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CHAPTER 1: THE SCOPE AND CHALLENGE OF 12. The notion that people in one's own company, culture, 5.

own company, culture, 5. A record of exports and imports of gold, increases or

INTERNATIONAL MARKETING or country know best how to do things. decreases of foreign exchange, and increases or
ETHNOCENTRISM decreases in liabilities to foreign central banks.
Identification: Directions: Identify the terms being RESERVES ACCOUNT
referred to in the following statements. Write your 13. This company contributed in producing peace.
answer on a sheet of paper. BOEING COMPANY 6. It was designed to utilize the nation's legal barriers,
exchange barriers, and psychological barriers to restrain
1. In this level, the most profound change is the Complete Me: Direction: Fill in the blanks with the the entry of unwanted goods. PROTECTIONISM
orientation of company toward markets and associated necessary words to make the paragraph complete.
planning activities. GLOBAL MARKETING 7. It was established to encourage the development of
14. It is very important to know that FLEXIBILITY means domestic industry and protect existing industry and
2. At this stage, as domestic demand increases and survival. government. TRADE BARRIERS
absorbs surpluses, foreign sales activity is reduced and
even withdrawn. INFREQUENT FOREIGN MARKETING 15. PREDICTION is important in International Trade. 8. It is a tax imposed by a government on goods entering
at its borders. TARIFF
3. Companies at this stage are fully committed to and 16. The most effective way to control the influence of
involved in international marketing activities. ethnocentrism and the SRC is to recognize their effects on 9. As a means of regulating the flow of exchange and the
INTERNATIONAL MARKETING our BEHAVIOR. quantity of a particular imported commodity, countries
often require import licenses. QUOTA
4. At this level, the firm has permanent productive 17. Difference between domestic and international
capacity devoted to the production of goods and services marketing is the latter case, marketing takes place in 10. It is an absolute restriction against the purchase and
to be marketed in foreign markets. REGULAR FOREIGN MORE THAN one nation. importation of certain goods and/or services from other
18. Growth of the WTO and open trade agreement.
5. A company at this stage does not actively cultivate 11. It may enact such restrictions to preserve its balance
19. Developing countries moving forward FREE TRADE.
customers outside national boundaries; however, this of payments positions specifically for the advantage or
company’s products may reach foreign markets. NO 20. A mandate to manage the GLOBAL environment for encouragement of particular industries. MONETARY

