MENS - Congenital Penile Abnormalities (1p)

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- Phimosis:
o What?
Foreskin is Too Tight retract over Glans.
o Why?
Or Repeated Infection Fibrosis/Scarring of Preputial Ring.
o Outcome?
Phimosis Interferes with Cleanliness Secondary Infections and Carcinoma
- Paraphimosis:
o What?
Foreskin becomes trapped behind the Glans Penis & Cannot be Pulled Back.
o Why?
Congenital Phimosis
Or Foreskin is Retracted for Too Long Oedematous Difficult Reduction
o Outcome?
Can Ischaemia of Glans Penis Gangrene Loss of Penis
(:. Medical Emergency)
- Hypospadias & Epispadias:
o What?
Malformation of Urethral Groove/Canal/Opening Either on Ventral Surface (Hypospadias
– Most Common) or on the Dorsal Surface (Epispadias)
o Why?
(NB: Statistically associated with Cryptorchidism)
o Outcome?
Can Urinary Obstruction Ri k f UTI - Ascending.
Also Abnormal Ejaculation and Insemination.
- Penile Atrophy/Agenesis:
o What?
Male born without a Penis
o Why?
Congenital (1/6000000)
Often Secondary to Testicular Agenesis No Testosterone No Male Organs
o Outcome?
Absence of Urinary Outlet Requires Surgical Redirection of Urethra
If Testicles are Present Normal Male Appearance
If Testicles are Absent Maintained Pre-Pubescent Appearance

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