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REG PARK IN. THIS ISSUE WEIGHT-TRAINING CS MLA aL FOR WOMEN CHAMPIONSHIP RESULTS al Ye Ge. Britai 2/6 S. A 35 Cents U.S.A. Printed in England SEPTEMBER 1957 ‘This compact home eve dumbbelt gute be the choles of destiminet: Ink bodybuilders who want the bens in dem Sewslee ead ih in vary limited gpaee, gulekly ‘converting any room into's private yin, When not in use, the entire SiMe an be conveniently packed fmry inva closet for sorage! Hand Dicked by eg Park, {is precision ade for emooth, lifetime perform: fice Youll never have any extra ‘The, illustration “shows the many ‘hiss the FINEST home gym i terchangedble dumb wu 2 F ® All prices contained in this Magazine are subject to alteration under present conditions The Best Interchangeable Home Gym Your ed © tron, boots Berfetion with the ton boot Sho ‘be used Tor slenderising the hips snd waist” With FREE couse JOHN ISAACS, WHAT YOU GET: © A pair of soid"szel 15° adjustable. dumb- esi South Africa's Best Developed Man and Runner-up 1956 Pro. Mr. Universe Contest Says HE Mr. Universe Home Gym Dumb-bell Outfit is without doubt the ‘most useful set that one could wish for. All the discs also ft. the longer 5 ft. and 6 ft. bars and the completeness of this outfit fs supeeme—— ‘you will enjoy training with it and the FREE COURSES which go Will help you immensely. Tt will last you a life in recommending, it to all weight-trainers. HERE IS Salih Sevoiing, oor tiene, in mould powerll arm che ani ne back muscles, a dy adjustable hend gen. This wll quickly gonvert your thin neck info tne af pases. foitsridng proportions. With FREE Boorse You will bulld your tugs to 0,33 Wallington Read @ West roller, Develop a mithty grip and large orearms. Tes 50 easy ‘ith Ga wrt ler. "With FREE couse Use kettlebell shoulders civing ihasculine Appearance Sd" Be With FREE cours © With this outst you can also use one of th dumbbell rade ving ot, lmpoctant for torso = Leeds 12) Began: Dear Res: ieee Home Gym = eet home (Coromed and Keccied Bary Pic entra, © Collars ate of atest fast! = Fombinations “quietly. “Boots, Asics janis collars" and’ acs area Sich ene ena cy © Quick fiting spanner. Nete-No Sleve with Keurled Bars wh 8° Collars are piven in place of & Ifyou want a copy fhe See Reg Pst Dun Course enclose an “a IMPORTANT ! For overseas orders please write for specific quotations : if PHYSICAL Th Reg ak Jus” hol maging of Oe Reg Park (aybell) Co. Lid. which is an independent and CULTURE yl tet Rea 6 fae Be Se ae eaten ate tes The OFFICIAL JOURNAL of SUR i eae SRITISH AMATEUR WeIoHTcLIFTING ASSOCIATION a MANAGING EDITOR: R. PARK, Sr “THE REG PARK JOURNAL” bial monly Deputy Esltors. Frank Dennis English News South pie esa aL ieee ee yoered Irish News... Robert McShane SUBSCRIPTION RATES: 24/- per_12 issues, Feature Editors .._ Jack Gray I2)- per 6 issues, 2/- per copy. For U.S.A. 83.50, Reub Martin Wels\News., Hubert rhonas, Eee eee Ceara Bill Crewedson Scotts News « Dave Webster lly Rabati Sach ai Boxing Editor...£. R. Treharne South African News...C. Ochley red hal rey of Te ey Park Journal’ English News North Australian News . Doug Johnson Seas Racers aos Seite eines pert Bill Parkinson American News... Bert Elliott Printed by Jolin Blackburn Ld. 232 Cardigan Ra, England. Distibutors: ern Balldingy London’ £4 Subscriptions from all North and South Amerlean physical culturises should be sent to:— Sportshelf. 10 Overiack Terrace, New ‘York, 33, N.Y. State, USA. who have deen appointed sole Snel etea te agenes for subscriptions "The Reg Park Journal for Ne and GRINS, NSIT USIE Ts wets Co America, Subs rate (12 sues) $3.50 (USA). ema A. conracr seatcittine erm Sette om tad toh Coney of the Tolan eablon map soeurely ante fost tren withthe lke en etna ent hand Ton Tian Quality Cabler To Chrome Root Trea Efe, Power Hoss Sag Wsusted asrachan it Seay eke ‘Two analy Ts Make Sir Taiverse Expander Seoreonh \ Only Rag Pak Co, Ld Com Supply This Grea Si? PRICE REG PARK (Barbell) 62/6 co., LTD. complete vosrace 30:32 Wellington Reaa| 12, Enalend| Editor-in-Chief REG PARK Holder of “Mee Britain Mr. Europe" * Me. Universe” (Worid’s Bese Developed Man) Titles. Contents oge Editorial... * ‘Questions and Answers Keeping Fit with the Stars Weight-training for Women How | trained €0 win the Mr. Bricain Title Muscle Work and Development. The 1957 Mr. Belgium Show by Monsieur Carlos Mercenier 16 “by The Editors 18 by John Hyde 20 by Robert T. McShane by Reg Park 8. by Sadie Mcintosh 10 by Henry Downs 12 byE Truscott 14 Musclaneous. ‘Why I Became a Park Pupil 1957 British Olympic W/L. H.C. Franklin-Crate 24 B.A.W.L.A. News by H.C. Franklin-Crate 25 News from Australia by Doug Johnson 26 News from America by Bert Elliott 27 English, Scottish, Irish and Welsh News. 8 News from South Africa........ by Clarence Ochley 32 On our Cover. ‘Leo Robert and sister Rejane. You Can Perform All Types of Exercises Chinning Bar _ Seated Press behind Neck SOLID—ALL STEEL STANDS ‘America’s Best Developed Athlete "™ Editorial The Iron Game and its Progress \ the ealy days of the Iron Game, bartells and dumbbells were the prerogative of the slready sirong and heavily built men, whose staple dict was primarily composed of beer and meat in very large Guantities The barbells of the I9th: century trainer were thick handled, globe ended imple- ments and the only method’of regulating pound: ages was by increasing or dccteauing the amount Of sand or lead shot i the hollow globes. Pro- Bressive style weight-training and’ disc loading Bars were unknown, 2s were the basic principles of nutrition Towards the close of the ~ strong man act became one of the main features in mosic hall varity: which was THE medium of entertainment tthe same period (1896) the introduction ‘of the modern Obmpic Games in Athens saw weight-lifting featured in the limited number of events, with Launceston Elliot of England, winning one ofthe wwe sections and in his home town of Londan, Sandow and Saxon were the greatest of the large number of professional strong men who were appearing on the ‘Music. Halls "Sindow via world. tours, lectures. to. medical and’ military” professions siting books and publishing a magazine had ttemendous influence in’ the. development. of physical culture internationally ‘at that, period. Fn '1901 the frst contest rexembling our physique contests of to-day was held. in the Albert Hall, he winner (W: L. Murray, Scotland) receiving & £500 statuette To the best of our knowledge it was not unit 1903 that « progressive weignt-tramming course was offered to the public, this being printed by Alan Calvert who had just founded the Milo Barbell Company "in Philadelphia. The course - was composed of 10-12. exercises, each of 5 re petions wo be progesively incised 1010 res and performed three alternate days weekly i (Continued on page 34) th Century the WITH THE Mr. UNIVERSE MULTI-PURPOSE DELUXE MODEL SQUAT STANDS ! Bench Press Leg Press REG PARK (Barbell) CO.,LTD © onty Star House” 30-32 Wellington Road £7/0)/Q) Carriage 15 Leeds 12, England. Send Cheque. Cash or Monty Order. Ne €.0.0 HERE IS THE PROOF THESE ARE MY PUPILS JOHN isaacs You want a physique that’s a f picture of growing VITALITY— efEtE, a strength packed power house ? t Then, friend, take a look at this sparkling offer and grab the chance to bring out all the dormant energy in your muscles ? FEEL the awakened vigour that can come surging into a new DENns you with a mighty body built | : aS in the Reg Park manner. ‘eae i See YOUR muscles GROW! And SEE the effect of a MR. UNIVERSE course starting to work wonders on your frame within SEVEN DAYS! ‘This course has already pro: duced winners and finalists of el she Hey UNIVERSE Mr : urope,”” * Mr. Briain "ani TRADE Bs ret be Dersored ren @ Weight Training | cones. What icc do for iy ota easing | cree ra eae 30-32 Wellit Road, Leed: England cae ee FOR ALL ro ose areas fora eee MUSCLE by Pe h k I enclose the sum of £ © BUILDERS Reg REG PARK (Barbell) CO., LTD. PRICE £3 2 pe or if purchased with any (Copyriehe “Me. Univer” Trade Mark) Money Orders and Pevial Orders barbell set Price £2 SUCRE eS ROC Cela Rm Uma) QUESTIONS & ANSWERS By R. T. McSHANE Sec. Journal’s Advice Panel This department is at the service of all readers. Queries relating to any aspect of the“ Iron Game * should be addressed to the Questions and Answers Department, REG PARK JOURNAL, 30-32 Wellington Road. Leeds 12. Master of Sport Nikolai Garbuzoy Is seen coaching the 9th form weight-lifting team in the gym of & Moscow College. There are ‘estimated to be over 300,000 ‘competing Olympic lifters in the ‘Soviet Union within the last month three. of their heavy-weights have exceeded 400 Ib. in the clean and jerk. Parisian Arthur (Plus Bel Athlete d'Europe _ 1955) Robin is at present touring Europe with this unique balancing act title “ TARZAN and PONGO,’ this pic. is their giveaway card, issued at the shows. Q Having been boddsbuilding for wo years 1 have been fortunate to attend the last two Mr. Britain contests and 1 noted that the respective winners, Bill Parkinson and Hene Downs are similar in height and weight. Is this the usual standard. If not could vou enlighten me? Congrats. on a ferrite picture-spread of the Miss and Mr. Britain comest in Jie issue A Aciually there is not supposed to be an type, the best physique as decided by the jud being the winner his and wei ng ach year. We list the post-war winners, his for you! Name Height Weight 1946 Charles Curzon 6 0 207 Jim Elliot or 19 Charles Jarrett S10" 187 Reg Park 6 1 204 Hubert Thomas 6 0 207 Dennis Stallard S11" 20s Mervyne Cotter 5 6)" 165 John Lees 6 1 210 Wally Wright 5 6 168 Bill Parkinson 59 198 Henry Downs 5°10" 200 Many spectators at the next Mr. Universe show will be looking out for the above physique, which has represented England so strongly in previous contests Stan Howlett’s muscularity and harmonious pro- Portions leave little to be desired... note the calf! Stan now has his own act on the professional circuit. Q As you are the only weight-lifting authority from the west te have visited Russia and studied its apparemly outstanding weight-lifting association, 1 would appreciate your opinion fas to the Juure struggels between Russia and America for the world"s team titles A Frankly, my considered opinion is that most hkely the future will see the Russians consolidate and even possibly increase their lead in the world’s championships. Several major factors governing affairs, leave me with this forecast. 