Reg Park Journal Nov 1957

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SEO VUE Jee nlc) Kaki. Printed in England NOVEMBER 1957 DT aa ‘This ompact ome ge dumbbell ‘tice oP dlcrminat SIG (Pt Sect Yor wtorare Hand BEL y fee Pek Tt brogon {thte. You will ever have ay Listate otlecne worn gut sare HE luration atows he The Best Interchangeable Home Gym Your Money Can Buy JOHN ISAACS, oun Africa's Best Developed Man and Ru 1956 Pro. Mr. Universe Contest Says HE Mr. Universe Home Gym Dumb-bell Outfit is without doubt the ‘most useful set that one could wish for. All the discs also fit the longer 5 ft and 6 ft, bars and the completeness of this outfits suprems y You will enjoy training with it and the FREE COURSES which 20 wi inl help you immensely.” It wil last you a lifetime and [have no hesitation in recommending ito all weight-trainers. 4, “~ Le HERE IS up “ Bs Rerratr ae I you want a copy of the famous Reg Park Durb-bell Eaktt Talat 2a odaitonal 3 Dene qv ‘wait. With FREE course. = ob Sen at Dre 4 i eee ae SD” asi pate | Penney key i fra eos is ‘With hig ouite you canals cm | ‘Kourled Bar { ° MSG eum once Mem srect ts | coma i © Collars are of latest fast-change design, | _ | Ecchi ame a tack | Asie aeeiereean 1 Gey i i Pore B'Ssinn’are Sven" pace of “All prices contained in this Magazine are subject to alteration TE OserANT [j Rabsoiecent Gaart tomeereses SE for specific quotations. 3 (CRs POT ne UML ye RS VAST Tsang MODEL SQUAT STANDS ! Neck Bench Pre: Leg Press eo = = 2 % PRICE REG PARK (Barbell) 62/6 oy LTD, complete « POSTAGE 3/- ‘The OFFICIAL JOURNAL of BRITISH AMATEUR WEIGHT-LIFTING ASSOCIATION REG PARK “Ss CULTURE JOURNAL Editor-in-Chief — REG PARK Holder of : “Mr. Britain ”” “Mr. Europe "America’s Best Developed Athlete" ** Mr. Universe” (World's Best Developed Man) Managing Editor: R. PARK, Sr. Deputy Editors . Frank Dennis English News South Robert McShane rotieny, Downs Irish News... Robert McShane Fees Pras STAY. wekh News. Hubert Thomas Reub Martin Bill Crewdson George Poppewell English News North Bill Parkinson Scottish News . Dave Webster South African News...€. Ochley Australian News . Doug Johnson ‘American News ... Bert Elliott Contents Poge Editorial 3 foe Results of A.B.C.—TV Contests by RegPark 6 uestions and Answers by RT: McShane 8 Improving My Weight lifting Technique.scrcw--n-by Chen Ching kai 10 Weighttralning for Women... by E. Truscott 12 Reg Park Training Principles are the Best. : by Derek Clements 14 Musclaneous. i eaky, Rew, rank loscow Miscellany, jcorge Popplewel ee Ellis—Hamme o . ee rower by Geoege Popplewell 20 Muscle Beach—California, U.S.A.. ee 2 News from. Australia by ioe Hensel 14 News from South Africa.” by Clarence Oehley 25 English, Irish, Scottish and Welsh News.--.-cre 26 BAW.LA. News. byH.C.FranklincCrate 30 Our Cover Picture Shows The winners of A.B.C-TV's Bathing Beauty, " Ado and Fashion Queen of Great Britain Contests aré~ (to R) 7 year old model, Christine Griggs of Pinner, Middlesex, %6 year old builder, John Lees of scalyoriage and 25 year old housewife Mavies Gilles of Liverpoot Proto by curteny of RBC, “THE REG PARK JOURNAL js published monthly by the Reg Park (Barbell) Co., Ltd,, 30-32 Wellington Road, Leeds, England. Telephone: Leeds 2-5186. DRAWINGS, PHOTOGRAPHS AND MANUSCRIPTS. while carefully considered, must be submitted solely at owner's risk. All ‘material and photographs, submitted and used shall become the property of The Reg Park Journal.” All rights reserved must not be reprinted without permission in writing from the Editor-in-Chief. Printed by John Blackburn Ltd., 232 Cardigan Road, Leeds 6. British Distibutors: Dalrow Publications L1d., Dalrow House, Church Bank, Bolton. Agents for Australia and New Zealand: Gordon& Gotch Ltd, London. Sole Agents in South Africa: Central News Agency, Ltd, Sole Agents in Rhodesia and Nayasaland: Messts, Kingstons, Ltd. Sole Distributors for Greater New York, U.S.A.: Liberty News Co, Agents for France: Hatchette's of Paris. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: 24/- per 12 issues, 12/- 6 issues, 2/- per ‘copy to Reg Park (Barbell) Co., Ltd. SUBSCRIPTIONS FROM NORTH AND SOUTH AMERICA, to Sportshelf, 10 Overlook Terrace, New York 33, N.Y., U.S.A. Sub! rate (12 issues) $3.50 (U.S.A.). "The Reg Park Journal” is the official magazine of the Reg Patk (Barbell Co. gd, whic i an independent and Brituh owned fem_mith the ain and pursons ‘fndt ony telling you how to improve your health and phsnique but also OF Supping the apparatus. end course necesety "0 do 20° 5 "The Hes Park Journal” can also claim the, nigie distinction of having. an [Editorial stafl who. practise what they preach and therefore ate in the best possible position to advise youn all aspect of Paysial Culture, Editorial Tate, carly, post war years weightaraining in America Witnessed a terrific. boom period. Physiques previously undreamed of, outside of John C. Grimek, made their appearance in large numbers... Men whose names still dominate to- day, when the world’s leading physiques are ‘mentioned, Ross, Reeves, Eifferman, Dellinger, ‘Stephan, Farbotnick, all made their appearance in 1945-6 and between’ them won the Mr. America contest each successive year; from 1945 to 195 Quite naturally, with the appearance of a group all sporting (then’ unbelievable) 18 inch muscular ‘arms with the desired proportions, saw all en- thusiastic body-builders giving meditation to the question, “ How do they do it?" Several com- mercial organisations tended to obscure things by claiming them as pupils of their course, ete, However, the training background of all these men, had everything in common. Namely that they ‘spent their * years of progress " as P.T. instructors the U.S. Army, which put them in the unique position of having: (1) adequate time and facilities for training, (2) practically an urlimited amount Of high-protein food, (3) periodical study in the theory of anatomy, diet, tc., and (4) plenty of rest. Unfortunately, during these early post war years, the British P.C.’magazines were not bringing 0 their readers the latest development in the funda- ‘mental principles of progressive weight-training— at least to the degree necessary in insuring the average body-builder could benefit as fully as his, ‘American counterpart. In fact progressive training principles were inclined to be placed in obscurity by the expounding special” type-training * theories, etc., a8 discussed in our latest editorial For example... in 1947 the Mr. America contest was won by a 21 year old’ American, (Reeves) weighing 212 tb, with a 51 inch chest and 18 inch arms whilst that year's Mr. Britain (im Elliot) weighed 154 Ib., 43 inch chest and 144 inch arms. However the standard of training theory improved considerably with | the impor. of American, magazines. The “48. Mr. Bi (Charles Jarrett) sporting a creditable 16} inch arm and “49 Mr. Britain (Reg Park) reached America’s best with an 18 inch arm, and went on, in, 1950, to win the " America's best developed aahlete"* title and the following year the Mr. Universe Crown, The beginning of 1952 saw this Journal make its first appearance, the editor in its editorial saying, “7 believe thar strength is the monopoly of no single country but can be found anywhere..." 