven units all switch side to be your aid,
and the fight will be over very soon. Too bad you can't keep the
tier-5 Zealots after the battle, because they are teleported to the
"ritual ground".

Depending on what magics you picked up from Zehir's town in

mission one, you can handle the neutral stacks with different
strategies. If you have Vampirism / Resurrection the fights will
be straight-forward - just deploy the Djiins and hack. If you
have none of the above, you can still use 1-unit stacks and the
Phoenix / Elementals.

There is no AI activity at all during the first half, so don't feel

pressured. Go west and visit the Stable (S), and flag the mines below your town. Go north a bit and you will see
a Memory Mentor on the right (1). We will come back later when your level is high enough. Collect the second
stack of monks at (2) and they will go to the ritual ground. Flag / kill / collect everything on your way, including
two Dragon artifacts at (D1) and (D2).
When you reach (3) the game prompts you a choice that you
can spend 15000 EXP to move your town to the empty spot
above. You have to do this sooner or later as this is one of the
main objectives, so just say yes if it won't result in losing a
necessary skill. You can collect the third, and last stack of
monks at (4).

Now all you need is the Tear of Asha. It is buried underground

so you will have to go down the stairs at (I). Before sending
Zehir to the dungeon, upgrade the mage guilds to level 5 and
see what you can learn there. I finally picked up Resurrection -
which proofed to be quite useful... for about 30 minutes. By the
way, don't go crazy on building other structures (you are
powerful enough so the creatures don't really matter), and save
10 wood.

The underground portion is connected by a river. Beat the

neutral stack guarding the Sextant, build a boat at the Shipyard and first land at (5). You can flag a Mercury
Lab, and further south pick up two artifacts that will carry over to future missions - one of them being the Staff
of Sar-Issus (S1, nullify enemy Magic Resistance).

Board your ship and this time sail southwest to land at (6). Here you can flag more mines and dig up the Tear of
Asha (red X). You can see its exact location here. The spot is fixed as of version 3.0.

Before you go up, spend a few more days to pick up two decent
ring artifacts at (7), one of them being the Ring of Speed (+20%
unit initiative). Since there is no enemy action at all, you can
freely explore to collect as much EXP as you can. I was able to
level to 24 with the help of the Sylanna Ancient on the surface
(D1 area). By the way, if you do not have the Intelligence feat
under Enlightenment, now go to the Memory Mentor and get it.
Your mana must be way over 200.

Now you are ready for the mini-boss battle. Give the Tear of
Asha to Zehir (if he doesn't have it), and move your entire army
to (8) where three stacks of monks are waiting. The ritual starts
and a hero-less Inferno army shows up behind you. The size of
the army looks intimidating, but it is really not that hard IF you
still have mana left after those 800+ (on heroic) Imps! With a
seletion of magics, my Zehir did it with just the Gargoyles as
HP pool. However, feel free to waste all of your units here
because you won't need any of them anymore. Since you can
win rather easily, I recommend NOT to overspend on units.
You are just wasting money.

After the mini-boss fight your Zehir is probably level 25 or so. If you have picked up at least one of the Witch
Hut skills back in mission one, you should have more than enough skill points to go for the ultimate Arcane
Omniscience at the Memory Mentor (1). There is no better time than this, since the enemy is still inactive.
When you are ready, refund any artificer that you have made for your creatures, sell all of the artifacts that
cannot be carried over, and march Zehir to the center of the ritual ground (8), to proceed to the second half of
the mission.

p.s. After finishing the campaign, I think it would be better to replace Light Magic in the above picture with
Logistics. There will be a lot of running around for Zehir, but he carries almost no army so the Mass buffs have
no use at all. But of course you will switch back to Light, or even Leadership just before the final, final boss.
More useful magics! You will need them on Freyda in the last mission.

Second Half

You are now at (9) controling Freyda and Duncan, two of the
main characters back in the Hammers of Fate expansion.
Needless to say, they both have lost the invincibility you gave
them back then. Now you are given two mediocre heroes with
unsatisfactory stats for their levels (19-20), and very fail-prone
skill choices. It is all right, we are going to fix their skills here.

First, answer "Cancel" to the question to NOT pass the Tear of

Asha to Duncan. Zehir is leaving, but he will carry the Tear into
mission 3 and 4, where the challenges are slightly harder. If you
answer "OK" to keep the Tear, you can install it in your town
soon. Yet this second half is easy enough even without the

The first thing you notice is that all of your resources actually
carry over, including the mines you already flagged. (There is
no way to travel back to Zehir's half, so you better have flagged
them all.) It is likely that Zehir leaves Freyda and Duncan a huge pile of resources of every kind, so let's rush to
the town and build everything like mad! Your town is (B) - as soon as you get close, the entire Blue converts to
Orange. There is a huge Inferno army based in Town (D), but it won't come out yet so don't worry for now.

Here come two very good news for you. First, you can swap out the huge Renegade garrison army at (10). With
this army you can pretty much dominate all neutral creatures and pick up everything. It is tempting to split the
army so both Duncan and Freyda can do something meaningful, but let me tell you one secret - Duncan won't be
of any use later, so don't even look at his unshaved face! Just use Duncan to run errands and give all possible
experience points to Freyda. Hopefully she can reach level 26 by the end.
The second good news is there are several free Renegade armies waiting to join you. I have marked them with
yellow small letters. (b= Crossbowmen, v= Vindicators, z= Zealots, and c= Champions) Pick them up as soon
as you have the free slots.

There are lots things to do before Grok, the huge Inferno army
based on town (D) comes out to hunt your weak heroes.
Naturally you want to visit all stat boosts with Freyda (yes
forget about Duncan), flag all creature buildings, defeat all
neutral creatures, and collect all meaningful artifacts. I will just
mention the more important attractions below:

There is a Hill Fort at (11) where you can convert the

conventional upgrades to Renegade, or backwards. I suggest
using all 7 tiers of Renegades to make things simpler. Your
army is very powerful already.

You can pick up two more Dragon artifacts at (D3) and (D4),
the latter being the third Dragon Teeth Necklace you pick up in
two missions! The map maker really likes this artifact. Don't
worry - they actually don't overlap with Zehir's copy and you
will put them to good use on Freyda.

Rush town (C) in your earliest convenience, through the one-way portal at (II-II'). You should be able to reach
it around 4-5 days after swapping the garrison at (10). The Red does not have a scripted hero there, so there
won't be any good defense. The town actually crumbles after your victory, and you instantly pick up the entire
Lion's Spirit set (Crown + Necklace + Cape). This is too good to be true!

Well another dream comes true - at (U) you can pick up the Unicorn Horn Bow and the Treeborn Quiver at
once! This is the entire set of Archer's dream, making your shooters very, very powerful. Wow.

A Memory Mentor is again available at (12) to shuffle your Freyda's skills. I gave Freyda my favorite twilight
build, a versatile build that is unlikely to fail. If you are playing on heroic, though, I start to lean towards
Sorcery instead of Attack or Dark Magics. We will discuss more at the end of this page.

Build up your mage guilds and see what is offered. You have
another shot at the high level spells at the Arcane Library (13).
Now your huge number of crystal stock comes in handy -
because each lv-5 Light magic costs 25 crystals. Hopefully you
can pick up some very useful spells for Freyda.

22 days after my ownership of Town (B), Grok comes out of

town (D) with his huge Demon horde. The Imps will deplete
your mana no matter what, so it will be a fair army clash. This
looks like the most difficult fight of the second half, but Grok
fled when I lost 3 Crossbowmen and a Ballista in Quick

After taking care of Grok, the mission is essentially won and

there is no more threat from Red (it will still send out weak
heroes). Take your time to finalize Freyda's build, learn useful
spells, visit stat boosts and collect artifacts. When you have
done everything, break through the garrisons in front of town
(D) and take the castle. Easy victory!

Preparing for Freyda's Final Battle

Freyda is going to representing the hostile couple in the campaign finale battle. Honestly, I have no idea how
you can win that one on heroic, unless you are ultra lucky with Divine Vengeance. Anyways, let's do our best to
optimize Freyda's build here.

First, equip Freyda with all of your best artifacts, because Duncan will trash everything you have on him! In
my game I lost my entire Lion's set on the stupid m* *r! However, if you do not want to alter the game's flow in
any possible way (you will see how to break the game in detail in the C3M4 walkthrough), give all of the other
artifacts (that Freyda will not equip) to Duncan, and let him trash it! This is because the game will randomly
decide what to wear for Freyda if she has, say, two cloaks, so just throw away the inferior choice. You can't risk
a bad choice on heroic.

Second, reconfigure your Freyda's skills. Showing in the picture above is a standard build for Lv 25 (I hope I
have never used Duncan to fight in this mission, or I might have a shot at lv 26):

 Expert Counterstrike: 3 standard feats (or - Benediction)

 Expert Leadership: Recruitment, Divine Guidance, Empathy
 Expert Attack: Battle Frenzy, Retribution (+ Archery if Lv 26)
 Expert Light Magic: Master of Wrath (or + Master of Abjuration if no Dark)
 Expert Dark Magic: Master of Mind
 Expert Luck: Magic Resistance

However, on heroic you probably want to swap out Dark Magic or Attack for Expert Sorcery + Arcane
Training. If you give up Dark Magic (no Mass Confusion), you should pick up Master of Abjuration (Light) for
Mass Deflect Missle (or you will feel very sorry against 290 Succubus Mistress). I still think Dark + Sorcery can
work, because you can occasionally sneak in a Frenzy / Puppet Master before the enemy hero can do anything
about it.

For the most of the fight, you'll still need to keep casting Light Magics (free Divine Vengeance) to kill an insane
army before it kills you mercilessly. My build was far inferior to the above, and I "almost won" a couple of
times out of probably 20 trials, so it is not really impossible. We will discuss more in C3M4. Good luck still!

Flying to the Rescue

M3: Summoning the Dragons

 Map Size: Small

 Level Cap: none
 Difficulty Index: 3/5
 Last Updated: November 15, 2007, Patch v3.0
In this mission, Zehir teams up with yet another Hammers of Fate main hero, Wulfstan. To say they'll team up
isn't very accurate. For the most part Zehir goes solo on the surface, and Wulfstan has to remain underground to
swat an endless stream of flies from left and right. These flies always flee so you can't even gain experience
from them! Now where is the Shackle of Last Man when you most need it?

Wulfstan starts with Expert Light magic and every Light magic on the spell book. He also has a standard might
build that makes him a decent army commander. Yet you can still visit a Memory Mentor to shuffle his skills.
No matter what you decide to do, keep Logistics for now, because you need it to catch up enemy heroes from
both sides.

Have fun catching flies with chopsticks, Wulfstan!

If you have not, it will be a really good idea to give Zehir Arcane Omniscience now, unless you already learned
the most useful high-level spells such as Summon Phoenix, Vampirism, Puppet Master, Frenzy, Word of Light,
Resurrection, etc. (It is very unlikely that your Zehir has learned all of these without Arcane Omniscience.)
There are many tough neutral creatures on the surface, but Zehir should be
able to score perfect victories with a tiny army and a huge spell repertoire.

If you have Mentoring (which is a requirement for the ultimate), every new
Dwarf hero you hire will enjoy a roller coaster ride of levels to around 17-
18. You can give them Enlightenment + Scholar and the appropriate Expert
Magic school(s), so you can transfer spells from Zehir to Wulfstan. Note
that you can only pass down spells that are actually learned from a mage
guild or vault. The spells that only becomes available through Arcane
Omniscience are not transferable.

Pick the Crystal silo as the starting bonus. Mercury is only for Zehir's Call
to Arms mission special: 20 Murcury + 6000 EXP for 5 Rakshasa
Kshatra. This is a rather expensive and unnecessary deal, and you might
not want to waste your EXP points like this. While there are already lots of
Mercury production, you will be short of Ore and Crystals in this mission,
especially Ore. Don't waste Ores on upgrade buildings yet, but build up the
basic structures and the walls first, to start accumulating available creatures.
Also, if you are like me who tried to give Wulfstan Town Portal from lv-5
mage guild - save the Ore because Town Portal spells are disabled for all Dwarven heroes in this mission. They
can't even learn it.

You start out with a Dwarf town (A). Now if you chose to let Zehir to keep the Tear of Asha back in mission 2,
he starts the scenario with the Tear. There will be yet another Tear of Asha to be dug up soon, so don't hesitate
and install this one in town (A) to give you a head start. To the north you can take another town (B), which
remains completely defenseless. Take it as soon as you can, and don't forget to flag the nearby creature
buildings of town (B). If you let Duncan keep the Tear back in mission 2, you will have only the new Tear, and
you have a choice of where to install the new Tear - more on this later.

You are against the Yellow dwarfs based in town (C). There is
no way to wipe them out for now, and they can harass you
through two 1-way portals (a') or (b'). Earlier in the mission
whatever they send here will either (10%) die or (90%) flee, but
later on the heroes will learn Town Portal. Watching them
coming and going is quite amusing, but you can't even touch
them unless you park Wulfstan within 1-day travel distance of
one of the portals (I suggest (b'), since (a') is too far away from
town (A)). Productions from both (A) and (B) will keep your
defense sound. Just make sure Wulfstan is not too far away
when multiple yellow heroes approach from two directions.

First, flag everything underground with both Zehir and

Wulfstan. The Memory Mentor is just to the west (1). Pick up the Boots of Open Road (2) and put it on Zehir.
The location of Tear of Asha is marked with a red (X), and you can see its exact location here (fixed spot, v3.0).
If you already have the Grail structure in town (A), give the new Tear to Zehir. You can pick up the Shield of
Dwarven King at (K1). There is an artifact merchant at (3); if you have the Grail structure (5000G/turn), you
may as well go broke on useful artifacts.

After flagging everything underground you should start

exploring the surface through the stairway at (c). Wulfstan and
all dwarf heroes have to stay, says the game, so you can only let
Zehir go. Before Zehir sets out, give him several dozens of
cheap Fortress units (tier-1 is fine). Some battles up there are
pretty tough and what Zehir was given initially might not be
enough to stay alive. By the way, I find it effective to start a
battle with Mass Slow (or Mass Confusion against shooters),
and follow with the Phoenix or Vampirism on your HP pool
stack. You then have all the sweet time to revive dead creatures.

It is a great white world up there, with maybe some blizzard

going as well! Since Zehir is all alone, you can be pretty
selective on targets and do not waste movement points picking
up things you don't need. Generally you want to pick up all the Ores and Crystals, break through all the treasure
chambers (for more Ores and Crystals), and flag all Yellow creature buildings. It is going to take quite a while.

Go west and then north. When you reach (D) the game asks you whether to sacrifice 15000 EXP for Zehir's
town to be moved here. That's a big YES - you can always use another Town Hall plus the creatures to keep
Zehir alive. You can also install another Tear of Asha (or maybe it is your only Tear) in Zehir's town. You
might think you are rich enough, and you don't really need to waste a second Tear on an easy mission. Your
Fortress army is growing from gigantic to humongous so there is no need to develop a big Academy army as
well. Yes, you are right! However, even if you "waste" the Tear on Zehir's town in mission 3, the Grail building
will show up in mission 4! So get the Skyship!
Yes, the ship carries over as well! Too bad you probably won't even need it there, either.

Unfortunately you cannot hire any new hero from town (D), so Zehir is still alone. From here you have different
routes to choose from. Your eventual goal is to visit the Red Keymaster Tent (red R), while all of the other
destinations are purely optional. The two-way portals (d-d, e-e) are usually similar to tunnels of the mountain so
there is no fancy connections. Here comes list of what to do:

 There is a much needed Ore Pit at (4). You may as well flag the Sawmill and Gem Mine.
 A Hill Fort (5) is useful to upgrade and merge units.
 Get the Armor and Helm of the Dwarven King set (K2), (K3) and the Crown of Sar-Issus (S). This should
complete your Dwarven King set and Sar-Issus set! Also grab the Lion's cape (L).
 There is a Dragon Eye Ring (D1) guarded by Titans, and somehow I got the 4th Dragon Teeth Necklace in 3
 A one-way portal at (f) appears to be blocked. This is not for you - but for the Yellow's cravens go through.
Why can't I just split a Dwarf stack to block it? :)

If you attempt to venture underground through (g), you can see the much hated Yellow town but unfortunately
your route is completely blocked by the unpronounceable Dwarf hero. (6). The game suggests you NOT to
attack him (keeping him alive is actually a primary objective) but you can still attack him if you insist. Not sure
what happens next, though. Maybe you can find out and tell us!

By the way, you can find a Pendent of Mastery underground at (7). There used to be a bug about it to give you
unlimited resources from Artificer's resource discount. Will it work here? You are too rich to cheat here! :)
Endless Rune and Puppet Master - it is a test for a Dwarf's endurance! I started this battle in the morning and
finished it at night - because I had to leave the machine on and went to work.

After visiting the Red Keymaster tent you are now ready for the boss fight. If you unlock the Red Gate (red G),
Rolf (Wulfstan's bad brother) spawns with a good army of about 10 weeks of town productions. Rolf won't
chase you around - he'll keep waiting. Theoretically you can run over Rolf with the biggest army even seen on
HoMM5 (thanks to Asha), but you can certainly slap him with a smaller force.

But Rolf is no pushover this time. His stacks use Rune magics
every turn, and apparently he has the Empathy feat so every
time a high morale triggers, Rolf is moved up in action. So what
is bad about Rolf's action? He has an entire spell book of Dark
magic, and he will be happy to cast Puppet Master on your
best stack. When Puppet Master hits (Rolf wears Sandro's
Cloak, so he can even PM your Titans), Rolf's stacks will
simply rune-charge up and tear your stack in pieces without
being retaliated. Even if the Fortress creatures are not really
effective at dealing damage, being hit from all directions every
turn is not going to look good at all.

On the other hand, your Zehir has his own advantages. You
have a lot more spells to choose from (you did get Arcane
Omniscience, right?), good artifacts (Sar-Issus and Dwarven
King) to equip, an ultra-long mana bar, various morale and
luck boosts to visit before the fight, and as a last resort you have the load game button. Rolf is not Arantir, so his
mana will run dry and there will be no more Puppet Master. You can also accelerate Rolf's embarrassment by
going to the Memory Mentor and get the Suppress Dark feat from Dark magic (twice mana consumption).

