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rey , ‘The Jain text which contains the biographies of the Tirthankaras is known as- (A) Bhagavatisutra _(B)_Adipurana (C) Kalpasutra Ans. (C) ae O. The sacred literature of Swetambar Jaina ‘Ans. (A) Ep 2 written in Prakrit is classified into twelve Angas, twelve Upangas, ten Prakirna, six Chedsutras and four Mulasutras, ‘Kalpasutra’ was one of the six Chedasutras, Chedasutras are prominent Jaina text dealing with the disciplinary rules for the nuns. Kalpasutra, fourth of the Chedasutra, is an important Jaina text. ‘According to tradition the Kalpasutra was composed ‘by Bhadrabahu who was also the spiritual teacher of Chandragupta Maurya. It contains the life story of Mahavira and Parsavnath. Kalpasutra consists of three parts. The first part called the Jainacharita contains biographies of twenty three Tirthankaras who precedes Mahavir. The second section consists of the ‘Theravali, list of ganas and their ganadharas. ‘The third section contains the samachari or the rules for the Jaina monks. The Adipurana is an important Sanskrit text of the Digambar Jains. It records the lives of the 63 great men of Jain history and myth. ‘The Bhagavati sutra contains a true definition of Mahavir's knowledge of the entire universe, and the life around the universe. The Sutra is a narration of the conversation between Mahavir and Gautam, a Brahmin scholar, who on his first visit was overshadowed by the omniscience of Lord Mahavir: Which one of the following ig not a part of early Jain literatare? (A) Therigatha (C) Sutrakritanga (B) Acarangasutra (D) Brihatkalpasutra (IAS (Pre) 1996) Khuddaka Nikaya is one of the five Nikayas of Sutigpitaka. It contains the Dhammapada (a collection of verses dealing mainly with ethical sayings) and Theragatha and Therigatha. ‘Ans. (D) AY Q Adinath (Rishabh Deo), according to the Jain 2 According to Js Q The Therigatha, the ninth book of the Khuddaka Nikaya, consists of 73 poems, 522 stanzas in all in which the early nuns (bhikkhunia) recount their struggles and ‘accomplishments along the road to arahantship. Q The Therigatha, was composed more than two millennia ago, is an anthology of poems in the Pali language by and about the first Buddhist women. Q These women were theris, the senior ones, among ordained Buddhist women, and they bore that epithet because of their religious achievements. 2 The poems they left behind are arguably among the most ancient examples of women’s writing, in the world and they are unmatched for their quality of personal expression and the extraordinary insight they offer into the lives of women in the ancient Indian past and _inideed, into the lives of women as such. “The originator of the Jain religion is- (A) Arya Sudhrma (8). Mahavir Swami (C) Parshwanath (D) Rishabh Deo (UPPCS (Mains) 2010) faith, is considered as the Adipurush, the first Tirthankara, the founder of the Jé hundreds of historians have Adinath was Ayodhya as divided his departed to or © When Adinath renounced his kingdom, thousands of people followed him into the ascetic life, © According to the Jain faith, Nrthankaras remained silent until they achieved perfection. After becoming enlightened, ie. perfect, he broke his silence and preached for many yeara, telling how to escape the eycle of birth and death and achieve eternal bliss. © Adinath achieved Nirvana, according to the Jain faith, on the mountain of Kailash in the Himalayas when he was in complete Samadhi. The symbol of Adinath is A Bull, i.e, Rishabh, He became popular by this symbol and is now known as Rishabh Deva. 4. Which of the following places is considered_a Jain siddha-kshetra on acco association with Parsvanath? (4) Champa (B) Pava (C) Sammede Sikhara (D) Urjayanta Ans. (C) : (uPPcs (Pre) 2002) =a © Inthe Jaina theology, Siddha-Kshetra refers to land of liberated souls. It is situated at the symbolic forehead of the creations where all the jivas, i.e. living beings, having attairied nirvana reside in a state of peace and eternal happiness. In common implication Siddha Kshetra refers to the area where Tirthankaras attained salvation. = © Lord