5039 - Assignment 2 - Nguyen Phan Thao My - GBD220121 - GBD1102

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Qualification BTEC Level 4 HND Diploma in Business

Unit number and title Unit 6: Management of a Successful Business Project (5039)

Submission date Date received (1st submission)

Re-submission date Date received (2nd submission)

Student name Nguyen Phan Thao My Student ID GBD220121

Class GBD1102 Assessor name Nguyen Xuan Tho

Student declaration

I certify that the assignment submission is entirely my own work and I fully understand the consequences of plagiarism. I understand that
making a false declaration is a form of malpractice.

Student’s signature:

Grading grid

P6 P7 P8 M4 M5 D3
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Table of Contents
I. Introduction to the project report........................................................................................................................................ 4
II. Implement the Project Management Plan (PMP) to communicate results from the research and
make conclusions from the evidence of findings .................................................................................................................... 4
2.1 Implement the Project Management Plan (PMP) ....................................................................................................... 4
2.1.1 Literature Review ........................................................................................................................................................... 4
2.1.2 Project Data Collection ................................................................................................................................................. 7
2.2 Present and discuss the research findings and data in the form of a report ................................................... 8
2.2.1 CSR Activities Of Vinamilk .......................................................................................................................................... 8
2.2.2 Eco-friendly Product of Vinamilk ..........................................................................................................................11
2.2.3 Assessment of consumer perception of eco-friendly products about Vinamilk's CSR practices 13
2.3 Draw valid meaning full conclusion and recommendations from data analysis .........................................20
2.4 Justify conclusions and recommendations drawn from data analysis and findings to meet the stated
project objectives..................................................................................................................................................................................21
III. Evaluation of project value and project management .........................................................................................22
3.1 Reflection on the value of undertaking the business project to meet stated objectives and own
learning and performance ................................................................................................................................................................22
3.1.1 What did you aim to achieve through your work? .........................................................................................22
3.1.2 Did your work succeed in achieving your aims? How do you know? Specifically, please outline
any evaluation and assessment undertaken ........................................................................................................................23
3.1.3 What aspects of your development process do you think worked well and why? ...........................23
3.1.4 What problems emerged during the project and how were they tackled? Was there a timely
identification of issues and resolution during the project process? ...........................................................................24
3.1.5 What did you learn from undertaking the project? ........................................................................................25
3.1.6 What are the strengths and weaknesses of your process that you have identified? ........................25
3.1.7 How could your process improve for the future? ...........................................................................................26
3.2 Evaluate the project management process to meet the stated objectives and own learning and
performance ...........................................................................................................................................................................................26
IV. Critically reflect the project management process in supporting stated objectives and own
learning ........................................................................................................................................................................................................28
V. Conclusion.....................................................................................................................................................................................30
VI. References ....................................................................................................................................................................................30
VII. Project Logbook Template ..................................................................................................................................................32
I. Introduction to the project report
After completing the tasks in assignment 1, continued on the stage of assignment 2 as the assistant
for the Board of Directors, submitted the Project Management Plan (PMP), continued to deploy
projects, and wrote reports to reflect the entire experience for Vinamilk. This report aims to support
the Board, develop long-term strategies, gather data and insights into lessons gained, and then utilize
this data to prioritize activities to consumer perception in Da Nang City about Vinamilk's eco-
friendly product development efforts. Start looking for definitions and characteristics affecting
consumer perception after completing the plan. Next, we evaluate three key aspects of corporate
social responsibility: environmental, social, and economic. Finally, start conducting consumer surveys
and based on the data results evaluate and compare the similarities of this study with other studies,
and add the necessary alternatives for improvement.

II. Implement the Project Management Plan (PMP) to communicate

results from the research and make conclusions from the
evidence of findings
2.1 Implement the Project Management Plan (PMP)

2.1.1 Literature Review Corporate Social Responsibility

Corporate Social Responsibility is a process that is concerned with treating the stakeholders of a
company or institution's stakeholder morally and responsibly (Hopkins, 2006). Corporate social
responsibility has three primary dimensions: social, economic, and environmental (Hopkins,
2006). CSR is a method for achieving sustainable social development. Multi-stakeholders and their
materiality are addressed by both CSR and sustainability (Hopkins, 2006).
Figure 1 Corporate Social Responsibility ( Source: Author’s illustration)

Several significant factors influence each of the three primary sectors. Here are but a few for each:

The social aspects of CSR focus on the impact of the company on the well-being of stakeholders
including employees, communities, relationships, and society in general (Businessballs, n.d). The
main considerations in the social dimension include Employee welfare: This allows a combination
of fair wages, conditions with the right to work, diversity, equal health, and respect for human rights
for all stakeholders (Businessballs, n.d). Community involvement: This involves active participation
in initiatives for the benefit of building a cohesive relationship with the local community
(Businessballs, n.d). Human rights: Ensuring that human rights are fully respected by suppliers is
crucial, for example, to address issues such as forced labor and child labor, etc. Plans and chances for
education and growth volunteering, giving to charity, and connections to charities (Businessballs,
n.d). Integrating these elements into our environmentally friendly product development strategy
improves the community and increases consumer trust and loyalty.

The economic aspects of CSR highlight corporate responsibility in creating shared value and
contributing to economic prosperity (Businessballs, n.d). The main considerations in this aspect
include Ethical Business Practices: Companies that adhere to CSR maintain high moral standards in
their operations and abstain from bribery, corruption, and unethical financial activities
(Businessballs, n.d). Transparency and disclosure of management information: public reporting
on financial activities, business activities, and social impact initiatives (Businessballs, n.d). Equitable
trade policies: Ensure quality and reasonable prices of goods and product safety throughout the
entire supply chain (Businessballs, n.d). By incorporating these practices, businesses can develop
environmentally friendly products that contribute to a more sustainable future and fulfill their CSR
commitments. In addition to improving brand recognition, this strategy draws in eco-aware
consumers and promotes long-term financial success.