6. It involves knowledge of world market potentials and 12. It is called voluntary because the exporting country
global economic, social, and political trends. GLOBAL sets the limits. VOLUNTARY EXPORT RESTRAINTS
INTERNATIONAL TRADE 13. Sometimes used in an unduly stringent or
7. It illustrates the total environment of an international discriminating way to restrict trade, but the sheer volume
marketer. THE INTERNATIONAL MARKETER TASK Directions: Read the following statements. Identify the of regulations in this category is a problem in itself.
correct answer. STANDARDS
8. These are the elements that have some effect on
foreign operation decisions and it include home-country 1. This refers to the investment made by a company or 14. This bill covers three areas which include market
elements. DOMESTIC ENVIRONMENT individual in a foreign country with the aim of establishing access, export expansion, and import relief, that are
a lasting interest. FOREIGN DIRECT INVESTMENT considered critical in improving U.S. trade. THE
9. These are factors that the marketers can control and OMNIBUS TRADE AND COMPETITIVENESS ACT
adopt the market needs and preferences. 2. The system of accounts that records a nation’s
CONTROLLABLE ELEMENTS international financial transactions. BALANCE OF 15. This agreement is the first multilateral, legally
PAYMENTS enforceable agreement covering trade and investment in
10. These are factors that the marketers cannot control the services sector. GENERAL AGREEMENT ON
the market. UNCONTROLLABLE ELEMENTS 3. A record of all merchandise export, imports and TRADE IN SERVICES (GATS)
services plus unilateral transfer of funds. CURRENT
11. It is the most challenging part in confronting the ACCOUNT 16. It established the basic principle that investment
international marketer's task to the environmental restrictions can be major trade barriers and therefore are
adaption needed because the marketers must be able to 4. A record of direct investment, portfolio investment, and included, for the first time, under GATT procedures.
interpret it effectively. CULTURE short – term capital movements to and from countries. TRADE-RELATED INVESTMENT MEASURE (TRIMs)
17. An agreement that establishes substantially higher 8. It is the study of Earth's surface shape and features or CHAPTER 4: CULTURAL DYNAMICS IN ASSESSING
standards of protection for a full range of intellectual those of planets. TOPOGRAPHY GLOBAL MARKET
property rights that are embodied in current international
agreements. TRADE-RELATED ASPECTS OF 9. They must consider the environmental consequences Fill in the Blanks
1. According to Geert Hofstede, culture is the
18. It sets many rules governing trade among its 157 10. When thus the Chulha smokeless stove was “SOFTWARE OF THE MIND”.
members, provides a panel of experts to hear and rule on proposed/invented? SEPTEMBER 2005
2. In traditional definition, culture is the sum of the
trade disputes among members, and unlike GATT, issues
11. This problem is completely out of control? VALUES, rituals, symbols, beliefs, and thought
POLLUTION processes.
19. This is in effect “paper gold” and represents an
12. A joint approach among governmental agencies, 3. As a corporation, multinational firms have wide range of
average base of value derived from the value of a group
organizations and environmentalists who seek economic contact with the world which gave them access with
of major currencies. SPECIAL DRAWING RIGHTS
20. A separate institution that has as its goal the
13. What country is entitled No.1 importers all over the 4. One of the four (4) primary dimension,
reduction of poverty and the improvement of living
world? USA Individualism/Collective Index (IDV) of cultural values
standards by promoting sustainable growth and
investment people. WORLD BANK GROUP 14. Its infrastructure are an integral part of international
commerce. COMMUNICATION 5. RITUALS was the patterns of behavior and interaction
that are learned and repeated.
15. The belief that it was America's right to expand
westward. MANIFEST DESTINY 6. Being CULTURALLY SENSETIVE will reduce conflict
and improve communications and thereby increase
16. A corn stone of U.S. foreign policy and was success in collaborative relationships.
1. It can be defined as a society's accepted basis for
enunciated by President James Monroe. MONROE
responding to external and internal events. CULTURE
DOCTRINE 7. A common language does not guarantee a similar
2. It helps define a nation's "missions," how it perceives its INTERPRETATION of words or phrases.
17. As a marketer, it is important to know how geography
neighbors, how it sees its place in the world, and how it
will affect the 6 P's: Price, Promotion, Product, People, 8. CULTURE BORROWING is the way on which a
sees itself. HISTORY
Politics, and ______. PLACE person adapts from other cultures in order to generate
3. Historical events always are viewed from one's own solution to an existing problem.
18. This idea was used to justify U.S. annexation.
biases and SRC or ____. SELF- REFERENCE CRITERIA
MANIFEST DESTINY 9. CULTURE is dynamic in nature; it is a living process.
4. Theodore Roosevelt applied the Monroe Doctrine with
19. This is the crucial element in understanding any 10. Learning to interpret correctly the SYMBOLS that
an extension that became known as the _____.
nation's business and political culture of a history. surround us is a key part of socialization
5. It binds the world together, minimizing distance, natural
20. ____________ such as altitude, humidity, and
barriers, lack of resources, and the fundamental 11. One of the four (4) approaches in political economy
temperature, can have an effect on products. CLIMATIC
differences between peoples and economies. WORLD which was a casualty of World War II. COLONIALISM
12. It aids in improving the literacy rate of a country’s
6. They must know how unique geographic characteristics population which in turn increases the political and
