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Vol. 17, No. 5, September–October 2008, pp. 513–521 doi 10.3401/poms.1080.0052

issn 1059-1478  eissn 1937-5956  08  1705  0513 © 2008 Production and Operations Management Society

Managing Slow-Moving Perishables in

the Grocery Industry
Michael Ketzenberg
Department of Information and Operations Management, Mays Business School, Texas A&M University,
College Station, Texas 77843,

Mark E. Ferguson
College of Management, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, Georgia 30332,

W e address the value of information and value of centralized control in the context of a two-echelon, serial
supply chain with one retailer and one supplier that provide a single perishable product to consumers.
Our analysis is relevant for managing slow-moving perishable products with fixed lot sizes and expiration dates
of a week or less. We evaluate two supply chain structures. In the first structure, referred to as decentralized
information sharing, the retailer shares its demand, inventory, and ordering policy with the supplier, yet both
facilities make their own profit-maximizing replenishment decisions. In the second structure, centralized con-
trol, incentives are aligned and the replenishment decisions are coordinated. The latter supply chain structure
corresponds to the industry practices of company-owned stores or vendor-managed inventory.
We measure the value of information and value of centralized control as the marginal improvement in
expected profits that a supply chain achieves relative to the case when no information is shared and decision
making is decentralized. Key assumptions of our model include stochastic demand, lost sales, and fixed order
quantities. We establish the importance of information sharing and centralized control in the supply chain and
identify conditions under which benefits are realized. As opposed to previous work on the value of information,
the major benefit in our setting is driven by the supplier’s ability to provide the retailer with fresher product.
By isolating the benefit by firm, we show that sharing information is not always Pareto-improving for both
supply chain partners in the decentralized setting.
Key words: value of information; vendor-managed inventory; supply chain management; perishable inventory
History: Received: June 2003; Revised: June 2004, August 2005, June 2006, February 2007, and May 2007;
Accepted: August 2007 by Jayashankar M. Swaminathan.

1. Introduction significant component of total store shrink, with cur-

We place our research in the context of the grocery rent estimates indicating that shrink costs an aver-
industry and, more specifically, in the area of manag- age supermarket approximately US$450,000 per year.
ing perishables. The quality, variety, and availability Although perishables departments account for only
of perishables have become an order-winning crite- 30% of total store sales, they contribute 56% to total
ria of consumers, representing the primary reasons store shrink (National Supermarket Research Group
why many consumers choose one supermarket over 2003). Moreover, the amount of shrink in perishables
departments has consistently increased over the past
another (Tortola 2005, Axtman 2006). In turn, retail-
six years (Tortola 2005). From this perspective, the
ers have responded by dramatically increasing the
link between variety and spoilage is readily appar-
number of stock-keeping units (SKUs) they offer for
ent. There is generally a minority of products in an
sale (Tortola 2005, Boyer 2006). In some categories,
assortment that are high volume and account for the
such as produce, the average number of items stocked majority of sales, which leaves a preponderance of
has doubled in the past five years, and the trend is low-volume products accounting for a small percent-
expected to continue (Axtman 2006). age of sales. Some retailers report that as much as 75%
From an operational perspective, the growth in of their SKUs are slow moving (Småros et al. 2004).
perishables creates additional challenges for retail- Our own analysis of item movement at a division of
ers. Increasing product variety creates a larger assort- Albertson’s, consisting of 70 stores, indicates that 75%
ment over which demand is spread, contributes to an of packaged produce items are slow movers—selling
increasing number of slow-moving perishables, and less than a case per day with more than half (52%) of
increases product spoilage (Boyer 2006). Spoilage is a the items’ case sizes composed of 10 units or fewer.
Ketzenberg and Ferguson: Managing Slow-Moving Perishables in the Grocery Industry
514 Production and Operations Management 17(5), pp. 513–521, © 2008 Production and Operations Management Society

