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Children & Adolescent • Newborn-2 month: Grasp reflex,

L2 – Growth Involuntary, instinctual grasping

• Directional trends • 3 month: Palmar grasping

Ø Cephalocaudal (head-to-toe) direction • 4-6 months: grasps feet & pulls to mouth

Ø Proximodistal (near-to-far) direction • 6-8 mths: Pincer crude grasp, transfer

• Sequential trend (crawl >> walk) object

• Infancy (Neonate Birth-1mth) (Infancy 1- • 10 mths: Uses thumb & index finger in

12 mths of age) pincer grasp, pick up small objects

• Early Childhood (Toddler 1-3 yrs old) • 9-10 mths: creeps on hands and knees

(Preschool 3-6 yrs) • Bladder & Bowel: at least four wet

diapers a day à average is around 6-12
• Head & Chest circumference (top of the
times a day
eyebrows & pinna of the ear to occipital • Bowel control before bladder control
prominence of skull) (Around chest at • Gross Motor skills:
nipple line) • Fine Motor skills:
• Sensory:
• Apical impulse > more reliable in
• Attachment:
infants younger than 2 yrs. old Separation anxiety:
Stranger fear:
• Risk of fall, aspiration, drowning, burn,
• HR, RR, BP in Toddler
HR 90-130
RR 22-36/ mins
BP 86-106/ 42-63
• BP:
Neonatal 66-84/34-54 • In preschool
Infant 72-104/38-56 HR 80-120
RR 20-28
BP 89-112/ 46-72
• Weight: 4-6months 150-210gm/wk; 1 yr.
old Triples • In schooler
HR 75-120
• Hight: 1.25cm/mon; 50% longer than at
RR 18-26
birth BP 96-116 / 58-76
• Head: 1-6 mth: 1.5cm/mth; 6-8mth:
posterior fontanel fusing; 12-18mth: • In adolescents
HR 60-100
Anterior fontanel fusing RR 12-20
• Coordinated suck-swallowing: 32-34 wks BP 100-120/60-80
• Breastfeeding (0-6 mths); Transitional
feeding (6-24 mths)
L3 – GI disorders • Prevention of pneumonia (upright, suction)
• Cleft lip and palate • Thoracotomy with chest drain
• Consequences • Pyloric stenosis
Ø Difficulties in feeding • 3-6 wks of life; Projectile vomiting;
Ø Speech problems movable, palpable, olive-shaped mass
Ø Prone to ear infection (otitis media) approximately 2 cm in length
Ø Dental & facial problems • Metabolic alkalosis
• Found around 20 wks • Monitor I & O
• Cleft lip: 2-6 months depend on child’s • Biliary atresia
health. • Jaundice, Dark brown colored urine,
• Cleft palate: 9-18 months Acholic stool, Poor growth
• Pre-op: NAM (Nonalveolar molding) >> • Supplementation with fat-soluble vitamins
Change the tape and rubber band daily (A, D, E, & K)
• Priority: Feeding • Kasai procedure
Ø Compressible plastic sides • Trimethoprim (prevent Ascending
Ø A wide base of the nipple cholangitis)
Ø Slightly longer nipple • Skin care (Colloidal oatmeal bath,
Ø Upright positioning Ursodeoxycholic acid)
Ø Hard surface on palate • Malrotation & Volvulus
• Support for family’s acceptance • Abdominal distention, Lower GI bleeding
Ø Family’s reaction toward defect (blood in stool), intermittent bilious
Ø Praise the effort of breastfeeding vomiting
• Post-op: Fluid & nutrition, Wound care • Surgery >> may cause SBS (short bowel
(splint), Oral care, Pain management, Skin syndrome
care, Family coping • Imperforate anus
Ø Level of acceptance, degree of anxiety,
• Failure to pass meconium (within 24 hrs)
social support, encourage parents’
• Keep fasting
participant in care
• IV therapy
• Esophageal atresia (EA)
• Temporary colostomy
Ø Vertebral, Anal, Cardiac, Tracheal,
L4 – Motility Disorder of GI
Esophageal, Renal, Limb dysplasia
• Diarrhea
• Coughing, choking, Excessive saliva,
Ø Acute Diarrhea
Aspiration pneumonia
- Associated with Otitis media, URI/ URTI,
• Gastric detention (Type C, D, E)
antibiotics or laxative use; new food/
• Airless, scaphoid abdomen (Type A & B)
allergy, caused by virus, bacteria, fungus Ø Colicky abdominal pain, jelly-like
(shigella, E coli) stool with blood, bile-stain fecal
Ø Chronic diarrhea emesis, Screaming and drawing the
- Malabsorption disorder, inflammatory, knee onto the chest, Emptying lower
bowel diseases, irritable bowel syndrome right quadrant, Fever (peritonitis)
• Dehydration, Acid-base imbalance, Shock, Ø *** Abdominal pain, abdominal mass,
Electrolyte imbalance bloody stool
• Dehydration: Vital signs, skin sugor, urine Ø Pediatric emergency > prevent bowel
output > even lead to > nuchal rigidity, ischemia and necrosis
sunken fontanel Ø Pneumatic reduction/ Hydrostatic
• Rehydration, Antibiotics for bacteria, enemea
parasites fungi Ø Pre/ post -op
• Oral rehydration therapy: early
reintroduction of nutrients • Constipation

