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Dawit Diriba ………………………..487/12
Advisor: - Mr shimelis A

March 2023

Debre Markos Ethiopia



TABLE OF CONTENT.........................................................................................................................................i
CHAPTER ONE...................................................................................................................................................1
1. INTRODUCTION............................................................................................................................................1
1.1 BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY...............................................................................................................1
1.2 Statement of the problem................................................................................................................................2
1.3 Objective of the study.....................................................................................................................................3
1.3.1 General objective.........................................................................................................................................3
1.3.2 Specific objective.........................................................................................................................................3
1.4 Significance of the study................................................................................................................................3
1.5 Delimitation of the study................................................................................................................................4
1.6 Operational definition of terms.......................................................................................................................4
CHAPTER TWO..................................................................................................................................................5
REVIEW OF THE RELATED LITERATURE...................................................................................................5
2.1 Self-esteem......................................................................................................................................................5
2.2 Body image .............…....................................................................................................................................6
2.3 Female Adolescence........................................................................................................................................6
2.4 Body image and self-esteem among female adolescents................................................................................7
2.5 Relationship between body image and self-esteem with age and academic achievement on female
adolescents ………………………………………………………………………………………………………7
2.5.1 Age and body image ...................................................................................................................................7
2.5.2. Self-esteem and Age relationship...............................................................................................................8
2.5.3. Self-esteem and academic achievement......................................................................................................8
2.6 theoretical implication....................................................................................................................................9
CHAPTER THREE..............................................................................................................................................9
3. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY.....................................................................................................................9
3.1. Design of the study........................................................................................................................................9
3.2. Study area......................................................................................................................................................9
3.3 Target population..........................................................................................................................................10
3.4 Sampling technique and sample size............................................................................................................10
3.4.Sample technique....................................…...................................................................................................11
3.5 Sources of data..............................................................................................................................................11
3.6 Data gathering instrument.............................................................................................................................12
3.7 Data gathering procedure..............................................................................................................................12

3.8 Methods of data analysis and interpretation.................................................................................................12
3.9 Ethical consideration....................................................................................................................................12


Adolescence is the development transition between childhood and adulthood entailing major
physical and psychological changes. This period is generally considered to begin with puberty
the processes that lead to sexual maturity or fertility and the ability to reproduce (Callin and
Steinberg 2006 cited in Santrock 2007s).Early adolescent can be a difficult time for female.
Many changes on a physical and an emotional take place when puberty strikes. Since some of
this change can affect the way adolescence can better understand the reason for the early
adolescent's action. Body image is based on your thoughts and feelings about the way your body
looks (Callin, 2006). body image is person’s perceptions, thoughts, and feeling about his or her
own body.
Sometimes the way you think other people are judging your appearance can affect your body
image. Poor body image comes from negative thoughts and feelings about your appearance and a
healthy body imaged made up of the thoughts and feelings that are positive. Body image is major
factor in self- esteem. Which is the way you think and feel about yourself as a person self-esteem
related to how much you like yourself and how you recognize or appreciate your individual
character, quality, skills, and accomplishments (Steinberg, 2007)? Like body image, self-esteem
can also be based on how you think other people look at as a person.
Female adolescent's who have low self-esteem may not always feel confident about themselves
how they look many adolescents body and female social inter changes through formal, informal
peer groups, it through dating that some serious contact between individual occur (Conger,
In Ethiopian culture females are important means for families to strength relationship with other
families through marriage. This culture process requires females to have good physical
appearance that is accepted in the culture. This because essential critical in marriages is the
females beauty in this regard the finding of (Haile Gabriel 1994).In other Ethiopia related that a
pleasant family strives to enhance its own states and in large it network marriage this with better
endowed family. According to Hile Gabriel(1994) one of the essential criteria for desirable

