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Sustainability Science (2020) 15:161–178



Transformative spaces in the making: key lessons from nine cases

in the Global South
Laura Pereira1,2,3 · Niki Frantzeskaki4 · Aniek Hebinck5 · Lakshmi Charli‑Joseph6 · Scott Drimie1,7 · Michelle Dyer3,8 ·
Hallie Eakin9 · Diego Galafassi3 · Timos Karpouzoglou10 · Fiona Marshall11 · Michele‑Lee Moore3 · Per Olsson3 ·
J. Mario Siqueiros‑García6,12 · Patrick van Zwanenberg13 · Joost M. Vervoort14,15,16

Received: 11 April 2019 / Accepted: 22 October 2019 / Published online: 8 November 2019
© The Author(s) 2019

Creating a just and sustainable planet will require not only small changes, but also systemic transformations in how humans
relate to the planet and to each other, i.e., social–ecological transformations. We suggest there is a need for collaborative
environments where experimentation with new configurations of social–ecological systems can occur, and we refer to these as
transformative spaces. In this paper, we seek a better understanding of how to design and enable the creation of transformative
spaces in a development context. We analyse nine case studies from a previous special issue on Designing Transformative
Spaces that aimed to collect examples of cutting-edge action-oriented research on transformations from the Global South.
The analysis showed five design phases as being essential: Problem Definition Phase; Operationalisation Phase; Tactical
Phase; Outcome Phase; and Reflection Phase. From this synthesis, we distilled five key messages that should be considered
when designing research, including: (a) there are ethical dilemmas associated with creating a transformative space in a sys-
tem; (b) it is important to assess the readiness of the system for change before engaging in it; (c) there is a need to balance
between ‘safe’ and ‘safe-enough’ spaces for transformation; (d) convening a transformative space requires an assemblage of
diverse methodological frameworks and tools; and (e) transformative spaces can act as a starting point for institutionalising
transformative change. Many researchers are now engaging in transdisciplinary transformations research, and are finding
themselves at the knowledge–action interface contributing to transformative space-making. We hope that by analysing expe-
riences from across different geographies we can contribute towards better understanding of how to navigate the processes
needed for the urgent global transformations that are being called for to create a more equitable and sustainable planet Earth.

Keywords Co-production · Facilitation · Global South · Sustainability · Transdiciplinarity · Transformation

Introduction transformations. Greater political equity and inclusion of

diverse stakeholders in co-constructing new knowledges,
The advent of the Anthropocene—where humans have and opening up dialogues for change are imperative for find-
become the dominant force of change on the planet—brings ing ways forward (Scoones et al. 2018). With this comes an
complex social–ecological challenges that require humanity urgent need for researchers to engage seriously with the criti-
to engage with the world and with each other in new ways cal question of how to contribute to making transformative
(Pereira et al. 2015; Steffen et al. 2015; Preiser et al. 2017). change happen (Fazey et al. 2018). Many alternative forms
Creating a more just and sustainable planet will require of research that are democratic, inclusive, action-oriented
not only small changes, but systemic, social–ecological and integrate different forms of knowledge have emerged
over the last three decades, including mode 2, transdisci-
plinarity, post-normal, participatory, sustainability science
Handled by David J. Abson, Leuphana Universitat Luneburg, and action research, but these are not necessarily focused on
Germany. facilitating transformative changes to achieve a more sustain-
able and just future (Fazey et al. 2018). New transdiscipli-
* Laura Pereira
Pereira.laura18@gmail.com nary processes for initiating and supporting transformative
change will need to build on and include existing practices
Extended author information available on the last page of the article

162 Sustainability Science (2020) 15:161–178

Table 1  Case studies and their geographical setting

Case title Geography

Xochimilco wetland (Charli-Joseph et al. 2018) Xochimilco urban wetland, Mexico City
Argentinian seeds (van Zwanenberg et al. 2018) Argentina
Food system futures (Hebinck et al. 2018) Eindhoven (Netherlands), Tuscany (Italy), Burkina Faso, Tanzania
Good anthropocenes (Pereira et al. 2018a) Southern Africa
Stories for co-creation (Galafassi et al. 2018) Mombasa (Southern coast of Kenya), Cabo Delgado (Northern coast of Mozambique)
Transdisciplinary research (Marshall et al. 2018) Peri-urban South Asia
Southern Africa Food lab (Drimie et al. 2018) South Africa, particularly Mopani District in Limpopo and the site of the agro-ecology
and leadership training facility in Soweto
Global fellowship (Moore et al. 2018) Global, with strong emphasis on Africa, South and Southeast Asia, and South America
Gender meetings (Dyer 2018) Western Province, Solomon Islands

such as experimentation in public engagement, multi-stake- systems, but the result is that the role of the researcher solely
holder dialogues and knowledge co-production strategies as a provider of knowledge becomes increasingly blurred
that generate inclusive systemic solutions. However, the (Milkoreit et al. 2015; Wittmayer and Schäpke 2014). While
explicit framing of the need for transformative change in researchers arguably have always been more than only
light of complex social–ecological challenges necessitates knowledge providers, the interest of research in the applica-
moving into a new kind of transdisciplinarity that is action tion of that knowledge, and in the outcomes and impacts that
oriented as well as co-produced, while remaining grounded arise from spaces facilitated by researchers—like stronger
in research. It is from this perspective that we propose a new networks, actionable plans and policy interventions—is a
setting for such processes: transformative spaces. more recent phenomenon (see for e.g., Frantzeskaki et al.
We define transformative spaces as collaborative environ- 2014; Wittmayer and Schäpke 2014; Luederitz et al. 2017;
ments where experimentation with new configurations of Schäpke et al. 2018). This research that elucidates the com-
social–ecological systems, crucial for transformation, can plex dynamics of researchers as knowledge providers stems
occur (Pereira et al. 2018b). Transformative spaces allow predominantly from the Global North. There is thus a gap
and enable dialogue, reflection and reflexive learning, while in knowledge concerning lessons and implications as well
reframing issues in ways that allow solutions—or at the very as conceptual contributions to this thinking from Southern
least, attempts to experiment and transform—to be co-cre- contexts. Building on this nascent, but growing body of
ated and co-realised. As such, they deliberately seek a vari- work that attempts to characterize these transdisciplinary
ety of perspectives aside from those that usually dominate. and potentially transformative efforts, we provide insights
They also seek to operate as stepping stones for Social–Eco- from the synthesis of nine cases predominantly in the Global
logical System (SES) transformations that are attentive to South where attempts were made to create transformative
the specifics of the context in which the space is being con- spaces.
vened. In this context, we refer to ‘safe enough’ spaces rather We believe that by focusing on cases from the Global
than ‘safe spaces’. We use this term to encapsulate that while South we can further advance efforts of scholars such as
it is essential to create a level of openness and trust while Mukute and Lotz-Sisitka (2012) and Bosch et al. (2013)
convening these spaces, there is also sometimes a level of to unpack complexity and understand better the context-
discomfort for participants. We acknowledge that all spaces specific and precarious social–ecological issues that may
of stakeholder interaction remain political, and that discuss- be more prevalent in these regions (Pereira et al. 2018b).
ing and co-creating transformation pathways to sustainable Further, we hope to make explicit recommendations on how
and just futures will always be contested (Zgambo 2018). better to design experimental processes and institutional
Discomfort for more powerful actors within a space may in spaces that will progress both research and practice on the
some instances also reduce the safety of others (Drimie et al. transformations that are needed globally, with inclusion of
2018). Doing something other than ‘business as usual’ is evidence from the South. The author team is a mix of schol-
likely to be uncomfortable for most, at least initially. ars from the North and the South, and we acknowledge that
The complex social–ecological challenges facing the this does not come without sets of diverse assumptions and
planet have resulted in an increased focus on the co-creation challenges. However, through this synthesis we have aimed
and co-production of knowledge or, transdisciplinarity (Pohl to engage in a different way of working together to integrate
et al. 2010; Lemos et al. 2018). In part, these approaches perspectives from all parts of the world, without one domi-
are a reaction to the challenges of fast changing complex nating over the other.