The environmental aspects of CSR focus on the company's impact on the natural environment and
its commitment to sustainability (Businessballs, n.d). The main considerations in this aspect include
Environmental Conservation: CSR programs try to lessen their negative effects on the environment
by employing renewable energy sources, implementing eco-friendly practices, and cutting back on
waste (Businessballs, n.d). Resource efficiency: Implement closed production processes, encourage
recycling and reuse, and utilize fewer resources. Pollution Prevention: Implement measures to
reduce air, water, and soil pollution throughout the supply chain (Businessballs, n.d). Make sure
suppliers follow environmental regulations, and encourage eco-friendly supply sourcing initiatives to
lessen the supply chain's overall environmental impact (Businessballs, n.d). Incorporating these
practices into product development minimizes negative environmental impacts and builds a positive
image of focusing on environmental protection. This also creates confidence and support from
consumers and the community for business environmentally friendly products. Eco-friendly Product

Anupreet Kaur Mokha (2017) defines an environmentally friendly product, also known as an eco-
friendly product, as goods and services that are produced, engineered using clean technology, and
dispersed in a manner that reduces their life cycle's environmental impact. This concept revolves
around sustainable development and conservation of natural resources to reduce carbon emissions
to the environment and enhance environmental health (Mokha, 2017). Environmentally friendly
products are available in every sector, for example, apparel, accessories for the house and restaurant,
jewelry, shopping items, coffee cups, drink bottles, and many more (Mokha, 2017). These items are
becoming more and more well-liked due to their low environmental effect. Thanks to a variety of
green marketing strategies, including eco-labels, eco-brands, and environmental advertising, these
items are readily identifiable. A growing number of businesses are starting to produce these
environmentally friendly goods. For instance, Vinamilk has helped convert waste into resources like
fertilizer, water, and gas by implementing biogas systems at dairy farms. This is regarded as the
"green key" that helps run ecologically friendly farms by cutting waste and greenhouse gas emissions
(Vinamilk, 2021).

Various organizations and regulators set standards and certifications to define what makes an
environmentally friendly product. These standards typically include three main criteria related to:

Origin of raw material: Use sustainable, non-toxic, or recyclable materials. For example, for self-
destructive packaging, the material must be made from biodegradable plastics, while the recycled
packaging must be from clean, recyclable PE and PP plastics (Ryan, 2023). There must be strict
compliance with the safety regulations of the raw materials used in production.

Certification: Products must meet national or international quality standards to guarantee

consumers authentic environmental information of products such as Energy Star, Fair Trade, USDA
Organic, or various ecological labels (Ryan, 2023).

Packaging: Technical requirements for recyclable, recoverable, handleable, and disposed of eco-
friendly packaging materials (Ryan, 2023). In compliance with regulatory requirements, it
necessitates comprehensive plans for the recovery and recycling of old packaging, including details
on the facilities and procedures, processing techniques, recovery technologies, and environmental
protection measures (Ryan, 2023).

Eco-friendly standards and certifications help consumers trust products meeting environmental
criteria, promoting responsible consumption and sustainable practices. Literature reviews analyze
these aspects, analyzing consumer perceptions, environmental impacts, and the evolution of eco-
friendly product development within the dairy industry.

2.1.2 Project Data Collection

Conducting online surveys through Google Forms platforms enables to reach a wide range of
consumers. In addition to collecting information about age, gender, and income levels, applying the
Likert scale to survey questions will help generate numerical data, thus helping to analyze and
compare consumer opinions systematically and easily. These surveys can explore the awareness of
Vinamilk's environmental initiatives, their effectiveness, and their willingness to buy
environmentally friendly products from the brand. When collecting key data, ethical considerations
must be ensured, such as obtaining informed consent and protecting the identity of survey
participants. By analyzing primary data, Vinamilk can gain valuable insights into how consumers
perceive their environmental efforts and identify areas for improvement.

While primary data through surveys can provide more specific insights, secondary data can offer a
broader perspective on consumer awareness of Vinamilk's environmental efforts. As can be seen,
Vinamilk is actively engaged in CSR through secondary data such as the company's annual reports
and on its websites. Search and use a wide range of reliable independent reports, and research by
scholars, universities, or independent research institutions. This information can provide a rich
insight into the effectiveness and impact of Vinamilk's CSR programs. Through these secondary data
sources, it is possible to collect detailed and multidimensional information about Vinamilk's CSR and
sustainability programs, providing a critical information base for the project on consumer awareness
of the company's environmentally friendly products.

2.2 Present and discuss the research findings and data in the form of a report

2.2.1 CSR Activities Of Vinamilk

Saunders, Lewis, and Thornhill (2012) state that the qualitative methodology is a systematic and
subjective approach to understanding and interpreting social phenomena. As can be seen, qualitative
research is based on references from secondary data from desk research from information sources in
the press and the Internet. The utilization of qualitative methods to analyze diverse data sources
concerning corporate social responsibility endeavors to mirror Vinamilk's "community-focused"
from the level of the company’s mission to the participation of the collective workers. In the wake of
the COVID-19 outbreak, Vinamilk was a pioneer in Vietnam, implementing the "School Milk"
program and working tirelessly to ensure its safety so that it reaches over 3.3 million preschool and
primary school students in 23 provinces nationwide (QuynhAn, 2021). The community, and parents
in particular, embrace the "School Milk" initiative enthusiastically because they believe that when
their children drink normal milk, the classroom is a more enjoyable place (QuynhAn, 2021). In
addition, between the months of 3-4/2020, Vinamilk provided 10 billion VND in funding for the
procurement of medical equipment to aid in the prompt detection of the SARS-COV-2 virus and
supported 15 billion VND in nutritional products to support front-line units across the country
against the epidemic (QuynhAn, 2021).