• Oral rehydration solution: recommended Ø Develop encopresis

for acute diarrhea & dehydration • Caused: Hirschsprung disease,

• Contact precaution (explain to parent); hypothyroidism/ Hyper. ; Spinal cord

Assess & monitor severity of symptoms, lesion

Perianal skin care (clean with bland, non- • Establish regular bowl routine (sitting on
alkaline soap & water; Vaseline) the toilet, regular toilet time for one or two
• Reassurance to parent per day

• Hirschsprung disease • Diet: dietary change, increase fluid intake,

Ø Fail to pass meconium stool, bile-stain Bean added to soup, corn, cereal, buts,
vomitus, abdominal distention, refusal dried fruit

to suck
Ø Perform Rectal wash out L5 – Neurological system

Ø NPO, IVF • Neural tube defect

Ø Ostomy surgery Ø Anencephaly
Pre-op: Ø Encephalocele
1. Signs of shock (enterocolitis), bowel Ø Myelodysplasia
perforation (abd. Distention, vomiting, • Spina Bifida
increase tenderness) Ø Lumbosacral area
2. Insert gastric tube for decompression Ø Spina bifida occulta (5th lumbar or 1st
Post-op: I & O, abd. Distention, bowel opening, sacral vertebrae) > not visible >
stoma condition, gastric deainage (decrease) abnormal gait & bowel & bladder
• Intussusception sphincter disturbances
Ø Spina bifida cystica (defect in closure Ø Ventriculo-pleural shunt (to the pleural
of posterior vertebral arch with space)
protrusion through the bony spine) • Pre/ Post-shunting care
Meningocele (without nerve) Ø Pre-shunting diagnoses
Myelomeningocele 脊髓脊膜膨出 (with nerve) - Imbalanced nutrition: vomiting
Ø Contains a portion of themeninges, - Excessive fluid volume: alternation in CSF
spinal cord or nerve roots protrude flow
Ø Folic acid deficiency, medications, - Risk of injury to neck muscle
Radication, excessive use of alchhol - Risk of impaired skin integrity
Ø Other complication: Chiari II - Support head & neck in midline or in
malformation, meningitis, UTI neutral position support
Ø Myelomeningocele repair: w/I 24-48 • Post- care
hours - Monitor vital sign, Measure head
Ø Impaired skin integrity: Cover the circumference, perform neurological
sac with sterile NS dressing, silicone assessment
based dressing pad, Prone position - Position: Lie flat immediately post-op on
avoid direct pressure, renew padding un-operated side
Q2-4 hours - Head up to avoid too rapid CSF drainage
Post-op - Monitor IV site closely
Complication: hydrocephalus, increase ICP, • Shunt Malfunction/ Infection
meningitis, wound infection Ø Headache, Drowsiness, Vomiting,
Ø Measure head circumference daily Personality, Vomiting, Personality