Sustainability Science (2020) 15:161–178 163

Table 2  Transformative spaces framework used to guide case study design and realisation as co-created in the first author workshop
Design phase Central concepts and issues to consider Guiding questions per phase

Problem Definition Phase Central concepts: What are the purposes and goals of your
Objectives project?
Problem space What is the problem addressed?
Theory of change Why is it a problem?
Issues to consider: What are the conflicting issues or different
Horns of the dilemma perspectives of the problem?
Maladaptive states What change do you expect during the course
Lock-ins of the convened process?
Operationalisation Phase: Process and conven- Central concepts: Who do you need to have in the space?
ing Types of participants What are the dynamics between these actors?
Quality of participation How do you engage and motivate actors to
Issues to consider: participate in the process?
Power relations
Sectors, perspectives
Incentives and ethics of engagement
Tactical Phase: Methods and Tools Central concepts: What were the specific facilitation tools you
Understanding change employed or created to enable the co-design
Measuring impact process?
Experiential learning Why were these employed? How did they help
Appreciative enquiry to address the types of issues raised?
Learning journeys What conflicts/sensitive issues/confusion
Issues to consider: emerged and how were these dealt with?
Sensitive controversial topics What was the impact of the tools on the
What tools did you use to evaluate the impact
of the process?
Outcomes Phase: Measuring impacts of trans- Central concepts: Were the expected outcomes met?
formative change Unpacking success What were the unexpected outcomes?
Changes in behaviour, perceptions, mind-sets, What changed as a result of the project at the
values, beliefs individual level, the collective level and at
Issues to consider: the systems level?
Cross-level impacts How do changes at individual, collective and
Uncertainties and unknowns systems level interrelate?
Reflection Phase Central concepts: What are the remaining unknowns?
Contribution to the field What worked? What didn’t work? What were
Further research you expecting to be able to change, and what
Issues to consider: did you actually change?
Socia–cultural and ecological dynamics and What is the role of power dynamics/represen-
diversity tivity in transformation?
Why would you call your project a transforma-
tive space?

Each of the nine case studies are published in a special (b) Operationalisation Phase; (c) Tactical Phase; (d) Outcome
issue on Designing Transformative Spaces (Table 1). The Spe- Phase; and (e) Reflection Phase (see Table 2). Our findings
cial Issue aimed to collect examples of cutting-edge, action- then focus on lessons from the meta-analysis of these nine
oriented research on transformations from the Global South. cases and across these five phases to help guide future research
However, through that process, we believed it was important and experimental practice in engaging with actors across pub-
then to take a further step to analyse cross-cutting themes and lic, private and civil society sectors in designing and facili-
provide a synthesis. Through our synthesis discussion, key tating systemic change efforts within transformative spaces.
areas of interest emerged: the interactive engagement between Thus, this article aims to contribute to fostering and instigating
stakeholders and researchers, the deepening of multi-actor social–ecological innovations that contribute purposively to
collaboration, the facilitation of transdisciplinary knowledge transformations.
co-production, inclusivity and depth of participation, and
sense-making where individuals cognitively relate to others
and their environment. Through the analysis, we focused on
five general design phases that could be recognized as impor-
tant in transformative spaces: (a) Problem Definition Phase;

164 Sustainability Science (2020) 15:161–178

Context: focus on the global south Diverse knowledge systems and ways of being in the
world and understanding complex human–environment
Social–ecological transformations have largely been formu- relationships arise in the Global South. Although coloni-
lated and debated in the conceptual frameworks and con- sation aimed to impose Western thinking and institutions
texts of the Global North (Pereira et al. 2015). For example, on many of these areas, indigenous, local and syncretic
while many of the sustainability challenges and opportuni- knowledge systems continue to operate and can provide
ties around urbanisation are located in the diverse contexts inputs for new framings of how people relate to each other
of the Global South, most of our knowledge on urban areas and to nature in complex, more systemic configurations
comes from the perspective of the Global North (Nagendra (Tengö et al. 2014; Díaz et al. 2015). This historical, con-
et al. 2018). Structural biases in global knowledge pro- text-specific knowledge and its ability to counter more
duction systems mean the strong imperatives and unique extractive ideas of human–environmental relations is an
capacities of the Global South to innovate, experiment for important source for potential solutions to the social–eco-
sustainability and nurture transformative trajectories remain logical challenges of the Anthropocene (Brondizio et al.
under researched and often overlooked, despite their poten- 2016).
tial broadly to inform transformative processes across the
world (Nagendra et al. 2018; Marshall and Dolley 2019).
In using the term “Global South”, we recognize that Methods
we are not referring to a homogeneous entity; rather, it is
varied, diverse, and fast changing. For example, there are This paper draws from a set of nine case studies on trans-
areas facing extremes in terms of social, political, eco- formative spaces that formed part of a special issue in
nomic circumstances, often tied to environmental change Ecology and Society (Table 1). The process through which
and injustices associated with histories of resource extrac- cases were selected and written up was the result of a series
tion (Omeje 2017). Here, populations are more likely to of workshops, conference sessions and informal meet-
be facing (or recovering from) highly volatile political ings between the editors and the contributing authors. The
and economic circumstances (World Bank 2011), and underlying rationale of the issue together with a core set
face more stark contexts of inequality and disenfranchise- of guiding questions for contributors to reflect on in their
ment (Hickel 2016). Governance at the level of the nation- case studies were discussed by the editors at a workshop at
state that has failed to enable welfare improvement of the the Stockholm Resilience Centre in April 2016. During the
majority is common in many post-colonial countries in 2-day workshop, the editors used a brainstorming and clus-
the Global South (Börzel and Risse 2010; Hickel 2012). tering approach to develop the questions that they thought
Failures of imposed political structures in the shape of the were most important for the case studies to answer, focus-
nation-state can be partly attributed to a bad fit with previous sing in particular on the design element of the transforma-
indigenous and traditional political institutions, authority tive space. Later, these questions were then grouped into a
centres and decision-making practices (see Mbembe 2000; set of five stages in the process of designing transformative
Morgan 2005; Dinnen and Firth 2008). Prior to nation-state spaces (Table 2).
delineations, groups within most of these countries did not A second author workshop was hosted by the Centre
operate under a centralized authority that cut across tribal, for Complex Systems in Transition under the GRAID pro-
religious and other affiliations. This is visible in the current gramme in South Africa in early December 2016. This 2-day
evidence of local action and autonomous efforts, that spring intensive workshop brought together all lead authors of the
not only from weaknesses in neo-colonial political institu- case study papers, some additional authors and the editors.
tions, but also from autochthonous power structures (Börzel Based on the framework outlined in Table 2, initial learn-
and Risse 2010). A reliance on alternative power structures ings and reflections from the case studies were discussed to
means that people in different social, economic and politi- refine the questions and to reveal emerging insights from the
cal conditions have already developed strategies to take combination of cases and to see whether the five phases were
advantage of the inadequacies in current power structures appropriate for each of the cases. The contributors were able
(Menkhaus 2007). In this context, transformation processes to use the guiding questions to think about their case studies
may seem threatening because they represent breaking down and identify the main aspect that they wanted to emphasise
many of the constraints that keep business as usual condi- in their article.
tions that often support elite capture of benefits (van Breda The third workshop was held as a special session during
and Swilling 2019). the Resilience 2017 conference in Stockholm, Sweden in
August 2017. By the time of the conference, first drafts of
the papers had been circulated and peer reviewed by other