1 personally believe that, but for the fact that we here in England have’ sometimes been reluctant to accept advice from those, some of us regarded ‘as young upstarts, we might now have body-builders and, weight-ifters who would be leading the world.” The policy of this journal is the same to-day, ‘We are considered to’have the best staff of active physical culture writers in the world... for Instance included among them are five’ Mr. Britain's (McKay, Park, Thomas, Parkinson, Downs, all with over 18 inch arms), featured are articles'on body-building and power by Reg Park, seminiscences by John C. Grimek, dietics by Dr. Richard You, M.D., anatomy and physiology by E, Truscott, M.C'S.P., staff eye-witness reports on, the Olympic Games,’ Body-building in U.S.A., Weight-lifting in U.SS.R., etc., articles on athletics by Frank Dennis, ‘health’ by Crewdson and Gray, Besides this we produce the greatest international news feature covering practically all points ofthe globe, and are the official organ of the British ‘Amateur Weight-lifting Association. (Continued on page 33) December Issue will be on Sale Wednesday, 20th November Dear Reg, ec rwemeacurresemacceas $) MUSCLE Re Parle (Coprrghe “Me. U HERE IS THE PROOF THESE ARE MY PUPILS You want 2 physique that’s a picture of growing VITALITY — a strength packed power house ? Then, friend, take a look at this sparkling offer and grab the chance to bring out all the dormant energy in your muscles ? FEEL the awakened vigour that can come surging into a new you with a mighty body built in the Reg Park manner. See YOUR muscles GROW! And SEE the effect of a MR. UNIVERSE course starting to work wonders on your frame within SEVEN DAYS! This course has already pro: duced winners and fi the Mr. UNIVERS! E “Mr. Brie “America’s Bese Deveoped man REG PARK (Barbell) CO., LTD. =“ eee 30-32 Wellington Road, Leeds 12, England 1 enclose the sum of £... Name __ $ BUILDERS PRICE 63 or if purchased with any barbell set Price £2 Address. MOM SR ICR CMCC TN Ls ENaC Ca Results of A.B.C. Television’s Bathing Beauty, Adonis and Fashion Queen of Great Britain Contest by Reg Park AM phot by couteny of AB.C-—1Y, retyits sd conceive year ae TV ran a series of iwelve weekly heats to select a bathing beauty an Adonis and a fashion queen to go forward to the final. These heats have been re- ported in our September, October and this issue The final was held on 7th Septem- ber at the Norbreck Hydro Hotel, Blackpool, and it turned out to be quite a lavish and splendid affair. It seemed that everyone wanted to be present to see this show and it was not surprising that the organisors present and also to avoid “ slip ups, ‘When I tell you that the rehearsals and judging for this the final went fon from Saturday at 11 am. until 6 p.m. with only a one hour break ‘you will appreciate how much work ‘and preparation goes into a show of this nature, wing judged six of the heats I was invited to be a judge for the final of the “ Adonis” contest and I was accompanied and very ably assisted in this role by my fellow judges Oscar Heidenstam and Arnold Dyson, —who had themselves judged some of the heats, Judging twelve outstanding heat winners who had been narrowed down from nearly 200 contestants in the heats was, I can assure, no casy task—however, I think it only fair to say that the eventual winner, John Lees was an obvious and (Continued on page 33) Conteseare (Lt R) 3rd Frank King, 2n ie Martin and’ the winner John Lees. L—R Louis Martin, Ernie Coates, Peter Deakin, Stuart’ Baum- gard, Raymond Morris and Harry Henry were with the exception of Stuart Baumg finalists in the A. TV Adonis Contest. With the Chief Judge, Boris Karloff are the winners of A.B.C.—TV's Bathing Beauty Queen of Great Britain Contest. They are (L wR.) 2nd Marilyn Davies ef Stockport (Age 20, Model), Ise yer, Midales 17, Model), and 3rd Pamela Corry of Wallasey (Age 22, Freelance Demonstrator). My fellow Judges, Arnold Dyson and Ose: Furness (Age 24, lumber), Ix John Lees of talybridge (Age 26, Builder, 4 iat Mas QUESTIONS & ANSWERS by R. T. (Buster) McSHANE Here is one of the strongest arms in the world. Mac Batchelor retired World Wrist Wrestling Champion, can also bend pennies between hi fingers. Here is the latest photo of Clarence Ross (1945 Mr. America and 1948 Mr.U.S.A.)who although working as a gym oper- ator in the American Health Studios syndi cate, definitely retains his world renown physi- cal condition, as shown, This department is at the service of ALL readers. It answers all queries relating 10 the iron game” whether they be on personalities, records, training problems, historical data, ete. and should be addressed 10: Q and A Department, Reg Park Journal, 30-22 Wellington Road, Leeds, England. To-day @ 400 C. & J. is becoming as common as a4 minute ‘mile. When was the first 400 C.& J. performed and by whom? A A professional, Charles Rigoulet, performed this feat way back in the late 1920's on an 8 ft. bar. However, the official amateur record was made by U.S.A. heavyweight John Davis, in June of 1951, when he succeeded with 402 1b. Whar are John, Lee's present plans in his P.C. career? A Following his recent successes John is at present training for the coming Mr. Universe Contest in London (October) He is in the building trade. Q Who holds credit for being the world’s champion wrist- wrestler. My friend says Mac Batchelor has retired, is this A Mac Batchelor—whose report of the last Mr. and Miss USA. show brought forth complimentary correspondence from our readers—retired as wrist-wrestling champion just lover a year ago. ‘The present title claimant is 280 Ib. Chuck Ahren of California. Czechoslovak > ian light heavy- weight. Cham- plonV.Psenicka pressing 2641 Ib. Hisbestliftsare 281-264)-347 Ib. Toby Hill— Paulette Nelson and Carol Khan are all three weight-trainers who have built shapely figures Mrom this form of training — © don'tyouagree? Don't you think that these bust measurements claim of over. 40 by females such as Mansfield and Sabrina are way beyond ‘anything seen during the 18 inch arm craze? Do you think these busts are genuine ? A Frankly, we haven't measured any lately, busts that is, but such shapely contours are not altogether new as the famed historical female figure of 18th century France, Marie (Continued on page 33) A group of leading English musclemen pyramided as follows: Allan Stuart Baumgard Tory Rothwell Derek Gibbens Bill Parkinson Les Clark IMPROVING MY WEIGHT-LIFTING TECHNIQUE Serial shots of Chen Ching-kai's clean and jerk. Chen, aged 21, weighed alittle over $5 kg. (I2IIb,) height 5 f€.1 in., is world record holder of bantam= weight C.& J. 135.5" kg. (298 Ib.). ast November I made a clean and jerk world record of 135.5 kg. (298 Ib.) to break my own world mark of 133 kg. (292.6 Ib.) established in June last year. My latest ‘unofficial total of the three Olympic lifts is 340 (100-100-140) kg. (748 Ib.) which is only 2.5 kg. (5.5 Ib.) below the world record of 342.5 (105-105-132.5) kg. (753.5 Ib.) made by America’s Chuck Vinci at Melbourne last year, of 2.5 kg. (3.5 Ib.) better than the 337.5 (105-105-127.5) kg. (742.5 Ib.) of Soviet Union’s Vladimir Stogov, Vinci's runner-up. Two years ago when I was 19, my record was only 250 kg. (550 Ib.) Increasing my record from 250 kg. to the present 340 kg. (748 Ib.) has been no bed of roses for me, 1 must admit As a Beginner When I began weight-lifting training, 1 took up the leg- split for the clean movement, for it was easier fora beginner to master. Thinking that strength in the legs played an important part in the clean and jerk, I concentrated a con- siderable part of my training on my legs. Therefore front squat, full squat and leg press were priority items in my training schedule. My legs are bulky and powerful, so in the beginning 1 picked up leg strength very rapidly.” But my performances as a whole came to a sticking point. After my press and snatch failed me repeatedly, 1 began to realise that | lacked a pair of strong arms and a powerful back, and that it is precisely these that count a great deal in both the clean and. Jerk and the press and snatch. I felt | had to do something about it. ‘Change of Styles In 1955 I visited the Soviet Union as a member of the Chinese sports delegation. Some Soviet friends there told ‘me that since I possessed short and sturdy legs I should take Uup the squat clean. 