marriage in northern Ethiopia society is beauty of this females this practice put a high exception
females should be beautiful enough to attract with whom social reactor demanded as result it a
common practice in Ethiopia that female adolescent's who failed to attain standard physical
appearance are criticize and given unfavorable communities whole these who fulfilled the
standard physical appearance are appreciated and given good comments from the family
members peer and others.
The comments and criticism the female adolescent's have been expressing starting from early
may cause her to feel inferior. Develop low self-esteem and other psychological problem. This
feeling of inferiority and the wrong perception about one's physical appearance many affect the
female adolescent's not welcome the changes that occur during puberty positively. Those one's
body image, the picture and evaluation of one's appearance is basic part of one's self esteem,
while culture standard of beauty are critically informing this self-evaluation. One's attitude are
even more influential in determining one's self esteem, body image is socially constructed, so it
must be investigated and analyzed with in its cultural context (Bredin, 1999). The study will be
conducting in Nigus teklehaymanot secondary school. Debre markos is located in eastern
Gojjam of Amhara region. It is essential for study to make honest assessment of how a female
adolescents are see their appearance and how feel about them. Therefore; the study will be
attempts asses such issues as the relation among body images perception and self-esteem.

1.2 Statement of the problem

Female adolescent's are prone to more uncomfortable feeling about appearance than men. So,
female adolescence more psychologically and behaviorally invested in their physical appearance
and attractiveness. Female adolescents body image central to their physical body image to how
shelter feel about the researcher revels that much as forth of an individual self-evaluation
her/himself (Bredin.M.1999). Body image is one of the powerful social issue that influence
interpersonal attributions of physical attractive even in normal relationship of the same sex
relationships. Physical affective people are magnet (attract) and more persuaders in the relation
attractive adolescents revive more cooperation and support from other get better
recommendation and have other self-disclosed to master that more students, should physical
attractiveness to be major secondary student current in making attraction (Kontt. E, 1990)

people's physical appearance and body image and effect personality developments, self-esteem,
interpersonal attraction, and one's job opportunity.
Today, female adolescents view the shape and appearance of their bodies to be the primary
expression of their individual’s identity. And they spend an enormous amount of time away from
productive activity because they are worrying about what their bodies look like to themselves
and others. Therefore, this research paper will filling the gap to minimize problems related to
body image female adolescents, people will mental health and academic success. This issue
initiating the researcher to conducting detail assessment up on it in Nigus Teklehaymanot
secondary school female adolescents from grade 9 th to 12th students. This research paper will be
trie to answer the following basic research questions.
1. What is the relationship between body image and self-esteem among female adolescents?
2. Is there significance relationship between age with body image and self-esteem among female
3. Is there significant relationship with academic achievement and self-esteem among female

1.3 Objective of the study

1.3.1. General objective

The study will be conducting to examine the relationship between body image perception and
self-esteem among female adolescents in Nigus Teklehaymanot secondary school.

1.3.2. Specific objective

The specific objective of the study is following
 To examine the relationship between body image and self-esteem among female
 To assess if there is significant relationship between age with body image and self-esteem
among female adolescents.
 To assess if there is significant relationship between academic achievement and self-
esteem among female adolescents .

1.4 Significance of the study

The study will be significant in the development of body image and self-esteem relationship to
physical atractive patterns among female adolescents in school who are physically active. To

show the female adolescents period has require very quiet awareness to find new knowledge
female adolescents body image, self-esteem for our and other societies. By reading this research
paper society can transfer awareness from generation to generation. To provide some important
hints for those individuals who want to further their study on this area the issue to provide better
awareness for the society and family. The research is aime to upgrade the low self-esteem female
to high self-esteem.

1.5 Delimitation of the study

The study will be delimite on the relationship between body image and self-esteem among
female adolescents in Nigus Teklehaymanot secondary school, particularly focus on grade 9-12th
female adolescents.
1.6. Operational definition of terms
Adolescent: is a transitional stage of physical and psychological development that generally
occurs during the period from puberty -to- legal adulthood (age of majority).
Body image: is the perception that a person has of their physical self and the thoughts and
feelings that resulted from that perception. Those feeling can be positive, negative and both and
influenced by individual and environmental factors.
Self-esteem: is a confidence and satisfaction in one self. It is the way people think about
themselves and how worthwhile whether someone likes themselves or not.



