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Worm CYOA v.

6 (Shardless Tyrant of the Bay)

You must choose the ‘No Powers’ option, the ‘Wildbow? Where have I heard that before?’ option
and are not allowed any companions.

The Alien
Unbound Paragon
Unbound Ascension

Easy Difficulty
Higher (Tier 5) (+100SP, +100CP)

July 11th, 2004 (+10SP, +5CP)

OG Character (5CP)
Male Sex
Male Gender
6 years, 11 months and 29 days old, (Birthday July 11th, 1997) (0 to 6 years old (+8SP))
Handsome (10CP)
Preschool or Kindergarten (+4CP)
It has its ups and downs

Thousand Styles Master (25CP)
You are a master of free-form martial arts. You are not limited by style and instead, move your
entire body like a weapon and flow between moves like water.

Talented Artist (5CP)

You have a talent for learning and combining martial arts

Adaptable Martial Arts (1CP)

You find it easy to adapt your knowledge of martial arts to fit with any and all powers you have,
even if it completely changes your body.
You're also good at adapting martial arts to be used simultaneously with other martial arts you

Martial Weapons Master (15CP)

You are a master of several weapon-based martial arts.
(Longsword, Dual-Wielding-Swords, Dual-Wielding-Daggers, Spear, Lance, Halberd and Axe)
Martial Weapons Artist (5CP)
You have a talent for learning and combining weapon-based martial arts.

Parkour Physical Conditioning (5CP)

You know how to fall, how to land, how to jump, and how to maneuver. You're a master of parkour.

Stealth Physical Conditioning (5CP)

You know how to be stealthy. This includes both the crowd blending and the sneaking/hiding

Teaching (3CP)
You know how to teach people. Could be useful if you want to start a school of superpowered
martial arts because frankly, martial arts won't work the same with superpowers added to them,
even if it's just a weak Brute power.

Learning (5CP)
You find it easier to take notes, pay attention, and follow along with speeches, seminars, lectures,
discussions, and anything written. Also helps you learn physically and makes studying easier.
Really helps if you have ADD or ADHD.

Tactics (10CP)
You have the Art of War installed and have a tactical mindset. You also find yourself with the
ability to make a mental map of an area. You're going to need more experience if you want to be a
tactical genius though, sorry bud.

Strategy (10CP)
You know how to make long-term plans. You find it easy to grasp geography, troop locations, and
the best move for your enemy to make.

Hand-Eye Coordination (4CP)

You have excellent hand-eye coordination, and while you wouldn't be a top-class athlete you are
generally skilled at anything that would require it.
Doesn't make you as good a shot as Gun Fu, nor does it make you a talented fighter

Internal Clock (1CP)

You have a sense of exactly what time it is at all times, even if you can't see the sky or have been
underground for long periods of time.

Spatial Awareness (1CP)

You know your surroundings, and always have a sense of the direction you are facing.

Driving (3CP)
You are capable of operating any land vehicle, sea vessel, or aircraft with the exception of
especially exotic Tinkertech vehicles.
Pickpocketing (1CP)
You know how to pickpocket. This gives you moderate skill at stealth and sleight of hand.

Lip-reading (1CP)
You know how to lipread. Now even if you're deafened, you can get a grasp on what people are

Cold Reading (10CP)

Without prior knowledge, you can quickly obtain a great deal of information by analyzing the
person's body language, age, clothing or fashion, hairstyle...

Polygot (5CP)
You know every spoken or written human language. (This includes dead languages)

Regular Badass (10CP)
You may be Shardless, but you have one thing going for you—you're a fucking badass! You pick
up new skills with ease and master them much quicker than most would. If you weren't already a
genius, you become a low-end genius. You become more perceptive. You also find that finding
weaknesses in a Parahuman's powers or creations is a lot easier for you than it is for most others.

Frankenstein (10CP)
You're a low-level Brute in durability, strength, speed, reflexes, reaction time, senses, and
regeneration. You are resistant to Master effects and predictions about you are often slightly off.
Thinker powers that sense your mind won't work properly.
Average American male deadlift is 173lb (78.47kg) for novice, 336lb (152.4) for intermediate,
1015lb (460.4kg) 2011 WR. 190-200ms reaction speed cap for normal.
6x physical ability (1038-2016lb+, 470.8-914.4kg+) 31.6-33.3ms

Blind Spot (8SP, 8CP)

You are protected from any power that gains information from anything other than technology or
direct living senses. Precognition, post-cognition, clairvoyance, telepathy, emotion sensing, and
the like will all fail to detect you. With your permission, you can allow powers to read you.