1 followed their advice, but found it difficult to change from one style to another. With my short and thick legs I could not make my squatting move- ‘ment sharp and deep, because the muscles on the back of ‘my thighs and those of the calves jostled together when I bent my knees. On a Soviet friend’s advice 1 overcame this handicap by lining the heel of my shoes with padding. by CHEN CHING-KAI WortD Recorp HoLDER oF THE Bantam Weicur C. & J., 135.5 kg. What's worse was that I had extremely poor technique. 1 could not co-ordinate my movements while lifting the wei fon to the chest. So I often got a bleeding neck from banging the bar on it too many times. Not at all Dispirited ‘Though I was perplexed by the tremendous difficulty of adapting myself to the new style, I refused to give in. 1 worked out a new training schedule which included: squat clean, wide and narrow press, bench press, knee-bending, ankle-bending and prone hyperextension. I also devoted 4 considerable amount of time to shadow practice in front of a mirror or before some window panes. This enabled me to see where my weaknesses lay. Last year I met a group of Soviet weightlifters who were ‘ona visit to China. I again got valuable advice from them, Twas told my “ getting-set ” position was not good. I did ‘not bend the upper part of my body well over the bar before cleaning. ‘They also told me that 1 did not have a good ‘rip on the bar. As my fingers and thumbs are rather short, switched to gripping the bar with my thumbs inside (Hock Grip). For quite a while my thumbs were chafed because in this grip the friction of the thumbs against the bar is ‘extremely great. But the switch has paid for | have not had any more trouble holding the bar ever since. Points to Remember in my Training After these years of training I feel I must keep the following points in mind (a) Before cleaning, bend the upper part of the body well ‘over the bar. ‘The main reason for my failures in the past was that T neglected to put my shoulders over the bar. ‘When pulling the weight the upper part of my body inclined backward in an unbalanced position so it was difficult for me to put the weight on to the chest. (b) In executing the squat clean, make use of the leg strength to pull the weight, coupling this with the help of arms, legs and the back. Be sure that the bar is raised vertically and the squat and elbow thrusting movements are simultaneous (©) After putting the weight on to the chest, hold the body erect and rest the weight on the deltoids and clavicles. (@) Keep the body upright in jerking, and after the bar hhas risen overhead straighten the arms in the shortest possible time, for slowness often means failure to resist the weight Tecan stand up after the clean movement fairly easily but my main difficulty is jerking the weight overhead, So | am continuing to. pay special attention to strengthening my arms and back. This can be clearly seen in my training schedule below. Generally 1 have four training sessions of one 10 two hhours each in a week. They are scheduled as follows: Monday: Press, snatch and jerk, all with the weight being increased progressively from 60 to 95% of the heaviest (Continued on page 40) Weight Training for Wome: _ QUESTIONS & ANSWER BY E. TRUSCOTT M.C.S.P. Q 411 has been considered that violent exercises are bad for women, I possible that weight-training is likely 10 affect my heart ? A th a light barbell or dumb-bells cannot be classified Providing the heart is normally healthy, there is reason to suppose that light resistance exercises will have any adver effects upon the heart or any other organ. A correctly” balan scheme of exercises will result in an all round improvement in ti general health Ihave always had a very small bust and in spite of a great variety. remedies, there has been no appreciable improvement. It is possible increase bust measurement by weight lifting ? A ‘There are many remedies on the market which are supposed to i crease bust size, however, these do not appear to produce the desire results. Weight resistance exercises are perhaps the only way | produce those extra inches in this department. The bust is to som extent muscle, and by special exercises, the development of the muscles produces stimulation and improvement of circulation wi resultant increase in glandular development. After all, what | Venus if not a woman well developed in the right places ” Q 1 am over 40 and beginning to look and feel my age. I have read s ‘much about weight-training for women and its benefits. Is it 100 lat ‘or me to start or am | 100 old for such hectie exercises ? A This is a common belief that weight-training for women is hectic ‘These exercises should not be too strenuous and there is no reaso Why you should not commence at 40 or over, providing you are normally healthy individual. Correct exercises do to a great exten sofien the effects of the passing years. As one gets older the muscle lose their tone and definition, they tend to sag and inadequately per form the actions for which they were intended. Weight resistanc exercises restore tope and development and result in improved condi tion and appearance. T have a slim figure which I want 10 develop. Initially, 1 want t improve my legs. They are too thin and the inside calf and thigh need ‘more flesh. Would weights help this condition ? A | recommend light barbell work for an all round development using about 30 Ib. One of the usual body-building courses recom mended by Reg Park, would be very useful for this purpose. Fo calf and thigh development, heel raises and squats are particularly recommended. Heavy resistance will produce the best results here Find out what you can manage comfortably in these lifts and train with this poundage Q 11am anxious 10 improve my breathing and wondered if ladies’ barbell would help ? A You do not state how your breathing is affected or if you have any organic disorder that may account for this condition. If so, a course of specialised breathing exercises would be more beneficial, However, assuming you are quite free from any serious thoracic complication, weight-training would indeed help considerably. Best results would be obtained using a light barbell about 20 Ib.), paying special attention to breathing in all parts of the chest, (Continued on page 33) Bernice Rodrigues—1956 Miss Teenage Haw: R 6. Press Behind Neck PRINCIPLES are nme BEST ie by DEREK CLEMENTS ‘OST of us these days suffer from an overdose of commercial journalism, of in other words we read too many and periodicals. We have also got to the stage where we are sceptical about the authenticity 0 many of the articles published, After making that generalisation | should like to spotlight the journalistic influence in the world of Weight-training and Body-building ‘After most body-builders