Figure 2 Vice President Dang Thi Ngoc Thinh, Vinamilk CEO Bui Thi Huong, and leaders of Vinh Long province awarded milk and
scholarships to students in difficult circumstances (Kinhtedothi, 2021)

Vinamilk's enthusiasm and readiness are for children who are in difficult situations, and who need
solidarity from society with loving trains that bring 1.7 million glasses of Vinamilk milk to children in
difficult circumstances in 27 provinces across the country (QuynhAn, 2021). Furthermore, with over
1.1 million plants planted by 2020, the One Million Green Trees Fund for Vietnam has surpassed its
goal. This is a remarkable effort by Vinamilk and is honored to receive the 2020 Global CSR Award in
the Top 10 Best Environmental Activities (QuynhAn, 2021).

Figure 3 Ethnic children in Tuyen Quang province responded to the program "1 Million Green Trees Fund for Vietnam" (Kinhtedothi, 2021)
Additionally, the officer and worker Vinamilk mentioned the salary support of VND 4 billion to help
the people affected by natural disasters overcome the difficulties and remediate the consequences of
the flood during the days when people throughout the nation turned to the Central region during the
recent historic flood (QuynhAn, 2021). One of the key elements supporting Vinamilk's steady,
sustainable growth and ability to benefit the community and society at large is its cooperation with
the Vinamilk family's community, which has served as a showcase for the company's corporate
culture (QuynhAn, 2021). However, despite the two-year challenge caused by the COVID-19
pandemic, Vinamilk remains stable and firmly set a target of total revenue of VND 62.160 billion in
2021, according to the published quarter-two report, which recorded a record high revenue of VND
15.729 billion, an increase of 1.4% over the same period last year (PV, 2021). In the first six months
of 2021, the company has completed 47 percent of its year plan (PV, 2021).

Figure 4 Vinamilk's roadmap to Net Zero 2050 (Vinamilk, 2023)

Following the success of the 1 million green trees fund for Vietnam (2012-2020), Vinamilk pioneered
Net Zero 2050 with its "Vinamilk Pathway to Dairy Net Zero 2050" action program (Vinamilk,
2023). Following the Prime Minister's statement at the COP26 Climate Change Conference in the UK
in 2021, Vinamilk has been instrumental in implementing the Vietnamese government's commitment
to Net zero by 2050. Specifically, the drawing of the road to Net Zero 2050, which reduces greenhouse
gas emissions by 15 percent in 2027, cuts and neutralizes 55 percent of emissions in 2035, and moves
towards a zero-net zero emissions target by 2050 (Vinamilk, 2023). The results show that the
combined greenhouse gas emissions from the two dairy units and dairy cow farms owned by Vinamilk
in Nghe An have been neutralized at a total of 17,560 tons of CO2 (about the same as 1.7 million green
trees) (Vinamilk, 2023). This is the outcome of "double action," which involved reducing emissions
from both Vinamilk's animal production and production while maintaining the company's green fund
to absorb greenhouse gasses for an extended period (Vinamilk, 2023). In this way, Vinamilk not only
reduces its footprint but also contributes positively to combating climate change on a larger scale.

2.2.2 Eco-friendly Product of Vinamilk

Applying qualitative approaches to diverse CSR related data sources and Vinamilk's
environmentally friendly product development can reveal deep insights into their initiatives,
communication strategies, and efforts to comply with environmentally-friendly practices. As you can
see, Vinamilk is producing goods that meet "green, sustainable" standards to lessen the
environmental impact of plastic pollution and promote sustainable consumption. With the use of
Tetra Brick Aseptic packaging technology as a replacement for plastic packaging, it is easy to
recycle and reuse FSC-certified paper packaging a product that provides environmental, economic,
and social benefits (HaThu, 2020). In addition, Vinamilk is investigating the application of micro
biodegradable plastic materials in conventional condensation conditions and investigating
applications of conventional plastic substitutes such as recyclable materials like paper, wood, and
starch plastics in light of the upgrading of replacement materials with environmentally friendly
materials (HaThu, 2020). A specific example of a live yeast drinking yogurt product that Vinamilk into
packaging with environmentally friendly materials and is ready to be supplied to the export market
while starting to replace adhesive tapes made from polyester with paper tapes for the milk block
promotional bundles (ThuHuong, 2021).
Figure 5 Vinanmilk uses Tetra Brick Aseptic technology paper packaging (Suckhoe, 2015)

In a short interview with Vinamilk’s Research and Development CEO, Mr. Khanh said, “He has always
set the mission of delivering good quality nutritional products for the health of consumers,
continuously developing and investing in equipment, adopting modern technology, environmentally
friendly, renewable agricultural practices, using renewables with the aim of sustainable use and
contributing to the conservation of limited energy resources.” (KhanhChi, 2022). Starting in early
2020, Vinamilk plans to launch bio self destructive bags and reusable bags for the entire retail chain
across the country. These days, there's a growing awareness about environmental issues, especially
among younger generations, and they're prepared to spend more money on green, clean items that
safeguard the environment (AnEco, 2020). This bag is made from corn starch and is capable of
completely self-decomposing from 6 to 12 months into mud, water, and CO2 which is very safe for
health (AnEco, 2020). With a very attractive and meticulous printing design that is no less than
conventional plastic packaging. By catching up with trends and taking the lead in environmental
protection activities, Vinamilk has generated positive consumer views and helped mitigate the once-
exploding plastic waste problem in recent years (AnEco, 2020). It shows that Vinamilk's self-
degradation bags are not only an environmental initiative, but also an important step forward in
reducing the amount of toxic plastic waste. In addition, it demonstrates Vinamilk’s commitment to
the environment but also motivates consumers to make environmentally conscious choices in their
daily lives.
Figure 6-7 Vinamilk uses AnEco 100% compostable bags to protect the environment (AnEco, 2020)

2.2.3 Assessment of consumer perception of eco-friendly products about Vinamilk's CSR

practices Sample characteristics

Survey Overview: Consumer Perception of Vinamilk's Eco-Friendly Products in Da Nang City