All you need is a large stack of something that takes a long time to kill (so Rolf's mana runs out first), and then
you can slowly drain back lost numbers through the ever-useful Vampirism. I used 81 Flame Lords (tier 6
creatures from Dwarf town, I should have used Thunder Thane to hit multiple stacks effectively) which were
just enough to win, after failing 4 times. The difference on my 5th try was that I finally deployed other creatures
(even 1-unit stacks are fine) so Rolf's creatures will use their turn on the decoys. I also setup a Blade Barrier in
front of my Flame Lords to keep the huge hitters away. On the luck side, my Magic Mirror worked frequently so
the several Puppet Masters were reflected to poor elementals.
No matter what creature you use, protect your main stack
with decoys (and the elementals that come afterwards) to block
the contact of powerful large creatures such as the Godzillas
and Thunder Thane. Blade Barrier is indeed quite useful for this
purpose. Phoenix isn't making a huge difference anymore, but
with time it can scratch down Rolf's army with Vampirism (plus
they can help you block Rolf's stacks, too). Avoid being hit by
more than 3 stacks in any given turn. After Rolf runs out mana
it is your Puppet Master, Frenzy and Blind time!

Surviving Rolf's Puppet Master spam is the key to victory.

Here comes a trick - when I put Frenzy / Puppet Master on
Rolf's stack, I was surprised to see Rolf dispel it with
Vampirism. You can do this on your main stack to dispel Rolf's
Puppet Master as well! Apparently, Vampirism cannot co-exist
with Frenzy or Puppet Master, and the latter will overwrite the
earlier, if it has a higher or equal level. (Frenzy cannot
overwrite Vampirism, for example.) You can also distract Rolf
by casting these spells on his own creatures, and Rolf
sometimes will not Puppet Master your main stack, and cast
Vampirism on his own stack to dispel yours. You are a wizard,
so you are bound to win a magic duel in the long run!

Or, you can always wait and run over Rolf with a crazy army.

Preparing for Wulfstan's Final Battle

Wulfstan is going to fight in the final mission as well. It won't be an easy battle - again your opponent spams
Puppet Master like he has nothing else to cast! Before Zehir goes into the portal and end the mission, here are a
few things to do.

First, check your artifacts. The Dwarven King set will look good on Wulfstan, but then Zehir won't be able to
access it. You may as well give all of them to Zehir since Wulfstan can function well without it. Make sure you
give the Lion's Crown to Zehir, but Wulfstan can keep Lion's Cape to reach the effective morale cap of +5. Give
the Runic set artifact to Wulfstan, and if you have any extra Dragon's set also give to Wulfstan. Then, move
ALL carry-over artifacts in Wulfstan's (idle) inventory to Zehir's so the game won't make a stupid decision to
equip the Enlightenment set in the final battle!

You should also adjust Wulfstan's skills. It is likely that the enemy heroes have fled so often that your Wulfstan
remains at level 25 even at the end of the mission. Here comes my skill recommendation (also shown in the
picture above):

 Expert Runelore: 3 standard feats

 Expert Attack: Tactics, Offensive Formation, Retribution
 Expert Light Magic: Master of Wrath
 Expert Dark Magic: Master of Mind
 Expert Luck: Magic Resistance, Dwarven Luck
 Basic Leadership: Runic Attunement

With Lion's Cape you still have +5 morale. If for some reason you are level 26, get another level in Leadership
just to be sure. We will discuss the tactical details in the C3M4 walkthrough section.

Flying to the Rescue

M4: A Flamboyant Exit
 Map Size: Large
 Level Cap: none
 Difficulty Index: 5/5
 Last Updated: November 16, 2007, Patch v3.0

Here we come, Griffin Empire! (or Unicorn Empire? I am confused by the ending.) All your hard works will be
paid off. The finale of finale is divided into four similar acts, each with its own mini-boss battle happening at
town (A), (B), (C), (D). Then, Zehir take on the final boss at town (E)!

Your Zehir's build should be very complete by now, and he will be given free, huge stacks after free, huge
stacks to run over everything. You should be able to keep a perfect victory record throughout the mission - that's
how easy it is. However, all of the mini-boss fights in each act, which are performed by other heroes you have
controlled over the campaign (or not), are on the opposite end of the spectrum. Some of them are ridiculously
difficult on heroic.

I don't like the current game design that you are not given any
chance to adjust the other heroes' skills, creatures, even artifacts
in this mission. The game actually equips your artifacts
randomly! It is quite possible that you just can't win one or
more mini-boss battles, because you were forced to use a
mediocre default setup against a much tougher opponent. I also
don't like the fact that Vampirism actually cures Puppet
Master and Frenzy. This makes the mini-bosses (three out of
four spams Puppet Master and Vampirism) invincible against
Dark Magic. Just imagine Rolf with infinite mana and yourself
with an army of 2/3 his size - that's what you'll see!

There are ways around the mini-boss fights, though, so don't go

all the way back to C2M4 to rebuild every hero. I'll mention a
couple of alternative ways that probably were the back doors
purposely left open by the game developers. It is your call
whether or not to take advantage them.

Here comes a few general tips for Zehir. First, don't waste
movement points. The mini-bosses seems to grow a little
stronger each week, so the more time you waste, the more
trouble your other heroes will have. Zehir's part will be very
easy after winning all four mini-boss battles. Leave all
resources on the ground. You can call the FBI, er... a secondary hero to do all the clean-up work. Skip all of the
unnecessary fights because you can come back for them later if you really wish.

Skip sidequests that are not conveniently located nearby. You may pick up the neutral stacks recommended in
the walkthrough as a backup plan. There are various free or mercenary stacks ready to join, but you don't really
have room for them all. No problem, that's what mule heroes are for!

p.s. The current game (ver 3.0) contains a potential bug (or intended feature) in the script. On higher difficulties
it is very normal to lose with Kujin, and naturally players will then use Gotai to win the fight. However, the
script won't function normally afterwards. Don't let Kujin die! If your Kujin dies and Gotai starts roaming
around the map as Blue, the bug has happened.

Choose the Air Elemental bonus. The Phoenixes are more powerful, but you will end up discarding them. The
Air Elementals, however, will be greeted by another 3 stacks and you will end up with a level-3 Hurricane. They
are fast and they don't get retaliated - perfect! The Call to Arms mission special is 20 Gems + 24000 EXP for 4
Storm Giants on heroic (again, on lower difficulties you get more units). If you have too much Gems and won't
lose a level, why not.

Let's jump right on to Act One!

Act One

Zehir enters the scene at (1), and a peaceful countryside is all he sees. No worry, you are in the right mission
and there will be hundreds of thousands of demons. Your goal in this act is to capture three Gold Mines at (2),
accessible through the stairways (a). Since two of the gold mines are locked away behind the Red & Blue
Gates (G), you have to visit the Red & Blue Keymaster Tents (K) first.

The sidequest of this act is to capture two Dwarf Warrens (W), to receive the reward of a free level. Different
from a Sylanna Ancient, though, the game actually makes up your difference to the next level, so try to
complete the side quest when you still have a long way to go to the next level. Do not buy the Storm Giant to
lower your EXP yet, though. You need the Gems!

There are a few free stacks to be picked up, marked with yellow, small
letters. On higher difficulties you actually receive more, so definitely pay
a visit to them:

- Battle Mages (m) in front of the Memory Mentor (there will be a lot
more Mentors on the map.)
- Air Elementals (a) to the north of the stairway. I didn't mark the stairs
because the game won't let Zehir access it. They are here just for
decorative purpose.

There is a Stable (S) at the center to speed up your journey. Visit the
Tavern at (3) and hire two new heroes. Try to hire the Haven heroes and
mentor them to give them Expert Logistics. Make one of them to back
track and pick up free resources left on the ground, and the other follow
Zehir closely to carry future overflow stacks.

After visiting both Keymaster Tents, cross the bridge south and you will
see a Trading Post. You don't really need it now, if you are already using a hero to pick up various resources.
Ignore the one-way portal (P1) and keep going south to pick up a Dragon artifact (helm, D1). Descend through
the stairway (a) to enter the Gold Mine area (2).
Flag all of the Gold Mines by unlocking the Blue and Red gates. In the meantime, use your secondary heroes to
pick up as much Ore, Wood and Gem as possible - you'll need them badly. Save your game just before
flagging the 3rd Gold Mine, because the first mini-boss fight is coming!

Mini-Boss Fight (Wulfstan)

As soon as you flag the last Gold Mine, Wulfstan spawns

underground with a good army, and charges directly to Town
(A). The enemy hero has a lot of shooters! Definitely start the
battle with Mass Confusion. If you don't have it, cast Mass
Deflect Missle. If you still don't have it, oh-oh. Maybe it will be
faster to go back to your last save file in C3M3?

Similar to all other tough bosses you have seen and will see, the
Demon Lord spams Puppet Master to a degree you want to
smash your monitor. The Seducers can also Puppet Master your
stack, which further elevates your frustration level. When under
PM your stack will make liberal use of your Rune resource as
well. Wulfstan has very limited mana, so better put them to
good use! You will be busy Cleansing the ultra annoying
Puppet Master (or cast Vampirism to replace them if he learned it from Zehir), or cast Mass Haste / Mass
Righteous Might. (The mini-boss loves to give you Mass Slow as well.) You can actually cleanse Slow with
Rune to save turns for Wulfstan.

There are two keys to Wulfstan victory. First, block the castle entrance with your Thunder Thanes. The
enemies will gate in a lot of stacks inside the castle, but that actually works to your advantage. The lightning
attack of Thunder Thanes can pass down to all adjacent stacks (of one direction), so you can deal heavy damage
inside a very crowded castle - so much damage that you will start laughing!

Second, make liberal use of the Runes, especially the Rune of Resurrection to resurrect 40% of fallen units (1
Ore + 1 Gem, the second time 3 Ore + 3 Gem, and then Wulfstan can refersh it) on the Thanes and any other
stack that takes heavy casaulty. You have picked up a lot of Ores and Gems, so please make good use of them
here. After Wulfstan's mana runs dry just use him to Refresh Runes on your key stacks. The battle bacame very
easy from here.
This is actually the easiest mini-boss fight among all. After the fight, Wulfstan will be out of your control (as the
Blue player), so you will not have any access to his creatures and artifacts. Hopefully you are not leaving any
pieces of a great set on Wulfstan at the end of mission 3, or it is too late!

There is also a possibility that when Wulfstan has, say two weapon artifacts, the game will randomly equip one
of them, which might not be the one you like. You actually have a chance to fix this. When Wulfstan just shows
up, for a few seconds he is actually an Orange player under your control. Now quickly left click on a nearby
ground ten times per second (just to show you tried) as if you are ordering Wulfstan to go elsewhere - he will
start charging and stop to consider your order! Now you can adjust your artifacts. The same trick applies to all
subsequent heroes as well.

When you gain control of Wulfstan, you can actually move him up the stairs to come to the surface! He can join
Zehir's crusade but he can never go back down again (because the game assumes he is Zehir). The Inferno town
(A) will stay forever. Doh. If you absolutely can't win, just park Wulfstan or the subsequent heroes outside the
town gate.

Is your mission still winnable if you missed one or more of the Inferno towns underground? Actually, yes. The
only town that must go down is the final boss's town (E). All of the other fights are in fact optional although the
script writers tried to make it mandatory - or did they purposely leave a hole for you? We will find out more
clues soon.

No matter town (A) goes down or not, Zehir is done in the Act One. Pass the one-way portal (P1) to proceed.
Although it seems that you will not come back to this area, later in the mission you can learn and cast the
Instant Travel spell that allows you to go back to a previous section.
Act Two

Zehir now travels to the SW quarter of the map (P1'), with an eventual goal to enter the one-way portal at (P2).
This is a very straight-forward act.

Don't miss out a very important free stack, tier-6 Rakshasa Kshar (r). There are also two groups of Air
Elementals (a). Similar to all other missions, on higher difficulties you actually receive more untis as the stack
sizes are larger. There is a useless Tome of Summoning magic (Ts) - just in case you don't have Arcane

The side quest of this act is to defeat a Demon Leader (4), who actually moves around but won't go very far.
Deleb is much weaker than the mini-bosses or Rolf, though. After defeating her you can get the useful artifact
Boots of the Swift Journey. Save your game just before entering the one-way portal (P2). The second boss
fight is taking place at the gate of town (B)!

Mini-Boss Fight (Freyda)

Both Freyda and Duncan show up, but only Freyda fights. (Duncan has no army at all.) This one probably
breaks the difficulty meter on heroic - I failed so many times that I finally gave up! Well not really. There are
two backup plans. Plan A: Go all the way back to mission 2 to rebuild Freyda, replay mission 3 and 4 up to this
point, to possible barely make it with a Sorcery build. (Please see the end of C3M2 walkthrough).

The difficulty of this battle comes from the power of the

Inferno army. The enemy hero again spams Puppet Master as
if he has inifinite mana (he actually does, relative to you). You
will be lucky if you can cleanse the Puppet Master before your
PM-ed stack wipes out another of yours. Vampirism won't help
- because the opponent will instantly overwrite it with yeah,
another Puppet Master. He will also overwrite your own
Frenzy/Puppet Master with Vampirism, although you might get
lucky to see some action. (For example, those Frenzied 40+
Archdevils kills 120+ Succubus Mistresses with a single blow).

There is no way to stop the advance of the hard-hitting Inferno

army. They are simply superior to Freyda's. Your best shot is to
cast any Light Magic (usually Cleansing, or some mass spells)
and gamble on the free Divine Vengeance. What is your chance that it actually hits a tough stack that has bloody
hands, not a stack that has not attacked you, or a 1-HP-1-unit stack leftover by Last Man Standing? You have to
be very lucky to win! By the way, get rid of the Ballista with your shooters. It will fail you at the last moment.
You are burning your mana, hoping to wipe out the opponent first. It will probably go down to this - both you
and the opponent have just one stack left. You are barely alive with Resurrections (if you don't have it, try plan
B), and your opponent is quickly dying off from your Resurrection-Vengeances. If you are lucky, you cast
another Resurrection, and your opponent dies from Divine Vengeance. Otherwise, your opponent's creature (or
Ballista, even the Archer Towers) act first to wipe out your little last stack! I "almost won" a couple of times
like this. ;)

If you absolutely can't win, and don't like Plan A, here comes Plan B. Similar to what you can do to Wulfstan,
stop Freyda on her way in, by clicking the nearby ground during the few seconds that you have control of her.
Camp her outside town (B).

By the way, It will be a really good idea to stop Freyda anyways to double-check her artifacts. I hope you didn't
leave any good artifact on Duncan because they are permanently lost!

Act Three

All right, somehow you past the Freyda fight, so Zehir is now in the SE quarter of the map at (P2'). Before you
proceed, you might want to complete an interesting sidequest about babies tied up in dungeon... er, to free a
group of friendly Shadow Matriarchs (100 in my game) imprisoned at (5) underground. This area is accessible
through the stairway (b). If you want to do it, do it at the beginning of the this Act as it will save you turns. I
actually don't recommend doing this sidequest, because they are not really very helpful.

Your primary goal of this act is to defeat two Demon armies at (6) and
(7), and pass the one-way portal at (P3). Both Demon armies are very
weak, again.

There are two free stacks, the Magnetic Golems (m) and Obsidian
Gargoyles (g). Both are pretty crappy and you don't really have any use
of them. Skip them if you want.

On the busy street of (8) you can hire two groups of mercenaries,
Thunder Thanes and Marksmen from Seer Huts. They are not cheap at
all, and you have no use of them with Zehir. However, if your Wulfstan
is still waiting outside town (A), you can buy the 35 Thunder Thanes and
later let Wulfstan summon them. Well it is just my theory, though.
However, if you go with "Plan B Plus" (I'll cover it soon) you don't really
need to go through these troubles.
p.s. Visiting each of the Seer Hut actually triggers the deal as a sidequest, but there is no reward for completing
them (you receive the troops that you paid for).

There is also an artifact merchant here. This is your only merchant on the map, so you may as well take a look
to see if there is anything better than what you currently have. Just west of the Seer Huts you can pick up the
second Tome - of Light Magic (TL).

Interestingly, now you actually have an oppurtunity to directly challenge the final boss, Biara in town (E).
However, Biara's army is HUGE - more than anything you have seen before. There is no way you can beat her

Save your game just before approaching the second demon army at (7). As soon as the fight is over, the third
boss fight starts!

Mini-Boss Fight (Kujin)

Wow. Did they actually test this? Here you will see how powerless a
Might army is against Expert Dark magic users. You might have seen it
back in the Stronghold campaign already - but with those 6 Chieftain
stacks you probably didn't really feel anything. Have you visited the
Memory Mentor in C2M4 to get Shatter Dark? (Please refer to the
walkthrough of C2M4.)

You will see one after one of your stacks Frenzied. I had no idea that
Kujin would be the fighter here, so I didn't have Shatter Dark on her. I
didn't even have Magic Resistance! I kept the Triple Flaming Ballista
and... there is NO Ballista!! (There is a Ballista for all others, who don't
even have a Warmachine skill.) I don't even know how to win it with my
build as the game intended, and I don't want to replay all the way from
C2M5 just for this... I had to stop Kujin on her way to suicide. Plan B

Here comes the interesting part. Maybe the game developer actually
knows that you absolutely can't win on heroic unless you have prepared a
good Kujin build for it, so you are generously given Gotai... with a whooping 900 Cyclops! This is THE army
we have in Plan B Plus! Now you actually have many interesting choices here. I will mention the two extremes:

Plan B normal: Give 900 Cyclops to Kujin. Split the Chieftains into four stacks, and whip the Cyclops to
completely demolish everything. Easy win. You can also use Gotai to fight. In my game I actually let Gotai
fight and everything worked out well. However, you can't let Kujin die, then use Gotai to win. If Kujin dies the
game bugs out and you won't receive the reinforcement later. Again, please keep Kujin alive!

Plan B Plus: Let Gotai keep the Cyclops, actually give Kujin's Chieftains to Gotai as well. Send Gotai out from
the stairways (c), and hey, who is standing on top of the hill? Now what are you waiting for? Pass these
creatures to Zehir, and beat the * out of Biara! Slap a Vampirism on the Cyclops, and whip whip whip! You
should definitely try it for pure enjoyment. Besides, you receive a higher Hall of Fame score... :)
"Here, take half of my boys!" and Zehir's eyes drop out.

p.s. Strangely, Biara does not overwrite our Cyclop's Vampirism with Puppet Master although she certainly can.
If you fight Biara with a smaller army she'll always cast PM as if she only knows one spell. It seems that the AI
actually "gives up" when it is completely dominated.