have had their baptism to the ifon game, they all start to find the miracle system that will make them champions. | This is where journalism takes over and with colourful wording accompanied by first class physique shots and claiming exclusive miracle methods, these imported magazines set a poser to the home grown Body-builder—how much of this is true? Whilst appreciating that the Bodybuilder has to follow some line obviously itis better for him to look in his own vicinity to see i the methods he wants are available, plus a large slice of actual proof to back tp these articles. I have Felated this lengthy preamble because | have experienced the self ‘same atitudes myself, and not being very unorthodox in my natural reactions T think that I can reflec the usual opinions of the average body-builder. Some time ago after having done quite a spel of amateur wrestling, I bega to acquire an avid enthusiasm for weight-raining. Having started in the ranks ofthe 10 st. 36 inch chest types I had advanced spectacularly and quite haturally considered that had quite a physique: and although 1 trained egularly and reasonably hard I was beginning to realise at this comparatively early stage that there was no form or sequence in my training curriculum {At this time Bill Parkinson—1986 Mr, Britain—had just opened his now esteemed Sunfis Health Studio, partnered by one Ron Stockfis, who was Coincidentally at about the same stage as myself—dare I say’ mediocre ‘One week-end Ron and myself paid a socal call on Reg Park in nearby Leeds ‘Of course the social call developed into a reviewing of our progress to date y REG PARK TRAINING The author displaying his round impressive physique by’ following Park’ prine Photo by Len Lucas Press behind Neck Bent over rowing Prone hyperextens by Reg ; the result being that Reg mapped out his principles for Ron Stocklist agreed to partner him: ‘The course was mainly consistent of basic exercises, e.g. Squats, Press behind Neck, lateral raises, elves, bench press, bent over row: ing and 6 arm exercises. This we were to follow for 3 months, or breaking it down over further 12 weeks%3 work-outs per week We followed the course to the letter, also we noted and followed Several very good pointers Reg gave us about cating, ete. He also ‘came down to Sunfis Gym. on several oscasions not specifically t0 tutor us but combined the personal touch in with his own work-outs ‘The result—well in Ron's case he became Reg Park's stat pupil and as his photographs and measurements (which incidentally ate amongst the biggest in the whole of the Body-building community) show they are 100% muscular proof of the extreme efficiency of the application of first class methods to an enthusiastic participant In my own case the results were astounding. I might mention that tthe time muscular bulk was becoming a much sought after state ‘well the Reg Park Course gave me a result that was right on target Being in the short man ranks I do believe that the size I had attained ‘caused considerable comment. I also started 10 enjoy moderate success in local contests. 1 also managed to get in the last $ in the 4 \ Ee ( Kenneth Sitlinton, age 19, has been a Park Pupil for eighteen onths—when he first started training. Whilst in the army he persuaded his friend Jim Tranter (right) to take up training {and in 5 months he has gained 3 inches on his chest, Zunches of his thighs and 1} inches on his arms by using Park prineipler Triceps curl Concentration oe dumb-bell curl Paralle! bar dips fe Dumb-bell triceps curl REG PARI Did You Read the October Editorial ? advise you that Dalrow Publications Led Bolton, are now the sole Bi are unable to obtain ySur n Jist in case you did noe this is to Dalrow House, Church Bank ish distributors of this journal. If you ular monthly copy of Ree Park Journal ask our newnagent to place an order withthe above fm who willbe pleased A.B.C.—T.Y. Adonis Contest. The result of the final of this contest § teported elsewhere in this issue. (The heats have been reporeed sy September, October and also in this issue). I feel sure that thi Meee seen Dhysique contest to be run on TV. has done, and will do, a mreay eal {enhance the popularity of the body-building inthis countr). “I have teen ‘amazed at the number of people who have commented on thie shoe an ime, As a judge I was pleased to note how well the contests from the hea to the final—conducted themselves and how efficient, able and moeced ‘hey all appeared. I personally never at any time heafd any moans Mee the contestants—even though I invited criticisms of my decwions om jtidge's task is neither an easy nor a pleasant one. but the contestants Feed to make my task easier by their sportsmandike atid, Seren) Of ‘the officials associated with A.B.C—T.V. commented: that faery the point of view of organisation the Adonis contest had been w alesse to them as they had had no problems or complaints concerning deerawe f} which it appears had cropped up in both the beauty and fashion cone It seems certain that the above contest will be run again next sear and I hope it will be my privilege to judge such a fine bunch of MEN a0 have judged this year. My thanks to all of you. Cheesecake corner. (Hands) Bradley costume she wears great musical Kismet, FF your’ "in town " make a point to see this show in Which ‘several musclemen, WHAT'S YOUR BEST? Some time ago we mentioned that Chris de Broglio ‘of South Africa had done @ 400 Ib. deadlift at 133 fb, bodyweight. This caused quite a stir and Alex Grant of Liverpool sent in the results ofthe Liverpool deadlift championship which was held three yeurs ago. ‘Bodyweight. Deal W. Robinson 5 Ib. — 420 Ib D. smith 134 1b, — 420 15, A. Taylor 129, — 410 1, B. Robinson 134. — 410 15 ttm sure you'll agree that the above is good going but what about the 9 st. (120 1b.) British record of 5004 Ib. performed 25 years ago by H. Barlow of Manchester who beat J. Jenkins (1194 1b. bod}-weight) deadlift of 470} Ib Whilst on the subject of deadlifts did you know that Laurie Chapell of Leeds has done $02 Ib. right hhand deadlift at under 168 Ib. body-weight ?- Laurie says he used to do over 700 Ib. with 2 hands but never bothered to set up a record since he was more interested in the one-hand-lf Ken McDonald had sone a 700 1b. wo-hands dead: lit at 240 Ib, John Terry, pre-war U.S.A. featherweight, dead lined 6101. Tony Rothwell, one of Continuing with deadlift performances—one of the Britain's “powerful best we have heard of is $90 Ib. by Bruce White of young men,”” has ‘done Australia at 151 Ib. body-weight, which is in excess 2 strict 375 Ib. bench : af the Brisk 11 st (054 Ta) T2 Me C8 Io) aed Breet at 7A Ih ode fs sez iby cients MOT ee i restueis ti cad nema ical rca (Continued on page 36) "7 MOSCOW MISCELLANY BY GEORGE POPPLEWELL British Weightlifting Representative at the 1937 Moscow Games NEWS AND VIEWS OF THE THIRD WORLD YOUTH GAMES SCOPE AND SPIRIT OF THE GAMES July 29th to August 10th, held in a magniticens gly the Olympic Games can eg ‘outh Games are a product of Tix, Third Intemational Friendly Youth Games were held in Mos Twentieth C from all countries come into closer contact. fast beco and more common int as numerous and Friendship splayed in mai P languages ‘snatch, 5, (bantam- weight who missed his presses), coach, K. Rogushi, and Beck. ‘There were 24 events for men and 15 for women. Although the Games followed Olympic traditions, there were events which were not included in the Olympic programme. For