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Wave walt: A Study on Galvanic cell batteries utilizing saltwater and metal-air

A Capstone Project

Presented to the Faculty of

PHINMA Cagayan de Oro College

In Partial Fulfillment

of the Requirements for the Courses

APP 007: Inquiries, Investigations and Immersion

STM 009: Research in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics



Group 2

Juatas, Elenita Martalla, Christian Pagara, Syrey Faith

Lopez, Nikko Jenn Nale, Apple Jean Pana, Princess Jen
Mabunay, Ainsley Khate Nangcas, Sunshine Pinote, Engeleric
Macamay, Sandara Nicole Navaja, Trisha Isaiah Pojas, Hanz Justin
Macaranas, Fritz Allen Oliveros, Perciniples Raagas, Alexa
Malon, Sam Pacuno, Renford

January 2024

The Problem

How effective and practical are Galvanic cell batteries that use saltwater and metal
air for generating and storing energy?


The increasing concerns about climate change and the limited availability of tra-
ditional fossil fuels have made the demand for alternative energy sources more urgent
than ever. Consequently, researchers and scientists are continuously exploring innova-
tive technologies to meet future energy needs while minimizing environmental impact.
One promising technology is the development of galvanic cell batteries that utilize salt-
water and metal air. These batteries offer potential as clean and sustainable energy so-
lutions, with advantages including low cost, abundant raw materials, and minimal envi-
ronmental impact.
This study aims to investigate the feasibility, sustainability, and capability of gal-
vanic cell batteries that use saltwater and metal air as alternative energy sources. The
primary research question is focused on the effectiveness and efficiency of these batter-
ies in generating and storing energy. This research is justified due to the increasing
need for alternative energy sources and the constraints of current energy storage tech-
nologies. Fossil fuel dependency, greenhouse gas emissions, and resource depletion
are urgent challenges that must be addressed. Therefore, this research aims to contrib-
ute to the development of sustainable energy systems that can help mitigate these chal-
lenges. According to The International Energy Agency (IEA) predicts a nearly 70% in-
crease in global electricity demand by 2040, which puts significant stress on existing en-
ergy infrastructure (IEA, 2019). Additionally, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate
Change (IPCC) has warned about the urgent need to transition to clean and renewable
energy sources to limit global warming (IPCC, 2018).
Previous studies have demonstrated the potential of galvanic cell batteries that
use saltwater and metal air as viable energy storage solutions. For instance, a study by
Yang & Knickle (2002) successfully utilized Al/air batteries in applications such as vehi-
cles, residential buildings, and remote areas with limited access to electricity grids.
These batteries exhibited advantages such as high energy density, long cycle life, and
non-toxic components.
In conclusion, the study on galvanic cell batteries utilizing saltwater and metal air
is crucial in addressing the urgent global need for sustainable and clean energy
sources. By exploring the feasibility, sustainability, and capability of these batteries, this
study aims to contribute to the development of alternative energy systems that can ef-
fectively meet the growing energy demands while minimizing environmental impact.

Theoretical Framework

Electrochemistry Theory

This study is supported by Electrochemical Theory. This story posits the contribu-
tions of Volta in 1800 and Faraday in the 19th century formed the basis of electrochemi-
cal theory, providing an understanding of how redox reactions can be harnessed to gen-
erate electrical energy in galvanic cells, such as the Wave Walt battery system. Gal-
vanic cells, also known as voltaic cells, operate through spontaneous redox reactions
that produce electrical energy. These reactions occur between two electrodes that are
connected through an external circuit and a salt bridge or other type of electrolyte. In the
case of this research on Wave Walt, the electrodes are made from metal and air, and
the electrolyte is saltwater.
The anode in a galvanic cell is the site of oxidation, where the metal electrode
loses electrons and is oxidized. The cathode is the site of reduction, where the air elec-
trode gains electrons and is reduced. The electrons flow from the anode to the cathode
through the external circuit, producing electrical energy that can be used to power a de-
In this research, the researchers will need to consider how the composition of the
metal and air electrodes, as well as the concentration and composition of the saltwater
electrolyte, affect the performance of the galvanic cell. The researchers may also want
to investigate how factors such as temperature, pressure, and pH can impact the effi-
ciency and lifespan of the battery.
Conceptual Framework

The conceptual Framework for the study on galvanic cell batteries utilizing salt-
water and metal-air revolves around two key variables:the type of electrolyte and the
performance indicators of voltage and current. The independent variable, which is the
type of electrolyte, consists of two levels - saltwater ans metal-air. This variable is ma-
nipulated by the researchers to examine its effect on the performance of the batteries.
The dependet variables, namely voltage and current, serve as indicators of the batter-
ies’ efficiency and power output. These variables are measured and recorded at regular
intervals to assess the performance of the batteries under different electrolyte condi-
tions. The conceptual framework provides a structure for analyzing the relationship be-
tween the type of electrolyte and the performance indicators, thereby contributing to the
understanding of galvanic cell battery systems.

