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GAA, Patricia A.


Identifying my Core Values

Things that I Love Core Values

Teamwork, Cooperation, Courage,

Sports Sportsmanship, and Discipline.

Mathematics Learning, Positivity

I love to spend time with family and

Affectionate and Appreciative

I love to get things done on time and Responsible


For me to start my essay, I have to list above the things that I love and
realize what are the values that it taught me through the years I lived my life. These
values that I realized are very important in my daily decisions, in my ups and downs
these values help me strengthen my personality and how I deal with daily challenges as
I grew up. Honestly, I never realized these values till I am questioned by this task, never
thought that the way to identify my core values is by identifying the things that I love to
First, is Sports. With sports, I found out that some of my core values are
teamwork and cooperation. When playing basketball, volleyball, or even other sports
that can be played in team, It needs teamwork and cooperation. Without those core
values, it would be very hard for the players to win the game. No matter how good the
players are, if they don’t know how to play as a team and how to cooperate with others,
it’s all nothing. All athletes should have these core values because that can help to
avoid conflict with other players and can also help them win every game. I, personally,
when it comes to sports, I know that I am not really good at it. Specifically, the sports
that I usually play back when I was in high school are basketball and volleyball. I don’t
usually join sports before at school because I was shy given that I know that I am not
good at it. I was also scared that other people or players might judge me for not being
good. But as time goes by, I realized that I need to overcome my fears. There’s no need
for me to be shy because I can still practice and learn. With that, I’ve discovered
courage as one of my core values. We should have the courage to overcome our fears
because It can actually help us to discover new things about ourselves. After
overcoming my fears, I become a varsity player in school and with that, I learned to
value fairness in sports, accept defeat and being grateful of winning and that value
develop my sportsmanship. With the set of rules of the game and directions of the
coach it all come up with me being disciplined and I learned to respect my coach, obey
and follow orders.
Second, Mathematics. Usually, when we hear the word “Math” most
people would say that it is hard and even hate why it exists. But for me, no matter how
hard it is, I always look at the brighter/positive side of learning it. The brighter side of it is
that learning mathematics would really be helpful for us because it’s part of our
everyday lives. Just like what others say, math is everywhere. I have this side of me
where even if I know that It would be hard, I would always choose to learn. People see
things differently, and not just because most people hate it and find it hard it doesn’t
mean that I have to be like them. We all have different perspectives, and for me, all of
the things that we think is hard can be easy if we will continue to learn and not give up
on it. There’s a lot of ways that we can do to make things easy, just never look at things
in a negative way.
Third, I love to get things done on time and successfully, I think this
mindset has been developed through years from home to school. At home my parents
taught me to do my household chores responsibly, to obey orders from siblings and just
being a responsible family member in general. While in school, teachers taught me to
do task on time may it be written or performance specially assignments in schools. This
taught me to be responsible and accountable in so many ways. It also taught me to
value the importance of finishing things successfully. For me, it’s very important to keep
mindful of what to get done in a day, to what is my priority in life, to what should be done
first and how to do it properly and orderly.
Fourth, I love to spend time with my family and friends, I am lucky to
have a very strong bond with my family members. This taught me that before anything
else I have to prioritize my family always. Though my parents taught me that God
should be the center of my life and that's crystal clear to me but living my life specially
that I'm now a young adult, spending time with them is something that makes me happy
and complete. Loving to spend most of my time with them made me an affectionate and
appreciative person with everything. I felt like, with my family, I have a strong foundation
whatever my future leads me, wherever I go my family will still be there for me. They
taught me to be strong in every challenges in life and I’m grateful for that. Them being
there in every high and lows in my younger years made me appreciative as a human
Values are decision filters in life. When it comes to making a choice, your
values determine the option you’ll go for. This is different from goal or objectives
because when you set a goal, your focus is shifted towards the outcome, and towards
external things. On the other hand, values shift the focus on who you are as a person
and what are the internal rules you’ll use to navigate the world.

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