example, tennis, table tennis, rugby, volleyball and archery Were included. “It can truly be said that the programme was wider than at any other international mesting. ‘The size of the women’s teams was quite noticeable, they took advantage of the great variety of events which was offered to them, The hospitality of the Muscovites was outstanding. Moscow was truly cordial and she did honour to the victorious athletes by presenting medals, diplomas and bouquets. Above all the appreciative applause was deeply felt, and was sufficient reward in itself to make an athlete rise to the occasion. The Soviet people know and love sports. This can_be appreciated by the fact that 20,000,000 people took part in the competitions of last year’s Spartakiad Of the Peoples of the U.S.S.R. (Russian Sports Champion ships). The people gave great support to the Gams Central Stadium Most of the events took place in the Central Stadium Which is only one year old. Across the river from the Stadium pinnacled on high banks stands the new, world famous Lenin University building, where the athletes with their team managers, coaches and trainers were housed. The Lenin Central Stadium comprises a set of sports grounds and structures, with a lime-tree avenue leading from the main entrance to the central sports arena. The latter has 73 rows of seats accommodating 103,000. Under the grandstands are 14 large training gymnasiums, each lavishly equipped. (In one of the weight-lifting gymnasium's \were five international pattern lifting sets, each with its own fully ‘sized platform. Heavily constructed squat. stands. benches and inclined boards were there in abundance. ‘They were finished in enamel and chromium plate. 30 pairs of Kettlebells in heavy sizes were bordered along one wall, The Stadium is nothing short of fantastic and even includes restaurant and cinemas in its structure. It has been Suggested as the central venue for the 1964 Olympic Games. WEIGHT-LIFTING Pre Games Training Nearly all the teams placed very great emphasis on technique. "A lot has been written on the merits of power but this was placed secondary to the “ technical Thus it was that practice of the Three Olympics (Continued on page 34) Bushuew, U.S.S.R. pressing 264 for a successful third attempt.’ Hitherto unknown outside of Russia, he went on to make a World Record Total of 848) Ib The Lenin Stadium where the majority of the events Sore held. te has a 103,000 seating capacity. $000 Cumnasts took part in the opening display such ie the : Beneath the seats are located gymnasia, restaurant, cinema, congregation hall aad elaborate changing ‘rooms and “shower facilicies Mike Ellis — BRITAIN'S BEST EVER HAMMER THROWER 199 ft. 10 ins. He uses Weights too ! BY GEORGE POPPLEWELL J. Etus started hammer throwing at an evening class at school in November 1952. Although he says that he had lite sucess in his fist season, his best performance with the 12 Ib hammer was 144 ft. 7 inches, He continued to train in the gym during the winter of 1953-54, As yet he had done no weight training. whatsoever Tt was during his second season that Mike became the National Junior Champion with a throw of 181 ft. 8 inches. His best per- formance at this time was 185 fl 8 inches. Then he commences his National Service, In January 1955, he first started lifting weights at R.A.F. station Warton. A high repetition, low pound- age schedule was used, The only exercises used were> snatch Sauat-jumps, and dumb-bell swinging. Mike remarked that this only made him ache and his increase in strength was negligible. In his third season his best performance with the 12 1b. hammer shot up to 195 ft.9 inches, while he threw 163 ft. 10 inches with the 16 Ib. hammer. Mike was strong enough t0 throw the smaller hammer, but the senior one was very heavy. AL this time he saw weight-training correctly performed whilst on R.A.F. athletics by 4. E, C, Whall—International Triple Jumper G. A. Carr—International Discus Thrower G. Elliot—International Pole Vault and Decathlon Athlete He realised that his strength needed increasing. His exercise poundages at this time were: squat 200 Ib. power clean 180 Ib. press 145 Ib. and snatch 155 Ib h Under theinfluence of the athletes mentioned A;A-A- Championship’s (Continued on page 39) ghrow of 197 fe,9 ins., at White 5 T2th-13th June, The world record is 20 fe\by Connelly Mike Ellis who won the Photo by E. D. Lacey = Warming up on the © squat with 200 Ib. on which he has done well MUSCLE BEACH—CALIFORNIA U re Meal Eun You spot Lynn Lyman, Lou Degni, Harry Schwartz, Spec Lacy and Gerry America and greatly improve Bruce Phota. Beach contest held Ross? Lacy was I “MR. UNIV! ‘TRSE” PROTEIN. FOOD Be §Tallpes Dy th BRITISH ISLES ‘pow sis Pa or maa's Supply powder) |. 1S. Pricé for S00 tablets) "5/6 his for 1 month's Supply (ables). 1S)e 2 UNIVERSE BODY-BUILDING FOOD SUPPLEMENTS HELP YOU TO GAIN MUSCLE AND STRENGTH AND REDUCE FAT Sei) prpared fr the Boy bale, aad weigh er who, reais more eneay surength and ‘leper muscles EXTRA. FAST! cxerisng with weights or cables, muscle ‘when, oes Feheian seas diy Amun op Me Uni Protein Food is a UST. tases are broken dam, ‘To ebuld thse ry few of us recive aa Protein supplement thereore i italy eseseary for ste th the cells with Male Buidiog rer : ae Udeow” ula Kool ge eee oe dy nto the body biler's ourae meri Na Unie tao gee ber fenton tothe mses fowever. nt only is " Mr. Universe™ Prot Toe and increased energy Tor your workouts Protein Food ts th ager and mote powertul Muses, "it wit Food vitally necessary for those whose desire ig. fo,zeach the wop tn 'physgue Concats and stengh champonhip, fat the wie Tani “Take my edviee and order atin ofthis Miracle "Foot MR. UNIVERSE ENERGY AND TONIC TABLETS CONTAIN :- Feetntal for blood F . bess‘of most modern iron tonics, eoriches the tsmoglobin of the loo Coper Sulphate & Manganese Sulphate tion of ferrous gluconate Wisin Bip A daly doe i een to make up fr any efency in de 1s asaiated with carbohydrate metal (ont Gultsation oF sugars and 3 Ma Pisys'a part in the formation of red blood cals dnd’ protein metabotom Nicotinam sepa or human nucon. Known a the 2 “Me, Universe” Tonic Tablets are specially foxmlted to correct dicta deity "Even {ial Yor pep and snerey during ard taining Beanies nos 6a Convince yourself by taking these tabets to ass de Me, Unive Toke ates and (Sity all Soor'wonk-ets wh Jour aed ea 516 for 1 Botte of $0 Tablets 10. 2 Bottles of 0 14). 