Schematic Diagram

Independent Variables Dependent Variables


General Objective:

The main goal of the Wave Walt project is to thoroughly study and understand a

new type of battery technology called galvanic cell batteries that use seawater and

metal air. By studying these batteries, the researchers want to find out how well they

work, how much energy they can produce, and whether they are a good option for sus-
tainable energy solutions. This will help us learn more about the benefits and environ-

mental impact of these batteries.

Specific Objective/s:

The specific goal of the Wave Walt battery recipe study is to carefully examine
and improve the composition and arrangement of the different parts of galvanic cell bat-
teries, like the metal-air electrodes and saltwater electrolytes. The researchers aim to
identify the key factors that affect the performance of these batteries and find ways to
make them produce more energy and work more efficiently. Through this study, the re-
searchers hope to provide clear instructions on how to create high-performing galvanic
cell batteries using saltwater and metal air, based on the unique formula developed by
Wave Walt.

Null Hypothesis

"There is no significant difference in the performance of Galvanic cell batteries

when utilizing saltwater and metal air as compared to traditional battery systems."

Significance of the Study

The results of the study will be of great benefit to the Educational Institute, Envi-
ronmental Advocates, Future Researchers, Renewable Energy Enthusiasts, Remote
Areas, and Science Teachers.
Educational Institutions - This study benefits the educational institution by incorporat-
ing practical examples into the curriculum, fostering STEM interest through hands-on
learning of galvanic cell principles.
Environmental Advocates - The outcome of this study could be a basis for advocating
eco-friendly energy solutions.
Future Researchers - This serves as the reference for future researchers, a starting
point to explore sustainable energy storage and advance renewable technologies.
Renewable Energy Enthusiasts - Through the help of this study renewable energy en-
thusiasts gain knowledge into a promising eco-friendly energy storage technology using
saltwater and metal air, reducing reliance on fossil fuels.
Remote Areas - This study provides insights on how to create low-cost and sustainable
energy solutions for remote areas using saltwater and metal air in galvanic cell batter-
ies, which could help improve the lives of people in these communities by providing a
reliable source of electricity.
Science Teachers - This study enables science teachers to teach students about re-
newable energy and battery technology.

Scope and Delimitations of the Study

The study on Galvanic cell batteries utilizing saltwater and metal air aims to in-
vestigate their effectiveness and practicality for generating and storing energy. This
study will be conducted at PHINMA- Cagayan De Oro College, PHINMA-COC Chem-
istry Lab. The research will explore the use of different types of salt and water to deter-
mine their impact on battery performance. The experimental setup and methodology will
be carefully designed to ensure accuracy and safety. However, the study's findings may
not be universally applicable as they will be specific to the geographical location and in-
stitution. Furthermore, the study will solely focus on the use of saltwater and metal air
and will not address other types of batteries or energy storage systems. It will also ex-
clude factors not directly related to battery performance, such as cost analysis or envi-
ronmental impact. By defining these parameters, the researchers can guide their efforts
effectively and provide meaningful insights into the practicality of Galvanic cell batteries
using saltwater and metal air.

Definition of Terms
For clarity of ideas, the following terms are defined according to how they are
used in the study:
Anode — The electrode in a galvanic cell battery where oxidation occurs.
Cathode — The electrode in a galvanic cell battery where reduction occurs.
Current — The flow of electric charge in an electrical circuit, measured in amperes.
Electrolyte — A substance that conducts electricity because it contains ions that can
move freely within the substance.
Energy density — The amount of energy that can be stored per unit volume or mass of
a substance.
Galvanic cell batteries — A type of battery that generates electrical energy through a
spontaneous redox reaction between metal and air electrodes connected by a circuit
and a saltwater electrolyte.
Metal air — An electrode in galvanic cell batteries that reacts with oxygen in the air to
produce electrical energy.
Multimeter — An instrument used to measure voltage, current, and other electrical
properties of a circuit.
Redox reaction — A type of chemical reaction in which one species is oxidized (loses
electrons) and another species is reduced (gains electrons).
Saltwater — A solution of water and salt that serves as the electrolyte in galvanic cell
Voltage — The measure of the electric potential difference between two points in an
electrical circuit, measured in volts.
Wave Walt — A type of galvanic cell battery that utilizes metal air and saltwater to gen-
erate electrical energy.