will affect the marketing of their product. economic aspects of the nation. SCHOOL
13. They regularly use propagandas in order to influence
7. The study of Earth surface, climate, continents the opinion of the public. GOVERNMENT
countries, people's, industries and resources.
GEOGRAPHY 14. Origins of culture which includes family, religion,
school, media, government, and even corporations.
15. The first social institutions faced by individuals 7. The training and background (i.e., cultural 20. It is used in a linear way, and it is experienced as
outside the family. RELIGION environment) or manager`s significantly affect almost tangible, in that one save time, waste
their personal and business outlooks. time, bides time, spends time and loses time. M-
16. One of the origins of culture which includes the fauna, MANAGEMENT OBJECTIVES AND TIME OR MONOCHROMIC TIME
flora, and climate of a certain area. GEOGRAPHY ASPIRATIONS
8. No language readily translates into another CHAPTER 6: THE POLITICAL ENVIRONMENT: A
17. Its impact can be seen in technology, social CRITICAL CONCERN
because the meanings of word differ widely
institutions, cultural values, and even consumer behavior.
among languages. FACE TO FACE
HISTORY Identification
18. It is essential in product styling as it makes the 9. The message on a business-to-business website 1.It refers to both the powers exercised by a state in
advertisements and packaging more pleasant for the is an extension of the company and should be as relation to other countries and the supreme powers
customers. AESTHETICS AS SYMBOLS sensitive to business customs as any other exercised its own members. SOVEREIGNTY
company representative would be. INTERNET
19. It includes superstitions which may differ from the COMMUNICATION 2.This is an important and recurring part of the political
culture that an individual belongs with. BELIEFS 10. Personal security and job mobility relate directly environment that few international companies can avoid.
to basic human motivation and therefore have ECONOMIC RISK
20. They are the differences in perceptions, how an widespread economic and social implications.
individual develops in regards to the difference in values, SECURITY AND MOBILITY 3.Less drastic, but still severe. EXPROPRIATION
preferences, and expectations about future events. 11. Marketers who expect maximum success have to
THOUGHT PROCESSES deal with foreign executives in ways that are 4.The most severe political risk and most prevalent in the
acceptable to their foreign. FORMALITY AND 1950sS and 1960s. CONFISCATION
TEMPO 5.It is targeted to embarrass a government and its
CHAPTER 5: MANAGEMENT STYLE AND BUSINESS 12. Business negotiations are perhaps the most relationship with firms. MULTINATIONALS
SYSTEMS fundamental commercial rituals.:
NEGOTIATIONS EMPHASIZE 6.It is another related risk for multinational companies to
I. IDENTIFICATION 13. The extent of a company`s marketing orientation consider in assessing the political vulnerability of their
has been shown to relate positively to profits. activities. VIOLENCE
1. Is a key concept in international marketing and MARKETING ORIENTATION
willingness to adapt is a crucial attitude. 14. It is gender bias against female managers that 7.It must be classified as a political risk when used as a
REQUIRED ADAPTATION exists in some countries, coupled with myths means of controlling foreign investment. TAXES
2. Adaptation does not require between exclusive to harbored by male managers, creates hesitancy
among U.S multinational companies to offer 8.It is directed generally toward all foreign countries.
forsake their ways and change to local customs.
women international assignments. GENDER ANIMOSITY
3. Are those customs or behavior patterns reserved BIAS IN INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS
9.This occurs when host countries gradually cause the
exclusively for the locals and from which the 15. It is a moral question of what is right or
transfer of foreign investment to national control and
cultural foreigner is barred. CULTURAL appropriate poses many dilemmas for domestic
greater involvement in a company's management.
4. Are the business customs and expectations that 16. These are based on the bonding between
must be met and conformed or to avoided if different employees and group members 10.One of the approaches to dealing with political
relationships are to be successful. CULTURAL RELATIONSHIP-ORIENTED CULTURE vulnerability. POLITICAL PAYOFFS
IMPERATIVES 17. Are more focus on the utility of the information
5. Relate to areas of behaviors or to customs that and technology that is managed in a way to get FILL IN THE BLANKS.
cultural aliens may wish to conform to or maximum productivity. INFORMATION-
participate in but are not required. CULTURAL ORIENTED CULTURE 11.According to the HERITAGE FOUNDATION United
ELECTIVES 18. A third type of payment that can appear to be a States experienced its biggest drop in "economic freedom"
6. Business size, ownership, public accountability, bribe but may not be an agent`s fee. AGENT`S because of the controlling impact of the economic stimuli
and cultural values that determine the FEE of 2008-2009.
prominence of status and position combine to 19. It is depending on whether the activity resulted
influence the authority structure of business. from an offer a demand for payment. BRIBERY
12. NATIONALISM can best be described as an intense referees to determine the merits of the case and make a 18. STELA- System for Tracking Export License
feeling of national pride and unity, an awakening of a judgment that both parties agree to honor. Application
nation's people to pride in their country.
CYBER LAW 5. An informal term which refers to new 19. ERIC- Electronic Request for Item Classification
13 EXCHANGE CONTROLS stem from shortages of legislation and case law that is directed to legal issues
foreign exchange held by a country. associated with cyberspace. 20. SNAP- Simplified Network Application Process