Ø Prone or side-lying position changes, Fever, Redness
• Cerebral palsy 腦性麻痺
• Hydrocephalus (Butterfly MRI) Related to the motor dysfunction > permanent
Imbalance between production & absorption of disability of childhood
CSF & Blockage in the flow of CSF Ø Spastic CP
S/S: Sunset-setting sign, Increase ICP, bulging or Motor cortex damage
tense anterior fontanel, Dilated scalp vein, wide Ø Dyskinetic/ Anthetoid CP
palpable suture line, Macewen’s sign, Sluggish & Basal ganglia damage (Constant involuntary)
unequal pupils, abnormal reflexes Ø Ataxic CP
Ø Surgical: Shunt Placement (relieve Cerebellum damage
pressure) Ø Mixed/ dystonic CP
Ø Ventriculo-peritoneal shunt (to the Combination demage
body’s abdomen)
Ø Vetriculo-atrial shunt (to the atrium of • Botox injection, Hyperbaric oxygen
the heart) therapy (HBOT)
• Ankle-foot orthosis, braces, mobilization Ø Both hemispheres of the brain à
devices cortex à brainstem
Ø Tonic-clonic (Three phares) + S/S
L6- Seizure Tonic – Unconsciousness, uprolling eyeball, tonic
Ø Preictal muscle contraction, cyanosis, legs, head & neck
- Visual extended
- Auditory (Hallucination, buzzing) Clonic – Limb undergo rhythmic contraction and
- Olfactory (Burning rubber) relaxation, violent jerking movements, incontinent
- Tactile (Numbness, weakness) of urine & faeces
Ø Ictal Postictal – Appears to relax, poor coordination,
Ø Postictal visual & speech difficult, vomit
- Memory loss, confusion Ø Absence
- Headache, nausea, pain - Stare blankly & not responsive (4-8 yrs
old) (5-20s, > 20 attacks/day)
- Weakness - Maintain postural control
- exhaustion
Causes: Ø Myoclonic
Vascular (stroke, hypertension) - Sudden, brief contraction of muscle or
Infection (meningitis, encephalitis) group of muscle in the whole body (1-2s)
Toxin (alcohol, Med: antidepressant/physchotic) Ø Akinetic or Atonic
AV malformation - Sudden loss of tone (between 2-5 years
old) (<15 s)
Metabolic (hypoglycemia, hypo/hypernatremia)
Idiopathic 特發性
Neoplasms 腫瘤 Ø Infantile spasm
- Infant 4-8 month (1-2 second)
- Sudden head flexed, arms extended & legs
Types of Seizures
drawn up
• Focal onset seizures
Ø Febrile
Abnormal electrical activity in one hemisphere
1. Simple Febrile seizure
or in a specific area of the cerebral cortex
- Generalized onset
Ø Aware
- Last < 15 mins, One episode within a 24
LOC: Fully awake, alert, able to recall
hour period
Motor: Jerking movement, Eyes & head turn to
2. Complex febrile seizure
opposite direction
- Focal onset
Sensory: Paresthesia, Decrease auditory or visual
- > one episode in a 24 hour period
Ø Impaired aware

