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Breaking A Bad Habit:
Everything You Need to Know
First Of All – What Is A Bad Habit?
A bad habit can be classified as anything that you depend on that isn’t necessarily bringing any value to
your life. Or in straight up terms, making your life worse in whatever shape or form. A bad habit can only be
identified from the user, for example, a bad habit for a vegan is eating a steak. But eating a steak on a
“regular diet” is not considered a bad habit. A good habit is the complete opposite, it’s something we do
on a regular basis that provides value to our lives.

So How Do I Overcome My Bad Habits?

I went from an average high schooler who drowned in the thoughts of what others thought of me, watched
p*rn multiple times a day and had no confidence in myself, to a person who hasn’t watched p*rn in over
850 days and I’ve surpassed 1 million followers on social media. I achieved all this by using the 5 R’s...

Each R is a step on your journey to successfully break your bad habits and build new ones, if you follow
them to a tee, you are guaranteed to be unrecognizable in a matter of months, let me show you how…
1. Recognize

The first R is all about recognizing how your bad habit is affecting your life,
this will set a strong and a reason for quitting, without a reason, you won’t last
3 days. Just start by asking yourself “why do I want to quit this habit? How does it make me feel.” Let’s say
you wanted to stop fapping because it makes you feel unmotivated and drained of energy. That isn’t your
reason! Your reason is that it makes me feel unmotivated and drained so I can’t achieve _________.
That is why it’s so important to have a goal, without one you’re doomed.

2. Remove

The second R is about removing what triggers you to give into that bad habit the first place. I’ll take my
past habit of watching “adult content” for example, what triggered me was social media, particularly
Instagram. So I deleted it. Completely removed that trigger from my life. For you, it may be the people you
hang around with, it may just be your mind, maybe it’s a certain song that amplifies your negative
emotions. If you can’t fully eliminate the triggers, do your best to avoid them and stay strong when you
come up against one.

3. Replace

The third R is about replacing the dopamine you get from your bad habit with a good habit that works
towards your goals and fulfills you instead of making you feel worthless. There are two steps to this
process, the first step is creating a long-term goal. (usually 2+ years’ worth of time) Then creating daily
habits centered around that long term goal. For example, let’s say your long-term goal is to build the body
of your dreams, a daily habit for you may be to workout for 1 hour per day, and eat 4 nutritious meals per
day. Doing this everyday will actually fulfill you! Unlike the instant gratifying habit you’re doing now.

4. Rise

The fourth R is all about rising above yourself and challenging what you thought was possible. Without
progressive overload, no progress is actually going to be made. I’m not talking about making your long-
term goal harder, (or you can do this if you want to) I’m talking about increasing either the time or intensity
given to your daily habits. For the gym, it may be increasing the weight, for business owners, it may be
making your content 1% better everyday. Progress doesn’t need to be fast, take your time and you’ll see
progress in the long run
5. Refresh

The fifth and probably the most important R of them all, is being able to
Refresh, learn from your mistakes, and continue to kill it.

Reality is, you’re going to fail in one shape or form, whether that be giving into that bad habit again, or
procrastinating with your good one. You can’t overwhelm yourself when this happens, it is normal for
anyone on this unique journey. You just have to ask yourself these 2 questions when this happens…

“Why did I fall into this habit?” or “Why didn’t I do this habit?”
And “What can I do starting now to refresh and get back on track?”

If you learn from your failure’s they’re just a success in disguise.

So Where Do You Go From Here?

The 5 R’s is a very simple process, but I never said it would be easy, you’re probably looking at these steps
right now thinking you have a golden path ahead of you free of all the challenges you would otherwise

But that’s simply not the case, I’ve just given you the piece of puzzle with a thousand pieces. I’ve shown
you the one piece of the puzzle, but you don’t know where to start and how to build it…

To become truly free of your addictions, it takes, grit, determination, and a little risk taking. You’re taking a
huge step outside of your comfort zone, and that’s uncomfortable as fuck. Only 1% break free. That’s 99
people out of 100 who gave up and are continuing to waste their lives slaving away to their addictions.

But if you’ve read this far, I know you’re built different inside that mind of yours, you want more, you want
your last thoughts on your death bed to know that you truly did succeed.

So, if you’re ready to make the ultimate transformation from an NPC to the Main Character of your life,
breaking your bad habits and replacing them with new and improved ones…

I want to offer you something very special, something I never share on my social media accounts…

Something that has allowed myself and over 100 men I’ve personally worked with to break free from the
trap of lust, overcome their addictions, and truly become a 1% man.
You’ve probably told yourself so many times that this is it,
this is the last time I ever watch porn, hit my vape, “oh, just
10 more minutes of scrolling”

But has that ever worked? No. And it never will.

You need to address the root cause of your addictions and put
systems in place, so you never fall back into your bad habits again.
This is something that nobody has told you.

If I just hit a nerve with the past few sentences, that means
“The Breakthrough” is perfect for you.

Inside The Breakthrough, I will personally help you go from a man who wastes his time, slaving away to his
bad habits, to a new man who has purpose, he’s confident in his own skin, free of his addictions, and most
importantly, he starts to enjoy the little things in life again, as if he were his younger self.

“But Jak, is there any catch, what if I don’t see any results?”

Then you’re simply not ready to change.

And before you ask, The Breakthrough is not free, nor will it ever be, I will never allow just a random person
into our community. The price is what makes your experience inside The Breakthrough valuable. Would
you rather have a community of bums? Or a community of people who are just as interested as you are in
becoming the best version of themselves and fulfilling their potential in this life? What would be more

That is why if you join The Breakthrough, there is a 99% chance you will see results within the first 14
days, if you act right away of course.

And if for someone reason (which has never happened by the way) you decide to work with me inside The
Breakthrough and you don’t see any results within the first 14 days, you will not pay, and I’ll personally
offer you a free 30 minute 1:1 coaching call with me. This is how confident I am that myself, and your soon
to see fellow members of The Breakthrough that you will see results. Which is what you ultimately want.

And because I genuinely care about you bro and I actually want to see you succeed, I am not going to
charge you hundreds of dollars for this program. I’ve exclusively made it the price of a regular T-shirt just
for you so can get access to everything The Breakthrough entails.
Join The Breakthrough Today

I’ve invested a total of $12,000 in myself and I’ve never looked back since.

The price will only increase as more and more people are joining on a daily basis, so join TODAY for lifetime
access to The Breakthrough, the community and weekly group coaching calls, and so much more…

Don’t sleep on yourself brother, it will be your biggest regret of all

“The Breakthrough alongside Jak became my saving grace when I was trult at my lowest
and now I feel so much better have implemented so many new systems and habits into my
daily routine. While interacting with so many individuals on the same path as me. If you’re
on the fence towards joining, I was to, it is worth every single dollar”

- Justin

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