Clearly, efficient management of both fast- and outdating may increase. Moreover, the benefit of shar-
slow-moving perishables is an important element of ing information in the absence of coordination is not
store profitability, but the management focus is dif- always Pareto-improving for both firms. We also pro-
ferent for each. For fast-moving items, spoilage prin- vide some insights into the problem when the case
cipally arises when the product is unwrapped, dis- size may be changed. The literature promotes the
played in bulk, and subject to consumer handling choice of case sizes as another significant opportu-
(Tortola 2005). For slow-moving packaged items, the nity to reduce spoilage (Falck 2005, Småros et al. 2004,
challenge is managing inventory levels so that the Larson and DeMarais 1999), and our results sup-
product sells before its expiration date (Falck 2005). port this claim as the VOI and VCC are significantly
In this paper, we restrict our analysis to the manage- reduced when an optimal case size is chosen. We also
ment of slow-moving packaged perishables. Growth find the VOI and VCC are significantly reduced when
in these products is expected to continue as variety the supplier’s revenue is freshness dependent.
increases (Chanil and Major 2005), yet maintaining a The rest of the paper is organized as follows: In §2
proper balance between inventory and service level we review the literature; in §3 we define the model; in
is particularly acute (Falck 2005). The case size (num- §4 we present our numerical study with discussion,
ber of units packaged, ordered, and shipped together) and in §5 we conclude the paper. An Online Sup-
imposes certain restrictions, as the size of a single case plement (available at
often represents several days of supply. Even with supplements) provides additional details of our mod-
small case sizes, low demand rates coupled with high els and results.
demand variability challenge grocers in their ability
to minimize spoilage, resulting in spoilage rates that 2. Literature Review
can exceed 40% (Pfankuch 2006). Our research draws on two separate research streams:
We evaluate two common prescriptions cited in the perishable inventory theory and the VOI. Progress on
literature to improve the management of perishable the combined problem of multiechelon and perishable
products: (1) sharing information on demand or cur- inventory systems has been limited. We are aware of
rent inventory levels and (2) coordinating replenish- only a few contributions in this area; the majority are
ment activities (Falck 2005, Småros et al. 2004, Lee motivated by the management of blood banks and
et al. 1997). Although there is anecdotal evidence from focus almost exclusively on the allocation problem.
practitioner activity that such initiatives have signifi- Yen (1965), Cohen et al. (1981), Prastacos (1981), and
cant value, because of privacy and competitive issues, Goh et al. (1993) are representative examples. Fujiwara
success stories are rarely communicated, and many et al. (1997) provide the most recent contribution to
industry participants are quick to point out other the literature and is the only study we are aware of
opportunities such as reducing case sizes (Småros that directly addresses perishable food products. They
et al. 2004). Hence, there remains a lack of under- consider a two-stage inventory system at a single facil-
standing among both academics and practitioners of ity where the first stage consists of the whole product
the value of these initiatives. (e.g., meat carcasses) made up of multiple subprod-
We address the value of information (VOI) and the ucts (e.g., cuts of meat), while the second stage con-
value of centralized control (VCC) in the context of sists solely of the subproducts. Although the authors
a two-echelon, serial supply chain with one retailer derive optimal ordering and issuing policies for this
and one supplier that provide a single perishable scenario, they do not address the VOI or the VCC.
product to consumers. We evaluate two scenarios. There are a few papers that explore the VOI in serial
In the first scenario, called decentralized informa- supply chains for nonperishable products. Bourland
tion sharing (DIS), both supply chain members share et al. (1996), Chen (1998), Gavirneni et al. (1999), Lee
their inventory levels and replenishment policies with et al. (2000), and Raghunathan (2001) are representa-
the other, but each facility makes its own profit- tive examples. Unlike the majority of these examples,
maximizing replenishment decisions. In the second where the VOI and VCC are often small in the con-
scenario, called centralized control (CC), decision text of nonperishable serial supply chains, we show
making is coordinated and corresponds to the prac- significantly larger benefits because of the ability of
tice of vendor-managed inventory (VMI). the supplier to provide fresher product.
Through a numerical study, we find, on aver- Beyond our study, Ferguson and Ketzenberg (2006)
age, that by sharing information, product freshness (hereafter referred to as FK) is the only study we are
increases 18%, outdating decreases by nearly 40%, aware of that addresses the VOI in the context of per-
and total supply chain-expected profit increases 4.2%. ishable inventory. In this study, the supplier shares
With CC, average expected profit increases 5.6%, but its age-dependent inventory state with the retailer. By
product freshness may decrease and, consequently, contrast, we examine the reverse flow of information
Ketzenberg and Ferguson: Managing Slow-Moving Perishables in the Grocery Industry
Production and Operations Management 17(5), pp. 513–521, © 2008 Production and Operations Management Society 515

