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Micro-project on RET (22661)

SUBJECT- Renewable Energy Technologies (22661)


1. Parth Patil (3629)

2. Anirudha Kaple (3630)
3. Arvind Yadav (3631)
4. Pratik Dhana wade (3632)





This is to certify that, (Parth Patil (3629), Anirudhha Kaple (3630), Arvind Yadav
(3631), Pratik Dhana wade (3632)) of SIXTH semester of Diploma in Mechanical
Engineering of Bharati Vidyapeeth Institute of Technology Navi Mumbai (inst.
Code: 0027) has satisfactorily completed the term work in the AMP (22661) Micro
– Project for the academic year 2023 to 2024 as prescribed in the MSBTE

Place: Kharghar

Enrollment no:

1. 2200270573
2. 2200270588
3. 2200270566
4. 2200270592

Date: -


Annexure- I

Micro- Project Proposal

 Title Of Micro-Project: Detail Working of Solar Photovoltaic Cell

1.0 Aims/ Benefits of the Micro – Project:

The aim of solar photovoltaic (PV) cells is to convert sunlight into electricity. These
cells are designed to harness the energy from the sun and convert it into a usable
form of power. The primary benefits of solar photovoltaic cells include:

1. Renewable Energy Source: Solar energy is a renewable resource, meaning it is

inexhaustible and can be replenished naturally. This makes solar photovoltaic
cells an environmentally friendly and sustainable energy option.
2. Reduced Greenhouse Gas Emissions: Solar PV systems produce electricity
without emitting greenhouse gases or air pollutants. Using solar power helps
mitigate climate change and reduces the overall environmental impact of energy
3. Energy Independence: Solar power reduces dependence on fossil fuels and
helps diversify the energy mix. By harnessing the power of the sun, countries
and individuals can become less reliant on imported energy sources.
4. Low Operating Costs: Once installed, solar PV systems have relatively low
operating and maintenance costs compared to traditional power sources. There
are no fuel costs, and the technology has a long lifespan.
5. Decentralized Energy Production: Solar PV systems can be deployed on a small
scale, such as residential rooftop installations, or on a larger scale in solar farms.
This decentralization of energy production can enhance energy resilience and
reduce transmission and distribution losses.
6. Off-Grid Power Generation: Solar PV systems are particularly valuable in remote
or off-grid areas where conventional power infrastructure is unavailable or
expensive to install. They provide a reliable source of electricity for various
applications, such as water pumping, lighting, and telecommunications.
2.0 Course Outcomes Addressed

 Maintain mechanical component of solar pv system

3.0 Proposed Methodology (Procedure in brief that will be followed to do the micro-project)

The methodology for the production and utilization of solar photovoltaic (PV) cells involves several
key steps. Below is a proposed methodology outlining the process from manufacturing to the
generation of electricity:

Raw Material Acquisition:

 Obtain the raw materials required for solar cell manufacturing, including
semiconductor materials (such as silicon), metals, and other components.
Crystal Growth and Ingot Formation:
 Grow high-purity silicon crystals through processes like the Czochralski method or
the float-zone method.
 Cut the silicon crystals into cylindrical ingots.
Wafer Production:
 Slice the silicon ingots into thin wafers using diamond saws.
 Treat the wafers to remove impurities and create a smooth surface.
Solar Cell Fabrication:
 Apply a thin layer of antireflective coating on the wafer surface to enhance light
 Use photolithography to create patterns on the wafer, defining the regions for the
positive and negative sides of the solar cell.
 Apply dopants to create the p-type (positive) and n-type (negative) semiconductor
 Add metal contacts to facilitate the flow of electricity.
Module Assembly:
 Connect multiple solar cells in series or parallel to form a solar module.
 Encapsulate the solar cells within a protective layer, often using tempered glass
on the front and a backsheet on the rear.
Inverter Installation:
 Connect the solar modules to an inverter, which converts the direct current (DC)
generated by the solar cells into alternating current (AC) suitable for use in
households or the electric grid.
4.0 Action Plan (Sequence and time required for major activity)
Planned start Planned finish Name of responsible
Sr.No. Details of activity
date date team members
1. Discuss the project 01/01/2024 5/01/2024 Parth , anirudhha
2. Collected informationfrom 7/01/2024 8/01/2024 Parth , Pratik
3. Collected informationfrom 8/01/2024 8/01/2024 Anirudhha , Pratik
4. Arrange all information inword 9/01/2024 9/01/2024 Arvind, parth