• Generalized onset 1. Antiepileptic drug (AED)
- Drowsiness, headache, dizziness, nausea & 1. Ensure all necessary equipment in place
vomiting 2. Position the child on his side
- Sodium Valproate (tremor Steven-Johnson 3. Perform suction if necessary
rash) ! Sodium Valproate (SR) Vs 4. Administer oxygen, monitor child’s vital
Sodium Valproate ! signs, colour, seizure duration
- Monitor serum drug level 5. IV or PR diazepam or phenobarbital
- No episodes of seizure for at least 2 yrs 6. Perform a jaw thrust maneuver if the
with normal EEG > could consider stop airway is obstructed
medication • Tonic-clonic seizure last >5 mins à
respiratory distress
2. Surgery • Tonic & clonic seizure last > 30 minutes =
- Vital sign Status Epilepticus
- ICP (Q1H till stable)
- Fluid & electrolyte status • Anticonvulsive drug cause gingivitis (teeth
- Any CSF leaking problems)
- Could return to normal activities in 4-6
wks after the surgery • DON’T restrain child, place anything
between child’s teeth during seizure, give
3. Vagus nerve stimulation any food
S/S: voice change, Headache, Throat pain, • Anti-pyrexia for Febrile seizure
Tingling of the skin • Diazepam suppository (DDA) à Anus
4. Ketogentic diet
Ø Increase Ketone à suppress seizures L8 – Infectious Disease of neurological
(Continue the diet for 2 yrs) • Glasgow Coma Scale (Appropriate
Ø High fat, adequate protein, very little stimuli, Irritable stimuli)
• Meningitis
S/S: Kidney stones, high cholesterol level in
• *** Place the client on droplet precaution !!!
blood, dehydration, bone future, constipation (Isolation precaution***)
Interventions: (Breathing + Cyanosis) - Acute inflammation of meninges & the
Diagnosis à CNS
1. Ineffective breathing pattern (due to - Associate with otitis media, sinusitis,
decrease respiratory effort during tonic pharyngitis or pneumonia
phase) - Thick pus, fibrin à obstruct the flow of
2. Ineffective airway clearance (seizure CNS
activity & inability to control secretion) Ø Bacterial Meningitis (CSF Cloudy)
3. Risk of aspiration (decrease level of Person-to-person via droplets
consciousness & possible vomiting) Children < 2 months: Group B strepto.
Children > 2 months: H. Influenza • Viral meningitis: Acyclovir* (not to all
Type B patients)
S/S: Fever, seizure, Increase ICP • Hydration
Ø 3 Hs (Headache, Photophobia; Hard • Ventilation (Inability to sustain
stiff neck – Nuchal rigidity; High temp spontaneous ventilation; ineffective airway
– Fever) clearance)
Ø Positive Kernig sign • Reduction of increased ICP
Ø Positive Brudzinski sign • Bacterial shock
Ø Baby S/S: High pitch Cry & Bulging • Seizures
fontanelle 囟門凸出 • Risk of ineffective thermoregulation
• Risk of fluid volume deficit
Ø Viral Meningitis (CSF clear) Intervention:
• Isolate from possible infection
- MRI before Lumbar puncture
• Vital signs monitoring
Ø Increase WBC
• Measures head circumference
Ø Decrease glucose & increase protein
• Positioning – the head of the bed slightly
(bacteria use up glucose, bacteria
elevated with no pillow; Side-lying
position if nuchal rigidity
• Encephalitis 腦炎
(DON’T life the children’s head)
Ø Meningeal signs: Photophobia, neck
• Maintain hydration, Document intake &
stiffness, Kernig sign, Brudzinski
sign, Opisthotonic position
• Prevent complication: seizure
Ø Severe headache
• Psychological care to parents & patient,
Encourage parents to participate in care
(remind parents put on mask)
• Meningococcal vaccination
• Reorienting the child to the hospital
à 1 bivalent (serogroup A & C) & 2 Quadrivalent
(+bring some favorite toys – washable)
(Serogroup A,C,Y & W135)
• Lumbar puncture (LP):
• Pneumococcal vaccination
Ø Neonates & infants: L4 & L5 or L5-S1
à Prevenar 13
Ø Children: L3-L4
• Contraindication of LP:
Ø Active bleeding
Antibiotics (IVI):
Ø Increase ICP, Lumbar skin infection
• Aminoglycoside (Must dilute!! > inject
Ø Hypotension
medicine slowly)
Ø Spinal hematoma
• Corticosteroid: reduce edema in the brain
Ø Superficial infection at LP site
- Children <1 yr old – ear straight back
L9 – Care of Children for Surgery - Children >1 yr old – ear back and up
• Pre-op Condition:
Pain assessment tools, wound care, pain Increase RR: Respiratory distress or pain
management Decrease RR: anesthetics, opioids
Check baseline: Vital sign, body weight, body Increase BP: Increase ICP
height Decrease BP: Vasodilating anesthetic agents
• Informed consent (surgeon & Increase Temp.: Malignant hyperthermia
anaesthetist) Ø Apex of heart
• Correct operation site & side - Before 4 yrs old: at 4th Lt intercostal
• Type & Screen space, b/t midclavicular line & anterior