where the retailer shares its age-dependent inventory dollar and predicate the unit purchase cost on the
state and demand information with the supplier. We product margin m0 , expressed as a percentage of unit
also compare information sharing to CC. Finally, we revenue. A holding cost h0 h1  is assessed on ending
note that FK model a retailer in a large distribution inventory at the retailer (supplier), respectively.
network where the supplier’s ordering policy does The retailer’s replenishment decision q is restricted
not depend on a single retailer’s actions, whereas to either zero or Q units, where the batch size Q repre-
we model a serial supply chain where the retailer’s sents the bundle of units that are packaged, shipped,
actions are material to the supplier’s decisions. and sold together. The fixed batch size captures cer-
Despite the differences in the supply chain struc- tain economies of scale in transportation and han-
tures modeled, some of our results reinforce those dling and is common, both in practice (Falck 2005,
of FK. Our average improvement in total supply Småros et al. 2004) and in the literature on VOI
chain-expected profit of 4.2% is similar to their aver- (Moinzadeh 2002, Cachon and Fisher 2000, Chen
age improvement of 4.4% (assuming a first-in/first- 1998). Because of an increasing level of product vari-
out (FIFO) issuing policy). In both cases, the profit ety, there are many slow-moving perishable products
improvement is primarily driven by a reduction in where a single batch of replenishment is sufficient to
outdating and an increase in the final customer ser- satisfy expected demand during the order cycle. In
vice level. While we find that when the supplier’s the Online Supplement, we show how our model may
demand is freshness dependent (the retailer orders be used to find an optimal value of Q.
less from a supplier who historically provides older The replenishment lead time is one period. Because
items), the VOI is minimal; FK studied freshness- the product is perishable, inventory may be composed
dependent demand at the retail customer level and of units with different ages. Let ix denote inventory,
found the VOI increases in the sensitivity of demand after outdating and before demand, that expires in
to product freshness. The difference in these findings x periods, where x = 1     M and M is the maxi-
indicates the importance of measuring where in the mum product shelf life at the retail echelon. Let i =
supply chain demand is affected by product fresh- i1  i2      iM  represent the vector of inventory held
ness. Finally, we show the majority of the additional 
at each age class and define I = M x=1 ix . Demand is
benefits obtained from CC of the supply chain (an satisfied using a FIFO inventory-issuing policy, and
average of 4.2% for VOI versus 5.6% for CC) can be inventory is not capacitated.
obtained from sharing inventory age-related informa- For the supplier, the order of events each period
tion. This issue is not addressed in FK. follows the sequence: (1) receive delivery, (2) observe
and satisfy demand, and (3) place order. An order
3. Model placed by the retailer corresponds to a demand at
The setting is a serial supply chain consisting of a the supplier in the same period. Because the supplier
retailer and a supplier who provide a single per- only observes orders of Q units and faces no ordering
ishable product to consumers. The product has a cost, the supplier replenishes in orders of Q units. We
deterministic lifetime of M + 1 periods. Through- assume the supplier orders from a perfectly reliably
out its life cycle, the utility of the product remains exogenous source (i.e., the outside source has ample
constant. When the product expires it is outdated capacity) and the lead time is one period (i.e., when-
without any salvage value. This assumption corre- ever Q units are ordered they become available at
sponds to the widespread use of product expiration the start of the next period). Thus, the supplier faces
dates on packaged goods such as fresh meat and uncertainty only in the timing of the order arrivals. If
seafood, deli, ready-made meals, and fresh cut fruits the supplier receives an order and does not have units
and vegetables. in stock to fulfill it, the supplier pays an expediting
We assume a periodic review inventory model for charge that allows it to meet the order in the same
each facility. For the retailer, the order of events period. Thus, the retailer always receives its order
each day follows the sequence: (1) receive delivery, request at the beginning of the following day.
(2) outdate inventory, (3) place order, and (4) observe The supplier’s replenishment policy corresponds to
and satisfy demand. Orders placed in the current a time-phased order point policy incorporating safety
period arrive before demand in the next period. Retail lead time. Denoted by , safety lead time repre-
demand is discrete, stochastic, and stationary over sents the number of periods the supplier waits after
time. Let D denote total demand in the current period, receiving a retailer order before it places its own
with probability mass function ·, mean , vari- replenishment order:  ∈ 0 1     M. The safety
ance  2 , and C the corresponding coefficient of vari- lead time is based on the supplier’s critical fractile,
ation. Unsatisfied demand is lost. We normalize the determined from its cost of being early or late with a
retailer’s revenue per unit of satisfied demand to one replenishment order. This policy is optimal for a firm
Ketzenberg and Ferguson: Managing Slow-Moving Perishables in the Grocery Industry
516 Production and Operations Management 17(5), pp. 513–521, © 2008 Production and Operations Management Society