Sustainability Science (2020) 15:161–178 165

contributing authors. The presentations at the conference states. There is a need from the start to establish that there
were aimed at providing key insights from the case stud- may be multiple perspectives on understanding why and how
ies to group critical emerging themes. During the session, the system in question is “locked-in” to the problems, or in a
the contributing authors elucidated and further refined more potentially intransient state (Carpenter et al. 2019).
specific cross-cutting themes that emerged from each of the Across the nine cases, most common was an iterative
studies. From this, we used thematic clustering and reflective problem definition approach: while the research teams
editing of the special issue to generate additional insights on defined a broader problem setting- driven by a project or
transformations across the case studies. These form the bulk research discipline- this was followed by inviting local co-
of the analytical material presented in “Unpacking differ- conveners or their participants to refine this problem state-
ent phases of transformative spaces”. For more information ment. In many cases this phase was intimately tied to the
on the methods used in the individual cases, please see the second phase, the operationalisation phase, which focused
respective papers. on the selection of participants and partnering with suitable
co-convenors. The Xochimilco Wetland case took a different
approach by not imposing any broad frame. Instead, they
Unpacking different phases allowed the workshop’s problem scope to emerge based on
of transformative spaces the concerns of participants. While a focus on the urbaniza-
tion of wetlands was expected, participants instead saw a
As is apparent in Table 3, across this set of cases we explore growing lack of self-esteem and social cohesion as a major
multiple interpretations of what a transformative space actu- issue. In contrast, the Transdisciplinary Research case,
ally is and how that translates into practice. We explore a developed an approach based on building the legitimacy of
variety of settings and scales: from a small village, to a city knowledge developed through the lived experiences of envi-
municipality through to international organisations. We use ronmental health challenges. Based on exploratory research,
the five phases outlined in Table 2 as starting points to iden- the research team first unpacked marginalised voices and
tify more generalizable patterns and processes that shape views that were critical to co-creating solutions and defined
transformative space-making in practice and can also guide the problem accordingly. They thus aimed to break through
the future research of such spaces. The phases we identified dominant political dynamics that otherwise would have
are modular and iterative, which is fundamental to ensure strongly influenced the problem setting.
a more experimental approach in co-producing impact in Various approaches for defining the actual systemic prob-
social–ecological systems (Fig. 1). lem, with a varying extent of influence of local actors, can be
Table 3 presents a full overview of the nine cases, their utilised in the making of a transformative space. As shown
contexts and design phases. Key insights from each of the across the nine cases, this depends entirely on the context
phases, with reference to the case studies, are presented in and dynamics between stakeholders. Processes of prob-
the following sections, followed by concluding remarks on lem setting inevitably invoke conflict and emotions about
future work on transformative spaces. understandings of the problem and its impacts on present
and future generations. Therefore, conveners must attempt
Problem definition phase to understand the human dimensions of social–ecological
experimentations and recognise the emotions, perceptions
In this phase, the transformative space opens questions on and conflicts that are often ignored or understudied in such
scope and the need for new understandings of existing, per- research. Based on this heightened awareness, an appropriate
sistent problems. In a transformative space, opportunities to approach to defining a problem can be selected.
reframe problems are essential given contexts where popula-
tions have inequitable access to information, feel their voices Operationalisation phase
are not heard, and where some forms of knowledge are heav-
ily weighted in comparison to others (Dyer 2018). The con- Issues of diversity (in terms of sectors, perspectives, gen-
venors of the transformative space, whether a research team ders and so on) and processes of inclusion must be con-
or differently configured group, consider design questions sidered during the operationalisation phase. Co-production
such as: What are the goals of the project? What is the prob- processes inevitably include a process of decision-making
lem to be addressed and by whom? Why is it a problem and whereby conveners select those who will be invited to the
for whom? With these guiding questions, the design thinking space. Ideally, convenors attempt to select and mobilize
of this phase requires knowledge on the historicity of the a representative group of actors, while balancing power
problem, the drivers and barriers for resolving the problem dynamics that might exist among actors. However, this
and the evidence of maladaptive or unsustainable system selection process, regardless of the intentions, comes with its

Table 3  Overview of cases and transformative design phases

Case name Topic Problem definition phase Operationalisation phase Tactical phase Outcome phase Reflection phase

Xochimilco wetland The Xochimilco urban Defining of the problem Types of participants: The T-Lab was combined The individuals united Contingency and the
(Charli-Joseph et al. wetland in Mexico City, within the T-lab was Actors involved in use with a Mixed method in a loose collabora- unexpected must be part
2018) a site of cultural and done without imposing and management of approach: Agency tive social network; of the equation when
ecological significance, any type of framing the urban wetland were Network Analysis and The research shows participating in these
is degrading due to by the convenors, who convened Q-methodology were evidence of new trust kind of projects. In this
urbanization processes. were researchers. What Quality of participa- used to facilitate system and understanding case, the 2017 earth-
This T-Lab convened emerged as a deeper tion: Actors were understanding and among individuals—the quake in Mexico City
actors involved in the concern was not the identified by change reflection on individual emergence of collective opened unseen oppor-
use and management of expected urbanization agent criteria, and an and collective agency agency. Based on this, tunities. These projects
the Xochimilco urban of the wetland, but a analysis of ego-centric among the participants participants reframed should be conceptualized
wetland, aiming to lack of self-esteem viewpoints to uncover in the T-Lab their own role in the as open-ended
foster engagement by and social cohesion power inequalities social–ecological sys-
unpacking the social– related to degradation and positions within tem of Xochimilco
ecological system of the social ecological system. Throughout the
and actors’ positions system convenors reflected on
within it their role in the change
Argentinian seeds (van A T-Lab was created in Participants defined Types of participants: T-Lab-based process, Creating of ‘uncon- Importance of identify-
Zwanenberg et al. 2018) Argentina to discuss problems within the Convening diverse supported by World ventional’ alliances ing and focusing on
sustainability chal- project-setting of a actors involved in gov- Café and Q-Method to between researchers, mutual concerns about
lenges associated changing seed system. erning, producing and map and understand NGO practitioners and transformation between
with seed market What emerged were using seeds competing understand- marginalized social the powerful and less
concentration and to highly polarised sets Quality of participation: ings and meanings of actors. These alliances powerful. These become
identify potential social of views about which Convenors mapped sustainability problems helped open up new a basis to think about
innovations to foster meanings or functions actors’ different views associated with seed opportunities for inter- novel interventions that
sustainability. The of seed systems are about the main func- systems; and to help ventions by enabling are likely to be politically
T-Lab process helped most important, and the tions or meanings of identify areas of con- pooling of different and practically viable
to identify areas of sustainability problems seed systems sensus across different resources (knowledge,
‘actionable consen- those systems generate perspectives legitimacy, organiza-
sus’ between actors tional capacities)
who otherwise see the
system and priorities
Sustainability Science (2020) 15:161–178
Table 3  (continued)
Case name Topic Problem definition phase Operationalisation phase Tactical phase Outcome phase Reflection phase