For the walkthrough purpose let's pick the lame Plan B normal and see what happens next. March Zehir to the
one-way portal (P3) and proceed!

p.s. Many interesting things will happen if you let Zehir carry those 900 Cyclops and don't fight Biara yet. Most
of the neutral stacks will wet their pants, and you actually have a lot of them joining for free! With mule heroes
carrying the overflow stacks you can snow ball a truck load of free troops behind you. Deposit them (or
fractions of those Cyclops) into your Academy town (available soon) and you can let Freyda or whoever
summon them to good use (if the spell works)! But why do you still care about Freyda if you can directly win
the mission with a sea of Cyclops? Anyways, the game has broken at this point and you can break it even
further. Having fun is the most important thing. :)

Act Four
You are now at (P3'), the NW quarter. As soon as you travel up to (F), you can summon Zehir's town for 35000
EXP. The sky town is almost fully loaded, and if you have installed the Tear of Asha back in mission 3, the
Skyship is still there! While your town is happily producing an army for you, Zehir does not need them.

Explore the area a bit if you like. There is the third and last Tome - of Dark Magic (TD) that you probably still
have no use of. There is a map maker at (C), and a Hill Fort at (H). The sidequest of the Act is to learn the
Instant Travel spell at the lv-4 spell shrine at (9) underground. With this spell you can actually return to
previous quarters.

p.s. According to the game script, Biara will have two major
army expansion, one in the beginning of Month 4 and the other
Month 5. So as long as you fight her before Month 4, you
should be fine.

Your main objective of Act Four is to defeat the Yellow Dark

Elves, base in town (G) underground. You will be surprised that
after all these weeks of free development, they are actually even
weaker than the Soulscar clan you fought back in mission 1!
The enemy hero loves Divine Vengeance, so don't shoot too
much - let your Phoenix do the dirty work. Save the game just
before you eliminate the Yellow (their last hero) for the fourth
and last mini-boss fight!

Mini-Boss Fight (Ylaya)

On heroic this fight can be totally impossible or quite easy, depending on what the AI does. If the AI choose to
camp and throw an Armagaddon to demolish your Catapult, reload the game because you have no chance at all.
If the AI rushes its Devil out followed by everything else, you can win easily.

You can encourage AI to make the bad choice by slapping a Confusion on the 1120 Succubus Mistresses with
your Shadow Matriarchs right after the combat starts. The AI might think its ranged power is now inferior to
yours, and they have a better chance by rushing out - not really!
Use the two Hydra stacks as shields against the Devils and whatever comes to the gate. Position them 2 tiles
before the gate, so the troops that comes out are also subject to your other stacks' spears/knives. Your Hydras
will die soon but not without taking a lot of enemies with them. Your Black Dragons and especially the Tier-4
riders are the main melee force. Your assassins should poison all of the high-initiative stacks (the Dogs and the
Horse), so they will die off a lot sooner while making contact with your units before the other stacks do.

The enemy hero, thanks Asha is not going to Puppet Master your riders or Shadow Matriarch, or you are done!
Instead, they will set a priority on cloning that insane stack of Sucubbus Mistresses (Even Biara the Succubus
does not carry this many). In my game the clones always act immediately after the hero's Phamton Force,
because the enemy hero has Expert Summoning magic and his level is very high. There is no better way to
prevent the damage - just use Ylaya's Chain Lightening on the main Succubus stack so the clone will be
damaged next and dispelled. When there is no clone, just keep throwing Deep Freeze on the Succubus to delay
their power shots.

p.s. Ylaya comes with the artifacts that boosts her Ice and Lightning damages by 50%, and she has the Master of
Ice and Master of Storm feats. Therefore, Deep Freeze and Chain Lightening are the best spells to cast.

Now we are playing Heroes of Might and Magic !

Final Battle

You are now ready to fight Biara!

If you have brought down all four demon towns by Wulfstan, Freyda, Kujin (or Gotai, only if Kujin still lives)
and Ylaya, a wonderful thing happens - four stacks of reinforcement arrive in front of Biara's town (E). You are
entitled to 100+ Archangels, Untamed Cyclops, Lava Dragons and Black Dragons! Why do you need anything
else if you have these? Well you need the Lion's Crown badly, because the Cyclops and Dragons are evil.

Also, visit all of the morale boosts you can find nearby. There are three of them out there plus a HP+10% boost,
so during the fight your Untamed Cyclops and Black Dragons should have a net morale of -1. If you love to see
a massacre, you can always visit the closest Memory Mentor at (10) and opt for Expert Leadership.

Biara's army is actually bigger than yours, still. She has two tier-7s, two tier-6s, one tier-5 and one tier-4. She
has the Demon Lord ultimate Urgash Call, so all of them will gate instantly with almost equal number. Her
stats are not as impressive as the Demon Sovereign in the original game, though, and she does not have
Leadership or Luck - which actually makes her much weaker than she appears to be. From the map editor we
can see that Biara actually has Expert Logistics. Ha!

Here comes the list of Biara's artifacts: Cursed Ring (Luck -2), Ring of the Broken Will (Morale -2), Staff of
Sar-Issus (no magic resistance), Helm of Chaos, Dragon Scale Armor, Dragon Bone Graves, Pendant of
Mastery, Shield of the Dwarven Kings, Sandro's Cloak (no mind control immunity).

Biara again loves to cast Puppet Master. Due to her artifacts they always hit, yet you can quickly dispel them
thanks to Zehir's Expert Sorcery. The Mass spells in the final battle are actually very useful because Biara will
only concentrate on PM, and she has no Sorcery expertise. You can freely manipulate Biara's troops - Mass
Confusion, Mass Slow, Puppet Master, Frenzy, and Vampirism, Mass Haste, Mass Righteous Might on your
own... the battle is very easy once you have the very best four units in the game! Even if you are not careful with
your Cyclops and hit your own troops every single time, you can still win!

But, we all like 900 Cyclops better.

Congratulations for finishing Heroes of Might and Magic V : Tribes of the East expansion. We hope to see you
again when HoMM6 comes out!

Oh here comes Isabel. Er... did Zehir find Raelag anyway?

Mission 1 - Rebels
Map Size: Small
Carry Over: Freyda (and Laszlo)
Level Cap: 10
Difficulty Index: 2/5

Primary Objectives:
 Destroy Lord Caldwell's rebel camp
 Destroy Archbishop Randall's rebel camp
 Help Haven troops out from encirclement
 Seize all (8) Peasant Huts
 Freyda and Laszlo must survive

Secondary Objectives:
 Elf druids (mandatory)
 Eliminate the rebel units

Last Updated:
February 11, 2007, Patch v2.1

Welcome to the Heroes of Might and Magic V: Hammer of Fate walkthroughs. There are three campaigns in
total, each containing five missions. Hopefully you will find these walkthroughs useful, and entertaining from
time to time. :) The following walkthroughs are based on heroic, so some of the contents may be unecessary for
another difficulty.

In the first campaign of the expansion, you again control a female Haven hero - Freyda. You might recall
Freyda from the last mission of the Necropolis campaign, where she was taken, by Markal (you), from a prison
just east of Newpost. One day later, she was killed and turned into a Spectre. Wait, maybe that happened after
the HoF script was written.

As usual, the first mission is just a warmup. You start with two heroes, Freyda and Laszlo, in the SE corner (1).
You can concentrate battle experience on Freyda, because Laszlo will not stick for long. I used Laszlo to run
errands, such as flagging buildings. There is no town to be developed, and no enemy hero to fight, either.
Depending on the difficulty level, some neutral stack might require some tactics. You may spend cash to recruit
units from various creature buildings on the map, but extra hirings are not necessary even on heroic.

There are quite a few main objectives and sidequests. Your eventual goal is
to take out two hordes of stacks on the NW (Randall, 2) and NE (Caldwell,
3) corner of the map. These stacks appear to be fighting each other, with
funny animation and sound effects throughout the mission. Before that,
there are quite a few other quests to pursue.

Which skills are useful for Freyda in this campaign? As with Isabel and
Godric back in the original HoMM5, Luck and Leadership are very
powerful passive skills for a Might (army-oriented) hero. Freyda starts with
Attack and Light Magic, so it will be nice to work towards Retribution
(requires Expert Training from Counterstrike, works great with Leadership)
and Master of Wrath (Freyda's specialty, more powerful Mass Haste when
her level gets high).

Starting from mission 3, you will have access to Mage Guilds in towns, and
eventually Freyda will visit plenty of Level-5 Mage Guilds. Resurrection is
always useful for a campaign hero. Also, since Haven Mage Guilds
specialize in both Light and Dark magics, Dark magic is another nice pick
for Freyda.
Start by combining Freyda and Laszlo's little armies. After taking out the first stack of Conscripts, you start
getting ambushed by invisible Elves. These ambush points are fixed, so one will always trigger if your hero
steps on an invisible "ambush trap". The ambushes are not particularly harmful, though. You only lose 20
Conscripts / Peasants, 10 Marksmen, or 3 Imperial Griffins, etc. If you are really stingy about troops, approach
these ambush points with a hero leading just 1 peasant. You won't lose anything this way (maybe a little

Soon, you also receive another primary objective of

flagging all Peasant Huts. Their locations are all revealed on
the in-game map (marked by yellow P above). You have to
flag them all to complete this mission, so don't miss any on
your way.

A few days later, you will receive yet another cutscene and
primary objective - to rescue a group of encircled
reinforcements, located on the center south (4). They are the
Renegades, which are essentially alternative Haven unit
upgrades. They have slightly different stats from the regular
upgrades and they love to wear red. Depending on
difficulty, you will receive different number of
reinforcements (210-300 Enforcers, and 70-100
Crossbowmen). The higher the difficulty, the smaller the

The reinforcements are quite helpful, as your regular Haven units desert you on any random day throughout the
mission. A similar thing happened to Agrael and Isabel in the original game (C2M4 and C3M5, respectively),
but this time there is no mule hero to give your troop to before the end of the turn. The number of troops you
lose is comparable to an Elf ambush.

However, there is another trick to avoid losses. You can get another random desertion result (including NO
desertion at all) by splitting / merging stacks before hitting End Turn. I will let you to decide whether this is
considered Cheating. :)
On your way to the reinforcement, there is a stack of Ancient Treants blocking the path (5). They are a headache
on heroic, but you should be able to cut your losses by splitting out several single Peasant stacks to buy some
turns. Imperial Griffins are handy here, but you have to be a little careful about the battle dive timing.

After clearing the Treants, proceed south and meet a stack of Master Hunters. There is no free lunch
(reinforcement), right? Actually there is. Proceed to the battle with nothing but your Imperial Griffins and 6
stacks of 1 Peasant each (give the rest to Laszlo). As soon as the battle starts, battle dive the Master Hunters and
rush forward your Peasants. These suicide pawns will use up master hunters' iniative (so they don't just Wait,
which only uses up 50% of their iniative), hence your Griffins can battle dive safely in between.

By the way, there is a Witch Hut (6) nearby. You may be able to learn a useful skill from it.

To make yourself more efficient, now split up your two heroes. Let one of them visit the Seer Hut (7) to trigger
a necessary sidequest - killing some Elder Druids. You can find these Druids south of the Hut, at (8). With the
same tactics described above, you can easily dive these deer heads to death with an insignificant loss of
Peasants. After the battle, make the other hero visit the Seer Hut again and choose "Complete Quest" to claim
your little reward on this hero (not the one fighting, though). There won't be any Elf Ambush from then on, but
troop desertion still happens. You now have free access to the bases of Randall (2) and Caldwell (3).

Note: You can't skip this sidequest. If you directly rush towards Randall's church (2), you will be forced to turn
back because "the Sylvan Ambush is too powerful".
You are now ready to finish this mission. Let's start with
Randall's church, which is closer. Although there seems to be
quite a large number of stacks in Randall's base (2), you only
need to fight one battle to take them all out. This battle is
ridiculously easy, even on heroic. Each stack you see on the
strategy map only represents a few units.

Your final goal is Caldwell's base at (3). If you follow the paved
road back to the center and go NE, you will have to break
through a formidable stack of Archangels. That's probably not a
good idea on higher difficulties. An easier way is via a smaller
stack of Spectral Dragons at (9). If you have read the famous
"Dragon Utopia" tactics on this site (it is also about single Peasant stacks), you can do very similar things here.
Easy victory!

By the way, there is an optional side quest of "Elminating all Rebel units". You have to defeat all of the Haven
stacks guarding the creature buildings, where you can recruit. In my game, I completely ignored them, because I
could already push Freyda to the level cap without extra battles.

Like Randall, Caldwell is not actually a regular "Hero". Like his model in the cutscenes, he is just one of the
Champions. However, Caldwell has a much larger stack of units than Randall. This is the last battle of the
mission. It seems that the size of Caldwell's army is not consistent each game. Here is what I had in my game,
and some tips of this battle.

Have you visited the two stat boosts, marked by the blue (R)?

Mission 2 - Suspicion

Map Size: Small

Carry Over: Freyda
Level Cap: 16
Difficulty Index: 1/5

Primary Objectives:
 Eliminate the (4) rebel towns
 Destroy all (14) peasant huts
 Freyda and Laszlo must survive

Secondary Objectives:
 Save the (5) innocent peasants

Last Updated:
February 11, 2007, Patch v2.1

The 2nd mission of the new Haven campaign is fairly easy and short. There are four Haven towns to be
destroyed (marked with pink letters A to D). None of the towns feature significant garrisons and the enemy
heroes inside (if any) are completely dormant.

Instead of flagging Peasant Huts, now you need to burn them down. Compared to the last mission, you need to
burn nearly twice as many - 14 huts to be torched in total. They are again marked in yellow P on the map.
To add some spice to the mission, you are given a strange
secondary objective - to save (pick up) the "innocent"
peasants (Enforcers, marked with red letter E). You still
torch their huts to the ground, though. In order to complete
this side quest, you need to pick up about 5 stacks of
Enforcers. The reward is really nice - Freyda gains 1 point in
each of her 4 stats.

Personally, I picked the Blind spell as the starting bonus,

because it is the only bonus that carries over to future
missions. The spell helped me reduce losses in a few battles.
This mission is quite easy anyway, because you will pick up
fairly large stacks of Renegade units throughout the map. The
10K gold bonus is actually a little bit "too generous", because
you won't have enough places to spend it.

Freyda starts in the SW corner (1). Laszlo is still around, but now he has his own mind. Laszlo follows Freyda
closely (he can act even before his turn comes up), and from time to time, he gets rid of neutral stacks lying
ahead. Laszlo can also pick up your Enforcers (required for the sidequest), so as soon as you see an Enforcer
stack or any Renegade stack (which always joins you), rush for it before Laszlo does!

Laszlo might help you pick out a few Peasant (Inferno) stacks, but nothing bigger.

Proceed to the east to pick up your first stack of Enforcesr, and burn down
two Peasant Huts. When I tested difficulty on this first stack of Enforcers, I
got 81 Enforcers to join on easy, and 51 on heroic. So it seems that
difficulty does play a small role here. The Peasants in this mission usually
turn into low-level Inferno creatures. These Imps and Familiars never
hesitate to suck your mana dry.

Follow the path north to flag an Archer Tower (2). You can see the first
Teal town (A) immediately to the west. Take it! Too bad you won't be able
to keep and develop any town in this mission. From Town A, if you
proceed further west, you can pick up a fairly scary stack of Vindicators
(V) inside. They are very useful cannon fodder against various high-tier,
neutral stacks guarding stat boosts and artifacts.

Come back to the crossroad (2), and this time go east. With the Vindicators
you can now easily hack through the tier-6 stack guarding another opening
to the north. There you can pick up a big stack of Crossbowmen (C), and
visit a Hill Fort (3). This Hill Fort only converts basic units to regular
upgrades, so they still cannot be merged with your Renegade units. At least
you can Battle Dive again!
Next, follow the path south, you will see 2 more flammable Peasant Huts and 3 juicy stacks of Enforcers. On
your NE you can attack the second enemy town (B). Don't miss the large stack of Battle Griffins (G) on your
east! They are very useful in subsequent battles, especially sieges. If you have to throw away a stack at this
point, discard the Squires.

Again, backtrack to the crossroad (2), and this time follow the pavement north (4). Three more Huts are
scheduled to be demolished, plus yet another Enforcer stack. If you have picked up all Enforcer stacks up to this
point, it is likely that you can finish the secondary objective here, and claim your 4 points of bonus stats on
Freyda. Nice!

Next, take the NW route and siege Town C next, followed by a small deadend to the north for yet another
Enforcer stack begging you to burn their house. There is a Trading Post just south of Town C. Feel free to
convert all your resources to gold (but you probably have no place to spend it). South of the Trading Post is a
Mana Spring, where you can double Freyda's mana.

Are you thinking what I was thinking? -- Where is the "Nuke" button?

Proceed to the east and you will soon see a bridge leading to the north. There is a Witch Hut (5) just south of the
Teal town D. Wipe this last Teal town from the map and follow the paved road to torch yet another Peasant Hut.
On the south you can see a Tomb of the Warrriors, where you sacrifice 3 points of morale in the next battle for a
random artifact.

Finally, cross another bridge to see the final batch of huts. Right after burning down the last, 14th Hut, the sky
turns dark and stacks of demon armies warp in! You should have more than enough leftover units to send them
packing. Mission accomplished!

Mission 3 - Duncan

Map Size: Small

Carry Over: Freyda
Level Cap: 21
Difficulty Index: 2/5

Primary Objectives:
 Seize all the (4) towns of the rebellious Stag Duchy
 Take Duncan prisoner
 Freyda must survive

Last Updated:
February 11, 2007, Patch v2.1
Pick the 15 Vindicator starting bonus. They are very useful, but not in battles.

This is a straight-forward mission - there are four Haven towns (marked in pink A to D) to be occupied by
Freyda. As soon as you take the last one, the mission is accomplished. You can develop towns you capture.

From your starting position (1), head straight to the first town (A). A stack of
Peasants vaporizes in front of your eyes, but nothing else happens (a script
failure?) There is a free stat boost (R) on the side of the road and a Witch Hut
to the east (2) that you can visit now or later. Take Town A from Teal as soon
as possible and start building. You receive a small stack of Renegade
reinforcements as a reward.

Before or after taking Town A, you can flag a Barracks at (3). Normally
Footmen and their relatives are not really useful, but they are very important in
this mission. All of the mines you flag will be recaptured by spontaneously-
spawned Teal units within a few days if you do not put at least 10 units of
Footmen (or better units) to garrison the mines. (The game will also tell you
about it when that happens.) However, once a mine is properly guarded, it will
never be attacked, and therefore will remain safe forever.