After the study, the main source of information was obtained based on a quantitative survey
conducted on 70 consumers in Da Nang City. The survey included closed-ended questions and
multiple-choice and Likert-scale responses. Based on the actual survey, we have given specific figures
that reflect the development process and results for the enterprise.
Figure 8-9-10-11 : Collect data from a survey on consumer awareness of environmentally friendly products (Source: Author’s illustration)

Based on a consumer survey in Da Nang City, more than 70 feedbacks were collected from different
sexes, occupations, and monthly income levels on consumer perception of Vinamilk's efforts to
develop environmentally friendly products. The chart shows that mainly female consumers
accounted for 60% of the total surveyed, with mainly full-time employees accounting for more than
47% compared to 40% who are students. Focused on people whose monthly income ranges from 5
million to 10 million accounts for the highest with about 32.9%. Mothers always use milk products
for their children, so the number of married with children is highest at 45%, followed by no family
at about 42.9%. Overall, the data showed significant polygamy among survey participants, suggesting
that opinions and perceptions about Vinamilk's environmentally friendly products may reflect
interest from different sides of the consumer community.

Figure 12-13: Collect data from a survey on consumer awareness of environmentally friendly products (Source: Author’s illustration)

It can be seen that Vinamilk is the leading dairy brand in Vietnam with over 45 years of experience,
earning trust from consumers in Da Nang City due to their high regard for quality, safety, and
reliability. According to the survey, brand reputation is the most highly valued factor among
consumers in Da Nang, accounting for 67.1%. This stands as a significant advantage for Vinamilk
compared to other competitive rivals. Additionally, product quality, reasonable pricing, and taste are
crucial factors influencing consumers in Da Nang to choose Vinamilk products, accounting for 62.9%,
61.4%, and 52.9%, respectively.

More than that, Vinamilk's milk is the most popular product in Da Nang City. According to the survey,
82.9% of Danang consumers choose fresh milk as the Vinamilk product they consume most often.
This preference likely arises from fresh milk being an essential product for all age groups, produced
from high-quality fresh milk sources rigorously controlled from procurement, processing, to
packaging stages. In addition, Vinamilk yogurt is popular with Danang consumers for its delicious
flavor, nutritious, and easy to eat accounting for about 64.3%. Moreover, newer products like
Vinamilk's seed milk constitute about 52.9% of choices, rapidly embraced by Da Nang consumers for
its delightful taste and alignment with current consumption trends. With quality products, variety,
and reasonable prices, Vinamilk has established its position as the leading dairy brand in Vietnam,
including Da Nang City.

Figure 14: Collect data from a survey on consumer awareness of environmentally friendly products (Source: Author’s illustration)

Based on the resulting survey, it can be seen that the main source of information that consumers in
Da Nang know about Vinamilk’s environmental product development process is from social networks
accounting for about 78.6% of social networking platforms like Facebook, TikTok, Instagram, etc. This
shows that social networks are increasingly becoming an important channel of information for
consumers, especially for environmental-related products. In addition to social networks, other
sources of information that Danang consumers know about Vinamilk’s environmental product
development process include TV commercials (61.4%) advertising (61.4%), the company’s website
(48.6%), and family, friends, and colleagues (32.9%). This led to Vinamilk doing a good job of
communicating about its environmental product development process by using a variety of
information channels to reach consumers, especially social networks information channel that is
likely to reach the consumer. This is a positive signal that Vinamilk is moving in the right direction in
developing environmental products.

Figure 15: Collect data from a survey on consumer awareness of environmentally friendly products (Source: Author’s illustration)

Overall, consumers in Da Nang City are aware of Vinamilk's environmental product development
efforts. Specifically, 41.4% of consumers expected Vinamilk’s environmentally friendly products to
be priced at the same price as conventional products. This demonstrates that while customers value
Vinamilk's efforts to create ecologically responsible goods, they still want them reasonably priced. In
addition, more than 37.1% of consumers said they accept a 5% price hike for Vinamilk's
environmentally friendly products. It can be seen that this is an ideal price hike and a demonstration
of the willingness of consumers to pay a little extra money in favor of environmentally friendly
products. However, there are still a few consumers, about 12.9%, who say they are unwilling to pay
more for environmentally friendly products. This leads to a segment of consumers who are not
concerned with environmental issues and are not fully aware of the benefits of using environmentally
friendly products.
Table Evaluation of Vinamilk's Corporate Social Responsiblity Initiatives (Sources: Author’s illustration)

According to a survey of 70 consumers in Da Nang City, consumers are aware of Vinamilk's efforts to
develop environmentally friendly products at a fairly high level. Specifically in the question "Vinamilk
exhibits a significant dedication to environmentally responsible operations" the average consumer
value tends to agree with a rating of 4.07 on the 5 scale. This shows that consumers appreciate
Vinamilk's efforts to minimize the environmental impact of its manufacturing business. Some
concrete examples of environmentally friendly packaging use, such as recycled paper packaging, and
biodegradable plastic packaging,... (AnEco, 2020). In addition, the average value of CSR 2, and CSR 4
is approximately 4 on a scale of 5, so consumers tend to agree with the view "Vinamilk effectively
communicates its social responsibility initiatives to the public", "Vinamilk actively involves
stakeholders in shaping its CSR strategies". The results of the survey show that consumers appreciate
Vinamilk's communication and education about its social responsibilities. For example, consumers
appreciate posting information about their social responsibility activities on media channels, such as
Vinamilk’s website and fan page. In addition, Vinamilk's proactive engagement of stakeholders in the
formulation of its social responsibility plan will assist businesses in achieving a social responsiveness
plan that aligns with stakeholder requirements and preferences while enhancing the efficacy of
corporate social responsibility execution.
Table Evaluate consumer awareness of Vinamilk’s efforts to develop environmentally friendly products (Sources: Author’s illustration)