Parsavnath was the 23” Tirthankar of Jainism who has been accepted as a historical. figure. He propagated the four dimensional sae peal itch soul © Lord Parsvanath preached four vows. The four vows preached by Lord Parsvanath are: ‘Rot 1a kill, not to lie, not to steal, and not to ‘(own property. Parsvanath was a householder for thirty years and then an ascetic for seventy years When he was 100 years old he got liberated on the fifth day of the bright half of the month of Shravan at Sammet Shikhar Mountain.Sammet_ Sikhar, as described in Jaina text ‘Tiloypannatti" was place where 20 Tirthankaras attained salvation. 5. Parshvanatha, the Jain Thirthankaara’ was associated ‘mainly with which of the following places? (A) Varanasi (©) Kaushambi (©) Giribraja (0) Champa ‘Ans. (A) (UPPCS (Mains) 2016) ‘Ans. (C) ry "xp: Lord Parsvanath, the 23” Tirthankara of Jainism was born in the royal household of the Varanasi. His father Ashvasen was King of Varanasi while Vama Devi was his mother: He spent his early fe in Varanasi, It is said that once King Prasenjit was under attack and asked help from Ashvasen, father of Parevanath, The army led by Parsvanath rescued the King. Following this King Prasenjit also came to Varanasi with his daughter Prabhavati and requested king Ashvasen to marry Parsvanath with Prabhavati. Parsvanath was averse to the bond of marriage. However, his parents persuaded him and he could not hurt their feelings. He was married to Prabhavati but led a simple and detached life. Parsavnath was a householder for thirty years and then an ascetic for seventy years. Thus Varanasi is associated with Parsvanath Mghavir.Swaimi, the propounder of Jain Dharma was born in- (Af Pippali Van (C) Kundagrama ®) Vaishali (2) Vikramshila (BPsc (Pre) 1998) Lord Mahavir was the twenty-fourth and the last Tirthankara of the Jain religion. According to Jain philosophy, all Tihankaras were born as human beings but they of perfection or enlightenment through meditation and self-realization. They are the Gods of Jains. Tirthankaras are also known as Aghants or_ Jinas. Mahavir was born in 5} in Kundagrama in Bihar, At the age of 30, he left his larly and royal bovschokd: gaxeup ia worldly possessions, including clothing and became a monk. He spent the next twelve i F to ° 7, Which one of the following was not a Jain Tirthankar? “City of no Sin: , a8 it was called some 2600 years @ part of (A) Chandraprabha (8) Nathamuni travelling throughout the nation, Mahi (SLNEAE (D) Sambhay ‘the Kevalaya: Gyan (Omniscience} and devoted the Ans. (B) (wPPcs (maine) 2008) "C8C_Of his Tife_in preaching the eternal truth of = TplFitual ireedom to people around TaclanAttiseage List of 24 Jaina Tirthankaras and their symbols Caseenht th thabatee OI eeeeacrite 1, Rishabhanatha (Adipatha) ; Bull) sald that the place where he was cremated became 2 Ajitanatha Elephant ‘80 famous among his disciples that each wanted to 3, Sambhavanatha Horse take a pinch of the holy earth, as a result of which 4. Abhinandananatha Monkey, beng Nery bee to form a large pond, crear aus Qh Tee 2nd haar f Jin was e * ena (A) Rishabhadeo (®) Parsvanath ee eh! aes (C) Neminath (0) Shantinath 8, Chandraprabha Crescent Moon ie 103 i Be greens ee + Crocodile or Makara yp Lord Neminath was the 22 Tirthankara or ee Shrivatsa Ford-Maker of Jainism. Neminath, who is accepted 11, Shreyanasanatha Rhinoceros as a historical figure was connected with Sci 12. Vasupuiya Buffalo Red _Krishna and was Keishna’ younger cousin iw Se Eaton Shiancmi. Neminath we 0 Fe netne pe Tint airavilateaad iQueenshites Demat a Porcupine according Souripur in the Harivansh clan. His birth date is rine Pigambare ihe 5® day of Shravana Shukla in the Indian loon according to Calendar. Neminath spent fifty four days in deep tbevsretamber spiritual practices and then went to Gimar Hill. On eee eli the fifteenth day of the 16. Shantinatha ‘Antelope or deer Ashvin, in the afte 17. Kunthunatha Goat omniscience and 18. Aranatha Nandyavarta or Trtheneara Ahead fish sermé 19. Mallinatha : Kalasha ros 20, Munisuvrata : Tortoise Se eoniihea i 21. Naminatha + Blue lotus onion