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Summer 2022 Issue

Your issue of Summer 2022 Practice Practice Notes are also available through
Information is now available and can be our fully searchable database on the
downloaded and printed as a complete Practice Services section of the RIAS
document. It is available on our website. website. Simply click on Search Practice
Notes and enter some key words.


To access the latest Practice Notes please log in at https://www.rias.org.uk/for-

practices/practice-notes with your practice services username and password and click
on Practice Notes. The selection below will appear.

The notes are colour coded to the section of Practice Information in which they appear. Practice
Notes in Section 1 are essential reading and are indicated by a red number.

FI2214 Frequently Asked Questions on construction contracts

BP225 VAT on Property Renovations

OS2211 ARB Update

* The Practice Notes are copyright of the RIAS. Downloading the notes implies agreement not to
amend or reproduce them in any unauthorised way.


Building regulations - proposed changes to energy standards, etc:

Consultation analysis
An analysis of the responses to the 2021 public consultation on a review of building standards
relating to energy standards and associated topics, including ventilation, overheating and
electric vehicle charging infrastructure.

To view visit www.gov.scot/publications/scottish-building-regulations-proposed-changes-energy-


Building standards - workforce data collection: analysis report 2021

The report provides a national-level view of the challenges facing the building standards
profession in relation to resourcing, development of competencies and levels of turnover,
published in June 2022.

Scottish Construction Leadership Forum
Draft Construction Accord Consultation

The Construction Leadership Forum has overseen the development of a Draft Accord between
the public sector and the industry.

The Accord establishes a dynamic collaboration for all the Scottish public sector and the whole
of the construction industry to improve outcomes for the businesses and workforce which make
up the construction and associated industries and from the industry for its clients, the economy,
wider society and the environment.

The team developing the Accord has run a series of stakeholder consultations and has
produced a draft Accord which the CLF wishes to adopt. Wider industry feedback is sought.

For further information visit https://www.constructionforum.scot/draft-construction-accord-open-


Scottish Land Fund

This fund offers grants of between £5,000 and £1 million to help communities take
ownership of the land and buildings that matter to them, as well as practical support to
develop their aspirations into viable projects.

For further information visit https://findbusinesssupport.gov.scot/service/funding/scottish-


DISRUPT project seeks to mainstream steel reuse in construction

The Alliance for Sustainable Building Products is pleased to lead the DISRUPT project
(Delivering Innovative Steel ReUse ProjecT) which seeks to explore the innovative reuse of
structural steel in construction and encourage the adoption of new circular economy business
models that can help tackle the climate emergency.

For further information visit https://asbp.org.uk/asbp-news/disrupt-project-starts

Place Standard with a Climate Lens

The Place Standard Tool with a climate lens is a project jointly led and delivered by Sniffer,
Sustainable Scotland Network and Architecture & Design Scotland, together with and funded by
Public Health Scotland and Scottish Government. It builds on the widely used Place Standard
Tool (PST), which provides a simple framework to structure conversation about place, based
around 14 themes.

The Place Standard with a climate lens will help people to understand how climate change
might play out in a local area and support them to design their future place in mind.

For further information visit https://www.ourplace.scot/Place-Standard-Climate

STA White Paper - Increased Use of Timber

The Structural Timber Association (STA) has release
that demonstrates the vital role timber has in helping the UK achieve Net Zero status by 2050.
released in October last year, which outlines a clear intent to support the use of sustainable
materials within construction, with timber being specifically identified as a key material.

For further information visit


Low Emission Zone Retrofit Fund

This fund helps micro businesses and sole traders improve their vehicle and avoid future LEZ
penalties. Eligible businesses operating non-compliant vehicles with available retrofit solutions
in a planned LEZ can receive up to 80% funding to retrofit of their vehicle, subject to availability
and terms and conditions. Funding is subject to availability and will be awarded on a first come,
first served basis until 31 March 2023.

For further information visit https://findbusinesssupport.gov.scot/service/funding/low-emission-


Scottish Biodiversity Strategy 2022

The Scottish Government are seeking views for their Biodiversity Strategy, which is due for
publication in 2022.

The Strategy is the starting point in a process which will lead into the development of rolling
delivery plans and, through the introduction of a Natural Environment Bill, statutory nature
restoration targets.

This consultation forms part of an engagement process with a wide range of stakeholders who
have an interest in Scotl
organisations, local authorities and other partners.