One of the new features in the expansion is the Caravan system. If you are not
familiar with it from HoMM4, you can think of it as ordering pizza. You can
place an order from home and the pizza will be delivered to your house after a
short time or it is free. In the game the units are the pizza and the Caravan is
the delivery guy. The only difference is you always have to pay first, despite
the possibility that the delivery might fail.

To start a Caravan delivery, you can go to the creature purchase interface of any town. You can purchase (order)
creatures from another town or from a creature building. As soon as you pay, the units will be packed into a
Caravan outside the town or building. The Caravan starts moving towards the destination town when you hit
End Turn.

The game also tells you how many days it takes for the caravan to arrive. Generally speaking, Caravans move
faster than heroes, but they are not very good at avoiding obstacles. One of my Caravans actually got stuck in
front of a garrison, and blocked my access to it as well. Another strange thing is that you cannot package already
hired troops (inside a town) into a Caravan. You have to hire them fresh from reserves.

By the way, you might have noticed that un-hired creatures can now accumulate in creature buildings, so even if
you forget to hire them for a week, you can always hire them later. This is a very considerate design!

Three kinds of resources are usually in shortage in this mission:

Wood, Ore and Mercury (the corresponding mines are marked with
yellow W, O and M). Fortunately, none of the mines are guarded, so
you can send out a low level hero to flag them one by one (don't
forget to leave 10 Footmen in each).

From Town A, head east to then north to take your second Town (B).
There is a Trading Post (4) on your way. The Trading Post offers a
discount in resource exchange, equivalent to having three Market
Places. In the meantime, send a low-level hero to flag mines in the
opposite direction. The two Sawmills are especially important. AI
heroes here are again dormant in this mission, so feel free to flag
mines just outside their castle gate, as long as you have enough

After taking Town B, you receive another small stack of Renegade

reinforcement as a reward. That's all the Renegade units you have for
this mission, though. Flag another Sawmill, and you can now enter
underground from the stairway at (5). Follow the paved road south
and you can take a side step to flag a Gold Mine (6). Then, follow the road all the way south, to take the
stairway at (7). You emerge just beside the third Teal Town (C). That was some underground shortcut!
Now you own three towns and the Teal AI only owns one. Your victory is just a matter of time. Unfortunately,
you cannot build the towns all the way up to the maximum. Your Mage
Guilds are capped at level 3 and you can hire only up to basic Tier 5
(Priest) and 6 (Cavalier) units.

In the meantime, you can collect the rest of the stat boosts marked with
blue (R), while watching your Caravan ship units around. You only need to
have one Griffin upgrade facility first, since you can easily gather the basic
Griffins with Caravans. The only Alchemy Lab is beyond the garrisons
(marked with G). However, by the time you break through the garrison and
flag this Alchemy Lab, you may as well challenge Duncan in Town D and
end this mission.

By the way, the Training Ground mechanics have been adjusted as well.
Now you cannot train as many Peasants to Archers as your bank account
allows. There is a pitiful limit on the number of units you can train per day.
This number slowly grows.

When you feel ready, grab all units you have, break the garrison and siege
Duncan's castle (D). The weakest garrison among the three is located
underground. When you take the stairway at (8), you will emerge right in
the heart of Duncan's quarter. Duncan is quite powerful as the mission
boss, and his diving Griffins might be able to wipe out your Marksmen before they get a chance to move away!
(Now high morale also happens on Battle Dive, making Imperial Griffins deadlier than ever.) You may need to
split up the Marksmen stack like me (shown in the picture). This way, at least you can keep half of the stack

If you tried to gather all units available, you should have some ranged advantage here after your own Imperial
Griffins dive out Duncan's Marksmen. It is better to wait for the defending units to come out. Freyda's specialty
is the improved Haste spell according to her level. By now, you should be able to cast some nasty Expert Mass
Haste to keep the action going. Ths mission ends when you defeat Duncan!

Mission 4 - Negotiations

Map Size: Normal

Carry Over: Freyda
Level Cap: 27
Difficulty Index: 3/5

Primary Objectives:
 Talk with dwarven garrison
 Carry out Dwarves' demands
 Reach Tor Hrall
 Get away from the Dwarves' territory
 Freyda must survive
 Kill wolves

Secondary Objectives:
 Take care of Hydra
 Elminate rebels
 Find dwarven mithral helm and greaves
 Collect resources, enough for Keymaster's requirements

Last Updated:
February 11, 2007, Patch v2.1
There will be plenty of nice artifacts in this mission, so the Champion bonus seems to be a good choice for a
reasonable boost at start.

This mission is clearly divided into two parts. The first half is a brief, standard conquer and build. As soon as
you meet the requirement, you should move on, since you will lose all the leftovers anyways. The second half is
all about solo sight-seeing, but there are a few side quests to pursue in between.

Part I: Preparing for the Snowy Mountains

Freyda starts in the SW corner (1) with Town A already under her command. Haven towns (after so many
patches) now require a lot of Wood and Ore, so you can start by flagging the nearby Ore Pit and Sawmill
(yellow O and W). There will be no secondary hero in this mission, so Freyda has to do everything by herself.
You will be able to reach the level cap quite easily in this mission, so you can skip a lot of optional neutral
stacks, such as the group just SW of Town A.
Resurrection = Successful Campaign!

At this stage, all of the neutral Renegades will join Freyda. Pick up the better ones as soon as possible! If you
venture into the NW region from the Saw Mill, you can flag two more mines and pick up a small stack of Fallen
Angels, which are essentially super-sized Vampires. There is also a Witch Hut nearby.

Before visiting the Dwarf garrison (2), keep going east to defeat
the Rebels stationed inside Town B. Don't miss out on the Sulfur
Pit (yellow S) on your way and flag the Sawmill and Ore Pit there
as well.

After flagging more mines and visiting the stat boosts (blue R),
you can approach the dwarf garrison at (2). Freyda can only pass
the garrison if she:

1. Owns more than:

 15000 Gold
 15 Crystals
 15 Sulfur
 10 Gems

2. Carries an army of exactly:

 100 Conscripts
 80 Marksmen
 50 Squires
 30 Imperial Griffins
 15 Inquisitors
 5 Paladins

Nothing more, nothing less. You can't bring any Renegade units with you, of course.

With both Haven towns under your control, the requirement is not hard to meet. In the meantime, while
cranking out these units, also build up the Mage Guilds to maximum (level 5) for a chance to get the ultra-useful
Resurrection spell. If you also picked Dark Magic for Freyda, you may get the tide-turning Puppet Master and
Frenzy as well. Nice!

There is no return after passing through the garrison. After you have done everything meaningful, lead the
specified army and go straight for the dwarf town Tor Hrall (Town C). You will see a Red Keymaster Tent (red
K) on the left, but it is now guarded by legions of high-tier dwarfs. We will come back later for it.
ROFL, oh wrong, ROLF, co-chiefs the Dwarf tribe with Wolfenstein, I mean Wulfstan.

Part II: Greetings from the Dwarves

As soon as you reach Town C, a cutscene plays and you have lost everything in your home base - and your bank
account gets reset to 0 as well. Your new objective is to escape the dwarf territory. Your way in is now blocked
by hostile and huge garrisons, so you have no other choice but to take the one-way portal at (3). Before entering
the portal, you can pick up a nice Dwarven King artifact (blue D1). Similar to Findan's last mission, all four in
the set will be available for collection!

You emerge in the very NW corner of the map (3'). Immediately to

your south and northeast are another two pieces of the Dwarven King
artifacts (D2 and D3).

Sometimes, you can get neutral, lower-level Dwarf units to join you.
They are quite powerful units, and I would trade my fat and lazy
Conscripts for them on any snowy day. By the way, from time to
time you should pick up some Crystals, Gems, and Gold. They will
be needed in an optional sidequest. Cash the chests as well. You will
have lots of EXP from quests.

When you go south, you can see two stacks of Wolves in the forest
(red W). The beasts seem to be missing a victim to be rescued by
you, so it is better not to kill innocent wild animals, right? Actually,
no. Video games never teach you to save wildlife, humanoids, or

If you don't kill the wolves now, later on you will be blocked by
three dwarf stackc at (4). They will ask you to defeat these wolves.
As soon as the wolves are gone, these blocking stacks also disappear.
There are three stacks of wolves in total.

SE from the wolves is large stack of Phoenixes. There is no need to waste your precious troops on them,
because there is a very nice detour. Follow the path SW and not far ahead lies the last piece of Dwarven King
artifacts (D4) and a stack of Squire reinforcements as well. Keep going south, and you can visit a Stable and
pick up a very useful artifact - Boots of the Open Road, which eliminate the movement penalty on snow.

Note: The game hints that Rolf is going to chase you around, but I have never seen any trace of Rolf.
Follow the road east, and you can pick up a stack of Conscripts
and *Inhale* Imperial Griffins! Cast a Divine Strength on the
diving Griffins (using your Inquistitors) and enjoy some landslide

There is a Hut of Magi at (5). The Hut asks you to give up a

Dwarven artifact and it will show you some interesting places. No,
it does not show you Rolf ROFL or Wulfstan return to
Wolfenstein. It only shows you the places I just described above.
Don't waste your valuable artifact on it.

Now follow the road north and, look, you have bypassed that large
Phoenix stack! There are some well-hidden Marksmen willing to
join you just SE of the Phoenixes.

Next, turn east, and you will be blocked by the Dwarfs who ask
you to kill wolves, if you haven't already done so. Keep going east,
and you will bump into a little stack of Dwarfs hiding in the wood.
Someone begs you to rescue his sister (who is also bearded, you
will see), by defeating some Hydras. You can find a large stack of
Hydras just NW from here (7). Note the path is not really obvious.

After defeating the Hydras, you can "enter" the mine. The mine
works like a two-way teleport and you will come out at (7'). This
is a shortcut to the end of the mission, but by taking it you will
miss a few nice features in between.

If you are interested in what you might have missed, backtrack to (6) and follow the road SE then SW. You are
back at the Red Keymaster Tent (red K), but this time the guarding stack is much weaker. You can trade for the
Red Key with:

 10 Crystals
 5 Gems
 5000 Gold

That's why there are lots of Crystals and Gems around. The Red Key
opens the Red Gate (red G) in the east. Go there, pick up the Inquisitors,
visit the stat boosts, and you are now back to the Dwarf Mine exit (7').
Keep going east, and you can see a stack of Shadow Dragons guarding a
high-quality artifact.

You are now very close to the end of the mission. The mission boss is
blocking your exit. It is -- a large stack of Godzillas !!... also known as
Fire/Magma Dragons.

The Fire/Magma Dragons are essentially slow versions of Phoenixes. You

receive fire damage from hurting them in melee and when you face such a
large number, your losses will be significant. The Dragons are also
immune to mind control spells (such as Frenzy and Puppet Master), so
there is no trick to this battle. Just throw in whatever you have and Mass
Haste your own side to shorten the pain.

If you are not powerful enough to take on the Godzillas, you can go SE a bit to visit a Prison (8). The Prison
holds no hero, but offers you an optional sidequest. By submitting two pieces of Dwarven artifacts, you get a
large stack of Paladins to join. In my game I got 45 -- this was more powerful than my entire army combined!
The exchange is well worth it. Besides, there are also a group of Paladins to be picked up further east.
Behind the Fire Dragons, there is a new and very nice stat boost (+2 spell power and +2 knowledge) guarded by
a very small stack of Phoenixes. Finally, enter the stairs and approach the portal to trigger the end-mission
cutscene. Well done!

Mission 5 - Choices

Map Size: Large

Carry Over: Freyda, Duncan
Level Cap: 29
Difficulty Index: 3/5

Primary Objectives:
 Liberate Duncan
 Seize the port town and set sail for Talonguard
 Freyda must survive
 Duncan must survive

Last Updated:
February 11, 2007, Patch v2.1

The new Haven campaign finale is quite a standard build-up-and-conquer scenario, but there are a few
interesting twists in it. Let's start by picking the 2 Champions. There are hundreds and thousands of gold
involved this mission, so the cash bonuses do not make a real difference.
The Town Portal and Summon Creature spells save you a lot of time in this mission.

Escaping from the snowy territory of the Dwarves, Freyda starts in the NW corner (1). The Paladins featured in
the cutscene will join you. There is a random, low-quality artifact just south of Freyda. On your way to it,
though, you receive an ambush warning. The ambush consists of elementals. I got Air Elementals here.

Go east a bit and you can see an Abandoned mine (Crystal

Cavern) to your NW. Flag it or not - you should soon take the
lightly-defended Dwarf town (A) and start the cash flow. Take
the stairway at (2) to wave goodbye to the snow!

You are now in the underground passage (2'). Follow the path
south, and you will see the exit (3'). However, to your NE there
hides a gold mine, which is quite worth the extra days of travel,
since you probably won't come back here for a while.

The exit (3') takes you to the ground level (3). As soon as you
emerge, a Teal hero attacks you, but his army is laughably
weak. There is a Teal town (B) just south from here. You can
either take it now or rescue Duncan (4) first. There is a
medium-sized garrison holding Duncan. If you have a well-
built Freyda by now, you should be able to break it with
Freyda's starting army.

As soon as you rescue Duncan, all Teal towns (B, C and D), buildings, and heroes will convert to your blue flag.
Therefore, you should ignore the various mines surrounding Town B and rescue Duncan as soon as possible.
Duncan: *Cough* Okay, okay, I will come out! Don't need to release that tear-gas!!

Duncan joins at level 23. His skill choices are quite standard (and slightly boring)
for a Might hero. I would have swapped Defense for something much more
aggressive (and thus useful in a campaign), such as Luck or Dark Magic. Logistics
is good for a supprting hero, but there are plenty in the Tavern.

Note Duncan knows almost no spells at first and he does not have the mighty
Master of Wrath. Make that a priority for subsequent level-ups.

Since Duncan is still weak, you probably don't want to split any army to him at
first. It will be nice to level Duncan a bit before the mission ends, though, as both
Freyda and Duncan will show up in future missions. Unfortunately, it is impossible
to level both Freyda and Duncan to the level caps here, due to the relatively small
stack sizes for a mission finale. Where is our friendly Sylanna's Ancient level-up

Now all the Teal buildings and heroes are yours. There are a few things you should
pay attention to:

 Build structures for Cavaliers and Griffins, which are all you need to
dominate the map. You only need one upgrade center, thanks to Caravens.

 Build better castle walls to increase unit production.

 Flag as many gold mines as you see, and hire all the Peasants (using Caravan) every week. Hire Ellaine
if she is available (double tax from Peasants). It is possible to have 2000+ peasants under her by the third

 Go to the Tavern (in any town) and see if you can hire high-level Haven heroes you just defeated. In my
game I was able to hire two level-20s heroes, who became a huge help in logistics.

Watch out for the red hero Andreas. He is usually roaming around in
the former Teal territory. AI heroes love to chase your army-less hero
around, so you can use them as the bait. Take out Andreas as fast as
you can, so you can freely explore the map to flag mines and pick up
stat boosts.

Andreas' starting army is not very powerful (but Andreas and his killer
Ballista are tough), so you should gather everything you have, and
defeat him before he goes back to a Red town and replenishes his

Your next goal is to take out one of the two remaining Red towns (E)
as soon as you can. If you have sent Andreas packing already, Town E should be guarded by a very low-level
Renegade hero, Lorenzo. You will be surprised how he bites dust without a scream, even though his army
overpowers you 5 to 1!

The Red AI should have built up Town E very well, so you can immediately learn the precious Summon
Creature and the Town Portal spells. Your traveling efficiency has just doubled!

This Town E is also the only town in this mission that allows you to hire
Angels. There are two Haven Angel buildings around Town B, so you can hire
quite a powerful Angel army by the end. You can find a Hill Fort at (5), which
allows you to upgrade Angels to Archangels. Great!

After owning all five towns, you can take your time building up and exploring,
since the Red AI is again dormant and will never come out from the garrison
door. There are a lot of stat boosts (R) on the map, netting a total of 16 points!
(Just for your information, the current single-mission record of stat boosts is
still held by C5M4 in the original
HoMM5, 21 points.)

When you feel powerful enough, venture down the stairway just south
of the Hill Fort (5). The Succubi Mistresses at (5') yield quite a few
resources. The Archdevil further inside the cave guards a two-way
portal (6), which leads to a small, isolated floating land mass (6'). You
can pick up a nice artifact there, but nothing else.

North of Town E is a stairway (7) that leads to another small

underground area (7'). You can find a Green Keymaster Tent (Green
K) nearby. If you go north from there, you can pick up an interesting
artifact. In my game there is a Markal's Skull (yack) glowing and
floating around! It is not really useful for a Might hero, though.

The Green Key is part of the Key trio required to unlock a HUGE
Treasure Hall underground. You can find the Red Keymaster Tent
SE of Town B (red K). The Blue Keymaster Tent (Blue K) is just NE of the stairway 7, in the middle of the

After collecting all three Keys, go downstairs through 3 (where you came from at the beginning) and unlock the
Red Gate (red G) to the east and subsequently the other two gates (green G and blue G).

The treasure hall is a spectacular eye candy, but does not really contain anything wonderful inside. The chests
are not any larger than the regular ones (not like those huge chests in C5M4 of the original game). The tiled
floor somehow consumes a lot of movement points as well.

Behind the Blue Gate you can find a two-way portal (8'), which takes you to a small, isolated island at the SE
corner on the surface. A pack of Fire Dragons would like to join you!

When you are done with exploring, gather all the troops from your
towns, upgrade them properly, and march towards the Port town
(yellow P). You need to pass a garrison, which is more powerful than
anything you have seen in this campaign. It consists of:

 25 Fallen Angels
 50 Champions
 75 Zealots
 160 Battle Griffins
 250 Vindicators
 400 Crossbowmen

The number does not grow, so you can eventually outgrow them. In my
game, I spent about 6 weeks just to visit all the stat boosts, so I ended
up with a huge army that ran over the garrison unscratched even from
Quick Combat results. You can take out both garrisons to gather more
experience points. Sweet!

After facing the huge garrison, you would probably expect some serious campaign finale battle. However, the
defending army in the Port Town is extremely disappointing. Somehow the AI stops building at tier-three, even
when they get Andreas back. Hopefully, this will get fixed in a subsequent patch.

After taking the Port town, build a Shipyard, and purchase a ship.
You are not done yet - there is one last battle. As soon as you board
the ship, the mission boss Irina spawns, sails forth and attacks you.
Irina is a powerfully-built Haven hero at level 24, almost as good as
my never-miss-a-stat-bonus Freyda. I would happily trade Duncan
for Irina on any day! Irina leads an army that is about half as
powerful as the garrison(s) you just defeated.

