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Volume 9, Issue 1, January – 2024 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology

ISSN No:-2456-2165

Advancing Boundless Quality of Instruction through

Transformational Creativity: A Review of Literature on
Instructor Creativity and Effectiveness
Dr. Reynaldo Maranan Jr. Dr. Mayling Ilagan - Capuno
Principal, Abqaiq Industrial Training Center, Dean, CITEC University of Batangas,
Saudi Aramco, KSA Philippines

Abstract:- Instructor creativity is a pivotal element in the Furthermore, instructor creativity is intricately linked to the
educational landscape, influencing the dynamics of the cultivation of 21st-century skills essential for success in a rapidly
classroom and shaping the learning experiences of learners. evolving global landscape. By integrating technology,
This article aims to define Instructor creativity and explore multimedia resources, and interdisciplinary approaches into their
its profound effects on the process of learning. By teaching, creative instructors equip learners with the digital
highlighting the multifaceted nature of Instructor creativity literacy, adaptability, and problem-solving abilities necessary to
and its impact on trainee engagement, academic thrive in a complex, interconnected world. Through creative
achievement, and overall development, this work seeks to teaching practices, learners develop a disposition towards
underscore the critical role of creative teaching in fostering a innovation, adaptability, and resilience, positioning them to
vibrant, innovative, and effective learning environment. become active contributors to society and agents of positive
Moreover, the influence of instructor creativity extends to
Instructor creativity can be understood as the ability of the social and emotional dimensions of learning. Creative
educators to think, plan, and execute instructional strategies in instructors foster trusting and supportive relationships with their
imaginative, innovative, and original ways. It transcends the learners, nurturing a sense of belonging and psychological safety
traditional notion of creativity as solely artistic expression, within the classroom. This, in turn, contributes to the overall
encompassing a broad spectrum of inventive teaching practices, well-being and socio-emotional development of learners, laying
curriculum design, and instructional approaches. Creative the groundwork for a positive school culture that celebrates
instructors demonstrate a willingness to take risks, experiment diversity, empathy, and creativity.
with new ideas, and tailor their methods to cater to diverse
learning styles and needs. They infuse their lessons with Indeed, instructor creativity serves as a catalyst for
elements of novelty, inquiry, and problem-solving, promoting a transformative learning, shaping the educational landscape and
climate of intellectual curiosity and inquisitiveness. Moreover, guiding learners towards intellectual growth, personal
instructor creativity extends beyond the classroom, development, and future success. By embracing their creative
encompassing the capacity to inspire, motivate, and empower potential, instructors hold the power to unlock the untapped
learners to explore their own creative potentials and embrace talents and aspirations of their learners, creating a legacy of
lifelong learning. innovation, inspiration, and lifelong learning. As the educational
paradigm continues to evolve, the imperative of nurturing and
The impact of instructor creativity on learning is far- celebrating instructor creativity becomes increasingly evident,
reaching and transformative. Creative instructors have the ability ushering in an era of dynamic, impactful, and human-centered
to engage learners in meaningful and immersive learning education.
experiences. By introducing innovative teaching methods such
as project-based learning, collaborative activities, and real-world II. REVIEW OF RESEARCH LITERATURE
applications, they create opportunities for learners to actively
participate in the construction of knowledge, fostering deeper In the realm of training and education, the importance of
conceptual understanding and critical thinking skills. Moreover, instructor creativity in promoting effective teaching practices has
creative teaching promotes an inclusive and empowering garnered significant attention. The aim of this review is to
classroom environment, where learners feel valued, motivated, examine the existing literature and studies on the relationship
and encouraged to express their ideas and perspectives without between instructor creativity and teaching effectiveness. By
fear of judgment. As a result, learners are more likely to develop exploring various perspectives, methodologies, and findings
a sense of ownership over their learning, leading to increased from a range of sources, this review seeks to contribute to the
intrinsic motivation and academic persistence. understanding of this important area of research.

