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Outdoor lighting

Architecture and

Experience how
lighting can
breathe life into
your city
Strasbourg, France
Photography: Xavier Boymond
Rietberg, Germany

Architecture &

Feel proud
of your city
Cities want to create an identity, branding
themselves as unique, beautiful, vibrant
and secure places. Dynamic and intelligent
architectural LED lighting can transform the night
scene, enhancing urban architecture and public
spaces and creating an inviting ambience for
citizens and visitors.

Inspiring nightlife Investing in the economy

The landmarks, buildings and The more safe and welcoming
monuments that lie at the heart a city feels, the more citizens
of a city are the essence of its and visitors will enjoy it. Lighting
unique heritage and identity. creates exciting spaces that people
The right lighting can preserve want to spend time in, eating,
that at night, showcasing structures drinking and taking in the sights.
and materials and transforming Using beautiful, energy-efficient
the city into an alluring destination. lighting to creative vibrant social
Somewhere that is a pleasure to spaces can also have a dramatic
spend time in after dark. At night, effect on a city’s reputation.
LED light can transform buildings It enhances tourism and nightlife,
and architectural features, generating valuable income for
enhancing them in soft white color hotels, restaurants, bars and shops.
tones or in dynamic colors to add So the city becomes a more
to the city’s vibrant atmosphere. attractive destination for people
It rehumanizes urban spaces and and businesses. An investment
makes people feel connected in lighting that practically pays
to their environment. And by for itself.
enriching community life, it instils
residents with a real sense of
local pride.

Architecture and Landscape 3

Cúpula Milenio

Architecture &

Lighting as tool for urban Lighting offers a great tool to improve

development people’s lives. By highlighting certain
features and concealing others, it
Over the last twenty years,
encourages people to discover the
architectural lighting has become
contours and details of the city that
more than simply a means of
are not visible during the day.
ensuring security and visibility.
With the help of a lighting plan,
It is regarded as an essential
new impressions and ambiences can
component of city planning and
be created, changing the perception
development and an excellent
of the urban setting or even making
way to reveal the heritage and
people notice it for the first time. It
identity of a city, whatever the size.
is also a subtle and highly effective
Architectural lighting can give a city
way to promote the city’s assets to
a nighttime beauty that matches
citizens and tourists, stimulating the
its daytime image. By altering the
local economy.
urban landscape, the relationship
between the citizens and their city
can be redefined and their living
environment enhanced.

4 Architecture and Landscape

Architecture &

Light supports Plaza Mayor



Arab Alcazaba Castle

Badajoz, Spain

The functions of light have been light to build or strengthen their As a result of this local process,
considerably developed over the nocturnal identity and make it tourists activity develops. In return,
years: initially used for functional a city marketing tool. the interest of tourists in their city
and security purposes, light has increases the pride of citizens.
Through its capacity to develop the
become a tool for city beautification,
attractiveness of city nightscapes In the short term, shops,
whether permanently or on a
and have a global influence on the restaurants, hotels and tourism
temporary basis during festive
city’s identity, lighting represents service providers are the first to
a real opportunity in terms of benefit economically from the
Limited initially to heritage sites, tourism strategy. lighting project. In the medium and
it gradually found its way into longer term, the positive impact
The beauty and dynamism of
new spaces (industrial buildings, finds expression in the arrival of
the city, revealed by lighting,
outlying districts, parks, river new citizens and businesses.
contribute to a positive sense
banks) and has been integrated
of ownership amongst citizens. Lighting must be incorporated into
with a social dimension.
This pride radiates outwards: the global tourism strategy and
Nowadays in the context of citizens become the best positioned as a component for
increasing tourism competition representatives of their city and ensuring the city’s attractiveness.
between cities, many of them use promote its positive image.

