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Starting a Game

Main Menu

Main Menu Screen

On loading the game the Main Menu will appear
 Load Data : Resume a previously saved game.
 New Game : Begin a new game.
 Tutorial : Learn about the game and how to play it.
 Settings : Setting the game /Create Officer/Reference/Music/Options
 Quit : End the game and return to Windows.

Starting a new game

1. Scenario Selection
When you select “New Game” from the Main Menu, the Scenario Selection screen will appear. Select a
scenario to begin.

2. Officer Assignment Screen

This is displayed when a Created Officer is available. If you do not want to use a Created Officer, just
select “Confirm”.

Officer Assignment Screen

Created Officer Screen
3. Force Selection
After selecting a Force (1-8) from the map, clicking “Confirm” in the lower-left of the screen. Selecting
multiple Forces will lead to a multiplayer game.

Selecting “ Switch View ” will enable you to choose a Force from the list.
4. Starting a Game
After setting your Options (P.5), click “Confirm” and the Confirmation screen will be displayed. Select
“Confirm” once more and the game will begin.

Registering an Officer
Select “Create Officer” from the Settings Menu to register and create an Officer.

Create Officer

After clicking “Confirm” at the Create Officer screen changes will be saved. Please be sure to click
“Confirm” once you have finished.
 Create Officer : Create up to 150 officers.When you select “Auto”,only the following Officer
features can be determined sex, face, name, character model, and ability type (there are four ability
types to choose
 Edit Officer : Change the data for an already created officer
 Delete Officer : Erase an already created officer.
 Edit Births : All selected officers will be adjusted to have the same birth year.
 Output Shared Officer : Created Officers are output as Shared Officer files. (The file name will be
‘Officer Name.S11’)
 Load Shared Officer : Load the data of a Shared Officer.
 Delete Shared Officer : Delete Shared Officer files. Once deleted, these files cannot be retrieved.

** The output/load folder for Shared Officers is located at My Documents/Koei/RTKXI/TPrsn

Edit Officer Data

Basic Setting

 Surname, Forename : Input surnames and forenames. A maximum of 12 characters can be input
 Change Face : Select the officer's portrait.
 Model : Select the character model that is used in places such as duels and debates.
 Birth : Select the year the character was born. Characters appear in the game once they turn 15 years
 Lifespan : Lifespan settings determine at what age characters are likely to die.
 Father. Mother : Officers that are at least 14 years older than you can be selected to be your
parents. A mother can be selected only when there is a female officer within the proper age range.
 Spouse : A historical or created officer of the opposite sex, existing during the current era, can be
selected as a spouse.
 Close Friend :Choose an Officer to be your Close Friend. Friendship with other Officers will
depend on your choice of Close Friend. For example, if you are a friend of Cao Cao, in the Three
Kingdoms Adaptation your affinity with Cao Cao’s own Officers will also improve.
 Sworn Siblings, Liked Officers, Disliked Officers : Sworn Siblings and Liked Officers will
cooperate in various scenes, while Disliked Officers will not work well together.*Officers who are
already Sworn Siblings, such as Guan Yu and Zhang Fei, cannot become Sworn Siblings again.

Ability Setting
 Base Ability : The officer's abilities
 Growth Period : Select the development type of the officer.
 Ability Persistence : Selecting "Long" will allow the character to maintain a level of base abilities
longer once they are met.
 APT(Aptitude) : Aptitude for each type of equipment can be set here.
 Skills : Officer Skills can be set here.

Character Settings

 Character, Voice Tone :These factors affect how characters fight in battle,as well as their Fury
during Debates.
 Court, Aspiration :Decide whether to set the Later Han Court as being important. Aspirations affect
Officers’ obligation and ambition.
 Bio : Write a mini-biography for your Officer (optional).

You can adjust the game settings in the menu when starting a new game or from the
"Menu" icon in the top left of the screen during the game.

Game Settings
These settings can only be set at the beginning of the game.
 Game Level : If you select “Advanced”, the initial resources of the computer Forces will increase,
while your diplomacy success will be lower than it would be at “Beginner”. Additionally, the
computer has an advantage during duels.
 Battle Deaths : Adjust the frequency with which officers can die in battle or in duels.
 Ability Change : If turned on, the officer's abilities will be affected by age. The abilities for each
Officer can grow until they reach their Base Ability level; when Base Abilities are reached, these
will gradually diminish as the Officer’s age increases.
If turned off, officer abilities will stay the same throughout the entire game.
 Face Change : If turned on, the face portraits for certain characters will age over time.

 Sorcery / Lightning : If turned on, you will be able to use "Sorcery" and "Lightning" tactics.
 Female Officers : By selecting "Historical," female officers such as Diao Chan and Da Qiao will
appear. If you select "Event," then characters such as Diao Chan and Da Qiao will appear only in
event scenes.
 Events : Select “Show All”, to watch all historical events and general events.
*Events such as Dong Zhou's Rise and the Battle of Chi Bi are based on historical fact.
*General events are connected to your Subordinates and are features of Romance of the Three
Kingdoms XI.

Fictional Settings :
These settings can only be set at the beginning of the game. These settings can only be set at the beginning
of the game. The officer's life span, familial relations, personal relationships (sworn siblings, liked officers,
disliked officers), their close friends, personality (obligation, ambition, loyalty to the Later Han, etc.), and
the city where the officer was recruited can be adjusted. "Historical" will be based on the Three Kingdoms
Adaptation and the Three Kingdoms History, while "Fictional" will have random settings.
Options : Settings can be changed during play.

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