According to a survey of 70 consumers in Da Nang City, consumers are aware of Vinamilk's efforts to
develop environmentally friendly products with an average value of all five questions equal to four.
This shows that consumers are generally aware and positive about Vinamilk’s environmentally
friendly initiatives. The average value of QN1 at its highest level is about 4.23, with the view "I
consider Vinamilk to be a socially responsible company due to its eco-friendly product development"
suggesting that the majority of respondents fully agree or agree that VNM's environmental efforts
make the company a society-responsible company. In addition, with the view "My perception of
Vinamilk as an environmentally responsible brand has improved over time" with the lowest average
score of about 4.10 compared to the previous questions, it still shows that the majority of respondents
have a positive view of VNM's environmental image. Overall, consumers are aware of these efforts,
believe that they are in line with current environmental concerns, and have a positive perception of
Vinamilk as an environmentally responsible brand.
2.3 Draw valid meaning full conclusion and recommendations from data analysis

From the analysis of data through a consumer survey conducted in Da Nang City on Vinamilk’s efforts
to develop environmentally friendly products, several conclusions and recommendations have been
drawn which are meaningful as follows:

Conclusion: The data reflects a positive consumer sentiment towards Vinamilk's environmental
initiatives. First, consumer perception of Vinamilk's environmental efforts through the survey
revealed a positive overall perception by consumers in Da Nang City of Vinamilk's commitment to
developing environmentally friendly products. A large proportion of the information provided
through social networks underlines the growing importance of online platforms in disseminating
information, and consumers tend to agree highly with Vinamilk's initiatives. Second, Vinamilk's
communication strategy is essential for spreading the word about its environmental activities,
particularly on social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok. Consumer awareness is
also greatly increased via Vinamilk websites, TV commercials, and advertisements. Next, in terms of
preference and consumer willingness to pay interest in environmentally friendly products, a
significant proportion of consumers are willing to accept a 5% price hike for Vinamilk’s
environmentally friendly products, demonstrating their readiness to support environmentally
responsible products. Furthermore, even if there is a lot of interest in Vinamilk's eco-friendly
products, a sizable portion of consumers still anticipate them to be priced similarly to traditional
items. Finally, Vinamilk has a strong brand reputation in Da Nang City, where consumers care about
factors such as quality, safety, reliability, and product diversity. This positive perception significantly
affects consumer choices, making Vinamilk the most popular milk brand.

Recommendations: After analyzing the survey results, there are several different recommendations
for Vinamilk to effectively meet consumer preferences for environmentally friendly products while
solidifying its position as the industry leader in Da Nang City. First, we need to maintain and
strengthen communication on environmentally friendly product development initiatives, and despite
the influence of social media and other media channels, Vinamilk needs to continue to leverage these
platforms to communicate its environmentally friendly efforts. Second, Vinamilk needs to adopt a
level-based pricing strategy for environmentally friendly products based on survey results. Besides,
Vinamilk needs to investigate novel approaches to pricing or promotions to bridge the gap between
environmentally friendly and affordable. Next, Vinamilk should continue its campaign to educate
consumers about the environmental benefits of its products to address the unwillingness to pay more
for environmentally friendly products. Highlighting the benefits of such products for the
environment, and personal health and attracting stakeholders to CSR strategies as well as showcasing
tangible examples of environmentally friendly practices that can strengthen the positive image of the
organization. Lastly, more investment is needed in research and development of environmentally
friendly products that can meet different consumer preferences. Furthermore, ongoing innovative
environmentally friendly product lines and consistent environmental activities can raise customer
knowledge and loyalty even further.

2.4 Justify conclusions and recommendations drawn from data analysis and
findings to meet the stated project objectives

Below are some reasons for drawing conclusions and recommendations from the analysis of
Vinamilk's consumer survey data with the project's stated objectives:

The conclusion drawn from a consumer survey conducted online in Da Nang City aligns with the
primary objective of the project, which is to evaluate consumer awareness of Vinamilk's endeavors in
developing environmentally friendly products. Besides, the survey was carefully designed to gather
detailed information from 70 consumers to ensure diversity of demographic groups. The survey was
completed on schedule and with the intended number of responses. Nevertheless, the actual cost
has grown in comparison to the project's estimated cost, which is an unexpected aspect. Due to the
rising market prices, the number of gifts increased by 10 gifts worth 1 million VND. Cost management
and ensuring that unexpected requests do not affect future projects may be a matter of concern.
Nevertheless, the results show a positive consensus among consumers about Vinamilk’s sustainable
commitment to developing environmentally friendly products. Furthermore, the conclusions are
rooted in online consumer feedback, underscoring the value that Vinamilk aims to deliver through its
initiatives in environmentally friendly product development, thereby enhancing its reputation as a
socially responsible brand.

The recommendations put forth in the project align with the intention to leverage consumer
awareness to improve environmentally friendly product development. These recommendations are
backed by logical reasoning and evidence from data analysis. A typical example of maintaining and
enhancing communication through social media and other media channels is demonstrated by the
significant impact of these channels on consumer awareness. This aligns with Vinamilk's objective to
effectively communicate its eco-friendly product efforts to the public. Furthermore, the
recommendation to establish pricing strategies to ensure affordability without compromising
environmental product development is based on a survey indicating consumer willingness to pay
slightly higher prices for environmentally friendly products. This aligns with the intention to
understand consumer behavior related to pricing. Additionally, the recommendation to sustain
Vinamilk's environmental efforts aligns with the survey results highlighting consumers' positive
perception. It aims to leverage existing consumer goodwill and emphasize continuous innovation to
maintain and enhance Vinamilk's position as a leading socially responsible brand in the market,
particularly concerning the environment.

Overall, the conclusions drawn from the data analysis reflect consumers' positive attitudes towards
Vinamilk's environmental initiatives, while the recommendations target specific areas to enhance
consumer awareness, communication, and affordability. These efforts contribute to both business
outcomes and social impact in line with Vinamilk's environmentally friendly objectives.