Food system futures This paper compares the The broad setting of the Types of participants: The participatory fore- Success hinged on the Based on these cases,
(Hebinck et al. 2018) transformative potential cases was set by the Focus on diversity with sight methods were ability to engage a the role of foresight in
of participatory fore- place-based issue, while a place-based approach: helpful in invoking small number of power- inciting transforma-
sight methods in four the participants refined resulting in people con- creativity within the ful (regime) actors with tive change can be best
cases that imagine food this through the system nected to food system logics of systems- the resources for change understood as a starting
system change under mapping exercises in change in that locality thinking and created in the exercises, and point and divided into
the Transmango pro- the early stages of the Quality of participation: safe-enough spaces by this influenced the for- three concrete roles for
ject. Taking place in the workshops. Crucial was Target groups for invi- stepping out of today’s mulation of strategies transformative change:
Netherlands, Italy, Bur- alignment to the needs tations were broad, but power-relations by in the transformative pre-conceptualization of
Sustainability Science (2020) 15:161–178

kina Faso and Tanzania, of the participants did not reach vulner- thinking into the future space change, creation of new
each case worked with that were engaged in able groups actor networks, and crea-
a set of stakeholders food system change tion of concrete strate-
that focused on a place- processes gies with high chance of
based issue, ranging implementation
from food assistance to
food policy plans
Good anthropocenes Building on potential The objective of the Types of participants: Foresight, including an First, the process con- The focus on bright spots
(Pereira et al. 2018a) ‘seeds’ of transforma- workshop was to create Diverse group consist- adapted Manoa method tributed final stories of or positive futures was a
tive change and through ‘desirable visions’ of ing of activists, devel- (Schultz 2015) use of radical, positive visions powerful entry point for
the use of various Southern Africa and opment specialists, Future Wheels, cross- for southern Africa that changing the mindsets of
futures methods, as such the focus was change-makers, UN impact matrices and have been shared in actors and also empow-
visions of radically pre-determined by the officials and artists the Three Horizons a variety of contexts; ering them to recognize
different and positive project Quality of participa- approach (Sharpe et al. Second, it sparked a the types of change
futures for Southern tion: Participants were 2016) network of people com- that is possible. Future
Africa were co-created. chosen as they are mitted to seeing how collaborations with
To encourage this leading thinkers in what they can in their own participants who want to
transformative thinking, they do. The aim was way start contributing be able to draw on the
imagination and the for diversity, rather towards achieving more method and provide this
pushing of boundaries than full inclusivity positive futures; Third, kind of transformative
were key to this case and the participant list a futures method that space in the communities
was mainly structured has been adapted and where they work means
around the existing net- used in a variety of dif- that the contribution of
works of the organisers ferent contexts the process is ongoing

Table 3  (continued)

Case name Topic Problem definition phase Operationalisation phase Tactical phase Outcome phase Reflection phase

Stories for co-creation In two coastal regions Participants defined the Types of participants: Alternation between Development of shared Stories, imagery and
(Galafassi et al. 2018) in Kenya and Mozam- problem within a wider Focus on diversity in- and cross-scale views on problem lived experiences play a
bique, processes of setting of relations with a multi-scalar, but interactions. Engaging definition and on crucial role in eliciting
knowledge co-creation between ecosystems place-based approach emotional intelligence potentials and trade-offs shared understanding and
within the context of and poverty. In five Quality of participation: through the arts to associated to different in allowing for explora-
poverty alleviation and groups divided by Team mapped relevant invoke a shift in mind- intervention pathways tion of underpinning
ecosystem sustain- expertise, the tool of participants on basis of sets among participants assumptions of strongly
ability were explored. system diagrams was expertise and draw- that are in a co-creation held narratives
This focussed on the used to explore linkages ing from long-term process/workshop.
communicative spaces between well-being and engagement in previous These dynamics were
opened by tools such ecosystems projects captured through the
as story-telling, system use of interviews and
diagrams and future in-depth process obser-
scenarios that can vation
challenge dominant
Transdisciplinary Drawing on insights from Problem defined by trans- Types of participants: Dialogues and participa- Creating of ‘uncon- Attention to structural
research (Marshall et al. long-term involvement disciplinary research Place-based, aimed at tory mapping exercises ventional’ alliances injustices in knowledge
2018) in transdisciplinary team (marginalised fostering long-term aimed at drawing between researchers, systems can contribute
research on emerging communities, aca- processes of trans- attention to the politics NGO practitioners and useable knowledge to
environmental and demics, civil society formation; which pay of knowledge, and to marginalized social inform policy and high-
health challenges in groups) during series attention to a diversity speaking about the actors able to engage light opportunities for
peri-urban India. The of research projects of knowledges and power dynamics and with local and national sustainability transfor-
ability of transdiscipli- focussed on specific seek to address unequal agency afforded to policy processes. These mations. Long term alli-
nary research to con- environment and health power dynamics in co- different knowledges in alliances helped give ances in trandisciplinary
tribute to ‘transforma- challenges. Poor and production processes processes of transfor- legitimacy to marginal- research can co-create
tive space making’ is marginalised groups Quality of participa- mation ized knowledges and new knowledge and help
explored. Mechanisms are often wrongly tion: Team mapped raised preparedness to challenge dominant nar-
that build legitimacy of categorised (in main- potentially successful respond to windows to ratives, reframe problems
pro-poor knowledges stream formal problem alliances (periodically influence policies and support the exercise
and create action-readi- framings) as responsi- reviewed). Marginal- of agency of subaltern
ness are identified ble for environmental ised communities were groups in co-creating
challenges identified, central to the process sustainability transfor-
rather than central to mations
realising transformative
Sustainability Science (2020) 15:161–178
Table 3  (continued)
Case name Topic Problem definition phase Operationalisation phase Tactical phase Outcome phase Reflection phase