Architecture and Landscape 7


place to visit
and enjoy
more visitors
to the city

Lighting master plan Three Graces Toffee Factory,

Liverpool, United Kingdom Newcastle, United Kingdom
Liverpool lit around 28 monuments and buildings Liverpool has 18.3 million day visits and 1.6 million The project is the gateway project to a wider regeneration
as part of a lighting master plan. As a result, the stay visits per year. With a lighting investment program for the area. Toffee Factory has begun a new business
average time and money spent went up. 74% of of 2.8 million pounds, plus an additional yearly life providing high quality, contemporary serviced office occupancy
residents stated that they would bring visiting maintenance of 140,000 pounds to realize the space for a range of digital and creative businesses.
friends and family members to visit the illuminated lighting master plan, Liverpool gains an additional Toffee Factory is now a very attractive proposition, both
buildings and landmarks, 38% of visitors have spent revenue of 4.5 million pounds. This has resulted by day and by night. It has its own quay on the banks of
more time in the city center because of the lighting in a payback period of less than one year for the the Ouse Burn, and is only a few minutes’ walk from the
scheme, 22% of visitors and residents have spent investment. city center and railway station. It currently houses 20-25
more money because of the lighting scheme. creative and digital businesses.

Cities that used lighting to develop tourism

€ 360,000
increase 15,000
in local extra visitors

on hotel
Bastions of Light, occupancy Rivers of Light,
Badajoz, Spain Valladolid, Spain
Bastions of Light transforms Badajoz from a frontier town, The Rivers of Light route has received over 5,000 guided
prepared for war, into a town that welcomes people to places visits a year since it was launched in November 2011. Increased
where they can meet friends and family and have a good time. A further 10,000 people are estimated to have visited the local income
It also contributes to the economical development of the city. attraction on their own. The city and local businesses profit
The annual hotel occupancy has already been improved by from the increased number of visitors, supporting the local
6% and the annual money spent in the city increased by income growth and tourism each year.
€ 360,000 / year in 2012, compared to 2008.

8 Architecture and Landscape Architecture and Landscape 9

Architecture &

Feel at home
in your city
Inspiring and improving people’s life, creating the right ambience
and enhancing the city experience. Our innovative architectural
LED lighting solutions are designed to bring out the best in
the appearance of all your urban architecture and landscape
settings. To create a visually stunning architectural LED lighting
experience, you need a complete lighting solution that includes
both outstanding architectural floodlights and highly innovative
dynamic control systems with dedicated services and support.
Philips offers fully integrated end-to-end architectural LED lighting
solutions that combine exceptional reliability and performance
with ease of installation and operation.

Grand Île
Strasbourg, France
Photography Xavier Boymond Architecture and Landscape 11

Professional architectural LED floodlights

Innovative Floodlighting

architectural LED
Floodlights are key products to enhance architecture.
Applied close to the object with a narrow beam,
they will enhance architectural elements and
create a strong contrast with the background. Wider

lighting solutions
beams used at a distance will softly reveal volumes.
Some floodlights have specific asymmetrical light
distribution dedicated to wall-washing effects. The
large range of light distributions offers almost infinite
possibilities of light effects.

Philips offers professional architectural LED lighting systems

in a multitude of types, form factors, and output levels. Linear lighting
Color-changing, tunable white, solid white, and solid color Grazing light is the “low angle of incidence” type of
LED floodlights deliver high-quality, digitally controllable lighting applications. The light sources are usually
positioned close to the surface either to reveal the
light in the full range of architectural and landscape texture and morphology of the architecture or to
applications. Our control systems integrate seamlessly with obtain an homogeneous wash of light. The close
offset of the source makes it suitable for revealing
our LED floodlighting portfolio in any installation, no matter details and creating rhythm and contrast.
how simple or complex.

Direct view lighting

In direct view lighting, the focus is not on the lit surface
but on the floodlight itself. Dots, lines or surfaces of
light will create a new perception of architecture at
night and enable graphical effects. These floodlights
can be used to provide ambience. But with a high
resolution they can also turn the illuminated building
into a real communication media.

Markers inground & underwater

Inground markers provide visual guidance, a key
element at night to provide orientation to people.
The underwater floodlights create magical effects
in fountains. The floodlights with narrow beams
highlight water jets. Wider beams enable to reveal
larger areas, like pools and water basins.

12 Architecture and Landscape Architecture and Landscape 13

Lighting controls

iPlayer 3
iPlayer 3 is a DMX lighting controller that is
able to store and play custom-authored or
pre-programmed light shows. The iPlayer
can control up to two full DMX universes or
340 individual RGB floodlights, and once
uploaded, shows may be accessed for editing.
It is equipped with five touch sensitive preset
buttons and a LCD interface that allows
navigation between different operating modes.

