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2 the axi | ‘axis (ii) Magnetic field due to a straight solenoid {a) At any point inside the solenoid, + aI B=y,rl | ‘where, = number of tums per unit length. {b) At points near the ends of air closed ht solenoid, Pata B 5 Hor | en by oT ‘1. Draw the magnetic field lines due to _ Surrent carrying loop. delhi 2013¢ in Qis anticlockwise ; ; a seen from 0 rae! equidistant from the loops P and @ Find the magnitude of the net gnetic field at O. oath 202 es i 4. A long solenoid of length L having N turns carries a current I, Deduce the expression for the magnetic field in the interior of the solenoid. allinaia zone 5. A straight wire of length Lis bent into a semi-circular loop. Use Biot-Savart’s law to deduce an expression for the magnetic field at its centre due to the current I Passing through it. pelhi gone 6, State Ampere's circuital law. Show through. an example, how this law enables an easy evaluation of the magnetic field when there is a symmetry in the system? a 0 (@ 3 Marks Questions 7. (i) State Biot-Savart’s law and express it in the vector form (ii) Using Biot-Savart’s law, obtain the expression for the magnetic field due to a circular coil of radius r, carrying a current J at a point on its axis distant x from the contre of the coil. ‘case 201ec 8. (i) State Biot-Savart’s law and express this law in the vector form. (ii) Two identical circular coils, P and Q each of radius R, carrying currents 1A and V3 A respectively, are placed concentrically and perpendicular to each other lying in the XY and YZ planes. Find the magnitude and direction of the net magnetic field at the centre of the coils, allindia 2017 9. Two identical loops P and Q each of radius ‘5 cm are lying in perpendicular planes such that they have a common centre as 120 ‘carry currents equal to Aand4.A, ‘respectively. peli207 9, : 10. Use Biot Savart's law to derive the ression forthe magnetic field onthe circular loop of ‘axis of a current carrying radius Rabi 208 (©) straight opment Shevemicradar ect > ‘Maps fea due ot ings il Deo Sate deen (Q-»# along he as) a of eau 2 "Let be te magnet ied at any pint side the ww Be a “ates Bla, © [umiecpuoe-: 4ff at conor (Eo 2 chants COSE Sched pap a: Moving Charses and Magny tt = Veta Feat =e ~Y ey o ewan ap el mes an ange Oth Ag which sgven by. ie Pea, 1ftots e Beaercnae Oe ate Ses enna ere so jute face, Pisce a (0) ASthemagneticfeld duet, ts confine! Sttly insite 5 14. i) For Blot-Savart'slaw hefertoietog pages 17 and 118 For magnetic eld due to ‘carrying loop on its axle Ree an 123 " Balla y+ oft dlp hich an = Qurtent passes per unit cos-sction = 1/ na? 4 Qument passes through the cross-section of iadiusris, ee 2) la . | aes. LSS A Examination Questions 1 Mark questions, BD chapterwise C8SE Soived Pape, eouswoine (horges ond Mage Refer Sl ” fo sal te otal Paon, i pela = ete 2 ca 10 6xxi0?T TOPIC 2 Lorentz Force 2.1 Force on Moving Charge in a Uniform Magnetic Field ‘St unit of magne Vesta (1) Right Hand Palm Rule Magnetic force, F= qv 1 @ 2 Marks Questions A ai 130 2 croprervse CBSE Soe Pope. stan mean, = 0/4 eae © Rice mango open: Here, the particle will have circular path due 10 ‘vc0s @ and linear path due to vsin@. Both when combined gives helical path. o (Gi) Since, force always adjusts itself in a direction which becomes perpendicular to ‘velocity, so only direction of velocity is changed not the magnitude. Hence, the Kinetic energy of the particle always remains constant, o 20, (i) When a charged particle (q) moves with velocity (v) inside a uniform magnetic field B. then force acting on itis, F=aivxB) = (li) The direction of force on the charged particle is given by (vxB) with the sign of charged particle, ie, for a-particle, charge is positive and direction of v is + i and direction of B is -k So, direction of force is + (ix - ke) ie. +} For It describes a circle with anti-clockwise motion. For neutron Itis a neutral particle so, it goes undeviated, As Feqivx € describes a circle with clockwise motion. ‘Path of the particles in the presence of __ Magnetic field is shown below. ‘Time taken by the charge to