III. Evaluation of project value and project management

3.1 Reflection on the value of undertaking the business project to meet stated
objectives and own learning and performance

3.1.1 What did you aim to achieve through your work?

Based on previous findings, conclusions, recommendations, and justifications, these are some of the
feasible goals that I want to through my work. This project aims to provide a comprehensive
understanding of consumer awareness of Vinamilk's efforts to develop environmentally friendly
products. This involves understanding where consumers get information from and their level of
understanding of these efforts. Assess the level of consumer confidence in Vinamilk in terms of
product quality, safety, and reliability. This leads to contributing to the positive brand image of
Vinamilk. In addition, this understands consumer price sensitivity and identifies potential price
strategies that match consumer expectations. The effectiveness assessment of Vinamilk's
communication strategies helps to convey information about environmentally friendly product
development initiatives to consumers in Da Nang City. Through the survey learned from feedback and
reviews of consumers as well as other stakeholders, while supporting Vinamilk to meet consumer
expectations and strengthen its position in the market.

3.1.2 Did your work succeed in achieving your aims? How do you know? Specifically,
please outline any evaluation and assessment undertaken

To assess the success of such analysis and proposal in real-life situations, the assessment may include:
Survey methodology validation includes examining survey data collected from consumers in Da
Nang City to verify whether the findings are consistent with the analysis presented. In addition, this
considers whether the respondent's demographic analysis (gender, occupation, income, family
status) corresponds to the given percentage and understands whether the emotions expressed by the
respondents correspond to the conclusion drawn. Next, feedback and evaluation can be collected
from consumers and other stakeholders about the quality and usefulness of data analysis. For
instance, it is feasible to confirm the precision and dependability of the data analysis performed on
the gathered survey responses. Make sure the inferences made from the data appropriately capture
the feelings of the respondents and are backed by statistical analysis. In addition, this can also reflect
on your performance in selling Vinamilk’s environmentally friendly products in Da Nang City after
implementing any of the proposed strategies. This aids in evaluating how suggestions affect customer
behavior and purchase trends. Since then, the project has shown that the survey has been successful
in consumer perception of efforts to develop environmentally friendly products.

3.1.3 What aspects of your development process do you think worked well and why?

The project is divided into four separate phases: Conceptualization, Planning, Execution, and
Termination. The following are some aspects of the conduct of the survey on consumer perception of
Vinamilk's environmentally friendly efforts. First, conduct initial research thoroughly on the
objectives and context, operation, and strategy of the research project, which focuses specifically on
Vinamilk's initiatives in the development of environmentally friendly products. This provides a clear
and comprehensive understanding of the situation and context of Vinamilk while accessing diverse
and newer data sources to ensure the accuracy and relevance of the information. Secondly, in terms
of communication and recommendations aimed at clearly presenting recommendations based on
survey results, providing useful insights for Vinamilk to consider in its strategy. The combination of
enhanced linkages between survey results and specific action steps that UNM can take can add more
depth to the recommendations. More than that, implementing rigorous and effective development
processes and analytical methodologies. Using a methodical approach to survey design, different
demographic categories such as gender, income, and occupation are represented to obtain a range of
viewpoints. Collecting a significant amount of over 70 feedback gives a reasonable sample size for
analysis. Strict analysis methods have been adopted, ensuring the integrity and accuracy of the data.
Finally, present the survey results and highlight key findings and insights related to consumer
perceptions, preferences, and information channels. The use of graphs or charts has improved the
accessibility and clarity of the presentation.

3.1.4 What problems emerged during the project and how were they tackled? Was
there a timely identification of issues and resolution during the project process?

During the implementation of the project on the study of consumer awareness of Vinamilk's
environmentally friendly efforts, several potential problems may arise and how to solve them:

First, about the quality of the data collected: Some respondents provide incomplete or inconsistent
answers, affecting the data quality. To solve this problem, conducting data authentication checks,
ensuring clearer instructions, and filtering out incomplete feedback before analysis will improve data

Second, analytical complexity barriers: Gathering large amounts of data makes it challenging and
time-consuming to analyze thoroughly and derive in-depth insights. To address this issue, this can
identify and prioritize important factors that can make the task easier, work with data analysts to
expedite the analysis process, and apply sophisticated statistical approaches.

Third, the risk of exceeding the cost budget: Additional costs incurred for many activities such as
rewards, and additional benefits for employees. To address these issues, tighter cost management,
identifying cost-effective alternatives, and ensuring budget compliance are recommended strategies
to control unintended costs.

Lastly, there's the pressure of the deadline and time: There is an unforeseen delay that hinders the
project's development and results. To solve this problem, effective planning from the start and
continuously monitoring the progress on key milestones can help to manage time effectively.
Redistributing resources or adjusting the project's progress may be required in the event of a delay.
To put it briefly, prompt identification of these problems during project execution is necessary for a
successful outcome. Early difficulty discovery will be facilitated by proactive monitoring of the data
collection and processing phases, important milestone verification, and routine review.

3.1.5 What did you learn from undertaking the project?

Surveying consumer awareness of Vinamilk’s environmentally friendly product development efforts

will bring some valuable lessons. It is important to have a deep understanding of how consumers
perceive and appreciate the environmentally friendly initiatives of a brand like Vinamilk as well as to
learn about their preferences and expectations for environmentally friendly products. Through this
project, the challenges and understanding of the complexity of collecting diverse and reliable data
from different demographic groups or regions become clear. Handling a fairly large set of data and a
variety of feedback helps to understand the complexity of data analysis. Learning to process, analyze,
and extract meaningful insights from that data effectively is an important learning path. Besides, it's
important to learn how to deal with problems in the project promptly. Quick troubleshooting ensures
data quality and project integrity. Learn to adapt and manage flexibly to unforeseen challenges such
as low response rates or unexpected delays, reinforcing the need for adaptability and flexibility in
project management. Moreover, understanding the ethical implications of data collection, ensuring
the confidentiality of participants, and complying with ethical research standards is an important
aspect of conducting surveys.