1. The U.S.S.R, has possibly as high as ten times the number of competing Olympic lifters as that of the U.S.A. 2. On top of this the present trends seemingly to govern Physical culture in America (a large business, monopoly styled, corporation continues to buy up the couintry's mai gymns, their only interest being in converting them into a profit making concern) cannot be. considered altogsther favourable for encouraging and training Olympic lifting, champions. 3. The apparently strong inclination, par- ticularly among heavyweights (i.e, Hepburn and Anderson) 33) (Continued on p The vivacious exerciser demonstrating the kneeling dumb-bell press is Audrey Windows, 21 year old Physical-culturist from London who has won several beauty competitions. Film Star Jill Day keeps fit at her own gymnasium which she runs in partnership with Rusty Hood in London. KEEPING FIT WITH THE STARS “Vou, my earnest scribe,” said our kind but very energetic Editor, “* get me some gen on how the glamorous film stars get their lovely figures. Then I'll let you tell our readers all about it.” Imagine me, thought 1, running around getting the vital information on how to’ get those vital statistics. Me ! The lover of MASCULINE lumps and bumps. Me! The connoisseur of puissance rather than_pulchritude. However, writers are numerous and the Editor is a big, strong, persuasive guy, so soon I had infiltrated into the ‘movie world with pen poised ready for action. Amongst all, those lovelies it didn't seem such a bad idea after all. I found out that many of the girls used weights and strands so I really felt my journey had been worth while. ‘An amazing number depend on progressive resistance KEEPING FIT with the ~ STARS BY REG PARK JOURNAL'S ROVING REPORTER exercise to keep fit and also keep their figures in shape. The producers and stars are very aware of the fact that the success of actors and actresses is largely dependant on their appearance; and dumb-bells, barbells, expanders, etc., provide a sure way of getting results fast. With equip- ‘ment like this a great deal of work can be crammed into a short space of time. Pictures of Marilyn Monroe using. weights have been shown to me but unfortunately I have been unable to secure any of them for publication, but you can rest assured she has a high opinion of physical culture and her internationally known figure supplies an outstand- ing testimonial. (Eprror’s Nore—See January issue). Tt would be wrong, however, to imply that all the glamour girls of the screen have a barbell or strands lying around theit homes and dressing rooms but it is safe to say that the vast majority practice some form of physical recreation Not only is it essential to keep well and have a good figure, I was told, but getting fit and being fit is fun and here is how some of them go about it Anne Heywood is a keen outdoor type under contract to the Rank Organisation and enjoys taking exercise in Hyde Park whenever the opportunity permits, Even during location she takes her bike along and in recent weeks many a motorist driving warily through the narrow lanes ‘of Cornwall had a sudden pleasant surprise in front of him, ‘when Anne appeared in sporting togs. She has also done lots of weight-training exercises, with dumb-bells mainly, Glasgow's Maureen Swanson has a beautiful figure built by ballet dancing but now she relies on a wide variety of physical activities for retaining her youthful lines. The Petite star has taken up horse riding and you may be lucky enough to see her some day in London's Rotten Row, Fe She is also a badminton enthusiast and brings to the game the grace and spring of a trained dancer. Obviously she ‘enjoys the benefits of superb health and beauty. It’s a far cry from dark haired Maureen's ballet to the rock ‘n roll sessions enjoyed by Barbara Archer, the bright fed blonde who plays the very friendly barmaid in “ Miracle in Soho.” Swing those hips " says Barbara If you want to keep them neat.” Every day in the privacy of her own room she has a half hour work-out which she really enjoys. It's terrific fun so switch on the wireless and get rollin’. Of course there's more to figure fitness than exercise alone, and the girls know this. The necessity to include a healthy diet in their plan of campaign is well recognised and to quote just one example, Belinda Lee is a lover of fresh fruit and good food—her beautiful complexion is due to this no doubt and also her many outdoor activities. ‘She had a great time recently ski-ing with her husband in Scotland. It can be quite tough going in them thar hills for ski tows are few and far between. As anyone at Newtonmore can tell you, Belinda took it all with a smile, yes, even the inevitable tumbles ! ‘Anewcomer with a future, who has had other experiences, with food, is June Laverick. "When filming “It Happened in Rome” June succumbed to Italian cooking and then found it was necessary to lose an inch or two. She got busy (Continued on pags 42) Film Starlette Anne Heywood (Violet Pretty), like sil public entertainers, is auite fanatical about her feness, Anne incidentally, posed for woman's weight. fraining exercives iiluseration® in *"Hevellle" some time ago, Photo by courtesy of J. Arthur Ren Ld Whilst in Leeds recently singer’ Joan Regan asked our editor round to the theatre to give her a few pointers on how to keep in shape wich weight- training. Weight Training for Women... by SADIE McINTOSH (Scotland’s Glamorous Strong Girl) Trost of you who tried out ast month's schedule will now be ready for something just a little bit harder and this schedule I am recommending should do you nicely. If you are just beginning do get the last issue from your newsagent ‘or write to the Editor for @ copy and start right at the bottom rung of the ladder and you will find that in the long run this is better than trying t0 take short cuts. I am sure you will all be enjoying your work-outs and be very eager to get started on anew one, Just before I go.on to describe your new exercises let me give you one or two general hints These are the things which often stump a beginner but yet are easily settled. Most of you will want to know how much weight you should use in the various exercises. I can’t give you a hard and fast rule for this because it varies from person to person, Start very light and as you progress, keep adding a little more weight, not necessarily at every work-out but if an exercise feels very easy then make a mental note to increase the weight at the next work-out ‘After a few weeks practice you should be using a big enough oundage to make it feel hard but not too hard—the last few repetitions should NOT be a great struggle to complete. Asa rule this forcing of poundages should not be for girls. Even although 1 myself have a strength act and compete in all kinds of competitions, when I am training | never grind through my sets and sacrifice good movements for the sake of a few extra pounds on the bar. am often asked why the same exercises are recommended for reducing and also putting on weight too. On the face Of it that might seem a tricky question but really itis simple to explain. To put it in its simplest terms, if you are over-weight then you will have a layer of fat over your muscles; fat and muscles are two entirely different things As you exercise then this fat is converted into energy and * burnt off. If you are under-weight then your job is to increase the size of the muscle fibres and give your whole system a good jolt at the same time, There is no fear of becoming muscular looking as there is a great difference between the physical make up of man and woman, Even very lean women have not the muscular definition of men, owing to a thicker layer of subcutaneous fat WT you have any training problems send them along. 1 am sorry time will not permit me to send you individual feplies but | will do my best to answer them through these columns. If you have any good photographs of yourself then send these along too. 1 am sure the Editor will be very pleased to use them if they are up to standard, P.C. size at least are best. Clear ones with a glossy surface have the best chance of being published. Now’onto our work for the month. Our limbering up exercise this month is simply a con- tinuation of the one we did last month, Bend down and rip the bar just as was done before, hands about 16 ins. apart and knuckles 10 the front. Now instead of lifting the bar to the chest as you straighten up you pull a bit hharder and faster to lift the bar right overhead without stopping at the shoulders. Make sure you bend your Knees at the start and get a good thrust from your legs to send the bar on its way. There should not be any Pause as you turn your hands, it’s one clean movement, Ten repetitions is sufficient for this initial warm up. Next we come’ to a tricky one, the seated press. This is fine for building the shoulders and hiding those bones at the neck which can be quite ugly if very prominent. They must always show to some extent. but not nearly so much 4 the average girl displays. Sit on a bench or chair but make sure it’s quite steady. Hold the bar at your chest and then proceed to press it overhead and lower under control. You will need a little less weight than you used in your press behind neck, performed in your last schedule, but in a week or two you will be amazed 10 see how you re improving. The thing you will have to watch is balance. If you press the bar too far behind you'll find yourself lying down, so keep that point in mind. Do this exercise ‘en times, have a short rest and then do other ten. We refer to this as two sets of ten repetitions. Here is another for