Children < 4 months, take mother’s blood together axillary line

- Age 4 – 6: at 5th Lt intercostal space,

1. Fasting for elective surgery along midclavicular line

Ø 2 hours for clear non-particulate fluid • Blood pressure

Ø 4 hours for breast milk
Ø 6 hours for solid food, infant formula 2. Fluid & electrolyte
2. Bowel preparation Ø Monitor urine output to maintain at 1-
2ml/ kg/ hour
Ø Klean prep
Ø Check post Na+ & K+
Ø NG tube insertion for administration 3. Pain management
Ø Rectal washout with warm saline Ø FLACC Score (for patient <4 yrs old)
Ø Wong-Baker FACES Pain Rating
3. Skin
Scale (for patient >= 6 yrs old)
Ø Antiseptics (Hibiscrub)
Ø PCA (Patient-controlled analgesia) –
Ø Mark the laterality of lesion
For children > 5 yrs; Educate parent
4. Pre-medication
not to press button for children
Ø Midazolam (for highly agitated child)
Ø Continuous IV infusion – For
children < 5 yrs old
Ø EMLA (eutectic mixture of local
Ø Epidural infusion: for older children
anesthetics) cream à must applied 60
Ø Monitor pain score, sedation score,
minutes before the procedure
pulse rate, RR, SpO2 & dose
• Post-op care delivered
1. Vital signs monitoring
Ø RR first (abdominal movement, 1 full 4. Wound care

minute, Monitor SpO2 & oxygen) - Stoma: Note the color and usually not
functioning in the first 24-48 hrs
Ø Tympanic temp (Axillary in neonates) - Regularly aspirate (GI surgery)
5. Respiratory care - (N): Describe the spread to lymph nodes
Ø Reposition Q2H - (M): Describe if the cancer has spread
Ø Adequate analgesics before deep Intervention for solid tumor:
breathing exercise - Vital signs, Head circumference,
Behavioral change, Pin
- Provide support to family: Explain to
L10 – Oncology child, attend to emotional support, Involve
Solid Tumor both family and child
Ø Brain & Spinal tumor - Facilitate replacement of VAD and care for
• Typical flexion posturing Ø PICC
• Extension posturing Ø CVC
• Morphine à pinpoint pupil Function of CVAD = Central venous access
• Atropine à Dilate pupil devices

• Increase ICP à Headache, vomiting, 1. Enable easily blood sampling

personality changes, irritability

• Tumor in Cerebrum: Vision, hearing, Complication of CVAD:

speech problem; weakness on one side of

body Principal care of CVAD:

• Tumor in brain stem: Diabetes, Paralysis

of nerves of face, change in respiration
• Tumor in cerebellum: Uncoordinated
muscle; Loss of balance
• Corticosteroid therapy
• Diuretic therapy & VP shunt
(ventriculoperitoneal shunt)
• Anticonvulsants
• PICU care
Ø NO Trendelenburg position

Ø Neuroblastoma 神经母细胞瘤
• Arise from the adrenal gland or in the
neck, chest, or spinal cord
• INSS (Stage 1, 2a, 2b, 3,4,4s)
Ø Osteosarcoma
• TNM staging
- (T): Describes the size of original tumor

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