facing intermittent demand with deterministic quan- We now introduce the retailer’s MDP. The value c̄
tities, uncertain timing, and nonperishable inventory is the equivalent average return per period when an
(Silver et al. 1998). Such a policy ensures no supplier optimal policy is used. The extremal equation is
outdating because the longest possible time between
retail orders is M periods, and at that time, the age  L + c̄ = max GI − q1 − m0 
f i
q∈0 Q
of the product at the supplier has a minimum life
of two periods remaining. This statement requires a 
+  D q A L D  (1)
f i
further condition: the retailer never intentionally goes D=0
through a period with zero inventory, thus assuring
where 
the interval between retail orders never exceeds M M if L ≤ 
periods. These assumptions are supported by prac- A= (2)
tice where (1) outdating at supplier echelons is trivial 
M − L +  + 1 if L > 
compared with the retail echelon, and (2) there exists 
a strong emphasis on high, retail, in-store availability. 1 if q = Q
L = (3)

3.1. No Information Sharing (NIS) Case L + 1 if q = 0
We begin by establishing a base case in which the Because the state and decision spaces are discrete
retailer does not periodically share information per- and finite, and profit is bounded, there exists an opti-
taining to its replenishment process or inventory mal stationary policy that does not randomize (Put-
position. Hence, this case corresponds to traditional terman 1994, pp. 102–111). The left-hand side of (1)
replenishment practices in which the supplier only defines an extremal equation by the vector of inven-
observes the timing between the retailer’s orders. tory i and the number of periods L since the last
3.1.1. NIS Case: Retailer’s Policy. We formulate order was placed. The right-hand side of (1) com-
the retailer’s replenishment problem as a Markov putes the total expected profit composed of the one-
period profit function, the purchase cost associated
decision process (MDP), where the objective is
with any new order, and future expected profit. Equa-
to find an optimal reorder policy that maximizes
tion (2) determines the remaining lifetime of any
expected profit. The linkage between periods is cap-
receipts. Note if L ≤ , then A = M because replenish-
tured through the one-period transfer function of
ment occurs through expediting. Also, (2) assumes the
the retailer’s age-dependent inventory. This trans-
retailer knows both the supplier’s safety lead time 
fer depends on the current inventory level, any
and the age of replenishment A. The retailer can read-
order placed in the current period, the realization of
ily deduce these values given the replenishment his-
demand D in the current period, and the remaining tory with the supplier. Finally, (3) updates the number
lifetime of any replenishment inventory (represented of periods since the last order was placed.
by the position x within the vector i that is updated
3.1.2. NIS Case: Supplier’s Policy. The supplier’s
with the replenishment quantity). The remaining life-
objective is to make ordering decisions that minimize
time of replenished inventory, denoted as A, is a func-
its inventory-related cost. A sample path of the sup-
tion of the number of periods since the last retailer
plier’s inventory level follows a renewal process with
order L, where A L ∈ 1 2     M, and the supplier’s
the renewal occurring each time the retailer places an
safety lead time .
order. Because the supplier is only concerned with the
For ease of exposition, let z+ ≡ maxz 0 and
timing of its replenishment, the problem reduces to a
let z denote a variable defined for the next period,
myopic cost-minimization problem the supplier faces
whereas a plain variable z is defined for the current in each period that ends with zero units in inven-
period. Let i denote the retailer’s inventory level in tory. If the supplier does not have inventory when the
the next period and let i  D q A denote the one- retailer places an order, the supplier pays an expedit-
period transfer function. Then i = i  D q A, where ing charge of b. If the supplier does have inventory
  + + and the retailer does not order, the supplier pays a

 x
holding cost of h1 for each of the Q units it holds.
 ix+1 − D − iz if 0 < x < A
ix = z=1 Let !D " denote the probability of the retailer plac-

 ing a replenishment order " days after the last order,
q if x = A " ∈ 1 2     M. The supplier’s decision is to choose
a value for  so the expected cost is minimized, as
Now, let GI denote the retailer’s one-period profit expressed by
function, where   
M −b!D " ≥"
 min  
GI = minD I − h0 I − D+ D  
"=1 −Qh1 " −  − 1!D " <"
Ketzenberg and Ferguson: Managing Slow-Moving Perishables in the Grocery Industry
Production and Operations Management 17(5), pp. 513–521, © 2008 Production and Operations Management Society 517