the shoulders but it is done very differently. Stand upright with the bar held across the thighs, hands close together and knuckles to the front From here you raise the bar until it is as near your chin as possible. Always keep the elbows high, a no time should they be lower than the- bar, Another thing to avoid is heaving the bar up with a body movement, make the arms and shoulders do the work. Two sets of ten should be done, as before J am very fond of bench pressing, I think it does a lot ‘of good but to give you a bit of a change instead of doing the bench press with a barbell, for this month change to dumb-bells. In this dumb-bell bench press you lie on a bench with a dumb-bell in each hand, the bars at the shoulders in line with each other just as a barbell would be, As you press the dumb-bells you turn the hands 0 ‘make the palms face each other and bring the weights close together so they touch. As you lower; although you must keep them from going too far out, make sure you bring them, down enough to get a good stretch at the chest. This is ‘most important, ‘An exercise for the back, next, a part of the body often subject to injury in women.” We hear lots said about faulty lifting by the housewife and this is largely true but much of the trouble would be avoided if the people concerned were fit and strong. This exercise will strengthen the lower back where many of the injuries occur. The stiff leg dead lift as it is called, is very simple to explain, Place the bar in front of the feet in the usual manner. Keeping the legsstraight, bend and grip the bar with an alternative grasp, one hand facing forward, the other back. (You should reverse the placing half way through the exercise). The back should be rounded instead ‘of being flat as itis in other exer cises where you are lifting a bar ‘ff the floor. To do the Stiff Dead Lift you keep the legs and arms straight and just bring the body erect until you are standing per- fectly upright with the bar in the hhang position across your legs. This is an exercise where you can Use lots of weight. Young girls under 8 st. have done well over 200 Ib. in’ this lift but keep it about 100 Ib, until you gain in strength and confidence. Two sets of ten once again, ‘One last exercise t0 round off the schedule. This one is for the legs. Hold a light dumb-bell in each hand down by your sides. Feet should be a little apart for balance. Now rapidly bend and stretch your legs for 12-15 counts. This variation will leave you puffed but it is great for shaping your 1 That’s all for now. Good lifting to you all Ev. Nore.—Exercises posed for by Sadie MeIntosh, HOW | TRAINED TO WIN THE Mr. BRITAIN TITLE by HENRY DOWNS EE ammmmmemmmeeees D)SceMBER the 11th, 1955, was a date to remember for me, for it was on that day I was placed second in the Mr. Britain contest. I had trained harder for that contest than any up to that time and thought I was in better shape than ever before. Well, as you know, I didn't make the grade, so this year I used a different approach to what I had previously done. Three months before the contest I started to use the split work-out system that is legs, shoulders and back one day and arms and chest the next, getting, in six work-outs every week. The first thing I noticed was my increase in poundage on all my exercises, especially the squat, which I hadn't been able to increase for a long time due to a knee injury. This ache persisted but I trained with just one thought in mind and that was to squat with 450 Ib., which I eventually did. In the course of which I n brought my front squat up to 400 Ib. I used the 5 sets of 5 routine and also worked up to singles. (Eprtor’s Note—This is the progressive power and body-building principle which we advocated). This system brought me a gain of 50 Ib. on the squat in about six weeks so I was well satisfied. For the fellows who are interested I will list my work-out as I performed it prior to the Mr. Britain. Legs Exercist 1. Front Squat, 5 sets of 5, 340— 380 Ib., or Regular Squat, 5 sets of 8 reps., 375 Ib.— 400 Ib. EXERCISE 2. Leg Press, 4 sets 15 reps., 600 Ib. Exenciss 3. Calf Raise seated with barbell across thighs, 8 sets 25 reps., 350 Ib. Shoulders Exercise 4. High Pullup (similar to a high deadlift). 5 sets 6 reps.. 200 Ib.—225 Ib. Exercise 5. Upright Rowing. 170 Ib., 5 sets of 5 reps. EXeRcise 6. Lateral Raise, Bent Arms, 5 sets of 5 pairs, 60 Ib. EXERCISE 7. Single Arm Lateral Raise, 5 sets of § reps.. 60 Ib, Back Rowing on Pulley Machine, & —250 Ib. Good Morning Exercise, Exercise 9, 6-8 reps... straight and bent legged, 200 Ib —280 Ib. sets of Chest Exercise 10. Bench Press. 5 sets 6 reps., 300 Ib. 350 Ib. Exercise 11. Dumb-bell Bench Press 5 sets of 5. 140 Ib. Exercise 12. Bent Arm Lateral Raise, lying, 5 sets of 8 reps., 90 Ib. Exercise 13. Bench Press on Leg Press Machine, 5 sets of 8 reps., 275—300 Ib. Arms Exercise 14. French Press, standing, 5 sets of 8 reps.. 140—180 Ib. |. Front Squat. 2 Leg Press. 5. _Upright Rowing. ¥ Good Morning Exercise 10. “Bench Press. 12. Bent Arm” Lateral Raise. 14. French Press. 16. Barbell Curl. EXERCISE 15. French Press, lying, 5 sets of 8 reps., 145—185 Ib. EXERCISE 16. Close Grip Curl, 5 sets of 8, 150 Ib. EXERCISE 17, Seated Curl, 5 sets of 5 reps., 160 Ib. EXERCISE 18 Cheat Curl, 5 sets of 5 reps., 200 Ib, You may have noticed that 1 haven't listed abdominals, well to tell the truth I didn’t do any and haven't for a few years—because I feel my mid- section gets a good work-out from all the other exercises I perform. | would, on some occasions alter an exercise here and there to add variety, such as the bent arm barbell pullover. Pullover with dumb-bell. Push press, press behind neck, dumb-bell press, parallel bar dips and the concentration curl to mention some of them. That concludes the routine 1 followed—and though I do not profess to be a contender for the title of the “* World’s Strongest Man,” I feel my poundages are quite respectable. My routine is quite a simple one with just regular exercises that you all know, but you may find the split routine as affective as | did. Next month I shall outline a course for beginners so if you or any of your friends are just starting why not try it ae S L WORK AND DEVELOPMENT BY E. TRUSCOTT, M.C.S.P. xe sannet but admire the old time strong men. Sandow ¢ strongly recommend that all serious ‘Saxon, ete., must have had great natural advantages in physique and appearance. They were, of course, charac students of weight-lifting and bod-building ‘sic Mesomorpme physical pes bt even sot amount of read this article which we consider to be of Neth, etftmed im order © reach ie the utmost importance t0 you anil YOUR These old sme spa PROGRESS * lift weights and indulge in routine exercises indiscrimin without any regard to scie Presentation of trophies at the 1987 Mr. and Miss U.S.A. contest, LR. Dick Dubois (Mr. U.S.A), Charlene James (Miss U'S.A.), Millard Williamson (4th), Bob Shealey (Most Muscular Man), Vince Girondor (3rd), Irvin Kos: zewski (5th), ‘Photo’ by Hol Stephens The amazing back development of world bantamweight weight- lifting champion Chuck Vinci has been’ the result of handling progressively heavy poundages on Snatehes and cleans. trophy. After his appearance at the 1957 Mr. U.S.A. show our editor Reg Park has been described as “the world's most muscular mans? His Mr. Universe course outlines the methods he used to attain his phenomenal physique. Photo by Arox Doug Hepburn performing a full squat with 720 Ib. He has per- formed one with 70 Ib. and is no doubt in training to relleve the the promoters of Anderson's show of 15,000. See Muscelaneous, Anderson prepares to “ push press 500 Ib. (see August issue). Talking to him is ex-world middleweight champion Johnny Terpak, now man- ager of the York Barbell Company in America. Anderson now weighs 350 Ib. at a height of § fe. 9 ins. Photo by Hal Stephens THE 1957 M® BELGIUM SHOW BY THE ORGANISER MONSIEUR CARLOS MERCENIER 'N the past all our Mr. Belgium contests have been held. Andre Coel won the “evolutions acrobatiques.” At in night clubs and only two or three hundred people at this stage of the programme James Mathe of Paris, gave his the very most attended them. posing exhibition, This year it was decided to hold the contest at L’Ancienne Reg Park then gave a lifting exhibition and performed a Belgique which is the largest music hall in Brussels and in 270 Ib. press behind neck, 430 Ib. strict bench press and a order to make the show an even greater attraction we ((Contindes! on pape 43) invited your editor to both lift and pose as we, here in Belgium, had never seen him, or at least only in photographs. 1 must admit that as the organiser I was rather worried as to whether or not all the added expense would be worthwhile. Imagine then how pleased I was when on that hot sunny evening on June Ist over 1,000 people ‘were in the theatre long before the show started, The Mr. Belgium contest was won by Louis Bauduin who has a very fine gym in Brussels. Second was Charleroi Andres Coel and third was Pierre Swerts, a pupil of Pierre Vandervondelen, who was last year’s Mr. Belgium, The result of the Junior Mr. Belgium contest was as follows:— Ist Jasse Nis, 2nd Roelandt and 3rd Van Kemshe. On the dais is Louis Bauduin, 1957 Mr. Belgium winner—with the runners-up on either side of him Photo by Arax of Paris Joste Nis the Jnr. Mr. Belgium winner is on the dais—flanked ‘by the. runners-up. Photo by Arax of Paris Judges of the 1957 contest, LR. Mr. Lambette, James Mathe, Mr. Craeye, Marcel Rouet, Jasques Pasquet and Mr. De Moor. Photo by Arax 4. Reg Park made his first ever appearance in Belgium and he was a tremendous success, The crowd really ‘appreciated his exhibition. Photo by Arax the winner of the 1957 Mr. Belgium contest. Photo by Arax ner of the Mr. Europe contest in 1956, gave an exhibition and also acted as a judge of the Mr. Belgium contest. Photo by Arax Just how popular Reg was can be seen by the way the fans flocked round him for his autograph. Photo by Arox As always Reg also gave a lifting exhibition and here he is bench pressing ALL the weight they could get on the bar. Photo by Arax Paul Anderson performing a full squat with 2 safes filled with 15,000 total weight 900 Ib. | Anyone who can emulate this feat [can have the contents of the safes. THE EDITOR The organisers of this contest * Health and Strength" have drawn our attention to the fact that whilst the 1956 Mr. Britain contest was not held until March, 1957, they still wish it to be known as the 1956 Mr. Britain contest and not 1957 as we reported in our June issue. accept our apologies. The 1987 Mr. Britain contest will not be held until early 1958, but in the meantime, the 1957 Mr. Universe contest will be held on Saturday. 