Belfast City Hall, Belfast, Northern Ireland

Photography: Redshift Photography

Ferry building
Auckland, New Zealand

Lighting controls
for dynamic or static
architectural lighting

IntelliPower dynamic
intelligent control system
IntelliPower lets you deploy intelligent, digitally IntelliPower can reduce installation
controllable LED lighting solutions in any expenses for labor, materials, time, and
situation where rewiring is not desirable or rental equipment, lowering initial costs and
feasible, including historic buildings, in-ground bringing retrofits as well as new LED lighting
systems, bridges, and monumental exteriors. installations within budget. With IntelliPower,
By harnessing existing electrical and physical you can realize all the benefits of a state-of-
infrastructures, IntelliPower is the affordable the-art LED lighting system without having to
way to install dynamic, digitally controllable undertake expensive or disruptive rewiring,
LED lighting where it was never possible before. renovation, or excavation work.

14 Architecture and Landscape

Services Support
and Support

Do you need to understand the basics Interested in becoming a partner? The
of creative lighting design? Are you Philips Lighting Partner Program is
interested in the possibilities that lighting designed to help you create new op-
can bring to shape the nightscape? portunities to grow your business using
Contact your local Philips representative Philips Lighting solutions. The pro-
for details of upcoming events. gram will empower your business and
enhance the value proposition for your
Workshops/Seminars customers.
Curious about what lighting can do for As a Philips Partner, the program
your building or city? At our workshops strengthens your business by:
and seminar events we share trends, best
· Providing access to state-of-the-art
Edinburgh Castle practices and new innovations. You will
Edinburgh, Scotland lighting solutions
have the opportunity to experience and
feel what lighting can do by designing · Access to end-to-end technical and
and implementing your own lighting business support
schemes in a workshop environment,
· Differentiating your value proposition
or by taking an evening tour of some
by leveraging the Philips brand
interesting projects.
For more information contact your local LUCI association
Philips representative.
Engineering services LUCI is an international network of cities
Master planning
engaged in using light as a major tool for
Ensure your architectural lighting Philips Partner Program
Good urban and lighting master their sustainable urban development.
planning can make urban nightlife so system is properly installed and Create impactful atmospheres for your Created in 2002 at the initiative of the
much more attractive, supporting and operational by commissioning the buildings, city centers and other appli- city of Lyon (France), LUCI now brings
highlighting each area's unique identity. services of our experts. Our talented cations. The partner network simplifies together over 100 members.
Emphasizing qualities of a certain application engineers can help turn your access to Philips Lighting systems
your project into a reality. They can They include around 65 cities worldwide,
place or architectural highlight while and services through close collaboration
provide proper installation, supervision as well as 35 lighting professionals
respecting the identities of other parts with our partners. These selected group
and lighting show design assistance for (manufacturers, lighting designers,
within the same urban context. of companies are specialists that can
projects in which Philips products are lighting consultants, universities).
advise and offer the right solution for
In many cases, the lighting master specified.
your individual needs. Learn more about
plan can contribute to the economical
the network and get to know our partners
development of a city center. The city's Lighting design support
unique identity should be the basis
of mid to long term plans. This can Every lighting scheme presents its own
be strengthened through a carefully unique set of challenges. Professional
crafted, new nightscape that can be lighting designers and our dedicated
Friends Stadium
used to market the city in various LiAS lighting design support teams are Solna, Sweden
ways. Not only by the city, but also by here to help. They are actively involved
businesses in that city. in projects associated with the creative
design and implementation of lighting
Philips collaborates with professional plans. This includes the illumination
lighting designers that are experts in of prominent landmarks, architecture,
lighting master planning. They bring landscapes or urban development
a vast experience to the table to district programs related to urban and
show how lighting can contribute to architectural lighting and intelligent
prosperity for your unique village or city. lighting control systems for both
indoor and outdoor applications.
Lighting control interfaces Our specialists will be happy to work
We also ensure that the lighting controls with you to co-create a lighting solution
match your needs perfectly. From preset that brings your architectural lighting
scenarios that can be chosen on the wall ideas to life.
you are illuminating, to a customized
interface through a web page.

