Intra-Personal, Inter Personal and Group Communication1

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Intra-personal, Inter personal and Group communication

Effective communication is a vital aspect of human interaction, and it can take various forms
depending on the context. Intrapersonal communication and interpersonal communication are two
fundamental types of communication that occur within individuals and between individuals,
respectively. Understanding the differences between these two forms of communication is essential
for enhancing self-awareness, developing strong interpersonal relationships, and improving overall
communication skills.

As the term, ‘intra’ means ‘within’, so the communication that takes place within a person is called
intrapersonal communication. On the other hand, the term ‘inter’ means ‘between’, so when the
communication occurs between two or more persons, it is said to be interpersonal communication.

We, humans, are social animals, and we always need someone to talk or share our opinions, news,
and even feelings. Communication is a substantial part of our life, whether we say something or not,
it automatically conveys a message to the persons surrounding us, because it is unavoidable. It can be
intrapersonal communication or interpersonal communication. The major difference between
intrapersonal and interpersonal communication is that the former is invisible, as it goes in our mind,
the latter is visible as it takes place between several parties.
Definition of Intrapersonal Communication

The communication with oneself is intrapersonal communication. It involves thinking, analysing,

interpreting, assessing, planning, feeling, etc. It is to reflect the individual self, with a view to clarifying

It is an activity that takes place in our mind; wherein a person is involved in a conversation with
himself/herself, commonly known as ‘self-talk’ or ‘inner speech’. The activity can be a monologue or
internal dialogue, i.e. when you imagine a conversation, in your mind with the absent other. So, it is
quite obvious that the sender and receiver are the same person. Internal dialog, Solo-vocal
communication and Solo written communication are the three levels of intrapersonal communication.

Definition of Interpersonal Communication

Interpersonal Communication is the one to one communication between two or more persons,
wherein exchange of ideas, information or messages takes place through a channel. It can be a face
to face communication between parties, communication over mail, telephone and the like.

In Interpersonal Communication, the way something is said is as important as what is being said. So,
here, the tone of voice, body language, gestures, facial expressions, have a great impact on the
Main Differences-

Sr. Intrapersonal Communication Interpersonal Communication

1. Communication within oneself Communication between two or more individuals
2. Self-reflection and internal dialogue Verbal and non-verbal interaction between
3. Self-contained process Social and interactive process
4. Internal thoughts, emotions, and self- Exchange of ideas, information, and emotions
5. Examples: self-talk, thinking, reflection Examples: conversations, discussions,
6. Self-awareness and self-expression Building relationships and understanding others
7. Limited to one's own perspective and Involves multiple perspectives and diverse
experiences experiences
8. Does not require external feedback Depend on on feedback from others
9. Non-interactive Interactive and active
10. Internal decision-making and problem- Collaboration and conflict resolution
Group communication

Group communication is a mode of communication in groups of people, in an organization, between

employers and employees, and employees in teams/groups or people in general to discuss a topic or
communicate a message. Group communication can further be looked from a marketing perspective
as communicating to a group of people or target customers in order to market a product.

Small group communications can be looked at as groups of size 3 to 20. Group communication can be
effective, when there is a specific purpose to the communication, a proper means of communication,
and content of the communication suitable to the target audience, and a proper communicator who
can drive the initiative and process.

Essentially, group communication refers to any verbal or nonverbal interaction between a group of 3
to about 20 people. Size plays an important role in categorizing a communication situation as group
communication because it determines the ability of each member to interact with every other
participant in the conversation and be mutually influenced. A group of 20 or fewer participants is
commonly referred to as the small group, whereas communication between 2 individuals is
characterized as interpersonal communication.
Group communication channels

There are many different forms or channels group communication can take place in. The most
common group communication channels include:

Formal in-person team meetings — A group of co-workers or a team gather in an office or

other formal setting to discuss project progress, future objectives, or current issues. Usually, these
types of interactions are guided by a leader figure, such as a manager.

Informal in-person group gatherings — Although commonly connected to social groups

outside the workplace, informal gatherings also take place with groups from the same organization.
Company parties, wellness retreats, or team-building events are some examples of in-person group
communication between groups belonging to the same organization.

Group emails — A form of written group communication most commonly used for formal
exchange between groups working on shared projects. Group emails may not be the most effective
solution, especially in urgent situations that require a fast exchange and quick access to critical

Conference calls — Conference calls allow the immediacy of in-person meetings, with the added
benefit of allowing participants to join from anywhere. Usually conducted via video conference tools,
conference meetings are commonly guided by a central, leader figure.

Group message chats — Team members or groups working on a shared project use business
messaging apps to share progress updates, chit chat, discuss ideas, and share files with team
members or external stakeholders.

Project management task lists — A group working on a shared project uses project
management tools to display, track, and communicate deadlines, status updates, as well as further
Advantages of group communication

From improving collaboration to creating tighter relationships across an organization, group

communication is a key factor facilitating virtually any process within an organization.

Let’s go over a list of advantages of group communication for a more detailed insight.

Better transparency and clarity among group members about goals and expectations —

Group members that frequently communicate are more likely to establish trust and transparency
among themselves. Effective group communication — when practiced regularly — offers plenty of
opportunities to share regular updates across teams and foster transparent communication. In
addition to allowing more clarity about goals and expectations, transparent communication helps
develop a favorable organizational reputation with employees and beyond, one study finds.

Improved teamwork and collaboration —

Effective team communication is one of the key facilitators of successful collaboration. In fact, teams
that communicate constructively experience more productive collaboration and suffer fewer
mistakes, research finds.

Increased productivity —

It’s no secret that effective group communication between team members drives productivity and
ensures better results. According to a McKinsey report, teams that communicate more, experience a
productivity increase of up to 25%.

More effective decision-making —

Decision-making largely depends on effective team communication, as business communication

literature suggests. Multiple perspectives present in effective group communication contribute to
better objectivity and accuracy when making decisions within teams. Moreover, asynchronous
communication powered by team communication tools seems to perfectly align with the new work
models and their communication dynamics.

Closer relationships and improved trust between team members —

Effective communication between team members facilitates trust within an organization, according
to a study published in the International Journal of Business Communication. Quality, quantity, and
adequacy of information play an important role in establishing trust — the study suggests. In addition,
open, frequent, and respectful communication is a key driver of relationship building between team

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