However, if you have spent time visiting the stat bonuses, your
army should be able to sink Irina's ship in 6 moves (1 move = 1
stack down). Just for an example, the Imperial Griffins' initiative is
improved from 15 to 25 under Freyda's (Lv 29) Mass Haste.
Factoring in the frequent high morale, that's more than 3 actions per
hero's turn!

Winning the battle brings you the final cutscene, which justifies Duncan's jail time. Congratulations for
finishing this interesting and not-very-difficult Haven campaign. Next, we will move into the new race of the
expansion, the Dwarves.

Welcome to the new white world! The second campaign in Hammers of Fate expansion features the long-
anticipated Dwarf race (Runemages). Here are a few quick facts about this race:
Primary Stats: Spell Power, Defense
Pros: Powerful skills and Rune magics, High unit defense
Cons: Low Unit speed and initiative, generally poor attackers

Although Dwarves are typically Might heroes in contemporary mass media and games, here in Hammers of Fate
they are more mages (high Spell Power) than fighters (low Attack). Of course, if you are patient enough, you
can restart the mission until you get alternative stats growth pattern, and build them into other interesting types
of Dwarves.

Note: Random seed used in stats point distribution is decided at the beginning of a mission. If you are not
against using the console code, you can take a quick look at what is coming ahead.

Rune magics are not conventional magics. They have separate structures, containing another set of "spells" to be
casted when a unit acts, so it does not require hero's action. Not mana, but resources are used to cast Rune
magics on units. Most of the Rune magics are supporting magics, and some of them can be very powerful if
used at the right time. In the following walkthrough I will attempt to cover the more useful ones.

Note: Rune magics are severely bugged in Patch 2.1. All but two end up inactivated forever. If you are using
Patch 2.1, spend the skill points elsewhere.

Besides, there are quite a few special feats worth trying for a Dwarven Runemage. Here are a few very
interesting ones:

 Empathy (Leadership): Every time your unit gets a high morale, the hero's ATB bar moves up 10%.
This can be potentially the game-breaking feat! Is it worthwhile to trade 12 skill points for it? Maybe
yes, because there are other nice Dwarven special feats in Enlightenment. However, the hardest part in
this campaign comes in the middle, and you better pick something that really matters. By the time you
finally get Empathy in later missions, you probably won't feel a good difference.

 Swift Mind (Logistics): The Dwarven hero starts the battle with a 25% bonus charge of the ATB bar.
This feat usually allows the Dwarf hero to act first. Works great if you have some nasty magics to cast.
The difference is not very large in a tough (and long) battle, though.
 Tap Runes (Enlightenment): You may recall the fight between Markal and a manually-optimized
Godric in C3M5 of the original game. Spirit Link made a large difference there. Besides Spirit Link, this
is the only other way to recharge mana during a battle. Very useful in a long battle where your mana is
likely to run out. Each mana recovery = 1/2 of your Knowledge points. If all 7 stacks cast some Rune
magic, your hero gains a lot of mana back quickly!

 Mentoring (Enlightenment): Raises another hero to 25% of the EXP the Mentor has. Due to the insane
EXP requirement for later levels, you can easily have a lot of level 20+ pupils later in the campaign. For
the future 10,000 years only the Siths can match this deal! However, since you are not going to fight
with pupils anyways, this skill is not a big boost in the campaign.

 Ignite (Destructive Magic): The target receives more fire-spell damage after the original cast, for 3
rounds. The game description is misleading here, though. The Ignition damage is not "100% for the next
3 rounds", but only 33.3% to be added up to 100%, over the next 3 rounds. Even though this is only 1/3
as good as it sounds, they still help in a long battle.

 Dwarven Luck (Luck): Double Magic Resistance (30%). This is cheating against Warlocks and
Wizards! However, in this campaign you only fight Haven heroes.

 Absolute Protection (War Machines, Logistics, Destructive Magic, Defense): Enemy attacks are always
unlucky (1/2 damage). Getting hit is never this enjoyable especially for a sadistic Dwarf. However, same
as all other ultimate abilities, you can't get it when you most need it, and you can customize a much
better build otherwise.
Having 3 copies of the No.7 chromosome, Dwarves end up with a short statue but awesome Magic Resistance.

Destructive Magic is a necessity on heroic, which this walkthrough is based on. A Runemage's spell damage is
far below than a Warlock's, but in mission 3 your starting army is so weak and your opponent is so tough, that
there is little chance to win without damages contributed by your hero. Light Magic is always very useful in a
campaign, for the sake of troop conservation. These two magic schools happen to be featured in a Fortress town
(same as a Sylvan town, duh).

In my game, I picked Destructive, Light, Leadership and Enlightenment. It worked out quite well, but I was one
point short of Empathy and 2 points away from Swift Mind when the campaign ends. This campaign has only 3
Witch Huts in total, and the neutral stacks in the last mission are way too small even on heroic. If I replay the
campaign later, I will swap Leadership for Sorcery, go for 100% magics and fireball my way in and out.

Mission 1 - The Border Zone

Map Size: Small

Carry Over: Wulfstan
Level Cap: 12
Difficulty Index: 2/5

Primary Objectives:
 Hold at least two towns
 Build a certain army (300 Shieldguards)
 Wulfstan must survive

Secondary Objectives:
 Build a Runic Shrine of first circle

Last Updated:
February 22, 2007, Patch v2.1

Your main hero is Wulfstan, who made an appearance in the previous Freyda campaign. Wulfstan starts with
Logistics and Path Finding, which is very helpful in a campaign with quite a few "must do this within X days /
weeks" objectives.

Three undeveloped towns are already under your control (A to C), and Wulfstan is outside Town B, which is
one-level higher than the other two. Your job is to defend these towns against Red Haven armies, and build up a
proper army in the meantime.

You might recall a similar situation back in Findan's first (Sylvan) mission. Now, you have 3 towns (not just
one) to start, and the invading heroes will be significantly weaker. The neutral stacks featured on the map are
very low in level, and your army will be dominated by low-tier units, too. There are also far less stat boosts (just
two) to visit, and no tough Biara in the end. This is "C5M1 Lite"!

Actually, the mission ends whenever you gather 300 Shieldguards (upgraded Defenders). Since you have 3
towns, and can flag up to 3 Defender creature buildings (marked by the coffee-colored Ds), you should be able
to achieve this goal during Week 3-4. The Caravans are a great help.

I would recommend the Bear Rider as the starting bonus. They have great defense and HP, making them very
effective damage-absorbing tanks (without dying) for your first several fights.
The larger the power difference, the more likely a neutral stack will offer to join (for money).

Wulfstan starts outside of Town B (1). First, let's get Wulfstan back home and build a Shield Barracks, to
recruit 18 Defenders. Right outside your starting location, there is a stack of Defenders (See the picture above).
Approach them and see if they would like to join you (for money). On heroic, whether they join you or not
makes a HUGE difference. The neutral stacks in this mission are quite large to start with!

Just south of Town B, there is a stack of Peasants. It is a good starting point to practice 1-unit stack tactics.
Essentially, you want these 1-unit stacks to:

 Block the advance of un-targeted enemy stacks, and waste their next turn by getting mauled by them.
You can easily block large creatures with a couple of 1-unit stacks.

 Attack your target first, and die from a powerful retaliation, so your powerhouse stack will not be
retaliated when their attack takes place.

 Protect your ranged units (fill in the holes) when your real stack goes away fighting.

 Ensure regular chances for high morale bonus when you only have a few stacks left.

The Bear Riders will serve a similar purpose here, and they also provide a little extra power.
Idealy, your tank will absorb so much damage so they will almost die, but won't.

So what should you build in the towns? Here is a brief list of the most useful buildings for this mission:

 Shield Barracks, for a lot more Defenders. They are the powerhouse in this mission because the
opponent usually has very low defense. Get one Shield Barrack setup in each town before the end of
Week 1. Upgrade the barrack in Town B to Shield Hall, and upgrade as many Shieldguards as you can
before fighting first Red Hero (around 11 Days into the game).

 Blade Barracks, for Spearthrowers and Skirmishers. Build them right after the Shield Barrack as soon
as you have enough resources.

 Town Hall, for more cash. Requires a level-6 town. The investment pays off after 4 days.

 Citadel (requires Fort first) in Town B only. 50% more troop production, and extra defense against
invading heroes. However, you probably won't use it except for the first fight.

 Runic Shrine Level 1. This is a secondary objective of the mission, with no reward. Some rune magics
are useful, and you should learn them when you still own towns.

 Magic Guild (Level 3 in Town B, Level 1 in others): What to do with that high Spell Power? Cast some
nasty magics! Your aim is Fireball (Destructive) and Deflect Missile (Light).

On your second day, build a Mage Guild Level 1 in Town B, and make Wulfstan visit it. You should be able to
learn one damaging spell. (If not, try another town.) A simple Destructive spell can help you further reduce unit

Your next priority is to flag the Sawmill and Ore Pit at (2), because Wood and Ore (especially Wood) will be in
shortage. You can make a round trip through Town A and C, and back to B, to collect the starting armies in the
northern towns. The tier-1 neutral stacks guarding the Sawmill and Ore Pit there are completely random. You
may be greeted by incompetent Peasants and Conscripts/Enforcers, or you may get simultaneous-face-slapping
Sprites and poison-you-to-restart-mission Assassins. Flagging these two mines will make your victory much
easier, but it is not required.
After the round trip it is pretty much your freedom to explore. Just make it
back to Town B to face the Red heroes that spawn weekly. Here is a list of
them in my game:


 Spawn Spot: 3
 Time: End of Day 1, Week 2
 Lv 1
 20 Crossbowmen
 8 Battle Griffins
 90 Enforcers

 Spawn Spot: 4
 Time: Beginning of Day 1, Week 3
 Lv 3
 20 Crossbowmen
 15 Vindicators
 80 Enforcers

 Spawn Spot: 3
 Time: Beginning of Day 1, Week 4
 Lv 5
 40 Crossbowmen
 30 Battle Griffins
 8 Zealots

There may be more coming, but I didn't wait further.

You can reveal Vittiro's spawn area (3) with the Hut of Magi
just beside Town B. Spawned heroes require 4 days to travel to
Town B.

When Vittiro gets close, get back to Town B and defend.

Purchase an Ammo Cart so your shooters don't run out of
ammos in 10 seconds. Neutralize the Crossbowmen as fast as
possible (spells, flying spears), and use your main Shieldguard
stack for the rest.

After handling Vittiro, you pretty much have the victory in

pocket. Meaves is even weaker than Vittiro. Dougal is quite
powerful, but by that time your army should be large enough to
run over Dougal with little trouble.

There is a one-way portal entrance at (5), just east of Town B.

It takes you to the SW corner of the map (5'). There are two
creature buildings nearby. However, you will have to walk
back from there. Don't take this portal when the Red hero is on
the way! There is another pair of portal, but they are not really saving you any time.

The mines are not really worth flagging if they are defended by shooters. You can already pick up lots of
resources on the ground.
Before collecting 300 Shieldguards and finish the mission, you can level up Wulfstan to the level cap (took me a
total of 20 battles since Day 1). On heroic, you should concentrate the skill points on Destructive and Light
magics. You will need them very soon.

Mission 2 - The Ambush

Map Size: Normal

Carry Over: Wulfstan
Level Cap: 16
Difficulty Index: 2/5

Primary Objectives:
 Seize Asbrand within two weeks
 Liberate the Dwarven dwellings within two months
 Repulse the Imperial attack
 Wulfstan must survive

Secondary Objectives:
 Seize all (4) gold mines

Last Updated: February 22, 2007, Patch v2.1

If you like the gorgeous Treasure Hall hidden underground in Freyda's mission 5, you have an entire mission
made out of it now! The Ambush features a large and beautiful Dwarven macro-structure, containing mines,
creature buildings, even a five-story-Fortress town in the middle. The town is not even 1/5 as tall as the wall!

So far, we have always recommended taking the creatures as starting bonus, but we will make an exception
here. Although 10 black bears sound good, they are insignificant compared to your large starting army. They
also don't merge with your existing Bear Rider stack, thus leaving less room for your 1-defender stacks. The less
1-unit stacks, the more casualties you take! You will be better off by taking the Armor of Valor artifact, which
offers 1 point of defense (about 5% reduction in damage), and 1 point of morale (extra 10% high-morale bonus).

Your first objective is to capture the the only town in this mission (A) within 2 weeks. This deadline is very
easy to meet, since Wulfstan has the logistics skill by default, and the road leads to the town is very straight-

From Wulfstan's starting location (1), pick up a small stack of

cannon fodders, and follow the snowy path south. Three stacks
of wolves are mandatory, and their number may pose a threat. If
you can't kill a wolf stack completely (which is very likely
since HoF Dwarves are bad in the offense department), when
the wolves' turn comes up, they will run beside your stack, call
forth the same number of wolves, and attack you
simultaneously. This can be devastating if a large stack does
that to you.

If you have built Rune Shrines back in

mission 1, you probably have learned the
Charge rune magic. By using up one unit of
Wood, your unit doubles its speed (traveling
distance, not initiative). You can use this
Rune to enable your Bear Rider units to reach
enemy shooters in round one, for a cheap
price of 1 wood!
The Berserk special ability of Berserkers is quite powerful. All you need to do is to pull Berserkers away from
your other stacks (start off the battle with them in another corner). When the Berserks are closer to an enemy
stack (within striking range) than a friendly stack, choose the Berserk command, and the Berserkers will attack
with greatly-enhanced power. The more defense they have, the more attack points they gain by sacrificing all
defense points.

This virtual studio set is also used in a spider chase scene in "A Bug's Life 2".

The garrison at (2) is manned by some long-ranged Renegade units. Try

to use your Bear Riders to rush the shooters, so you won't lose many
vulnerable Berserkers.

Right after the garrison, you can see another stack of wolf in the west.
This stack is larger than the previous, and it guards an artifact Boots of
the Open Road. This artifact is not very useful for Wulfstan, though,
because Wulfstan already has the Path Finding (-50% movement penalty)
feat. Also, in this mission you will spend the majority of time on paved
ground, which does not impose any movement penalty anyways.

Once underground, you have to fight a Necro stack, consisting of Wraths

and Archliches. Note that the battlefield contains a 2-tile narrow passage
in the middle, so you don't want to have your units stuck for good and
make them easy area targets for the Archliches. Fortunately, the
Archliches love to waste their turn casting Weakness on the Berserkers. I
don't need to tell you how to kill 6 Wraths with 2 Defenders, right? Plus
you can instantly reach the Archliches with another pile of wood. Nice!
After the liches are taken care of, follow the path south to enter the magnificent hall. Keep going west towards
Town A. On your way you can easily flag an Ore Pit, and rescue a stack of Skirmishers from Vindicators. The
Gem Mine is guarded by Crossbowmen. If you have the Rune of Charge, this is a perfect time to use it.

Town A is guarded by a Renegade hero with a familiar name - Lorenzo. Lorenzo has gained some levels in the
meantime, and his army is also quite large.

If you have conserved troops well up to this point, you can win
this fight even on Quick Combat. However, you can cut the loss
down significantly fighting it yourself. The Zealots will blind
your most powerful stack (bears). You can dispel it with
Wulfstan's Cleanse, if you acquired it from mission 1. Don't let
your Berserkers cross the half-field too fast, or they will suffer
huge losses from Lorenzo's Zealots and Crossbowmen.

If you are low on mana, and have quite a few good difference-
making magic to cast (such as Igniting-Fireball, Mass Haste /
Righteous Might / Deflect Missile), there is a mana well at (3),
with a easy-to-flag Sawmill half way. You only need to defeat a
small stack of Zealots to gain access to it. Alternatively, you can directly go north after the Ore Pit on your way
in. After flagging a Dwarven Warren, go west and you can see another mana well, plus a hidden boost at (5)...
more on that later.

These round trips cost you several days, but you can still meet the 2-week deadline easily. Another good news is
that Lorenzo will not hire from the town at all, so you can attack him after Day 1, Week 2 and still hire two-
week growth of troops afterwards.

After taking Town A you get a new objective - to liberate all Dwarven creature
buildings within two months. They are the little squares on the minimap, except
the Dwarven Warren (to the north) is actually a random-resource mine.

Starting from your town, you now have two months to explore in different
directions. You can probably get everything done in just one month, though. Here
comes a list of the more important things to do:

 Hire lots of Skirmishers and (Black) Bear Riders. They are very useful in
this mission. High-tier creature buildings are nice to have for the mission
boss. You will have more than enough cash to hire them all.

 Flag both Sawmills and both Ore Pits. You may as well flag all the other
mines on your way. The Crystal Cavern is useful for Thane (tier-6)
building. You will be short of Sulfur, but there is no Sulfur pit. Hope for
the best on the random-resource mine or trade for it.

 Build a Capital ASAP (requires lv-15 town), gives 4000G / day.

 Flag all gold mines. There are 4 in total, marked by yellow Gs above. There are no sweet reward for
completing this side quest, but more cash is always welcome.

 By the end of the mission, try your best to advance your Light and/or Destructive magic schools to
Expert level (Rune Magic as well if you can), and max your Magic Guild. 50% you can get the
Resurrection spell, plus Armageddon or Implosion.
You will see nothing but Renegade units guarding the creature buildings and mines - Zealots, Battle Griffins,
Vindicators and Crossbowmen. Zealots give pain, but Crossbowmen are relatively easy when you rush them
with Bear Riders + 1 wood. Griffins can be easily blocked with a bunch of 1-unit Shieldguard stacks. The slow
Vindicators are ridiculously easy.

In the NW region of the dungeon, there is a skeleton lying on the snow

(4). You might pick up something interesting, or nothing at all.

There is a well-hidden chest lying in the middle of some strange

murshroom landscape at (5). On my way there, Wulfstan was suddenly
surrounded by mysterious green gas. I thought he was poisoned, but he
didn't lose troop or anything. On the other hand, his Morale and Luck are
all boosted to 5, and the effect lasted through the entire mission !! This is
some crazy boost!

If you feel like trading troops for an artifact, there are optional surface
areas blocked by nasty creatures. The two-way portal at (6'), which links
to a small opening of (6), is guarded by Fire Elementals (shooter). The
two-way portal at (7'), which teleports you to (7), features Water
elementals (caster). The stairway at (8') takes you to 8, leading to a
Tomb of Warrior (temporary morale penalty for one artifact), but you
have to bear through Phoenixes. They are all completely optional.

