Unit 5 Intro 6th Grade REF

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START WITH |THE STANDARDS Colifomia History Social Science Standards 65 Swdents analyze the geographic, 1, economic, rligio social structures ofthe early civilizations of india, 66 Students analyze the geographic, politcal, economic, religious, and social structures ofthe rly civilizations of Chi a ‘Tne people of ancient India and China had many new ideas about ‘society, religion, and government How did the physical setings ot ancient India and China support the rise of civilization How dd the idoas of Hinduism affect Asia? How gi the ideas ofthe Buddha change Asia? ‘What were the achievements ofthe emperor Ashoka? Unit Te Writing: A Comparison-Contrast Essay Y UsieProject An Mstrated Map tr Sa {Bi Han dynasty, a0, 200 (a Gupta Empire, 20.400 = Great Wall PLATEAU ‘OF TIBET — Othertrade route sth Trade product ‘sbowtaD. 409 INDIAN OCEAN 364 Unit S “PACIFIC OCEAN Tonle othe Sun in Meche Creer PACIFIC ‘ocean Reading Social Studies Compare and Contrast When you compare, you tell how two or more things are alike. When you contrast, you tell how two or more things are different. Comparing and contrasting and ideas are similar and how the help you understand how people, places, events, different. oS, Like, sik, both, also, ame, and similar are words that compare. But, instead, however, difer, and different are words that contrast. raphs that follow. Compare and contrast the civilizations of India and with those of Greece and Mesopota Rivers played important roles in the development of India and China and of Greece. However, some ofthe rivers in Greece dry up during pat of the year. This makes thom “useless at times for watering crops and traveling. Because China and India have rainy climates, vers there are usually fll year-round, Read the paragraphs, and answer the questions. Ancient China and India were two Civilizations whose contributions to the ‘world are still seen today. In each, lan- {guage was an important development. The Chinese language developed in about 1200 B.C. and is the national language of China today. Hindi, the national language of India, developed in about A.D. 9. Both Hindi and Chinese are said to be ‘musical languages because they sound beautiful when spoken. They both are studied widely and spoken throughout the world. More people today speak Chinese than any other language in the World. Hindi is the third-most-spoken, language, after English. People from different regions of both China and India speak in various dialects, or different forms, oftheir languages, 1. How does the lang ‘compare tothe language of China? ‘Make at least two comparisons, indi and Chinese 2 How are the | languages different? 3. How are Hi in the world? ‘and Chinese viewed As a result, a person from one part of ‘China might not be able to understand ‘someone from another part. This is also ‘rue of India, Stil, a person who speaks ‘one dialect of a language will have an casier time learning another dialect of that same language than will someone who knows nothing about the language. Chinese writing began as pictures ‘drawn to represent things. As time ‘passed, the pictures came to represent ‘meanings. Theze are more thar. 6,000 Chinese symbols, all of which represent meanings, not sounds. However, Hindi is written with the Devanagari alphabet, which uses 49 letters that stand for sounds, N CONNECT IDEAS ‘You can use @ web to show how different ideas and informa- tion are connected. D List important chapter themes in the ovals in the web's center. D Next, add ovals showing the chapter's main ideas that support each theme, D Then add circles showing the important facts and details that support each main ides. Apply As You Read Make your own web graphic organizer. As you read this chapter, ‘complete the web by filing in the facts and details that support ‘each main idea. Ths will help you understand how important ‘ideas in the chapter are related,

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