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Case Study:
ATM Skimming Case
 47 FIR were registered in different Police Stations of Tripura regarding unauthorized
withdrawal of money from their Bank Accounts. The incident started from
14.11.2019. During investigation 2 Turkish, 2 Bangladeshi and 1 Indian were
arrested unearthing the international racket of ATM skimming fraud.
 In coordination with bank authorities and nature of complaints, compromised ATMs
were located. Two foreigners were spotted doing suspicious activities inside ATMs
other than depositing or withdrawal of money.
Identification of Accused persons:
 CCTV footage of ATMs confirmed the presence of accused persons.
 After searching on web, is was found similar nature of fraud happened in Guwahati.
 LOC was already issued by Guwahati Police with the name and picture of two
accused persons who are of Turkish national. Copy of LOC was collected from SB
which gave us lead to the investigation.
 Airport Authority was contacted for the travel dates and footage for further lead
since we could not located them till then.
ATM Skimming Case Contd…
Raid, Arrest & Recovery:
 Air tickets were booked from Mumbai and Airport Authority provided
mobile number which was given by accused at the time of Boarding.
 Their location was traced in Kolkata on 18.11.2019 and subsequently
arrested. From their possession 32000 USD, 30 lakh INR, one laptop and
7 mobile phones etc were seized.
 Later on, it came out that one of the accused were arrested in Sri Lanka
Modus operandi:
 ATM cloning and stealing the data by fitting skimming device in
compromised ATMS
Challenges &Way Forward:
 Identification of accused persons despite having their photographs
 Co-ordination with other state police
 Data sharing with photographs
1. Coordination in person and technology (global search in
CCTNS/ Cri-Mac)
1.1 coordination with banks/wallets/ payment gateway
1.2 coordination with TSPs
1.3 ATM service provider(for non compliance RBI penalizes banks)
2. Integration
3. Adopting and Adapting with technology
3.1 digital footprints and anonymity
3.2 we need to get the integration among CDR, IPDR, Account Details even
at the level of listening of data packet with geographical locations
3.3 Blockchain technology and its implication eg. Bitcoin legal in one
country (China) and recognized in India but no regulations by RBI.
4. Exposure and Training of Investigative officers towards emerging
technology and its uses.

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