complete one crcix rotation, T= 2/¥, = FeqB and centripetal force = magnetic force From Eqs. (i) and (ii), we get = mir = av,B (a 3 vymiqh =r =9T= 2nv,m/qB-v, = T = 2wm/Bq Q Distance moved by the particle along the magne field in one rotation (pitch of the helix path) xT =vcos@x 2um/By = P= 2nmvcosoigs 8 Force experienced by the charged particle inthe presence of electric and magnetic field isthe 52 of electric force and magnetic force acting 0 As, electric force, = gE Magnetic force, F, = q(v x B) ‘Thus Lorentz force, F= F + Fy = gE + 4\v «® : = {B+ (v xB) ‘ For a charged prticle moves undeflected throws! these field, Sega HE + (v xB=0 6 o E+(vxB=0 E=-(WxB) can be converted into voltmeter ‘avery high resistance R in series ‘which is given by Define the term current sensitivity of a moving coil galvanometer Delhi 2020 current through the were, 1, = ce galvanometer, ata F 7 BA G = resistance of galvanometer ppiciretasrurdt eae cB V = potentials difference across the 5 eee = Nerminal’A and B. 4. Using the concept of force between two . infinitely long parallel current carrying ‘conductors define one ampere of current. ‘All india 2014 ™ 5, Is the steady electric current the only source of magnetic field? Justify your answer. Delhi 20130 @2Marks Questions 6. A square loop of side a carrying & current ‘at distance x from an infinitely Tyis kept a esitance ofan ideal ammeter is zero and an oa tae aeryight wire carying 2 current J; a8 ‘voltmeter is infinite, Ammeter is alway> ‘connects shown in the figure. Obtain the whereas volumeter © expression for the resultant force acting series with electrical circult, in parallel with the circu. Serve loop. neh! 2018 7. Asquare loop of side 20 em carrying nent of 1A kept near an infinite long Seeaight wire carrying a current of 2 Ain the same plane as shown in the figure 28 ae Pia gar 4 Ho Choe “196° Chapterse CBSE Solved Pay, : ofthe new eo Calewate the magnitude and direction of ___ moment of the Ad the, the net force exerted onthe lop duet the coil Me tt wt 0 ‘current carrying conductor. ee og | nae 20180 % 4 A rectangular coil of sites Yand b carrying ‘current / is subjected to a uniform scant ra Iagmeic field B acting perpendicular to ite plane. Obtain the expression forthe tongue actingon ik. amaaue ire Deduce the express 9G Two long straight parallel conductors ea . i alvanomee ter? Explain ‘uel nahn end Gi) Show with the help ofa diagram, 48, Aaquare col of sde 10cm hag age Infineon tie todos 9 cnet of te actors would change when the spend vertically and nar irene ae epee mene ead om directions. Fein 218 the direction ofa uniform borat 10. A coil of W turns and radius 2 carries a magnetic field f 08. Ifthe tn, experienced by the coil equals 0.96 Nig il of side a having same find the value of 8. vet 20300 ‘umber of turns NV. Keeping the current (@3 Marks Questions principle of working jometar. Write two 8 throu ‘moments of the new coil and the 1 Derive the ex; original coil. at naio20% 43. A circular coil of N turns and diameter d carries a current unwound and ‘rewound to make another col of diameter | 2d, current J remaining the same, Wire CD carrying 5A is held directly abo | Galeulate the ratio of the magnetic nu - <>, : ABat a height of | mm. Find the mass IE 3 core? Define the terms (3) cu ‘sensitivity and (i) voltage sensitivity of 32, G@) Draw a labelled diagram of a moving “ae | tty cures ot ent sae Agnes peti eB Proce by ee soe abe eae Meracng caren movin chars PA, ‘ermanen magnets © According wo ighchand cere fc ea 4D 1 = ikl Goro) 2 crmterise CBE Seon ny ne foro the oops _Arectangular coll, Sl Mee as shown nthe gy | eer Sareea ee “14 tn these type of questions. we ae calculating force on ait inthe proce by the ther carrying wie. 142 ‘he magnet elds perpen 1 tbe ae of operand deed ard Ye “ToL =m (in tems of, and B's ven by Gah 2% se pry meneen ev = a ae [erin OSE Se ‘Principle The curent carrying col placed in oral magnetic eld experiences org which elven by <=NuB 2 nope COSE Soh Pag 4: Movino c Pm ueten Objective Questions, (For Complete Chapter) Multiple Choice Question:

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