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NCAD School of Education SP Classroom Observation Guide

Student Teacher name: Lia McCanny

Date of Observation: 28/11/23
No. of Observation: 8
Class Profile & Details: 4st Year
Duration of Lesson: 1hr 20 minutes class

Please report your findings from your observations under the following headings:
You can use the bullet points to guide your observations.

Professional Teaching Skills and Ability:

· What strategies did the teacher use to instruct learners during the class

● The teacher employed an engaging instructional strategy where each group was assigned an
image to inspire the creation of a collaborative poem. This approach prompted students to
collectively interpret the visual elements, fostering collaborative learning and critical
thinking. Students discussed and analysed the images before structuring their ideas into
poetic form, incorporating techniques like imagery and metaphors. This strategy not only
stimulated creativity but also enhanced visual literacy and analytical skills, creating a
dynamic and enriching learning experience in the classroom
● The Share and Switch. After the students have created a poem, they walk around the room
until the teacher calls out “Stop and share.” Then they share with the person they are
closest to in the room until the teacher says, “Time to switch,” which is their cue to start
walking again.

● Classroom Management:

· What were the classroom policies? (Consider seating arrangements, bathroom breaks, roll calls)
● To maintain focus during class, students are instructed by the teacher to clear their desks at
the start of class; Rather than allowing students to hide behind a huge pile of books and
notebooks on their desk, the teacher requires them to have out only what they need for the
current activity. Everything else should go inside their desk or under their chair. This simple
procedure will not only eliminate distractions and help students to focus, but it will also
make it easier for the teacher to see what’s happening in your class.
● The classroom policies were clear, with seating arrangements and rules established at the
beginning of the class. Bathroom breaks were allowed as needed, and roll calls were taken
at the start of the class. The teacher gained students' interest by presenting real-world
examples and scenarios related to the topic, and attention was ascertained through group
discussions and hands-on activities. The teacher maintained appropriate classroom
behaviour by setting expectations for behaviour and actively monitoring students
throughout the class.
● The teacher dealt with indiscipline or disruptions by reminding students of the expectations
for behaviour and redirecting them back to the task at hand. The teacher also addressed
disruptive behaviour privately, when necessary.

Presentation of Learning Content:

● The teacher seamlessly integrated the "Share and Switch" strategy into the instructional
approach, providing a unique platform for students to showcase their collaborative poems.
This dynamic activity involved students moving around the room, sharing their creations
with peers closest to them upon the teacher's cue.
● The "Stop and share" and "Time to switch" directives created a lively and interactive
atmosphere, ensuring that each group had the opportunity to present their work. This not
only encouraged public speaking skills but also promoted a sense of community and shared
achievement within the classroom.

Effectiveness of Planning:
● The teacher's planning was evident in the well-structured instructional activities. The clear
procedure of having students clear their desks at the beginning of the class and keeping only
necessary materials for the current activity showcased thoughtful planning for minimising
distractions and maintaining focus
● Additionally, the incorporation of real-world examples and scenarios, along with group
discussions and hands-on activities, demonstrated a deliberate effort to make the content
relevant and engaging for students.

Assessment and Evaluation of Pupils Work in Class:

● The teacher ensured ongoing assessment and evaluation through the "Share and Switch"
activity, allowing students to showcase their collaborative poems. This real-time
presentation not only provided an opportunity for peer feedback but also allowed the
teacher to assess individual and group comprehension.
● Additionally, the teacher's approach to dealing with indiscipline or disruptions, both
through reminders of expected behaviour and private addressing when necessary,
contributed to a well-managed and focused learning environment.
Additional Comments:

● The observed classroom showcased a teacher with strong professional teaching skills,
utilising innovative instructional strategies, effective classroom management policies, and
thoughtful planning to create an engaging and inclusive learning environment. The emphasis
on real-world relevance, interactive activities, and the strategic use of assessment
techniques contributed to a positive and participatory atmosphere within the classroom.
The teacher's proactive approach to addressing disruptions ensured a conducive learning
environment, highlighting a commitment to both academic excellence and a positive
classroom culture.

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