16 Architecture and Landscape

Architecture &

Architectural and
overview Building
Landmark &

Lighting can create a unique look Our Architecture and Landscape

and feel for your city. After dark it applications are segmented into
becomes a vibrant, social space for different urban subareas: Building,
tourism and nightlife. Landmarks, Bridge, Landmark & Monument,
buildings and monuments become Fountain, Park and Garden and
the essence of its identity. Open spaces. Our architectural LED
The right architectural lighting can lighting solutions are suitable for
put them center stage, enhancing every architectural and landscape
their structures and materials in application. They offer attractive
an exciting and inspirational way. opportunities to inspire people.
So your city becomes a more We can also support you with
vibrant and attractive destination our experience and knowledge in
for business or pleasure. providing complete dynamic or
static lighting schemes.
Park &


18 Architecture and Landscape

Academia de Caballería
Valladolid, Spain

Transform buildings
with the art of light

 ighting for culture and heritage

is a matter of projecting memory
and message, legacy and identity,
conservation and innovation,
all in meanings of light.”
Royal Castle,
Warsaw, Poland


Musée des Beaux-Arts,Strasbourg, France

Photography: Xavier Boymond

Lighting a building
Philips LED lighting solutions transform buildings with static or dynamic
illumination to highlight the architecture in your city.

There are different ways to illuminate

the façades, arches, windows,
structures or columns of a building.
It depends on the lighting design
brief which type of lighting scheme
fits the project to realize a tailor-
made lighting installation to bring
the building to life at night. Here
we show a few examples of the
schemes that are possible, but there
are many more.
Please get in touch with your local
Philips representative if you would
like to learn more.

Accent lighting Grazing light Graphical effects

Blast Powercore 10° Graze Powercore 10x60° iColor Accent Powercore
A narrow beam, located close to the object Grazing the façade, this curtain of light will Direct view products enable you to play with
creates a strong gradient of light and a contrast enhance the texture of the wall by dropping dots, lines or surfaces of light. The lighting
with the background. A larger beam will create shadows. Very extensive in the horizontal can enhance the architectural grid or create a
a softer contrast with the background. plane, this distribution creates a continuous different perception of the architecture by night.
line of light. Depending on the resolution, the installation can
communicate atmosphere up to media content.

22 Architecture and Landscape Architecture and Landscape 23

Casas Mudéjares
Badajoz, Spain


Lighting a
Philips offers innovative, Graze Powercore Blast Powercore
dynamic, and highly For color washing exterior facades Vibrant architectural spotlight
reliable LED lighting • Limitless color possibilities and • Superior output of vibrant
ideally suited for many flood and colored light
solutions for all types of wash lighting applications • Available in RGB, white or
building, whether new, • Get high quality white and variable color temperatures
saturated RGB colors in one • Flexible positioning (350°
historic or monumental. floodlight rotation, 110° tilting, tool-less)
• Static and dynamic lighting • Cost-effective, easy to install,
effects can be designed, and long lifetime
displayed and changed via

Reach Compact Powercore iColor Flex MX & LMX gen2

Intelligent floodlight for façade and Flexible strands for dynamic effects
structure illumination
• Create immersive, visually
• Unparalleled light output stunning LED lighting
• Wide choice of color experiences in any 2D or 3D
temperatures, solid white and shape or size
RGB • Individual pixel control to show
• Compatible with industry- dynamic video animation or light
leading controls effects
• Complete solutions for mounting
and control

iColor Accent MX Powercore ArchiPoint iColor Powercore

Direct view with precise resolution LED point with intelligent color light
• Daylight visible, outdoor rated
• Accept Ethernet input from Data LED point of light for direct view
Enabler Pro to support long applications
control runs • High-intensity output, efficient
• Efficient and cost-effective and cost-effective
Powercore technology • Conduct mounting base hides all
• Suitable for highlighting conducts and wiring for a clean
architectural details, creating look
long ribbons of color or whites
and even graphics and video
Architecture and Landscape 25
Victoria bridge
Glasgow, Scotland

the architecture
of bridges with light
 ight is used as a tool to connect bridges
and structures within the urban landscape
and accomplish its purpose of fostering
the aesthetic and functional elements
into one unified city character”

Lighting a bridge
Philips LED lighting solutions transform bridges with
stunning dynamic effects and spectacular light shows
intended for viewing close up or from miles away.