19th October at the London, Coliseum. Starting at 1-30 pam Weight-Training for Women. Wonder how many of you noticed that the June issue of the popular woman's magazine “She” ran an article “ Weight-training for Women” by Peter Garrick, We have since received so many enquiries from the fair sex that it is our intention to publish at least one article a month purely for the ladies—bless “em. ATTENTION ALL GYM OWNERS Will all gym owners interested in handling Reg (Continued on page 41) LR. Oscar Heidenstam and Ted White who gy instruct evening weight-training classes at the London Polytechnic. With them is stalwart Derek Clements, who has tremendous potentials which he intends to exploit. Photo by’ Ron Lucas Cheesecake Corner—Vivacious weight-crainer Valda Oliver of Rotherham, who has won a string of beauty contests, married Peter Bates the boxer on 13th July. Henri Stiller of Egypt, who is at resent living in London, hopes to enter the 1957 Amateur Mr. Universe contest, which is to be held on a Sunday early in October, at the London. Coliseum. Steve Reeves and Reg Park met again for the first time in six years at the recent Mr. U'S.A. contest where they both gave Posing displays. Charley Klex ak of Bel retired from P.C. in 1982, is now back in training. He was runner. up to Juan Ferrero at the 1952 Mr. Universe contest. Why I ctw ta athe Tod BY JOHN HYDE s feature which our editor has kindly given me permission to write, is one at enables me to complete a large part of my life's ambition, That ambition ‘others to become strong and healthy. In this article I shall endeavour {0 pass on to you the routine and training principles which I myself have followed for the past eight weeks under the expert guidance of our editor, Rex Park, and from which | have obtained such excellent gains. However, let me start at the beginning. I have often been asked what made me take up weight-training ? The answer is one that you have heard and read about, not once, but scores of times. 1 started simply because I was weak, puny, and tired of being pushed around. When I left school at the age of fourteen I weighed around the seven stone mark, an under-developed weakling if ever there was one, Unfortunately at that time, I had very litle idea as to how I could correct this sorry state of affairs. My first introduction to the iron game came sbout twelve months later when my father, who played in a brass band, perstiaded me to join the junior section. One evening, after rehearsal, a tall, well-built young man walked into the band hall and rolled out from under the table in the corner a set of barbells, The thought of someone handling all those weights immediately interested me, so | sat back to watch the procedure. As soon as the young man stripped down my eyes never left the muscles of his fine physique which seemed 0 ” pop. ‘out “all over. After I had been looking on for about three quarters of an hour he turned to me and asked me if 1 would like to try my hand, 1 said that | SCHEDULE I at x Shoe eee John Hyde has made rapid gains since training on Park Principles—which strongly advocates, If you tooareflounderingin the dark as John was, then train on Reg Park Mr. Uni verse Course. would, and s0 I proceeded to perform my first exercise which, incidentally, was the bench press with a ten pound disc on each end of the bar. For the next twelve months | trained consistently but 1 was disappointed to find that xains were very slow in forthcoming. The following year 1 began to get very disheartened with my slow progress and started to take long lay offs. Then I went through my early training practice of working hard for six months and then resting for six months. All too well, L now realise the valuable time that I wasted in those early training days simply because I did not know the correct methods of training. 1 had nothing and no one to give me that incen- tive and drive which is so essential for any athlete in any sphere of sport if he or she is ever to reach championship form. Summing this situation up, I decided to do something, about it and so I took a trip t0 Leeds to see Reg Park Reg immediately worked out a course for me to follow and so directed me on the correct lines Just the thought of being a Reg Park pupil gave me the sentive I needed. Besides this | had a course which had been properly mapped out for me, together with other aids such as protein food, tonic tablets, etc. For the last two months I have trained very hard under Our editor's guiding influence and my results and gains which I have listed below for you, have certainly surprised even myself, So remember, ail you future * misters” that champions are made, not born, and who knows what your future holds the moment your hands first touch a barbell MEASUREMENTS Before Two noms later Neck ny 8y Biceps sy 7 Chest (normaly 4s 0 Thigh 24 26 Calf Ef 161" Weight 203 Ib, 217 Ib SCHEDULE No. 1 Exercises I performed on Monday, Wednesday and Friday evenings Front Squats (4 sets of 20 reps., weight used 120 Ib Afier 160 Ib. 2. Barbell Pullover on the floor with cushion under the shoulders. This exercise is mainly a breathingexercise ‘The arms may be bent just enough to take the strain from the ligaments, Weight used 50 Ib 3. Heels Raises with partner sat on shoulders and toes on ‘a3 inch block. 6 sets of 25 reps 4. Incline Bench Press with Dumb-bells, 3 sets of 10 eps. Weight used before, 60 lb. After, 75 Ib, 5. Bench Press. with Dumb- bells, 3 sets of 10. reps Weight used before, 60 Ib After, 80 Ib. Chins on the Chinning Bar first set behind neck second set in front of neck. third set behind neck fourth set in front of neck, 4 sets of 10 reps. Weight used, body- weight. 7. Bent Over Rowing with pull up to the Chest, 4 sets of 8 reps. Weight used (Continned on page 42) SCHEDULE 2 Pousare BRITISH ISLES eng Overseas Price for 12 0% net (Gomder) am rege ford maps Baha rr for State) ia 38 suppts (ables) 26 MR. UNIVERSE ENERGY AND TONIC TABLETS CONTAIN :- Ferrous Glnconate "Emental Tor blood formation. Forms the basi of most modern fon Tonics, emihes the Riemogiohin of the blood. Sulphate & Mangan tion of fercous gluconate he assim sin EE gs i me ate wl okie oa cis anointed with carbonate metab Ritotavine (icin 2) ia pert in the formation of red blood nd protein mctabolsm Nectnamide ‘ESsemtal for human nutrition. Kaown asthe ant pelagra actor, 2 MR. UNIVERSE BODY-BUILDING FOOD SUPPLEMENTS HELP YOU TO GAIN MUSCLE AND STRENGTH AND REDUCE FAT Specialy prepared for the Body builder and weight lier who reauires more enerey, eeater surengih and Sige muscles EXTRA FAST! “Me Universe’ Protsn Food i MOST sce ussues are broken down, To rebuild these vou, body mus fenre an adeaine diy amount of pron. Vary few oho tone ‘pa and to fursth the cell wats Musce Buldlng matesal ye eee ‘Mr. Universe" Protein. Food is the result of much cae and study into the body builder's sends." IF you ate underecight Mr” Universe” Protein Food isthe answer to your prayer TE, gee ou good solid ody weight trough bigger'and’ more powerful Muscles. "it wl tho give beer definition tothe muses and inrested energy for sour workout Homever. not only is " Me. Universe Protsin Food vitally necesary for those whose desire sgloeach heap tn 'phonaie Stes and rena shamosonship, bt the whole Tamiya When ereresing with weights or cables, vistors Your body ust feelve Take my advice a Murase Food right a {ur this page, and Jo ‘rors bet batt men, Rethor of ... REG PARK winner of Me, Bealo, Mr. Europe, Arerice’s Serban an: ME Unie’ Wor: Best Developed Mens anys: "Protein ie ores for al body bullets and weight iter, ‘opus ond rebulss munce use broken down ‘Stag “Workcum.” Proven is estentilly for Mr. Universe“ Tonle Tables are specially etary deficiency. Essen Pep sed encigy daring hard tang ‘Cocvinee yourself by taking these tablets to Trade ie, Universe’™ ‘UNIvERse. One TABters ‘Order she "Mr. Universe” Tonle Tablets and ‘tir all'Sour workouts mith Jour ded emer 516 for 1 Bottle of $0 Tablets 10 2 Bowes of $0 Ha 1 Bote of 150 “Approved br the Medical Profession Onder from REG PARK (Barbell) Co., Led. ~ Star Howe 30.32. Wellington Read Weeds Ta, England Mr. Universe SLIMMING TABLETS Excess fat is dangerous. Fat people don't live long. They are not @ good insurance risk. If you are ‘over weight try this herbal compound and recommend it to your friends and relatives who are also over Weight. The Mr. Universe Slimming tablets are an herbal compound for those who wish to reduce harmlessly gaily take one table thee times day after meals, Three weeks supply of these tablers— 6(- post paid. REG PARK (Barbell) Co., Lid. “ Star House,” 30-32 Wellington R Leeds 12, England. MR. UNIVERSE WHEAT GERM OIL CAPSULES sD Mer 1, tin of he Amen srk ae theta Shalt siete aetatts seen ates a Savion Sacra Print he Gurnee te ESSE ns gas ACME Universe, Lo Robert like many othee sp baer” See mart Sealer ty aa that at Sera eee as =e Se cris» yey ln ea a 1 mut uh po foe REG PARK (Barbet) Co, Li ~ shar Hene93 pg Ln 2, VITAMIN A Exseotia for that feeling of being. Maintains «a supple and healthy. skin, PROVIMIN A complete PROTEIN, VITAMIN and MINERAL TABLET Containing : I oe: “ey Order from—REG PARK (Barbell) Co., Lid., “Star House” 30-32 Wellington Road, Leeds 12, England, Dr. Richard You, M.D. team physician to the U.S.A. 1952 and 1956 Olympic teams "recommends all Reg Park food concentrates and says :- Adequate nutrition is most important in modern competitive sports. It is responsible for keeping the body in perfect balance and resistant to any disease which may greatly retard the progress of an athlete. Many potentially Great athletes have never reached their peak because of an inadequate diet. 1, Nutritional studies covering the period from July 1950 to May, 1952, on fifty Hawaiian athletes in the various sports such as swimming, weight- lifting, boxing, and track, revealed an exceedingly high degree of dietary deficiency and unbalance. " Included in this group are such great Hawaiian athletes as Ford Konno, Dick Cleveland, and Evelyn Kawamoto in swit- ming: Rufino Ridella, Aladino Gusman, and Roy Kuboyama (1952 N.C.A.A. 112 Ib. champion) in. boxing; Norman Tamanaha in track, and George ‘Yoshioka, Emerick Ishikawa, Richard Tomita, Richard Tom, John Odo and Edward Bailey in weight-lifting. When first Seen they all showed slight to marked degree of deficiency in one or more types of essential foods, especially in vitamins and minerals. The main reason for these deficiencies was the consumption of large amounts of white rice and white bread with an ine adequate dict of green vegetables, fruits, lean meat, and milk. Each athlete when first seen was given a thorough physical and laboratory examination, including blood count and urine analysis in order to ascertain the presence of any disease or dietary deficiency. Out of this series of fifty athletes, about 90% had vitamin and mineral deficiencies especially in the “ B” complex group, calcium and iron ; 20% were overweight and 20% were underweight. All foci of infection and diseases were first treated and eliminated. The athletes were then placed on a special dietary regime which was supplemented with food elements in which they were deficient. Following the correction of these deficiencies the athletes were maintained on a high protein, vitamin, and mineral diet. A comparison of performances in these athletes before and after treatment was amazing and sensational. All of these athletes showed remarkable improvement on their times and performances. FERROUS PROTEIN SULPHATE (Exsice) EYDROL SATE Corrects iron-deficiency, ‘An artificial digest of protein anemia and enriches the for body-building. blood. Manganese Sulphate Conese: Salta crease hematinic action of the Feft us Sulphate in microcytic anemia, 3 weeks supply 7/6 post paid. 1957 BRITISH OLYMPIC W.-L. CHAMPIONSHIPS CG Ne first part of the British Olympics Championships were held in the Conway Hall, Red Lion Square, London, W.C.1, on 22nd June, when an enthusiastic ~ Fuil House " seemed to thoroughly enjoy a really good show. Already, 1 have received many letters of congratulations from people all over England, who called the show "supreme," " the best post war "and some even went so far as to call it the best ever.” Whilst itis nice to know that people enjoyed it, [am not suffering from any delusion. Plenty of things ‘an be improved upon, and will be, this is only the start, but nevertheless, quite a’ good start, ‘Three championships changed hands, the only champion to retain his ttle being the bantam-weight from Wallasey, Ron Brownbill, "Three British records were broken, all in the heavyweight class Reub Martin and partner (Le Duo Ruvane, Equilibrists) gavea remarkable performance of hand-balancing at its best mlerspersed with som2 clever and very funny clowning By fen nag cd LWA A eee Sa 61-19 2 Ken McDonald, winner of the heavyweight class, with Tony Carroll lightweight winner. All photos by Robert Stanley, 212 Cowley Road, Oxford, Reuben and on top of all this, our own Reg Park not only gave his usual polished exhibition of posing. but also did a spot of lifting. Reg seems to get bigger every time I set hhim, faney sitting behind him at the theatre. I have an idea he must be twins, one man couldn't be so big, however, on with the show. ‘The first item on the programme was the bantam-weight championship and | was glad to see that Frank Cope is once again on the up grade, making over 600 Ib. for the first time for many months. "J. Cannon of ‘Ayr did not lift in his usual form and |-am certain that the night he spent in the train with Tom McKean, Chairman of the S.A.W.L.A. who travelled down with him, was respon- sible for this. Ron Brownbill who, due to ‘reasons. best forgotten did not receive his trophy last year, was determined. that he was going to take it back with him this year. He lifted well and was all square with Frank at the end of the "press. and the match veered in his favour at the third ~ snatch” when he made 190 in fine style and Frank failed with the same poundage. At the second "jerk" Frank drew level and everything depended on the last lift. Ren made his 240 and led by 10 Ib. Frank took 250 which ‘would give him the match on body-weight. He made a gallant iry and failed and Ron retained his title with a grand total of 615 1b. which I think must be a personal record In the lightweight class Ken Ellingham came in in place of Meggenis. ‘This was his first big match and needless to say, he was very nervous and consequently his total was not Up to his usual standard. However, | am sure that we shall hhear more about this boy in the noi too distant future, In the press Tony Carroll established a 10 Ib. lead over cham- pion Ben Helfgott, but in the snatch Ben not only regained this but gained a $ 1b. lead as well. For his first jerk Tony took 260 and made it. Ben took 270 and made it, and that took him 15 Ib. in the lead. Tony jumped 15 Ib. to 275 and (Continued! on page 38) 1. Ken McDonald completing = 285 Ib. press. 2. Tony Carroll pressing 240 Ib. 3. Dennis Hillman pressing 310 Ib. for a new British heavyweight record. B.AW.LA NEWS AND VIEWS by H.C. FRANKLIN-CRATE BRITISH OLYMPIC CHAMPIONSHIPS—Part 2 "HE Second part of the Championships will be staged in King George's Hall, Adeline Place, Great Russell Street London W.C.I, at 4 p.m. on 28th September prise the Feather, Mid-Heavy and Light-Heavy The reigning champions are, great litile Julian Creus, the family man, who has been lifting weights for more years than he cares to’ remember. Last year, he rather unexpected beat M. Meggenis by 10 1b. and worn the vile with a total of 685 Ib. _ Syd Harrington, who a lot of people think was very lucky last year when he beat Mel Barnett by 5 Ib. to win the title with a total of 835 Ib. and the one and only Phil Caira Last year Phil won just as he liked when that great-hearted lifter George Popplewell was putin at the last minute just 10 give Phil a match. George hopelessly outclassed, still kept fying and his first seven lifts were perfect: then he jumped 15 Ib. 10 300 Ib. for his second jerk and failed. It was then that the crowd rose to him and really lex themselves go with the result that George called for another 10 Ib. end made a Perfect third attempt jerk of 310 Ib. This equalled. Phil's Jerk. He only made his second attempt, but tt 1s only fair to say that at the end of the snatch, he was 90 Ib. in front and all interest had gone, and that is the margin he won by total of 850 Ib Park is making a welcome return appearance and can be relied on to give his usual polished performance, He not only pose but do some lifting also and if you want fo see muscles with strength besides bulk, come and hai look at Reg, and then look again, because you just won’ believe it the first time you look, Other items will be added (0 the programme and tickets are 7/6 Front Stalls, 4/- Back Sialls and 5/- Balcony, and can be obtained from Jim Mason, 168 Ragpath Lane, Roseworth, Stockton-on- Tees, Co. Durham. Please enclose a $.A.E, when ordering tickets and make postal orders, etc.. payable to B.A.W.L.A Phil Caira will be presented with the Jones Crane” € at this meeting. This is a new trophy which has been presented by the Jones Crane Co. for the Champion of ‘Champions and Phil is to be the first holder. B George Popplewell will be back from the Inter Friendly Youth Games where, together with Ben Helfgott they represented Great Britain in the weight-lifting champ- Malcolm Hartshorn of Doncaster W L Club. Photo by Pou! Steel, “Russell Chambers,’ 54 Merrion St., Leeds | B. Fenton (270 Ib.) of Darwen, Lancs., who has a 583 squat to his credit, has recently turned his attention to ‘the Olympic lifts. Jonships which were held in the gymnasium of Moscow University on the Lenin Hills from 2nd August to the Sth By the time this gets into print we will know all the Moscow fesults and 1 am hoping that both Phil and Syd will have 900 Ib. totals and Ken McDonald, who will be lifting for Australia, could have the magic 1,000 Ib. up against. his name. Ken's total improves every time he'lifts and he always gives me the impression that he still has quite a bit in hand and the Soviet lifters are just the sort of competition he needs. You will be able to see him breaking records at the second half of the Championships, if you are lucky enough 0 have a B.A.W.L.A. Handbooks, 1987 Edition These handbooks are now on sale, price 2/6 and they can be obtained from your Divisional Secretary. Some London club secretaries have a stock, but if it so happens that your club secretary has not, or you live in the south of England, can obtain them from me by writingto $8 Toronto Road, Leytonstone, London, €.11, and enclosing a postal order value 2/10, which includes 4d, for postage. They are remarkably good value and contain much useful information, aand every weight-ifter should have one of these very useful books. ‘They are going like hot cakes, so why not order yours now ? British Records This isa regular feature of my article which gives me much pleasure to write, and ifever a month comes when I have no British Records to report, 1 shall begin to think that the B.A.W.L.A. is going into the decline that some people think we have been in for months. So keep it up chaps, like 10 be kept busy with records. The latest baich are as follows: 6th June, K. MeDonald, London (17/6) T-H. Clean & Jerk, 385] ib. Heavyweight Record. Referees: O. Siate, P. Coleman and E. Peppiatt 22nd