Steadily build up your town, gathering troops and learning new Runes and Magics. As soon as you occupy all
creature buildings, a new objective is triggered - to defend against another Red Hero. (guess who? Hint: These
are only two full-time Renegade heroes so far.)

Andreas' army actually grows weekly, roughly at the same rate of a full Haven town's weekly production. For
example, you will face 16 Champions by spawning him during Week 4, but you will see 20 Champions when he
spawns in Week 5. Fortunately, Andreas has been demoted down 10 levels since your last encounter with him in
the Freyda campaign. There will be more powerful Andreas and Lorenzo coming ahead, though.

By the way, the level cap of this mission is set way too low. I reached level 16 just two battles after defeating

Mission 3 - The Guerrillas

Map Size: Normal

Carry Over: Wulfstan
Level Cap: 22
Difficulty Index: 4/5

Primary Objectives:
 Liberate the captured hero within 3 weeks
 Capture Merasgar
 Seize caravan of gold
 Wulfstan must survive

Secondary Objectives:
 Help Helmar escape from these lands

Last Updated: February 24, 2007, Patch v2.1

This mission is quite challenging, if not a little too much to handle on heroic. If your Wulfstan build has not
"matured" yet, you might have to restart from mission one, which happened to me the first time!

First, pick the 30 Skirmishers, or the artifact if your ATK is miserably low (such as < 10).

Wulfstan starts in the NW corner (1) of the underground hallway - this

time without the atmospheric hanging lamps. Your first objective is to
free a prisoner at (2) within 3 weeks. There is enough time to flag a few
extra mines, visit the stat bonuses, and recruit several stacks on the way.
You probably won't come back down afterwards, so try to do everything
in one go.

There will be a Red hero (guess who, Andreas or Lorenzo?... duh)

patrolling around the major streets. Unlike other patrols, though,
Andreas' movement is not predicatble, and he sometimes picks up neutral
Renegade stacks to make his army even bigger. In my second attemp of
this mission, this walking tank actually got stuck in a corner for good,
which is very nice!

Andreas' army size varies with difficulty. Since there is no steady troop
supply this early (and you start with a small one), it is better to conserve
your troops for a difficult battle ahead, even though Andreas carries a
few nice artifacts. As long as you stay out of his "range of detection",
you should be safe.

Start by going SE. In this square area you will see 3 stakcs of Defenders offering to "entice" other patrols. If you
answer Cancel, they will simply disappear. If you answer OK, they will also disappear, but at the same time
reveal 3 other small stacks of Defenders elsewhere, who will join you. However, it seems that Andreas will be
attracted to the last stack of Defenders that is revealed, so talk to the south-most Defenders last, and Andreas
will be attracted away from all of your primary interests. (Thanks to shep61.)

Go east and turn north, where you can visit a Siege Weapon Workshop (3). Buy an Ammo Cart to make your
Spearthrowers happier than a drunk dwarf. There is a Red Keymaster Tent (red K) hidden inside a dead end.
The corresponding Red Gate (red G) is located in the SW corner, locking away a friendly stack of Brawlers
and an artifact. Try to get this stack of Brawlers before you exit the dungeon. They are quite helpful later.

Continue east, then south, and head for the prison. If you have learned Resurrection, you can easily flag all
mines that you come across; there is one of each kind here. At least, flag the Sawmill just north to the prison, as
you can always use some Charge rune magic. Also, just to the east you can encounter a quite-large stack of
Spearthrowers (4) that always offer to join. Don't miss them!
At the start of Week 2, you will see a blue heroine emerging in
the SE area of the surface -- Freyda! Isn't Freyda on her way
back to the Griffin Empire? Or does C2M3 take place between
C1M4 and C1M5? Anyways, you can watch Freyda ignore the
stat boost, flag the gold mine, take over the purple town, and
exit the stage from underground. She wasn't chased by Rolf or
anyone, and she actually gained one extra town... By the way, it
is impossible for Wulfstan to reach Freyda's quarter in this
mission, so you may as well forget about the town and the DEF
+ 1 stat bonus.

When you reach the prison (2), a purple hero named Helmar is
freed. You receive a secondary objective, which requires you to
help Helmar "escape from these lands". This sidequest is
completed as soon as Helmar reaches the edge of the map on
the surface. There are multiple routes to the surface exit, and it
seems that Helmar will pick an exit that is farthest away from
Andreas' location. If you have made Andreas stuck at the NE
corner, Helmar will pick the SW exit. In my two attempts of
this mission, Helmar picked stairway I' (connected to I) in one,
and III' (to III) in the other.

Helmar carries a small army of 20 Berserkers, so he can get

killed by a larger neutral stack. If this happens you fail the sidequest, but the mission still continues. In order to
safely escort Helmar, you have to defeat the road-blocking neutral stacks before Helmar reaches it first (and
die). This shouldn't be too difficult as Helmar travels much slower than Wulfstan. After Helmar exit the stage,
you receive 50 Berserkers as a reward. Great!

Your next objective is to take Town A, Merasgar. This Fortress town is garrisoned by a Renegade Haven hero,
valeria. (Where did Lorenzo go? You can see him buried under a mountain in the SE corner, probably to keep
the Red player alive.) valeria leads a fixed number (non-growing) of Haven army, plus a growing number of
Fortress army. On heroic, there will always be 11 Champions, 18 Zealots, 15 Battle Griffins, 56 Crosbbowmen,
156 Enforcers, plus an increasing number of Magma Dragon and Defenders. (On easy, the Haven army is only
about 1/4 of the above size.)

The number of Magma Dragon grows by 2 each week, starting

at around week 3. If you assault the castle during Week 4, you
will be fighting 4 Godzillas. On week 5 there will be 6. The
growth rate of the Defenders, on the other hand, seems to be far
more overwhelming. On week 4, I saw 220 Defenders, but on
week 5 the number doubles to a whooping 440! There is little
hope that you can outgrow this garrison from creature

Since valeria is a number of levels higher than you, and her skill choices are quite decent for a castle defender,
this will be a very difficult battle on heroic, particularly because your Wulfstan isn't as good as you wish him to
be yet. Your ranged units will be almost useless (click to see a screenshot). I had to restart the entire campaign
in my first attempt, because I didn't pick Desturctive Magic. On my second attempt, I pulled through while
losing the majority of my army. Here are a few tips:
 Expert Destructive Magic + Ignite + Fireball: Most of your
damage actually comes from Wulfstan's Fireball (plus its 1/2
defense effect). There is NO mana well within your last 10 days
of travelling to Town A, so you have to work on mana
conservation to pull out as many fireballs as you can afford.

 Expert Light Magic + Master of something: Any Mass spell

helps here. However, since you are going to kill the powerful
Marksmen pretty soon with your fireball , Mass Deflect Missle is
actually less efficient than another Fireball. Deflect Missle doesn't
reduce the castle's tower defense. Resurrection (if you still have
mana) might come in handy late in the battle.

 There is a LARGE stack of Skirmishers to be picked up at (5).

You have to defeat the Black Bear Riders guarding them, but it
shouldn't be any problem for you. Besides, just north of the
stairway I you can find 3 stacks of Tier-6 creatures (1 Warlord
and 2 Thanes), but there is only 1 unit in each.

 There are two Fountain of Fortunes, marked with (6). If you are lucky, you can pull out a +3 luck
rainbow, which helps a lot in the coming castle assault. There is another obvious luck boost on your way
to Town A.

When the range units inside the town started to die off under your fireball bombardment, valeria's formidable
melee units will come out. Keep throwing fireballs at them, attack non-stop, and hope for the best!

When you finally take Town A, the red AI has probably built every non-creature building, plus the Magma
Dragon structure (2 each week). It is great to walk around with these Godzillas. Be careful that they are immune
to a lot of magics, including Resurrection, so once they got killed you lose them for good. At the same time, you
also receive a new objective of "seizing the gold caravan". In
essence, there will be a Red caravan travelling from the NE
corner of the map (7), heading SW towards its destination (8).

Although the game objective doesn't specify a time constraint

(one or two weeks, it says), you are actually quite pressed with
time here. You will be reminded of the caravan's position on the
road. In my game, the caravan took exactly 7 days to travel
across the map. If you don't catch up and destroy it in 7 days,
you die from the video tape's curse... er, you lose the mission!

There are quite a few stat boosts (blue (R)) to visit on the
surface, plus it will be nice to level Wulfstan to the cap. It is
impossible to do them all in 7 days, right? Actually, there is a
way. Since Nival always patch up goodies in their script plus
five extra unecessary penalties elsewhere, I am not going to say too much here. Take a look at the screenshot
and see if you can figure it out. (I am glad that my caravan was blocked by a garrison back in Freyda's

So, hopefully you now have enough time to explore, even though the Red Caravan has almost reached the exit.
Don't miss out a new type of stat bonus, the School of Magic, which gives you one point of Spell Power or
Knowledge. Also, there is a Dragon Utopia at (9) that you can pick up some Lv 4-5 spells that you have missed
so far.

The Caravan of Gold does not carry a lot of units, so you can defeat it easily. Congratulations for winning this
difficult mission!
Mission 4 - The Brothers

Map Size: Normal

Carry Over: Wulfstan, Duncan
Level Cap: 26
Difficulty Index: 2/5

Primary Objectives:
 Wulfstan must survive
 Meet Duncan's army
 Seize Tor Hrall
 Repulse Rolf's attack

Secondary Objectives:
 Reinforce the army with Dwarves

Last Updated: February 24, 2007, Patch v2.1

As the mission name suggests, you are going to fight Wulfstan's half brother, Rolf. Is Rolf going to be as tough
as Lorenzo and Andreas in mission 2, and Andreas and valeria in mission 3? No. The main objectives can be
completed in several days, but the sidequests can drag on for quite a while.

Start by picking the 6 Thanes as the bonus. They have good speed, initiave, defense, and gropu attack power.
Wulfstan starts in the NE corner (1). Your eventual goal is to
take Town A in the opposite corner. The game designer
probably wished you to spend time picking up Fortress units,
but your starting army is already quite powerful. If you have a
good Wulfstan build by now, it is totally plausible to rush
straight to the end without picking anything up. Let's talk about
this fast route first.

Follow the main road west, and turn south. As soon as you
reach (2), Rolf teleports in. Rolf is relatively the weakest mid-
mission boss in the Fortress campaign. A few fireballs are
enough to send him packing.

After taking care of Rolf, keep going south and you will hit a large stack of Champions. 10 Thanes + Fireball +
Resurrection = perfect victory. (You can hide a stack of shooters in the corner to enjoy the "right-between-the-
eyes" accuracy.) Keep going south, and you need to face a large stack of Fallen Angels. 10 Thanes + corner
shooters + Fireball + Resurrection = another perfect victory!

Even 3 Rolfs can't beat valeria in mission 3. Shame on you... Nival!

Keep going south and you can see a Witch Hut (yellow W). This is the first Witch Hut of the Fortress
campaign, and there are only three in total. Follow the road west and north. As soon as you hit (3), an old friend
- Duncan rushes in a join you!

Duncan has a powerful Haven army with him, and a lot of them
are shooters. Give all shooters to Wulfstan (or Duncan if he is a
better hero), and run straight for Town A. Mission ends right

If you wish to fully explore the map, there are a lot more to do.
Right after taking Duncan, back track to the last intersection,
and go east (where the Observatory is). If you gave Duncan
enough fighting experience back in C1M5, Duncan is probably
level 26 or above already. You only need to work on Wulfstan's
experience gain. There will be enough experience points to
level Wulfstan to the cap as well, due to the sidequest that I am
going to describe next.
Try to flag all mines, and pick up every single resource you encounter, because they will be needed in the
sidequest. You can buy a mission map with 4000G at (4). You can not only see where the roads are heading, but
also spot something out of place at the NW corner of the map... Nice smoke effect, by the way.

When you approach a neutral Dwarven stack, they will either join you
for free, or ask your to pay a welcoming fee. The request can be any of
these: 25 Wood, 25 Ore, 15 Mucury, 15 Crystals, 15 Sulfur or 15
Gems. If you don't have the requirement, or don't want to give, choose
Cancel. The creature will then ask you whether you want to fight them;
choose Cancel again. Now you can approach the stack once more, and
the creatures may ask something else.

I have marked the neutral Dwarven stacks on the map with yellow
buttons (hopefully I didn't miss any). The larger the button, the bigger /
more useful the stacks. In order to complete this sidequest you need to
gather a total of 10 stacks, which is not difficult at all. (The largest button
actually contains 7 stacks.)

You can also make Duncan to visit these stacks and make deals. The
Fortress troops will automatically go to Wulfstan. This is very
convenient, except that Spearthrowers don't mix with Skirmishers, and
Wulfstan already reaches the stack limit of 7. You can always
temporarily swap army between Wulfstan and Duncan to create rooms.

After buying the map, head east and then south. On your west you can see a Red Keymaster Tent. Grab the
key (important), and continue south. You will soon see a a Two-way portal (green I), which connects to the west
side (green I'). Don't take the portal now becuase you still have important business down south. Keep going
south, and look carefully, there is a hidden pine trail of the forest! At the end there is... a sun-sweet berry of the
earth, in the form of... a good stack of Thanes join you for free! Wohoo!

With this large stack of Thane you can now tackle a large dragon stack on the road side, and the Dragon Utopia
close by. With resurrection, the tactics are basically the same.

Now take the two-way portal (I) (and pick up a large stack of bear
blocking the portal). You are now on the other side, at (I'). Go north first
to collect more troops and visit a Witch Hut (yellow W).

If you were too weak to handle the tier-6 Champions south of (2) at the
beginning, you will end up being here first. You can now use the portal I'
to go to the east side for the Red Keymaster Tent. The rest of the
walkthrough should be the same. You may want to pick up Duncan as
early as you can, so he can visit stat bonuses as well.

Next, come back to (7) for the Mage Vault. Further south there are some
Godzillas (Magma Dragon) guarding a gold mine at (8). You can buy
them as you do to any other Fortress creatures.

From the gold mine, follow the road south and east, and you will see the
Red Gate which you already have the key for. Pass the gate, and you
will hit the Million JACKPOT of this mission at (9) - with a total of 8
neurtal stacks (7 for purchase and 1 for free), 3 stat boosts, and a Hill
Fort to spend all of your now-useless cash! At this time, you must have
collected more than 10 neutral stacks. Your get a nice EXP reward,
which pushes Wulfstan to the next level.

When you rob this jackpot area clean, take the one-way-portal at II, and emerge back on the main road at II',
just like Rolf did earlier. You can now finish this mission - taking Town A. The AI garrison in Town A was
already weak at the beginning, and now your army has grown 10-fold. So...
Yes, there is no mission boss. Yes, this mission is way too easy. (Still, congratulations!)

Mission 5 - Laszlo

Map Size: Normal

Carry Over: Wulfstan, Duncan
Level Cap: 29
Difficulty Index: 2/5

Primary Objectives:
 Seize Horncrest, the capital of the Stag Duchy
 Eliminate Laszlo
 Wulfstan and Duncan must survive

Last Updated: February 24, 2007, Patch v2.1

If you think this map looks a little familiar, pretty much it should! This is almost exactly the SAME map used
back in Freyda's C1M4 (the Negotiation). However, as a dwarf, you are going to play it backwards - start by
exploring the north, and take over the humans - Laszlo to be exact.

So how hard is Laszlo compared to Andreas and Lorenzo? (You are still going to see them here!) I have heard
about people complainig Laszlo to be too hard, but I didn't find him half as challenging as valeria back in
mission 3. However, since Laszlo has two towns, and you only own one, given enough time Laszlo will
theoretically grow out of your control.

Should you rush him at the beginning to create a 2-to-1 advantage? That will certainly help, but it is not
necessary (because most of Laszlo's strength come from his quite-large starting army. You can't take that long
exploring the north, too.

Note: I heard that the Red Player, particularly Laszlo, would attack you unexpectedly in the original HoF. It
seems that patch 2.1 has eliminated Laszlo's early aggression by confining him to a corner for two weeks.

So... you start by exploring the north. Since this is the same map as C1M4... is there also the entire set (4 pieces)
of Dwarven King artifact? Yes! Are there also 15 points of stat bonuses to collect? Yes! Plus, you will be
able to dig up the first Tear of Asha in the Hammers of Fate campaign!

On the other hand, some features are gone for good. The one-way portal that Fredya used to escape has broken.
The two-way abandoned mine portal is also non-functional now. Also, the eastern stairway leading to a small
underground region has been sealed off. You can save your time and not bothering with those.

Which starting bonus to pick? There will be lots of good

artifacts in this mission, so this Hammer won't be helping much.
If you don't have the spell Resurrection yet, it is a really good
pick. Otherwise, get the 10K gold bonus as you can always use
extra cash.

Both Wulfstan and Duncan start in front of Town A.

Eventually, you need to take over Town B (Town C is
optional), and defeat Laszlo, who is at (2) on Day 1. Laszlo is
temporarily blocked by a HUGE stack of Phoenix, so he can't
get anything done yet. In my game Laszlo gains freedom some
time in week 3.

In order to reach Town B and Laszlo, you need to break

through a neutral garrison (3). The garrison features a wide
array of Dungeon units, but they are not nearly as big as what
you saw back in the other campaign finales. Actually, this
Fortress finale probably features the smallest stack size I have
ever seeen in any mission 5 so far... the players should have
become more skillful when they are playing the expansion...

Anyways, if you wish to rush through this mission, you can

directly take Garrison 3, then Town B, and finish Laszlo as
soon as he gets freed from the Pheonixes.

Laszlo is not the talktive kind. In fact, he has exactly 0 lines in

this mission named after him.
Since both Wulfstan and Duncan should be quite powerful by
now, you can split them up to explore the surroundings. The NE
branch at (4) contains 3 mines, one Dwarf Warren (random-
resource mine), and an Obelisk (orange Oi) that reveals 1/4 of
the Tear of Asha map. You can see the other orange letters
(Oii-iv) for the location of other three Obelisks. The NW
branch at (5) eventually leads you to two pieces of Dwarven
King artifacts (blue D1 and D2) and another Obelisk (Oii).

You might know where to look for the Tear by just seeing 1/4
of the map. I have made your life easier here by marking all of
the four possible treasure locations with Ti, Tii, Tiii and Tiv. You can click on the picture for the actual
landscape view.

As soon as you figure out where to dig for the Tear, quickly send over somebody to dig it up. Ship it back as
soon as you can (or just cast Town Portal) and build the special Forge structure, so you can get 5000 extra gold
per turn. This is a huge bonus , and your one town actually out-produces Laszlo's two towns!