The expectation of the suppliers profit is taken over in 0 1     M and A = 0 corresponds to the state
all probabilities for the retailer ordering within the when the supplier has zero inventory, and implic-
next M days and takes into consideration two condi- itly, the age of replenished items will be M because
tions: (1)  ≥ ", the case in which the retailer orders of expediting. Because we now track the supplier’s
prior to the supplier receiving replenishment so that inventory with A, we drop L from the state space. The
the retailer’s replenishment is satisfied through expe- extremal equation is
diting, and (2)  < ", the case in which the sup-
plier holds inventory at the time it receives a retailer  A + c̄ = max GI − q1 − m0 
f i
replenishment order. In this case, the supplier incurs q∈0 Q
holding costs for " −  − 1 days. Let ∗ denote the 
value that minimizes the above expression. +  D q A A D  (4)
f i
In the Online Supplement, we characterize the dis- D=0

tribution !D ". Note that we assume the supplier

acts honorably and does not attempt to increase its 
profit by ordering earlier than the safety lead time, so A−1
 if ∗ ≥ " and q = 0
the product’s useful life at the retailer will be shorter, 

A = M if ∗ < " (5)
forcing the retailer to order more frequently. Although 

there may be a short-term incentive for the supplier 
0 otherwise
to act in this manner, the long-term negative conse-
quences do not typically make it worthwhile, because Note that (5) determines the supplier’s inventory
the retailer would eventually discover the supplier’s state in the next period, predicated on both the
deceitfulness. retailer’s order and the supplier’s replenishment deci-
To express the supplier’s expected profit per period, sion. In the next section, we describe the supplier’s
some additional notation is required. Let #i L denote policy that incorporates the information shared by the
the steady-state probability that the retailer is in state retailer.
 L and let q ∗ denote the retailer’s corresponding
i  L
i 3.2.2. DIS Case: Supplier’s Policy. Under the DIS
optimal replenishment decision for this state. Further- case, the supplier’s decision is to choose a value for
more, let m1 denote the supplier’s margin per unit  so that expected cost is minimized, as expressed by
expressed as a percentage of its unit revenue. The sup-
  
plier’s expected profit per period is M −b!D "  i ≥"

  min  
 ∗
m1 1−m0 qiL −b #iL ∗
if L− ≤ 0 and qiL > 0   

    "=1 −Qh1 " −  − 1!D "  i   < "

  ∗ ∗

m1 1−m0 qiL −h1 Q−qiL  #iL
 if L− > 0 The conditional distribution !D "  i is a function
i L 

 of the retailer’s one-period inventory-state transition
0 otherwise probabilities and the optimal ordering decisions
resulting from (4). Because the retailer and supplier
replenishment decisions are interrelated and deci-
3.2. DIS Case sion making is decentralized, some discussion is war-
The DIS case builds on the NIS case so that now the ranted about the order in which the values for q ∗
retailer shares its inventory state and replenishment and ∗ are determined. We use the following solution
policy with the supplier. Decision making, however, procedure: (1) Given a system state i  A, condition
remains independent. As before, we start by formu- on the decision q = 0 and compute the optimal sup-
lating the retailer’s MDP and then proceed to the sup- plier policy ∗  q = 0. (2) Compute the corresponding
plier’s policy. expected average profit for the retailer given these
3.2.1. DIS Case: Retailer’s Policy. The retailer’s decisions. (3) Apply the same treatment to the condi-
optimization is similar to the NIS case except it tion for the decision q = Q and find both the optimal
is now necessary to track the supplier’s inventory supplier policy ∗  q = Q and the associated expected
state because the supplier’s replenishment decision average profit for the retailer. (4) Choose the value q ∗
is now state dependent on the retailer’s inventory that maximizes the retailer’s expected profit. Details
position. Here, we track the supplier’s age-dependent are provided in the Online Supplement.
inventory by using A—the remaining retail shelf life, As in the NIS case, the supplier’s expected aver-
because the age at the supplier is simply A + 1 if age profit per period is determined from the limiting
the supplier holds inventory. This involves a slight behavior of the retailer in steady state. Letting #i A
change in interpretation because now A takes values denote the steady-state probability that the system is
Ketzenberg and Ferguson: Managing Slow-Moving Perishables in the Grocery Industry
518 Production and Operations Management 17(5), pp. 513–521, © 2008 Production and Operations Management Society

 A and letting q ∗ denote the correspond-

in state i purchase cost plus penalty cost for any supplier expe-
ing optimal retailer replenishment decision, the sup- diting, holding costs applied to ending inventory for
plier’s expected profit per period is both facilities, and future expected profit. The age of
the inventory at the retailer carries over from (5) in

m1 1−m0 qiA −b #iA

if A = 0 and qiA > 0 the DIS case and is not repeated here.