Southern Africa Food lab The Southern Africa Although the broad Types of participants: Process design of the Sustainable, transfor- Facilitated dialogue ena-
(Drimie et al. 2018) Food lab is a space that problem is identified by Actors were selected Food lab was strongly mational change in bles focus not just on the
engages with dialogue the Lab as a key soci- from private sector, informed by Theory U, the food system is a exchange of information
as tool to generate new etal issue, the specific civil society, govern- a change management function of shifts in and knowledge—i.e., the
ideas, but also create objectives of the inno- ment and academia, method. It is described individual perceptions, creation of new ideas—
commitments and vation teams emerges while paying attention as enabling individuals perspectives and inten- but on the creation of
relationships for new through dialogue and in to balance in terms to open beyond their tions, combined with new commitments for
action and support for prototyping or testing of roles, gender, and preconceptions and his- shifts in collective per- ‘new action’, as well
small-holder farmers. of the innovations. race. Actors were in a torical ways of making ceptions and intentions. as the development of
Sustainability Science (2020) 15:161–178

Of importance was the The key is on acting, decision-making posi- sense so that they can Participants deepen relationships that enable
proactive addressing while remaining open tion to catalyse food consciously participate their understanding of such commitment and
of power imbalances and moving between system change in a larger field for the system and generate action to arise
and giving voice to the inspiration and experi- Quality of participation: change a new and more col-
marginalized in the mentation Facilitated dialogue lective understanding
system through these was used to reveal of the system and their
dialogues power imbalances role in it
particularly around race
and gender
Global fellowship (Moore Bringing together system General problem that Types of participants: “Tools” were concepts, Working with indi- Navigating between the
et al. 2018) entrepreneurs from the Fellowship aims to Mid-senior level career, frameworks, and vidual fellows on social design of the modules
various regions engaged address is the need to who are recognized for exercises that involved innovation created a (to go from individual
in transformative strengthen peer-peer their work in trying to analysis and applica- training ground to be mindsets to organiza-
processes, the aim of learning and transform- transform systems to tion. The materials more reflexive of the tional, to networked and
the Global fellowship ative capacities, using ensure social–ecologi- were based on complex, spaces they operate in global), and also includ-
is to strengthen two insights from resilience cal resilience. Focus social–ecological and develop skills to ing participant choices
transformative capaci- and complexity science on diversity to expose systems approaches to cross scales, confront as they emerged was key
ties: building systems for transformations. network to different resilience, institutional diversity, and analyse and resulted in diverse
reflexivity and navigat- Specific problems that perspectives/regions. theory, organizational social–ecological rela- workshops: this ranged
ing emergence. Fellows are addressed within This to help partici- design, and social– tionships from storytelling to learn
go through experiential the Fellowship itself pants address their own ecological innovation about communication
learning in various are multiple based spaces more effectively research, and included and complex dynamics
modules, which include on participants own Quality of participation: a broad range, such as: to workshops on social
peer-coaching and framings, further Applicants were nomi- inscaping, complex sys- finance mechanisms to
study visits, and apply refined by numerous nated, and then applied, tems mapping, network support social–ecological
these learnings to their exercises (e.g. using and selected for the analysis, the adaptive navigation. Supporting
own social–ecological multiple lenses for ana- Fellowship cycle, and more this, flexibility in design
challenges lysing issues, complex was crucial
systems mapping)

170 Sustainability Science (2020) 15:161–178

own dimensions of power and consequence. Not only does

Mixed methods: Quanti- Awareness and increased Creating space for different

mean reinforcing unequal

modes of communication

cultures does not have to

power dynamics around
this impact the subsequent process, but it also demonstrates

rights to express opin-

ions. Respecting local
can transcend cultural
habits and gendered
the inevitable asymmetries that surface in the co-production

power structures
process (Cornwall 2008). Even when no explicit selection of
Reflection phase

participants appears to take place, underlying social power

dynamics result in a pre-selection of some at the expense of
others (Dyer 2018). It becomes crucial for conveners to get
a balance in ‘types of participants’ and ‘quality of partici-
pation’ (Hebinck and Page 2017) amidst these sometimes
tion of decision making
ally relevant reformula-
attention to context and

and participatory obser- creative and contextu-

hidden social dynamics.1 Also important is who the conven-

dominance to lead to
patterns of gendered

ers themselves are. Although there are real challenges for

decision making

forums formats

convenors that are not directly within the system themselves,

Outcome phase

“outsider” status of conveners can sometimes be advanta-

geous as the participation of “insiders” in shaping the par-
ticipants of the process might encourage or even discourage
participation of certain actors.
ping of meeting speech

Given the majority of the nine cases focused on place-

patterns contextualised
tative systematic map-

by ethnographic detail

based problems, their operationalisation phase entailed the

selection and mobilisation of place-based actors. Along with
Tactical phase

local co-conveners, research teams mapped out and invited

suitable actors that were in various ways connected to the

issue at stake while attempting to maintain diversity and

look beyond power-structures. In the Southern African Food
Lab special attention was given to the selection of partici-
Operationalisation phase

extended, this does not

Quality of participation:
agement interventions
natural resource man-

pants, as the main selection criteria was a leadership role in

for sustainability and
resilience initiatives
Convening actors in
Types of participants:

guarantee inclusive
sive invitation’ was

their sector (Drimie et al. 2018). This was essential for their
While an ‘inclu-

aim to instigate new actions and creation of commitments


to support smallholder farmers in ensuring community food

security within a historical legacy of land dispossessions and
concentrated poverty. In their selection of actors from across
private sector, civil society, government and academia, their
cally mean there is gen-

women to be influential
attendance at meetings.

der equality that allows

focus was on the participants’ ability to ensure representa-

Problem definition phase

the same at substantive

women may be present

this does not automati-

decision making for a,
An initial issue for gender The researcher defined

participation. While
Gender parity is not
gender parity, equal

in equal numbers in
the problem around

tion across sectors and influence on and experience with the

system. As such, power dynamics, of actors over the system
in these forums

and of entrenched power inequities, were a major consid-

eration in the operationalisation of this case. In contrast,
the aims and objectives of the Global Fellowship case led
to a selection approach that focused on diversity that was
not explicitly focused on one place, although participants
tion in decision-making

the silencing of women

inclusion but also their

analysis of two cases a

equity in environmen-

number of reasons for

actors are highlighted

worked on place-based issues. Seeking to strengthen sys-

substantive participa-
in many developing
tal decision making

country contexts is

tem entrepreneurship, the convenors recognized that systems

as public political
not only women’s

forums. Based on

change requires that agency is distributed across a networked

set of actors. To support systems rather than individual
entrepreneurship, and to strengthen transformative capacities

in a learning space, the design focused on a diverse group of

fellows, connected to different networks, embedded in dif-
ferent regions and systems, and with different perspectives.
Gender meetings (Dyer
Table 3  (continued)

As emphasised in “Problem definition phase”, the ability of con-
Case name

veners to get a good representation is partly influenced by the prob-


lem definition, sometimes leading to the choice to give participants

space to reframe problems.