Riddle (1SP, 5CP)

You are resistant to human Thinker powers that get information using environmental data or what
the Thinker already knows. Cherish's or Khepri's power would still work on you, but Tattletale's
power would be difficult to focus on you, produce basic information, and be much more likely to
produce incorrect information. With your permission, you can allow powers to read you.

Mental Barrier (1SP, 5CP)

You are immune to any and all powers that would directly affect your mind, emotions, or senses.
Indirect effects such as invisibility, pheromones, and drugs will still work on you. With your
permission, you can allow powers to influence you.
Sanctity of the Mind (1SP, 3CP)
You are absolutely protected from any and all things that would directly affect your mind,
emotions, and senses. There is nothing that can influence your mind ranging from hypnotic
technology to memetic hazards. This also applies to your digital mind should you have one. You
are immune to viruses, subversion, and hacking. With your permission, you can allow things to
influence you.

Undercover (2SP, 2CP)

People with mental or sensory powers will not notice your protections, immunities, or other perks
that have no physical effect unless you tell them, or they attempt to use their power on you
specifically. They also cannot find you as a Blind Spot by looking for gaps in their powers.

Fan Service (5CP)

You are beautiful or handsome. No, that is an understatement. You are more attractive than even
a supermodel. Any wounds you receive will heal properly, and you won't have scars unless you
want to, and even then they won't look ugly. You won't gain muscle mass as you work out unless
you want to, though you'll still get stronger, faster, and gain more stamina as you work out, it just
won't be visible.

Wealthy (10CP)
You have Batman's real superpower, Money. This comes in the form of numerous bank accounts
worth millions, several properties worldwide, and a few safehouses.
The money refreshes as you spend it, either from interest or dividends, but you only have 5 million
dollars in liquid assets, if you need to withdraw any more than that you'll need to talk to your
private banker.

Legal Identity (3CP)

You have a legal identity in the place of your arrival. You can choose to customize this legal
identity within reason, ranging from a student of a certain school to a dockworker to a lawyer.
This is mostly useless if you chose Reincarnate or Character-Insert, though a homeless person or
a sufficiently young orphan might not have one.

Well-Adjusted (5CP)
You won't lose your sanity or rationality under any circumstances unless you're being controlled by
a power. And even if you somehow did, no matter the circumstances, you will never lose your
humanity and empathy. Your team, family, or friends will always be there to bring you back from
the abyss. Your personal issues are much easier to work through and even without help you'll be
able to get through them in time. This might take a while if it's bad, but you'll make it out
This also makes you highly resistant to mental health problems and emotional manipulation,
though not completely immune. You’re also really good at helping others through their issues, and
it’ll stick more often than not as long as you can get through to them.

Patience of a Saint (4CP)

Your patience is inexhaustible. You could sit without moving for days with no problem, or easily
spend countless hours on a single, mind-numbing task.
Manton Protected (5SP, 10CP)
The inside of your body is protected against attack that attempt to target it. For example, a
telekinetic cannot crush your heart inside of your chest. You also gain some measure of resistance
to esoteric attacks like instant death or erasure. This is not a complete immunity and will still hurt
you, severely, but you will at least have a chance to survive.

Holding Back (5SP)

All your powers and physical strength can be selectively held back to the point they can be turned
completely off. You can scale your Reality ending destruction to be tuned down to cause mild
concussions. This grants you the ability to not overkill everything in existence. As long as you want
to, it's almost impossible for you to kill someone. This does not work on drawbacks or on perks
that rely on items like Wealthy.

Accentuate the Positive (8SP, 8CP)

You are now immune to the side effects of sources of power from outside of your body, including
combat drugs, artefacts, enchantments, magical pacts, items and other things you wield by giving
you only the beneficial parts and leaving the rest behind. This comes with complete immunity to

Eliminate the Negative (12SP, 12CP)

You are now immune to the side effects of internal powers. Magic that may have drawn on your
emotions to fuel its power now has a separate pool. Any drawbacks your powers, biological traits
or magic systems may have held have been wiped away.

