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Introduction (Alexis)

Goodmorning sir, so we will be presenting our guided

generalization about the 3 storys that we have tackled. So
starting at the judgement of paris, our group decided that
the best way in resolving the conflict is that they should
have invited eris. our supporting text is on the page 5 at the
2nd sentence of the 3rd paragraph, it stated that “only one
Goddess was missed off the guest list: Eris, The goddess of
discord”. Our reason on why we chose this as the best way is
that because if they have atleast tried to invite her there
might be a chance that she would not do that kind of prank.

Trojan horse (Leigh)

So moving on to the text 2, the trojan horse, our group had
decided that the best in resolving the conflict is that
Cassandra should have atleast tried to warn them even if
she thinks that they will not believe her because of what the
gods told her, our supporting text is on page 23 at the last
sentence of the 5th paragraph and it stated that “Cassandra,
did not dare open her lips though she foresaw the pending
doom --- for the gods had given Cassandra the gift of clear-
sighted prophesy but had decreed that not one person
would believe her”. Our reason on why this is the best way
in solving the conflict is that by atleast trying to tell others
about the prophesy, even if they don’t believe her they will
atleast be more cautious and not just party.
Odysseus and Polyphemus (Marc Lance)

So moving onto our last text, our group decided that the
best way in resolving the conflict in the epic Odysseus and
Polyphemus is that it is the best way already. Our supporting
text is that on page 40 at the last sentence of the 3rd
paragraph it stated that “as they sailed away from the
harbor, Odysseus called out to Polyphemus, laughing at him
and telling him that it was not “no man”, but he Odysseus,
who had blinded him and fooled him”. Our reason on why
we decided that it is the best way already was because the
way that Odysseus outwit Polyphemus is something that
only Odysseus can think of doing.

Common Ideas in Reasons (Gian)

Now on to the common ideas it is seen on the reasons with

the story of “The trojan horse” and “Judgement of Paris”.
Their common idea is that if they have both atleast tried,
like how Odysseus tried to outwit Polyphemus the problem
would have not gotten worse.
Enduring Generalization (Aranz)
For our Enduring Generalization, we have concluded that if
they have atleast tried to risk it instead of just trying to do
what others want just like when Casandra did not even try
to tell others the prophesy, then they might have a better
chance at surviving. Because if you never try you will never
know, We should be like Odysseus ready to take a risk for a
better outcome. He did what the others didn’t do.

Cause and effect (Alexis)

So for the cause and effect, our group had thought that the
main reason of the conflicts is zeus himself. Because if he
didn’t push the task of choosing, to Paris there will be no
war, no trojan horse and no destruction.

Factors that made conflict worse(Leigh)

Now on the factors the made the conflict worse it started
when zeus had given paris the responsibility of choosing
who is the fairest, it made it worse and even caused the
Trojan war, Also when the trojans had let the wooden horse
inside the walls and massacred the people inside.

What are the possible ways to resolve the conflict (Lance)

On to the last one, the possible ways to resolve the conflict
is by inviting eris so that the whole choosing part will not
happen and so the trojan war as well. Also by Casandra to
atleast try and tell the others about the Prophesy. So that
concludes our presentation about the meaning making of
the three storys

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