IJISRT24JAN110 134

Volume 9, Issue 1, January – 2024 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
To conduct this review, a comprehensive search of relevant III. CONCLUSION
literature and studies was performed using academic databases
and online platforms. The keywords used for the search included This review highlights the empirical evidence supporting
"instructor creativity," "teaching effectiveness," and "creative the positive relationship between instructor creativity and
teaching." Both qualitative and quantitative studies from the past teaching effectiveness. Creative instructors possess a unique set
10 years were selected for analysis and synthesis. of attributes that enable them to adapt their teaching methods,
engage learners, promote positive relationships, and nurture
Instructor creativity as a determinant of teaching creativity. The findings of this review emphasize the need to
effectiveness has been explored from different angles. Several acknowledge and promote instructor creativity by providing
studies have highlighted that creative instructors possess certain training, resources, and support. It is suggested that future
characteristics, such as openness to new ideas, flexibility, and the research focuses on exploring effective strategies to enhance
ability to think critically. These traits enable instructors to adapt instructor creativity and investigating the long-term impact of
their teaching methods to suit diverse learners' needs, creating creative teaching practices on trainee development and
engaging and dynamic classroom environments. achievement. Overall, improving instructor creativity in
classrooms can lead to more meaningful and effective training
Furthermore, a positive correlation has been found between experiences.
instructor creativity and student outcomes. For example, a study
by Amabile (2016) found that students of creative instructors RECOMMENDATIONS
demonstrated increased motivation, higher academic
achievement, and improved problem-solving skills. Similarly, a Based on the findings stated above, the following
study by Runco (2018) revealed that creative teaching practices recommendations are forwarded.
positively impacted students' creative thinking abilities.
 Promote Professional Development Programs. The design
Moreover, research has shown that creative teaching and implementation of professional development initiatives
practices foster positive relationships between instructors and centered on fostering instructor creativity should be
learners. By incorporating innovative approaches into their prioritized. These programs should provide instructors with
lessons, creative instructors create a positive classroom climate, opportunities to explore innovative teaching strategies,
enhancing student engagement, and promoting effective collaborate with peers, and cultivate a growth mindset
communication. This positive instructor-student relationship has towards creativity in instruction. By investing in ongoing
been found to be crucial for effective learning experiences professional development, learning institutions can
(Brophy, 2017). empower instructors to integrate creative approaches into
their instructional practices, ultimately enhancing the quality
In addition, recent literature suggests that creative of instruction and learning outcomes.
instructors play a pivotal role in cultivating creativity in their
students. According to Beghetto (2019), when instructors exhibit  Cultivate a Culture of Collaboration. Establishing
creative behaviors, students are more likely to model these collaborative platforms and networks that facilitate idea-
behaviors and develop their own creative thinking skills. This sharing and interdisciplinary collaboration among instructors
finding underscores the significance of instructor creativity in can foster a culture of collective creativity. By promoting
fostering a classroom culture that values innovation and cross-disciplinary dialogue and knowledge exchange,
originality. training centers can harness the diverse talents and
perspectives of their teaching staff to inspire innovative
Despite the numerous benefits associated with instructor instructional methods, curriculum design, and assessment
creativity, challenges in implementing creative teaching practices. Embracing collaboration as a cornerstone of
practices have also been acknowledged. Constraints such as instructional creativity can lead to a transformative and
standardized testing, curriculum limitations, and time constraints boundary-pushing educational environment.
have been identified as potential barriers to instructors' ability to
enhance their creativity in the classroom (Craft & Chappell,  Integrate Technology and Innovative Tools. Embracing
2019). Addressing these challenges through comprehensive technology as a catalyst for creative instruction can open new
instructor training programs and creating supportive school frontiers in teaching and learning. Decisions makers should
cultures could foster a more conducive environment for invest in providing instructors with access to cutting-edge
instructors to unleash their creative potential. technological tools, digital resources, and platforms that
enable the integration of multimedia, interactive content, and
creative applications into the curriculum. Additionally,
promoting an environment of technological experimentation
and adaptation empowers instructors to leverage digital
innovation to enhance the quality and dynamism of

IJISRT24JAN110 135

Volume 9, Issue 1, January – 2024 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
 Encourage Risk-Taking and Experimentation. Decision
makers should create a supportive climate that encourages
instructors to take creative risks and experiment with
unconventional teaching approaches. Emphasizing a growth-
oriented mindset and recognizing the value of failure as an
integral part of the creative process can embolden instructors
to break free from traditional instructional norms. By creating
a safe space for exploration and innovation, educational
institutions can nurture a culture where instructor creativity
thrives, yielding new paradigms of quality instruction.

 Emphasize Learner-Centered Instruction. Advancing the

quality of instruction through transformational creativity
necessitates a deliberate and deeper focus on Learner-
Centered Approach. Encouraging instructors to tailor their
instruction to the diverse needs and interests of learners
fosters a more engaging, impactful, and individualized
learning experience, ultimately elevating the quality of
instruction through learner empowerment and active


[1]. Amabile, T. M., Spencer, S. M., & Cohen, W. M. (2016).

Creativity and innovation in organizations. Harvard
Business Press.
[2]. Beghetto, R. A., & Kaufman, J. C. (Eds.). (2019). Nurturing
Creativity in the Classroom (2nd ed.). Cambridge
University Press.
[3]. Brophy, J. (2017). Motivating students to learn. Routledge.
[4]. Craft, A., & Chappell, K. (2019). Creativity in education:
Perspectives and challenges. European Journal of
Education, 54(1), 3-10.
[5]. Runco, M. A. (2018). Creativity: Theories and themes:
Research, development, and practice. Academic Press.

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