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Participants Questions and Responses

Topic: Principles of Electrical Services in Building

(9:00-10:30am, 03/07/2021)

Athouba Sagolsem

Why do we have a different distribution voltages & frequency in different countries?

Globally, there are two system (120V & 220V). It initiated with British people with 220 V.
Further many country including US & Japan adopted 120V. It depend upon the
distribution of the power stations, HT Cable network, overall loss of the system, economy
and system efficiency.

Smitha MV

What would be the desirable size of an electrical room for a high-rise building?

May be 10-12 feet by 14-16 feet

Can the electrical room be placed in basement floor? Is there any issue

Yes, central control room can be placed at basement. Popularly it has been done so.
Normal protection of any other floors can be taken. Special requirement as (i) protection
against moisture and dampness rise from the soil and (ii) minimum ventilation are

Smital Narendra Ashtikar

What is the ideal position of electrical shaft in a building?

Along with the central electrical control room. Central location of the building is
preferred. Sometimes it cannot be possible. Next option may be the extreme corners. It
might increase the total cost due to more running length of cable.

Vinay Venkatraman

Is there a table with a list of Demand Factors and a list of appliances for various uses?

International Electro-technical Commission (IEC) document can be referred.

Does the Electric Utility determine Demand Interval - and do they use demand interval
while charging peak load?

Does the Electric Utility determine Demand Interval: YES

Do they use demand interval while charging peak load: NO
What is the usual life for MCB, MCCB and Cables under normal conditions?

I have asked to my electrical engineer friend. He told me: MCB / MCCB : average 15 years.
Cable: Average 60 years. It may fluctuate upon the company and brand.

Umesh Mallya

How do we assume demand interval?

30 minutes in general.

For one apartment, how do we decide whether we go with two pole MCB + RCD or three
pole MCB + RCD?

It is depend upon the ampere rating. If the total requirement is below 63A, one has to
adopt 2-Pole MCB+RCD. If it is more than 100A, MCCB is the only option. In case of ampere
rating in between 63-100, both can be used. I will prefer MCCB as it gives better control
option. However, cost is a factor.

Sourovee Dutta

For a high-rise building, what are the functional areas we need to provide in relation to
electrical services in basement / at ground floor / at other floors?

The central control room should be near to the point of external power feeders /
transformer/ generator room. Overall plan of the building need to be checked for the
perfect location. Central control room in the basement can be an option. Many building
adopted basement location. Floor-wise electrical control room is also requires (may be
smaller size) depending upon the requirement.

Praveen Botu

Is there any limitation on the load for Sub circuit?

The sub-circuit is depend upon mostly two factors: (i) Total ampere capacity, (ii) voltage
drop due to resistance. Total connected load and the demand factor will play the role.

Which code to be referred for Ampere, Wire diameter chart

I have referred International Electro-technical Commission (IEC) document

Abhijit Ghosh

The average power demand for shopping mention here is for normal shopping complex
or for shopping mall.
In International Electro-technical Commission (IEC) document, it is mentioned as
Shopping Centre. Therefore, as I understood, you can take the recommended values for

What is average power demand for auditorium, cinema hall?

Kindly, see the International Electro-technical Commission (IEC) document chart below.
It has not mentioned anything for auditorium, cinema hall. I need to search.
Suchita Sayaji

Is there any restrictions on the length of wire in the system?

Length may not be issue. The cable diameter is depend upon mostly two factors: (i) Total
ampere capacity, (ii) voltage drop due to resistance

Anil Ravindranathan

Is it permitted to share vertical shaft for electrical wiring, data & communication,
firefighting and security cables?

Theoretically, they should be separated dues to the easy maintenance, future expansion
possibilities and reduction of chances of fire. However, always there is a scarcity of space.
In those circumstances, I will prefer to isolate the electrical duct from others. Firefighting
water pipelines can be clubbed with water supply lines within the wet duct. Fire sensing
cables data and CCTV cables can be kept together.
Megha Ann Jose

How do they manage electrical services in heritage structures?

Yes, it is a very difficult task. The project required to be handle carefully. There are many
restrictions from the heritage conservation point of view. Therefore, I will suggest, taking
the project differently from case-to-case basis. The new one at the same space can replace
the old wiring. The cable tray can be hanged overhead with hanger, without damaging
the wall or ceiling. Sometimes one cannot avoid the wall penetration. However, it should
be located carefully at limited locations. Consultation with conservation architect and
structural engineers are often required.

Smital Ashtikar

What are the norms to design electrical shafts?

As per my knowledge, there are not any specific norms. The space can be design as per
the requirement.

Bandan Mishra

What are the constraints w.r.t electrical work in retrofitting structures?

As per my opinion, it cannot be generalised. It should be addressed case to case basic.

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