There are different ways to illuminate bridges, realizing a tailor-made

lighting scheme to enhance a bridge at night. Here we show a few
examples of the schemes that are possible, but there are many more.
Please get in touch with your local Philips representative if you would
like to learn more.

Accent lighting
Reach Powercore 8° and 23°
A gradient of light is created
on major architectural elements
of the bridge, such as pylons.
This effect is reinforced when
there is a strong contrast with
the background.

Luminance effect
iColorFlex LMX gen2
Graphic effects can be obtained
by using direct view products.
As each node behaves like a
pixel, it is possible to create a
range of lighting effects. From
simple signage up to displays,
according to the resolution and
viewing distance.

Puente Real,
Badajoz, Spain Architecture and Landscape 29
Lighting Bridge

a bridge
Philips offers innovative, dynamic, and highly reliable LED
lighting solutions for all types of bridges, whether new or
historic, utilitarian or iconic, modest or monumental.

Graze Powercore Vaya Linear LP Reach Powercore

For color washing exterior Small form factor linear Floodlight for signature
facades floodlight façades and structures
• Limitless color possibilities • Affordable LED lighting, • Unparalleled light output
La Mulatiere Bridge, Lyon, France and ideally suited for environmentally friendly • Wide choice of color
Photography: M. Djaoui
many flood and wash and reliable temperatures
lighting applications • Creates eye-catching, • Unique split design
• Get high quality white and dynamic lighting effects to support diffuser
saturated RGB colors in • Complete solutions for combinations
one floodlight mounting and control in
• Static and dynamic different colors
lighting effects can be
designed, displayed and
changed via controllers

iColor Flex MX & LMX gen2 iColor Accent MX Powercore Riga

Flexible strands for dynamic Direct view with precise • Fully waterproof IP68 and
effects resolution control can be used both indoor
and outdoor
• Create immersive, visually • Accept Ethernet input
• Available in warm white,
stunning LED lighting from Data Enabler Pro to
cool white and neutral
experiences in any 2D or support long control runs
white, blue and different
3D shape or size • Efficient and cost-
lengths: 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 m
• Individual pixel control effective Powercore
• Easy installation with IP68
to show dynamic video technology
cable connectors (not
animation or light effects • Suitable for highlighting
• Complete solutions for architectural details,
• Extremely flexible
mounting and control creating long ribbons of
• Can be cut to length every
color or whites and even
5 cm
graphics and video
Jyvaskyla bridge,
Jyvaskyla, Finland Architecture and Landscape 31
Toffee factory,
Newcastle, United KIngdom

landmarks and

 andmarks, statues and art

sculptures can capture the
imagination of the people
who live there and become
celebratory places”
Genk, Belgium

Landmark &

Lighting a landmark
or monument
Philips LED lighting solutions transform
landmarks and monuments in exciting
iconic architecture with static or dynamic
illumination to give your city its own identity.

There are different ways to illuminate landmarks

and monuments, realizing a tailor-made lighting
scheme to put your icon at center stage. Here we
show a few examples of the schemes that are
possible, but there are many more.
Please get in touch with your local Philips
representative if you would like to learn more.

Modeling with light Light from inside

DecoFlood2 12° (narrow beam) Blast Powercore 36°
and 40° (wide beam)
Wide beams of light will catch the
The wider beam is used to create metallic structure and reveal it at
a soft effect to reveal the statue. night from the inside.
The narrow beam is used to
highlight a specific part like the
face, this effect is more dramatic.

34 Architecture and Landscape Architecture and Landscape 35

Landmark &

Spodek Hall,
Katowice, Poland

Lighting a landmark
or monument
Philips offers innovative, dynamic, and highly
reliable LED lighting solutions for all types
City center,
of landmarks or monuments, whether new, Skopje, Macedonia

historic or monumental.