5.0 Resources Required (major resources such as raw material, some machining facility, software

Name of resource /material

Sr.No. Specification Quantity Remarks
1. computer Window 11 1
2. Internet YouTube
3. textbook MAN (22509) 1

Names of Team Members with Roll Nos.

1. Parth Patil (3629)
2. Anirudha Kaple (3630)
3. Arvind Yadav (3631)
4. Pratik Dhana wade (3632)

(To be approved by the concerned teacher)

Annexure –II
Micro-Project Report

Title Of Micro-Project: Detail Working of Solar Photovoltaic Cell

1.0 Rationale (Importance of the project, in about 100 to 200 words)

The rationale behind the development and utilization of solar photovoltaic (PV) cells is grounded
in addressing key energy and environmental challenges. Here are the primary rationales for the
widespread adoption of solar PV technology:
1. Renewable and Abundant Resource:
 Solar energy is an abundant and renewable resource. The sun emits an enormous
amount of energy continuously, providing an essentially limitless source of power.
2. Climate Change Mitigation:
 Solar PV is a clean and sustainable energy source that produces electricity without
emitting greenhouse gases or air pollutants. By reducing dependence on fossil fuels,
solar PV contributes to mitigating climate change and minimizing environmental
3. Energy Independence:
 Solar power reduces dependence on finite and often imported fossil fuels. By
harnessing energy from the sun, countries and regions can enhance their energy
security and reduce vulnerability to geopolitical factors affecting traditional energy
4. Decentralized Energy Production:
 Solar PV systems can be deployed on a decentralized scale, from small residential
installations to large utility-scale solar farms. This decentralization enhances energy
resilience by reducing the reliance on centralized power plants and minimizing
transmission and distribution losses.
5. Low Operating Costs and Long Lifespan:
 Once installed, solar PV systems have relatively low operating and maintenance costs.
Solar panels have no fuel costs, and their technology has a long lifespan, typically
lasting 25 years or more.
6. Job Creation and Economic Growth:
 The solar industry has the potential to create jobs in manufacturing, installation,
maintenance, and research and development. The growth of the solar sector
contributes to economic development and job opportunities.
2.0 Aims/Benefits of Micro Project

The aim of solar photovoltaic (PV) cells is to convert sunlight into electricity. These cells are
designed to harness the energy from the sun and convert it into a usable form of power. The
primary benefits of solar photovoltaic cells include:
1. Renewable Energy Source: Solar energy is a renewable resource, meaning it is inexhaustible
and can be replenished naturally. This makes solar photovoltaic cells an environmentally
friendly and sustainable energy option.
2. Reduced Greenhouse Gas Emissions: Solar PV systems produce electricity without emitting
greenhouse gases or air pollutants. Using solar power helps mitigate climate change and
reduces the overall environmental impact of energy production.
3. Energy Independence: Solar power reduces dependence on fossil fuels and helps diversify
the energy mix. By harnessing the power of the sun, countries and individuals can become
less reliant on imported energy sources.
4. Low Operating Costs: Once installed, solar PV systems have relatively low operating and
maintenance costs compared to traditional power sources. There are no fuel costs, and the
technology has a long lifespan.

3.0 Course Outcomes Achieved (Add to the earlier list if more COs are addressed)

 Maintain mechanical component of solar pv system.