For further information visit https://consult.gov.scot/environment-forestry/scottish-biodiversity-


Scotland's Urban AGE 2

Scotland's Urban AGE II is a major academic study of the AGE cities (Aberdeen, Glasgow and
Edinburgh) authored by a team led by Professor Brian Evans from Glasgow Urban Lab and
commissioned by Brodies, AAB and Aberdeen, Glasgow and Edinburgh Chambers of
Commerce. The research has identified that the future success of our cities requires some
radical new thinking.

For further information visit https://brodies.com/regeneration/


Advertised Events
Whilst events are beginning to take place in person again, or, adopt the hybrid approach of in
person and online, individuals should continue to check with event organisers as to the
circumstances of particular events that they have booked. This is in case there should be any
last minute changes, due to the pandemic.
IES Virtual Environment Web Demo
Date: 12 July 2022
Time: 1pm to 2pm
Venue: Online
Cost: Free

Join this free IES live web demo to hear directly from one of their experts about the capabilities
of the VE and pick up some useful tips and tricks along the way. At the end of the demo, you will
have the opportunity to pose your questions to their expert.

To book visit https://www.iesve.com/software/web-demo

RIAS Bookshop Lates... with Johnny Rodger

Date: 13 July 2022
Time: 6pm to 8pm
Venue: The Royal Incorporation of Architects in Scotland, 15 Rutland Square, Edinburgh
Cost: Free

Join us at the RIAS Bookshop for a wonderful BookshopLATES... evening with writer, critic, and
Professor of Urban Literature at The Glasgow School of Art, Johnny Rodger. He'll be talking
about his book 'Glasgow Cool of Art: 13 books of fire at the Mackintosh Library' and there will be
an opportunity to talk to Johnny afterwards and have your copy of his book signed.

For further information and to book visit https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/rias-bookshop-lates-with-


ACAN: Natural Materials Masterclass: Finishes

Date: 14 July 2022
Time: 7pm to 8.30pm
Venue: Online
Cost: Free

An evening with experts in natural materials - join the Architects Climate Action Network to learn
from designers & manufacturers on how to use natural materials as finishes.

Are you keen to specify natural materials but aren't sure where to start? Do you already work
with natural materials and are looking to expand your knowledge? Join ACAN at the monthly
Natural Materials events series to learn the crucial role natural materials play in a positive future
for our planet and how to use them on your projects.

For further information and to book visit https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/natural-materials-


SHEP amended PPE Regulations and behavioural safety webinar

Date: 18 July 2022
Time: 12pm to 1pm
Venue: Online
Cost: Free

On 6 April 2022 the Personal Protective Equipment at Work (Amendment) Regulations

2022 (PPER 2022) came into force.
They amend the 1992 Regulations (PPER 1992).
duties regarding PPE to limb (b) workers.

This webinar aims to inform businesses about the recent changes, selecting the right PPE for
the task, maintenance, face fit testing and compatibility. This will be followed by an interview
with a sports psychologist on behavioural safety and the best tactics for encouraging employees
to adopt safe working practices.

Register for this free webinar

Further guidance and information about the Regulations is available on the HSE website.

Building Scotland (Amendment) Regulations 2022 - online Q&A sessions

Date: From 27 June to 3 August 2022
Location: Online
Time: 12pm to 1pm

Following the introduction of the Building Scotland (Amendment) Regulations 2022 and the
publication of the revised Domestic and Non-domestic Technical Handbooks, the Scottish
Government are hosting a series of virtual lunchtime question and answer sessions.

From Monday 20 June 2022, presentations summarising changes to Fire, Energy and
Environmental of the below webpage.

For further information and to book visit https://www.gov.scot/publications/building-standards-


Arniston House & Bowhill House

by the Architectural Heritage Society of Scotland, Strathclyde Group

Date: 23rd July 2022

Time: The coach will leave Glasgow at 9.00am and return at approximately 6.00pm
Venue: Arniston House & Bowhill House
Cost: £58 including refreshments and a light lunch

Relax on a day out to visit Arniston House, described as one of the most important William
Adam houses in Scotland, and sited only 11 miles from Edinburgh, followed by a tour of Bowhill
House, one of the homes of the Duke of Buccleuch.