Reach Compact Burst Powercore Burst Compact Blast Powercore DecoScene LED DecoFlood2 LED AmphiLux
Powercore Powercore
Spotlight for accent and Vibrant architectural Bringing the night scene to life Architectural lighting toolbox • All mono-color products are
Intelligent floodlight for site lighting High-output, exterior RGB spotlight powered via a standard 12 V
• Modular intelligent concept • Best-in-class optical efficacy
façade and structure spotlight for accent and DC driver, making them safe
• Flexible mounting • Superior output of with a wide choice of sizes, and very good color mixing
illumination site lighting in human-occupied water and
options in architectural vibrant colored light shapes, colors and RGB, beams, • No glue used: allows serviceabil-
extremely easy to install
• Unparalleled light applications • High quality full-color, • Available in RGB, adjustment possibilities and ity and greater recyclability at
• The dynamic color spots provide
output • Exchangeable optics white color and solid white or variable color accessories to deliver the end-of-life
a rich color spectrum (RGBW),
• Wide choice of color and accessories color light output temperatures optimum upward lighting for any • Family design and different sizes
from fully saturated to soft pastel
temperatures, solid • High-quality white, • Versatile light • Flexible positioning application allows integration into various
colors; the color temperature
white and RGB solid color light and positioning (350° rotation, 110° • Uplighter that brings the night architectural lighting projects
variation spots create a variety of
• Compatible with RGB • Cost-effective, easy tilting, tool-less) scene to life by enhancing or
white tones
industry-leading to install, and long • Cost-effective, easy to highlighting the city architecture
• The use of LEDs and quality
controls lifetime install, and long lifetime at night, while remaining
optics make the AmphiLux spots
• Compatible with unobtrusive during the day
very energy-efficient, with energy
savings of up to 80 % possible,
depending on the application

36 Architecture and Landscape Architecture and Landscape 37

Fonte Monumental
Lisbon, Portugal

The attraction
of fountains

 ynamic lighting scenarios

interplay between light and
water and attract people to
visit and enjoy the area”
Les Fontaines de Varsovie,
Paris, France


Lighting a fountain
Philips LED lighting solutions transform
fountains into attractive places where
people meet and socialize, while enjoying
the spectacular water shows.

There are different ways to illuminate fountains,

realizing a tailor-made lighting scheme to play with
the water and light effects. Here we show a few
examples the schemes that are possible, but there
are many more.
Please get in touch with your local Philips
representative if you would like to learn more.

Emphasize water jets Reveal volumes

C-Splash 10° and Amphilux 10° C-Splash 22° and AmphiLux 40°
The central water jet is often the Side water jets can be illuminated
Teatro López de Ayala Concert Hall
Badajoz, Spain Bad Salzuflen, Germany main feature in a fountain. In most from below to reveal the curve
cases several floodlights will be created by the water. Inside the
needed to illuminate its full height. pool itself, wide beams are also
Narrow beams placed close a good way to reveal the full scale
to the nozzles will also highlight of a fountain.
the side jets.

Architecture and Landscape 41

Indautxu square
Bilbao, Spain


Lighting a
Philips offers innovative, dynamic, and highly reliable LED lighting
solutions for all types of fountains.

C-Splash 2 AmphiLux Riga

Submersible, color- Light up your urban public • Fully waterproof IP68
changing LED spotlight for area and can be used both
use in fresh and salt water indoor and outdoor
• All mono-color
• Available in warm
• Rugged and watertight. products are powered
white, cool white and
IP68 with a cast brass via a standard 12 V
neutral white, blue and
housing and yoke with DC driver, making
different lenghts: 1, 2, 3,
silicon bronze adjusting. them safe in human-
4 and 5 m
Hardware is designed occupied water and
• Easy installation with
for submersion in water extremely easy to install
IP68 cable connectors
to a depth of 4.6 m • The dynamic color
(not included)
• Temperature monitoring spots provide a rich
• Extremely flexible
feature that automatically color spectrum (RGBW),
• Can be cut to length
interrupts operation to from fully saturated
every 5 cm
protect the product from to soft pastel colors;
damage due to extreme the color temperature
operating temperatures variation spots create a
• Unified power and data variety of white tones
cable. Each C-Splash 2 • The use of LEDs and
spotlight comes with quality optics make
a 18.3 m unified power the AmphiLux spots
and data cable to very energy-efficient,
minimize wiring with energy savings of
up to 80% possible,
depending on the

Architecture and Landscape 43

Festival des Jardins,
Chaumont-sur-Loire, France

Let parks take

center stage

Illumination of vegetation and lighting
projections will create inspiring and
secure spaces to walk or visit during
the night”
Victory Park
Volgograd, Russia

Park & Garden

Lighting a park
or garden
Philips LED lighting solutions transform parks and gardens
into safe, attractive and livable places to visit, walk or
socialize in at night.

