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Chapter I


Self-learning modules (SLMs) have become a prevalent feature of education

providing students with the flexibility to learn at their own pace and convenience

(Sanchez, 2020). The K-12 program, implemented in the Philippines in 2013, has

incorporated SLMs to provide relevant education for the 21st century. As a result,

SLMs have become an essential tool in education, facilitating individualized

instruction and adapting to the changing needs of the modern world, particularly

during the COVID-19 pandemic (Turan et al., 2021).

While SLMs have several advantages, such as promoting student-centered

learning and providing instant feedback (Samaniego et al., 2021), there are also

potential downsides, such as a lack of motivation or difficulty with time

management. To address the knowledge gap regarding the impact of SLMs on

academic performance, this study aims to investigate the impact of SLMs on the

academic performance of grade 10 students in Agusan National High School, one

of the largest public schools in the Caraga region of the Philippines. The research

specifically focuses on the impact of SLMs on grade 10 students' academic

performance and provides insights for educators in Agusan National High School.
In recent years, the concept of self-directed learning has gained increasing

attention in the field of education. SLMs are one approach to fostering self-directed

learning skills in students. By allowing students to take ownership of their learning

and progress at their own pace, SLMs encourage students to become more

autonomous learners. However, not all students may be equally suited to self-

directed learning. Some students may lack the motivation or discipline necessary to

complete self-learning modules effectively. Therefore, it is crucial to examine the

impact of SLMs on academic performance and identify ways to maximize the

benefits of SLMs while minimizing their potential downsides.

Research on the impact of SLMs on academic performance has yielded

mixed results, with some studies suggesting positive effects while others have

found no significant impact. Moreover, there is a lack of research on the use of

SLMs in specific educational contexts. Therefore, this study aims to contribute to

identifying best practices and strategies for using SLMs in teaching and learning.

By identifying best practices and strategies for using SLMs in teaching and

learning, this study aims to contribute to the improvement of the educational

system in the Philippines.

Overall, this study seeks to address the research gap on the impact of SLMs

on academic performance and provide evidence-based insights for educators in the

Philippines. By examining the specific context of grade 10 students at Agusan

National High School, this study aims to contribute to the growing body of

literature on the effectiveness of SLMs in different educational contexts .

Ultimately, this research paper aims to provide practical recommendations for

educators to optimize the use of SLMs in teaching and learning.

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