Explained (5CP)
You find it easier to explain how your powers work and people will have an easier time accepting it
in a way that works for them. There can't be some misunderstanding on what you can or can't do
unless you purposely make yourself vague.
To the greater world, your out-of-context powers will be forcefully shoved into some random
explanation. Maybe your magical totems are some kind of Tinker restriction or psychic powers are
some kind of PR move. If you choose to, even doctors doing in-depth medical scans would treat
the strange growth in your brain as normal.

Sixth Sense (2SP)

You possess an innate ability to perceive and anticipate danger or hidden information.

Inner Harmony (4CP)

You have attained inner peace and balance, allowing you to remain calm and centered in any

Humanity (10CP)
No matter what powers you take, no matter what changes you undergo, you will remain human.
Whether this means you are Mentally Human, Biologically Human, Spiritually Human,
Fundamentally Human, or all of the above is up to you, but regardless of your choice, you will
never lose the benefits, abilities or physical might of any alt race you picked.
Wanted (Global) (10x +15CP)
You attract the interest of a group with national or international reach. They will either want to
recruit you or eliminate you.
If you participate in dismantling that group, another will not appear. If you move locations you will
inevitably attract the interest of another group.

CUI Summer Camp (+15SP, +15CP)

You have been targeted by the Yangban or Geselleschaft to be kidnapped and indoctrinated. They
will violate international sovereignty and attempt to kidnap you directly as a high-priority target.
They will only begin to target you once you begin to act as a cape (if you don't have powers yet
you are safe).
If those groups have yet to form, they will, or another group with similar goals will form instead.

Wildbow? Where have I heard that before? (+8SP, +15CP)

You forget everything you know about Worm.

Endbringer Target (+15SP, +10CP)

The first time you go to an Endbringer fight, the Endbringer will go slightly out of its way to kill you.
Unless you show that you're very powerful, you won't be its main focus.

Bad Day (+30SP, +30CP)

You will have a pretty bad day. If something could go wrong it will. You'll crash through the roof of
a Merchant rave party with every cape in attendance, stumble upon an Empire rally or dog fighting
ring, or something of that order. You'll most likely have to fight your way out, or pack a good pair of
running shoes.
(If you picked Corona Pollentia you have a high change to trigger on that day)

No Powers (+50CP)
You have no Shard. You may not take any powers and some Perks will be restricted to you.
Mover (1SP)
It takes a third of the time it would otherwise for you to react to stimuli. The average human can
react in 0.2 seconds, with the fastest being 0.15 seconds. If you had average human reflexes, your
reaction time is now 1/15 of a second or 0.067 seconds.

Shaker (1SP)
You're able to exert up to a maximum of 1 pound of force total on objects within 50 meters of you.
The 1 pound (0.45kg) of force has to be spread between any objects you're using this power on.

Brute (1SP)
You can access all your strength at any time, allowing you to perform feats that normally could
only be done when on an adrenaline high. This can cause damage to your muscles and bones.
You are guaranteed to heal correctly given enough time.

Breaker (1SP)
You can change the temperature of your body to -50 degrees Celsius to 100 degrees Celsius with
no negative effects to yourself.

Master (Animals) (1SP)

Sit, stay, and rollover. You are good at handling and training animals. In return, they love you or
don't attack first. For some reason, you're just as good with kids and politicians.

Master (Hypnotist) (1SP)

You just know how to implant ideas. Whether it's the mesmerizing and dimensional timbre of your
voice, or it's your hypnotic gestures, when communicating with you for some time, people can
easily fall into a trance and become pliable to your influence.

Tinker (1SP)
When you're coming up with blueprints, your mental gaps will be filled by your unconscious mind
as long as you have the prerequisite knowledge to come to the conclusion yourself given enough
time. Also makes it easier to learn to engineer or program.

Blaster (1SP)
You have an intuitive understanding of angles and trajectories, granting you nearly perfect aim.
You can line up your shots nearly instantly, even for complex trajectories where the projectile
bounces. You are still capable of missing if your aim is thrown off.

Thinker (1SP)
You can give your full focus to several things at the same time without difficulty. The amount of
things you are able to focus on varies depending on how mentally taxing each task is, so you
might be able to hold only 2 or 3 conversations at once but you could do a dozen minor tasks
simultaneously. You are still limited by your physical capability to do multiple things at once; you
only have so many hands after all.
Striker (1SP)
You can reduce the friction by up to 50% on any object you touch with a total of 1 square meter of
material. You can cancel this on any object at will.