June, D: Hillman, Horsham (20/5) T.H. Clean & Press with Barbell, 3117 Ib. Heavyweight Record, 22nd June, K- MeDonald, London, (17/83) T-H. Clean & Jerk, 3921 Ib. Heavyweight Record 22nd June, K. MeDonald, London (17/81) Olympic Total, 950 Ib. Heavyweight Record. (Continued on page 39 25 va Wi he iting season geting well underway the States are bepinning to hold ther various titles tnd records, both Junior and Senior, are being broken Last month I made mention of 19 year old Mery Power setting new poundages for Junior lightweight on the three igi and tt “Approximately four weeks late, at a body-weight of 1373 he ofially improved on the Preso‘and Snatch with ils of 2014 ‘and 181] respectively. He twice cleaned 240, but failed to jerk it otherwise he would have made new figures 6m this hit and also the total ’Ata special mecting of the Federal Council early this year it was decided that in future. records established. would Count as such only forthe division in which the fer wetphed ‘The States have also changed thet ruling to hep in uniform ity with the Federal rule therefore, at times you will note Certain record poundages for a lighter division, higher than that of a heavier class “The following ar list of National Junior reords broken singe las article 4. Shannos 177} NS.W. Press on back 253 L’heavy G. Tennant 147), LH snatch 107} Light BeKing = 150}. LHe snatch 9S" Middle W. Boyd 1681 "LH snatch 107) L’heavy R.Modra 1794 S.A" TH. snatch “210 R.Modra 1793,” Clean and jerk 270 R. Modra Olympic total 655 M. Power Press 2014 M: Power T.H. snatch 181] A. Shannos Press 267 A’Shannos 2254 TH. snatch 251) Al Shannos 225} P.Martinicich 1813), P. Mi Olympic total 825° LH. snatch 214 Leavy tinicich 181] | Clean and jerk 278, tinicich 1812". Olympic total 690 T. Ross 165 QLD. Deepkneebend 368 Middle DA ee PN SW OO a ‘Australian Senior records: D.Solman 159 N'S.W. Curl 1603 Middle T. Ross 165 Q.L-D. Deepkneebend 368, New South Wales (Siate) Senior records: K.Caple 1324 Clean and jerk 254 Feather M. Berry 1955 Curl 1554 Mtheavy Championships were held on the Ist June at Newcastle which, next to Sydney, is the leading weight-lifting city in New South Wales, 1957 NEWCASTLE CHAMPIONSHIPS Feather .. C. Henderson 126 165 200 24S 610 S. Osborne 129] 180 170 230 580 Light M. Power 1374 200 180 220 600 G. Tennant 146} 160. 155 200. 515 A. Bender 1474 140 160 210 310 S.Harrison 140}. 145.150 180. 475 Middle... Solman 159° 210 210 270 690 C. Wild 1594 180 240 590 B King 1574 150170 460 Light-heavy J. Powell 11h 2s 310 795 J. Shannos 178 180 240 610 Heavy ‘A.Shannos 225} 250 310 825 1987 QUEENSLAND JUNIOR CHAMPIONSHIPS, Lifter Bur. Age Press Snatch C.&J. Total G. Dann Bt 18140 120170430 M.Stumchke 129 15 140-110 retired hurt Kjohnson.. 138 18 165160" 320" 45 N: Fraser 144} 18 120 120160400 T. Ross 165, 20 180180 240600 D. Mansfield’. 159, 20 185 160-230 «S75 A junior is one who has not attained the age of 21 Held in Brisbane on the 1Sth June, these titles did not attract a great number of contestants, " This I believe being ddue to two reasons. Firstly to the great distance that some S would have had to travel 10 compete in the event Secondly, that a total of not less than that of Bronze Medallion (410-460-515-550-575-615-650. in order of body-weight class) ‘would have to be compiled before the winner would be given title and trophy. | was, however, suc cessful in’ having such " rule rescinded a few weeks before the event but some lifters were unable to lake advantage of the change as such was approved about the Same time as the closing date of enities, U have a plan to put before the State Executive for next year's Junior titles which 1 hope will overcome the obstacle of travel ‘and allow for all eligible lifters throughouttheStatetoparticipate. ‘The contest between Ross and Mansfield proved the most ex: ing division and as both these lifters are young and compara- tively ‘new to the sport, they should ina few years time provide strong opposition to the top men in their class Ross, a big lad, will | feel sure develop imo a light-heavy for ext year's titles. Stumehke, although only 15, had a good chance of winning the (Ccatinued on page 42) Buster McShane and Reg Park taking a work-out with Ken McDonald at the Tottenham Court Road, ¥.M.C.A., London where Ken instructs. LU YY | ak anv nO DAYTON BEACH, FLORIDA, 22nd JUNE. Result of the 1957 Mr. Ameriea contest Ron (Spec) Lacy Ist. Tony Sansone 4th Gene Bohaty 2nd Bill Columbick Sth Harry Johnson 3rd Bruce Randall th Lacy also won the Most Muscular Man title Results of the 1957 American W/L Championships 123 Ib. class Fam Panamia—Ist 625 Ib 132 Ib, class = Berger 240230290 760 Ib. 148 Ib. class - Pitman.) 230—230—310 770 1b 165 Ib. class - George 1) 270 350 885 Ib Giller 260. 320 820 Ib Despirito’ 250. 305 805 Ib I81 Ib. class - Kono 310. 365 970 Ib 360 940 Ib. 340 905 Ib. 350 910 Ib. George ': 290. Sheppard 290. 198 Ib. class - Emmrich.. 290. Ash 298-270 390 Ib 225 Ib. class - Schemansky 320290. 990 Ib, Sid erry 290—275 930 Ib Stanczyk_ 305—270—350 925 Ib. Super-heavy class (over 225 Ib.) Ashman 265—308—385 955 tb. Berger missed 290 Ib. C. & J. twice and made it on his final attempt Kono made his best ever snatch and Jim George his best ress. Sheppard, who is at present serving in the U.S. army, seems to have reduced 20 Ib. since he last lifted in the 198 Ib, class in Melbourne, and this reduction and service duties no doubt accounts for his poor total. Emmrich has a bad shoulder but managed to clean 415 Ib. Ronald (Spec _ ea Ronald (Spec). schemansky snow bck nse and wil Be aling up Tanaris near his best ever 1,070 very shortly, ‘Ashman cleaned 410 Ib. twice but missed the jerk Tommy Kono won the outstanding lifter award. EL PASO, 17th—18th MAY 1957 Junior Mr. America ‘contest 1 Jim Dugger, 2 Gail Crick, 3 M. Villegas, 4 John Knight, 5 Sam Griffiths. Most Muscular Man—M. Villegas. 1957 Junior American W/L Championships 12316. R. Hermandez 155160220 535 Ib. J. Alanis, 140—175— 220 535 Ib. 132 1b. H. Yanagi 180200 635 Ib. P. Serrane 185—195—245 825 1D See tc a MBB. G. Crick” < 21S—215—275 705 Ib. yeen com a 38 a fae ess 0-200 685 Press. 690162 (Continued on page 42) A.B.C.—T.V. Adonis Contest Tages ches of ta goa wart at Morecam, tung Vath and 15th where Arnold Dyson judged and the final six to be chosen were: Alan Robinson, Jim McCullock, Frank King, Tony Rothwell, Edmund Howarth and Bll Frank King looked in terrific shape and took a deserved Ist place with yours truly 2nd and Tony Rothwell 3rd. "The second week, June 21st and 22nd the finalists were: ‘Alan Robinson, Stewart Baumgard, Tony Rothwell, Derek Gibbons, Les Clarke and Bill Parkinson. Popular Derek Clements who is now a N.A.B.B.A. Jjudge, came to this decision:—_ Ist Bill Parkinson, 2nd Tony Rothwell, 3rd Stewart Baumgard. "The third week. June 28th and 29th, saw six men appearing, ‘on the screen and from them the judge, Arnold Dyson, ‘Ghose Paul Wynier as No. |, Tony Rothweil No. 2, and Jim MeCullock No. 3. ‘Came along the fourth week, July Sth and 6th and the boys were still bang a it, once again the judge Reg Park had to make a very hard decision and the lucky six were Ron Stockfis, Alan Robinson, Stuart Baumgard, Tony Rothwell, John Lees and Leonard Sell. Ist, 2nd and 3rd respectively were John Lees, Leonard Sell and Tony Rothwell “The six finalists in heat five held in Scarborough, 12th and 13th July were:— Leonard Sell, Stuart Baumgard, Ernie Martinson, John Hyde, Ron Oakiey and Ged Napier. with the first three names taking first second and third respectively ‘Whilst in Morecambe | had the great pleasure of staying ‘with my old pal Bill (Haggis) Paterson, Bill, who has a wonderful personality has Won many contests in the past and even though he hasn't trained for the past twelve ‘months is still in great shape. Contenders for the title of Adonis of the North, sponsored by A.B.C. Television, who appeared on television at Morecambe on June 15th, lift with ease the car which is one of the prizes in the competition. Photo by J. Ashworth, 3 Rossall Road, Lancaster. RE: oF Before I left he said he'd have a little go again—I'll hold ‘you to that Bill—get Jack at it 100 ! ‘One never visits a physique show in Morecambe without, bumping into Dennis Kellett and sure enough yours truly did just that, 1 also visited Dennis's gym which is one of the ‘cleanest and airiest I have ever seen. It incorporates the following facilities:— sun lamps, leg press | machine, carpeted floor, lat machine, incline and flat benches, squat facks, made up bars and dumb-bells, loose weight is on racks'and indexed, washing facilities. Even though the weather was very hot the boys came in to train. Most of the members ate under 21. years of age The club has won the " Junior Mr. Morecambe ™ contest 1984, °55, '56, "$7, Gordon Wyer held the title ‘$4, °S$ and Gino Vescov! "56,51. Dennis Kellett is a_very_enthusiastic organiser ably assisted by 15 year old Ken Gardener, the club runs 2 big shows a year Aso: Benn curs an inter-club six monthly Junior and Senior physique and strength championships the. winners this year were Stan Roberts and Ken Gardener (Strength) and John Bolton’ and Ken Gardener (Physique) Ken Gardener, the Junior champ. is only 15 years of age. ‘Ken also won the Junior "Mr. Lancaster 1957," and last year at the age of 14 years placed 3rd in the “ Junior Mr. Northern England.” He also won the Morecambe P.C.C. Clubsman of the Year 197" trophy which is awarded alter taking into consideration, regular attendance, Physical progress, strength progress, etc. Runners-up were Stan Roberts and Barry Clow and they are being presented with Reg Park Track Suits. Dennis Kellett welcomes all holiday makers and | feet sure when you see the lay out of the gym you will forget your holiday lay-off and go bang at it in a big way. Dennis ‘ill also take photos of any visitors with reasonably pleasing Phiysiques (no need to be a title-holder) and give them a Copy free of charge what more could one want ? ‘Anyone interested should write to Dennis Kellett. 