2.1 Self- esteem
“Self-esteem is so intrinsically linked to thoughts about one’s body that physical appearance has
consistently been found to be the number one predictor of self-esteem (ata,ludden,& lally,2006,p.
1024).Self-esteem is defined as female adolescents are perceived feeling value about her self. it also
means female adolescent's are over all evaluation of their own self . The way a person view his/her
attractiveness directly affects self-esteem, and female adolescents self-esteem with high self-
esteem in more self- accepting ,possesses high- worth, and has positive body image ,while a
female adolescents with low self-esteem is often critical, will be low self-worth, and has a
negative body image (Glory , 1992).Female adolescents are preoccupied with their bodies and
develop body image of what their bodies are like perhaps you looked the mirror and daily a land
sometimes even hourly basis to see it you could direct anything different about our changing
body. Preoccupation with one's body image is strong throughout female adolescent, are it is
especially. During puberty, female adolescent are more dissatisfied with their bodies than
adolescent (Furnham, 2002).
The way we feel about ourselves affects the way we view our selves. Because body image is
important in to our self-concept, when distortion occur, they can have pronounced effects these
effects from our sense of wellbeing (like positive affirmations) to developing predisposition to
and emotional disorder (Triggerman, 2005). Female adolescents are affected in a very
fundamental way by how they perceive their appearance and low they think other them. This
perception is related to social standard and physical activity. A healthy body image in childhood
can lay the foundations for good physical and health later in life, unfortunately, an unhealthy
body image in childhood can have long lasting consequences for female adolescence.
Self-esteem is so intrinsically linked to thoughts about one's body that physically appearance has
consistently been found to be the number one predicator of self-esteem at many ages (Ate,
Iudden, and Ially;P.1024).According to Rosenberg (1965) (cited in Clay,Vignoles and Dittman,
2005," self-esteem is defined as a positive or negative attitude toward oun self. (Rosenberg,
1965, P 30) The self-esteem another definition of body image in evaluating one's own body
subjectively through linked feeling and attitudes (Duncan, wood filed, O'Neill, and Al-Nakecb

2002).Forest and M.C. Kelvien (2005). Define self-esteem as the level of global regard one has
for self (P.36). Self-esteem does not contribute to poorer body image and editing disorder
symptoms (Green and Pritchard, 2003) and studies are still trying to figure out now to hinder
female adolescents beliefs that they need to extremely skinny to look attractive.
2.2 Body image
Body image is defined as “a persone perception , thoughts, and feeling about own body.” Body
image is closely related to self-esteem. Body image is defined as an evaluate element of how a
person values, supporters, approves or disapproves him/herself (Frost and MC Kelvies, 2005).
Also body image refers to the picture those female adolescent forms of their bodies in their
minds. A female adolescents body image is influenced by their beliefs and attitudes. One's body
image does not remain the same, but changes in response to life style events (Women's Healthy,
2007). According to David son and MC Cabe (2006), a poor body image may hamper female
adolescent developments of interpersonal skills and positive relations with other body and
girls /P.17/. body image is a multidimentional concept, with behavioral and psychological

2.3 Female Adolescence

The female Adolescents that bring a verity of physical, social and emotional changes.
Furthermore, there is evidence that the body changes that occur during puberty for females can
be more of a strong than for body (D advection and McCabe, 2006).
Physical changes also can be difficult because female adolescents receive the most criticism
regarding their physical appearance (Croll, 2005 P, 157). Social physiology has shown the
impact of an female adolescent appearance individuals receiving negative evaluations from their
peers and reduced social contact from their peers as well (Davidson and McCabe, 2006).
During adolescent females may also experience some sort of emotional disturbance, which can
lead them to believe they are an attractive.