Trump (1SP)
You know when Parahumans are nearby and have a one word generalization of their powers.
(50m range)

Stranger (1SP)
People will initially come to the conclusion you're weak and that they could defeat you easily.

Brute/Breaker (1SP)
You can enter into a state of hibernation at will. While hibernating your subconscious mind will
keep watch for danger and wake you when you want it to, allowing your conscious mind to rest in
an enhanced sleep. Hibernation is four times more effective than sleeping, allowing a full night's
rest in just two hours.

Shaker/Master (1SP)
You could be a world-class orator, vocalist, or ventriloquist. With the ability to alter and project
your voice to the limits of human ability, and slightly beyond.

Thinker/Stranger (1SP)
You have a perfect instinct for navigating social circles and situations. Able to effortlessly blend
into any situation, you are a true social chameleon.

Tinker/Changer (1SP)
You are a Tinker 1 specializing in makeup, hygiene and grooming, hair styling, and general
cosmetic products.

Brute/Thinker (1SP)
Your sense of pain is replaced by a light, undistracting fizzy sensation, allowing you to operate at
full capacity regardless of injuries. A different sensation like an itch will occur if what you're doing
will exacerbate an existing injury.

Blaster/Striker (1SP)
At will, you can cause your spit and sweat to become caustic. It will cause mildly painful, short-
term reactions to anyone else it touches.

Striker/Brute (1SP)
You have an unwavering grip that prevents anything you hold in your hand from being knocked
down, taken away, or unintentionally released, unless you consciously choose to let it go.

Stranger/Mover (1SP)
Your movements and any clothing you wear are unnaturally quiet: Most people probably wouldn't
be able to hear you at all unless you were in a full sprint or wearing something obnoxiously loud
like plate armor.
Objects of Power
Longinus Lance Testament (Shinza Bansho) (25SP)
The Longinus Lance Testament, an enigmatic relic known as the Spear of Destiny, possesses
unimaginable power. However, its potency at the beginning is severely weakened, requiring time
to reach its full potential, although you will find that taking lives with the Longinus Lance Testament
grants it more power. As the chosen bearer you are able to handle this weapon with incredible
ease. You will find that you are able to control whether others will barely be able to handle this
weapon without being eradicated, or whether they are able to handle it just as well as you.
Initially, you embody a mere shadow of its true power, with limited speed, precision, and force. But
as time progresses or through the sacrifice of countless souls, the relic's might grows. Swift as a
fleeting shadow, it hones in on its target, always faster and unfaltering. Its all-killing essence
eradicates enemies physically, spiritually, and conceptually. Unleashing beams of radiant light, it
incinerates all, defying the laws of existence.
Distance holds no dominion over you as the relic pierces through dimensions, rendering even the
strongest beings vulnerable. As the bearer, you hold the key to unlock the full potential of the
Longinus Lance Testament.

Arpatha: The Living Crystal (30SP)

Born from crystalized potential, unable to be broken, a forever constant of existence. Arpatha
bonds itself to the first person to pour their energy into it. Once bound, the binder will find
themselves with the capacity to know where Arpatha is in space at all times. No one can wield
Arpatha in any form without the binder's permission. Arpatha has an unlimited capacity for energy,
which can be retrieved at any time without loss in efficiency. It will forever be the best catalyst for
you, replacing any wand, staff, or athame you could hope for. As Arpatha is used more and more,
you will find that the crystal’s shape, size, and density grows increasingly malleable. In one instant
it could be as light as a feather, the next, as dense as a star. As the bond solidifies, the user will
discover the even after Arpatha leaves their grasp it still remains controllable. With time Arpatha
will begin to develop itself in ways that will only benefit you. Constantly improving itself through
comparison to other weapons, never settling to be less than anything than the best option for you.
Bear it with pride.