Sustainability Science (2020) 15:161–178 171

Fig. 1  Five phases for the

design of transformative spaces
that iteratively feed into each
other and are dynamic into the
future (i.e., there is no deter-
mined end-point)

This creates certain power asymmetries as every participant catalysing system change, and some on both. The social
is confronted with a diversity of views about transformations innovation lab guide (Westley and Laban 2012), outlines
in their environment. one way through which to ensure that different tools are
Even with careful selection processes that pay attention used in certain sequences so as to increase the likelihood
to these complex social dynamics, some form of power will that the goals and outcomes are achieved at each stage of
inevitably enter into the convened space, including potential the process. Since there is no perfect approach, and always
conflicts arising from pre-existing tensions or prejudices. many optional pathways to undertake these kinds of pro-
Likewise, it is critical to acknowledge that transformative cesses, choosing the “right” tools for each group can be a
spaces do not occur in a vacuum, and participants have a his- tricky process, and it is also important to recognise when a
tory of engagement with other convened processes and may particular method is not working with a group and to shift
possibly feel some form of research or engagement fatigue to something else (Zgambo 2018).
(see Lemos et al. 2018). Knowing such dynamics can affect The conveners employed different types of participatory
the ‘quality of participation’ during a process, given that methodologies, such as participant observation, narrative
these can affect the quality of a ‘safe space’ for certain actors enquiry, participatory scenario mapping and participatory
(Gaventa and Cornwall 2008). Lessons learned from these impact pathways analysis. In some spaces, mixed quanti-
cases demonstrate that such sensitivities can be mediated to tative–qualitative approaches were used to facilitate sys-
some extent through the choice of methods (see next sec- tem understanding, such as Agency Network Analysis and
tion). Open reflexivity and transparency in terms of selec- Q-Methodology (Table 3). The case Stories for co-creation
tion is vital to convening a transformative space. Over time, applied an approach that engaged actively and purposefully
who is included in the transformative space may also shift with the emotional intelligence of participants through the
and this reflexivity is important to be able to ensure that the use of arts. Here, the application of performative arts and
space allows for this fluidity as interests change. its ability to contribute to opening up different perspectives
to the transformations needed to tackle climate change was
The tactical phase: the methods and toolbox explored. The case shows how the use of artistic interven-
for transformative spaces tions allowed for a move from a mere cognitive under-
standing of facts to a process of revealing perceptions and
The tactical phase is focused on the choice, development underlying worldviews that mediated that understanding.
and application of methodologies to enable a transforma- The research team captured these shifts of perceptions and
tive space, and to support the work that will be done in mind-sets through narratives, interviews and, in-depth pro-
that space, by the conveners, independently or together cess observation.
with participants. In most cases, conveners decided upon Creativity was used in the case of Food System Futures as
developing a toolbox: a range of facilitation and data col- a way to think about what a desired food system could look
lection methods that work towards meeting the objective like. Through the use of participatory foresight methods,
of the transformative space and scientifically record the participants were encouraged to think imaginatively while
process. The choice of facilitation tools depends on the within the bounds of system-logics, resulting in four plausi-
earlier phases of problem defining and operationalisation ble future food systems. In this case, the use of system think-
since certain methods are aimed towards understanding ing contributed to increased understanding of the food sys-
the current system, while others focus on working towards tem, the different actors and their activities, and (un)desired

172 Sustainability Science (2020) 15:161–178

system outcomes. By combining this system-understanding the transformative space helped to open up new opportuni-
with a futures lens, participants were able to step out of the ties for intervention. These new alliances enabled a pooling
today’s dominant power-structures and challenge currently of different kinds of resources, such as of knowledge, legiti-
dominant trade-offs. Moreover, the research team took an macy and organizational capacity, to help overcome some of
iterative approach to this tactical phase, allowing for swift the difficulties of trying to galvanise action for building more
adjustment in case the process took an unexpected turn or sustainable pathways of change in the context of pervasive
did not meet objectives. ‘locked-in’ agricultural systems.
As the cases highlight, while the methods themselves may Echoing through the cases is the contribution of trans-
not be unique and could be used in other types of processes, formative spaces in the development of connections between
it is the choice of methods for designing and facilitating actors that are normally fragmented and how their improved
work within the space that is crucial for the establishment of understanding of system dynamics can be catalytic to effect-
a transformative space. It is thus critical to match the meth- ing larger change and help to re-organise these systems. To
ods and tools employed in the process with the key outcomes analyse and track progress towards more systemic change as
that it seeks to achieve and ensure that they are meaningful an outcome of transformative spaces, research teams need to
to the contextual dynamics. The combination of methods be more creative and reflexive about monitoring and evalu-
(see Table 3) gives structure to the participants and to the ation. While this is often overlooked, it could contribute
facilitation of the transformative space, and is tailored to the to the identification of both qualitative and even quantita-
contexts in which the transformative spaces are embedded. tive signs of change. More work to be able to track the real
In this way, the transformative space can start to model (and impact of these spaces, the reconfigured relationships and
even exemplify) different ways of working, which may be changes in mind-sets is critical for furthering the work on
essential to the future transformative efforts in this space. understanding and instigating transformative change (see
O’Brien and Synga 2013 with reference to responding to
climate change).
Outcomes phase: understanding and measuring
impacts for transformative change Reflection phase

In this phase, the authors work towards understanding what Concluding the design phases, reflection is important to
the key outcomes for transformative change are. It takes explore and understand what worked and what did not.
stock of the impacts of the transformative space at the indi- Reflecting includes debriefing on whether expectations
vidual, the collective and system level and reflects on the aligned, objectives were met, and how power-dynamics in
efforts of researchers to track and understand changes that the space enabled or disabled transformative change. Pow-
emerge. Detecting change that can be attributed directly erful actors that command resources and influence can often
to the transformative space is challenging, particularly in pose an important barrier to change. These issues mean
relation to a ‘live’ and open process, where there are mul- that a transformative space is often not a transformation in
tiple influencing processes and events outside the domain itself, but rather a form of preparedness for transformation
of the transformative space. While some notable changes that entails unlocking constructive ways of working with
may occur during or immediately following the implementa- power dynamics that are undeniably constitutive of any
tion of an experimental process, other changes may emerge social–ecological system (Moore et al. 2018). In transfor-
later—possibly associated with individual change and rela- mations, a single intervention is insufficient as the system
tionships initiated during the transformative space. has been locked into unsustainable and unjust trajectories
The difficulty with trying to identify, undertake and assess due to historical path dependencies and requires a much
transformative change can be identified across the cases, as longer-term engagement. Moreover, the larger the scale
most conclude that the transformative spaces are actually of transformation desired; the longer the time required to
starting points of change, rather than endpoints (see Fig. 1 observe impact and change. For these larger higher-level
for a visual representation). Instead, the cases give insights transformative changes, new methods and longer time com-
into how change has been effected at individual, collective mitments are needed.
and system levels and how these change processes might be Transformative spaces must be crafted so as to allow
further catalysed. In the Argentinian Seeds case, a key out- for conflict to be a productive process of contestation, of
come of the transformative space was the creation of ‘uncon- unmasking interests and rethinking perceptions. In this
ventional’ alliances between researchers, NGO practitioners way, these spaces move away from the consensus model
and social actors that are systematically marginalised within (Mostert 2015) that informs many efforts at transdisci-
formal policy dialogues, such as around agricultural seed plinary engagement. Consequently, they can facilitate the
markets. Through the creation of novel alliances of actors, development of social interactions between actors that