3.1.6 What are the strengths and weaknesses of your process that you have identified?

In the process of surveying consumer perception of Vinamilk’s environmentally friendly product

development efforts, here are the strengths and weaknesses of this process:

Strengths: Conduct thorough comprehensive preliminary research to get a firm knowledge of the
company's strategy and context for Vinamilk's environmentally friendly product development
projects. Targeting several demographic audiences (gender, occupation, and income) to assure
representation and obtain a greater number of responses, the survey is well-structured. Furthermore,
the fact that 70 responses were gathered indicates the possibility of analyzing and guaranteeing the
accuracy of the information gathered. Besides, the ability to present survey results, highlight critical
insights, and make recommendations that can be done is a significant strength.
Weaknesses: During the implementation of the project, there are some potential problems with data
quality and incomplete or inaccurate feedback can affect the reliability and integrity of the data
collected, affecting the validity of detection results. The lack of sophisticated statistical methods and
in-depth psychoanalysis in the analytical approach may have limited the breadth of insights obtained
from the survey. In addition, the survey focuses primarily on consumer perception without going
deeper into the wider environmental impacts or sustainable activities of Vinamilk in an in-depth

3.1.7 How could your process improve for the future?

For future recurring surveys of consumer perception of Vinamilk’s environmentally friendly product
development efforts, here are some areas to consider to improve:

First, more targeted and diverse data collection strategies are needed to ensure that samples are
more representative. Besides, this explores methods other than online surveys, such as focus groups
or interviews, to capture insights. Second, invest in refining survey questions to be clear and relevant,
ensuring that they not only capture consumer perceptions but also have deeper insights into the
behavior, motives, and values associated with environmentally friendly products. In addition,
advanced statistical tools and methods are needed for further analysis. This involves using predictive
modeling, factor analysis, or correlation analysis to extract more detailed information from the
gathered data. Finally, it is possible to establish timely feedback and continuous improvement
mechanisms throughout the project. This may involve regular evaluations, feedback sessions, or
temporary reporting to ensure compliance with the project's objectives. Future studies will be able
to provide more thorough and workable suggestions for Vinamilk by putting these changes into
practice. These enhancements will also increase the depth, breadth, and reliability of insights into
customer impressions of the company's environmentally friendly initiatives.

3.2 Evaluate the project management process to meet the stated objectives and
own learning and performance

The evaluation of project management processes involving consumer perception of Vinamilk’s

environmentally friendly product initiatives includes several important aspects:

The project is divided into four separate phases: Conceptualization, Planning, Execution, and
Termination (Pinto, 2019). Through research and planning, project management can understand the
structure, content, and way of presenting a PML. In addition, meeting the required timelines and
completing the project on time within the set parameters indicates a positive aspect to ensure timely
delivery in line with the research objective and the overall objective of consumer perception
assessment. During the development of project management plans and conducting research,
problem-solving skills will be significantly improved. Moreover, the ability to think logically and
synthesize information is improved. Recognizing errors in work organization and survey question
creation is an equally essential learning. For instance, during project implementation, errors in the
organization of work related to the survey process resulted in an unorganized approach as a result,
data that was unclear or irrelevant was collected during the interview process because the interview
questions were not aligned with the project's objectives. Emphasizing the necessity of a methodical
approach and a close connection to the project's goals to guarantee that survey data is useful for the
evaluation of consumer perception as a whole.

Because of the lack of support from specialized knowledge, the initial research was vague and unclear.
After enhancing the synthesis of new basic conceptual sources and arranging them for the objectives
of the project, it is possible to start applying some parts of the plan to the actual project management
plan. Then, based on the knowledge, the skills were trained to perfect the plan. When implementing
a project, it needs to consider setting the right targeted and feasible locations from the start to avoid
interruptions in research, especially when asking survey questions. Next, the acquisition of Gantt
chart skills, milestones, and a deeper understanding of the project life cycle suggests an improvement
in project management skills. Source information and research are clarified through short knowledge
slides. These skills contribute to better planning and execution, which is crucial to understanding
consumer perceptions effectively. This is a noteworthy accomplishment that advances both
individual growth and the project's overall success.

However, the process of learning is not very efficient at combining knowledge, it is a waste of time to
look for theoretical information. Conversely, some skills, like investigation and looking for
information sources to set objectives for them, can grow in the future. Need to develop your ability to
synthesize additional theoretical materials in the future study time by first developing a framework
before beginning the project. To be able to improve your goal-seeking skills and ability to do better,
need to focus on capturing information and methods of solving social problems.
In summary, applying these principles to the project management process is crucial for assessing how
well consumer perception in Da Nang City about Vinamilk's eco-friendly product development efforts.
Prioritize adherence to meeting timelines, improve skill sets, and simplification of research
techniques to guarantee more thorough and fruitful assessments.

IV. Critically reflect the project management process in supporting

stated objectives and own learning
To manage unanticipated risks or obstacles in a project, the project management process (PMP) is
crucial. In the event of unanticipated cost increases and other problems encountered during the
consumer perception survey of Vinamilk’s environmentally friendly initiatives, PMP serves as a
framework for mitigating and managing these situations:

In the process of project management, it can be seen that setting specific goals is also crucial. It
establishes the course and outcomes attained after the project is finished. Next, in the project
management process, risk management activities have a huge impact on results. (Ssempebwa, 2013).
Risk detection and prediction skills are also developed through the practice of analyzing situations
that occur to goals (Ssempebwa, 2013). Finally, the importance of managing time and understanding
the timelines from beginning to end is shown (Adobe Communications Team, 2022). Given that it has
a direct bearing on the timeline and some incurred expenses, it merits consideration. Experience
gained during the construction process requires an estimated date to resolve problems that may arise
(Adobe Communications Team, 2022).

