Detailed Lesson Plan in Household Services Adiel Ravanera

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Detailed Lesson Plan in TLE7 Household Services

Student Teacher: Adiel A. Ravanera
Cooperating Teacher: Grade & Section:
Angelo Raphael D. Bagdoc Grade7 – Waling-Waling
Subject: TLE7 Household Services (Cleaning
School: Mandaluyong High School
and Sanitizing Tools, Equipment, and Materials.)

I. Objectives
At the end of the lesson, at least 80% of the students will be able to:
1. differentiate cleaning and sanitizing;
2. perform the proper use of various cleaning equipment;
3. appreciate the importance of cleaning and sanitizing equipment.
II. Subject Matter
Topic: Cleaning and Sanitizing Tools, Equipment, and Materials & Hazards
Materials: Laptop, Projector, PowerPoint Presentation
References: HE-(Housekeeping) Household Services Module, pp. 8-9.
III. Learning Procedures
Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity
A. Preliminaries

A.1 Prayer

“Before we start our discussion, who wants to (Students will pray)

lead the prayer?”

A.2 Greetings

“Good morning, class!” (All Students) Good morning, Sir!

A.3 Attendance

“President of the class, what is the attendance There are no absences sir.
status of this class?”

It’s nice to know that there’s no absent today.

A.4 Review

Let’s have a review.
“Based on our past discussion, what are the
types of cleaning agents?”

The types of cleaning agents are:

Abrasive cleaners
Solvent cleaners
Acid Cleaners
And Dish soap

“Very good class! Now we are ready to head

on another topic.”

A.5 Motivation

“To start our lesson for this morning, we will (All students) Yes sir!
have a game. Do you want to play a game?”

“The title of our game is “Jumbled Words

“Let’s see if you can answer the following”. The students will participate in
warm-up activity that showcases the
keywords for this lesson.

B. Lesson Proper

“Alright! Do you have any idea what our Yes sir! It is about what we use for
lesson for today is based on what we did Cleaning and Sanitizing Equipment!

“Very Good! That’s right! Our Lesson for

today is Cleaning and Sanitizing Equipment,
Tools and Materials.”

Everybody please read.

All of the students read the text
Very good! Cleaning means removing the dirt
and other soils from surfaces. For example
sweeping the floor. You are only removing the
dirt and other particles that are visible to our
naked eye.

Next, everybody read.

(All students will read.)

That’s right sanitizing is the process of killing

or eliminating harmful bacteria and viruses in
all surfaces. What do you think is an example
of sanitizing? After we sweep the floor, what (Student)
do we do? Raise your hands. We Mop the floor.
Very good! That’s correct. Usually what do we Bleach or Detergent
mix with water for the mop?
Very Good!

Now Let’s look at this picture.

What is he doing?

(All of the students answer)

Very good!
But how can you say that he is only cleaning?
Can someone explain? (Student)
Because he is only removing dust and soil
on the floor.
Very good! That’s right!

How about this one? What is he doing?

(All of the students answer)

That’s right! But why did you say Sanitizing?
Please explain. (Student)
Because he is using a disinfectant agent
that kills bacteria, germs and viruses on
Very good!

Now these are the Equipment we use in

Cleaning and Sanitizing. Everybody read. (All of the Students will read)

All right the first one is Vacuum Cleaner

Please read.
It is used to eliminate dust particles from (All of the students will read)
carpet surfaces, upholstered furniture, and
even hard surfaces.
A video demonstration will play on how to use (Students will watch attentively)
a vacuum cleaner.
Again, what is the name of the equipment? (Students may raise their hands to
Good! answer)
What is it used for? Vacuum Cleaner
(Students may raise their hands to
It is used to eliminate dust particles from
carpet surfaces, upholstered furniture, and
The teacher will continue to discuss the lesson even hard surfaces.
in this pattern.

(The students will actively participate on

the discussion)
C. Application
The teacher will give a group activity.
 The class will be grouped into 6.
 Each group will be given an assigned
1. Each group must identify whether their
assigned equipment is for Cleaning or (The students will present their work and
Sanitizing. illustrate how to use the assigned
2. Each group will explain their answers. equipment.)
3. Groups will act how to use their
assigned equipment using only their
bodies to illustrate the usage of the

D. Analysis

The students will be given a case scenario and

will be asked about their understanding on the
importance of regular cleaning, sanitizing, and
organizing the interior of a house or office.

Luffy is a Grade 7 student who is studying at

Mandaluyong High School. As a student, his
daily task is to sweep and mop the floor of
their classroom every day. However, Luffy
rarely does his task as he doesn’t see any
visible dusts, mud, and stain on the floor. Do
you think it is necessary to perform daily
cleaning and sanitation on the area he is
assigned? Why?

(Students may raise their hands to

answer) Yes, sir. Cleaning the floor every
day is important to maintain a clean and
hygienic living environment, get rid of
invisible virus and germs, prevent the
buildup of dirt and grime, reduce the risk
of slips and falls, and improve indoor air
E. Abstraction

How will you differentiate Cleaning from

sanitizing? (Students may raise their hands to
Cleaning is the process of removing food
and other types of soil from a surface.
While Sanitizing is removing or
eliminating germs or bacteria that are
visible to our eyes.

IV. Evaluation.

Directions: Match each purpose/proper use in the left column with the appropriate
supplies/chemicals/equipment in the right column.
1. The process of removing food and other types of A. Carpet Extractor
soil from a surface
2. The process of killing germs, bacteria, and viruses B. Cleaning
from surfaces
3. It is used to eliminate dust particles from carpet C. Wet and Dry Vacuum
surfaces, upholstered furniture, and even hard surfaces.
4. It is used in scrubbing, stripping and polishing hard D. Vacuum Cleaner
floor surfaces and vinyl, wood parquet, etc.
5. What's the name of the vacuum that handles both E. Cart or Trolley
dry messes and wet spills, including soaking up
water in flooded areas?
6. Device designed for dry foam shampooing of carpets, F. Carpet Sweeper
aiming to remove dirt that adheres to or penetrates
the layers of the carpet.
7. This is used to pick-up dirt and particles from the carpet. G. Sanitizing
8. It is used for stocking cleaning supplies and chemicals H. Floor Polisher
to make cleaning easier and faster.
V. Assignment

Give 5 examples and uses of Cleaning and Sanitizing Tools we use in our Classroom.
You can search on the internet for reference.

Prepared by:


Student Teacher

Checked by:


Teacher III
Cooperating Teacher

Reviewed by:

Master Teacher I

Noted by:
Head Teacher VI – TLE-TVL Dept.

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