18 Nicholson Crescent, “of Beaufort Road, Morecambe, Lanes.. of eall at the Morecambe P.C. Clubs. ‘Woad and Brooks buildings, Maple Avenue, off Balmoral Road, Morecambe. How to Bild up Your Legs Received an interesting lever from Howard Picket of Coventry he relates alittle experience he had saying SAVEI Bill ast week | sae fone of the most marvel fous pair of legs have ver seen, {at this point | thought. Marilyn. Monroe had visited the Midlands!) Howard continues: | fad been for @ walk and wis taking a shortcut over the building site when Saw a young chap ina pair of old khaki shorts slide down an aluminium lad- {lerwalk over to pile of Toot tiles, toss @ pile Of them in hea, atch he On 2 big pad on his hea and. then RUN up. the ladder.” | stood watching him for nearly 30 minutes Before he took a breather. Tried to get_him_ (0 tonverse, but your. man asm English and his ooent_ was. 30 thick, you Gould have cut it with a Keife on top of this he was most bad tempered, $0.1 five up, but his foreman fold me that he's doing this all day every day xcept Sunday and judging fy the huge size. and Gefinition of his thighs Blackpool heat winners of the A.B.C. TLV. Adonis and beauty contest, John Lees and Julie Bowman, who now go through to the final on September 7eh Photo by courtesy of AB.C-—T.V. calf and neck he musi have been doing it for a Tong time ' 1 print Howard’s letter as it may help some fanatic who thinks his legs are not in Keeping with his upper body. May'l add as a footnote * Don't be 100 mad with this fellow Howard, if L had t0 Tun up and doven ladders with anything on top of my head Pd be ina perfectly vile temper! ‘What a relief atten break ! To sueceed on this course you must be born with a flat head ? if all readers who wish to go on this course will write me { may be able to solve the housing shortage “june. the Sth saw the * Mr. Erewash alley "contest in which Ernie Coates piped Harry Henry" for the tile, Don ‘Akers placed third Ernie tells me the Nottingham G.P.0. have started a body-building club and he is inchar Finalised now is the big Nottingham show for the Regent Hall on September idih. "Date has been carved about several times wing {0 the“ elevnion cons Competitions —but it definitely goes on now ‘om the evening othe Ith, "Topping the bil, the only single star to guarantee’ "full house "REG PARK Freestyle wrestling makes its frst debut at this annual. show featuring’ the eve popular, fres-lance, freestyle British Champion wrestler, Jack Taylor of Accring- ‘on who fs the Sports Offer at the Morris Combine, Loughborough versus Jon Lay. out, the’ excCumberland and. Westmore land gripster who is currently wrestling Professional freestyle. , Also on the bill fs Bon Dorans, Harold Cope and a host of others... Organiser Wally. Wright, St oan Avenue, Heanor, Derby. The Saturday following. supporters will move over 0 the Gorn” Exchange, “Loughborough forthe afternoon's lavish Health, Strength and Beauty Show. and again the fabulous Reg Park tops the bill, with a physical excellence contest for Mr, and Miss Central England. Starspangled programme in- cludes the Great Mavello (Perey Hunt) of Port Talbot: the 2 Supermen (balancers) Edgar Jankovskis (Polish -body-bulder) ational” Wrestling. Ivan Nuthall * Count" Eley (tal), ete Commencing. at 3.15. pam. which fives supporters from any distance a chance to" get home "event is in the hands of Jack Taylor, co Morris Cranes, Lough borough 29th July, Sedgley ALL MIDLANDS STRENGTH CHAMPIONSHIPS, by R. Whitehouse 9 st. Class Cabra. OS P. Baker no Bs F. Lakey Jos 300 10 st. Class CC, Rowles 12s 350 J. Parry 130 260 11 st. Class L. Vaughan 135 315 N. Walters 120 385 B Bagley | 1s 200 S. ONeill 130 310 G. Nicklin 120 300 Tor 645 610 700 620 690 590, 685 67: 635 War War, Wor. 2nd 3rd L. Pugh P. Turner 12 st. Class R T. Holmes P. Young 13 st. Class K. Pickering LU. Cupola 14 st. Class E. Flavell D. Moule H. Cashmore Heavyweight M. Tolley L. Upton ee 205 350 360 360 360 380 385 380 20 320 655 665 70 145 690 880 815 835 825 880 803 War Wor. Wax Talking Point... That big-bod Arnold Dyson is afer Harold Cope’s nail breaking title, Arnold can do themtin 9 seconds now and is shortly to ‘accept the open challenue, We want 10 be there when this big do comes off . Before closing don’t forget the great Sunfis Health Show including Reg Park, Bill Parkinson, Henry Downs, Paul Wynter, John Lees, Judo. Gymnastics. Marcelle’ Trio. © Mr., Miss and Junior Mr. England contests in Manchester, Noveinber 3th, 1957, "Tickets, entry forms and show details from:— 1. PARKINSON (Mr. Bi ‘9 Mostyn Avenue, Fallowfield, Manchester 14 S the East End of London is one of the oldest clubs that Promotes sporting activities. It is the Mile End Club. ‘and moving with the times, it has a very active weight: training and weight-lifting section, Like all clubs it has its handful of star performers. One of these is 23 year old Len Davies, Len has had a certain amount of athletic prowess, since being a schoolboy. But he has only joind the ranks of evght-ting this past 3 years, en is one of those rare individuals who possesses quite astounding muscularity. This muscularity which is part of fain 1955), Bs John McCutcheon of Airdrie, runner-up in the Mr. Lanarkshire contest. a well balanced and powerful physique, has won him hnotice in several vecent shows in this $.E. Area. He still lacks a little size and body-weight but these requirements are only 2 matter of time. In contests he always places in the first five, and those above him are our recognised best Len’s measurements at present consist of 45) chest.16 arms, 24 thighs and 16{ calves. His calves incidentally are So outstanding they appear (o start near the top of his leg and disappear underneath his heel : Bur joking apart Len constitutes a formidable threat in many forthcoming major physique contests. Also at the club is an 18 years old boy who certainly commands attention. He is Alf Barnard, who at 18 years of age is building himself a mighty impressive frame It is hard to picture an 18 year old at 5 ft. 11 ins., weighing 190 Ib., with 46 inch chest and 26 inch thighs. He handles. 380 squats with ease and has pressed, on more than one ‘occasion, 220. So both. the weight-lifting and weight- training Sections of the Mile End Club are proud of him. He works with great drive and if his enthusiasm grows with him he can with all possibility, be one of our super: power men. Icis interesting to note that when Northern body-builder Derek Clements paid 2 recent visit to the club both Len and Af were anxious to get first hand information about Reg Park methods which Derek was in a position to give. Using Reg’s methods, especially in power training, Len hopes to make his mark at the forthcoming S.E. Britain coniest, and Alf hopes 10 notch up Hctories in the strength se News of interest. for body-builders ing in the Watford Area: ‘The Grimek Club, run by Bob Wyatt 4 The Garth Abbots Langley, Watford. Herts. Weight-training, Monday. Wed. nesday, Friday. Hours 7-10 (Bob tells me the boy's train later if they wish), Sunday, Monday. 112-30. Equipment. available: Permanent bench with stands for bench pressing Squat stands, abdominal boards. aif machine, pairs of dumb-bells up to 70.1. Phis 2.000 Ib, of weight, anyone wishing 10 join contact Bob at above address. Hexny Downs, $3 Drummond Road. Bermondsey, London. S.E.10. ‘VENT of the month appears to be the Mr Lanarkshire. show at Rother in Town Hall. This has been the Nenue of this show for the last three yeit's and on each occasion there has teen a different. organiser. Body- builders in Lanarkshire are keen to make the event an annual one and it Tooks as if this is going to happen There were new title holders elected in both the Mr. and Miss Lanarkshire competitions. The 1wo young stars have been mentioned in. these columns before and it looks as if they will xo places in the P.C. world. The men’s Contest was a good one and it was en ‘couraging to see so many new physiques Of a really high standard. Bill Johnstone was the winner and John McCutcheon} Of Airdrie the runner-up. The latter Would take a lot of beating if he had} another 10 1b. or so body-weight and Could still retain his excellent definition His back poses are particularly impres sive. Tam still ipping Bill Johnstone is the next Junior Mr. Britain. He has} the height. the size and the shape to de itvand 1s exceedingly strong for one se young "The probable contestants for the Miss Lanarkshire hal been affected by a. heat wave for regular contestants | sere Suffering from sun burn! Howexer. in Agnes Boyd. the new Miss Lanatkshirc. we have 4 worthy champion who (rains| hard and continues 10. improve with every appearance. been Recently Agnes hits making # big splash in the news- papers. in more ways than one, Our pretty figure contestant has been having Bigorat water skicing and of course the press men. ignored the experts and Rosused their attention and their cameras Om Agnes. The result was that at Teast half & dozen national papers featured her. even a staid business man's paper put her on the cover, Nice going ‘atthe Mr. Lanarkshite: show there vias a team physique contest between Timmy Wintons, Paisley Club and The potion. Club of Rutherglen. The former won. They were represented by Timmy Winton, Maxie ‘Bryce and lex Whelan. For Rutherglen we had Jimmy Moir. Bill Johnstone and Bill Parker. Talking of Winton brings fench pressing to mind, How many reps ean you do with 200 Ib? In an impromptu contest without any special trauning Jimmy Ghd 22 reps. and frankly if he had been pushed. very horde might "have done more Runner-up tas Bill Connell re husky Who fs 8 reat supporter of Seouish shows “mm Moir has turned from bod- building to weight-lifting and recorded x 635 be total cn the, Olympics beating W. Murray a newcomer with definite powsibiites. “hn this, his fist contest Fe pulled oi a round 600 18 toa. Bill Fotinsione and ill Montague totalled 405 in another contest but Monty wot ther verdict through lighter hody weigh Chris Maitland of Castiemih is o7€ of those “have a uo" merchants. Be Sill try anything. ang, everything. He