   The resulting policy determines the optimal timing
∗ ∗
m 1−m0 qiA −h1 Q−qiA  #iA
 if A > 0 for the retailer and the supplier to replenish based
 1
i A 
 on the quantity and age of the inventory on hand at
0 otherwise
the retailer. This solution procedure differs from the
previous policies; now both the retailer’s decision and
3.3. CC Case the supplier’s decision are considered simultaneously
In the CC case, a central decision maker seeking to to solve for the optimal supply chain expected profit.
maximize total supply chain profits makes replenish- Hence, the decision space has been expanded to cover
ment decisions for both the retailer and the supplier. an exhaustive search for the optimal decisions in each
This corresponds to the practice of VMI. The retailer inventory state.
no longer places orders with the supplier. Instead, we
interpret the decision variable q as a planned ship- 4. Numerical Study
ment from the supplier to the retailer. In addition, We evaluate the VOI in the DIS case and the VCC
the supplier’s replenishment order $ is now added in the CC case, where VOI and VCC are the percent
to the decision space of the MDP. It is never optimal improvement in expected total supply chain profit,
for the supplier to place an order in a period where relative to the NIS case. Specifically,
it already has Q units in inventory. To see why, we
offer an informal proof by contradiction. Assume the EProfitDIS  − EProfitNIS 
VOI = and
supplier places a replenishment order when there are EProfitNIS 
already Q units in stock at the supplier level. This will EProfitCC  − EProfitNIS 
bring the supplier’s inventory level up to 2Q units, VCC = 
but the retailer is restricted to ordering either 0 or Q
units each period. Thus if the supplier postpones its Consumer demand · corresponds to a trun-
ordering decision until the period when the retailer cated negative binomial distribution with a maximum
places its order, then total system cost is reduced value of 50 (any probabilities for demand exceed-
without affecting the service level. Therefore, the sup- ing 50 are redistributed proportionately within the
plier will never replenish with a positive quantity on truncated limit of the distribution). See Nahmias and
hand. Smith (1994) on the advantages of assuming negative
For convenience, let c1 = Q1 − m0 1 − m1  denote binomial distributions for retail demand. Across our
the supplier’s purchase cost. Assuming h1 < h0 (oth- numerical experiments, the mean of the distribution
erwise it is never optimal to hold inventory at the is held constant at four and the coefficient of varia-
supplier) the extremal equation is tion C is treated as a parameter to the model using
the values reported below. Each period represents a
 A + c̄
f i day, and the holding cost at each echelon is 40% of
  the purchase cost, measured on an annual basis. In
GI − c1 $
  total, we consider 972 experiments that comprise a
   factorial design for all combinations of the following
+ f   D q A A D
i 
  parameters:
 D=0 
  
= max   

q∈0 Q $∈0 1  
0 if A = 0 and q = 0  C ∈ 05 06 07 M ∈ 4 5 6 Q ∈ 8 9 10
 
  
− b −c if A = 0 and q > 0  m0 ∈ 04 05 06 m1 ∈ 04 05 06
  1 
 
 

h Q − q otherwise b ∈ 005c1  010c1  015c1  020c1 
(6) Our selection of parameter values is motivated by
Because the objective is to maximize system-wide values observed in practice for several common and
profit, the optimization expressed in (6) omits the slow-moving packaged perishables in product cate-
transfer price between the supplier and the retailer. gories such as fresh meat and seafood, deli, ready-
Instead, expected profit maximized in the MDP is the made meals, and fresh cut fruits and vegetables.
sum of the one-period profit function, the purchase Products in these categories are highly perishable,
cost to the supplier for regular replenishment, the although daily item movement is often less than
Ketzenberg and Ferguson: Managing Slow-Moving Perishables in the Grocery Industry
Production and Operations Management 17(5), pp. 513–521, © 2008 Production and Operations Management Society 519