Sustainability Science (2020) 15:161–178 173

previously did not come into dialogue. In the Gendered cannot meet expanding and ongoing expectations. In turn,
Meetings case, the ethnographic approach used to under- this may limit the information and knowledge researchers
stand underlying gendered dynamics of communication in gain on the multiple outcomes of these spaces, creating
Solomon Islands villages revealed that prima facie assess- in this way a knowledge gap. This is particularly true in
ments of participation can be misleading. It concludes that the Global South were structural injustices may be more
without recognition of how some communicative prac- pervasive.
tices gain dominance, and thus voice, over others, real
transformation is unlikely to take place. This is one way
that transformative spaces are distinct from other experi- Key lessons relating to research
mental settings and participatory processes, as they are in transformative spaces
deliberate in inviting conversations about conflict and its
causes and are thereby open to the human dimensions of The aim of this synthesis has been to explore how to
deliberations about future pathways. The Good Anthro- create spaces for developing initiatives and approaches
pocenes case shows how transformative spaces allow for that can contribute to large-scale, systemic transforma-
a shift in personal perspectives in terms of reframing and tions that strengthen the relationship between people and
re-thinking initially negative images (the Anthropocene) planet. Central to this goal is the pressing need to make
by explicating positive changes and enriching the dia- transformation more directly relevant to the conditions
logue with transformative visions. This case shows how that arise in the Global South. This includes addressing
alternative approaches can be a useful approach to foster marginalisation; dealing with and confronting the long
dynamics of change. In this instance, a focus on positive legacies of colonialism in its many manifestations, and
futures allowed participants better to link current practices whose effects are still experienced; and challenging the
to transformative change, contributing a set of approaches status quo to help address social and power inequalities.
that enabled societal actors to deal with changes needed Indeed, these are issues that have not had a central place
for transformation and to see their individual contributions in SES transformation research, but are arguably central to
to the larger vision. any social–ecological change process, and are particularly
The other cases also illustrated ways of doing this salient to the conditions of transformation.
reflecting, such as identifying and focusing on mutual We conclude that transformative spaces, through
concerns between both powerful and less powerful play- designing the engagement and dialogues in ways that
ers, and to use these as a basis to think about ways for- involve and consider emotions and allowing for empa-
ward. Critical to developing transformative spaces is a thy, further contribute to humanizing the solutions. We
serious and open engagement with how knowledge is argue this is a distinguishing feature of the co-created out-
being created and utilised, not just in terms of bringing comes of transformative spaces, that they are immediately
diverse actors together to co-produce new knowledge in socially relevant, and neither impersonal, nor apolitical.
a particular setting, but with a mutual recognition that We consider researchers such as ourselves not just to be
context, culture and power will shape the form of under- distant observers of transformation, but in fact to have
standings of all involved (Stirling and Mitchell 2018). considerable agency in catalysing or creating conditions
Another implication is how this understanding plays out for transformation (Milkoreit et al. 2015). In other words,
in wider knowledge systems with the structural injustices we can help create or support the seeds for transforma-
that they encompass (Marshall et al. 2018). As such, tion when these seeds are weak or completely lacking.
transformative spaces have the potential to transform the Researchers are not just knowledge makers or more con-
value of knowledge, heightening it to a common resource servatively, knowledge holders (a dominating paradigm
and public good rather than a power tool for the selected in Western knowledge systems), but transformation mak-
or privileged few. ers and facilitators, and hence consciously or not, they
Researchers are key actors in transformative spaces are changing their own roles, identities and values in the
and as a result can do a great deal in helping to turn process. There is much to be gained from ensuring that
power from a disabler into an enabler for transformation. the learnings from transformative spaces are as diverse
However, they are also bound by their own rhythms of as possible and are not restricted to Western paradigms
work and institutional commitments. In retrospect, this and problem-framings. Transformative spaces allow
can pose barriers towards realising their full potential as for a reflection on the broadening and shifting roles of
transformative space-makers (Hebinck et al. 2018; Mar- researchers in both North and South research communi-
shall et al. 2018). The limited time available in projects ties. Another insight has been that creating transformative
and the results-driven frameworks sometimes mean that spaces is not about a single event or workshop. Rather it
they have less time to spend in the transformative space or is a continued process of engagement through designed

174 Sustainability Science (2020) 15:161–178

and facilitated interactions that often involve a series of Readiness of the system for change
workshops or programs that requires planning, organisa-
tion and curation. Second, related to the previous point is the importance to
Opening up to emphasise the vital knowledge and assess the readiness of the system for change and avoid
capacities for enabling transformative change that are initiating change processes too early, with a higher risk of
prevalent in the Global South is a crucial research gap. failure because the convenors (and possibly the participants)
This paper has made a first attempt to synthesise some of do not understand the system. Understanding the readiness
the many learnings that a cross-case comparison can elu- of the system for change will allow transformative spaces’
cidate, whilst holding true to the individuality of the stud- outcomes to be more easily adopted or even institutionally
ies and recognising that these findings are not universal. embedded outside the group of participants in the transform-
Below we identify five key findings from the nine cases. ative space (Westley et al. 2017). Even when there are small
‘openings for change’ there are signals that communities
Ethical dilemmas associated with creating of practice and research should not neglect nor hesitate to
a transformative space in a system seize. We need to keep in mind that it is not only the experi-
mentation process itself, but part of the open-endedness of
First, all the cases raise some ethical dilemmas when creat- experimentation that makes it critical to identify the individ-
ing a transformative space, whether initiated by a researcher, uals, organizations, and networks that are deeply committed
an NGO or a grassroots organization. Transformative spaces to changing the dynamics of systems that they themselves
often initially start small, and so almost by definition, they may represent. It is necessary to include a diverse range of
are exclusive rather than inclusive spaces. While they do not relevant actors who develop a shared sense of ownership
have to be organized as small “closed” spaces, the nature of the process for it to be sustained in the long-term and to
of the interpersonal interactions and engagement that these effect change at the ‘systems’ level. It is also important to
processes are designed to foster supports a more intimate have a baseline from which to assess potential changes in
design. Transformative spaces are designed to generate ideas the system.
that challenge the status quo and the dominant systems, and
hence change the systems conditions that created the prob- ‘Safe’ vs. ‘safe‑enough’ spaces for transformation
lems in the first place. This means that a transformative
space can put participants at risk because the ideas can be Third, the cases raise the issue of transformative spaces as
seen as controversial to others who can feel threatened by “safe” or “safe-enough”. One aspect of this is that the par-
the new ideas, especially if the ideas change power relations. ticipants might be putting themselves at risk by participat-
For some participants, engaging with such ideas could entail ing. But the “safe” also means that transformative change
exclusion from their communities or in some cases, a fear requires learning, and more specifically “un and re-learning”
for their own life (see Drimie et al. 2018). As Moore et al. in order for participants to challenge their own thinking,
(2018) highlight, transformative spaces can indeed “feel— and let go of preconceived ideas (Olsson et al. 2017). This
and be—dangerous” because they challenge stability and often means that participants show personal vulnerability.
predictability. However, such efforts to give voice to the The Global Fellowship, T-labs and the Food lab were all
powerless may also give rise to internal resistance to change, designed for “unlearning”; they challenge preconceived
and possible setbacks, as actors in the system become nerv- ways of thinking and knowing, and use different methods
ous when power imbalances are explicitly identified and to guide the participants through such processes. The idea
addressed. Power-related tensions arose amongst intended is that to transform a system, it is necessary to undergo
beneficiaries of the agro-ecology leadership program in the changes at the personal level (including scientists’ assump-
Food Lab case study, when some smallholders worried about tions) and then to start building capacities and networks for
a course participant becoming too dominant due to new- change. This implies that there is a need for a level of dis-
found knowledge and confidence. Especially in the Global comfort to be able to process internal transformations and
South, where these issues of vulnerability and marginalisa- act systemically. As well as personal learning, the encounter
tion are often explicit, the ethical implications of engaging in with diverse opinions can also be an uncomfortable space
the system need to be acknowledged by researchers upfront. for some participants, especially if they disagree with what
This includes being honest about setting expectations about is being said. Creating an environment where all feel safe
the outcome of the process. It is only by further investigat- enough to articulate their differences can be vital in some
ing processes in these contexts that a better understanding instances.
of these ethical dilemmas and ways to ensure the wellbeing
of all participants can be developed and that expectations of
change can be better managed.