1 Bowe of 150 | Approved bs the Medial Profession REG PARK (Barbell) Co., Ltd. * Star Howse 30.32 Welliagton Road ‘eds 12, Enaland BILL CREWDSON (Feature Eaton) Atthor of Fs fe Kadam Heath REG PARK Europe, Ameris's Universe Worlds Forallphpsical cul, Fing that casra pep and energy ‘Bote: | or 2 ables 3 cimes.a diy Eich Taber contains 4 THE REG PARK CO. LTO, Eg oae SOs Walaa | LEDs Mr. Universe SLIMMING TABLETS Excess fat is dangerous. Fat people don’t live long. They are not a good insurance risk. If you are ‘over weight try this herbal compound and recommend it to your friends and relatives who are also over weight. The Mr. Universe Slimming. tablets’ are an herbal compound for those who wish to reduce harmlessly simply take one tablet three times a day after meals. Three weeks supply of these tablets— 6)- post paid. REG PARK (Barbell) Co., Ltd. tar House,” 30-32 Wellington Rd., ‘Leeds 12, England. MR. UNIVERSE WHEAT GERM OIL CAPSULES ‘The May,_ 1982, edition of the American Journal of Nutrition said that “heat germ ‘il containe undefined elements that ineseaces the “amount. of protein, tron, thiamine, boniavin and maci ithe diet and: perhaps SdUcf other eenaie” Ail these suianees {te important ia malotaining ‘healt ‘igorous body for conunugus ody” develoy Tent Whest germ pil edds elements that ve-energy tothe body and’ therelore ll foc replacing energy depleted ring ‘Me, Uatverse, Leo Robert, like many other top. body builders takes wheat” geen oil ‘apeulos after every workout and hefe i what fhe"Ameriea Lifting News reporter on" the ‘Amencan Weight-liting Olympic trals wrote, thst eum al aged o be ey popula Simply fake 3 capsules a dayprefer ‘immediately on completion ofa work-out 1 mom's toply 10). pont fre 3 month Sippy 2316 post Sree REG PARK (Barbell) Co., Ltd. “ Star Howse," 3032 Wellington Ra, Leeds 12, | England, Dr. Richard You, M.D team physician to the U.S.A. 2 1952 and 1956 Olympic teams recommends all Reg Park food. concentrates and says Adequate nutrition is most important in modern competitive sports. It is responsible for keeping the body in perfect balance and resistant to any disease which may greatly retard the progress of an athlete. Many potentially great athletes have never reached their peak because of an inadequate diet. Nutritional studies covering the period from July 1950 to May, 1952, on fifty Hawaiian athletes in the various sports such as swimming, weight- lifting, boxing, and track, revealed an exceedingly high degree of dietary deficiency and unbalance." Included in this group are such great Hawaiian athletes as Ford Konno; Dick Cleveland, and Evelyn Kawamoto in swim- ming: Rufino Ridella, Aladino Gusman, and Roy Kuboyama (1952 N.C.A.A. 112 Tb. champion) in boxing; Norman Tamanaha in track, and George Yoshioka, Emerick Ishikawa, Richard Tomita, Richard Tom, John Odo and Edward Bailey in weight-lifting. When first seen they all showed slight to marked degree of deficiency in one or more types of essential foods, especially in vitamins and minerals. The main reason for these deficiencies was the consumption of large amounts of white rice and white bread with an in- adequate diet of green vegetables, fruits, lean meat, and milk. Each athlete when first seen was given a thorough physical and laboratory examination, including blood count and urine analysis in order to ascertain the presence of any disease or dietary deficiency. Out of this series of fifty athletes, about 90% had vitamin and mineral deficiencies especially in the “ B” complex group, calcium and iron ; 20% were overweight and 20% were underweight. Alll foci of infection and diseases were first treated and eliminated. The athletes were then placed on a special dietary regime which was supplemented with food elements in which they were deficient. Following the correction of these deficiencies the athletes were maintained on a high protein, vitamin, and mineral diet. A comparison of performances in these athletes before and after treatment ‘was-amazing and sensational. All of these athletes showed remarkable improvement on their times and performances. PROVIMIN A complete PROTEIN, VITAMIN and MINERAL TABLET containing VITAMIN A | Essential for that feeling of Maintains a supple and healthy skin, well-being. Calcium Hypophosphite Nerve tonic. FERROUS SULPHATE (Exsice) PROTEIN HYDROLYSATE, | An artificial digest of prot for body-building. Corrects iron-deficiency, anemia and enriches the blood. eee Manganese Sulphate 1 Increase heematinic action of the Ferr us Sulphate in microcytic ansemia, Mineral salts to compensate for lack of fresh green vegetables—particularly hypophosphite, Dosage—3 tablets per day. 3 weeks supply 7/6 post paid. Order from—REG PARK (Barbell) Co., Ltd., “Star House” 30-32 Wellington Road, Leeds 12, England. REG PARK “ Mr. Universe” | SWIM and POSING TRUNKS Coampione Look your test in pie of thee modeba {2 saat) all body-turders.” Suitable for posing ng and workouts TN NYLON. GROSGRAIN:- Ice lug, Roval Be, ae Gren, Col, Sack Wate SPECIAL OFFE! pe BREN OEE vat luc, Navy Na Green dlaek ‘oye pe Aut'Stivtes post pret PY Co.,LTD. tow Rds. Leeds 12 MR. UNIVERSE EXPANDERS THE WORLD'S FINEST ! The Me. Universe Expand ihe world 1 Made’ ober “sivands, "each set" features» manip ramet ibe und smesth working snap locks Tor Fast stand There ure no. finer st svaabie a compact and noacless, Can_be taken Shore and used any plage, A. compete course ISP sucuction included fige with each uth Post 5 Sicand Expander Quit - 415.016 10 Sind Expander Quint ioe 3 Single Rubber Strands ' Strand Expander Outfit £1-10-0 oi {sb Strand Fapander Outfit €28 STEELS Sipe Stel Srancs 3 erence Ce aCe eae peony a ee AUSTRALIA Capra ea ESULTS are to hand this week of the 1957 Australian Junior Champion- ships. Unfortunately this event is conducted by post, finance not permit ting it to be held in the one centre. Each state of Australia conducts its own Junior Championships and all results fare sent to the Federal Secretary for ‘comparison. It is pleasing to note that although the results of the N.S.W.—Queensland Senior Championships made it appear that the sport was on the wane, the figures established in this year’s Junior Championships have altered this opin- ion somewhat Although only one new record ‘eventuated, one equalled and four new records established the overall results of the Juniors are most heartening. New- ‘comer G. Whittaker (Victoria) surprised by defeating P. Martinich (N.S.W.) in the mid-heavyweight division. At 19 years of age and slightly over light- heavyweight limit, Whittaker heads 2 list of newcomers’ that should develop into a formidable troupe of champions. Considering the fact that up to 1955 no age limit existed for Juniors and also that very few of the active lifters were under 21 years of age, the increase in the number ‘of participants shows that Australian lifting is not on the down grade. The slump that we were seeing is due to the fact that many of the older lifters have retired ! ‘The new generation of Tifters. have arrived and the names you see in the results below will rapidly step into the shoes of the past champions. 1957 Australian Junior Championships Age But. PS. J.T Bantamweight J. Liu (NS.W.) 20 120} 150 145 180 475, B. Langby (N.S.W.) "122" 140, 145180465 M. Wigley (6.A.) 18-116} 110 120 160 390 Featherweight T. Cohen (Vie.) 19 131} 155 165 215 535 B, Searle (Vie.) 20.128. 155 155 210 $20 D. Najar S.A.) 18132. 170 130 190 S10 Lightweight E, Melntyre (N.S.W.) 17139165 175-205-545 R. Richardson (Vic.) 18 1463 170 160 215 $45 1. Johnson (Q'id) 18 136 160 150 225 535 J. Pappas (S.A) 16 144) 165 150 190 50S R. Hackett (N.S.W.) 147 “160 145 200505 Middleweight T. Rose (Q'ld) 20 1624 180 180 230 590 G. Wade (S.A) 18 160 150.170." 225.545 J. Haydar (Vie.) 18 1644 150170 200 520 ight-heavy weight R. Modra (S.A.) 17 190° 210260 G. Kaye (Vic.) 18 205 195" 240 43. Shannos (N.S.W.) 1754 190 180" 250 Mid-heavyweight G. Whittaker (Vic.) 1834 200. 205 260 P. Martinich (N.S.W. 183" 190 190. 240 A. Sterne (S.A.)