the case size, which itself is generally small as con- The change in retailer performance has two direct
firmed by a study we conducted at a 70-store divi- effects on the supplier, reflecting both a decrease in
sion of a regional grocer. At the same time, our outdating at the retailer and an increase in retailer
selection is constrained by the computational feasi- service. When the increase in retailer service (and
bility of the resulting MDP because the size of the hence units of satisfied demand) exceeds the reduc-
state space expands exponentially with the vector of tion of outdating, the supplier realizes a net increase
age-dependent inventory. Notwithstanding, the range in retailer orders and is better off. When the oppo-
of parameter values considered covers an extensive site occurs the supplier is worse off. Across experi-
selection of products (Office of Technology Assess- ments, we find that half of the time, the combination
ment Report 1979). results in a net decrease in retailer orders, which can
We use value iteration to compute the results for be as large as a 10.5% reduction. In the other half
the respective MDPs and then solve the accompany- of the experiments, there is a net increase in retailer
ing state transition matrices using Gaussian elimina- orders, which can be as large as an 18.5% increase.
tion to evaluate steady-state behavior as described in Even though the supplier can reduce its expected
Kulkarni (1995). In §4.1, we discuss our general obser- inventory-related costs in all experiments, these sav-
vations, and in §4.2, we report the results of our sen- ings are generally trivial compared with the increase
sitivity analysis. or decrease in revenue that arises through the change
in retailer behavior. In §4.2 we evaluate the conditions
4.1. Results and General Observations
that affect the retailer’s order stream in a sensitivity
In Table 1, we report the VOI for the entire sup-
ply chain and for each member under a decentral-
ized structure (DIS case) and the corresponding VCC Total supply chain profit always improves with
for the total supply chain under a centralized struc- information sharing, even when the supplier’s profit
ture (CC case) at given percentiles of the 972 exper- decreases. An important avenue for future research is
iments. For example, the 0.50 percentile denotes the to explore how certain contracts and incentives can
median values. From this table, three observations be implemented so that the maximum benefits from
emerge: (1) the VOI is lower than the VCC, although information sharing can be realized and be Pareto-
it can still be substantial; (2) the VOI is not necessar- improving for both firms. In the absence of such con-
ily shared equally between the retailer and the sup- tracts, it is doubtful the supplier will be a willing
plier; and (3) both the VOI and VCC are sensitive to participant.
model parameterization and depend largely on sys- 4.1.2. CC Case Observations. With CC, the im-
tem behavior, as we discuss for each case below.
provement in total supply chain profit is greater than
4.1.1. DIS Case Observations. In the DIS case, the improvement observed with information sharing.
information sharing enables the supplier to better On average, the VCC is 27% greater than the VOI.
time the arrival of its replenishment with the tim- There are two effects at work here. First, there is
ing of retail orders. In turn, the freshness of product minimal value in holding inventory at the supplier.
(measured in terms of the expected average life cycle Thus, the supplier serves a cross-docking function
remaining) replenished at the retailer increases from wherein any replenishment it receives is immediately
an average of 3.77 periods to 4.46 (18.3% increase). sent onward to the retailer. We observe an average
Thus, product outdating at the retailer decreases by decrease of 44% in the supplier’s expected inventory
an average of 39.0%. This increased product freshness holding costs and a related average improvement of
also enables the retailer to boost its service level by 24% in the freshness of the product delivered to the
3.1% on average. retailer. This represents more than 5% improvement in
product freshness relative to the DIS case.
Table 1 VOI (DIS Case) and VCC (CC Case) Across The second effect comes from the elimination of
Experiments double marginalization (the stocking decision at the
DIS case (%) CC case
retailer is predicated on the entire supply chain’s
profit, not just the retailer’s as in the NIS and
Percentile Total Retailer Supplier Total (%) DIS cases). Consequently, the retailer’s service level
0.00 00 00 −101 00 increases an average of 7%. This represents a consider-
0.25 08 12 −16 12 able improvement when compared with the DIS Case.
0.50 33 41 03 46 To provide higher service, more inventory is posi-
0.75 70 101 48 87
tioned at the retailer and, therefore, the system may
1.00 133 269 190 160
experience an increase in outdating relative to both the
Mean 42 62 16 56
NIS and DIS cases.
Ketzenberg and Ferguson: Managing Slow-Moving Perishables in the Grocery Industry
520 Production and Operations Management 17(5), pp. 513–521, © 2008 Production and Operations Management Society

