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Modul 2.


Lecture 6
1. Structure and functions of diplomatic service in the Republic of Moldova
2. The consular service: structure, missions and functions
1. Structure and functions of diplomatic
service in the Republic of Moldova
The declaration of sovereignty and independence of the Republic of
Moldova granted the country the status of a subject of international
law, which required the reorganization and formation of state
institutions empowered with the task of promoting foreign policy,
maintaining and developing diplomatic relations with other states
and international institutions. The central place in this process
belonged to the diplomatic service of the Republic of Moldova.

The emergence and development of the diplomatic service of the

Republic of Moldova has an interesting evolution, including various
factual materials, based on a well-defined historical context, being
closely related to the emergence and interaction of state institutions
and the Moldovan people, as well as social-political, economic
processes that take place in Moldova.

• Ministry of Foreign Affairs
• Diplomatic missions
• Consular missions
• Diplomatic offices and representations in addition to international
Law on Diplomatic service establishes: its
objectives and functions; the principles of
operation and material endowment of diplomatic
institutions; staff structure, terms of employment
and recall from the diplomatic post; diplomatic
ranks; the rights and obligations of persons
employed in diplomatic positions; salary and
social guarantees.

The adoption of that law in 2001 was an important step in the process of forming a professional diplomatic
service in the Republic of Moldova, with a special legal status within the hierarchy of public service
institutions. In turn, the Regulation of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and European Integration stipulates the
mandate, the tasks and the process of organizing the activity of the ministry. The regulation on the activity of
diplomatic missions of the Republic of Moldova regulates their place in the system of diplomatic service
institutions, the basic tasks, the structure and organization of the operation of diplomatic missions.

Established at the beginning of the 90s, the system of institutions of the Moldovan diplomatic service
went through several essential stages of reorganization, a fact conditioned by its adaptation to the realities of
the time. At the moment it includes the following structures: MAEIE, with a central status in the hierarchical
system of the diplomatic service and the foreign service (diplomatic missions, including permanent
representations attached to international bodies, delegations and ad hoc missions; consular offices).
The current organizational structure of the ministry was
established within the implementation of the reform of the Central
Public Administration of the MAEIE in the period 2006-2008 and
consists of:

• Central Apparatus (Cabinet of the Deputy Prime Minister, the

Minister of Foreign Affairs and European Integration, with 3
subordinate directorates; 6 departments (which include general
directorates and their subordinate sections) and 5 autonomous

• External service (the external service of the MAEIE covers the

diplomatic and consular missions, the structure and the staff limit
which vary from state to state and are approved by government
decision. As a rule, the mission is made up of the Head of the
mission, members of the diplomatic and consular, administrative-
technical and service staff.)
• The head of the mission is appointed or recalled by the President of the Republic of Moldova at the
proposal of the government. The consul general is appointed and recalled by the government at5 the
proposal of the minister of foreign affairs. The heads of the other consular offices are appointed and
recalled from office by the minister of foreign affairs. The term of office of the head of the mission is 4
years. In the case of the other members of the diplomatic and administrative-technical staff, the term
cannot exceed 3 years.
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and European Integration

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and European Integration (MFAEI) is the

central specialized body, which promotes state policy in the field of
external relations and carries out its activity in accordance with the
Constitution and laws of the Republic of Moldova, the Decisions of the
Parliament, the acts of the President of the Republic of Moldova, the
decisions and provisions of the Government, as well as and with other
normative acts, treaties and international agreements to which the
Republic of Moldova is a party.

Nicu Popescu – The Minister of Foreign Affairs and European Integration, the
head of the diplomatic mission
The role of Ministry of Foreign Affairs and European

• Realizes the sovereign rights of the Republic of Moldova in international relations.

• Promotes the foreign policy of the Republic of Moldova in relations with other states and
international organizations.
• Negotiates on behalf of the Republic of Moldova or participates in the negotiation of treaties and
international agreements
• Cooperates with the specialized central bodies and other structures of the public administration in
promoting external economic relations and the single policy of the state on the external plane.
• Directs and controls the activity of diplomatic missions and consular offices of the Republic of
Moldova in other states and in addition to international organizations.
• Maintains contact with the diplomatic missions and consular offices of other states in the Republic
of Moldova in accordance with the norms of international law and international customs.
• Jointly with the respective bodies, contributes to the creation of optimal conditions for the activity
of foreign representations and official delegations, exercises control over the observance on the
territory of the Republic of Moldova of diplomatic immunities, consular offices and international
organizations accredited in the Republic of Moldova, as well as their staff.
• Fulfills the duties regarding the State Protocol and perfects the accreditation documents.
European Integration of the Republic
of Moldova
On March 4, 2022, the Republic of Moldova officially submitted its application for
accession to the European Union, as the first step of the European Union in the
accession process
On April 11 and 19, 2022, the European Commission sent the Chisinau authorities two
parts of the questionnaire regarding the application for accession to the European
Union of the Republic of Moldova.
On April 22, 2022 the first part of the completed questionnaire was sent to the European
Commission, and the second part – on May 12, 2022.
On June 17, 2022, the European Commission issued its opinion on the application for
accession, recommending to the EU Council that our country be granted candidate
On June 23, 2022, the European Council recognized the European perspective of the
Republic of Moldova and decided to grant it the status of a candidate country for
accession to the European Union.
An action plan was developed for the implementation of the 9 conditions formulated by
the European Commission. The draft plan was discussed at the meeting of the National
Commission for European Integration (CNIE) on 13 July 2022 and was adopted on 4
August 2022.
The action plan contains the following steps,
to be carried out by the summer of 2023

The document contains actions, terms and institutions responsible for

each of the 9 areas:

