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Relationship Phrasal Verbs

1 Can You Fill in the Blanks?

pick on, settle down, looks, look down on, get on, apart, get to know, takes, look after, to,
brought, broke, after, up (3), get along, out, fell, grew, put up with, go out
1 She and her brother usually _____(1) very well.

2 I want to _____(2) with someone special one day.

3 He fell for his coworker and they started dating.

4 All the kids in class seemed to always _____(3) him.

5 My little sister really _____(4) _____(5) _____(6) me as a role model.

6 Everyone says she _____(7) _____(8) her mother's artistic talents.

7 Her parents always _____(9) her for not studying medicine.

8 Grandma can't _____(10) grandpa all by herself anymore.

9 Do you want to _____(11) to dinner with me tonight?

10 My roommates _____(12) _____(13) over who was responsible for the mess.

11 She's had to _____(14) her annoying neighbor for years.

12 They used to be best friends but slowly _____(15) _____(16) over time.

13 My parents _____(17) me _____(18) to always show kindness to others.

14 My cousin recently _____(19) _____(20) with his long-term girlfriend.

15 The siblings never _____(21) well enough to share a room.

16 I hope we can _____(22) each other better at the party.

2 Can You Fill in the Blanks?

looks (2), after, get along, picked, down, on (2), grow apart, to, put up with, looking, for, take
after, fallen, up
Hi Laura,
I'm really sorry to hear about your family problems. It's awful when people in the same family
don't _____(1), isn't it? I remember my parents used to fight a lot when I was younger, but now
they have settled down and are much happier. They say that sometimes you just have to work
at relationships, so maybe things will get better for you.
I can't believe that you've _____(2) _____(3) someone who is so horrible to you! You deserve
someone much better, someone who treats you with respect. When I was at school there were
always boys who _____(4) _____(5) me, but I never let them get to me. As long as you know that
you're worth more than that, it doesn't matter what other people think. You should try to find
someone who _____(6) _____(7) _____(8) you and makes you feel special.
It sounds like you have a lot in common with your sister. Maybe she is just jealous of you
because she thinks you're better than her. My brother and I are very different, but we _____(9)
our dad in some ways - we both love football and hate getting up early! He has always been
there for us and he never _____(10) _____(11) _____(12) us, even when we make mistakes. He's
really good at _____(13) _____(14) us when we're ill too. Do you think your sister would be able
to do that for you?
I hope you can sort things out with your boyfriend and your sister soon. You shouldn't _____(15)
people treating you badly, no matter how much you care about them. Sometimes people just
_____(16), I suppose. Remember, you can always talk to me if you need to.

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