In the meantime, you can keep on exploring. The SE branch at (6)

contains many stat points, and two more Dwarven King artifacts (D3,
D4). Don't miss out the library guarded by the familiar Phoenix stack (no
insane Godzilla this time!).

Finally, go down the NW route (7) and make a round trip. In the far north
(8) you can pick up more high-quality artifacts if you can defeat the
powerful guards (shouldn't be a problem for you at this point).

Whenever you are done with the north (took me about 1 month), gather
all armies you have in Town A, and march south. Run over the garrison
at (3), and look for Laszlo. In my game, Laszlo hides in Town C. You
can take Town B first and then Laszlo, or the other way around.

At this point, your Wulfstan build should have matured, and the dwarf
must have become be a walking museum of artifacts as well! (There is an
Artifact Wagon just before Garrison (3), in case you have spaces to fill.)
Although Laszlo's army is also significant (for a mission 5 boss he is still
Size S, though), your town should have developed to full, and it is likely
that your army is even bigger than Laszlo's. This fight is a one-sided

When Laszlo is gone, you are presented cutscenes that you probably have little clue about. Somebody was using
an anti-Word of Light artifact, but he was apparantly immune to Implosion and Meteor Shower coming from
nowhere. And Word of Light hurt him eventually... Hm... Anyways, you'll probably remember the familiar
"NOOOOOOO!" part. After taking down both Town B and Laszlo, you finish this campaign!

After the twisted classic Haven, and the snowy novel Fortress, Hammers of Fate brings its third and last
campaign back to one of players' all-time favorite, Dungeon - the magic-mighty Warlocks!
The "Mixed" (official name) campaign brings back the Warlocks. Like Hollywood, it's all about explosions
mixed with babies!

You are going to control heroine Ylaya (Yee-'la-ya) through the

following five missions. Similar to Zehir in the original game,
Ylaya will join force with other previous campaign heroes
starting at mission 4, to bring the conclusion of the Hammers of
Fate story.

So what skills are good for Ylaya the Warlock? Same as

Raelag, you can go with the safest route:

 Destructive Magic: The trade mark of Warlocks. In this

campaign you can't go far without tons of direct
damage. Secret of Destruction is very helpful in
mission one. Other feats aren't a top priority because
your target will be dead anyways.

 Sorcery: A must for magic heroes. The primary stats for

Warlocks are Spellpower and Attack, not knowledge, so
Mana Regeneration, Erratic Mana and Arcane Training
are all excellent mana-friendly feats. Pick them up as
soon as possible.

 Luck: After patch 1.3, Warlock's Luck (200% direct spell damage) stacks with Empowered spell. You
can't skip this!

And you can freely choose a fourth skill. Back in Raelag's campaign, Light Magic saved my life in the notorious
mission 3 (The Conquest). In Ylaya's campaign, Light Magic works equally well towards the end, since you can
simply resurrect fallen troops back. However, you won't have any access to magic guilds until mission 3. Since
that mission is a little difficult at start, it is unlikely you can learn Resurrection, or any high-level magic when
you most need it. Therefore, I would recommend you temporarily forget about the last skill slot, and focus on
developing what matters most. You need to have a competent Warlock when mission 3 starts, at level 16. Then,
pick up Light Magic, or something else at mission 3 and expert it.

The following walkthrough is based on Heroic, patch 2.1. Enjoy!

Mission 1 - The Spy

Map Size: Small

Carry Over: Ylaya
Level Cap: 12
Difficulty Index: 3/5

Primary Objectives:
 Find the site of the Rite
 Ylaya must survive

Secondary Objectives:
 Visit the Oracle
 Kill (6 stacks of) creatures marked by Hut of Magi

Last Updated: March 3, 2007, Patch v2.1

I like the Shadow Witch bonus. They provide some ranged damage, as well as the Slow magic that brings you
the edge for a perfect victory from time to time. Blood Maidens are nice if there is a town or Hill Fort to turn
them into Furies, but there isn't any in this mission.

Mission one is basically a quest of reaching a certain spot, Tear of Asha style. Instead of visiting Obelisks, you
reveal the treasure map by killing a total of six dungeon creature stacks. However, as long as you reach the
designated area, the mission will be completed even if you skipped all huntings.

Ylaya will be able to visit quite a large number of stat bonuses (blue (R)) in this mission. Since she does not
know any spell at the start, you must build her spell book by visiting various spell shrines scattered around the
map. The spells offered are random, though. In my game, I only had Circle of Winter and Decay the most part,
and Circle of Winter does not even come from a spell shrine. (It is a random bonus spell given by the Secret of
Destruction feat under Destructive Magic.)

You start in a little NW area of the underground dungeon (1). Take the stairs (green I') up and -- it is the quiet
night again! It has been a while since Findan dispatched the
Vampire Lord for good.

You are in the NW corner (I). There is a group of skeleton close

to you. Even if there are skeleton archers mixed in the group,
you might be able to pull off a high morale on the Furies, and
demolish the slow archers before they get a chance to shoot.
The enemy stacks will be quite large in this mission, but your
army, especially that 40 Blood Fury is quite impressive as well.
Try your best to keep them alive.

Wait for the Resurrection Scroll, and demolish everything with

Go east a little bit more, and you will come across a Winged Boots artifact (2) that increases all units' speed
(travel distance) by 1. This is a very good artifact for Blood Furies! Now they can reach anybody in turn one, as
long as they are aligned with the target in the deployment stage.

Just SE of the boots artifact, you can visit the Oracle in the form of a Seer's Hut at (3). You receive a new
secondary objective -- to kill creatures marked by Hut of Magi. There are a total of six huts, each revealing a
neutral Dungeon stack to kill. I have marked all of the targets for you (yellow D1-D6). Although the in-game
description says you need to visit all huts, they serve no other purpose than telling you what to kill. As long as
you kill all six stacks of creatures, this sidequest is completed. On heroic I would recommend you to put all of
the hunts on hold for now. There is a nice artifact later that will make your job much easier.

There is a Siege Weapon Workshop here. You have very limited chance to spend cash in this mission, so you
may as well invest them on the gears here. If you come across any treasure chest, make them EXP points. There
will be enough stakcs to kill for the lv-12 cap, too.

There are some huge dungeon army blocking your way east (red X), so you need to take a detour to the south.
When you finish local business, continue east and north for a Stable (4). Note that your starting troop is pretty
much all you have throughout the mission, so don't throw them away at high-level shooters and casters. A few
stacks might unexpectedly join you on the way, though.

Good things like this don't happen every night!

There are quite a few things to do in this Stable area. You can visit a bunch of stat boosts, and a Witch Hut
(yellow W). Maybe you will get lucky like me, to pick up a large stack of Dwarves in front of the mercenary

There are three sets of Two-Way portals in this mission. I marked their connections with green Ts. T1 is
connected to another T1. Same goes ofor T2 and T3. At the end of these portals you can usually find some
designated Dungeon stacks in the side quest. Behind D1 there is an Artifact Wagon that you can dump your
extra cash to. The only creature building, for Blood Maidens, in this mission is hidden behind T3.

When you are confident about your spell damage output, proceed to (5), to face quite a large stack of Druid
Elders. You always get Druid Elders here, and this is the only route to continue the mission. You have to fight
them! On heroic, there are 38 of Elder Druids, and they will love to electricute your Furies. Don't waste your
Fury here, because you are only 1/3 through the mission. Deploy disposable stacks such as the Minotaurs, the
Assassins and the Dwarves (if you picked them up), and burn Ylaya's mana on them. Don't feel bad to lose most
of your units. The Furies and Witches will help you cruise through the rest. Afterwards, take the stairway (II)

You are now at the NE corner (II') of the dungeon. Your goal is to
reach the stairway at the SE corner (III'). However, there is a large
Deep Hydra stack in the middle (red X), so you have to take the
longer route in the west. There is a Trading Post at 6 where you can
convert totally-useless resources to next-to-useless cash. Leave the
sidequest Dungeon stacks for now. The wait will soon be over.

After taking the SE stairway you are now at the SE portion of the
surface (III). You can pick up a very useful artifact at (7) - The
Scroll of Resurrection! Now you can go back and handle the
sidequest. Here is a list of what they are:

 D1: Dark Raiders (~50)

 D2: Blood Maidens (~150)
 D3: Assassins (~150)
 D4: Assassins (~100)
 D5: Hydra (~30)
 D6: Minotaurs (~90)

I highly recommend to finish this sidequest, because the reward is...

very nice, to say the least. Please don't get exicted and tell everybody
when you see the reward, or you can probably wave it goodbye in the
next patch. In essence, you gain "some" stat boosts in the Might
department. According to the mission script, the higher the difficulty,
the more stat points you receive. Whenever you are done, proceed to
the treasure spot (8) to finish the mission! Mission 2 - The Break

Map Size: Normal

Carry Over: Ylaya
Level Cap: 16
Difficulty Index: 2/5

Primary Objectives:
 Ylaya must survive
 Pass the first frontier garrison in two weeks
 Pass the second frontier garrison in three weeks
 Pass the third frontier garrison in four weeks

Last Updated: March 3, 2007, Patch v2.1

The second mission of Ylaya's campaign brings you back to day time, or dusk more precisely. This is also the
easiest and shortest mission of the campaign.
The mission can be broken down into three similar parts. In
each part, Ylaya has to defeat a destination Garrison (yellow
G1-G3) before a deadline. When the deadline comes a powerful
enemy hero spawns, and might catches up with Ylaya (and
defeat her).

However, since the map is relatively small, and you will hit the
level cap at 16 (only 4 more levels than mission 1), there are not
a lot of important things to do. You should be able to pass the
Garrisons long before the enemy heroes spawn.

Note:Once you pass a garrison, you will not be able to return to

the previous section. So before reaching for the garrisons make
sure you visited the stat boosts, etc.

As a full-time spell caster, you can pick the Tarot Card artifact
as the starting bonus. One extra knowledge point gives you 10
more mana, and 1 (or 2 if you have the Mana Regeneration feat from Sorcery) point of mana regenerated per
day. Your starting army size is tiny, but soon you will be able to recruit neutral stacks, and the unit starting
bonus will soon become insignificant.

Depending on what you have in the spell book, the difficulty of

this mission can range from moderate to extremely easy. By the
end of this mission you better have Expert Destructive Magic,
Empowered Spell, Warlock's Luck, and Mana Regeration ready
for mission 3.

Yalaya starts in the SE corner (1). Follow the road north, and
you will see a Hut of Magi on your right (2). Visiting the Hut
reveals all three Garrisons that you will have to pass through.

Instead of reaching for the first Garrison (G1) directly, you can
turn south and explore a little bit. There are a few low-tier
Dungeon creature buildings. Since there is again no town in this
mission, you can skip most of the resources on the ground.
They don't sell for a lot of gold. Just pick up the gold, if you can
do it without losses. There will be high-tier creature buildings
in the last section, but you can also do well without hiring from

There is a Witch Hut (yellow W) that might teach you something useful. You can also visit a Red Keymaster
Tent (Red K) just SE of the first Garrison (G1). The Red Key gives you access to a good, but not very useful
artifact in the second area.

At the end of Week 2, you will get a warning message that the enemy hero is going to spawn. In this section the
enemy hero spawns in your Day-1 location (1). By the way, the enemy heroes cannot chase you across the
Every Warlock loves to take a sip from the mana spring, but somehow Ylaya is pinned on her steed...

The first Garrison is very easy. Your spells should be more than enough to handle them in a few rounds. Right
after passing the garrison, there is a stack of Blood Maiden on your NE (3) that will offer to join. Another
friendly stack of Blood Maiden (marked with another 3) is waiting NW from your position, close to an
Redwood Observatory pole.

The second area is quite large. There are quite a few creature
buildings, and two resource mines that does not mean too much.
You can pick up the Axe of Mountain Lord in the middle of the
lake, after passing through the Red Gate (red G). There is also a
Blue Keymaster Tent (blue K) hiding in the NW corner; the
Blue Gate is in the third area, again guarding a nice artifact that
has nothing to do with magic. The stack guarding the blue tent
is quite powerful, so you may as well skip the Blue key.

At the end of the 3-week deadline (counting starts when you

pass G1), another enemy hero will spawn at the NE corner.

The second Garrison (G2) is significantly tougher than the first.

Here is what I saw:

 3 Hydras
 15 Grim Raider
 15 Dark Raider
 20 Minotaurs
 15 Blood Furies
 90 Assasins

I lost most of my army here from the poison arrows, probably

because I didn't hire any unit from the creature buildings. If that also happens to you, there is no need to worry.
There will be more armies you can gather in the third, and last section.

The third area is the largest and the most rewarding. It is unlikely that you will see the third hero spawn in this
area, since there are still not very much to do. The first thing you see from the third section is a cluster of
Peasant Huts. The Peasants don't mix well with Dungeon units, but they are tax payers, and can be discarded as
cannon fodders. There is also a Trading Post in the area, guarded by a stack of Tier-4 neutrals.
Your first priority should be to pick up a good stack of
Minotaur from (4). If you have enough cash, you can flag and
hire from the high-tier creature building just SW of it. There is
also a very good stack of Shadow Witch waiting to join you at
(5). In my game there are 12 of them - the value of this stack is
higher than all resources combined on the map!

Keep going south and you can see a Hill Fort at (6). Don't waste
your money upgrading the Witches. The basic ones work well,
and your moeny can be used on buying new units, such as from
the high-tier creature building just west of the Hill Fort (8).

There is a pair of Two-way Portals between spot (7) and (7'). The mission designer probably tried to help you
save time, in case you decided to come back here to upgrade more units.

Behind the Blue Gate (blue G) lies the Unicorn Horn Bow. It is
not a very useful artifact for a warlock, since most of your
damage comes from hero's spell.

Just after visiting the mercenary camp, you can find a little
shortcut at (6) that leads you to the third and final Garrison (G3),
through (9), If you try to grab the aritfact in the west, you will be
ambushed by a small group of Mummy.

The final Garrison (G3) is again quite bigger than the previous.
Here is what I saw:

 4 Shadow Matriarchs
 12 Deep Hydras
 20 Dark Ripper
 85 Minotaur Guards
 20 Blood Furies
 125 Assasins

With the Minotaur and Shadow Witches you picked up earlier, you will have enough HP for Ylaya's spell to kill
them all. You finish this mission right after defeating Garrison 3!

Mission 3 - The Meeting

Map Size: Normal

Carry Over: Ylaya
Level Cap: 22
Difficulty Index: 3/5

Primary Objectives:
 Reach the portal leading to Raelag's secret asylum
 The Daughter of Malassa must survive
 Ylaya must survive

Secondary Objectives:
 Collect the eight Dragon artifacts
 Return dragon's artifacts to Seer Hut

Last Updated: March 3, 2007, Patch v2.1

Finally, there are towns for Ylaya to learn magics. Actually, there are five towns in total, and you control a
Dungeon town from the start. You are up against the other four!

Does this kind of unfair disadvantage remind you of Raelag's C4M3, where you were 0 against 7, and
formidable Warlock hero rush you non-stop? Indeed, that was certainly the most difficult HomM5 mission on
heroic. However, here your situation is not as bad, because:

 There are only four towns against you. Each of

town is controlled by a different AI player, and
they are divided into two teams. Sometimes,
they will go against each other.

 The neutral stacks are still quite small in this

mission, even smaller than mission one (duh).

 There are lots of artifacts to boost your stats,

and the AI never picks them up (for your
sidequest's sake). Back in Raelag C4M3 they
usually comes with loads of artifacts already,
especially Lethos.

 The AI heroes are much lower in level and stats than Ylaya. Their starting army is far from impressive.
You can win even with quick combat all the way through!

So in essence this mission is "Raelag's C4M3 Lite"!

You start in the SW corner (1), with Town A under your command. Your ultimate objective is to reach the NE
corner (2) to meet Raelag, the Warlock hero you mastered in the original game.

Theoretically, you can rush to point (2) non-stop, since your starting army can be split into numerous 1-unit
stacks to buy you the time to blast through the enemy. For the
walkthrough purpose let's do it the normal way.

Hopefully, you start this mission with some nice skill and feat choices. If
you took my recommendation and went with Destructive, Sorcery and
Luck, with useful feats such as Warlock's Luck, Mana Regeneration,
Erratic Mana / Arcane Training, nothing is going to stand in your way.
You army are merely a "HP pool", which buys you time to finish off the
opponent with powerful spells.

Troop conservation in this mission is quite easy, since you have a Black
Dragon to start. This black dragon is the Daughter of Malassa, and you
cannot afford to lose it. The Black Dragon has a lot of Defense and HP,
and it is magic-proof, so it does not die easily. Therefore, often you can
only deploy the Black Dragon and blast your way through the quite-small neutral stacks. Don't deploy it when
there is an eney hero. The enemy hero usually directly attack the Black Dragon, and it can't last many rounds.

Your first priority is to take the Red Haven town (B) just north of your territory. Start by flagging the Sawmill
and Ore Pit close to your town, and go to spot (3) where you can flag three resource mines. Your job in your
own quarter is basically done, and you can now start rushing towards Town B.

In the meantime, build up your Town A with the emphasis on Deep Hydra and Minotaurs. They have a lot of
HP, and are ideal spell damage sponges. The Assassins are also nice cannon fodders.

Between every town there is a Garrison (yellow G1-8), guarded by a small set of tier 1-6 Necro units. You
should have no problem passing them.

Town B is guarded by Renegade heroes. By now you can

probably spell their names by heart - Valeria, Lorenzo and
Andreas. Valeria is the main hero (much weaker than
HofC2M3), while the two guys have been miserably demoted to
very low levels.

Depending on your game, Valeria may actively seek you out

(and lose horribly to your spells), or get stuck too far away to
protect her Haven town. Sometimes, you can also see the
Brown or Green main hero here. They will also attack you if the
AI think it stands a chance (yeah right). They are not
challenging at all.

When you take Town B, it will be around the start of Week 2. Ship new units to Ylaya, from your own Town A
with a new hero. This way, Ylaya can immediately set out to combat more heroes and occupy more towns.

Very soon, you will face the main heroes from the other AI players. However, somehow the Orange player's AI
hero always remain dormant in his Inferno castle. This also makes them the hardest to beat, though, since you
cannot kill their main hero before hand.