Excalibur (Type-Moon) (25SP)

The Strongest and most majestic holy sword. A weapon crafted in the heart of the world, made
entirely out of the prayers, wishes, hopes, and light of humanity, in order to safeguard humanity
and the earth against alien threats. It cannot be called beautiful, for such a word would only dirty it.
It is sacred. Excalibur is a divine construct, the pinnacle of holy swords. Normally the sword is an
energy amplifier, taking energy and expelling many times what it received as a blinding white wave
of energy.
However when humanity or the planet is threatened it becomes a divine construct capable of
achieving a miracle in order to save the world.
It is a crystallization of the concept of glory, the sad, yet noble dreams of all warriors, past,
present, and future, who lie dying on the field of battle, clutched to their hearts with their last
breath. To be exalted.
Avalon (Type-Moon) (10SP)
The hallowed Scabbard of Excalibur. The embodiment of Utopia. Its connection to the heart of the
world, Avalon, grants its wielder regenerative immortality simply by carrying it. And when Mystical
Energy is supplied and its true name is called it becomes the ultimate shield, by overwriting the
rules of the world around you temporarily to become like the utopia it is connected to, a world
where the concept of harm and hurt does not exist. Thus it can block even the likes of true magics
from harming its wielder.

Fusions & Upgrades

Factor of the Dragon (15SP)
By being imbued with the Element of the Dragon, the blood and magical energy of a Dragon now
run through your veins, coallescing your Magic Circuits into your heart and creating a unique type
of Magic Circuits that transcend what can be achieved by normal humans and magi called a Magic
Core. Your new core functions as an enormous Magical Energy core with tremendous capacity
that generates energy independent from your body simply through breathing like dragons. The
amount of Magical Energy it generates rivals the heat of the Earth's core, allowing one to
potentially fuel weapons on the level of the strongest of Noble Phantasms multiple times in a row.
Your Magic Core also grants you the natural ability to increase your performance by infusing your
armaments and body with Magical Energy and instantly expelling it. Simply put, recreating the
effect of a jet burst by expending large amounts of Magical Energy. With your immense magical
power, it's possible to maintain a full body reinforcement with ease, allowing someone with the
strength of an ordinary human to amplify their physicality to go toe-to-toe with even A-ranked
Your Dragon Factor - as well as enhancing your endurance and stamina - grants a great
resistance to magical phenomena, though not necessarily on the level of a Saber-class Servant.
As a side effect, you may find yourself with a much greater appetite, and an increased capability to
quickly digest food and have room for more. Any excess calories/nutrients are burned off by your
Magic Core and turned into Magical Energy, should you for some reason need it.

Equipment & Items

Bank Account (5x 2CP)
You have a bank account with 5 million dollars in it.

Point Conversion
+10 CP -20 SP (1x -20SP, +10CP)
Meta, Difficulty, Scenario, Character, Perks , Drawbacks, Powers Origin, Powers, Skills, Items,
Point Conversion, You, The Alien, Unbound Paragon, Unbound Ascension, Easy, Higher (Tier 5),
December 30th, 2002, Open All, Reincarnation, Original Character, Male, Masculine, 0 to 6 years
old, Handsome, Preschool or Kindergarten, It has its ups and downs, No Powers, Regular Badass,
Frankenstein, Blind Spot, Riddle, Mental Barrier, Sanctity of The Mind, Undercover, Fan Service,
Wealthy, Legal Identity, Well-Adjusted, Patience of a Saint, Manton protected, Holding Back,
Accentuate the Positive , Eliminate the Negative, Explained, Sixth Sense, Inner Harmony,
Humanity, Wanted (Global)(Taken 1 Times), CUI Summer Camp, Wildbow? Where have I heard
that before?, Endbringer Target, Worst Day Ever, Bad Day, Lesser Powers, Objects of Power,
Fusions & Upgrades, Base Powers, Mover, Shaker, Brute, Breaker, Master (Animals), Master
(Hypnotist), Tinker, Blaster, Thinker, Striker, Trump, Stranger, Brute/Breaker, Shaker/Master,
Thinker/Stranger, Tinker/Changer, Brute/Thinker, Blaster/Striker, Striker/Brute, Stranger/Mover,
Longinus Lance Testament (Shinza Bansho), Arpatha: The Living Crystal, Excalibur (Type-Moon),
Avalon (Type-Moon), Factor of the Dragon, Thousand Styles Master, Talented Artist, Adaptable
Martial Arts, Martial Weapons Master, Martial Weapons Artist, Parkour, Stealth, Teaching,
Learning, Tactics, Strategy, Hand-Eye Coordination, Internal Clock, Spatial Awareness, Driving,
Pickpocketing, Lipreading, Cold Reading, Polyglot, Bank Account(Taken 5 Times), +10 CP -20
SP(Taken 1 Times)


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