4.0 Literature Review

Here are some general topics and journals related to solar PV:
1. Solar Cell Technologies:
 Explore literature on various types of solar cell technologies, including crystalline
silicon, thin-film, organic, and perovskite solar cells.
2. Materials in Solar Cells:
 Look for research papers discussing semiconductor materials used in solar cells, with
a focus on silicon, perovskites, organic compounds, and other emerging materials.
3. Efficiency Enhancement Techniques:
 Find literature on techniques to enhance the efficiency of solar PV cells, such as anti-
reflective coatings, texturization, passivation layers, tandem cells, and multi-junction
4. Economic Analysis and Market Trends:
 Explore economic considerations of solar PV deployment, including the levelized cost
of electricity (LCOE), return on investment (ROI), and market trends. Journals like
Solar Energy, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, and Energy Policy often
cover these topics.

5. Environmental and Sustainability Aspects:

 Look for literature on life cycle analyses evaluating the environmental impact, carbon
footprint, and energy payback time of solar PV systems.
6. Integration with Energy Storage:
 Explore research on integrating solar PV with energy storage solutions, including
advancements in battery technologies. Journals like Energy Storage Materials and
Journal of Power Sources may cover these topics.

5.0 Actual Methodology Followed.

(Write step wise the work was done, data collected and its analysis (if any). The contribution of
individual members may also be noted.)

The actual methodology for the production of solar photovoltaic (PV) cells involves several
stages, from raw material preparation to the assembly of solar modules. Here is a general
overview of the steps involved in the manufacturing process:

1. Raw Material Acquisition:

 Obtain raw materials such as silicon, metals, and other components

necessary for the production of solar cells.

2. Silicon Ingot Production:
 Produce high-purity silicon ingots through methods like the Czochralski or

float-zone processes.
3. Wafer Manufacturing:
 Slice the silicon ingots into thin wafers using diamond saws.

 Process the wafers to remove impurities and create a smooth surface .

6.0 Actual Resources Used (Mention the actual resources used).

S. Name of Specifications Qty Remarks

No. Resource/material
RET (22661) 1
2018 1

7.0 Outputs of the Micro-Projects (Drawings of the prototype, drawings of

survey,presentation of collected data, findings etc.

The primary output of a solar photovoltaic (PV) cell is electrical power generated from sunlight. Here's a
breakdown of the key aspects related to the output of solar PV cells:
1. Electricity Generation:
 The primary purpose of a solar PV cell is to convert sunlight into electrical power

through the photovoltaic effect. When sunlight (photons) strikes the semiconductor
material within the solar cell, it generates an electric current.
2. Direct Current (DC) Output:
 The electricity generated by a solar PV cell is in the form of direct current (DC). This is

the type of electricity produced by the cell as sunlight creates a flow of electrons in a
single direction.
3. Voltage and Current:
 The output voltage and current depend on the specific design and characteristics of the

solar cell. Typically, the voltage is relatively low, and multiple solar cells are connected
in series to increase the overall voltage of a solar module.
8.0 Skill Developed / Learning out of this Micro-Project

1. Photovoltaic Effect:
 Understand the photovoltaic effect, where sunlight (photons) striking a semiconductor material
generates an electric current. This fundamental principle is the basis for solar energy conversion in
PV cells.
2. Semiconductor Physics:
 Learn about the semiconductor properties of materials used in solar cells, such as silicon.
Understand how the doping of semiconductor materials creates p-type and n-type regions,
facilitating the flow of electrons.
3. Solar Cell Technologies:
 Explore various solar cell technologies, including crystalline silicon, thin-film, organic, and perovskite
cells. Understand the advantages, disadvantages, and applications of each technology.

9.0 Applications of this Micro-Project

1. Residential Solar Power:

 Rooftop solar panels are commonly used in residential buildings to generate electricity
for household consumption. Solar PV systems can offset a portion or the entirety of a
home's electricity needs.
2. Commercial and Industrial Installations:
 Solar PV systems are employed in commercial and industrial settings to power offices,
factories, and other facilities. Large-scale solar installations can contribute significantly
to the energy needs of these enterprises.
3. Off-Grid Power Systems:
 Solar PV cells are used to power remote and off-grid areas where traditional electricity
infrastructure is unavailable or impractical. This includes applications such as remote
villages, weather stations, and telecommunication towers.

(To be approved by the concerned teacher)


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