14 LICENSING can be effective in situations in which the INTERNATIONAL CONVENTIONS 6. It is designed for CHAPTER 8: DEVELOPING A GLOBAL VISION
technology is unique, and the risk is high. mutual recognition and protection of Industrial Property. THROUGH MARKETING RESEARCH

15.A JOINT VENTURE with locals helps minimize anti- GREEN MARKETING LEGISLATIONS 7. It focuses on Directions: Read the following statements. Identify
MNC feelings. environmentally friendly products and product packaging the correct answer.
and its effect on solid waste management.
16.In 1979 the UNITED STATES told the Soviets to get 1. The key component in developing successful
out of Afghanistan. CYBERSQUATTING 8. Registering, trafficking in, or using marketing strategies, avoiding marketing blunders, and
an Internet domain name with bad faith intent to profit promoting efficient exchange systems. INRFORMATION
17.This IMPORT RESTRICTIONS is an attempt to from the goodwill of a trademark belonging to someone
support the development of domestic industry, the result is 2. A detailed analysis of market conditions. OVERVIEW
often to hamstring and sometimes interrupt the operation OF MARKET CONDITIONS
of established countries. FOREIGN CORRUPT PRACTICE ACT (FCPA) 9. A law
3. It refers to the specific goals or aims of the research
which makes it illegal for companies to pay bribes to
18.A GOVERNMENT reacts to its environment by study. RESEARCH OBJECTIVES
foreign officials, candidates, or political parties.
initiating and pursuing provides deemed necessary to
4. It refers to information that has already been collected
solve the problems created by its particular BOYCOTT 10. An effort to convince a large number of
and analyzed by someone else. SECONDARY DATA
circumstances. consumers not to do business with a particular person or
business. 5. The research method wherein the responses or data
19.No company, domestic or international, large or small,
received in a survey can be summarized in percentages,
can conduct business without considering the influence of II. TRUE OR FALSE
averages, or other statistics. QUANTITATIVE
Direction: Write T if the statement is True, and F if RESEARCH METHOD
20.The ideal political climate for a multinational firm is a otherwise. Write your answer on the space provided.
6. It is the third short coming faced by foreign marketers.
STABLE, friendly government.
F 11. There are five heritages of today's legal systems. COMPARABILITY DATAS
T 12. Legal systems in different countries are disparate 7. It involves the study of countries that have different
and complex. languages, economies, social structures, behavior and
I. IDENTIFICATION Direction: Identify the terms being attitude pattern. MULTICULTURAL RESEARCH
described below. Write your answers before each item T 13. Inadequate Protection can lead to the legal loss of
rights in potentially profitable markets. 8. This method assumes that demand for a product
COMMON LAW 1. It is one of the heritages of today's develops in much the same way in all countries, as
legal system which derived from English Law and is based F 14. Countries have the same laws regulating marketing comparable economic development occurs in each
on tradition, practices and precedents. activities in promotion, development, labeling, pricing, country. ANALOGY
sales and distribution.
CODE LAW 2. This basis for legal system is derived from 9. A research method that reflects the individual’s
Roman Law and is based on all-inclusive systems of T 15. Common law is the ownership established by prior thoughts and feelings on the subject. QUALITATIVE
written rules of law. use, while Code law is the ownership established by RESEARCH METHOD
CONCILIATION 3. It is considered as the first step in 10. Kind of research that foreign-based entity does for the
settling a dispute by asking a third party to mediate III. ABBREVIATION TEST company. DECENTRALIZATION RESEARCH
16. WTO- World Trade Organization 11. The general data on growth in the economy, inflation,
ARBITRATION 4. This method is for the parties involved and business cycle trends. ECONOMIC AND
17. ELAIN- Export License Application and DEMOGRAPHIC
to select a disinterested and informed party or parties as
Information Network
12. A careful study and investigation for the purpose of
discovering and explaining new knowledge. RESEARCH

13. It is a special issue or gap in existing knowledge that

you aim to address in your research. RESEARCH

14. It is the best explanation for the unwillingness to

respond to research surveys. CULTURAL

15. It is one of the uses of the internet in international

research, wherein companies give incentives like coupons
and vouchers to the respondents to their research.

Direction: Read the following statements. Fill in the

blanks with the correct answer.

16. The first-hand data gathered by the researcher

themselves is called PRIMARY DATA.

17. Market researcher must possess high degree of

CULTURAL UNDERSTANDING the market in which
research is being conducted.

18. Traditionally, MARKETING RESEARCH is defined as

the systematic gathering, recording, and analyzing of data
to provide information useful to marketing decision-

19. The key in using expert opinion to help forecasting

demand is TRIANGULATION- that is, comparing
estimates produced by different sources.

20. One disadvantage of decentralization research is

possible ineffective communication with HOME OFFICE

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