2.4 Body image and self-esteem among Female adolescents

Body image develops in the context of socio cultural factors, such as unrealistic body images of
females beauty. Self-esteem was lowered among older than among younger females structural
equation modeling should that this age was partially accounted for by upward age trends in
aware net and internalization of socio cultural attitudes toward. Self-esteem is defined as a
"positive or negative attitude towards the self" (Rosenberg, 1965,P30/and can be viewed as a key

indicator of psychological wellbeing ,and at least among people in cultures/Vallmeister cap bell,
Kruse ,and Vons,2003 Oishi, diner, Iueas and such,1999/. More over the average feeling happy
and satisfied about your body as well as being comparable with and accepting the way you look.
A negative or unhealthy body image is being in happy with the way you look. It is often
associated with wanting to change your body size or shape. Body image can changes through
your life time and strongly connected to your self-esteem and healthy life choices.
When you feel good about your body, you are more likely to have good self-esteem and mental
health as well as a balanced attitude to females engaging in more positive social interaction than
less attractive females. Ricciardelli and MC Cube/2001/, cited in Davidson and MC Cabe, 2006/
addressed that there is a relationship between image and psychological functioning during
adolescent /P.17/. Lastly, they found a strong association between body image concerns and low
self-esteem female adolescents which has led to constructions of body image as an important
aspect of female self-esteem (Davidson and McCabe, 2006).

2.5. Relationship between body image and self-esteem on Female adolescent with Age and
academic achievement

2.5.1 Age and body image

Age is not as important as gender when it comes to exiling to differences in body in age in
adolescence low body satisfaction is link to low mood testing. In older adulthood low body
satisfaction in liked to reduction in day to day activities with a significant amount of research has
explored the relationship between age and body image studies filled that age is not important at
predicting body image than gender (Cafri, Yammamiya, brannick and Thompson, 2005, esnoal,
rodriguet and goni 2010) with females having lower level of body satisfaction than males across
different ages.
The vast majority of age related research in body image has been conducted on adolescent a
recent study exploring the prevalence of low body satisfaction amongst adolescents. Some
studies have explored changes in body image satisfaction through the course of adolescent. The
research indicates that body satisfaction gradually increase through the courser adolescents. The
adulthood (Holsen et al 2012) body image developments enjoy expelling of this change. For
female adolescents faster physical development is associated with feeling are weight lower body
satisfaction and an increase in testing (Borlent rowels, and Savier 2008, Nishina Ammon, bell

more and graham 2006). Fogies, faster physical development is disassociated with less testing
(Nishina et al, 2006).i.
General Low body satisfaction in adolescent is associated with increases experience of weight
related bluing (Brixra et al, 2012) for both boys and girls. A number of papers illustrate the link
between genitive body image both boys perception and boy satisfaction and depression or low
self-esteem in young people.
The link between body image satisfaction and low self-esteem is found across all adolescent age
group (Vandenberg et al 2010) and may be whist these studies highlight a link between body
satisfaction and low self-esteem appears to be relatively low. Body Marin et al (2001) found that
both self-esteem and body image satisfaction high and stable modest the female adolescents
longitudinal study.

2.5.2. Self-esteem and Age relation ship

Past research suggests that self-esteem is high during childhood, a time characterized by
unrealistically positive views of the self and predominately positive social feedback (Robins and
Trzesniewski, 2005) ,self-esteem then decline during the transition from elementary to junior
high school (Robins and Trzesniewski, 2005;Robins et al.,2002) as children’s feelings of self-
worth respond to increasingly realistic and sometimes negative feedback from peers and figures
of authority (Fenzel, 2000). This results in more genuine self-evaluation and, coupled with
normative events such as puberty, leads to a bottoming out near the middle of adolescent (ages
14 to 15). Self-esteem then follows a nonlinear trend throughout adulthood, increasing from the
end of adolescence, peaking around age 50 to 60, and then decline in old age (Mc Mullin and
Cairney, 2004; Orth et al.,2015; Orth and Robins,2014; Orth et al.,2010, 2012; Robins and
Trzesniewski, 2005).

