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Mohammed Merzougui High school

Class: ……………… Full name……………..……………… Mark:…../20

First Term English Language Test
Read the text carefully then do the following activities.
The Gaza Strip is an area on the eastern coast of the Mediterranean Sea, bordered by
Egypt to the south and Israel to the north and east. It is home to over 2 million people, one of
the highest population densities in the world. Gaza has been under Israeli blockade since
2007, which has had a devastating impact on the economy and living conditions of its
people. It has been a region of longstanding conflict and political instability.
The Gaza Strip has experienced multiple conflicts and disputes involving various
parties, including the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. There have been periods of violence and
military conflicts, followed by ceasefires and attempts at negotiations.
The situation in Gaza is influenced by a variety of factors, including political,
historical, and geopolitical issues. Achieving a lasting and comprehensive peace in Gaza has
been a challenging and ongoing process, and it depends on the resolution of broader issues
within the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.
Ultimately, peace in Gaza will require a commitment from both Israelis and
Palestinians to resolve the conflict peacefully. This will not be easy, but it is essential for the
future of both people.
A/ Comprehension:
1. Choose the letter a, b or c that corresponds to the right answer.
The text is about:
a- Conflicts in the world. b - Gaza conflicts and peace c- UNO efforts in Gaza.
2. Say whether the following statements are true or false.
a- There are only few people living Gaza……………
b- Israeli blockade affects Gaza economically……….
c- The Israeli and Palestinians are living in peace…………
d- It is not easy to maintain peace in Gaza……………..
3. Answer the following questions according to the text.
a. Where is Gaza located?
b. When did the blockade on Gaza start?
c. What has influenced the situation in Gaza?
4. What do the words in bold refer to in the text?
a- It (§1) …………………... b- it (§3) …………………. c- this (§4) ……………….
B/ Text exploration :
1. Find in the text words closest in meaning to the following.
a- Overwhelming (§1)=………….. b- struggles (§2)=……….….. c- affected (§3) =……………..
2. Match the definitions in column A with their corresponding abbreviations in
column B.
Definition abbreviation
1- It’s an organization that tries to promote the unity and a- UNESCO
solidarity between African states
2- It works to fight diseases and improve health around the b- OAU
3- It works to spread peace around the world using education, c- WHO
science and culture

3. Rewrite sentence ‘b’ so that it means the same as sentence ‘a’.

1/a) The UN O was able to bring harmony and peace to some parts of the world.
2/a) Although the UN was able to solve some conflicts it could not stop Gaza war.
b) Despite……………………………………………………………………………
3/a) in spite of its power, Israel cannot wage a land-attack on Gaza.
b) Although ……………………………………………………………………………
4/ a) I did not go to bed early and now I am tired.
5/ a) It was very icy, but I succeeded to keep the car on the road b)
4. Mark intonation at the end of each sentence.
A. Could you tell me who the current UN Secretary General is?
B. Sure, it is Antonio Gutteres.
A. What nationality is he?
B. He is Portuguese.
5. Fill in the gaps with words from the list given.
different _ conflict _ disagreement_ party
Conflict is any .....................between two or more people and groups. Whenever two
or more people have .............interests, values, goals, and understanding conflict arises. It
may be in a person, within people, within groups, or within organizations.
In other words, ..................refers to all kinds of opposition or antagonistic interaction
between or among individuals and groups. It exists whenever one party perceives that
another .....................has hampered or is about to hamper the accomplishment of goals.


Mohammed Merzougui High school Duration: 2hours
Class: 2……………… Full name……………..……………… Mark:……../20

First Term English Language Exam

Part One: Reading (15 pts)
A/ Comprehension (08 pts)
Read the text carefully and do the activities.
The death of George Floyd, an African American man who was killed by police last week, sparked
protests around the globe. Thousands of people worldwide are protesting against racism and police abuse in
their home countries.
In Paris, France, 20,000 people showed support to US protesters and they denounced the 2016 death of
a black man in French police custody. In Australia, Floyd’s death has renewed calls to investigate police
brutality against indigenous Australians. Thousands of people demonstrated in London, UK and Cape Town,
the capital of South Africa.
The video of the incident with George Floyd made minorities across the globe angry and upset because
minorities feel increasingly oppressed. Experts say that the US is a place where people can see the reality of
racism and that what is happening in the US is only an extreme version of what is happening round the
Adapted from the internet
1- Say whether the following sentences are True or False.
a) The death of Floyd triggered demonstrations worldwide………
b) Policemen have been cruel with native Australians……….
c) Minorities around the world have all their rights………..
d) Racism exists only in the US...........
2-Identify the paragraphs in which the following idea is mentioned:
People around the world strongly condemn police brutality……………..

3- Answer the following questions according to the text.

1) What triggered protests around the world?
2) How was the French reaction to the incident?
3) Are minorities against police brutality? Justify
4- Find what or who the underlined words in the text refer to.
Who&1………………….. They&2……………………….. Where&3…………………….

B/ Text Exploration (07 pts)

1. Find in the text words or phrases that are closest in meaning to the following:
Assassinated&1=…………….. Condemned&2=………………. Furious&3=………………
2. Complete the following table:
Verbs to oppresse …………………… to equalize ……………………

Noun …………………… dream …………………… freedom
3. Rewrite the sentences according to what you have studied
a/he was able to resolve political problem although it was hard
a/It is obligatory to make peace in the world
a/ Your friend did not come to the appointment . You criticize him you say
a/Although the conflict in Palestine started decades ago, it has not been resolved.

4- Fill in each gap with the appropriate word from the list given.
Community – better – being – war
Peace is more than the absence of …………… . It is a state of …………… in balance and harmony.
Peace is about …………… , about encouraging and helping each other to live …………….

5. Mark the intonation at the end of these sentences using arrows.

 Could they settle the dispute?
 Yes, they could.
Part Two: Written Expression (05 pts)
Topic One: Using the following notes, write a short paragraph on how to live in peace.
 solve problems peacefully with negotiations.
 equality, justice and brotherhood between people.
 wars are destructive.
 make the world free of arms (no arm making).
 spend money on housing ,healthcare, education and food rather than on massive
destructive weapon
Topic Two: Imagine you are a Palestinian child living under occupation, deprived of your basic rights
unlike all children of the world. Deliver a speech in which you state your dreams
Start like this: Ladies and gentlemen …
We stand with Gaza Forever

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