Review of Related Literature and Studies

Review of Related Literature

According to Svenja Lohner, PhD (Oct. 2023), all batteries are made up of one or
more electrochemical, or galvanic, cells implanted in the battery container that provide
power to all connected electrical devices. This is the one thing that unites all batteries.
"Galvanic cell"—but what is it? It is a gadget that uses chemical reactions to produce
electrical energy. "The presence of an electric charge," which can be positive or nega-
tive, is the general definition of electricity. Any electrochemical cell's strength (voltage)
increases with the difference in activity between the two materials that make up the
electrodes. Because chemical reactions occur at the electrodes, the current (measured
in amperes, or amps) increases with the area of the electrodes and the number of elec-
trons that can be drawn each second (Saltwater Pentacell | Exploratorium, 2023).

According to Guo Y, Cao Y, Lu J, Zheng X, Deng Y (Oct. 10, 2023), Seawater

metal-air batteries (SMABs) are promising energy storage technologies for their advan-
tages of high energy density, intrinsic safety, and low cost. The further optimization of
SMABs makes them possess promising applications as self-powering systems for the
equipment working in the deep and open sea. Electric work done by a galvanic cell is
mainly due to the Gibbs energy of spontaneous redox reaction in the voltaic cell. It gen-
erally consists of two half cells and a salt bridge. Each half cell further consists of a
metallic electrode dipped into an electrolyte. These two half-cells are connected to a
voltmeter and a switch externally with the help of metallic wires. In some cases, when
both the electrodes are dipped in the same electrolyte, a salt bridge is not required (Ad-
min, June 5, 2023). According to Jinmao C., Wanli X., Xudong W., Shasha Y., and
Chunhua X. (Jan. 13, 2023), Seawater-activated batteries, which utilize the physical and
chemical properties of seawater to achieve a flexible, distributed, in situ power supply
have broad application prospects. Depending on the purpose of use, seawater-activated
batteries can be divided into three categories, ranging from those that have a long life
but low power output to those with a high current and high power, indicating that seawa-
ter-activated batteries may be widely adapted.

The effective use of electricity from renewable sources requires large-scale sta-
tionary electrical energy storage (EES) systems with rechargeable high-energy-density,
low-cost batteries. We report a rechargeable saltwater battery using NaCl (aq.) as the
energy source (catholyte). The battery is operated by evolution/reduction reactions of
gases (mostly O2, with possible Cl2) in saltwater at the cathode, along with reduction/
oxidation reactions of Na/Na+ at the anode. The use of saltwater and the Na-metal-free
anode enables high safety and low cost, as well as control of cell voltage and energy
density by changing the salt concentration. The battery with a hard carbon anode and 5
M saltwater demonstrated excellent cycling stability with a high discharge capacity of
296 mA h ghard carbon−1 and a coulombic efficiency of 98% over 50 cycles. Compared
with other battery types, it offers greatly reduced energy cost and relatively low power
cost when used in EES systems.
Review of Related Studies