During the implementation of the consumer awareness project on Vinamilk's environmentally

friendly development efforts, several problems occurred. These problems significantly impede the
project's progress and affect the project's objectives. First, a problem arises in the project that project
costs are unexpected due to rising market prices, resulting in additional costs for gifts for respondents
in the survey. The increase in expected extra costs raises concerns about cost management, stressing
the need to prevent unexpected costs from affecting the budget and future project progress. To solve
this problem when using PMP, it is necessary to implement change control processes in PMP to
address suddenly rising costs. Second, this uncontrolled scope leads to uncontrolled changes or
continuous growth in the project scope, often unnoticed, resulting in delays, increased costs, and
impaired quality (Kerzner, 2017). To address this problem when using PMP, emphasize the
importance of clearly defining the project's scope from the start and using change control procedures
to manage any changes that may arise. Next, binding on time and time in collecting and obstructing
the development and results of the project (Kerzner, 2017). To solve the problem, PMP encourages
progress monitoring at critical milestones and rational, encouraging, and slow energy allocation.

To detect and address these problems promptly, it is necessary to use project management processes
and management plans effectively from the outset:

Monitoring the progress and quality of the data collected: Regular monitoring of the progress of
the project ensures that the plan is carried out properly while testing the accuracy and reliability of
the collected data. By doing this, it can improve the instruction and remove incomplete information
before the analysis, thereby improving the quality of the data.

Solution Proposal: Finding the clear root cause of the problem and proposing a solution is important.
This ensures finding ways to solve the problem effectively and taking the necessary measures to
remedy it.

Adaptation Planning: The flexible approaches in PMP specifically support the adaptability of the
project. The repetitive process in planning allows adjustments to be made when necessary, enabling
the project to adapt and overcome unforeseen challenges.

Cost control: requires monitoring and control of project-related costs. Adoption of change control
processes in PMP becomes crucial when faced with unforeseen cost difficulties, such as market price
increases, as mentioned above. This includes recording, evaluating, and controlling changes in the
project's budget, such as the additional costs incurred by conducting surveys in this case, which are
necessary to maintain the stability of the project.

In short, by effectively applying project management processes and project management plans, it is
possible to identify and address problems and risks that interfere with project implementation
promptly to raise consumer awareness of Vinamilk’s efforts to develop environmentally friendly
products. This ensures Vinamilk’s sustainable commitment to consumers and receives a positive
response to Vinamilk’s environmentally friendly product initiative.
V. Conclusion
In summary, this paper has completed the rest of the project in the main report. In addition, this paper
encapsulates the culmination of primary surveys and studies aimed at understanding consumer
perceptions regarding Vinamilk's endeavors in developing environmentally friendly products.
Vinamilk's potential lies in its ability to align consumer preferences with environmentally conscious
practices, offering high-quality, sustainable products that resonate with a discerning market. By
consistently improving product experiences and fostering innovation in eco-friendly offerings,
Vinamilk can fortify its position as a leading advocate for environmentally responsible products in
the market, nurturing a more sustainable future for both the brand and its consumers.

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VII. Project Logbook Template

Name: Nguyen Phan Thao My

Project title: The Consumer Perception of Vinamilk's Eco-Friendly Product

Development Efforts

Date: 12/11/2023-31/12/2023

Update on weekly research/tasks achieved

Points to consider:

• What have you completed?-> I have completed all part in the plan.

• Did you fulfil task requirements?-> Yes, the requirements of the project have
been completed.

• Are you on track and within deadlines set?-> Yes, I finished it on time.

• Did you need to make any changes to your project management plan?-> No,
The project does not need any changes. My project had well completed.
Any risks and/or issues identified?

Points to consider:

• Did you identify risks/issues with a lack of skills required for undertaking
research/tasks?-> This project was the first time in my life that I encountered
some risks of unexpected costs occurring but the project was still completed
and on time.

• Did you identify any additional risks/issues that have an impact on the project
management plan?-> Yes, there are still risks arising from uncontrolled range
leading to delays, increased expenses. However, the company has found a way
to control and maintain it.

Problems encountered

Points to consider:

• What barriers did you face?-> Collecting and analysis the data from the survey.

• How did you overcome them?-> I overcame these by referring the knowledge
about the approach to summarize and analyze the data.

New ideas and change of project direction

Points to consider:

• In developing work, addressing risks/issues, has the direction of your work

changed?-> Yes, some dangers and concerns that were discovered have slightly
affected the path of my work.

• How does your work justify the change of direction? Is this clear?-> The identified
dangers and issues, which demanded a change in focus, have indeed justified
the change in course.

• Do you feel this change of direction has enhanced your work? How?-> I believe
the change of course has improved my work by enabling me to more skillfully
handle the risks and problems.

What have you learned about yourself through your work?

Points to consider:

• What are the most important things that your work has revealed to you? How
might this learning apply in the future?-> Through my work, I have learned
that I have a strong attention to detail and the ability to adapt to changing
circumstances. These skills will be valuable in future research projects and
professional endeavors.

• How did you feel when you had to deal with challenges/problems?-> Dealing
with challenges and problems made me feel determined and motivated to find
solutions. It also allowed me to develop resilience and problem-solving skills.

• How well do you feel you have performed?-> I think it's fine.

• What can you improve?-> Work hard and try my best.

Next steps for your work

Points to consider:

• What aspects of your work should you prioritise?-> Collecting and presenting
the results of the survey and analyse them.

• Have you allowed sufficient time for completion?-> Yes, of course.

Project plan status to date

Points to consider:

• Do you feel you are on track to complete your work on time? If not, how will
you address this?-> I should prioritize data analysis and interpretation to
derive meaningful insights from the collected data.

• Do you feel your work shows your achievement of the Learning Outcomes? If
not, what do you need to do?-> Yes, I am confident that I am on track to
complete my work on time. I have a clear plan and will continue to work

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