indulges in the All Rounder contests Om weights and vith strands, he balances tind does agllties he enters. physue Contests and docs the Olympics and the Sirength set too "In egemt months Ne fas been, competing in some high Standard 'S/P competnions. His: most fecent opponent. was Sy@ Harvey, and the experience gnined recently stood him in goon stead, for he managed (0 win #9 convincing style. Now he has match fined up with Gavin Pearson and hopes to continue this winning run Gavin «Contin om pace 36) Terry Pelan, weighing 160 Ib. at 5 fe. Ginss, is totaling 70 Ib. via 200, 200, 270 on the Olympics. New Additions to the MUSCLEMAN LIBRARY PHYSIOLOGY OF MUSCULAR ‘AeTiviTY. tebe, ¥ Keparch, MIE. MD, Sang OSA Dr. Karpovich it one of the world's mast Rrowiadgeabie on men the subject ot murcular iviys ving tented thowpands of eats ing Champers A’ book every sadent of Physic clture should haves Pree ij- (1 Powage) SCIENTIFIC WEIGHTLIFTING EXERCISES DESIGNED FOR TRACK "AND FIELD EVENTS 2 Otis Chandler (USA) “This booklet be compiled by man who has Teued irom acive sles man who we ‘neat che world’s leadng shot putters with & ed ne He cook up rove hi shot pute and did a ied i he ear wSselar ie cae Soe of the American weighene char Erte i tt a re io Seach and 390 To, clean and erb 16 ihe salle "he vanes weighe fing "efor ‘binions the 1948 Olympic Games overseas ‘deed encourage bythe coarhar Ein then the. conchingcomicee of the AXA hive made experimencs to nvets the hive of weigheersinfng for sthites during sumone’ sesons. The very ct Rese puny Soon | Price 67" Ponape 6. | WEIGHT-TRAINING FOR ‘SPORT AND FITNESS By Miche Flin This book outings waigheeraning routines and exercier which wif bona a8 berfarmance in hs ‘own specie spore Shatner be running yeh, football, box Tnrortennss (esas fides oaighecrining {GE Sromen and ‘children, and for che, busy By sty Sli Cour trom fancing Ti te Boo Reta (Rusey and Margarec” Watch out ot them SP ye ioeal Theatre), Price §7 rao REG PARK (Barbell) CO., LTD. 2 REG PARK SPECIALISATION | BOOKLETS For hose, wie | x Beit'Speciattation. Add 10 pounds or more] Of Bosh weight fr 30 Sass. a Ler Speca Rogpedness is seated io {he ea Lean te try bene raven Call Special” oe fo your cai Fcefaesthich hides Gee nat the part of peal man shoulders fon Lon Neck Special sation, De welop acok ‘ar eck BinHe 5/- each or all 10 booklets for 40/- Ree Park Bartell) Co. La. 302 Welliegion Re Eneinad Dear Friend Res Park Pant wo begin fxinng the modern Me. Univers teny at opse” “Please send me” the following JSounss eich I have Tmarked’ off! 1 encos| és Tn ful payment. 11 under nor al ea ed a ‘each. (] Arm G) Chest ( Back O Bulk] @ fee Ocal Cy Detiion Shoulder B Was Neo isd ts thar Address, iy) Please Print Plainly. No C.O.D. Order cepted NEWS ai) Mao i-yl< ae) Eddie Gaffney, South African Featherweight ‘Champion. Tits, bass, ten some outstanding lifting performances during the past month, particularly by the three leading. South ‘African Middleweights, Hennie san Staden, 1954-1955 South African. SOUTH AFRICA oy Middleweight Champ- ion registered a fine 800 1. tial ata body ‘weight of 170 ib, Later At the Northern Trans- Saal Championships,he Totalled 790 4s Middleweight. In his last performance, Yannie ‘Gree, present South African Middie- 1 Champion and Olympic Games repre- Sentative, registered a {otal of 780" Ib. and showed ne was fas Approaching the form which gained him selection for the 1956 Olymples. The third middleweight, Roulph van der Berg lifting at « body- weight of 171] Ib, registered a total of 300" Ib, Tor the first time in his carer The above three lifters. are likely 10 meet for the frst time this year at the Inier-Provincial knock-out competition being held in. Johannesburg on 27th July. 1957, "between Northern and Southern Transvaal. Hennie van Staden “certain starter for Northern Trans- vail, and. Southern Transvaal seem ‘ertdin to include both Jannie Greeff and Roulph van der Berg. Main interest will “naturally ‘centre on the team Contest, but ie will be interesting t0 see how the three lifters fare in this clash. ‘This match between the two Transvaal sides is an important one, for the win- Ting province yo forward 10 the final inst the. winners of the ‘Natal Exstern Province match. The. later match will take place at Port Elizabeth On a date sil 10 be fixed Both the Southern Transvual—North- ern Transvaal, and Eastern Province Natal fintures are likely to be closely contested. The latier two teams. ate Nery closcly matched, and i is dificult {0 predict the result,” Southern Trans- ‘adi should hold 100 many guns TOF their Northern neighbours, but North ers are good “enough to” "spring. a surprise Physique contests are being held in conjunction “with the. above, inte provincial lifting matches, ch Province being represented by one body-builder over’ fu Tine.-and one under $1.7 ins “The 1957 Grading list is. beginning to take shape, and although a fet of our Teading ifters have as yet not registered offical totals this year, the Grading list au this stage fof & Teasonably high fandards—~ Paperweight Bur PS. dt. To. Owen Ochley 891 8S 95 130 10 D.Cilliers 99} 85 85 120 290 G Holshausen 96 «80-85 11S 280 Flyw JGouws 112 110 110. 145. 365 2 Heigers 112 N. Cornelius 12 los 85 130. 325 Featherweight Baird 128 185 190 240 615 H. Allen 130) 165 170 220 $55 | Humble 129° 185 150 200 $35 Lightweight Code Brogtio 147 225 190 270. 685 H Fraser 1481 210 200 260 670 H Webber 148 200 195 250. 655 Middleweight Hi. van Staden 16s) — — — 190 J.Greeff 163} 245 235 300. 780 2: van Rensburg. 159 230 210 285 725 Light-heavyweight Hovan Staden 170 240 245 315 800 R. ved. Berg 171) 270 220 310 800 A Botha 180 255 220 285.755 Mid-heavyweight D. de Paiva 1974 260 260 340 860 L. Greeff 198} 280 250 330 860 PiKestell 184° 300 230 310 785 Heavyweight Brac Pare 99, 258 260 335 850 L.Greef 201} 270 240 310 $20 L.Trope 2094 280 230 290 800 Several leading lifters including Ree Gaffley, Eddie Gaffney, Geoff Shorten and Bernard Sinclar have a8 yet not jstered totals this year” Lifters who have put up good performances although they Go not appear in the Grading list ae Japie Nel who ata few pounds over rvveght limit has totalled 700, and J-1. Tolmay,als0 a few pounds over the lightweight registered the good foal of 680 Ib. From ie above grading list we can expect keen competition at this years Niional Championships to the ight weight, Middle-weight. Light-heavy- Sreight’ and. Midcheayyweight-divisions “The Southern “Transvaal. Champion: ships and. Physique Competition takes place atthe Selborne Hal, Johannesbur fn 6th August, 1987. "Here too we can expect. heen. contests in the same {divisions mentioned above Questions and Answers (Continued from page 7) to turn professional. 4, The line-up of top world lifters sees the USSR. with stronger reserves to draw on: Over Ib, US.USS.R Bantamweights 700-13 Featherweights 740 1S Lightweights g00 0 § Middieweights"| 8602 5 Light-heavyweights 900 2 4 Mid-heavyweight 950 2 4 Heavyweight; 1,000 2 3 1s Arthur Robin SB taining, if 0 will hebe competing in the next Mr. Universe? A Arthur's physique continues to_im- prove and must now rate as one of the Ereatest in this part of the world, having, that rare continental finesee obtained 10 such a degree by only two others Ferrero and Drappe. Arthur has pro- bably" the. most outstanding hand- balancing. act in Europe--See photo. sraph ° What lady is capable of lifting the mei nthe Otome ts bs We could not give an answer that we fea! ‘would ‘be definitly corect 3s ‘Seal Ammencay and’ Canadian ar doing around 125 press 135 snatch and’ T60 lean and jet" However you may be interested {0 know that a Mist Ii Russell who was ace in London 28 years ago presed 150 lp. and lean and jerked 135 Te whist weighing 3 9 1 am having ttle digestive wouble ‘and would appreciate some pointers on hhow 10 eaxe this? " A Try the following—1. Take the juice of an orange before your meals. 2. Chew your food adequately before swallowing. 3. Finish off with a char- ‘coal biscuit and milk. 4. Relax com- pletely for 15—30 minutes afler your Si tw a rn Sian Howlett? — A Born on the Ist November, 1927, Stan has been interested in physical culture for as far back as he can re- member. ACS {l. 7ins., weighing 12 st. 8 Ib,, his measurements are as follows, eck’ 17, chest 48, waist 30, arm 17, wrist 7}, thigh 244, calf 163,’ ankle 94 He has squatted with 400 Ib. and bench pressed 300 for reps. his favourite feat being a wrestlers ‘bridge with 230 Ib. He fs at present still touring the halls with his acrobatic act N Incline dumb-bell curls in sets, of 10 fepetitions, decreasing the dumb-bells 10 Ib. per set with litle rest between each 1 recently read in a P.Cemagazine that some of us are not suited 10 squats and should avoid them, Personally 1 don’t think am as when rising 1 feel a little sick, Whai is your opinion om this? A ‘Squats are an asset ‘Or nuisance, depending, (On whether your legs ‘Are straightened or bending. Seriously—we believe them 10 be indispensable for body-building gains. Unfortunately business commitments leave me litle time for training at this time of the year and I'm sure many find themselves in a similar position at times. Could you outline a brief schedule of fealning hich il ‘ill Keep one quite REG PARK “ Mr. Universe” ‘SWIM and POSING TRUNKS Look, ie iunks which have been ase {0 StS all body -huliders-” Suita for Bowe. Seimuning and workout MR. UNIVERSE EXPANDERS THE WORLD'S FINEST ! rhe, Me. Univere Expanders are the strongest ihe wordt cibest ‘quality ive usher “strands “et Heatures nga si ana! gre and smooth working snap looks Tor] fistsstrand changing: Thete ate no finer ses svasabie st ny Bec £ Icompact and nciclss. Can be tahen ans Sehere and’ ‘use any place, A, complet. course lof inscuston ncioded Tree with each cuit. '$ Strand Expander Our = 418.010 10 Strand Expander Outht = i002 Single Rabecr Strande ss 4b or in {Stand Expander Quis £1108 3 ta tel [0 Strand Expander Outpt “G00 see ge Stee Stra Poa at se emt

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