There are different ways to illuminate parks and gardens, realizing

a tailor-made lighting scheme that makes it safe, attractive and
livable. Here we show a few examples of the schemes that are
possible, but there are many more.
Please get in touch with your local Philips representative if you
would like to learn more.

Light pathways
DecoScene LED 40° (wide beam)
GF (frosted glass)
Lighting the vertical surfaces will
act as visual guidance. A recessed
floodlight will integrate perfectly
with the surrounding by daytime.
The frosted glass will diffuse the
beam and create a subtle, soft

Reveal vegetation
DecoFlood2 LED 40° (wide beam)
Luminaires with a wide beam are
placed under the vegetation and
aimed upward. The light makes the
inside of the tree glow, revealing the
volume of the crown.

Architecture and Landscape 47

Park & Garden

Lighting a park or garden

Philips offers innovative, Burst Powercore Burst Compact Powercore
Festival des Jardins
Chaumont-sur-Loire, France
dynamic, and highly Spotlight for accent and site lighting High-output, exterior RGB spotlight
for accent and site lighting
reliable LED lighting • Flexible mounting options in
architectural applications • High quality full-color, white
solutions for all kinds • Exchangeable optics and color and solid color light output
of parks and gardens accessories • Versatile light positioning
• High-quality white, solid color • Cost-effective, easy to install,
where people will enjoy light and RGB and long lifetime
meeting up after work. • Compatible with industry-
leading controls

Blast Powercore DecoFlood2 LED DecoScene LED

Vibrant architectural spotlight Architectural lighting toolbox Bringing the night scene to life
• Superior output of vibrant • Best-in-class optical efficacy and • Modular intelligent concept
colored light very good color mixing with a wide choice of sizes,
• Available in RGB, white or • No glue used: allows shapes, colors and RGB, beams,
variable color temperatures serviceability and greater adjustment possibilities and
• Flexible positioning (350° recyclability at end-of-life accessories to deliver the
rotation, 110° tilting, tool-less) • Family design and different sizes optimum upward lighting for
Moscow parc Strasbourg université • Cost-effective, easy to install, allows integration into various any application
Moscow, Russia Strasbourg, France
Photography: Xavier Boymond and long lifetime architectural lighting projects • Uplighter that brings the night
scene to life by enhancing or
highlighting the city architecture
at night, while remaining
unobtrusive during the day

Strasbourg université
Strasbourg, France
Photography: Xavier Boymond

Architecture and Landscape 49

City center
Hoogeveen, the Netherlands

Playful and attractive

open spaces

With image projections

you can personalize
open spaces to create
atmosphere where
people love to meet”
City center
Hoogeveen, the Netherlands

Open space

Lighting an
open space
Image projection can be used to create graphic effects making a place
more playful and attractive. Using patterns with organic shapes reinforces
the link between the man-made space and nature. A similar lighting effect
can be obtained by creating shadows of tree leaves or water flow effects.
Here we show a few examples of the schemes that are possible, but there
are many more.
Please get in touch with your local Philips representative if you would like
to learn more.

Personalize spaces
ProFlood with adjustable beam from
narrow to wide.
Text, logos, patterns or other images
can be projected by means of
a gobo. This allows attractive effects
to be created on many different
surfaces from floors to façades.

Architecture and Landscape 53

River banks Rhône City center
Geneva, Switzerland Hoogeveen, the Netherlands

Open space

Lighting open spaces

Philips offers innovative, dynamic, and highly reliable LED
lighting solutions for all types of open spaces.