_17 160 200” 240 Heavyweight A. Shannos (N.S.W.) 2274 250 250 320 820 New Records D. Najar, TH. Press, (Continued on page 37) Morrison 147} ib. 3rd, snatch 210 3 Greens). ‘Photo by lan Johnson. SMU ee fo He i | MR. UNIVERSE Geel mea eS | IRON BOOTS | AIN event of the month was the Southern Transvaal | ¢ ieier-Provinclal"Welghtliting 3-1. Tolmay | | 1474 220 190 660 | Transvaal, which was held at the Youth C. de Broglio | Centre, Johannesburg on 25th July 145} 210 190 680 1957. This was a second round match J. Greeff ES {or the mee Peace Trophy, Sout 164 245 225285 Gon Nansaal having: beste ‘Orange | Rv. d. Berg Fe ute ammeter Tisnevel A ass 310790 rer Be sats: Sriethig a the Bee Toure A oo les AVAILARL A Sect STW conten with oral aes | AT Tue Mdst' ECONOMICAL rnice Southern running out the winners Sod ere gern oe hace ere Southern Transvaal won by 189 Ip, | Stas"abttnd'Aitolea eg cpa: olor Ee tees ork ma Sa ce ee Northern Transaal Det she rol eee res Me PRs 5, ye) Naat cectroeed ech Less, eee ee K. Smith i ss comestwus eld weonjuncton wunine | Sgesameareme 7188 $e) | Nets, 3S 8S 485 Shove match each Province beng we |iueeamron ow TES FY Tae 200" 210. 260 670 SF" nchee! aka one overs Met inches Sanaa P. de Bee Thi mech rete ina daw S| Sears e ares 179 240 225 285 745 Foreman of Southern Transvaal beat J. Pear ern H. van Staden J. du Toit in the Short Man Class, but ora ae) 168 230 300775 Northern Transvaal representative A. M But Si yan Lingen defeated R. Prangley of —— Southern Transvaal in the Tall Man | Total 2,696 Clas. (Continued on page 39) Milo Pillay of Port Elizabeth, South Africa. THE REG PARK Mr. UNIVERSE | KETTLEBELL HANDLES | with free course | For Moulding Mighty Deltoids & Arms Send to Reg Park (Barbell) Co,, Ltd } 17/- Complete POSTAGE | PRICE ONLY £1-17-0 POST 3/- peeryergC nk at eee Rc erate llers the “ A.B.C. Television Adonis of Great Britain contest has been and gone, as we Say in the North ‘AS our Editor is giving the contest full coverage in a special article T will not dwell on the contest itself except to Sy congrats. to three worthy winners ‘ohn Lees, Louis Martin and Frank King It was good to metal the boys. again—Frank King, Paul Wynter, Leonard Sel, John Lees, Harry Henry, Les Clarke, Ray’ Mori, in Saunders, Emmie Coates and Louis Martin T met Louis Martin for the frst time and look forward to seeing him again and listening to his sound ideas on this bodyebulding business. He certainly 3.4 walking advert for his own way of training and if he Keeps up his resent Fale of progress hell really want some’ sopping ‘in top Comiests ric Chapman runs the gym where Louis trains and he tells me that if Louis feels good” on a Sunday” hell Workout around six hours realy Keeping att all the while Take my hat off this young man and wis him Tuck fi future contests. “Were going to heat alot of him : Most noticenble thing about all the boys backstage atthe A Reg Park who judged ‘the Adonis heat in Rhyl, congratulating Peter Deakin the heat winner. Photo by AB.C—TV. Adonis final was the Wonderful sportsmanship of all the competitors Harry Henry put it in a nutshell whilst "we were chatting before the contest. “Bill” he said "1 enter these contests because I am a weight-trainer, a sportsman who loves’ the sport, if 1 come third I am ‘happy, if 1 come second I'am even happier and if | win—Boy ! Tam. in heaven—but most im- portant I just love taking part.” Wonderful sentiments Harry Before closing the final chapter of this year's “Adonis” contest here are the results of the last three heats prior to the actual final Saturday, August 17th ‘Llandudno Ist Harry Henry, Shef- field. “2nd E. Coates, Nottingham. ard Reub Martin, London, Appeared on TV — Stuart Baumgard, Hubert ‘Thomas,EdmundHowarth, Judge, Oscar Heidenstam’ L.toR. are Mary Stewart of Biackpool, Ernie Coates of Nottingham and Christine Griggs of Pinner, Middlesex, the heat winners in A.B.C.— TV's“ Holiday "Town Saturday Night" at Fleetwood on Saturday, 24th August. Photo by AB.C—T.V The winners of the three A.B.C.—TV "Holiday ‘Town Saturday Nighe” Contests at Colwyn B. (Lt R) Ray Morris, June Dawson and Mary ‘A. Rees. Photo by AB.C—TV. Fleetwood—August_ 24th Ist E, Coates, Notting ham. 2nd. Basil Grant Liverpool. 3rd Les Clarke. Crewe. “On TV.—Alan Robinson, Stuart "Baum. gard, Eric Eastham. Judge. Oscar Heidenstam, Isle of Man. Ist Les Clark, Crewe, 2nd Stuart Baumgard. Manchester, 3rd John’ Stringer. On TV.—Craig Allen," Wilf Morris, William Harley Oldham Received a _visit_ the other day from Roy Chap. man, who is one of the founder members of the Rochdale Barbell Club, 15 Stevens St,, Rochdale. Roy came 3rd in ‘Oldham’s Best Developed Man contest and also has the Mr. Rochdale” title to his credit He tells me the club is ‘accepting new members, they have Lat Machine. plenty of weight, Calf Machine, Abdominal Board, Incline Benches, etc So roll up you Rochdale fans. Midlands Heard from Syd Davies of Woodsetton that he and a few of the boys started a club at Coseley and they are now celebrating their Ist year in business. Un. fortunately (or fortunately) the “Full House” notic is on the door of the club but samy Keen eathusat | in this fea contacts Syd Fide bitegors Avenue, Woodstion, Nr. Dudley, Worcs. Grantham: 3.230 plus 20 Ib allowance ~3250 ie {tel sure Sid willbe able to saucezo him insortewhers, gags 3.230 Young 144 year old Tony Taylors real budding ture OFA 3g, Era enced Ta apes brewed 190, satched 130 andclean _T. “Homes Broke th “Lincolnshire 13 st. Bench Pres find jerked 168 at 9} sine, nice Work Tons, Record witha lit of 278 18- ico rahe skp ote he A Mens Pullovers ae cH Re ents rer ots anc be ngth 13 st and Heavyweight Records witha itor LS Te Sleaford aaa eeeaapans the es tae the ei bane Trevor Holmes is Charlie's brother, he has succeeded aa oa : witha 400 1b, squat and a 190 tb; cut hei ater saab et ae Bp. S Tonal ‘ie bench which is Tally motor ee 20 CrHolmes 9st. 91 wh Ty’ ST) Est Ta ; A Tohason hat 1, << 125 18s 299 $9 ‘Oem egnin that june about winds it up fortis month bat M. Johnson 10 st. 4 Ib, 100 215 3006S before I actually sign off:— SPeuce 0g. i3ib” <1 135 228 300 660 DON'T FERGUS ee ne Sieaford Houldsworth “Hall” Manchester "650" pmo Sune: Pe dakey 9.31 195 205 300 G10 _November 0th incudas ee Pais oerP aN N. Blades 13 st. 12 Ib, 120 200 «370 690 ‘Wynter, John Lees, Bill Parkinson, Judo, Gymnastics, G, Nicklin 11 st. 7 Ib. + 125 220 320 665 Marcelle Trio, Mr. and Miss England contest. ! Peet A Soo geet wi 5 pee econ P.Tumer 10st 8, 15 2203303 WA, Parkinson, ‘The Granthim team rescved a bodyweight allowsoce 3 Mosim Avene, of 201. andthe nal result was’ Fallowfield, Manchester 14, 7 rrr LAW.LA. 'EPORTS {0 date see the All Ireland Lifting Championships and Mr. Ireland Contest being postponed’ to 2Ist November, the venue is as stated last month, Limerick. For entry’ forms, tickets and accommodation bookings (enclose E1 per person B/B) write to show’ organiser, Mr. Paddy MeMahon, 4 Bowles Place, Limerick The Ulster Council of the Association meet on Saturday, Th. September to hear report from R. T. McShane on initial meeting of the Empire and Commonwealth Games Council. The questions of a full N.[. Lifting team to Cardiff in July, 1958, is definitely not a financial one, the ‘main problem being that lifters should be of a high enough standard (ie. totals at least equal to the sixth place winner in the 1954 Vancouver Games) $0 it’s up to you lifters successful power courses followed NOW are your passport to Cardiff. All Ulster W/L and B/B clubs interested in taking part in the N.I. Fund raising scheme or wishing to hhave representatives attend future meetings should write us Have you joined the TLA.W.L.A. this year? If-not I suggest you send 5/- P.O. (o Secretary, David McCarthy. 