2.5.3. Self-esteem and academic achievement

According to Nina (1996), student’s statistics function with the self-followed on the heels of
academic success. The influence may come through socio-cognitive progress such as
internalization of social opinions and social comparisons. Earlier studies on social perception and
academic achievement in Kenya high school students found that Kenya parents and teachers tend

to encourage and support males to achieve higher academic goals compared to females (Frank,
2009; Merish et al., 1999). Examining student’s self-concept by grade level, the research finding
showed that students in advanced grades had higher self-concept. As students advance in years
and grade levels, their perceptions of the various aspects of self-concept went up. A possible
explanation was that students improve in verbal and problem solving skills as they take more
academic subjects in school (Nelson et al., 2006).

2.6 Theoretical concept of body image and self-esteem

Body image may be conceptualized as a multidimensional construct that represents how
individual" think, "feel and beaver with regard to their on physical attributions" researchers have
identified two conceptually distinct components of body image the first body image evaluation
denotes individuals evocations through and belies about their physical appearance the second
body image investment refers to the behaviors individuals perform to manages or enhance the
way the look (Kostanski, Electoral and Gullone, 1998).


3.1 Design of the study
Design of the study will be correlational research method. This is becouse of ,correlational
research design is best way to see the predictive relationship between and among variables.
The purpose of this study will be to assessing the relationship between body image perception
and self-esteem among the female adolescents in Nigus Teklehaymanot secondary school. For
the purpose of the study correlation research design, regression design and quantitative approach
will be employed that fits to address the problem under investigating.

3.2. Study area

The study will be conducting at debremarkos town, particularly focus on Nigus Teklehaymanot
secodary school in debremarkos town. Debremarkos is east Gojjam Zone of Amhara

Administrative region, which 300 km far from Addis Ababa and 265 km far from Bahirdar the
regional capital.
Its astronomical location is 10 degree 21’' North Latitude and 37 degree 43’' east Longitude and
an elivation of 2446 meter.Debremarkos also called Menkorer,capital of former Gojjam
province, is a city and separet woreda in north west Ethiopia Debremarkos is one of the reform
towns in the region and has a capital city of Gojjam zone, . Located in the Misrak Gojjam of the
Amhara Administrative Region. The town gets of prolific writers, monuments, poetries and
spirituals. Acording to bradt travel guides, Debremarkos is the most accomodeting town on the
journey between Addis Ababa and Bahir Dar. Manufactured products are also sent from the town
to other areas. The majority of the inhabitants are practiced Ethiopian Orthodox Christianity,
with 97.25% that as their religion, while 0.81% of the population are Protestant, and 1.88% are

3.3 Target population

The target population of this study will be grade 9-12th female adolescent students who have their
total population 1142. from grad 9th 429, from grad 10th 353, from grad 11th social 148, from
natural 97 total 245 and from grad 12 social 80 from natural 35 total 115 who attending their
education at Nigus Teklehaymanot secondary school.
3.4. Sample technique and Sample size
3.4.1. Sample size
Therefore as the size for study the researcher will taking 114 female adolescents from grade 9th -
12th students from the total 1142 female adolescents of grade 9-12th students in Nigus
teklehaymanot secondary school. From this total population 1142 female adolescent are 429
from grade 9th, 353 from grade 10th, 245 from grade 11th and 115 frome grade 12th students in
Nigus teklehaymanot secondary school. According to yount (2006) if the number of target
population is from 101-1000, the researcher can take 10% from the total population size. The
simplified formula to calculate sample size is
n=N*P/100 where n=sample size
N=Total population

So ni=Ni x n/ N

Grad level Total population Sample size

Grad 9 429 43

Grad 10 353 35

Grad 11 245 24

Grad 12 115 12

Total 1142 114

For grad 9th , ni= 429 x 114/1142= 42.82≈43

For grad 10th, ni= 353 x 114/1142=35.22≈ 35

For grad 11th ni=245x114/1142 =24.45=24

For grad 12th ni=115x114/1142=11.47=12 total = 114

Where ni =sample of each grade level

Ni =population of each grade level

n=sample size of both grade level

N=total population of both grade level

3.4.2. Sampling technique

The sample technique will be employing, in this study to use simple random method (lottery
method). In which the researcher will be expect to take the sample from the total population by
using random method one after another. Because the populations has equal chance to selecteing.