1. Justice reform;
2. The electoral framework;
3. Fighting corruption;
4. Deoligarization and reducing the influence of private interests;
5. Combating organized crime and money laundering;
6. Improvement of public services, reform of public administration;
7. Public finance management;
8. The involvement of civil society;
9. Human rights.
The role of embassies of the Republic
of Moldova
• All embassies in the world have a very important role in good relations between
states and their inhabitants. These embassies are actually the diplomatic
representations next to the government of a foreign country. Regardless of the
country where the embassies are located or the country of origin, these
embassies are led by an ambassador appointed by the president of the country
that represents it.
• These embassies must serve the interests of the represented country, as well as
the interests of the citizens living in the host country. The poverty of some
embassies refers to the analysis of internal and external policies, but also of the
economic and social situation, as well as the development of the respective
• Another important role of embassies abroad is to serve foreign citizens with
visas for the respective country.
• In conclusion, the role of embassies in the world is to help the citizens of the
respective states both externally and internally with everything needed (finding
a job if necessary, validating passports, visas, etc.)
Embassies of the Republic of Moldova
36 Mission Embassies

• European Union • Greece

• United Nations • Hungary
• Council of Europe • Ireland
• United Arab Emirates • Israel
• Austria • Italy
• Azerbaijan • Japan
• Belgium • Lithuania
• Bulgaria • Latvia
• Belarus • The Kingdom of the Netherlands
• Canada • Poland
• Switzerland • Portugal
• China • Qatar
• Czech Republic • Romania
• Germany • The Russian Federation
• Estonia • Sweden
• Spain • Turkey
• France • Ukraine
• United Kingdom of Great Britain • United States of America
and Northern Ireland

Currently, the Republic of Moldova has openings abroad 28 embassies,

4 permanent representations in addition to international organizations and
4 consulates (including 3 general consulates).
The Embassy of the Republic of Moldova in United Kingdom
Chiswick, London W4 2ST, 5 Dolphin Square, Edensor Road
1. As Diplomacy is the processes of formal and informal communication between and among states, the
structure and functions of the diplomatic missions of the majority of the countries are similar and guided by
universally adopted conventions. Generally, the differences are mainly in in history, length and hence, the
impact of the diplomacy of one country or another on the bilateral, regional or international affairs and
2. Considering the short history of Moldova’s independence, it is natural that the history of its diplomatic
service and its impact is also insignificant, especially since the transition period from the Soviet system to
that of sovereignty and independence was not easy. The Law on the diplomatic service of 2001 structured
and developed this important service and we have a new generation of diplomats who represent our
country abroad and work for the benefit of Moldova and its people.
2. The consular service:
structure, missions and functions

In international relations, a special place has the consular

relations established between states for their collaboration in the
field of protection of their own citizens.

Diplomatic relations are relations of general political

representation, while consular relations are specialized and
localized relations

Diplomatic missions are accredited next to the central bodies of

the accrediting state (head of state, minister of foreign affairs)
and consular offices are in direct relations with the local
authorities of the state of residence

Consular bodies (offices, posts) and their staff are subordinate to

the diplomatic missions of their states in the state of residence.
Notion and structure of the consular service
The consular service is a part of the diplomatic service and contains external
institutions subordinate to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and European
Integration of the Republic of Moldova.
According to the rank/degree of consular offices:

general consulates


deputy consulates

consular agencies

According to the nature of consular offices:

career consulates

honorary consulates
Notion and structure of the consular service


the person entrusted by the sending state and accepted by the residence state to
manage the consular office and who is responsible for its activity

The head of the consular office the person, including the head of the consular office, charged in this capacity with
the exercise of consular functions
Consular officer

Consular employee
the person employed in administrative or technical services of a consular office

Member of the service staff

the person employed in the domestic service of a consular office

Mission and functions of the consular service

protection of the interests of the state and its compatriots, in the state of residence, according
to the international law norms;

the development of commercial, economic, cultural and scientific relations between the two
states and promotion of friendly relations between them;

informing by lawful means about the conditions and evolution of the commercial, economic,
cultural and scientific life in the state of residence;

issuance of passports and travel documents to our citizens, visas and other corresponding
documents to them;

providing help and assistance to citizens, individuals and legal persons, compatriots;

action as a notary, civil status officer and in other similar functions, as well as in
administrative functions, according to the law norms of the state of residence;

protection of the interests of minors and incompetent compatriots, in accordance with the
laws of the state of residence;

representing our citizens before the courts or other authorities of the state of residence, in
accordance with its laws, when they cannot defend their rights and interests in useful time.
Consular service of the Republic of Moldova
71 honorary consuls in the world

5 general

2 consuls
Diplomatic missions and consular offices
of Republic of Moldova in the world

United Arab Emirates Italy

Austria Japan

Azerbaijan Lithuania
European Union United Nations Organisation
European Council
Belgium Latvia

Bulgaria Kingdom of Netherlands

Belarus Poland

Canada Portugal

Switzerland Qatar

China Romania
Czech Republic Russian Federation
Germany Sweden

Estonia Hungary Turkey

United Kingdom of Great Britain
Spain and Northern Ireland Ukraine

United States of America

Conclusion and

In conclusion, an important fact is that we have more

consular offices all around the world but it isn’t enough,
because we have a big number of citizens who leave our
country every day, and this number is growing.

To improve our consular services, I can purpose the

following recommendations:
- to expand the spectrum of consular documents and
making easier the procedure for completing documents,
by digitizing services,

- to reduce consular fees for basic consular services, the

amount of which is higher than in the Republic of

- to implement a digital platform for programing people to

consular offices.

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