12 Paire Street, Raheny, Dublin, Ireland's 400 Bench Press Club ? Billy Stevenson of Ardoyne, Belfast has been making strenuous efforts t0 increase the membership of this. pro The three heat posed club—prospective_members being Jimmy Reid, John Carson and writer—as following two months specialis: ation on this movement and assistance exercises Billy has notched up a teriffic performance with 395 Ib. in exercise style weighing 157 1h With limited. attention to the 2 second pause style, Stevenson reports progress to date being: 242 Ib., 8 reps.; 262 Ib., 5 reps.; 274 Ib., 2 reps.; 284 Ib., I rep. This is some progress when one considers the Irish records are’ II st. (Len Bernarbo, Cork) 2424 Ib. 12 st. (Fred Steinson, Portadown) 260 Ib, Carrick Fergus ‘A Physical Culture Show will take place in the Town Hall commencing at 8 p.m. on 15th November, 1957. The programme will include Jerry Niven, Ireland's only Black Belt, iving a judo exhibition. RT, (Buster) McShane who will attempt a 450 Bench Press, posing, lifting, etc., will be included in the programme, Pen Friends Every so often we have mail from abroad (particularly U.S.A. and Canada) requesting correspondence with weight- trainers, lifters, efc., in Ireland. At the moment the de- mand seems to exceed my supply of Emerald Isle affable en pushers... . so any readers wishing to correspond with fellows of the same interest, would possibly be accommodated. inners in A.B.C._—TV's “ Holiday Town Saturday Night" from Llandudno were (L. to R.) 22 year old Gale Sheridan from London, 20 year old Harry Henry from Sheffield, and 22 y ear old Pamela Corry from Wallasey Photo by A.B.C.—TV. by dropping us a line within two weeks of this hitting the stands as while ‘wishing to oblige our foreign friends, we have no ambitions in relation to organising a pen friend association, Muscleman of the Month No. 7 JOHN CARSON In the opening week of 1954 a tall athletically built lad, hailing from Rathfriland, near Banbridge, Co. Down, payed a visit to. Ireland's Physical Culture Studios, Belfast with the aim of commencing weight-training—an idea, long prevalent in his mind as his teenager Yeats, spent participating in practically all sports, and daily religious perform. ance of free exercise schedules, still had not brought the performer to’ the high degree of physical development "he required, Enrolling at LP.CS. Carson weighed 182 Ib. at 6 ft. 1 inch, and from his earliest _work-outs it was obvious to anyone observing his precise form of exercising and high level of mental concentration, that in several years John Kemohan Carson ‘would be, a name well known and respected in all physical culture circles in Ireland, Following well planned schedules our hero made STEADY progress in the first couple of years. For a period. business “commitments hindered the regularity and seriousness of his work- ‘outs, although overall John considers his job as an optician suitable to. tensive weight-training work-outs 3—3 periods per week AC present a typical work-out—in fact resent one is as follows:— Ib. reps. sets Press Behind Head 200 10° 5 (Performed from ear level) One Arm Dum. Press 1008S (Hand resting on perp., bar). Chins Behind Head "40 12) 4 (Weight attached to waist) One Arm Rowing 160 12 § Pulleys Behind Head 240 12 4 Squat 400 10 4 (Flat feet with pullovers in between) Leg Press 60 12 4 Calf (2 ways) varying 30 10 (Machine 5, Donkey 5). Press on Bench 30° ss Dis — 3 4 (On floor narrow to wide grip). Incline Dum. Curl 65 84 Tricep (swingbar) Pullover BPOiee R120.) 5 (On low bench onto pad). John’s measurements to date make an impressive list, 6 ft. | inch, Weight 215 4b., Chest Ex. 51, Waist 30,'U. Arm 174, Thigh 26, Caif 174 Best lifts to date include a 230x2 press, 300 power clean, 400 bench press, 300, squat and a 380 dead lift Phew ! 1 At 24 years of age John calculates he still has @ lot of enthusiasm yet to put into tossing the iron around. However, he admits (what he calls) " weaknesses such as cat-racing and dancing that may hinder his time spent weekly in the gym. With training mate John Holy (3 ft 7 ins., 185 pounder) the two Johns, Quiet ‘spoken, intelligent, are an ideal working pair as they methodically move from squat stands to calf machine to bench press stands periodically checking their watches commencing at 7.35 p.m. so they can slip in 5 minutes under the sun lamp before clocking out of LP.CS. around 10.50, which is 20 after closing time, by official rules, So ends’ a few short paragraphs attempting to cover John Carson's “Iron Game” background to date... Just as he enters his first contest (Mr Belfast) within a few days. Those who have admired his muscularity, power and build will realise I'm not being Presumptuous when I say he could quite easily win the Mr. Britain contest in the near future Mr. Belfast Contest—12th September This contest sponsored. by Sidney Baxter of the Olympic Club and was held in the Clarence Place Hall. The programme, besides many variety items, included a lifting match between bantams Sammy Dalzell and Paul Tolan with Paul being unfortunate to hit a bad hight when Sammy had it real good with 170, 180, 220, for a win by 40 Ib The Junior’ contest was won by an outstanding newcomer, R, Mixandlein (home trainer who tells us he bench presses 280, weighing 145) while young McMurray, Junior Mr. N.I. last year, had to take second place, ‘The Senior contest winner was Billy Cooke, with Jack Carson 2nd and (Continued. “om page 40) John Carson, Irish Muscleman of the Month. ae Cl New Additions to the MUSCLEMAN LIBRARY PHYSIOLOGY OF MUSCULAR ‘RenivETY by Peter V. Karpvich, MBE. M.D. Profesor ‘of Physiol, Spring i, Hamper one of ha words mon Knowiedgeabieon men the sobjectct muscular Activey, Having costed Shovsne of aeleces includig American. weighting champions and’ his findings and theores are out able etal in thi. comprehensive Wiles of the" mane progressive and sian nie Aaa avery dent of Phra cure soul tas Poste) SCIENTIFIC WEIGHTLIFTING EXERCISES, DESIGNED. FOR TRACK "AND FIELD EVENTS By Otis Chander (USA) This booklet is compiled by a man who has Teeived from active nhlsticr—2 tan who was ‘te ofthe world's leading shot puters witha personal best of SF fe nas He toot righting eo improve hisshot pean veal ate that he hat ited nthe henry ‘weight of the American weigheliing chat: Plonthips. ir bor ite are 370 Toe prem £50'1aSnacch ane 330 lbs clenn and jerk in this booklet “he ssuegeste" welght-liting ‘Sercies whieh can be Sine by af ahletae fetarales ‘of eheir specialized event—and hs pinions are sound sincere. and what i 30 inthis day of **armehale he fas ptnedand wha he now presches, le Ira Booklet al achat shosld Five Price 36 WEIGHT-TRAINING FOR ATHLETICS by Oscar Ste (Published by AAA) During the 1949 Olympic Games oversess Notes wore seen to practice weighetraining ncuraged bythe conchae AdAShave made experiments to asses the ‘alee of eighesraining for atheter dering ‘wince and"summer seasons. The very act Bat Shey fare seen ft to publ ch book spe lames ar rf trang. WEIGHT-TRAINING FOR ‘SPORT AND FITNESS By Micha! Fell This book outlines weight-traning routines and exercises which will benctc an aretes barformance in hs “own apesalioad. spore hehe be fnsing flint faa Bove {et Sromen and hldven and fof the bt Sisiese ann ice book for very tamily. "Price 10/6" Postage. 5. MODERN HAND BALANCING By Rusty Sellars ‘A complete Hand Balancing Course from Beginner to Advanced Aeey “Solara of "Trois de Flies" Saluncing T.9 now Bua Resrar’ (Rusty and Margsree, Watch out for them style ioe Thee) Price 3 ‘ORDER TODAY FROM REG PARK (Barbell) CO.,LTD. Mme Sra O nant) esa »

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