According to William Shen (Dec. 2017), Metal-air batteries consist of a solid

metal anode and an oxygen cathode of ambient air, typically separated by an aqueous
electrolyte. It is also found that the metal cathode material is crucial to cell electric po-
tential, despite the cathode not participating in the net reaction. The existence of com-
plex components in seawater, in particular chloride ions, inevitably has a complex influ-
ence on air electrode processes, including the oxygen reduction and evolution reactions
(ORR and OER), requiring the development of efficient chloride-resistant electrocata-
lysts (Jia Yu, Bo-Quan Li, Chang-Xin Zhao and Qiang Zhang, Aug. 11, 2020). Using
seawater or some other water (brackish water or wastewater) as the electrolyte. This
electrolyte is supplied by the surroundings of the battery, when the cell is deployed. This
kind of operation offers the advantage of not having to transport along with the cell any
heavy electrolyte (Clark, Latz, and Horstmann, 2018).
According to Daniel Lowy, Bence Mátyás(Dec. 2019) Some advantages of water-
activated batteries are their reliability, safety in operation, light weight (without the elec-
trolyte), high power density, elevated specific energy, instantaneous activation, and infi-
nite shelf life. Also, they are cost-effective and do not need maintenance. Owing to their
special design, these cells pollute less, being considered environmentally friendly, as
they use less or no heavy metals. Typical representatives of water-activated batteries
are metal-air cells, which represent important power sources for various applications,
owing to their high theoretical energy density and low cost. Such batteries operate with
a metal anode and an air-breathing cathode via a suitable electrolyte (Clark, Latz, and
Horstmann, 2018.). According to Adi S., Mulyono B., Sugend W., Mochammad R., and
Fis P. (Dec. 2016) Positive ions are move from the anode to the cathode through the
electrolyte in electrochemical cell during discharge. The ability of a cell to produce a
given current depends on the area of the electrode [18]. The anode builds up negative
charge and the cathode builds up positive charge, creating the cell voltage V(t). Nega-
tive electrons flow through an external load from the anode to the cathode and creating
a current in the opposite direction.

According to E. O. Fernandez (2016), Metal-air batteries, having a promising
technology that could address this need, faces challenges due to the costly and locally
unavailable production of air-cathode. Thus, the proponents came up with the idea of
designing portable metal-air battery with configured air-cathode layering technology us-
ing activated carbon derived from waste coffee grounds and saltwater as electrolyte.
Electrical energy generation of batteries is produced by an electrochemical reaction be-
tween two metals having different affinities (ibid) such as zinc and copper. When the
metals (the electrodes) are exposed to a type of liquid (usually acid) voltage is devel-
oped between them as part of ion transfer (ibid) (Nikko F., Adrian G., Felipe C. III, Jacob
C., July, 2019).

Based from (Park et al., 2016), the utilization of power from sustainable sources
requires substantial scale stationary electrical vitality stockpiling or (EES) framework
with battery- powered high vitality thickness, minimal effort batteries to be viable. The
utilization of salt water and a Na without metal anode will empower a high wellbeing,
ease, and a control of cell voltage and vitality thickness by changing the salt focus.

As indicated by Pawar, M. (2018), Scientists built up a battery utilizing salt water

aselectrolyte. Also, with the intend to offer a conceivably more secure and greener op-
tion thanlithium-particle batteries. They will additionally adjust in the plan to make the
battery supplymorevoltage that its past adaptation. The new battery will have a potential
application to familyunit machines, fireproof, and is more averse to detonate under pres-
sure. The group blended thecorrect extent of salt and waterthey will frame the ideal and
most conductive anode. Furtherexpanding the centralization of salt, contrasted with wa-
ter, battery was helped to its mostextreme voltage from 1.23 V to 3 V.

Research Methodology

Research Design

This study employs a True Expiremental Quantitative Research Design to investi-

gate the efficiency and analyze the performance of galvanic cell batteries under varying
conditions of saltwater and metal-air compositions.

Research Settings

This study will be conducted at PHINMA-Cagayan de Oro College Chemistry

Lab, located at 5th Floor Phinma Hall,Max Suniel Street, Carmen, 9000 Cagayan de
Oro City, Misamis Oriental.

Duration and Frequency of the Study

Activities January February March

Title/Topic Proposal

Task Assignment

Review of Related
Literature and Studies

Research Approval

Preparation of Mate-
Expiremental Period

Analysis of Data

Final Paper

Data Gathering Instruments and Procedure

A. Preparatory

 COPPER ELECTRODES - will be the batteries cathode consuming electrons. Since
it attract positively charged from a solution and generates copper ions, which en-
ter the copper sulphate solution used as the electrolyte. In which the researchers
needed for conducting the experiment.
 ZINC ELECTRODES - is generated as the anode supplying electrons, once it con-
tact with electrolyte it will get oxidized and releases electrons, which are subse-
quently transmitted to the copper electrodes.
 ALLIGATOR CLIP HEADS - when clipped onto terminals and components, it cre-
ates temporary or experimental electrical connections.
 DIGITAL MULTIMETER WITH TEST LEADS - Is used to evaluate the electrical
components of galvanic cell batteries, and also measure voltage, as well as to
measure current and resistance. Test leads also contains a connector, to connect
the multimeter and another connector for testing such as the crocodile clip.
 PIEZOELECTRIC BUZZER - assists researchers in determining if the galvanic cell
batteries create electricity or not by producing a tone, alarm, or sound. If the gal-
vanic cell batteries generate power this buzzer will produce a tone, alarm, or