Your closest next target is the Dwarf town (C) north from here.
You can reach it by going through garrison G2, spot 4, and then
garrison G3. On the right mission map above you can see blue
letters a to h. They are the locations of Dragon artifacts that
are involved in a sidequest to be revealed later. If you come
close to these artifacts, pick them up. They are all quite

Besides each Dragon artifact there will be some neutral

Dungeon and Fortress creatures fighting each other, and make
lots of noises. You can choose which stack to fight. When the
fight is over, both stacks disappear (so you can't really "rescue"
the Dungeon stack).

On your way to Fortress town C you can already pick up the

first two Dragon artifacts. I have numbered them in the
sequence you can pick them up.

Still, depending on your game the main Dwarf hero may be

already defeated by you, or are still hiding in the town. It is also
possible that the green player have sneaked onto the town when
the Dwarf's main hero was away! Since you now have a lot
more troops to soak up the damage, the castle assault shouldn't be any problem for you.
Now you own three towns, and there is no way you can lose. When you collect Dragon artifact c, d and e, ship
the new batch of fresh troops to Ylaya. The new hero can meet Ylaya at some point west of (5), where you can
visit a Stable right on the beginning of the next week.

Needless to say, with that huge army you can now run over the
Green player's domain (Town D) with ease. The Green town is
also a dungeon town, and chances are you will instantly pick up
some high-level magics when you step into it. Great!

When you march south to take over the last AI Player, orange
Town E, it is also around time that you start building up Mage
Guilds in all your towns. You might skip the Haven town mage
guild since it will only have Light and Dark. In my game I
started to develop Light Magic in mission 3, and I learned
Resurrection in the Haven / Fortress mage guilds. Resurrection
will be very handy in mission 5. More on that later.

You are almost done! Now gather all your army and approach
Garrison G4. There are three more Dragon artifacts to collect
here. Behind the garrison G4 you can visit a Seer's Hut (6).
The Seer will ask for all your dragon artifacts and it will
"teleport you" to Raelag. You will be immediately transferred
to (2) the exit, where you only need to fight one small stack of
tier-7 creatures. If you want to explore yourself, step in the
One-way portal at 7.

The teleporting patterns are a little complicated. There are two kinds of portals you will see, the One-way
portals and the Two-way portals. All of the Two-way portals are randomly connected to each other. The One-
way portal will eventually lead you to spot (2). The enemies featured in this area are all tier 6 and 7 stacks (still,
small stacks), but the artifacts on the ground are also top-quality. Too bad you can't keep them.

Whenever you touch the One-way portal at (2), the mission ends. You can see Raelag and his suprising mistress
in his secret hideout. In the next mission they will both join you, and you will have three high-level heroes to
play with. Congratulations!

Mission 4 - Dragons

Map Size: Normal

Carry Over: Ylaya, Isabel
Level Cap: 26
Difficulty Index: 3/5

Primary Objectives:
 Ylaya, Raelag and Isabel must survive
 Keep the town from being seized by the enemy
 Defeat the army of Thralsai

Secondary Objectives:
 Ylaya must find the Dragons' hideout and enlist their support

Last Updated: March 3, 2007, Patch v2.1

This is a busy mission. There are waves after waves of enemy heroes, and the mission boss, which spawns at a
given date, carries the largest army ever seen in HoMM5. You will be working against time to visit all the stat

In order to prevail in the mission, you will also gather a huge army. If
you follow the plot and find the Dragons (a secondary objective), you
will be granted a LARGE stack of Black Dragons, which pretty much
guarantees your victory.

Also, Ylaya is joined by two familiar heroes - clanlord Raelag and Queen
Isabel. It seems that they have developed some... advanced relationship
since the end of the original game. Raelag and Isabel joins as lv 25
heroes, with set stat points and skill choices. In order words, they are no
longer the Raelag and Isabel you used to know.

If you built a powerful Isabel and Raelag in the original game, you may
be extremely disappointed at the first sight. My Raelag lost 39 stat
points, and Isabel lost 32 points. They also picked up a few completely
redundant / useless skills, and missed one of the most useful skills for
their class (happens to be Luck in both cases). Also, Raelag does not know Meteor Shower and Implosion, the
two mostly used spells of a Warlock!

To compensate for your miserable loss, there are some little benefits of the new Raelag and Isabel. First, the
new Raelag can actually cast a couple of spells that is outside his skill set (Frenzy, Resurrection and Summon
Phoenix - he only has advanced Summoning Magic). Resurrection is especially useful, but since he does not
have any skill point in Light Magic, the effect is rather limited.
Er... why did they wear full armor in their love nest?

Isabel's special ability also changed to a "Dragon's Blessing", replacing

her 250G/day bonus. Her troops now receives an automatic Expert-level
bless (always max damage) on the battlefield. But you probably won't
use Isabel at all, since the Warlocks are just way better.

Although the mission objective does not specify, you are actually under a
time limit. In my game, the mission boss Thralsai spawns on Day 3,
Week 3, Month 2 (Day 44), and reaches the town on Day 1, Week 4,
Month 2 (Day 50). This means that you have exactly 50 turns to prepare
for the final battle, plus to send the two girls (Ylaya and Isabel) to visit as
many stat boosts as possible. It is not very easy to visit all stat bonuses
before Day 50, since they are scattered all over the place, and traveling
on snow slows your heroes down.

Note: Raelag will not show up in the campaign finale, so you don't have
to worry about him.

To spice up the 50 turns you have, enemy heroes from the Soulscar clan (Green Player) will attack you, six at a
time, every 8-9 days, starting on Day 1 Week 2. Depending on your game, you will have to defeat 2 to 4 waves
of them (it seems that the faster you push out, the sooner they stop coming). Their spawn spot is marked by the
light green Gs.
These heroes are not powerful individually. Their spell book is very limited - most of the time they just cast Ice
Bolt. Their army only consists of about one-week growth of creatures of Tier 1-6 (on lower difficulties the
number and tier-level is even lower). These heroes spawns with stronger army later, though.

If these green heroes spot a nearby weak hero, they will attack. Otherwise they will rush straight to your town
(A). If you lose the town, you lose the mission.

Don't hire from caraven when your hero is in town, or is about to Town Portal. They will get stuck at the gate
and waste the turn.

Also, these green heroes will try to join army. The ones without army will retreat and disappear, and you will
have to deal with a more powerful hero with double, even triple army size. If you fight them with Isabel, you
will lose a lot of troops to their spells. On the other hand, Ylaya and Raelag can dispatch them easily with area-
attack spells and some resurrection at the end. These hereoes are very juicy in experience as well.

Besides the Green player there is also a Brown AI, as a Fortress

faction. Their hideout, the only other town (B) of this mission,
must be accessed through the surface. The Brown AI is
completely dormant, and even if you assault their town, you
will be facing an army without hero. It is for your benefit to
attack them. You not only gain 2000G per day from the Town
Hall, but also harvest a complete set of Dwarven King artifact!
In this mission you will have more troops to hire than you can
afford, so gold is very much needed in this mission. You may as
well take Town B as soon as possible.

There are a lot of creature buildings in this mission. Since they

all increase the creature growth rate of your Dungeon town,
your town will have some monstrous creature growth at the
end. There is really no need to rush flagging all the creature
buildings, since you won't have enough cash to hire them all
anyways. Actually, as a hindsight I think it is better NOT to
bother with the dragon building at all, because (1) You will pick
up a large stack of them; (2) You will still use up your cash
from buying and upgrading Teir 1-6 creatures. I have marked
with light blue Ds the high-tier creature buildings (tier 4-7).
At the start of the mission, pick the Gold Bag artifact. After 50 days it nets you 12500 G, which is way better
than the cash bonus (but it is still not a lot). Your starting location is just outside your headquarter, Town A.
There are a lot of different ways to play this mission. In the following walkthrough I will just make an example,
which focus on efficient stat-bonus visiting within the time limit.

=1= Make Raelag attack the gargoyle building, flag the Orepit, and pick up the artifact at (2). It boosts fire spell
damage by 50%, which is very handy later. Give that artifact to Ylaya.

=2= Give Isabel's Haven units to Ylaya, and all Dungeon units from Raelag and Ylaya to Isabel. Ylaya can
survive with that tiny Haven army, while Isabel cannot do well without good troops. Raelag will be left with
almost nothing, but soon he will pick up a lot.

=3= Immediately send Raelag out to the surface through

stairway I'. Your top priority is to capture the Gold Mine
(yellow G) to the north, and the Dwarven town (Town B). The
extra 3000G per day is a great help. Hire a low-level hero to
clean up resources after Raelag (ideally a Dwarven hero, since
the surface is covered with snow), and another to clean up after
Ylaya and Isabel. There are a lot of resources on the ground,
and it is not worth your main hero's time to collect them.

Neutral, smaller Dungeon stacks, usually offers to join Raelag.

Don't miss the useful artifact Boots of the Open Road (no
movement penalty) at (4). Just north of (4) you can loot some
great Dwarven Treasure and pick up lots of resources on the
ground. Also, make sure you touch the Red Keymaster Tent
(red K) - it will save you quite a few days later. Flag the
Sawmill and Ore Pit on Raelag's way down.

Note: You can make Raelag visit the map maker at (5).
However, since the map is now revealed to you and I will go
over everything you need to know, you may as well save that
4000G to hire more units.

=4= At the same time, send Ylaya directly north, to capture a

good cluster of mines. Send Isabel east, to flag some creature buildings. Let Isabel collect the Garrison units
(yes, you can swap them down to become yours). Don't challenge the black dragon. They will weaken the first
wave of Green heroes quite a bit. Send Ylaya and Isabel to the left next, pass the garrison (swap units again) and
flag creature buildings and visit both stat boosts.

=5= When the first wave of Green heroes arrive, massacre the left, and town portal Ylaya back to defend the
town from the Green heroes who made it through the black dragons. (Hopefully you have visited all stat
bonuses on the left.)

=6= Make Isabel visit the Arena directly north. March both
Ylaya and Isabel to the east, and turn right (east) at the first
branch to visit the Knoweldge + 1 bonus.

=7= At this time Raelag should have captured the Dwarven

town (B). Pull Raelag back via the one-way portal (6) beside
the Dwarven town, and run him back to defend from (6'). At the
same time, send Ylaya and Isabel out to the surface.

Raelag will be your defender from now on. His power is more
than enough to handle all of the subsequent Green heroes. Just
give him Deep Hydras and Minotaurs. It is much easier than what Raelag has seen in The Conquest (C4M3), but
you have a crappy build here so the challenge still exists. From now on I will omit Raelag and just talk about
what to do with the girls.

Note: Pass the Boots of Open Road to Ylaya. You can sacrifice Isabel's chance of stat bonuses since she won't
be used (Freyda is better) in the campaign finale anyways.

=8= On the surface, march Ylaya and Isabel all the way north. Just north of (4) is a stat boost. Enter the stairway
(II), which is connected to (II'). Go north along the underground passage you emerge at (III). There is a stack
of Fire Dragon right in the east. Defeat it, and you can access a two-way portal (7) that brings you to a small
area (7') with two stat boosts.

=9= Return Ylaya and Isabel to the main road, and go east. You
can unlock the Red Gate (red G), revealing a good shortcut.
Keep going SE, and you will see a stairway (IV) guarded by
Fire Dragons. There is a hidden trail in the forest to the south
leading to a small grassland area (8), with a Sylana Ancient
(level up tree) and a Library of Enlightenment (Spellpower and
Knowledge +2). Great!

=10= If you go down the stairway (IV), you can pick up the
LARGE stack of dragons (marked with red X). After the
cutscene, the mission boss Thralsai instantly spawns at the NW
corner of the map, if he has not already. You can take the one-
way portal (9) just beside the Dragons back to your
headquarter, or cast Town Portal.

=11= Before Thraslai reaches your town (he is usually

distracted by various buildings), you have a few days to visit
one more stat boost (that's why I left the mercenary camp
unvisited in the first place). Buy out whatever you can afford,
equip the best artifact you own, and you should be able to
knock out Thralsai easily!

This Thralsai battle is a huge army clash. Thraslai's army varies

with difficulty. From the mission script Thraslai will have the
following number of troops ranging from easy to heroic:

 515-840 Assassins
 235-410 Blood Fury
 155-280 Minotaur Guards
 75-125 Grim Raider
 44-86 Deep Hydra
 58-88 Shadow Matriarch

This army will be bigger than yours - but note that Thraslai does not have any Black Dragon. Therefore, if you
have completed the secondary objective, you can defeat him very easily. With some nasty Attack stat from
Ylaya (thanks mission 1), there will be some huge damage flying across the battle field. Thralsai usually casts
Empowered Armageddon, which only makes his end come sooner. In my game, it was over before Ylaya could
cast her 3rd spell!


Mission 5 - The Decoupling

Map Size: Normal
Level Cap: 30
Difficulty Index: 3/5

Primary Objectives:
 Reach Horncrest within a week
 Raise the siege of Horncrest
 Seize Tor Hrall in two months
 Ylaya, Isabel, Freyda, Wulfstan and Duncan must survive

Secondary Objectives:
 Stop the Demons' raids

Last Updated: March 3, 2007, Patch v2.1

The last mission! The size of neutral creature stacks finally reaches the "swarm" level, and there are a couple of
large battles to keep the challenge up. Your well-built heroes will have a fun time blasting through them, too!

Wow, look at the corpses they left behind.

Since there will be five good heroes under your control (Ylaya, Isabel, Freyda, Wulfstan and Duncan), there are
many ways to play this mission. Depending on your heroe's specialty, they are good at different tasks. For
example, against a large army you probably want to use a Might hero (Freyda). Against a well-developed town
Ylaya seems to be the ideal choice, since she can harm whoever hides inside without penalty.

Below I will just give an example run. First, your heroes will
start with quite a big army, so the unit bonus isn't really
generous at all. Golden Horseshoe is quite nice especially for
Ylaya's Warlock's Luck.

You start in the NW corner of the underground part (1). Your

first objective is to reach Horncrest, (town A, currently under
siege by Renegade armies) within a week. You don't really have
to reach its gate, but have to be generally close to the castle
until the game tells you "objective completed".

Even without logistics, Ylaya or Isabel can rush there within 5

days and half. I took a little time to break through the Inferno
Garrison at (G1) and occupy Inferno town B. With Resurrection
I was able to keep the loss down to 0. I built a Capital in Town
A and started cash income right away. Isabel flagged the mines
surrounding it as well.

The Inferno faction down here has a total of three towns. They
are supposed to keep you busy while you are gathering army on
the surface. However, right now the Inferno heroes are completely dormant, so you can freely take whatever you
want. However, if you march a weak hero (like Isabel, starting with almost no unit) too close to a castle, their
hero will rush out and make you lose the game.

Note:There is another garrison that Ylaya can attack (G2), but then Ylaya will not be able to reach Horncrest in
7 days. You can come back later for it.
Take the stairway (2') to go to the surface. You actually still have the time to flag the Mercury lab just on the
south. Resources are not very useful in this mission, because almost all towns you take over have been well-
built. But since you might get a fair number of towns later, you can sell them for quite a lot of cash to hire / train
more units.

The surface again looks familiar... yes, it is the same map recycled again! I was too lazy to visit all the stat
boosts for all 5 heores, as I've lost faith since the last mission. These heroes probably will not appear in a future
expansion pack.

From (2), go towards Horncrest, marked as Town (A). Different from Freyda's C1M1, you now have to wipe
out these stacks one by one. None of these fights are difficult. The main Renegade hero (guess who?) is
laughably fragile in front of Ylaya. Also, when you hit end turn, Duncan will help clean up some stacks as well.
As soon as all stacks are gone, you gain control of Honrcrest as well as Duncan, Wulfstan and Freyda! They all
come with a nice army, too.
Yes, there will be 10,000 enforcers!
Your next (and last) primary objective is to take Tor Hrall (town C) within two months. This is the Dwarven
capital that has been repeatedly featured in previous missions, so you must know where it is. From here you
have a lot of freedom in deciding who to do what next. Here are my recommendations for a semi-complete run:

First, you can make Freyda, Wulfstan and Ylaya visit Horncrest
for the Stable bonus. (My Isabel was still in the dungeon
flagging mines and picking up resources.)

The best army to challenge the Dwarven King is a Haven army,

since there are Two Haven towns available nearby. The other
Haven city, Town D, is in the east. However, there is one new
garrison (G3) that features exactly 10,000 Enforcers. Pick your
best Might hero (in my case, Freyda) for this job, with all
Haven armies from Duncan. Cast a lot of mass spells (Mass
Haste, Mass Slow, Mass Confusion if you have them) and enjoy
a one-sided massacre! The Renegade hero (Andreas) guarding
town C is at a miserable level of 2.

There is also a secondary mission objective -- stop Demon

armies. You have to take over all three Inferno towns (B, E, F)
down there. Ylaya would be the best candidate (if you gave her
Resurrection). March Ylaya back to the dungeon, break through
the quite big garrison (G2), and take town D and E in a row.
Problem solved! There was no demon army ever made it to the
surface. However, you receive no reward for eliminating the Demons, either.

There is yet another town, a Dungeon, neutral town (town G), hidden in an enclosed area. The entrance is
behind a Blue Gate (blue G), and the Blue Keymaster Tent (blue K) is behind the first Dwarven garrison (G4).
I recommend Wulfstan for the job, since he is probably the weakest among three main campaign heroes, and
this garrison is also the smallest among the five.

Occupying this Dungeon town serves no benefit to your campaign, and there isn't really anything interesting in
this small area. Note that just before the two-way portal lies a large stack of Grim Raiders.

You could have rushed Tor Hrall directly after taking

Horncrest. Your starting army was large enough, so it won't be
a real problem. Another good time is the start of Week 3. By
then you should have occupied all Haven and Inferno towns, so
you have enough cash to buy / train units from both Haven
towns. This brings you a larger edge in the battles coming

If this is what you wish, right after taking the Haven town in the
east, pull back Freyda and march her towards the 2nd Dwarven
garrison (G5), which is significant larger than the first one.
Town portal Isabel back to Horncrest, and leave Duncan in
Lostdale (Town D). On Day 1 Week 3, hire and train whatever
you can afford (after hiring the Archangels sell all of your
resources, you no longer need them), and let Duncan and Isabel
catch up with Freyda to give her two-week worths of Haven
troops. Fredya will suffer very little loss against the garrison G5
and the Dwarven capital, Town C.
The Dwarven capital town C is guarded by no others than King Tolghar himself. Although the Dwarven King
he has a quite-large army, but he is truly dwarfed by Freyda's stats and Mass spell galore. You will have an easy
time against him.

Your victory against King Tolghar also brings the end of the mission, as well as the Hammers of Fate expansion
campaign trilogy. Good job, and thanks for reading the walkthrough!

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