Achat 22. Neminatha (Shankha) liberated at the top 2 (arshvanatha_] Snake state of Gujarat, 24. Mahavira 10. Buddha was 8 ‘Tnwhich of the following cities did lord Mahavir (A) Vaishali leave for his heaven le? (C) Kapilvastu (A) Rajgir (8) Ranchi Ans. (B) (C) Pawapuri (D) Samastipur Exp: Te Bua ranches te Oe vara near the India-N Exp:-Lord Mahavir, the 24" and the last Tirthankara ‘rominent family of Jainism spent his last days in Bpwapus He was. Fy erpiieet Shakya’ cremated here after his ni ous land is 2 sh visited by Jains in targeteber, cats me sean distance of approximately 190 em South-East foiower ru Pawapuri is a famous Jain, Pil i 4 homage, because the Buddha, the gue of the Shakya ‘was born here. He ordered a stone relief to be and a stone to be |, to indicate here. He exempted fuced its t the Blessed One was born He ‘of Lumbini from taxes and redi ats toll of {from the usual quarter) to one eighth.” he inscription was made in the local dialect Mogadhi, using Brahmin script. {1 The concept of Anuvrata was advocated by- (a) Mahayana Buddhism (6) Hinayana Buddhism {C) Jainism (D) The Lokayukta school Ans. (C) (HAS (Pre}i998) + Jainism has two sorts of vows in order to attain Moksha: Mahavarata and Anuvrata. As per the Mahavarata vows, non- violence, rruthfulness, non- stealing, celibacy, and non-possessiveness ‘observed mentally, verbally, and physically intotal. Each of these three aspects are further observed in three ways: not committing yourself, not asking anyone else to do 0, and not encouraging anyone else to do so. Those who wish to observe these vows renounce their worldly lives and come to known as sadhus (monks) and sadhvis (nuns).Thus the Mahavarata vows are stringent in nature. It is difficult for house holders to fully practice the above vows, and so, the vows that house holders take have some limitations and are called minor vows or the ‘Anuvrata. These vows are not as stringent as Mahavrata and people who take these vows are called Saravakas. 12. Which of the following statement(s) is/are applicable to Jaina Doctrine? 1. The surest way of annihilating karma is to practice > ara 2. Every object, even the smallest particle has a soul. Karma is the bane of the soul and must be ended. a Select the correct answer using the codes gi ‘below- 3. Codes:- (A) Only 1 (8) 2and3 (C) Land 3 (D) Allof these Ans. (D) (IAS (Pre) Ep: Jainism believes in plurality of soul, i.e., living being has a soul. Not only human b and animals, even trees, plants, bacteria microscopic viruses have souls. Q ° ° ° ° ° Q ‘There is life even in mud, Hpi rine comcachena nee or with the most powerful microscope. Jainism has classified 8.4 million differe species of life in the universe. Al iving beings, whether big or small, has a soul. At the end of life the body dies, but not the soul. The soul thus keeps on transmigrating from life to life, unless and until it liberates itself from the cycle of birth and death. When it attains liberation or salvation, i.e., Moksha or Nirvana, it has never to enter again into the cycle of birth and death. In order to achieve this highest goal of Moksha, Jainism explains the Law of Karma and shows the Path of Moksha. (Thus statement 2 is correct). Through the Law of Karma, Jainism explains why there are joys and sorrows, happiness and unhappiness, prosperity and adversity, etc. ‘According to Jainism there are eight types of Karma and whatever happens to any living being at any time is due to the nature and intensity of the relevant Karma, either as result of an old Karma of the previous or the present birth or is due to a new Karma which is being produced. It is further added that Karma is the bane of the soul and must be ended if ever the soul wished to attain moksha. (Thus Statement 3 is correct) ‘The penance performed to annihilate the karmic matter is the real . Without annihilation of the karmas, the final goal Le., iberation cannot be attained. Therefore a living being aspiring for salvation. It has been stated in ‘Rajvartika’- ‘Karmdahnat burning or annihilation of the karmas is called 1 y

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