EQUIPMENT that will be used during the experiment will include measuring cups to
measure tap water, kitchen scale to weight the table salt, bowl that can hold at least
50mL to used for weighting the 25 grams of table salt, three plastic cups to label and
use for the three trials to obtain accurate and precise results, permanent marker for la-
beling, plastic or paper straw for stirring the solution, lab notebook to record observa-
tions of the electrodes, pen for writing, paper towels to clean up mess, teaspoon for the
hydrogen peroxide, 1 teaspoon of 3% hydrogen peroxide for chemical treatment into the
battery. And lastly, timer to keep up the precise time.

B. Data Gathering

Weighing of table salt. Measure 25 grams of table salt. After measuring, add
the measured table salt into the 500 mL of distilled water, stir the homogeneous mixture
thoroughly until fully dissolved.

Preparing and securing of electrodes. Get the two electrodes ready for as-
sembly, the researchers are making sure to put a distance between the two electrodes
while placing them at the homogeneous mixture opposite at each other. Secure the
electrodes using alligator clip heads.

Testing using buzzer. To determined that the cell batteries are working, connect
the kit into the buzzer, connect the red alligator clip into the buzzer positive wire and the
green alligator clip into the negative wire of the buzzer. After connecting them it should
produced a embossing sound.
Observing the battery using digital multimeter with test leads. The main
process will be conducted by measuring and observing the cell batteries using digital
multimeter with test leads, set the multimeter on 20 volts DC and turn the multimeter on.
In order to measure the battery open circuit voltage connect the red probe into the red
alligator clip and connect the black probe into the green alligator clip.

Treatment of the Homogeneous Mixture. Stir the solution with a straw continu-
ously for three minutes, make sure to not bump the electrodes with each other while
stirring the solution, observe the multimeter while stirring, the current reading should go
back up, then record the highest current reading. After three minutes of stirring switch
back the multimeter into the DC voltage measurement setting. Lastly, measure the open
circuit voltage. After the current reading stabilize again, the researchers will now pro-
ceed to the second treatment, get a straw and blow bubbles near the copper electrode
for three minutes, after three minutes record the highest current reading and switch
back the multimeter into the DC voltage and measure the voltage, and then switch back
to current and wait another five minutes before proceeding to the next step. Add 1 tea-
spoon of three percent hydrogen peroxide into the solution mix immediately and record
the initial current and final current reading and wait for another three minutes. After wait-
ing, record the stabilized reading. And then switch back to DC voltage.

Statistical Instrument and Procedure

A. Application of the treatment

According to the context of the researchers experimental set-up, the Galvanic

cell batteries will go though Weighing of table salt, Preparing and securing of elec-
trodes, Testing using buzzer, Observing the battery using digital multimeter with test
leads, Treatment of the Homogeneous Mixture. As it is aligned to the study of Lohner,
S. (2023, October 26). How to Make a Battery with Metal, Air, and Saltwater, that pre-
sented the five phases involved in making the Galvanic cell batteries generate electricity
which includes the following: weight the table salt, securing the electrodes, usaged of
buzzer, observing using digital multimeter and undergo the three treatment of the homo-
geneous mixture. The anode builds up negative charge and the cathode builds up posi-
tive charge, creating the cell voltage V(t). Negative electrons flow through an external
load from the anode to the cathode and creating a current in the opposite direction. Adi
S., Mulyono B., Sugend W., Mochammad R., and Fis P. (Dec. 2016).

B. Collection of data

This study will undergo weighing of table salt, preparing and securing of elec-
trodes, testing using buzzer, observing the battery using digital multimeter with test
leads, and treatment of the Homogeneous Mixture. The researchers planned on observ-
ing and testing three samples to determine the effects of the Galvanic Cell batteries that
generate electricities. The researchers will use Copper Electrodes, Zinc Electrodes, Dig-
ital Multimeter with test lead, Piezoelectric buzzer and equipment.

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