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Course Convenor:

Jasim Uddin
MPhil Innovation, Strategy & Organisation (University of Cambridge) MSc HRM (University of Manchester) MSc Finance & Economics (University of Manchester) Adjunct Faculty, Anglia Ruskin University, Cambridge, UK; HR Consultant, RDI, UK,

Email: Program: Office: Consulting/Office Hours:, BBA NAC 755


Time 10.30am 12.30pm 10.00am 12.00pm and 2.30pm 3.30pm


This module introduces all students in the School to concepts linked to the management of business and the practices associated with it. It provides a factual knowledge base that focuses upon prime issues confronting management, including the management of people and the skills required to ensure the continued control and guidance of the company in the 21st century. It will provide this learning in exciting ways, involving up-to-date case studies.


Equip the students with an understanding of the role, levels and functions of management Provide the students with a basis of knowledge that will support their further learning in the Schools BBA Program Identify the challenges which confront management Introduce management models used for the analysis and evaluation of those challenges Explain the interrelationship between management and ethical issues in both commercial and the wider social domain Enable the students to apply their knowledge and understanding to existing organizations Encourage the students to demonstrate analytical and practical skills in problem-solving activities with case studies

On completion of this module, students should be able to: Identify the functions of management and show understanding of them Show broad knowledge of each of the individual features of management, including the management of people in the work place Recognize managerial challenges Correctly identify suitable models for the resolution of those challenges Display analytical skills to solve managerial problems identified in case studies Show awareness of the importance of ethical issues to corporate management, and be able to evaluate their potential impact upon corporate managerial strategy Demonstrate good understanding of the contents of the module and utilize it in the design and content of the assignment

The teaching/learning strategy for this module has been designed to ensure that the program level learning outcomes outlined above have been acquired. The lecture ensures that relevant theoretical constructs are explained, while the seminars give an opportunity to apply these constructs and to learn how to work together in a multicultural group to do so. Written communication assessed during the individual and group written assignments and also in the final written exam Oral communication assessed during the group presentations, and also through your participation in the group presentations and other activities during the class. Teamwork assessed during group presentations and participation in other group activity. Problem solving assessed mainly from your ability to address and analyze problems during the Learning Shop. Data collection and analysis assessed through your ability to collect and analyze information from a variety of sources for application to assignments.

Please note that part of the assessment is based on group and individual participation in seminars so that your final course grade will be determined by your investment in reading and preparation for seminar work. Feedback on work undertaken on the course will be both summative and formative. To assist you with this, additional handout material will be distributed during the seminar sessions the week before their use, giving you some time to familiarize yourself with the subject matter. It is your responsibility to obtain the materials from fellow students, if you miss a class.

Week No Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Week 5 Week 6 Week 7 Week 8 Week 9 Week 10 Week 11 Week 12 ASSESSMENT List of Assessments Class Test 1 Class Test 2 Midterm Exam 1 Midterm Exam 2 Group Presentation (including 1000 words essay on the topic provided in the class) Final Exam Attendance & Class Performance Total Marks (or % of Final Grade) 5 5 15 15 30 20 10 100 Marks Topic Introduction to the syllabus and module The changing environment of management Managements social and ethical responsibilities Strategic management Decision making and creative problem solving Organizations Human resource management Motivating job performance Group dynamic and teamwork Influence processes and leadership Change, conflict, and negotiation Revision Sources Syllabus Chapter 1 Chapter 3 Chapter 5 Chapter 7 Chapter 8 Chapter 9 Chapter 11 Chapter 13 Chapter 14 Chapter 15 Chapter 16

The importance of the processes of good management in the companies of the 21st century cannot be overemphasized. To embed these processes, different types of assessment are used to measure the students ability to apply their own knowledge and skills to identify and to analyze issues arising in respect of contemporary management. All the assessments set out above require the application of some or all of the learning outcomes outlined above, and the lecturers use of learning shops will provide students with useful points of reference in the

completion of their coursework tasks. On-going group work encourages learning to work in a multicultural context so as to apply appropriate theoretical constructs. Classroom presentations and participation build on this. The reports, both learning team and small group, deepen understanding of constructs in an international business context. The final time-constrained exam allows the student to demonstrate understanding of both theoretical constructs and their application to a given case company.

READING Required Reading Kreitner, R. 2004. Management, 9th Edition, NY: Houghton Mifflin Co. Or any Management book available at NUS library

Additional Reading BODDY. D (2008) Management: An Introduction. Pearson Education Ltd.

MULLINS, L (2008) Management and Organizational Behaviour Pearson Education Ltd. 8th Edition

JOURNALS Academy of Management Journal Academy of Management Review


Daily Star The Financial Times The Economist Business Week

USEFUL WEBSITES www. Financial Times The Times The Economist

The Economist Intelligence Unit Euromonitor consumer markets The European Commission statistics/reports OECD statistics The United Nations The World Bank A virtual library for marketing professionals

LECTURE DELIVERY STRATEGIES: A range of strategies will be employed in the teaching of managing knowledge, skills and practice. However, the following methods shall be specifically used during the course delivery: Lectures Case Studies and Discussion Presentations and Participation Self and Group Studies

ATTENDANCE & CLASSROOM CODE OF CONDUCT: Main purpose of the lecture is to achieve learning outcomes or augment knowledge or professional understanding in the relevant subject. As a result, positive learning environment is prerequisite for learning to be taken place. We are all equally responsible for creating a classroom that stimulates learning. Similarly, certain code of conduct must be followed, otherwise learning could be interrupted. To accomplish our mission, you are required to attend all the lectures throughout the semester and also seriously important to comply with the following code of conduct: You must arrive in class on time. Lateness is not permissible. You are encouraged to contribute to the classroom through active participation (e.g. asking relevant questions or making appropriate comments or arguments etc). However, you are not allowed to make any irrelevant question or comment that is beyond the interest of the learning outcomes. You should be groomed in an acceptable manner. Mobile phones should be switched off or kept in silent mode at all times in the classroom. You should attend all exams/assessments according to the deadlines.


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