For further information and to book visit https://www.ahss.org.uk/events/arniston-house-bowhill-


SLCT: Online Petrographic Analysis Explained

Date: 22 August 2022
Location: Online
Time: 1pm to 3.30pm
Cost: £36.00 incl VAT *20% discount for RIAS members*
(please email admin@scotlime.org with attendees full name, company name, RIAS membership
number, address and postcode, email address and contact number to obtain discount).

Thin section analysis (petrography) is a powerful method commonly applied to the study of
modern and historic building materials.

This method is used in the identification, characterisation and microstructure of stones and
mortars, as well as helping determine causes of structural and material failure of samples. This
masterclass will look at the history and methodology behind petrography and its various
applications in materials and conservation science.

For further information and to book visit www.scotlime.org/skills-training/courses/petrographic-


Stone Analysis Explained

Date: 23 August 2022
Location: Online
Time: 1pm to 3.30pm
Cost: £36.00 incl VAT *20% discount for RIAS members*
(please email admin@scotlime.org with attendees full name, company name, RIAS membership
number, address and postcode, email address and contact number to obtain discount).

Many conservation projects require the replacement of structurally compromised stone and will
require stone analysis and matching in order to find currently available sources of compatible
replacement stone.

Stone analysis may also be required to gain listed building consent or to

requirements. Simply undertaking stone analysis by petrographic means is only half the story
and missing out on vital information on the physical characteristics of stone, for example
density, water absorption, porosity and capillary coefficient can lead to the incorrect
replacement stone being recommended, risking the accelerated decay of surrounding historic

For further information and to book visit www.scotlime.org/skills-training/courses/stone-analysis-


Mortar Analysis Explained

Date: 24 August 2022
Location: Online
Time: 1pm to 3.30pm
Cost: £36.00 incl VAT *20% discount for RIAS members*
(please email admin@scotlime.org with attendees full name, company name, RIAS membership
number, address and postcode, email address and contact number to obtain discount).

Many projects demand that

However, analysis of existing and historic mortars is an important step in the creation of well
matched and appropriate mortar specifications for undertaking successful repairs.

This seminar will allow attendees to gain a greater understanding of the process of mortar
analysis and to be able to understand and use the results of mortar analysis to create better
specifications for replacement mortars.

For further information and to book visit https://www.scotlime.org/skills-training/courses/mortar-


Level 3 Award, Energy Efficiency in Older and Traditional Buildings

Date: 24 & 25 August 2022
Time: 9am to 5pm
Venue: The Engine Shed, Forthside Way, Stirling, FK8 1QZ
Cost: £495
This Level 3 qualification provides learners with an overview of older and traditional buildings,
the range of energy efficiency measures available, how to evaluate their suitability and
recommend their installation.

For further information visit www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/level-3-award-energy-efficiency-in-older-


10th Annual Festival of Traditional Buildings

Date: 22 to 26 August 2022
Time: Varies
Venue: Holyrood Park Education Centre, 1 Queen's Drive, Edinburgh, EH8 8HG
Cost: All events are free, but ticketing is required

Immerse yourself in the beauty and romance of Scotland's old buildings as we celebrate the
Festival of Traditional Buildings! To mark their landmark 10th year, Scottish Traditional Building
Forum are bringing you a week long series of immersive, hands on, and interesting events for
building enthusiasts of all backgrounds and ages. Located at the Education Centre at Holyrood
Park, there is something for everyone including hands-on activities, talks, workshops, and
historic building inspired mini golf and a family day as well!

For further information and to book visit https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/10th-annual-festival-of-


From Slogans to Sound Strategy? The 2022 SURF Annual Conference

Date: 25 August 2022
Time: 10am to 3pm
Venue: COSLA Conference Centre, Edinburgh
Cost: Free


Anyone involved with the regeneration of Scottish places, is very likely to have heard repeated
references to the above concepts in recent times.

associated with both concepts, with particular reference to the Argyll & Bute town of Dunoon.

For further information and to book visit


Historic England Webinar on Embodied Carbon:

The Case Against Demolition

Date: On demand
Venue: Online

Historic England has made available a recording of their webinar held earlier this year on
Embodied Carbon: the Case Against Demolition. To access visit -
For more events this month please check the RIAS website here:
This bulletin contains details of commercial events run by organisations outside of the RIAS.
Inclusion of commercial events in this bulletin is for information purposes only and does not
constitute an endorsement of these events by the RIAS.

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