PROflood DecoFlood2 Gobo

Eye-catching display effects For color washing exterior façades
City center
Almere, the Netherlands • A powerful tool that gives display • Great scope for creativity,
lighting designers great creative allowing both image projection
freedom and creative light framing
• Waterproof projector for both • Output can be adjusted to
image projection and creative precisely match the surroundings
light framing or to create a particular effect
• Creates versatile literally light ‘sculpting’
accents to highlight architectural • 70 and 150 W power lamp
and natural urban features, option with different white color
create a welcoming ambience or temperature
draw attention to retail displays

Residential area
Ste. Genevieve des Bois, France

Metronomis LED CitySphere

Play with light and shadow Appealing atmosphere with own
color signature
• Pure design and palette of
lighting effects to make your city • Creates an appealing,
unique comfortable atmosphere
• Offers exceptional visual comfort • Brings cities to life at night with
while also optimizing safety a touch of color
• Complete and innovative lighting • Complete lighting solution
solution with a shared design ensuring a consistent and
identity for both pole and distinctive identity (color ring)

Architecture and Landscape 55

Bella Sky Comwell Hotel, Chateau Clisson, Regent Canal tunnel,
Copenhagen, Denmark Clisson, France London, United Kingdom

Longevity approximately 20% of all electricity

in the world. Lighting industry
Philips architectural LED lighting
professionals agree that architectural
systems have been illuminating
LED lighting technology holds the

Philips delivers
signature façades, landmarks, and
greatest potential to conserve energy
landscapes around the globe for 12
on a global scale.
years. Some of our installations have
been running continuously, 24 hours

innovation that
a day, seven days a week, for more
than a decade. At Philips, we believe that the most
successful customer is a knowledgeable
Reliability customer. To ensure that you can
specify, plan, install, and configure our

matters to you
Before we release our architectural
architectural LED lighting systems easily
LED lighting products to the market,
and successfully, we make all of our
we subject them to rigorous design
non-proprietary product information
verification and validation testing by
available to the public.
our engineering and quality teams,
as well as by certified third-party
Thought leadership
labs. Our architectural LED lighting
products meet or exceed industry and We believe that it is our responsibility
government standards for emissions as a leading architectural LED lighting
and safety. You can trust architectural solution provider to train, educate, and
LED lighting solutions from Philips inform our customers and partners
Expertise Versatility to provide reliable, cost-effective — whether they are urban planners,
operation in even the most extreme architects, lighting designers, engineers,
When you install architectural LED Philips offers meaningful architectural
environments around the globe. installers or private building owners.
lighting systems from Philips, you enter LED lighting solutions in architectural,
into a partnership with the recognized theatrical, accent, and general As the world’s leader in lighting, Philips
Quality of light
leader in LED lighting solutions. Philips lighting applications, both indoors aims to shape the urban landscape with
backs its LED lighting solutions with and outdoors. Our growing portfolio Architectural LED floodlights from exciting new applications and ground-
unparalleled industry knowledge, years includes professional graze, wash, Philips set new standards for breaking innovations that will improve
of experience, and an unmatched track flood, spot, cove, task, and direct view consistency and uniformity of light city life.
record. Lighting systems from Philips are architectural LED lighting solutions. output. We produce architectural LED
Today, many original visionary concepts
specified by the world’s most renowned floodlights that have a high-quality
have been translated into architectural
lighting designers and architects. Ease of use light, with unbeatable consistency and
lighting solutions that have transformed
uniformity of light and color.
Architectural LED lighting solutions our view of the city at night. They have
from Philips offer superior ease of use in also inspired many more, encouraging
Philips started the architectural LED installation, configuration, programing, lighting designers, urban planners and
lighting revolution with its unparalleled and maintenance. We offer architectural LED lighting architects to think beyond creative and
expertise and commitment to innovation. solutions that combine high levels intellectual boundaries to produce ever
We have been pioneering and innovating of professional light output, energy more innovative and exciting solutions
architectural LED lighting systems and efficiency, and environmental which respond to the key challenges for
solutions since 1997. friendliness. Lighting consumes improving the livability of cities.

56 Architecture and Landscape Architecture and Landscape 57

Place du Château,
Strasbourg, France
© 2014 Koninklijke Philips N.V. All rights reserved. Philips reserves the right to make changes
in specifications and/or to discontinue any product at any time without notice or obligation
and will not be liable for any consequences resulting from the use of this publication.
Date of release October 2014

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