Figure 1 Sensitivity of the Average VOI/VCC for Each Fixed Parameter savings with only one retailer. Thus, the VOI values
Value in our study are purely based on the reduction in
spoilage cost.
Percentage of change in total

For the VCC, there are two reasons the values are
supply chain profit (%)

8 DIS case
7 CC case
smaller in our study (as compared to similar stud-
5 ies with nonperishable items). First, for most products
4 in the grocery industry, inventory carrying costs are
small compared with the opportunity of a lost sale.
1 With such small holding costs, there is little incen-
0 tive to minimize inventories other than for reasons of
shelf space; hence service levels are generally quite
CV Expediting Product Supplier Retailer Batch high. The prospect of outdating for perishables does
cost lifetime margin margin size
increase the overage cost and puts downward pres-
sure on service levels. However, they remain high
4.2. Sensitivity Analysis in practice as well as in our study, where we gen-
Generally, we find that the VOI and the VCC are sen- erally observe service levels in the range of 88%–
sitive to product perishability, the retailer’s ability to 95%. Hence, with little opportunity to improve on
match supply and demand, and the size of the penalty already high service levels, the VCC remains low
for mismatches in supply and demand. We illustrate compared with cases with significant lost sales. Sec-
sensitivity to each parameter in Figure 1. The height ond, we restrict the supplier to offering a 100% service
of each bar corresponds to the average VOI and VCC level to the retailer by ensuring that all replenishment
across experiments for the parameter value specified requests are met either from stock on hand or through
on the x-axis. We discuss these relationships and pro- an emergency order. This type of replenishment guar-
vide a more complete set of performance measures in antee is also common in practice, but it reduces the
the Online Supplement. double marginalization effect that may be observed
if the supplier was allowed to choose a service level
based purely on its underage and overage costs.
5. Discussion On average, the VOI obtains approximately 70% of
Our results show that the VOI for perishable items the VCC. Thus information sharing alone garners the
can be significant. As opposed to studies that address majority of the benefit of CC. In an industry with high
the VOI for nonperishable items, the VOI for perish- levels of competition, significant legacy relationships,
ables is derived by the supplier’s ability to provide and a great deal of mistrust between supply chain
a fresher product. Indeed, for nonperishables, our partners, this may be significant for retailers who
results show the VOI is trivial and quickly drops off remain reluctant to give up decision-making control
for life cycles greater than five days. When the bene- over their inventory. We find that supply chains ben-
fits of information sharing are significant, they are not efit the most from information sharing or CC when
shared equally between the retailer and the supplier. product life cycles are short, batch sizes are large,
In a decentralized control supply chain, the retailer demand uncertainty is high, and the penalty for mis-
receives the larger average benefit, and in many cases, matches in supply and demand is large.
the supplier can be harmed. Clearly, the batch size is an important model
On average, we find the total supply chain profits parameter that we have assumed is exogenously de-
increase an average of 4.2% with information sharing termined. Even so, we can use our model to find
and 5.6% with CC. Compared with previous stud- the optimal Q by searching for the largest total sup-
ies on supply chains of nonperishable products, these ply chain profit over the range of Q for which it is
values may seem small. There are several reasons the viable to stock and sell the product. In a supplemen-
VOI and VCC are smaller in our study. Starting with tal study that is available in the Online Supplement,
the VOI, our serial supply chain setting isolates the we show that (1) case size optimization can achieve
effect of a lower spoilage cost on the VOI. Previous the same level of benefits as information sharing and
studies on nonperishable products used a distribu- CC, and (2) the VOI and the VCC are significantly
tion network structure to show positive values for the smaller when the optimal case size is chosen. Given
VOI. By knowing the inventory levels at each retailer, the relative costs of these initiatives and the costs of
the warehouse can better allocate the inventory to the changing case sizes, supply chains may find it more
retailers and anticipate future orders to save on fixed beneficial to optimize case size and avoid the pri-
shipping costs. In a serial chain, such as our structure, vacy issues of sharing information and control issues
the VOI is negligible if the product is nonperishable with centralized decision making (Småros et al. 2004).
because the warehouse does not achieve these same Regardless, our results make clear that with current
Ketzenberg and Ferguson: Managing Slow-Moving Perishables in the Grocery Industry
Production and Operations Management 17(5), pp. 513–521, © 2008 Production and Operations Management Society 521

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