3.5 Sources of data

The source of data using in the study will be primary sources of data. Regarding the primary
sources of data, questionnaire given due attention.

3.6 Data gathering instrument
The Study will be collecting data by using close-ended 5 likert scale questionnaire. The first set
includes questions that offer the researcher to know about the personal information of the
respondents such as age, religion, and educational level. The second part of the questionnaire
consists of self-development questionnaire will be using to measure the student’s self-esteem
items are ten. And also part three the questionnaires were ten items used to measure student’s
body image perception. And the total items of the questionnaire are 20 so those items are to
measuring the relationship between body image perception and self-esteem. The five Likert
scales are: (strongly agree, agree, undecided, disagree, and strongly disagree).

3.7 Data gathering procedure

The researcher will be first taking permission from the school director and ask the willingness of
the participants in order to obtain accurate data about the study then the researcher will give brief
information about the objectives of the study and lastly the researcher have gathering
information by using questionnaires from all sample. The study will be employing descriptive
statistics. The characteristics of student’s body image perception and self-esteem are quantitative
statistical analysis such as percentage will be employing on significant the relation between
body image perception and self esteem on Female adolescents. The researcher will be using
Pearson product moment correlation coefficient (PPMC) and Regression calculate to examine
the relationship between body image perception and self-esteem.

3.8 Methods of data analysis and interpretation

Th study will be employing descriptive statistics. The characteristics of student’s body image
perception and self-esteem are quantitative statistical analysis such a, percentage will be
employing on significant age and academic achievements on body image perception and self-
esteem on female adolescents. The researcher will be using Pearson product moment correlation
coefficient (PPMC) and Regression coefficient to examine the relationship between body image
perception and self-esteem.

3.9 Ethical consideration

To Starting the study letter of consent will be giving to the school director to get permission of
them. After getting the permission of the school and willingness of the respondents the
researcher will be giving brief information about the general objectives of the study and the

protection of their consideration. You are not expected to write your name for the purpose of
confidentiality. And the participants of the study will be made aware of about the purpose of the


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1. Age….. Bellow 15..... 16 – 18..... 19-22….. above 23.....
2. Grade level 9th....... 10th......... 11th............ 12th.............
3. Religious Orthodox……….. Muslim……. Catholic….. Others……..

Part Two: - The Questionnaire Related to body image perception

The questionnaire will be used to determine your body image perception. genuine answers are
basic inputs for success this study each statement has four alternatives(body image
perception)read each of them carefully and put mark ( )in the box given in alternatives you think
is true for you Then strongly agree =5, agree =4, undecided=3 disagree =2,strongly disagree =1

No Item 5 4 3 2 1

1 I am happy with my physical appearance

2 My friend rate me as physically attraction
3 I pay carefully attention to my face and hair so I will look
4 My friend accept me regardless of my physical appearance
5 I would be much happier and my life would better if thinner
6 I spend time making my appearance more attraction
7 I would much happier and my life would better if I increase
8 I feel depressed about my appearance
9 My physical attractiveness contribute to make friend easily
10 By using my physical attractiveness I persuade easily boy

Part Three: - The Questionnaire Related to Self-esteem Scale Measures.

The questionnaire wills used to determine your self-esteem; genuine answers are basic inputs for
success this study each statement has four alternatives(self-esteem scale measures)read each of
them carefully and put mark ( )in the box given in alternatives you think is true for you Then
strongly agree =5, agree =4, undecided=3 disagree =2,strongly disagree =1
No Item 5 4 3 2 1
1 On the whole I am satisfied with my self.
2 I feel that I have a number of good qualities.
3 I feel that I have a number of good qualities.
4 I am able to do things as well as most other people.
5 At time I think I am no good at all.
6 I take a positive attitude towards myself
7 On the whole, I am satisfied with myself
8 I wish I could have more respect for myself
9 I certainly feel useless at time.
10 I can solve most problems if I invest the necessary effort


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