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NCAD School of Education SP Classroom Observation Guide

Student Teacher name: Lia McCanny

Date of Observation:17/10 /23
No. of Observation: 2
Class Profile & Details: 3rd Year
Duration of Lesson: 40 minutes class

Please report your findings from your observations under the following headings:
You can use the bullet points to guide your observations.

Professional Teaching Skills and Ability:

· What strategies did the teacher use to instruct learners during the class
● The teacher employed effective instructional strategies, starting with a demonstration on
the whiteboard to provide a clear example of the task at hand. This visual aid helped
students understand the concept before engaging in the activity themselves.
● Additionally, the teacher utilised timers to encourage time management during activities,
fostering a sense of responsibility among the learners.
● Students were encouraged to reflect back on work done in yesterday's class also to guide
them with the steps of the algebra sums.
● The teacher demonstrated a thoughtful approach to differentiation by offering students a
choice between higher-level and ordinary-level exam papers. This strategy aimed to
accommodate diverse learning needs and recognize individual academic strengths within the
class. The option for students to self-select based on their comfort levels not only promoted
a sense of autonomy and responsibility but also created a more inclusive learning
environment. By providing this mix, the teacher effectively empowered students to tailor
their assessments to their individual proficiency levels, fostering a positive and personalised
educational experience.
● Mini White Boards Activity: the teacher provided each student with an individual whiteboard
to carry out their activity. This interactive approach was exciting for the students as it
offered a change from traditional methods. They enjoyed working on the whiteboards,
finding it new and interesting compared to regular paper assignments. This hands-on activity
not only captured their interest but also provided a unique and personalised learning
experience. The use of whiteboards not only helped with formative assessment but also
created a lively classroom atmosphere, encouraging active participation and reinforcing key
concepts in a memorable way.

Classroom Management:

· What were the classroom policies? (Consider seating arrangements, bathroom breaks, roll calls)
● Classroom Policies: Seating arrangements were organised to facilitate student interaction
and minimise distractions using groups of 3 per table. The teacher implemented a fair
bathroom break policy, allowing students to use the facilities during designated times (not in
class before lunch or class after lunch) . One student was allowed to use the bathroom at
one given time.
● Roll calls were conducted efficiently at the beginning of the class, ensuring accurate
attendance records; anyone who was late must report to the teacher upon arrival.
● Behaviour Management: The teacher implemented a unique ‘observation spot strategy’,
stepping out of students' view at the back of the room to discreetly observe independent
work. This approach was used for behaviour correction and to check in on students
individually, promoting a positive and supportive classroom environment.

Presentation of Learning Content/ Effectiveness of Planning:

● The lesson exhibited effective planning, evident in the structured introduction through
whiteboard demonstration and the incorporation of timed activities. The teacher seamlessly
integrated a mini whiteboard activity, aligning with the planned objectives and engaging
students in hands-on learning.
● The teacher effectively reinforced previous algebra concepts with a thorough recap and used
a PowerPoint presentation for clarity. Going a step further, a live demonstration enhanced
understanding, showcasing a well-prepared and adaptable teaching approach that catered
to diverse learning styles.

Assessment and Evaluation of Pupils Work in Class:

● Mini White Boards Activity: The mini whiteboard activity served as a formative assessment
tool, allowing the teacher to gauge individual understanding in real-time. Immediate
feedback was provided, addressing misconceptions promptly. This demonstrated a proactive
approach to ongoing assessment and tailored support.
● The "Red Light, Green Light, Yellow Light" strategy was used at the end of the class, students
were asked to hold up the card they feel represents how they feel they got on during today's
lesson. This evaluation method is like a traffic light for students' understanding. Green
means they're doing well, yellow signals some challenges, and red means they need help. It's
a quick and visual way to show how students are doing, helping them and teachers adjust as
needed for better learning.

Additional Comments:
● Engagement and Participation: The teacher's strategies actively engaged students,
promoting participation and understanding. The combination of visual demonstrations,
timed activities, and mini whiteboard tasks kept the class dynamic and ensured active

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