Sustainability Science (2020) 15:161–178 175

Assemblage of frameworks for transdisciplinary for institutionalising these kinds of more radical system
research interventions.

Fourth, transformative spaces require an assemblage of

frameworks to set up the transdisciplinary research; simply Conclusions
put, there is ‘no one size fits all’ situation. The cases show
that a diversity of methods, tools and skills is required for This article synthesises the learnings from research
transformative spaces to be designed, operated and reflected engagements across nine diverse cases in transformative
upon. Similar reflections have emerged from literature on spaces in a development context, which were individu-
living labs as spaces for intervening around sustainability in ally set out in a Special Issue in Ecology and Society (see
cities (Voytenko et al. 2016; Bulkeley et al. 2016). Next to Pereira et al. 2018b). This synthesis paper provides con-
this, tools and methods are not neutral, but are necessarily crete insights for the crafting of fitting methodologies to
constructed on particular assumptions and perspectives on research transformative spaces in a development context.
knowledge, which in turn can shape outcomes dramatically. We do so by setting the cases out in the five phases that
It is therefore important for researchers to reflect on these we argue can be recognised in transformative spaces. This
assumptions so as to design processes that fit the contextual process allowed us to distil a number of key messages that
dynamics at play and the interests of those involved. It is also should be considered when designing transformations-ori-
important to avoid matching or mixing frameworks and the- ented research. We urge anyone engaging in or designing
ories that come from ontologically opposing sides because research in transformative spaces to stay mindful of these
such a mis-match will generate non-reliable findings (that in five points:
turn will deteriorate the eligibility and reliability of process
outcomes). This comes together with the researcher’s will- • There are ethical dilemmas associated with creating a
ingness to reflect on their own role and be willing to question transformative space in a system;
their own assumptions. • It is important to assess the readiness of the system for
change before engaging in it;
Transformative spaces as starting points • There is a need to balance between ‘safe’ and ‘safe-
for institutionalising change enough’ spaces for transformation;
• Convening a transformative space requires an assemblage
Fifth, transformative spaces as unique knowledge-action of diverse methodological frameworks and tools;
interfaces can either foster a transformation from infancy or • Transformative spaces can act as a starting point for insti-
institutionalise ongoing transformative processes by creat- tutionalising transformative change.
ing, strengthening and even ‘positioning’ new social net-
works. As transdisciplinarity becomes normalised within In addition, by choosing case studies from the Global
research, there is a need to recognise the different prac- South, we have tried to highlight how learning from these
tices within this larger epistemological framing of which perspectives can disrupt Western ideas about transforma-
the growing scholarship around transformative spaces is an tion and push transformation research and practice into
example. A transformative space is a form of preparedness new directions. Such emphasis includes a stronger focus on
for transformation, unlocking constructive ways of working dimensions of justice, history, power and contested mean-
with power dynamics in the status quo. As such, transforma- ing. Galvanising the initial learnings about transformative
tive spaces allow participants, including the conveners or spaces from the Global South has global significance, as
researchers involved, to reflect on their individual agency, much research on transformations so far has been typically
their capacities and perspectives that enable or disable col- set out to address problems and challenges in the Global
lective action, the forms of alliances they can build, and North, or ‘Western’ contexts. The need to ensure that theo-
new ways of seeing their world that open up alternative ries on transformation are not based solely on research from
pathways forward. Because transformative spaces oper- privileged regions of the world is an imperative if the world
ate within ongoing, highly complex and often contested is to move onto a more sustainable pathway. As such, the
social–ecological realities, it is possible that these spaces paper addresses the broader picture of transformation across
provide participants with the space for reflection that then diverse contexts and yields insights with implications across
empowers them to mobilize change in other arenas. This the North–South continuum.
echoes what Lotz-Sisitka et al. (2015) refer to as the need to Our approach to transformative spaces recognises that
develop transgressive learning or disruptive capacity build- disrupting the dominance of Western examples is a key step-
ing that moves beyond existing notions of adaptive man- ping stone for accelerating global transformations for two
agement. Transformative spaces can provide the contexts reasons. First: there is no transformation without challenging

176 Sustainability Science (2020) 15:161–178

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Laura Pereira1,2,3 · Niki Frantzeskaki4 · Aniek Hebinck5 · Lakshmi Charli‑Joseph6 · Scott Drimie1,7 · Michelle Dyer3,8 ·
Hallie Eakin9 · Diego Galafassi3 · Timos Karpouzoglou10 · Fiona Marshall11 · Michele‑Lee Moore3 · Per Olsson3 ·
J. Mario Siqueiros‑García6,12 · Patrick van Zwanenberg13 · Joost M. Vervoort14,15,16

1 10
Centre for Complex Systems in Transition, Stellenbosch Division of History of Science, Technology
University, Stellenbosch, South Africa and Environment, KTH Royal Institute of Technology,
2 Stockholm, Sweden
Centre for Food Policy, City University of London,
Northampton Square, London EC1V 0HB, UK Science Policy Research Unit, University of Sussex Business
3 School, Brighton, UK
Stockholm Resilience Centre, Stockholm University,
Stockholm, Sweden Instituto de Investigaciones en Matemáticas Aplicadas y en
4 Sistemas, Unidad Mérida, Universidad Nacional Autónoma
Centre for Urban Transitions, Swinburne University
de México, Mexico City, Mexico
of Technology, Melbourne, Australia
5 Centro de Investigaciones para la Transformación [CENIT],
DRIFT, Erasmus University Rotterdam, Rotterdam,
Universidad Nacional de San Martín, Buenos Aires,
The Netherlands
Laboratorio Nacional de Ciencias de la Sostenibilidad, 14
Copernicus Institute of Sustainable Development, Utrecht
Instituto de Ecología, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de
University, Utrecht, The Netherlands
México, Mexico City, Mexico
7 Environmental Change Institute, University of Oxford,
Southern Africa Food Lab, Stellenbosch University,
Oxford, UK
Stellenbosch, South Africa
8 Research Institute of Humanity and Nature, Kyoto, Japan
James Cook University, Townsville, Australia
School of Sustainability and Julie Ann Wrigley Global
Institute of Sustainability, Arizona State University, Tempe,


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